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NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE V#l.4 f J«» JfORTHWEST jLN'TEITPRJS y KBTI iniii atTC&PAT ftT A«tc«ir£\ 1 bt Till SOUTH *EnT EK TERPIUSS •COMPANY. * * • ■ ~ Watered si tb* Pnst-ofic*M tocnnddsM •»tur MlMrlpiln «•**• Tear JJ" iillntki 11 TbrM tfMtbt S * Om (IS Ua«) *rsl insertion ft* suVseqitnt ff r In- • c ,lun ‘ JUDSON & ISRAEL, a m u«mi. L getste (mill. Of3c® In 1 * f •ftM Waliainc Mnln OtTTnpU. W»*hlnfton 1£e..l ..Un.Un V™ to-all I .;ln. ._,f avact. f*ni«w. In tb« V. S. af( M ‘ lirlM *!»•• fr*« L»twn imw«m ** •* *•***•*• k must.. B*» ST w * t Bn©s.| Cm f' IIUWI -Ml- £ »«•!*« DIITfOM, W. T. aatV dMI (* >ll kMi »f ■aya«M*Mtly «r»wa *U. w CASH STORM. T. B. CHILDS. Anacorten- •• •'VV» T. gp* Dnlir «■ •▼•rjthing usually k«pt ■ a (i»t claaacutfatry at*r«. ========^ Si Jf E'M i< «=2 1*1115 1 f=3 isrs * S ’ l“7 2 l —«ssfi|§2 HSS|b la proMofi givsn S2OO,OOO^^ • paahsgsaf goods of Ur K aTslua, tbit » ,1! •*•** pea tm wsrk that will at cues brlag yon In lastar thaa anythimr alas * l! «»•««• the 5M9.000 la araaaaU with each bo*. ««md avarywbara, af atthar aax, of all ago*. ha l as, at apara Urea oaly to work for at ai ■alt awn ha*as. Partaaasaf art worker* •*»»!*- My aaaarad. Daa’l gala/, I. datwatt to oo<i P*rt • hi.Uaiaa tSL static:: : Ft Em* r* V7r* Ts. urm. sriß:-a m **crfcr*w an— s :■? -tit ?. . ' ' i Mwair • y, i » Urtr-i,Tl.'>«. i *. L~I “ft , 3 ‘ (tit Tb'-TTT-?! 7!» +ir • «■*•»’•» to n» l*ie. _ > ‘ « f 1 \ -mil ;-rtt t»" I) ■win. I mm* ! Jl well ! ttw> re m*T» coa pr. e . wAb ft faftrf'ft, Uk* ft**. Vi T»f«rw--* -Ve rrt'-e* > .he v3l:w<t . math U».rr « ]M9<e h'Mftin* C~f« r V- .1, >ev tke-T'« ft •t.trr fttvirt ’uv-a, \ln»w u* icwifc i-r t*- trae; *T.« ft fttrft.? . nrwt T «U> », —hue »■»* <•%”• »-T-rtwt In ntrts ; A S-ii 1-vVUI «■»&»,' «C> -Kelt**— ‘i "e. 1 t«>L tv, yncr iw-'Ca, 1 -rtf Va’v n • ” T*>«- tr -vr* ; vioiiiit. t*i> v : > ."OMWaga Cu»> UnkSena" WVfttn iu W.Tjiw W>w.c sJ>e ft* »«.- , : l t ~<-V with ».T>^r; A - t*ie ♦*—£-! I Oftna» er-rml "Wf crrv* 'Bvi., . ?wy r«a«li c .» iit* a*.-, X. izl ih* ft!*'" - ® Mi; 1-it X«. i. UK f.« u Bi» A- ' *-- a Tvft-,3 ontOS c-vsr tV toD r.^ Or ft f i.prr r*»ft tin- r>i On «r -<ft. froas the cm «f«»vr iliS toul tTj* B.»». » *tr;'. J., ,t» r. • T*-’ ta j tun f<tt t. ri *t ?>**■ f l , '.-i :-:ias»B And 1 KUitici »J:X fa,x rtifti E % 1 cme L-i ib* p. 'iuaftintieA ‘ftrt» ccj U-ipfin, ftaa »oi t»r T" r»- »■*« or.l* a *««t. net M'er; tth>» .t ti} heart -it ftft.A ; <-fti Jc-hft . ;*:j Mft.r grt-m* i trnd }■>*: :h:c ~st! ir .eh. iln u» T ■■ wtl! B*i BS Er*e*ertrcra". ■ b* (Tran: ffttfcrT » ftftO ftn ' 'on*. X* ! ! hi* rntiT k*'«T' . -r3n& V* Bea »« r» • boea* of j« u. F' «hfta coftif tb* r‘TX-» V frirlftaJ .'l***,* corceftno tri ln» ;jrt. T. it «»* alt :brtr *rac tilt. i»ir, .'l*4 tmu ttgif i j ~»a •• Alloc L i~b- m lA - <rr ra» 4«, a pr *r its Itr ir •-£.. Aid hirtrt *b* a*t «>ot It'W A r. tauhcnicl .n • straj c- 1*» Iftad, U .it oci.j a Art-Dpt .t ; » cr. E-> ertw* b*"l *}ep> I* h » la»: !j iTtftro Out th'rr, «•»*> r* to « rear. R« « fM|M roa into •»» v u4 Ilf il>« eclcfjt, • ftray ta>r« !