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Mrs. J. P. Fletcher of Hunters is at the hospital this week. A. C. Egan has returned to his position as local operator for the S. F. & N. A big girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis yesterday morning. John C. Rums, who has been in Godfrey the past season, is here visiting friends. Mrs. R. B. Short of Wilbur is here visiting the family of her sister, Mrs. George H. Shaver. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fullerton of Meyers Falls were Colville visitors Wednesday. Their son is attending school here. The greatest football game this year occurs to day between Yale and Harvard. The betting is 5 to 1 in favor of Yale. An enjoyable surprise party occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Van Buren Monday evening, the occasion being the birthday anniver sary of Mrs. Van Buren. Kirk E. Johnson, John Collins and S. P. Car michael have qualified as commissioners of drain age district No. 3, each by filing a $5000 surety bond with the board of county commissioners. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational church will meet at the Congregational church on Friday afternoon, Nov. 29. All the ladies who are interested in the fair are invited to attend the meeting. Steam was turned on at the courthouse yesterday from the new heating plant. The heating fixtures for the jail will be completed today. Much satis faction is expressed by the county officials over the manner in which the new plant works. M. C. Kelly is having a large amount of shelving placed in his furniture store in the Hotel Colville building on which he will display a large line of crockery and chinaware. He now has a fine line of the very best imported wares and has more on the way—latest designs for the holiday trade. Colville's hotel equipment, large as it is for a town of this size, has been taxed to the utmost this week. Superior court and Institute coming the same week have brought many strangers here. The Hotel Colville, with management and assistants totaling 12 persons, was busy all the time. They furnished an average of 300 meals a day for five days, and gave sleeping accomodations to about 80 every night. The Lee Hotel and Cafe were crowded all week. Restaurants did a large busi ness and many homes were thrown open to the visitors. Colville ever welcomes all who may come and offers her best in every line. The Week's Court News Superior court convened Monday, Nov. 18, Judge W. 0. Chapman of Pierce county on the bench. Cases on the docket were disposed of as follows: Petition for disincorporation of the Newport Brick & Lime company was, on hearing, granted. In re estate of Henry Morgan, deceased, hearing continued. E. S. Sullivan vs. N. A. Foster, demurrer. C. C. Knutson vs. Rasmus Malde, demurrer to complaint. State vs. Fred Wilson, information quashed on motion of the prosecuting attorney. In the matter of the estate of Bertha Brattson, hearing on petition for appointment of an admin istrator, continued to December 2. In the estate of Thomas Bresh, order appoint- ing appraisers. In the matter of the estate of John Martin Winther, deceased, order appointing appraisers. N. H. Gammage vs. Meyers Falls Lumber com pany, hearing on defendant's motion to dismiss for want of jurisdiction, taken under advisement. Joseph Keller vs. R. F. Higgenbotham, demur rer of the defendant overruled. A. A. Steams vs. Loretta M. Steams, divorce granted. In the matter of the estate of Richard Barnett, deceased, hearing on final account continued until December 2. H. M. Lund et ux vs. Idaho & Washington Northern Railway, permanent injunction granted. In re estate of Robert Pantz, deceased, hearing on probate of will continued for further testimony. Soli vs. Soli, hearing on application for increase in alimony, denied. H. E. Spedden vs. Sykers, trial on facts and judgment for the plaintiff. Belle Bascon vs. S. F. & N. railway, motion of defendant to make more definite and certain, de nied. Mary Donovan vs. S. F. & N. railway, same motion, same ruling. Elmer E. Conrad vs. Gordon Granger, continued for trial to December 2. L. C. Richardson vs. M. C. Cooper, suit for promissory notes, judgment for plaintiff. J. H. Young et al vs. the A. P. Hataling com pany, trial and judgment for plaintiff. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational church will hold a fair Dec. 6 and 7. They will have for sale articles appropriate for Christmas gifts, also aprons and kimonas. A "fish pond" will be an attraction of special interest. For Sale—Hay, grain and feed, delivered to all parts of town. Phone 109. Lasswell Bros.