Newspaper Page Text
DON'T FOOL YOURSELF! Misfortunes CAN happen to you. You are not im mune! Suppose your wife took sick and you lost your work at the same time? It would be hard luck, wouldn't it? What would you do ? Suppose you were injured in some kind of an acci dent. Then suppose you were laid up for several months and that your pay should stop. What would you do? How would you make ends meet? Suppose you die. What would your wife do? Could she keep the family together? Even if she could, it would mean long slaving that you could have saved her. Suppose you drop into our bank today and let us talk to you about a bank account. You will feel a whole lot safer with a rainy-day fund in the bank. Just a little every week, and you'll soon have a substantial account. The Oldest Bah^ /n SrEV£NS Cocvr^ IBank" Colyille THE. LIVE. STOCK BAMK i COLVILLE NEWS i ■ Advertisement. J Go to Rich's for your glasses. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Cole's Airtight heaters at the R. E. Lee Co.; safe and economical. 1916 model Overland for sale cheap if .sold soon. Inquire E. O. Arm field, Leader Dept. Store. If you want graham, try a nine pound sack of Top-Noch, for mush or gems. For sale at all dealers.—adv. Strayed—Roan mare, weight 800, Brand H on wether, white face, pig eon-toed, had bell and halter on. No tify Carl Wiltermood, Middleport. For sale, 2 houses and lots, Nos. 439 and 455, E. Second avenue, Col ville. Write D. McTigue, Aladdin. For sale fresh cow and calf. 2 pigs. Inqure Victor May ranch. Harry Moore. For sale at a sacrifice, six lots 30x40 with buildings, in Corbin's ad dition, best garden spot in town. Will not refuse a reasonable offer. -Address R. H. Champ, Mehama, Ore. Jersey bulls, sons of Pogis 75th, whose first ten daughters averaged over 500 pounds butter as two-year olds. Priced for quick sale.—W. M. Hudleson, Colville. Strayed from my place 12 miles east of Colville: Bay horse, blocky build, weight 1500 or more, white spot in forehead, one white hind foot. Bay horse, rangy build, weight 1500, white spot in forehead. Belonging to John Rickey. Finder please phone 1256. Geo. R. Jessee of Marcus has se cured the Chalmers agency for the Colville to Boundary territory, and will answer all inquiries on cars, or Service guaranteed 6,000 mile tires, and 6,000-mile puncture-proof tubes. Lost, two bay geldings, 2800 pounds. Had halters. Roached manes; P. G. Jourdan, Aladdin. Cole's economical stoves at. the R. E. Lee Co. See program for the following week at the Colvillle theater. Colville Marble and Granite Works. Order now for spring delivery. Write for catalogue and price. The pocket loose leaf billing and statement system is the latest in use in Colvillle. Bills and statements and memoranda can be carried in an indexed pocket book, thus saving much time, worry and calculation. It is also used for a petty ledger, or by houses which do a cash business with an occasional credit carried for a few days. The Examiner furnishes the: ■■ books and fillers, and samples can be sent by mail. Insure Your Horses and Cattle i In a lure end reliable company. In hui'i- asainnt death from any cause. Dr. Johnson, Veterinarian Colville. Wash. For sale, Oakland Six. Five new tires. Phone 624. Cabbage for sale, reasonable if sold at once. O. J. Wolfe, R. D. 2, H. C. Gates farm. Miss Bessie Donley and W. W. Campbell helped at the postoffice this week, volunteering because of the shortage on the force, due to influ enza. Strayed—Bay mare, coming 7 years old, weight about 1050, white saddle marks on side, brand on right shoulder. Reward for taking up and notifying C. H. King, R. 1, Addy. Strayed—4 head of cattle. 2 red heifers branded "O-C," hole in left ear. Roan with warts on head. 1 brindle, right ear off, left split. H. M. Morrow, phone 112-x6, R. 1, Colville. Wanted, girl or woman for gen eral housework. Write Mrs. J. L. Walsh, Republic. Lost—Brown mare, age 2, Brand R left shoulder. Inform R. R. Bald win, Rice. We take this means of thanking the many friends, whose sympathy during 1 our recent bereavement was expressed with their many kind acts and beautiful flowers. Mrs. Nath alie Dupuis and family. Mrs. Lillian Sylvester Davis of Echo valley was taken to the Col ville general hospital Monday night to under j?o a major operation. She has two sons in the service. Miss Stacia and Miss Ella Bresna han of the local board are back on duty, having recovered from attacks of Spanish influenza. Miss Lillian Acorn and Miss Marg aret Waddell, students of Whitman college, returned home Saturday to remain until the school opens again. Among the guests registered at Hotel Colville this week were Lee Chisom of Laurier, W. E. Chapman, W. J. Graham, J. M. Glasgow and A. R. Geutsch of Hunters, W. L. Light and family of Davenport, Chas. Mon her of Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Flood and Elmer Trick of Valley, R. J. Lafferty of Spokane, C. Mitchell, Harry Zachow and Edwin Hayden of Loon Lake, F. E. Tickell, A. Rennie, H. F. Kipper, J. J. Davis, P. F. Mil ham, Emil White, B. A. Lunderson and sons, A. S. Heartfleld, L. P. Hay den, Minnie F. Manley, E. J. Ander son, Mrs. E. R. Mitchell, R. O. Aus tin, S. J. Wall, all