Newspaper Page Text
J’CFJHWEST f NTEFFBI'E ana< (in Kb .. m vii( ii ta 1880 ■MSS - , Copt. Sweeney, ol th* stcame r I.otlie, is n brisk bueiooßa iu trading with fho ranchers ou Whld l>y. Ti and San .luau islands, ile com 09 through Deception Pass every week, calling at Coupcville, Onk Harbor, Deception and llygeia whenever freight or prodae# can to obtained, and cun lea hi« truck to Victoria whore better prico9 prevail than iu tho Puget Sound ports. A Salutary Remark. When I was a young man, there lived in our neighborhood a farmer who was usually reported to be a very liberal man, and un commonly upright iu his dealings. When he had any of the produce of his farm to dispose of, he made it an invariable rule to give good measure—rather more than would he required of him. One of his friends ob serving him frequently doing so, questioned him as to why he did it; he told him he gave too much, and said it wo ild be to his disadvantage. Now, dear reader, mark the answer of this excellent man : “ God has permitted me but one journey through the world, and when I am gone 1 cannot return to rectify mistakes.” Think of this. Ti.cre is Lut one journey tin jegh life. AK EDITOR'S BED*. Tw " a or-'.’n rCPge, the editor of • local u . .paper had a room at the hotel. Being obsent ono night, and the house being crowded, the landlord put a stranger tn his bed. The next morning tiro following ilaes wore found in his loom; J nK’pt in f*o editor's b«I Uvjt u f glvti Aufl utlicM nifty Bay,wh:it the/ vW-xnof 1 oftv l.'-.m a » one In the wueUl iduU eemUaijr Vaaca bis ia*j, Wl-.cb T fhnreht nf T.y hnmhlfl cot, 1 enu : il not aupprfM o sigh, , B"t thought a* 1 rollod tn Uio tcaibotj ar«C, liw* o*/.iljr eUitocs iio. The editor, after Borne Inquiries of ihs Im. iiord, mads the following udd.-oa The ct.»p wVfto farm h*» re»tws l'»s AuJ left his copy behind, I’ .r a V*d li/iprosftfou shonH be looked njn A* the cut U most unkind JtohtJd a proof of bow ho Ho* t in ibe too:ninx he went nv AnJ. like rrftpr th«t vm an o !to»*» iic oft.l iorgviuu the bill to pay. f. d L. Gtaetu' A SZABLESS AND XlVUSliim*, J3ECE. _ be* T oiftTß heard this so«fiot3 of Judg. t . ißona, the great afosftacLußHta advoc.; and lawyer. It Is said that being about 1 try a mercantile case, he ordered a jury i be summoned, and among the ceroes w that of Col. Tijom ie U. Perkins, the lea bg merchant of Boston In that day, sue tenonal friend of Judge Parsons. Who* tab officer made bis return, he 'uid down -■ fifty dollar bill before the Judga. *• What Is that V ” said Tarpon a. “ Col, Perkins says he Is very bony is i?-day and prefers to pay his fine.” f- ■* Take that back to Col. Perkins,” so; (&0 Judge, and tel) htm to ccme boro : osdaj and if be refuses, biitjj hha k/ fowm.’* When CoL Perkins appeared, the J:r > looked sternly at him, and said, “ What i > f&i mean, sir, by sending money whenyo i wnm summoned to sit on this jury V ” •»OoL Perkins replied : I meant no ■ respect to the Court, your Honor; but was extremely busy fitting ont a ship f tihs But Indies, and I fought if I pair my fine I might be excused.” “■ Fitting out a ship for the East Ind'cs, six 1 w shouted the Judge; “and how-hoo poes It that you ore able to lit out a slop Cor the East Indies V ” M Your Honor, I do not understand you ” “ I repeat, then, my question ; “ How h ft-that yon are able to fit out a ship fur the East Indies? If you do not know, I will Ml you. It is because the laws of your apujatrj are properly