OCR Interpretation

Olympia tribune. [volume] (Olympia, Wash.) 1890-1893, November 27, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085350/1891-11-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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o————o F————o
The Cities Qf Olympia and Tumwater, and
4 Thurston Cougty.
V'OLUME 11. NO. 172 >
Pocketbooks Purses
Buy your Watches at CARYLON’S on Installments. '
, ,pfi" 24....» I
t%\ "will.” (71% . - fig" " . ‘3‘; M bi§
41.1 “ . huh-9L: 3 '- ‘5. 3"“;‘205 I: ‘f. ,’ 7;“ ’2:
\.,\T\~ & , .I 7» WAVE“
. . \ > If"
F w 0 al} 1011 Graduate of Chicago
I I » Ophthalmic College.
I will examine scientifically and accurately by the most approved methods known to
modern science, all errors of Refraction, Hypermetropia, Myopia, Astignmtism.As-|
thenopia and Presbyopia, all who desire to have their éyes tested. Remember if you _
need glasses, I guarantee to you a perfect and satisihctory tit. An elegant line ol'Opti
cal Goods constantly on hand.
References: Dr. A. B. Woodard, Dentist; Dr. (1. L. Flannigan, Physician and Sur
geon; Dr. ()stramler, Physician; John Kleber. Lawyer; Dr. A. S. Oliver. Dentist; Dr.
Warren Riley, Surgeon; J. R. Pattison, (la )italist; Dr. .I. S. Nen'o()iiil); Dr. EJ. I’.
Jento, Physician and Surgeon; E. G. McDonalli.
Photographs at HOIIIB Day 01‘ Night!
Being desirous of keeping pace with the times and to give my patrons the benelit
of the latest novelties, I am prepared to make INSTANT‘ANEO US PHOTOGRAPHS
of evening gatherings. dinner parties. drawing room and stage scenes, dark interiors of
stores, offices, etc. Where before it has been impossible to get a. picture I can now by
this new process make you beautiful life-like photograhs Without trouble. Parties (le
sirious of my services can make engagements at my studio, Corner Main and Fifth
streets, Olympia.
Y 1 ' '1
S 1.11. A N, [
424 Fourth Street. TelephoncNo. 13.
Draughting and Blue Printing ‘
Our Abstracts are posted to date every evening, and are the only complete set of Abstracts from
. Government to date in the county.
liystalrs ln Chalnbers Block - - - - Olympia, \Vasll-
I ' I
Leading Merchant V I allor.
. ~——Always keeps a. full assortment of—~—— l
, ......WTHE”
Silsby Block, Main Street, Olympia.
School : Books
Statiomgoffi Kinds.
Inks, Mucifigfl—me Paper.
Headquarters for Everything.
-—-—-A magnificent stock of———
Ceiling Decorations
Just received. ‘
East 4th at - -
and willow were, eroekery and
glassware. guns pistols, rides. all kinds of
:nnnmnition.nenn-nt, paint oils and win
liUVV gins-'3: ’
Collegiate Institute
___o_ :~
“The Pioneer $OllOOl oi Washington.”
COLLEGE Connemper term, - sl2.
NORMAL COURSE, ner term, - 12.
COMMERCIAL COURSE, per term, 13.
GRAMMER COURSE, per term, - 8.
Music, per term, - - 12.
ELooU'rlon, per term, - - 1.").
STENOGRAPIIY, per term, ~ 10.
Am‘ INSTRTUTION, per hour, - 250.
The oiier of board, tuition and room rent for
$l5O per year in.mlvnnce has already brought
about 75 students to Olympia from abroad. All
the privelegea and opportunities of the Institute
are open to the patrons of Oiympia for the price
of tuition alone .
A Faculty of nine Instructors and Specialists.
completely furnished boarding and lodging
halls, literary and debuting societies and thor
ough work in all departments are the advan
tages offered. - I
For further information call on or address
_ oomnwrone AND, BUILDERS,
. 7 Q
Bridge Building and Pile Driving.
. V.
