Newspaper Page Text
P o *JM WEST £ MTERJ* R.ISE fXACORTIS ... MARCH If Ifi3fl BKIKr MKTITIOJr. Th® sloop Nip and Tuck which was reported lied up at Now West U aster lor smuggling, has been re-* leased. Capt. Jackeon will ron the Wash ington in opp'Mitlon to the mail boat to g®t even with the O. It. & H Company lor their four years > opposition to him. B. L , Shannon yisitod go island last week, and wont on a boating excursion to Burrows 13 *y and Deception Pass, visiting a uum bor of the ranchers about Ait- ily~ geia and All. Brie. . &la j, ei •*.if a A roHK* r "rn-fT'KNT rf fh<- T, 'ft-.- -r p>\:y! i «hu rr- i Vtl'tn V-:li.a . ~t-rroentlj rroentlj war r tou; hwii by tin* im; which ho «.w in Dr kola. He r.-itii* : “ J> • jutrlionUr farm iv; i: 'i-t*-->d *«» niiies KtiUßra. I. wv, one tun. • whoot, no iliviaiot. of r- y kind »»in-otcrt. oxcu|»t roadß foi t»r.w.nH ai,u bo < ■■.ho morning wr rialtOfl it };» ■ < • wore to comir,••non to plnjf, -ms *r.o !-t ,h«d n aoha.(« w.ituJ wuc .a. «. j . ■»*! Lo begin, Whnt a night | Two Scot. • |«ruien who ▼ ere tvitn tr. •■•••■r.. n mp’ RCTftr.o Vi hilo the hai feat ... u.«ui hv transported over tbe ?«'orOiern r?--’fio Ur.* to Buffalo ua the ohjruutc p-iat, by w: v of Uulalh, front tweat/-flvn t.ioitwtnd t. thirty thonsand bmihebi t! dly. mnjjloyir.' •"mo thirty tire to fifty railway car*, i wm emanated that this ye ir’» y ehl wen about twenty b isiieb. per r<*;o. b •' if t ■aareful eyutem o? farv-i •/ wt-r • p.ueued— Vtyihlng like thoroo.jli i-.ugliah ooldvnti •: --the outcome would be >h rty Ijn'i' r'a. Tfci top eoil ia bL.lpcch iiich.h :o :wo f-i.'t cf tho finest loa-a. alvmlutoly Vco fiom grit r ftonee of nny kind The anbioit a '-oji., all Un , Iv -. u " runes nav ill * l\z- Tms ITOO* h'lO’Vn *T •* o'-** 'Vne'!> ftriea of tho Frouca 10 fir*? the m v.V OAtci There ar« k<muc bundled* of them ftnu their important-* its duly recognised b; ]he State, which supports them in sue’ vomfort and d pnl*y as he 3k* their officio. 1 Vidtion. lh<» Frennh nival cat criers the service in h;s kiltenlnv.J, and apuuds the |rnt voar or two ol his active career o board a man-of-war. where ho is berthed lr •be bold and ponuiU/ il to devour whatever ho can catch. Having than paui-u i through bis apprenth-efibip, he in «e t nahoro and quartered at one of the Cvo naval porta h» ft terror to the r t« avd mice that swarm in the victualling yard aad store surds. Ho if |ben entiUed to ao allowuuoe of lire coo ttmes • day end this snm is reemlnrly poi* on his behalf to the director of cats wh* lays ft vut in Lououmh for tins u->o of his lot -.-eg. Wbc tho CoV :ron. Harvard (V.lV'gw '"as Bain*"! aft r Jobti Harvard, who, lu loiid, left to the oohcj"' £7711 and a library of over 1100 boohs. Williaics College was mined after Col Kphraim a soiuier cl the oiu French war. Dartmouth College was named after Lord Dartmouth, wl o aiihaoMbad a large amount, and wasi'residcut ox the lu> t hoard ol Trus tees. Drown University received its r.ntne fron Hon. Nicholas Brown, who was « jradaaU of the college, went into huiiuess, bcoann very wealthy, and outlawed the college very largely. Columbia