aim! nistered. II •bay were not, you would have no abi’w Take your seat, t-ir, with tho jury.” —Janus VrrnmoH O'uirho. attachiiiii i cr HCH3IB. have heard a great deal from E, «rtem •ntclem r.f the wonderful attachment wldcl ©jCsta between the horse and his mroster in Oriental land*, but we doubt if anything hi ore Interesting has ever boen told than th© following story of Goldsmith Maid: Re Gently. Charley Cochrane, who was forma *-r yects her faithful groom, arrived flora Cal ifocjda, and wishing to sae the grand o*d trotting mare and her cult, omlcd on Mr Smith, her owner, to obtain hts permigaiup to visit Fashion Stud Farm in New Jerery 3tr. Smith accompanied Coehi >ae to tL> form, and on arriving th -re remarked " Charley, the Jlaid is very jealous of he - •cdt, is very ci u .s, ai d will permit no oi>* to approach it.” Cochrane arranged tha 1 the Maid should hear Lis voko before ah saw him, and, although they bud not sooi each other for two years, a lead whinny as surod the visitors that the maze Lad recog nized the n an’s voice. Cochrane next show ed him elf, wL* n a touching mar.e occu r-' . The old queen ot toe turf, who for tnou. would not alio-v imy cue to approach he. making u e of >:<*t .a • :.d u - ih if it wi. stleurpt* d, re io.d wi h . U :i.d to b”r o friend, tV.jrg ,g even h.u eo’i, uud rubt • her l aud upon lm sht-uhlcr. her nose iu b: face, played - vv . i h-S whisk- s. and sbowc* by every petiuu let her heart was full o joy to so- liiiu. I u ' >y the colt crime iv t»j see ti -m, and the cl I mare was delisi ad wfc.u i.k pi. ■ed Ir-s tnudon ti - .© I; tie fellow. V» ucn Cochrane k--t the ph:o the nsnia foil *.> ed ini to the . ‘.e. w’ ny izsg for hii.i ov u u.i r Li Lii patw-.u cm gt «y**L —-4 W. UI ‘M-fc TXT-. yco, Dn Page Co, Illinois, HAS IMPORTED FROM FRANCE Percheron Horses Va!nod at $!!,600,000, which incl!.<!<■« about ;0 PER (’ENT. OF ALL HORSES Whose purify of blood is established bv pedigrees re corded In Hie Percheron Stud Oook of Franca, the only Stud liook ever published in that country, EVER IMPORTED TO AMERICA. STOCK ON HAND Brccfl Kares /impelled Stallions, fi * bU enough for I *s3 Sendee. \ V 125 colts, \ Two years old and K Recognizing thcprln elide accepted by all A/v/dV Intelligent lireeders that, ** v v ,r • however welt bred animals mftvlpvAinto be, If their pedigree lire not recorded, they should be valued onlv as grades, I will sell all Imported stock at grade prices when I cannot furnish with tho animal sold, pedigree verified by the original French certificate of its number ami record in the Fere heron Stud book of France. 100-Page lllur tratecl Catalogue sent five. Wayne. His .is miles west of Chicago, on Chicago A Northwestern Ky. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO PUR CHASE TIMBER LAND. United States Dutkict Land Office, Olympic, Washington Territory.—Notice is hereby given that, in compliance with the proviso is of the Act of Congress ap» proved June 8, 1878, entitled ‘ An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash ington Territory,” Walter P. Cadwcll of San Juan County, Washington Territory, has this day tiled in this office his (tppli* cation to purchase the Lots 8, 5. 7. 8 and f) ol Section No. 19 in Township' No. 80 Nottb, Large No. 2 West of the WiN lan.ette Meridian. Any and all parsons claiming adversely the said described I md, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims in this office within sixty (d 0) days from date hereof. Given under my hand, at my office in Olympia, W. T.. this 25th day of Feb ruary, A. D., 1886.