«rr; T err mr rtly t*s*' '-h-o r trb* i - ad. «h«i »e f^xiis 1 tier* thaia— A ' xt. Iu- cV> ♦- o a UfthJ a.u. gutOtli Bau. O- h it brrrv't Vt •»■,* ’ft-sr*-;" ’■t^ :A it* r»j r jftc f ftrftTTV, ftM toe fair, to "*e TOoU.c* •h •it •»■; • ‘ - V in>d lira ot.t h»*r ir. it, r ..i I our% 1 »taynd < tat aon too .u; 1 u all orver f rcrer thr K'h or Wi (road Sa her y,ur-»', it -at I ; •* rear l!!<*; rrft!‘-r OV T'r i?>v »> ~r—. Til ■»« t«rr a borr for n u « , Bu yc« hut oeftw ftuh tb *o_., A* »wci as too cac anyhow. o''n.fort thagnandfath :. a* ■ • v .in That by ar.4 by ** »ha c At- ’ »injt th# so. f* ot oil', '.lift- - !, 'BVftth the willow* £w>lu. out to ra; For. eloae by tha door <-f err o. ;t»f« m <wt oni a yrllow t -av. Ftr lu #nle aa-1 the a kc •.? >. . 4 '*ad. tcuvo.g.y j jut Jtha La. Th~ tear fT*d mr rrr* a* T n "t; But I ftb UAj I ” For I knew Oi* tier hrart yr-v ' Tlien only a ba J/a' of Au-t Bad draws ihla a*rrt list! ■ *> 'n Right her*, and Ood'a me: ■ . v«^ Bad taken her fr >tn thr aon , To the glad rsaaioh above . (n, rlort l by fk* fra** of the o*her. Wa laid her away to rr *t ; The gulden bahoct En.'llah m-ohor. With the baby upon her 1xv.».., I planted thuar bee. ahor* tlir . For 1 knew their #tcry. yon ».■ And, I thought their rr-t w\.ni,! , '-v totaf 'Meath their own Weed, silloi* tcc. Fir* year* rofted a'ong, and ladr. My story tnar nc* eeetn to ron. Like a wonderfal piece of fiction ; But I toll yon It I* true. A* true a*—that God Is above or I One summer day, hot and clean, A* the train lulled Into tha station And "topped toybengw* entftma brt% Among a oqmpvr.T or Mormcms Came a tivant I n', « hlte haired man. Ho aftk'd me with voice very eager, ** Will von tall me, sir, if you can. Mania oe nailed Btsckcnbuio' ’ And bow far hare I got to go'" * It'a tha nut elation north ; ” 1 answered. “Only thirteen tullee below." Fb >ld fttoo lit np for a moment. With a took of joy compl. te ; Then he threw op his hsi.ds toanrd !Teev»n, And droppcl down do. d a: nn f<, r' ** Old H r <gh Icetgb u decob*’ *.i d a duruiuu, And sitiits o' trou'de heV t> 'n Boihiu' wnut’d do when we sr -t >d. But 'hut ho mutt otttuo win, u- ben TC Ccd Al},■». J d'Ti erd He h.»! v : And hi be >rt v** *tl nl, 1 m -ke, With wattin' and *u. in'in 1.. • t, K or l-Kb-r* they - r w:. • Po w* teiH--i li ;r> • • r.-with > I:- jth t'u' ** ti • « inv. T* „ !o I'* was -f en ill;. - tb»- n ■>• — Len , .owl U neu ft cc .1. a I Bb I'i 105. BT .