Grading and Bridging. Office: Room
8, Woodruii block.
Estimates made on application.
OLYMPIA - - - - - WASH.
C - v ’
Office fittings, counters, shelving and all
jobbing promptly attended to. Estimates
furnished on application. P. 0. box 177.
WEEKS & co ,
_ Plans and specifications furnished.
, Lot and land cleariilijg done promptly.
‘ Camp on Westside on ourth and Bront
Olympia & Ghehalis ‘Valley Ry
———~o-——— V ‘
Time Card to take eflect Sunday Nov. 1. 1
NO. 1.
Leave..............01ympin............9z1‘10n. m.
Arrive...............'1‘euin0............10:30n. 211.
NO. 2.
Leave...“..........‘1‘enin0............10;50n. m.
NO. 3.
Leave..............01ympia............Rzmp. m.
NO. 4.
_ 0
Nos. 1 and 4 run daily. Nos. 2 and 3, daily ex
cept Sunday.
The morning tmin makes close connection
with the Northern Pncific train from Tacoma
to Portland, and the evening train connects
with the train from Portland to Tacoma.
, Ass (5., Supt
R. C. Smith. One of the Earliest
White Settlers. ,
There was registered at Young’s hotel
011 Wednesday one of the oldest settlers of
territorial days in the person of R. 0.
Smith, who is now a resident of Tucker, on
the Cowlitz, Where he practices law and
also has an extensive farm.
M r.Smith crossed the plains with George
A Barnes and others from the Missouri
river and landed in Vancouver in 1848. He
‘started alone from Vancouver to the
Sound, and while camping on the Cowlitz
he came across the late A. B. Rabbeson.
Their destinations were both in the same
direction and they discussed and par'
tially arranged for the establishment
ofa sawmill at Tumwater. Smith was de
tained, however, until the spring of 1850
and Rabbeson preceded him. When
Smith arrived in the spring of 1850, he
found Col. Simmons. John Kindred, Ed
mundS lvester and others. Smith was
in searcher" Rabbeson, his intention being
to carry out the arrangements for the erec
tion of the saw mill. Rebbeson had gone
down the sound, and Col. Simmons so
directed Smith. The latter in company
with Mr. Sylvester entered a canoe and
landed on the beach just below First street.
It was then that Mr. Sylvester took the
claim on which is now located the
city of Olympia. Smith remained
with him about two hours. and then
continued down the Sound in search of
Rabbeson. He found him at a place which ‘
he now supposes was the'original site of‘
the present city of Tacoma, but the location
didn’t suit, and he paddled back to Turn
water, stopping about a. week at Fort Nes
,quelly. At Tuniwater, the Puget Sound
Milling company had been formed, and
for three months Smith took charge of this. i
He then returned to the Cowlitz and has
since made that his home.
Doubtful Economy.
Tacoma Globe: The statement has gone
out‘from Olympia that Governor Ferry ex
presses the opinion that the legislature will
make provision for the payment ofinterest
on all certificates of indebtedness given by
the state auditor in lieu of warrants, in
‘ cases where there is no available appropri—
ation. This indebtedness, for services
alone, is estimated to aggregate about SIOO,-
UOO up to the present time; and will con
tinue to accumulate, together with other
certificates for materials, etc., in carrying
out the present plans for continuing work
on the various public institutions. At this
rate the indebtedness will reach an enor~
mous figure, before a remedy can be ap- ,
plied by the legislature, in regular session. 1
The governor’s purpose in constructively
pledging to the holders of this indebted
ness a liberal interest was doubtless the
strengthening of the value of the certifi
cates in financial circles, in order that they
may be hypothecated to better advantage.