of Spokane, John Van Dorm of Orin, Thomas Bowers of Chewelah, J. C. Dehaven of Col ville, Mrs. C. E. Cooper of Sandpoint, Charles Heffley of Deer Park, Geo. Brown of Cheney, Russell Harris of Chewelah, li. L Bligham of Kettle Falls, Mrs. C. C. Gaking of Silver dale, B. F. Cook of Chewelah, Gerald Vinsent of Orient, Max Delekine of Orient, Win. Heinemann of Addy, P. H; Graham of Boundary, Nelire De- Longe of Woudspur, W. P. Cassell of .Seattle, T. E. Keightley of Danville. You can always get your money back—W. S. S. Your county la behind in its War Saving! pledgee. Buy W. S. S. The Colville Examiner, Saturday, November 9, 1918 RAYMOND BRADBURY DIES AT RED CROSS HOSPITAL Raymond Longfellow Bradbury, but recently appointed mailing clerk at the postoffice and for several years a member of the postoffice force, died at the Red Cross hospital Sunday evening at eight o'clock from pneu monia following Spanish influenza. His death marked a realization among the people of Colville as to the growing seriousness of the influenza epidemic. Mr. Bradbury was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bradbury of Kettle Falls. His wife, who was ill with the influena at the same time, is re covering at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Brigham of Kettle Falls, and funeral arrangements had to be postponed until her health would en able her to attend. Mr. Bradbury also leaves a sister, Mrs. Lucile Curry of Rice. Mr. Bradbury was thirty four years of age an<r was bom in Illinois. He had lived in Stevens county for ten years. He was a Mason, a Knight of Pythias and a member of the Woodmen of the world His genial, kindly disposition and clean character had made him loved by many friends who are going to miss him. Mr. Bradbury stayed at his work until Postmaster Durland urged him to go home. He went home Monday night of last week and both he and Mrs. Bradbury became so ill that they were removed to the hospital on Sunday. Mr. Bradbury died that night. United States Weather Observer W. L. Sax, makes the following report for the month of October: Maximum temperature 78 on the 2nd and 12th, minimum 26 on the 26th and 30th, average for month 50.5, which is 5.2 more than the average for October for the last 33 years, and the warmest October since 1889. Precipitation was 1.5 inches, which is .12 less than normal. Clear days 11, cloudy 17, part cloudyS. Robert L. Walsh and Benjamin F. Hammond, two well known Stevens county boys, received orders to re port at Camp Polk, North Carolina, to enter a tank training corps, and left Wednesday. Fred J. Williams, son of James M. Williams, a plumber of Colville, is beginning to consider himself rather unlucky. He has been eagerly wait ing the arrival of his eighteenth birthday so that he might enlist. When the time came, he offered his services to Uncle Sam and has been waiting notification as to whether his application had been accepted. The news has come that he will be expected to report at Camp Polk, North Carolina, to jenter a tank training corps, but young Williams is in the hospital with a broken leg. He has been working in. one of the garages in Colville, and Friday night he broke his leg in an auto mishap. Such is the irony of fate, thinks the would-be soldier. Edwin T. Rice writes his Colville friends from Cheney, where he is a member of the S. A. T. C, that about seventy men out of one hundred there had the flu, but that the epi demic in the school is on the wane as only about twelve are now ill with it. He says that it missed him and he has the duty of answering the tele phone inquiries about the flu patients. The men are tightly quarantined in the barracks, but play cards, read and play the piano to keep things from getting monotonous. Ho says that the printing department there is a good one and he spends an hour and a half each day studying printing. The men have kitchen police duty, in spection and other military routine and lire expecting their uniforms soon. Mrs. .1. M. F.ilertson and little son arrived this week from Ellensburg and are the guests of Mrs. Eilert son'a sister, Mrs. L. H. Rothlisberger. Mr. Eilertson is in the officers' training camp at Presidio Miss Irene Seal has been very ill with influenza but is now recovering. Mrs. Elton K. Spicer has as her guests at her home, Valley View, her mother, Mrs. L. M. Shepherd of Min neapolis, and her sister, Mrs. L. M. West of Ashton, South Dakota. Mrs. Shepherd will make her future home with her daughter, while Mrs. West is here for a visit of indefinite length. Mr. and Mrs. L E. Jesseph went to Walla Walla Wednesday where their son Harry, who is a student at Whitman, is ill with a light attack of influenza. A story is being told of a reply given by a student to a question in an examination paper: "If twenty men reap a field in eight hours," ran the question, "how long will it take fifteen men to reap the same field?" The student thought long and care fully before setting the answer, and when he handed in his paper this \» what the examiner read: "The field having already been reaped by the twenty men, could not be reaped by the fifteen." RED CROSS OPENS INFLUENZA HOSPITAL The Red Cross branch in Colville took over