% SAT r f, f ST. SttUSTIIIOK is fast 1< 5 g its hdd up •■u the mass***, yet there are niu man >ereone who have a dread of the sound he death watch. ns it is < oimuouly cidlm niobium strintnm, Its soionritio name ; « asigmttcant little beetle that is harndis . xccpt 30 far as it will perforate fundi ui a the act of boring which it mr.hea f. uoiao so closely resembling the ticking of wet oh, but. which ha« about tie mneh bem ug upon the doom of the hearer as tl; chirping of a bird or the b,irking of n dog. fio closely do the- imitate what they ai named after t' at have exam'nrd to see it some one had not left ■vault bo • ewbere around my head. Tiu ire not particular in what tnev w> rk, as tave carried one under the band of a palrr eaf hat for days, th, t kept ticking at in t.erva's throughout the day. It was no disturbed, hc.wei'. Win n discovered nn handled they aot possum complete, simil to a curcul o v. den first sh; ken from a tie * 'vim qi a dujf has eftc* A. nacartes ’VV, T„ Saturday, March 13. 1SS»« r-en it .r- I: t - ''a !, -n l ir *' • u i Te. atti 7o —I! aar of our rn»fl ) t « ha< t c.BLt t*J bftttri cf tb* fantems : irisT< Rto.-.f# of Aa-triilik S iir.i w | ru.r;t»ijt.f» nnrp rw*it3y ••h*x found in XV tU wbich nre jt« n:*v. a* i',f>W perfect i iy rnoal, tbf- majcTity of tb-, m ut -Arrr ne j g wnlnuu And of ax .rorx nsinra. When ( dirtri otad about c;v»n tbc I'o r. tattle cur j other kvd earfvoe. witrur twe* r.r tbree feet c.f each otifr. tiny itmaocmiely begin irmre'ding t, tr.»rd a e.imucn eer.Bre. e»c Tie there txod3txi ap rr. a bnrch like a To* of egy* iu ft nest. A ft.npic g*«hne rtmo’oed to a di^tAnoe of thn e nx : » hsuf f -et, upon being released, at one* staned i 3 witii wonderful and s.'.mewhat oonuoal OftTwritJ to join its feliowa . taken twar font or firi it remained motion', psa Tber are foond , in a region i-bat ie ooixparatlvc?y level, and : it nothing but bare rock. SoAt.'ered ore* f h» bams mgiox are httle baHn« froaa a ew feet to a rod in diameter ; and it is in he bottom of theiw that tbs rolling skc« lare fotm*! They arc from the sire at a pea so five or si* mob** in diameter. Theaaoss at their rolling together is doubtless to be found in the material of which they are composed, which appear* to be I i* stone or migcetic ir n ore. CMr. LVjoa, VOXDhESA ran ffWIUI V Hn. n Awrironyr who wrrA from New > ,*rk recently to Omomnati, hod ax s.l v t.ire or. Brc-ndw-ay in that city worth re lav iresn.” says the Ciaunnaii (V;i.vtm was a sdOo diamond pin, the d .-.meter c «*hich wa* i.bonl hrjf an mch, Whi'e sann •-ring up SrcKidwav. be stopped n front o Haggerty** p.Jaoe establishment, au ■ext over a pile of coops to wsteh the ax n.-* of some of the ch.eke>;s. wh'ch wet feeding- The diamond cs.uyht the eye o * silty fowl, a h. r of otmr.