To that extent it will probably have a good
effect, enabling thepersons rendering ser—
vice for the state or furnishing supplies to
realize cash for them, without exorbitant
discounts. On the other, hand, the ropri
ety of accumulating this large indjebted
ness, upon which the state is ex )ected to
pay interest, is exceedingly doubtgul in the ,
mind of a student of political economy. ‘
The sum of the indebtedness contem
plated, or the rate of interest, can only be
roughly estimated or conjectured, but the
interest alone will surely extend far into
the thousands, as it isyot likely to be fixed
at less than 6 per cent,a;ud is more likely
to reach 10, w iile persons furnishing sup
plies will naturally'be; inclined to add a
reasonable margin on account of the un
certainty as to interess;; It is questionable,
‘ therefore, whether itgwould not be in the
iiuterest of economy twfibandon all work
for which legal appreptfiations have not
been made, andawaigiaggéon on the 3:11; of
the nettlegialgturofiniefifiig «its; ._ fears
in the enactments passed in ffii‘e confusion
of the closing hours of the last session.
A Few Sensible Dont’s for Girls.
Music and Drama: Girls, when the true
knight comes along:
Don’t believe implicitly everything he
tells you when he is wooing you.
Don’t let him win your love too easily;
men do not like that; they would rather
have a little trouble togain {you.
Don’t worry the life out 0 him by asking
him, “Why do you love me ‘2” He does
not always have an answer for you.
Don't bother him too much about your
hats and gowns; a. man likes to think you
dress to please him, but he has other
things to talk about.
Don’t ignore the fact when he wears a
new necktie; if a man has a tender spot of
vanity, it is generally his tie.
Don’t, above all, forget to give him a
true woman’s heart,‘ with no reserves for
any one else; love him, be good to him,
try your best to make him happy.
Knights of l’ythias ()lllcers.
Capital Lodge No. 15, K. of I’., of this
city, has elected the following officers for
the ensuing term:
Chas. T. Whitney, C. 0.: B. 11. Smith, V.
0.: George B. Scammell, P.; I); F. Shaser,
M. at A.; W. B. Shearer, K. of R. and S.;
F. G. Blakeslee, M. of F.; Hugh Ross, M.
of E.; Gus Shaser, I. (in; E. 0. Free, 0. 6.;
J. C. Rathbun, P. C.
The Best is the Cheapest.
”Whatever is worth doing, is worth do—
ing well” is a good business motto. The
State Printing and Publishing Company
gives evidence of following closely that
motto. It has sent out a specimen folder
of the finest'kind of printing, fully equal
to any city in the union and it has all the
facilities to turn out the best, and there
fore the cheapest {ob printing in the state.
Every sort of him ing is also done at the
office. ‘ '
Unitarian Bazaar.
Christmas is coming and therefore the
sale of useful and fancy articles by the wo
men workers of the Unitarian church,
Tuesday evening, Dec, Ist. at Columbia
hall. Free admittance and free entertain
ment, refreshments served upon order.
1126-3 t
011 Foreign Soil.
Andrew Johnson was the only president
that ever stood on foreign soil while hold
ing office. It occurred during the frmous
“swing around the circle,” in 1866, while
visiting Niafiara falls, when he went in a
carriage to t e Canadian side. The presi
dent did not think at the time that he had
violated a Eirecedent, and it occurred to
him only w )en he had returned to his
hotel and was alone with his secretary,
who promised to keep the matter secret.
‘ A Sacrifice Sale of Felts.
Mrs. Sternberg is now prepared to re
ceive her patrons at her new establish
ment in the Mann building on Fourth
street. In order to make room for her new
stock, she has inaugurated a. special sale of
felts, which are going like hot cakes. Felts
that were $2 are going at 25 and 50 cents.
(let a move on you, if you want one.
For sale at a Bargain.
A M ulay sawmill of latest improvement,
with engine and steel boiler 15 to 20 horse
power, all complete and nearly new. Mill
capacity 4to 5 thousand feet. Apply to J.
C. Perelval, Union Dock, Olympia or to J
M. Swan. . iiStf
Onlv, Their, “ Gall.”
Avoid traveling concerns with only their
,gall to recommend, and go to Olympia Dye
Works, 320 Third street. 1124-tf
California Grain Market.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 27.—Wheat, buyer
'9l, $1.86%; season, $1.94%.
A Light-Weight Battle in' Aus
‘ tralia.