* John F. Gowey, 88 lOw Register of the Laud Office. W AWKS’S PRINTERS’ WAREHOUSE, ) 822 Battery street, San Francisco. Agency for Conner’s U. S. Type Foundry, New York, and the great Western Type foundry, Chicago. All typo cast on the Aliquot system of bodies. Presses fiom all reliable makers. Every requisite of a printing office furnished at closest prices lor cash. New Specimen Book, now in preparation, will be sent when completed. Write for estimates. Address N. C. Hawks, 322 Buttery St;, .F y asi | svIer DKAI.BKB IH—— Wachcß Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware an dL Diamonds. AiF'VFe do nil kinds of Match Bud Jewelry repa lug. Make Notarial and other Heals. Do all knd or enemving and Stencil cutting, uud garni.teer sat isfaction in all easesi 708 Front, Street. 61 6 m Seattle, W. T. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. U, B, LAND OFFICE at Olympia, W. T. August 28, 1885.—Notice is hereby given that Joseph 0. Warner has filed notieeof intention to make dual proof before the Probate Judge, or in his absence th e Clerk of the Probate Court, at his office, in Friday Harbor, W.T., on Friday the 30th day of October, A. I). 1885, on Ho ne stead Application, No 5170 for the BP j# of of of See 11 and NEW of NE of See. 14 Tp 35 N, li 2 west. He names as witnesses; W. C Malic, A. Clark, 11. J. Hummed and John Bpcr of Lopez Island, P. 0., W. T. 25-0w „ j i Cctre 1 NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. (j 8. LAND OFFICE AT OLYMPIA, W.IT., Dee. w * 9, 1883. —Notice is hereby given that Elias Mathcson has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Clerk of the Probate Court, at his office in Friday Harbor W.T. on Monday the Bth day of February A. I».l88fl, on Pre emption D. fc No 9018, for thu Lot 4of B.c. 23 Tu 3ti K, Xt 4 West. He names ns witnesses: John M Izett, Edwin Brook, Adam Davidson ami Colin Boss all of lioache Harbor Vf. X. 40 JOHN F GOWEY Hegistor, NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF I) 8. LAND OFFICE AT OLYMPIA. W. T. ‘ Jan. 11 188i1. —Notice is hereby given that Wiktor Eriks«on lias filed notice of intention to make final proof bef re th« Ch rk of the Probate Court, at hts office, in Friday Harbor, W. T., on Thursday, the 4th day of March. A. D. 188(5, on Pre emption V. S. No, 82(14 for the NEh oISWk of Sec. 14 Tp. 35 N, R 3 Wist, He names ns witnesses; Janies King, Ambrose Gartz, Peter Brown and E. Erickson all ot Friday Harbor \V. T. 45 fiw John F, Oowey, Register, NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. 7 Ton are allowed n free trial of thirty days of the ®bo of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated Voltaic Belt wltß Electric Suspensory Appliances for the speedy relief and permanent cure of .Vrrvot is Debility, loss Of Vitality and ilnnhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health. Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In seahat •nveio/ie mailed free, bv addressing VOLTAIC BELT CO., Martha!!, Mich. I, -ißs_ JL* ~ —• < ri£rt on. Oollcpfe j —for— mum im mi 13o:u diug and Day Pupils. TACOMA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, THE EIGHT ItEV. J, A. PADDOCK D. 1)., ItscToa By a munificent gift of '.50,000 from .Mr. C. B. Wright, of Philadelphia, for the endowment of the institution, with the generous contribution of £IO,OOO l>y the citizens ot Tacoma, and the liberality of Christian men and women of the Kist, a commodious and well appointed building has been erected and a College founded tor the education ot the young men and boys of this Const. 