-e, J-:>d. ks bttoi between the It the. it fe.icd th ,«m. Uhfortunateiy. the fio w lot what itdtco J tc. and a sharp j* rk toi :i Ioo«e, The he>i r«* -.Howe 1 the diasm ud •.nd ill. n_wtiio.iioV attempt to catch i avo it so«.b a fr ght tha. i» .ashed ervor, »c other chickoua axd losi its identity, f iX as he wn* coneem < ‘«J He wcut into th< .ore to complain, i.nd w ss delayed some vhat. When he came out rgaln, the coop •.ad all betx ru. ved. cad H„.v ihorne coni, ot even rocognivo t’.ie f<> (* one. A eor, •eroacc was held with Xlr 11-sggvrfy, at.« ••t was agreed that the only w*y to i.i«*< •*ure of the jewel was to nt.i alt the chick .iu* iu rdl the coops. Ti .s was rot a ere.- udortaking. lor tl s hrn-o svp l es hetei .nth dressed chickens, and wo.ud not Lav inch trouble in di'TOeiugof the lot, S liigf tir iy agre.J that if he was allow*, wrnty-five cents a dozeu for killirg ianm iiately he would f.M the diAuioua. Th -.. Ups wore onrri.-d to the ('ressinp-rvvoi.i ,nd the M viii’y Iro d 'tiii cbtakw.a wor* iil<vl. The bobth chicken had the din \ond carefuHy st'-wod a\v..y si !r. Haw thoi ~*• i.'n '.iy prbd ,I s ’or the kil: <• and jt.U to u.o tuv iuuiul th ilAUlOiid. ” UILITAi.i 't’ilF. growth o? military myths is a enrion ... familiar phenomenon. Men who at. > >er and ui'p'.-siotirue enough in otlu hiugu. who in the ire lend hu.' of lift r warn dealing with in.liters of science . ie events of culinary history, take uutla;., or gr:u;H >1 without sertioi.-nt evidence, wir end r nil their critic;*: faculties a* soon i •a im ideal ot war’comes on tho scene. The .'reach, so calm and pttvise when treating i . oientilic subj vs. are in t< rousiy ur« ntstwonh;. w hen they c. to write abou i.!Ut»ry eveut'. Vulor ?’n ,o's mmimoe «•’ Vat or too w-s aim t . ,au,i ■! in ahsuniit.t v L'inr.i'iine’s account of the battle, in hio’i we nr l to! ’ N v l >n - too 1 pvp •hei!, . a i u i; c: ~ ■•: . •* ■ "idles, I• * Oldt! logo. gV. t r I.opt ..... f ore', arge ii 's ;n < o’-'Halso, of uir .1 les a. whh’b the Ef tfit W> re cngagvt; !e lor the nt> »i pint ihorm.ghlv tin trust rthy. But thv trum ion of ' yths is not mitod to the french. We tl -.tier oarselv* uvt we are i< common sense people, no vjn to br g ami bluster; but the way i) vhich some of our bdk about .he Army, is enough to tuahe the r. ader udianii dof thtiu.-r Ives. Am usurper, foi example in describing ihcutr -g» meats foi he Duke of Cotmaughl'e m nisge. tells m mw ‘‘that t.u soiii;iv. th Ktxl Prince,” is iro t.og>i into rupture.' oi delight ou seemp urmuguifie.ut liars Guards; as if it re* .died to bo a trut so'dier in order not o »to that iragniSoeii- e do. s not consist ii . horse being obviously over-weighted hr o long U ged man vu > beat rules it. It - un article of faith \\*th most English peo . that tho Etc: el: cavalry actually charged urmpiares it Wateiloo. and wore repulsed .1 the pouu of the bayonet; and we have .ecu told uvt r and over again, that our .roups in the Indian Mutiny went through the campaign with compressed lip aud tl trailing eyu, —Tlit iutuuy lUvieiA j Cctiv-T'‘>t*cvt« a~e ft disJ '*» v tb* r< cT«i co*> rr«pareft a« fo’lowa ’ *>. * .i i «r . * ; i . H vk s e*..-r-e tot. cat u ith rup. At - V b-c* d rc-ivc T'cfc arrd c v -cp very fine xi p-iit ci Ti)vf apj k ath'. vw to one of In.-liAT, rac- ' tl at ha« '. e'--n sot’ded end It ft to fvcH, Katto a cream one r.~g 1 in! ttf hall t-caapiVd fa. ,-f baiter, and add I to the meal, with fear teasp«xv..fnla of lah., 1:’ the aj-p.t* are a . r. add two t*ucsp*WTt -I,l* of ragar. bi.t o tti avt '.vA are rr.,.< h ; thf Sax .M \ with ric.. if facert ap» I pica, with co.d witcr if ecar. to t | iUfl Cvtagh. and bake imr.-.t dir.wlv. X! aor vnoovc The w v ite» of thr «r~f 1 beaten to a Mid froth, ball a pound of co i ooarnt, half a pva.d oi r .Vi and aftoi !, , ?». rs. :n'•ene« r, v■ * -oor nl of extract j of hiu, r Almond. 1 -r. p the .a rpor, a greased j jvape.r. in a ir.j'i ng , *x, arid ba*.«. a j ,hTv «a OLD. 3 V T went to a firg the other nicht and a li tie girl not over eight years old. would sr.r. every time a piece was prepiseil, •• That's o'd 1 " She had a very SWwet faee, an i beantiful hair and eye*, bat seemed so verv fond of thinew We knew she never for an instant thought that ever sue would be old. We thought of the I/erd's TViyer. rf}entevt for nearly nii.otev n hna- JnJ years . and of "R vk of Ages,' and of “ Nearer my Gv»d to Thee,' and won dered if time had injured them Arnica when old biscom*' njve and mellow. W<> wondered if this ittUe girl would bo ,-v jv.e fairer and sweeter with age; or would .vhe. Mte a peseh, legin to decay as as sdic was •'ohL'' •Xb'ft HtsTTNOTt v«. —An old ITicMan ler, n pr.v eiled In he pnstsvr for alvsenuivg hira -elf from church one fahbath morning, de nied toe charge, repeating the denial so -nnphatieskHy that the puttied minister iske*.; him if he would olTer his oath that ie was then' that morning. “To be sore,” was the unsbashed one's answer; and the nnni-ter said no more, A friend of tho fnls ' speskiug H ghlander told him it was iwfiti to he .r him t Ifer his vrtth to such a .ie, “ Hoot, toot, man.” quoth Donald, “ Isn't there a great difference between offering a thing and giving it?” When a party of Paisley weavers, anxious to or, ‘ss the Clyde from Oreenock to Du noon o've Suml-.y morning, desired tho t'aplum ,u a *» ;—t .