The Champion Knocked, Out by the
Fierce ,Ollsluugln of a New
Dlan---'l‘he De
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 27.—-The Mariposa
brings information that George Dawson,
the celebrated Australian lightweight, who
i was recently invited to come to this coun
try to fight- Danny Needhem fora $4,000
purse. has been deposed as the champion
of Austrailia in the lightweight division
by Tom Williams of Melbourne. The
fight took place at Melbourne on the night
of October 3131;. It was for a purse of $5,000
and a. purse of $l,lOO. More money has
changed hands on the event than on any
other ring contest in Australia for years, it
being an intercoionial match between Vic
toria and New South Wales. At the word
“go,” VVilliauns dashed at Dawson, and in
spite of the redoubtable Sydneyite’s splen
did science, the Victorian broke down his
guard and got in and minced it with him.
Then the men fought like veritable demons.
It was a style of fighting that
Dawson had not been used to,‘ and it
was plainly evident in the early part of the
round that he had got his match this time
even thus early in the right. After two
minutes of desperate going Williams got in
a. terrible right lmnder fair on the neck.
1 high up behind the ear and nearly ended
‘ the bnttle. Time was called and then
Dawson made a desperate effort to turn the
tide of battle but it was in vain and he
never had a. chance after that fearful blow.
The second and third rounds were nothing
but slaughter as Dawson out—fought him
all the journey. In the fourth round he
come up greunellgiy to battle for his reputation
and for his bac ers coin but he got a hard
one on the ’aw that stretched him out dead
to the world] and he remained unconscious
for fully ten minutes after he was counted
out Melbourne sports were frantie over their
win and Williams was declared the cham
pion light-weight of Australia. amongst
immense applause. Mr. Gerald Buckley his
backer intends to take him on a tour
th ronizlrx fri'ei-ica'émfiifi ropeunld tr} iufvlie
cannot bring with him the championship
01' the world. _ i
w_,—w__fi—_ i
F“ RSI-ll S’l‘A'l‘E NE \VS. l
The steamer Clara. Brown is to be sold.
Hans Anderson and John Johnson were
killed by a landslide on the N. P. road near
9. Tacoma has a larger foreign trade than
ny other city of the Pucilic coast except
San Francisco.
The big Port Townsend dry dock has ar
rived at Quartermaster harbor near Ta
coma and is moored there. ‘
A Y is to be put in at Meeker junction‘
by which through freight will go through
to Scuttle over the N. P. \\ ithout switching
at thatpoint.
Captain Edwin Nichols, Post No. 78, G.
A. R. of Quilcene and a Women’s Relief
Corps has been mustered in and new
posts are to be organized at Gig Harbor
and Elma.
R. C. Long, a merchant in Montesano,
caught the wife of a prominent citizen
shop-lifting and compelled her to give up
‘ her plunder.
L»: Ajtorney . General Jones denies the
lNo‘rt iern'l’aci’fic‘s’claim for a 40!) foot strip
of the water front at Tacoma. and says the
action of the harbor line commission is
Miss Jessie Hopkins’ clothing caught
fire in the Congregational church at Aber
deen and she was seriously burned. There
was almost a. panic in the church.
' The Chicago Inter-Ocean of November
let has a front page cartoon of New York
and Tacoma. racing for the holding of the
republican national convention, With Ta
coma. in the lead. Neither were “in it.”
The P.—l. says of Lawyer Heuston’s
book of Tacoma, “The Rice Mills of Port
Mysteryz“ “It opens with a descriptive
chapter at considerable merit, in which an
hitherto undiscovered peak called Mount
Tacoma figures prominently, and the
scene is laid in the Sound country.”
The Pomeroy East Washingtonian says
of the recent court martial: _ “It is pretty
plain that the case was 'beyond the juris
diction of the military court, and that by
convening it Governor Ferry incurred an
unnecessary expense that might have been
avoided by a. more considerate commander
in-chief.“ ,
“Dick” Hutchinson, the democratic
representative from Lincoln county, is in
favor of an extra session. He says all the
farmers favor it and the railroads do not.