College was called King’s Col lece till tho clime of the war for indepon dcuoo, when it rucciv Ou uio xauut, ox' Cu*uut bio. T*->wdoln was named after Got. Bowdolc *f Alamo. Yule College was named after Elihu Yale, who mode very iiociul duuations to the 00l- Age. Colby University, formerly Ws,**»vi!k College, w.vs nano-d niter Mr. Colby, of diustou, who gavo 4>00,0d0 to tho college lr 18G3. Dickinson College received its name from Hon. John Dickinson. He made a very lib •ral donation to tho college, niul was Preai dent of tho Hoard ol Truotocs, lor ft number of years. Cornell University was uamod altar Ear# Cornel], ih> founder. Bo Sensible, Do not be obovo your bueinoas. ITo wbc turns up his nose at work quarrels wit> breed and butter. Ho Is a poor smith wbc is afraid of his own sparks; there’s some discomfort in all trad us except chimney ■weeping. If sailors give up going to sen because of the wot; if bakers left off bait Ing bread because it is hard work; if plough* bnb would not plough cold, and tailors would not make our clothes for foai of pricking their fingers, what a pass ws would ooraf fca Nonscnso, my fine fellow, there’s no shame about any honest calling ; don't be afraid of soiling your bauds, there ’s plenty of soap to bo bod. All trades ore good to good traders. Lu cifer matches pay well if you Bell enough (i them. You cannot got honey if you are frightened at bees, nor plant corn if you are afraid of getting mud on your boots. When ban of iron xne't under the south wind; when yon can dig the fields with toothpicks; blow’ ships along with fans; manure the crops with lavender water, ana grow-plum coses in flower pots, there will be a fine time for dandies; but until the millennium comes uru tUuil «ul Uavo a dual gajput Qj> witlt NERVOUS DE*3lXmr s ~h i »VLTT " 55555~1 ■mm *| ... Am Da. ij. C. Wkst’b Nerve Airn foAUi Tan/rs Kent, n guaranteed speovfio fnr JlJ L,cm nr-!*?, (loiwnUione, Pile, Kcrvoue Pormlgtis. nuaancho. Nervoun ProMrttion cf.r.god by U.c of alcohol or tobacco, Wakf Ivlci-t*. i'’,i £»*■ pruaaion, Softening of the lirnlp rMullii.R lr. sanity and Imuiing to misery, dfmy end t’rumatur* Oid Ace, ri.ntT.rtf*, kw of pmrrd in k> ; t)i(*r Rev, 1 olnnlarr ! <-i n*, nr.d Uperawpt ovrheeu caused by ovor-cxvilion rf llat[ain,Ktt aliKse or ovor-indult.■ ;.to. led box con Icier one nioutl.'a tr-a intent. f I ■ •. or six host* for 45.(0, sm- thvrn: I ' rrw; flop if cairt cf rirtya* tv sc v. r au.v ■; v>. t: h*x f cxi & to euro u- y raw. With one! - , order rcrMred by W) fori lx boKPS, nccefr.irir.wd with, wo wE( bond the purcJmrcr c>nr written i'"aru:too to m fned the money i t tlm tivxtrwit cioeeooi efiee# acini- 1), mi t"p(- i; «i 'flyby *> OOnAKib I'a.AKAi. £. CO- WiitlMalc a..-'. " I' noa.®giuarto. I’OUTLA Ml', OltrtiON. C.-doru by mail v-11 rtreive promptoUttotius /* paper devoted to Srienoo, Blueprint. discoveries, invention* and patcnlj •vor P'lhlUned. Every number Illustrated wltfi splendid pncravlnra. '’Hiie publloation. furnishes a mo»tvaluableencvcl(n>vdlaoflnfomiiitlon which 510 perron ehr.nld bo without. The popularity ol he ScasKnrio A&tkiupan Is anon that Its «ip polatlon nearly eonale that of all other papers of lie else*combined. Price, #3.3oaye»r. Ihsoounl koOlabe. Sold by all newsdealers. fctUlfM&CO.