'i’lie building stands on a high and healthy site, surrounded by spacious grounds, is heated with furnaces, is sup' plied with hot and cold water and bath rooms, and is thoroughly venti! ited. The dormitories have been arranged so that each boarder may luve a room by himself. Teachers occupy rooms adja cent to the pupils; and, at all times, exer cise a fatherly cure and watehtuliLesa ov er those committed to their tmst. At meals, teachers and pupils sit at tho same table, forming one family. Professor John Tait takes charge of (he Institution, lie brings an eminent reput ation and large experience and will be assisted by thoroughly competent in structors in every’depart nent. Mrs. Tail will, supervise the household, and parents may with con fidence, entrust their younger sous to her motherly euro. The remainder of this school year will be drvtdcd into two terms, of twelye weeks each, term nil! begin on January 7th and end on March 31st I*3o. The second tent will begin on April Ist, aad end ou Juno 23; d. Charges, BOARDERS. Board, furnished'room, tuition, uno lann* dry service for twelve weeks £BO EX ERAS OP I ION AL. Vocal or Instrumental Music; private les sons sf 18 Harmony or Vocal Music, in class... . 6 Use of piano, one hour per day 4 Modern Languages 9 Water Colors 0 Drawing nnd Crayon 6 Oil Painting . 12 Incidentals and use of Models 1 Appl cation for ndtniPMon cr for further information, may ho addressed toj BISHOP PADDOCK, Tacoma, Wash. Tkr. sb£liilpkJsm. The Best Newspaper in America, and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing tho Sun’s Pro* miums. The most Interesting and advanta geous offers ever made by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected Something for all. Beautiful and Rabat# atial Premiums in Standard Gold and otherWatcbou,Valuable Books, the Best Family Sewing Machine known to the trade, and an nneqnalod Hal of objects of real utility and instruction. Kotos, by, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year (witbont Sunday) 96 00 DAILY, per Month (without sundry) 50 SUNDAY, per Year ... 100 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year ... 100 Address, THE SIX, New York (ity. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. U. S. Land Offiob at Olympia, W. T. Sep. 71885.—Notice Is hereby given that John W. Modie has Hied notice of intention to make final proof before the Judge, or in his absence, the Clerk of tins Probate Court at Ills olllce in Friday Harbor, W. T. on Saturday the 7th day of November, A. D. 18515, on Homestead Aj»- piicution No. Sl4O, for the of S V.% of SE}./ of Sec. 81, Tp 37 and Lot 2 of Sec. 0 Tp 86 N, R 2 West. He names as witnesses; John T. Oldham, Edward Hitching. William Ua r tton and O. JS - Alden all of Ore as Island W. . SToOw John F.Gowey, Rcgiat; than at anything els# /IT i 1 •> taking an s>;ency for Uib butt sail. Vjf lu4 book out. Heglaners mic<wd urandlv. N'.>e fall, Tonus fres Ut I. Dock Co I’ortlaud, Mains. Jk m n*l) I *Tr B* n d foi LA I V 1 f f * P"»tiigs, and rerely# • V || I\l Ira. •»», t fM ' 1 > a 1 °sUy box of “ “ v KPPda which will fc»lp >oi, t« innre iiionJy right away than anything felsuiu Hit* wi rid. All, of . itiier cex, suoceeil from first honr, The )>r<>a<l road to fortune pan* befor* the workers, sbsxbit'ly ante. At once addles* Trtu» Si 00, Augusts, Audio. w „ y , _ NOTICE OF FINAL FRO F, [I S LAND OFFICE AT OLYMI'IA. W. T. 