He also says: “Governor li‘erryhatl ad
vanced the moneiy to pay for the survey
of the school lan s and the securing of
them to the state. It is my opinion that
he stands a better chance to [fat his Money
back from the present legis ature than he
would from the next one, for the reason
that in all probability it will bczdemocratic
and it might not be the policy of the dem
ocratic party to pay debts contracted by
a republican administration.”
Clilcugo Produce Market.
CHICAGO. Nov. 27. —— Close Wheat——
Steady; cash, 92%; December, 93; May,
99% at %.
Corn—Firm; cash, 700; November, 740;
May, 43@43%c.
Oats—Steady; cash, 33%0; December,
32; May, 32%. '
Pork— Steady; Cash, $8.45; December,
$8.45; January, $11.25.
Lard—Steady; cash, [email protected]; Jan-
January, $6.22M.
Barley—Nominal, 59.
New York stock Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 27. Noon - Money
easy, at 3%@3% per cent. Stocks quiet
to dull and heavy at about lowest prices.
Fours coupons, 17; Pacific 613,11; Atehi
,son, 43; Central Pacific, 31; Burlington,
91%; Denver & Rio Grande 15%; North
lern Pacific, 26%; Northern Pacific
greferred, 71%; Northwestern, 17%; New
ork Central, 14; Oregon Navigation,
75; North American, 17%; Pacific Mail,
38%; Rock Island, 83%; St. Paul &
Omaha, 36%; Texas Pacific, 12; Union
Pacific, 41%: Wells Fargo Express, 40;
Western Union, 82%. .
Indlctlng Olly otflcinils.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 27—The Examiner
this morning says it is understood the
grand jury will today indict Assessor John
D. Siebe. City and County Attorney John ,
H. Durst an Street Superintendent James ,
Gilleran, and that application will be made ‘
to Judge Wallace to declare the Positions
held by these officials vacant. t is al—
leged the assessor and city attorney have
made illegal and unwarranted reductions
in assessment rolls and that the street su.
perintendent has been exacting a percent
age of the wages of his employees.
Cheap Rates.
For cheapest rates to St. Paul, Milwau
kee, Kansas City, Chicago and all points
East and South, apply to J. C. Percival,
. agent Union Pacific R. R. n24tf,
I Killed “In Wile-
ATOKA, 1.T., Nov. 27.—At Lehigh two
unknown men fired into the house of Pe
ter Fleanteau, and killed his wife.
An Enjoyable Gatherlng at the Olym
pia Hotel.
The annual ball of the Ladies’ Relief So
ciety was a social success in ever¥ meaning
of the word was a success, but t 1e charity
‘ to be dispensed from theproceeds will, un
fortunately, be small. The pleasure of
the dancers was increased by the excellent
music which was probably as good as any
heretofore engaged at the Olympia hotel.
Those who participated in the enjoyment
of the occasxon were:
Governor and Mrs. Laughton. Mr
and Mrs. G. A. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs.
Newell, Mrs. Harris and son Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Phillips, Mrs. Growey
and son Frank, Dr. and Mrs. Armstsong,
Mrs. J.P.Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Reed
of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Porter, Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. McElroy, Mr. and Mrs. E.
G. Deming. Capt. and Mrs. J. J. (a‘rilbert,
T. N. Allen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. E. Farquhar,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Chambers, Capt. Mc-
Micken. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rankine, Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Carlyon, Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Ayer, Mr; and Mrs. Perry, Mr. and Mrs.
H. V. Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. A. D Whitney,
Mrs. A. B. Cowles and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gregory, of Seattle,
Mesdames Turner, Esling. Harris,
Phillips, Horton, Hale, and Irving, Miss
Millie Hansard of Seattle, Misses Ferry,
Laughton, Gordon, Reed, Owen. and Miss
Clara Alway, and M. E. Reed, George G.
, Mills, J. P. Armstrontg, Colonel Eddy, W.
.J.ogden, S. C. Woo'rufl", C. A. Otis, Dr.