* Publishers, Ko. 3PI Broadway, JH. Y. On crs» gw a ■ Bjp {fE Vur.n A To. bnv« ATEKTS. sever? Years* »praoiicu before I the Patent Office, and have prormrod I more than One Hundred Thou*" I and oppHoaliona for patent* id the I United SUiiee and foreign countries. Ashiguiucata, and all olfcer papom fe* securing to inventor* their riant* In the United Slat**, Oftuada. Knghind. Franco, tioimanv and other forelcm ooiiutrlua, pre pared at short notleo and on ro*»;>nablo terms, f*! Inforraatlon es to obtaining patents ob» or fully given v.ithont rharen- Hend-boohs of luformitioa Rent free. Patent* obtained Muno nro noticed in th« Bcicntllw Aix*rn .Kin frno. The of rurh nol’.oo >* •ten]l v by all ponKiQK who to 01 * ro. crio* eo^r-iiw ;n,]:sr ia, |»A Bsocdway, J*>ovf Voria. rn B OCH ft SON’S Eh] Celebrated Fashion Caialocu& raSf BEHT FBieiSTOUSWSa K'ih. t<> «nv iwldivse Ulvsvalw aa;i lists b’. vJ evi ry tUlatftor Ladles’, lloot.-. 1 , Clilhirew P-'S&tf» and Infanta* woiix ami Housekeeping rGoods, nt prices loircr than Uhcwc of any ipt'ft U.uav in the United Stales. C«>npfi*»o gtS bvl r.ilUfuorluu nurnuU'Kd.vt tihiu.y ip m teiva fe SVi£PAT A hook of W pnpres. X wjfti m!» sj_ tik* b>stbookfurnn te««srs?s It contains liMsol imw,<pmei a and estimates oft he cost of tul vert lain v. The ml vert l«orw*;o waute to spend <mo dollar, finds In it the In* formation no requires. w hllo for him who will invest fine hundred thousand dollars In ad vertising, ft sonomo Jh IndlonWl which will meet ids every requirement, t>r co» he roads to <io to ly tlijhl changes cctil'j v.rrivtii at by cor* ruporuleitoe. llii willtlona have been issued. Bent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write to CiEO. i*. HUiVMLL * CO., NKWBPAI'BB ADVERTISIN'O BI'RRAU. do Horace a>l. i*rinlinsiiousoHq.), Now York. •JOHN r. STRATTON, tlHiliului, X.T., Importer ft Wbolesala AGCORDEONB, Month Harmonicas andallkindact Musical Merchanditv, itnri’an Band InattiuuauU, fiend (or catalogue. * a » f'-or-p*. H>Mid 1 o rent* postage and f\ t T I |*», It wl '* mail y ,r< ‘ 6 u Jt Mi I royal, va. liable, sample \ V [1 box of goods that will put y u, tho way of m;ik)ng mor* i. oi-y at one* . (bun anything f'l«o in America. Both nox-'a of nil mfi* ■ cin) livr al lo'iiic mit work in up'W time, or all th Hair. Oaplial not required. Mf« will start yi u. liu men so p'iy aura f»r those wh> siurt at one*. btlnaaii L Co. Portland, Maine. 1842. A PROCLAMATION. ISSG. Know yi>! know jo all, nu.n, \*‘>mon and - UiaUho ataflol fklilunj, who li-itUed l»y Dr. Oenr*;e » urlio-; liavo kcß>t tho American A«ri cuitnriMl *;th* front for tweuiy live ymv*. aro m»w i,.ml* rvrd l>y Cheat* •P, Dnwey, H*ili iirren aim other writtrii. Wo propunf to atlcl t>» the hwndroua t if tlwuhnii'ib of UouiCH iu which the AM K RICA N AGIUCUI jT URI ST la mail and revered, from the Atlantic to tho P»* clflo. as su old time frioiui and oouncaler, ’•>B are accordingly enlarging tho lIKAUTU, HoUbJtIIULD AND JrVESIME DEPMCTMFNS. And