'O-liin-. 21 Ibsft —Notice U hcrt-iiy ulvcn that Daniel S. nwcnlfitffr liH' fllml nnlico "of ii:twistt• >u t i ninkfi final j>rt >t bolero (li« dork ot Dintrict Court at Umo!U<;n, in Port TuwnsoiiJ W. T dm We Jno'iUy the lOili tlay of Feburary, A. D IHBG ou I’rc fiiitintj I>. S Xo, Bfiiiit, for tin) Lolh 3 ami 4 uml W>4 ol hE *4.0f Scc.:i2 I’p. :i7N, U 1 Went. j lie n iiues as witu James Tull >cb, Janmll M. Carpenter, Charles E! SctZ r and John Carl al| of Last Souud W. T» JOHN F. GOWEY IWgibter. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. t>. S LAND OFFICE AT OLYMPIC, W.FF t Pec. 14, I8t;5. —Notice is hereby sivi u that Louis Cajon has filed notice of intention to make final p oof be fore the Clerk of the Probate Court, at hie withe, in Friday Harbor. \V T„ on Saturday, tin 13th day of February, a. I). I'-mi. on Pre emption D. S. No. »(!1». for the Lot 7 of Se , (i and Lots 1, 0, u, 7 end 8 of Hoc.," Tp. 116 X. K. 2 )\est, 110 names ns witness; si Daniel Snlivan, William Milh r and Petr r Laplant of Oreas I-land W. T. and Marlin Miller of Fridni Harbor VV. V. 41 Cw JOHN F. GOWEY,hegister BlilS PAPER jiuu^r-c* Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce RSegeiJEW YOWL CfOP fIRUGGiNG vosl wP DOLLAR ' We will send you the Formula for making the famous Compound OXYGEN BOMB TREATMENT, a positive cure for Con sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, I lay Fever and all Blood Diseases of cither eex, from whatever cause, or wo will send you the Formula and a two months treat ment with Inhaler for $3.00. Send In letter fat our risk. Address, i.' OXYGEN HOME TREATMENT C 0„ S 180 Uesrbont UUOAQA jfTtfM* pumtten ifcta rapes. f>J( Er.'wsto’ ,, e Pr.l<*r.t Pnln IloWcf. V,U Your linen nrr wher- roil ]>ut tli-rn—rot *1 I* oivlm UornV f -‘t. c»io v o»,vM sold i-klo*. in I J -$ ft d iva, uiie diulrr i‘ 1 ! 6 do*, in l"* di.y.i. fat S-.kUu lec «• •• >h S’ .30*. Write for turns, £. tll_r.hii.-t. Holly, Mii h. HISTORICAL 1 ACTS.—Synopsis «f American His tory from U'.»i to 1885; Brief Ulster,- of other Countries. BIOGRAPHICAL k ACTS:—Biogrsphh-al Dictionary of DlstingMishod Versons, with Note* of their Principal Works, Inventions, and Achievements. LEGAL FACTS:—Principles of Common Law; Laws routine to lUiainnsv, Marrlago, Contracts, etc; Special State Laws* Laws; Statutes of Limitation; Dirsctlons for Obtaining Patents; Korins for Wills, Bomla. Deeds, Assignments, and Legal Papers of all kinds. COMMERCIAL FA ClSCommercial Terms and Agents: Statistics of Foreign Commerce; Vocabu lary of Business Terms; Stocks amt Stock Brokers, etc. MATHEMATICAL FACTS:—Tables of Weights end Measures; Inteiest Tables; Oeometrlcsl Definitions; Measurements of Land; Practical Utiles for Calcu lations. M- Hsuremiiutw and estimates of all kinds. STATISTICAL FACTS: —Population. Death Rate, Comparative Rise, Uainfall, etc., of various parts of the United States, and of the World. Average value of land in various States and Territories; Number of Farms in each Stale; Statistics of Occupations and Production; Population and Debt of Cities; Newspaper, Railroad, and Telegraph Statistics; Table.i of Mortality: Statistics of Wages,eto. SCIENTIFIC FACTS: —About Heat, Light, Sound, Air, Water. Stoaui, Ice, Rain, Snow, tho tides, etc. MISCELLANEOUS FACTth—Nutritivo values of ditloreut foods; Working