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Newspaper Page Text
NEWS OF THE WEEK IN COLVILLE The Epworth League will have charge of a concert to be given at the opera house Dec. 10. M. H. Hamilton, living on the Big Meadows near lone, was in town Monday in connection with legal matters. Tomorrow's subjects at the Baptist church: Morning, "The Mount of Transfiguration"; even ing, "My Brother's Keeper." Special Thanksgiving service will be held at the Congregational church Sunday evening consisting of solos and anthems of Thanksgiving. Edgar Leman, the Hunters attorney, and his wife and daughter arrived Sunday and visited at the home of Rev. H. A. Sheldon for several days. Mr. Leman was called here in connection with his legal work. Richard Nagle of Hunters has been here this week attending the Institute. Mr. Nagle was formerly county auditor and also for a time was editor of the Reveille, at that time a democratic newspaper. W. D. Allen, former owner of the Statesman- Index, now of the O'Brien-Allen Printing Co. of Spokane, was in town the first of the week looking after business matters. Mr. Allen reports a good business condition in Spokane. R. A. Treadwell and Herbert Justus have open ed a photograph gallery in the Peterson building north of Mrs. M. A. Cameron's store. Mr. Tread well is a brother of Rev. C. S. Treadwell and came here with his family about a month ago from Cunningham, Wash. Mr. Justus was formerly a resident of Kansas and is a Spanish-American war veteran. Both of these gentlemen are good work men, and having watched the rapid growth of Col ville have decided to place their interests here. The Stevens County Sunday School Association is at present making strong effort to thoroughly organize the Sunday school work of the county. Three general divisions have been made for field work. District No. 1, Colville, is in charge of Rev. H. A. Sheldon; No. 2, Pendd'Oreille, Herbert Liv inston; No. 3, Columbia river, Mr. Holcomb. The county officers are Rev. McLain of Kettle Falls, president; Rev. W. H. Boddy, Colville, vice president; Daisy Hard, Colville, secretary; Ella V. Hanna, Colville, treasurer. Just now the work is along the line of securing information regarding all the Sunday schools and their work throughout the county. The teachers of the county have been asked to give such information as they may have and the secretary will follow up the matter by C 1 * *A. Your Account With a large capital and a fine equipment, this bank solicits your account. The bank is pre pared to extend every reason able accommodation. Call and see about it. Bank of Colville Organized 1891 Capital T. Winter, President C. W. Winter, Cashier T. A. Winter, Asst. Cashier correspondence. At the last meeting of the executive board funds were voted to send Rev. C. J. Boppell of Spokane into the Pend d'Oreille district to more thoroughly organize that section. Mr. Boppell is field secretary for the Eastern Wash ington and Northern Idaho Sunday School Associ ation. A. C. Walgamott of Spokane has located in Col ville and intends to institute a school of musical instruction on brass and stringed instruments. Mr. Walgamott is an excellent violinist. The writer has heard him play in Butte and knov/s of his high standing in musical circles. For two years he has played in Spokane, coming to Col ville once last winter to assist the local talent at a dance. He and E. A. Bennett will organize a band and orchestra and will be prepared to furnish music for any occasion. Arrangments have been made whereby their orchestra will play at the opera house for the different attractions of the season and also for a number of dances this winter. Mr. Bennett possesses recognized ability on brass instruments and before coming to Colville was band director at different times. Mr. Walgamott will devote his entire time to music, and as a master in his profession he can receive none but a most cordial welcome in Colville. We deem it a pleasure to show you our work. Call and look it over. Justus & Treadwell. I 00,000