Sliding other features so that it Is to lie. Iron® Hilt time onward, essentially a home periodical, as .v l) as lui'.g d-v lied to Agrietlture and Hortunl. turn. Evary p< rein who imcdiaUly sends ut $1.50. the price, and 15 cent* foi posting booh, maklrg fl.n* m all, will rci civo the American Atrieulinrlßt for ISS6, uid the American Agnonl» inrist Law bonk, just pollli-d.od,—a Couipend mu of .v.rv day law for Farmers, Mechanics, Business Men', Uii ufaoturers - to,, enabling everyone to bo bis own lawyer. It is a hugi vtdumn, weighing one pound ami a half, and elegantly bound In cloth and gold. The American Agriculturist WANTS THE EARTH to yield bigger returns by increasing its great army of luadera Wo distributed liO.OUD presents to tlio-a who aided l.» the work last year, an I w■ a" an* Ding to luO.UOD presume to workers tot* year. B*uct for onfliieucial teru.sfor workers, whan you forward your au-scritdiou. i4ubacr:ption pr»ca, jl.fifl a year; slngls number, 15 cents. Bend B ecu's for mailing vmi g r i‘ id doubts mini* of tint Am. rican Agrlculiurlsit. just out. and sample pages with table «t content* of tuiw POos. wanted everywhere. Address: Publishers American /a-'.ncuUurJat, 61 liroadwi.y, New Ymli. DAVID W. AUDI*. SAU’L BUKNUAM President. a tertiary. 1849 e<? v ° 1886 Active. May good fortune follow the readers of The Daily Alta The foremost newspaper of the Pacific Coast, which presents both sides of all matters of public interest. No enemies to punish or friends to pet, but fair truthful with all. The Weekly Alta Presents the strongest possible claim to a family circulation. It is filled with good reading, stories, fashion notes, and pays intelligent attention to the House and Farm. Splendid premiums with the Weekly Alta. TERMS OP THE ALTA. By Mail, Postage Free, In the United State* and Canada. Dally, (Including Son-lay) Quo Year.... |6 CO Daily, “ “ Ono Month f 0 Sunday Edition, One Year 2 oo Weekly Alta, One Year 1 60 Bend postal card request for free sam ple copy of Daily or Weekly Alta. Drafts, Checks, and other remittances should be made payable to the order of the ALTA CALIFORNIA PUB. CO. San Francisco, California. h-Pfi- MW Imvorter and Jobber CHgsrs Bii‘i MeerchHum Good*, Pipe*, Cutlery, Sta tionary, file., Mill St., Ycsler Leary B''ildirg, ti BATTLE, W. T rI, K- O Smith, lobtlahp, Cnrof 52 tt L S SMloff &!| fia Wholesale ani Hotail TJ/ lianas, Ssu an (i Uissml Gaais, Popular lino of Standard Authors. Full lino ot School Supplies. Cigars an I Tobacco, Motions, Eto Division St. - - WHATCOM, W. T. w. spiH co. Kitvv llic Weal mm® WnNliluatw Torryo Fiauus tut cT Or«fStiiH 9 And all Kinds of Musical Inst aments. OI.K A.OKNOY S'OU TUB CEI KKKATRD HALLETT, DAVIS & CO’S SQUARE GRAND and CABINET UPRIGHT PIANOS—TAYLOR & FARLEY asp STANDARD ORG ANS. sl4 Jrgwj or JUnoj Jaisa ia Bon, I'ront «t The San Francisco Weekly Alta will bo sent to any address thirteen weeks on trial for 25 cents. Splendid premi ums are offered to yearly subscribers. THE WEESLY ALTA, San Francisco, uil. 25 to ssl P ; 3 : v V Cun easily bu made using Inc OLD RELIABLE VICTO Ft Wo mean it and are prepared to