-ay luaiMtto take their boat iu tow. as they fxl not care to profane the <br by w »p their oars, the Captain wanui. to knew where was the difference Vi",; r: employing their »vars and employ ing the steamer’s paddles •* The differ* ei-i-e 1 " exclaimed the .spokesman of the oonsciu.U errw. ‘ TL. re's a great dif ference between rowing by the rvvwwr o’ man. wb*v mu-t answer for what he does, an’ a wiicci i’imu.g engine; a steam-en gine's not a moral being, an* is therefor© not an accountable agent,” A sjveciou* argument certainly : but one much more ea*y to answer than that advanced bv a farm-servant, willing enongh to milk her master's cows on the Sabbath, but firm in rvfusmg to feed them on that day. Draw i; g a nice metaphysical distinction between what are and are not wotks of necessity, the shrewd lass said: “The «y>wa cauna milk themselves, so to milk them ia a clear work of necessity; but let them out to the fields, and they’ll feed thcmscivca.”— CViUmtak** Journal, , , According to tb« Rfru* a rol am* of gnnporiiei produces at tha onli uit tcuiporatura 100 aolnnaa of |M. Ovum to th« heat produced, luu pu soon plaa abont four ttiseo «ho abors-mentioned roiuiuot. n about 750 volume* of fa* art prodnoed iinmedla.ely altar tha axploalon A vomra* of Mtro gi/curiae prMaoaa 1,001 fOlnnuMof fas at tho cedmarj lamneraHua and, adur; ting that the bunt lira axpleuioa iu t.vo and c had fti \ tha? produced by ;Vr. itha vo>uma would s.♦ -i v ’;0 >r■ v ' « ; ..>> , . - V . , .u a recent • tied iho following practic'd lan unjjv •—" 11 somebody should give mo « ■v>, ond to carry to Europe, I oou know how much would bo loot to th* . orM wore 1 to drop it into tho ooa; but a seed should bo given to mo, i call only ogatd it with awe as containing coucualad vith’n it tho foini of untold generation*. ’.'Kat is tho difference between looking at ruth as a diamond or a* a seed—M anal uT germinal. In nil Gaining of character, ■onliiuiity and economy nmet l« supreme. The notion that character is spontaneous I* held by moat people in the earlier portion >f their live*, and is wrong too. Ho*te of oung men think that their character will ,»rm of itself, sad that they will nocos .arily booomo bettor ns they grow older, lusts of old men believe that their oharao or Is llxed and that it ie impossible for hem to become bettor. Such beliefs ere oolieh. People are also wrong In thfoktur hat they am put off their bed tmtki and out ou good traits. The old failures ean not be thus transformed, but out of the old habits new can bo formed. Thai Is what many a poor oroaturo wants to know. We must make what we are to be out of what re are already." Kw TENTH YEAR “^3 T' f M-.'r S'.', r f tr»,,\'d V, k*io. v» d»r. *-M t* fxt .■} f?«l ¥wl Ot Wni, rut v. -r. -.t » J f.j»il jrf.irtr,»*l<ni u( r*« MC i: v. .-vts eii -»c'a e4 ir *j. A> 4 Orly f. • r*w 1.. Sm*. cm, K*. j| IV. .vt Ot, V:"' «..-i-vi * k- :■ ,4 » ♦ y», v vt? v.\W -V ■ r.