1 lngham, Dr. Jento, C. ’l‘. Whitney, Harry
l Cowles, N. Kaufman, Gus Harris, I).
1 Baker and J. I’. Moore.
, The music of the evening was under the
direction of J. W. Campbell, assisted by
M C. Davis, J. M, Aten and W. G. John
In St. Louis, steps are being taken by all
commercial exchanges and business men
generally, to bring t a democratic national
convention there. ’ , ,
The Honduras republic has suffered a se- i
vere loss in the death, by accidental drown
ing, Nov. 4th, of General Edward Kratt, of
San Pedro, commandante Port Puerto Cor
The naval court martial in London,
which has been investigating the fatal gun
practice of H. M. S. Plucky, Monday, ren
dered a decision of acquittal of Lieutenant
Sydney Fremantle, commander of the
Plucky, from all responsibility.
The archbishop of Nancy, France, has
written a lettersimilar to one which caused
the prosecution of the archbishop of Aix.
It is expected the government will take
notice of the letter and cause its author to
be prosecuted.
The Dominion government is advised
that law officers 0 the imperial govern
ment have declared the New Foundland
bait act unconstitutional. Canada and
New Foundland, it has been proposed,
shall submitajoint case to the imperial
privy council.
The Judges in Seattle.
Special to the Tanaumc.
SEATTLE. Nov. 27.—This evening a recep
tion and banquet will be tendered by the
King county bar to the superior judges of
the state who meet here in convention to
day and tomorrow. Col. J. C. Haines will
be master ofceremonies. The toasts are:
“The Superior Court”-—Hon. L J. Licht-i
enburg, of Seattle.
“The Executive”—Hou. E. P. Ferry,
“Are We Reversed ?”——-Hon. W. H. Up
ton’, of Walla Walla.
“The Supreme Court"—-Hon. T. J. An
ders, of supreme court.
“Judge and J ury"—Hon. F. Campbell,
of Tacoma. .
, “Thermreaituflourt oi .AppealsW-rHon.
C. H. Hanford, of Seattle.‘ '
“Judge and Lawyer”———Hon. (LIB. Graves,
of Ellensburgh.
Horrible Accident in Busola.
Sr. Parnaseuao, Nov. 27.———The detailed
accounts of last Tuesday’s accident on the
Orel Graise line by which over twenty per
sons lost their lives are now being received
heue. By the breaking of a tire one of the
carriages was thrown from the rails over a
parapet bridge into the river below. The
lirst carria e in its fall dragged four others
after it anfall five of them broke through
he ice and disappeared. Fifteen persons
on the train were badly injured. The work
of extricating the bodies from the mass of
wreckage in the river is proceeding and at
last accounts twenty-six were recovered.
Not Connpronnlsed.
TACOMA, Nov. 27.;1t was reported here
that the case of the Fidelity bank against
R. B. Albertson. the Seattle cousin of the
robber, hadbeen compromised and would
not be tried in Thurston county. Presi
dent Wallace, of the bank, said:
“No! Don’t you believe it.”
“Are not negotiations to that effect
pending ‘8”
“Not at all. He has ,no grounds on
which to corflnomise. He is the defend
ant.” and r. Wallace smiled a smile
which indicated that the case would re
main on the docket to the bitter end. ‘
'l‘he Condltlnn ol lhe~Wealhen
WASHINGTON, D. 0., Nov. 27. ~ The
storms last night off the Atlantic coast
and over Lake Huron joined as a single
deep storm over Maine. A decided storm
moves from Montana and developed over
lowa. Snow or main is falling in northern
New England, thence to Olno and Mis
souri va leys, and northward. Continued
settled weather may be expected to prevail
while the storm. is moving over the lakes
and down the St. Lawrence.
A Woman’s Work.