the Harvey hospital Mon day and is receiving influenza pa tients there. Only influenza pa tients are now being oared for at this hospital, which has been turned over by Mrs. Harvey to meet the needs of the influenza situation. The Red Cross is asking the people of Colville and vicinity for the nec essary food for the institution. Veg etables, bread, canned fruits and other foods will be needed from time to time and the Red Cross is depend ing upon the generosity of the people to help in this way. Mrs. George ■Stenger is in charge of the food do nations, and any one wishing infor mation should call her. She can tell you what is needed at the particular time and about the delivery of it. The people of Marcus have re sponded liberally to the call of the Red Cross hospital there for help of this kind. IKFLUINZA TAKES TWO FROM FAMILY Alfred Lawrence Davis, the 2-year old son of Seth I. Davis, died Monday morning of Spanish influenza and in terment took place Tuesday after noon at Highland cemetery, where services were held, Rev. J. S. Bell officiating. This is the second death in the Davis family during the past week. Mrs. Kster Davis having died of the influenza Tuesday, Oc tober 29. Mr. and Mrs. Davis with their throe children, were about to move onto their new farm property near Colville when the epidemic hit their home with such sad results. Little Alfred leaves a twin sister and a toother ten years of age RAYMOND BRESNAHAN HIT BY HUN SHRAPNEL SHELL In a letter to his mother, dated October 7, Raymond liresnahun wrote' that he had been wounded by shrapnel through the right shoulder. Corporal John Shea, a friend of Bres nahan, wrote the letter for him and said that no bones wen broken, but the piece of shrapnel cut one of the main arj^^iy; and destroyed some of the nerves', thus paralyzing the right arm for an indefinite time. In spite of the above described wound, the Colville boy dictated to his friend: "Otherwise lam feeling as well as ever." He received his wound the second day he was in any fighting. That was on the 27th day of September, just a month after he arrived in France. He is in Com pany X, 305 th infantry of the American expeditionary forces. Ray attended the Colville high school, where he was a senior. He was ill for a time with diphtheria and this kept him from finishing his course. He went with a contingent of select service men June 84, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bresnahan of Colville. His sister, Miss Ella Bresnahan, is a member of the local draft board office. To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and en joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the family system tonic. Price, $1.25. —adv. MILLINERY With the New York Weekly Service and a general new line of goods ar riving weekly am able to show up-to- date millinery always Prices to suit everybody Come and see for yourselves LATEST IN COATS AND SUITS The PARLOR MILLINERY Mrs. C. L. Durkee 138 East Astor. Colville Fordson Tradlor Made by Henry Ford & Son a carload of fordson tractors will arrive in colville this week. place your order at once if you want one of these tractors. the fordson tractor, like the ford car, Carries a guaranty backed by henry ford WILLETT BROS., Colville Authorized Distributors for Stevens, Ferry and Pend Oreille Counties $780 PROFIT ON THREE CARLOADS OF CATTLE That's the extra profit one shipper made by marketing at the Spokane Union Stockyards Another shipper saved $400. Send us your next shipment in carload lots or in a community car with your neighbors. Highest prices in the northwest paid right here. Write or wire for quotations and weekly market letter. SPOKANE UNION STOCKYARDS Box 2185, Spokane, Wash. DON'T DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING EARLY Uncle Sam says you must do it EARLIER! Your first thought should be of the soldier's Xmas. The amount you can send overseas is limited. So is the space your gifts can occupy. You can subscribe to the Home Paper for him It won't take up any of that two-pound space. All the returned soldiers tell you what the home paper means over there. Every soldier from Stevens county should get the Colville Examiner. The publisher is not permitted to send it unless some one subscribes for it. of You can send him a little Loose-Leaf Memo Book Every soldier appreciates this little loose-leaf book, for notations, names, addresses, and diaries. They weigh one ounce, can be carried by the soldier wherever he goes, and they cost you either 7()c or 95c. We can all send cards and letters of greeting You can come in TODAY and leave your order for Xmas cards. Artistic cards printed with your own indi vidual message, and Xinas seals to go with them. These cards are most popular this year, when people are all try ing to save, yet want to remember their friends. THE COLVILLE EXAMINER YOUR LIVESTOCK MEANS MONEY TO YOU Let us handle your next shipment and get you top market prices. Spokane is your nearest shipping point, and the place where you can get best returns. SHIP TO US and be assured of the very best selling service. We can fill feeder and stocker orders. P. W. Murphy Commission Co. Union Stockyards Spokane Washington Page 5