«M V -■ '* ' f 4 <>*■* .Vr-,. u~ . t -•—,i\ .; . »c-\ v -t•_ 4 * » ■» ~ *•*». w;». .»-.■« • •„' oiffllo. Xht* OwtH w Bravr nw rr.i Old Wu* 4 IV I'.NKHM IMVrMdtyM V 27 Stops, 10 Sets Roods, s9o^ Pr>on t# (u»v*nor to |vj»V Order new. Romfl M IkankTraft, h«t 000. Order, or Btmmw4 letter. Tvixod *a4 t-MppM wltiumt a UaftHrfl CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS t '"t t *. *» TSoCTfK'AGD VI’tKI.T ******•• »to*u m a po*)*r anaurpaaaa* !• *• * Qairaau'nl* of AteoHcan Jaarr.k'.’.fM. ■ »tan .t* >w «»*orf '*• m,W ' l '"T luti Journal* of um> aooauj a* a "*■ »-*** Tn of li T l aerfK*, h**k>£ tba IM*ai»Ua«*ffCr **h th* CHICAGO DAILY 51H*. U ** at tu comtuanil aJI U*a diapatrl'** •» •• Attoclaiad rrp*«, limiAm a twr •* U*.*i-u aarfto* at Apart*! T#!*f«*a* Itmv'tlnnl point* Aa a Watra-p*!*** I* »o »ar< Hor ll U IHPRWDI** la p* ut»a, vr#«»ntiin al? yv lruaal aawa N* t* partisan hi** or aad abo*fa*a<f wUS»- a I f*ar or fatvr aa to pattiat. * lha foltaat *«n*a. a FAMILY f AV>* : l»*n* coniatu* OOMi Un W* Hv RI?S, a ?nUIAIi BTORT *i |arx*at. Ml a rkl rarta*r of pcalmarf **y a Faahloaa, Art, Ini a#lr>aa» LH*.nAWIa Atianra, ato,, ato. It* MarVal tsaot»f>*uJ ■no iupltM a»U to ba rall*4 apt* “ aurj>a»acvl aa an antarprtflne. para, •*( lOM wortfcy UZSWtaX FAUH-I JtaWAfATWfc V* boro trout th# a* •• KBVfS • raw *f Ua WHAT Ol D SUBAOf’ICfR* About tba ••ChArao’ ittf r*naw thalt i>bawipl<oaa ttwiam ttaunon*. v\>at«aa OaU*»A n ***^ utotk. nan l ' "1 tht*»a it t# *t»a ha»a *■ Ali.O Ote te tete.^ v, v\>vh tv, raru* I* ■ t l ** than man* or »h.i At papar*-'* . - j„ £*s *t c*rft* rwaaa l - . 1« >»** »**_T ,< - .f* 1 ww 1 «-p-a '* " , MC (MIVAb AA^ I wnuut roiwiac Mt*a a M«a! H'** a V thrtt**). It i|t,V MMrtrtf «IN MA ■ U traa ta Ha mama * - - al*r«A r rnatar. W~*daf*Jj, ■ ill , «a/ai "It UM* of tl*a rtaaaart |Ntpa^ w. n. sv-aaa Ad***. hmv. wn» want to mu* ft Burnt** HU»*M aawt I Aar* rrar »aan " Poioa Lam ata, rataula, tf**** liat>. aara: ‘T «M Trt Wi W« U L* rail of ratalabto and va*a>.t*a a—, tm |tu,«Mh lam raaalrl *1 I no, am«».otnaU to *.tcpt fItWIWTHPf m Mo ta, of Ha ao* aartMUM V pi'ilt'ca. tUlnc «*• «>» erxrarbledHrulM «W aarntng ana aottoaa of all poUtiaai ItHHA as. K. imoamwov ralnria A Y., u ilia attaai a*t aad HH rtvar I rt* W«4 in.l> *obar.*B, naoaiaal, KOI* I 1 four raaar rarr mtnf*. 1 rt* *•« <rtHauPW**J tml «l«< ■»! UP* U*a«» »•** •• ™ WIMMMW *W. H. Law. IMAiHdatd. Tmv, kttt'f i'mwJ «'li to* MaiilW 1 •**>*• pr. pi«**uta,t in l» in i**»* • W Milk »UI« e( a I|««ll(»« fdrtjHt Hrtl »U*M I* una-tf lmi-a«#'Ma to gat tea akitat*# ►mrualof atl«*f*Wa- _ Tb• »'kmo mukP ur* •ura**#** •• vts*t ortaora iha t UjrAUO R A* Alt »»W» la hiW Wy 'f» aM fulKfcrtbar*. t):,r „ cotnl llut'Mag Tar*»a tete# »t in lU' mil of all. P/priina* iV'pteatedT** tm o iH UiU r > fion.i fubwtirl *• tb!* tfirt 2*0.15