CHICAGO. Nov. 27,—A special from North
Branch, Mich., says: A Mormon elder by
the name of Taylor is converting the poo-
Ele of Mills, a small lumbering town near
‘ ere by the score, and an exodus of the
population is in progress. Farmers are
‘among the most entliusiastics who an
‘ nounce a determinattipn to repair to Salt
‘Lake. The people affected mostly are
‘quite poor and a vivid description of
lwealth and luxury by the Mormon mis
i sionarp had its effect, as well as promise of
spiritual salvation.
An Editor In Trouble.
I’Ams, Nov. 27.—-—When the archbisnop of
Aix was convicted of insulting the minis
ter of justice and public worship, he was
lined three thousand francs. The Figaro
opened public subscription and raise the
amount necessary to pay the fine. The
government will prosecute the editor for
this action, holding that it is contrary to
law. .
Texas Farmers Secede. . \
CDRSICANA, Texas, Nov. 27.——The Texas}
state farmers’ alliance has adopted a reso-‘
lution appointing twenty-five delegates to
represent Texas at the Memphis, Tenn.,
convention this month. Resolutions con
demning the action of the supreme council
at Indianapolis and proposing to sever all
connection With the defacto national alli
ance foraseparate organization with en
tirely new officers was adopted.
I 'Progresulve France.
PARIS, Nov. 27.—The naval report of the
budget committee report sets forth that
France now possesses thirty iron .clads,
twenty-six cruiser, fifteen dispatch boats
and fifty-four torpedo boats. The senate
has voted approva of the plan for impos
maxlmum tariff rates only on living ani
mals and their products.
Of Any Daily Newspaper West of Seattle
and Tacoma. ,
~ . .
A Row 1n the brltlsh Horse
Guards at Aldershot. ,
The Corporal of the Guard flung
by a Number of Soldiers—A
Severe Lesson.
LONDON, Nov. 27.—There was much ex
citement at the horse guards today upon
receipt of intelligence from Aldershot,
where is situated the great military bar
racks that a spirit of inutinous insubordi
nation prevailed in one regiment stationed
at that place. It is believed this aflair is
not due to any feeling against the army
regulations or rations served, but is en
tirely the result of a feeling entertained
against the privates of the Second battal
ion of the Prince of Wales Leinster regi
ment (royal Canadian) and against a
corporal who had taken advantage of the
little authority given him to make life as
unpleasant as" possible for those placed
under him, by petty tvrranies. The cor
poral rendered himself obnoxious to the
men who made complaint to higher offi
cers which were not noticed. So bitterly
angry did they become against the cor
pora that they concluded the only way to
avenge themselves was to kill him. As
. the corporal was doing his rounds he was
1 seized by some of the men. He attempted
ito call for assistance, but his cries were
quickly silenced bya gag. Despite his
struggles he was dragged to a convenient
spot. a noose thrown around his neck and
he‘was soon suspended in air at the end of
a rope, made fast and the self appointed
executioners decamped. Fortunately the
corporal had been hanging for only a short
time when a sargeant discovered him and
cut the rape. the corporal was almost
dead and it required moststrenuous efforts
on the part of the surgeon and his assist
ants to resuscitate him. It is believed it
will be some time before he can resume his
duties. In any event it is thought he has
been taught a lesson. The military au
thorities are making strenuous efforts to
find out the perFetrators, but thus far
have been unable o discover who they are.
A Boy Instructed by a Man to Steal
Diamond Rlngs In a House or
111 Repute.
Wednesday evening Mrs. Murry, who
keeps a boarding house near the new court
house made a complaint to Justice
Rathbun that a quantity of bedding was
stolen from her house the night before, A
boy named Frank Brodwell, who had been
boardinf there was missing and suspicion
attache to him and George Clark. who
was an associate of the boy. A search war
rant was issued to search Clark’s float. The
search revealed nothing but the holy,who
was with Clark. He confesse “that
he had taken the clothing and
said Clark urged him to do so. While
the two were having a conference in the
jail an officer overheard Clark ask the boy
what he did with the rings. The rest of
the «conversation was not intelligible.