powers of Man and Ani mals, in various occupations; Comparative Weights of various siibst. uceii; Mtdting and freezing Tent petaturos; Values of different kinds of Fuel; Useful household receipts; Utiles fer combining Colors; What to do in Emergencies; Information for the farmand for various Trades; How to Euter the Civil- Service ; Rules of Etiquette; Selections for Auto graph Albums, eto. And a thnuiaud other Facts of every sort sod description. It til fPjtS WORTH FJFTKEN CENTS ? Wc think it Is If you think so too, send Fifteen Cents to The Co-operative Uo*>k Concern, 884 and 388 Broadway, Now York, and you will receive a copy by return mail. Or If you want a copy for nothing get five ef jour trionds to buy tho book, and send on seventy-five ents, and you will roclsvo six copl o s, one fur each of your friends and one for a 1 f ADnUKA TIE CO-OPERATIVE BOOk CONCERN, OVha DUTERS' OtTIDB fc l«ined March and Hcpt-, each year. *>■ 916 psgM, b>j x 11% Inches, with over 3.H00 Illustrations a Whole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Price* direct to eoruutnere on all ffoodi for personal or famUy use. Tells how to order, and gITM exact cost of every* thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have tun with. These INVALVABLR ROOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. We Will mall a copy VRKK to any ad* dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expense of making. Let n* hear from ion, Respectfully, u MONTGOP/ERY WARD A CO. 82T Ci 220 v/uLuab Avenue, Chicago, Uk i OTllTlflMim. I R(ch«n<rSoidia^iO^i^i ( Cures Chancres, first sod 1 Boros on the Legs M d Bod^ r /H l Eyes, Hose, stc., Copper-oelored B 1*1*73 Syphilitic Catarrh, primary forms of tbs disease kaaV. Li Syphilis. Price, »5 00 per BcTtlo* t* Rlchnn's Golden BaUsa ftl l Cures—Tertiary Mercurial Syphilid# Ehen mat lain. Tains in the Done*; Pals* letS Head, {.ack of the Heck, UWlId il- Throat, Syphilitic Hash. LampTaad » tracked Cords, Stiffness ef IheLUaksTeX eradicates all disease from It, .whether caused by Indlssrettoa , erab2 of Mercury I oaring the blood pore m 3 healthy. Price *5 00 per BettleT? te Klchrtu’e Golden Spanish Anita dote for the cure of Oonorrhaa. Gleet. Irritation Orarel, and all Uiinaryir QeaS lal disarrangements.. Price Usa mm* Pottle, " l-o Indian’s Golden Spanish »« lection, forserere eases of Ooaorrkaa. Inflammatory Oloct, Btrkluns.hs. Pri2 •1 50 per Bottle. b« Hlchan’s Golden Ointment for the cffcctlre healing of SyphlllHe Sena, and eruptions. Price #1 00 per lii Le Hichan’s Golden PlUa-leti and Drain treatment; loss of physUal m» sr, exceas or over-work, rruetoadea et% Price 98 00 per Bex* Tonic and Nervine, .K* l Bent orerywhoro, 0. o. I>_ secaratr'MMhrf per express. ~- w C. V. RICRAROR St 00,, Amnld v „,427 & 420 Sansom e street. Comer ohr.' X A Ban Francisco, Os). CIRCULAR MAILED FIUOL Boys and Girls! , Yenth.-A handsene Hiss* trated 8 pa«* paper, brim full of In tereatiat starts for boys and girls, will he sent free for eue satire ‘i n * wll ° sends neat once the aanss of 12 hoys and girls of different families, aad It two cent stamps for postage. Ao. 'J his ••sales publication |>l< asns both old snd young, aad la ae. knowledged by all as the bast youth's •sees la America, Regular price. $1 per annum, Seadasv so aat> secure ncit number. Addrasa The National Vocm. ’ Bsffale, V. V BUY OUR MAP jtje qUlf th« Fuca IVtraitH and FU&B3 SQUID 91 Addreim I NORTH WEST Etft’.i I Ana jortefll W ,x. I