demonstrate the iiict. The WELL ‘MllUVtt^ SUCCESS which has drown- d our efforts dmina tliw p««i fifteen year*, ass EXCELSIOR for our MOTTO, we are MON AUC oLL in every cuunliy is toe vorld. Our Machinery is operated by either Man, Hao nr Steam and v*«rkt ptdly They range in sizes Irotn 3 inch to 4 feet in Diameter and will bore and drill to ANY REQUIRED DEPTH. They will bore eeee m >nd Hutuluctonlv in all kinds of Eir ,es-dat Sand and Limestone Bitmr C«al Slute Hard Pan QruvelYtaa, builders, Serp.ntim and Conglomerate Rock, and guaranteed’ to make the very l),l.l ot Well m uni. k Sund. They are lijfhl r«» M Mmplo m construction easily operated, durable and knob god aaj the bast most practical M ici.inu extant. They are endorsed U y some ot the hlgheat B:a»* OWs als. They are also -.sea extensively iu f»r C-jal. hvcii, Coal Oil, a*ti all JvrK*“* o» Mix«* For sinking Artesian Wells and coal shafts &«. the? arc uncxelU a*t lurnish Engines. Boilers, Wiu«l.Mills. Hydraulic Rams, Hor-e Power*, BnMaakf ines Tools,*' Portable Forges, Rock Drills aud Mtchmcry ot all kmda. Good Active Agents wanted in every Country id the World [Vi Co 40 OliveeS ». 1.01 IH. M . .itei't what paper you saw this. |3TIF YOU WOULD ISooiuWow $ TOO SHOULD adtebti s u m TUB ■ —» Jt Mortluifst <£«fti|wse, more terrible than war. • Work, Ambition and Passion, cause more Agony of Mind and Body* Destroy more Human Beings every year than All the Annies of the World. * „ | OTJAMJESTS ■■ essenc&F* This Wonder of Modern Chemistry U pronouncsd to be for llj Bower of replenishing the vitality of the body, by supplying all the essential e«* stituents of the Blood, Brain and Nerve Substance, and for developing aUth* Powers and Functions of the System to the highest degrea ' It acts as a surpassing all those of the present ago for the and cureof all derangements of the Nervous and Blood Systems, tratlon. General Debility, Mental and Physical D e P™**Sion* Tnconacitv tor Study or Business, Noises in the Head An# Bars Loss ot Energy and Appetite. Being a natural £ energising effects are not followed by corresponding sz&z&ttssss£itsi Bps red^the eyes brighter, the skin clear and ofthe head and beard grow and acquire strength, as also the naU*, Importance of the action of the medicine on the of nuMtiom It gM# back to the human structure, in a suitable form, the Lively, Animating element ot life which has been wasted, and exerts Influence directly on the Brain, Spinal Marrow and Nervous Nutritive, Tonio and Invigorating character, thereby checkmgaU wasting the Vital Fuid and the more Exhausting Processes of L»*e, mamtamjnr that JRuovant Energy ot the Brain and Muscular System which renders the Mind Cheerful, Happy, brilliant ergetic; entirely overcoming that dull, mactivo and sluggis dnroMJWoA which many persons experience in all their action. PrlC®, lliOO pWT FOR SALE BY ALL DRUOOIBTB. |.ivmpv MICHAELS. San Francltco, Whol«6al« AfUl |lo»tliiMSt (Cutcrptise, MAP OF THE ‘ Ifujet jStmml ®flwuto|. can be had, without the 02. Porsoos wishing to send information to fheir frisalft te -tatho Fiascould not do bottom than leeulthontJfcrr***®**®**