Early yesterday morning one of the emi—
monde complained to the police that two
‘ diamond rill? were stolen from her room
Sunday nigh . Olficer Mack» went to the
jail and asked the Brodwell boy for the
rings he stole. .He nnhesitatiugly gave
them up and told how he came
by them. Justice Rathbun issued a war
rant for Clark’s arrest and this morning be
waived examination and faillnitto furnish
a. SSOO bond was committed £Ol,, ial attire
January term of the superior court. ‘Aa
the Brodwell boy tells the story he and
Clark were at the house of ill
repute Sunday night and while
the girl was out of her room
for a few minutes, Clark ordered
him to search her bureau and the rings
were found. The case against the boy was
‘oontinued until Judge Robinson returns
jfrom Seattle, when stars will probable be
‘ taken to send him to tle reform school.
OLYMPIA, Wash, Nov. 27, 1891.
a a~sagag§
Place of ° Hsm Ba. 09,. State 0!
Observation. 5, 5 >1; E'fl.’ 5:. weather.
a afig 5 ei'e P S
7‘ - ' - v: c:
0iymp1a...... 30.14 46 Cm Oahu 24 Foggy
got-tigmif...” 'io‘lo4'B Si)” '..8.. fiduu...‘
Ol‘ BJIJ n . ' .
Walla Walla” 30.14 DDS Lightl 3015a}
Spokane...... 30 004015 W 6 .ODGlomi less
Baker City.... 30 0336311: Light .00 Cloud
Roseburg..." 30.2038 E Light .00 Foggyy
Eureka. ..
ltcd Blnflz .. .. 30.10 42 NW Light .00 Cloud less
Sacramentom 80.08 ~12 Cm On. In .00 Cloud less
San Francisco 30.06 56 N 6 .00 ()10ndlcss
The maximum temperature today was
52 degrees and the minimum/16. Maximum
speed of wind, 10 miles per hour, from
southwest. Amountof rainfall, .24 inches,
(for twenty-four hours endin at 3 p.m).
Amount of rainfall since fuly 1, 1891.
20.94 inches; average (for several years)
since July 1, 1891, 14.12 inches; excess
since July 1, :1891, 6.82 inches. For
Saturday, showery and foggy weather.
I}. B. Omar, Obvserer.
1 The Gatzert’s Worth. -
} Few people have an idea of the detri
‘ ment occasioned to this city by the with
\ drawing of the steamer the Bailey Gatzert.
Had this been known, it is probable that
her patronage would have been more liber
al. It not only took away a lot of money
but threw more than thirty men out ot’
employment. John Reagh, who supplied
the Gatzert with wood, was paid nearly
SSOO eve'iy week by the steamboat com
pany. his will all be lost. This has
necessitated the laying off of thirty-three
woodchoppers and six teams. Mr. Reagh
has on hand 2000 cords of dry wood which
will be sold at once at the reduced price of
$3.50 per cord. It will be cut to any size
and delivered im media tely by leaving or
ders with Foster & Laberee.
more Enzlhhnupllclty.
MONROVIA, Liberia, Nov. 27.;Advices
have arrived to the effect that several na
tivcstothe north of Grand Cape Mount
have rebelled against the Liberian authori
ties and placed themselves under the pro
tectiod of the English at Sierra Leone.
The advisability of sending an armed
force against the people is beingconsidered
by the president and cabinet. It is no
secret that English colonists at French
town have looked with longing eyes tow
ard the very rich country which runs
along the northern boundary of Liberia.
It is now thought the English have excited
these tribes tobecome mischievous with.
the hope of bringing about complications
by winch they may be enabled to seize a
section of this much desired land. ,
Death of Mn. Drexel.
PmLADELPmA, Nov. 27.——Mrs. Anthony
J. Drexel, wife of the head of the great
banking firm of Drexel (it 00., died this
morning at her country house, Runn, Del
ware county.
‘ That Fatal Tail.
i Tacoma News: The syringe is urged by
Mrs. Houghton of Spokane for our state
flower. Won’t do, Mrs. H.l Portland
papers would have too much fun changing
the last letter.
SOME 'l‘lllEVlN G.

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