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PAGE FOUR THE EVENING STATESMAN Established 1861. Official Paper of Walla Walla County Published by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. PERCY C. HOLLAND, Mgr. Entered at the Postoffice at Walla Walla Walla, Washington, as Second class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily— On* Tear, In advance, by ma11...5«.00 Btx months. In advance, by mall.. .sß.o* One Month, by carrier 60 cents One Week, by carrier 16 cents Weekly— Olie Toar, In advance, by ma 11... 11.00 Btz Months, in advance, by mail.. , 60 cents The complete telegraphic news service printed in these columns is fur nished by SCRIPPS' NEWS ASSOCIATION aaC" is by far the best report published in Walla Walla NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS: Copy of change of advertisement nuit be delivered to the business of fice by the hour of 10 o'olook a. m. to insure insertion in the issue of even Jate. WORKINGS OF UNANIMOUS JURY. At Miller, S. D., last week Judge "Whiting "roasted" a jury to a turn. The Miller Sun says it was "the most scathing rebuke ever given jurors for failure to agree." The defendant was a young fellow charged with an of fense aginst a 13-year-old girl. As the words, "vile wretch, low villain," etc, fell from the judge's lips as he referred to the defendant and as the jurors were told that they lacked rea soning powers or were influenced by sympathy with the crime the evidence of the accused's guilt being over whelming, the men sat speechless, their faces turning ashen pale. Final ly the judge bade the jurors go with the parting shot that if the man whom they had failed to convict should commit an offense against their daughters they themselves and not the officers of the law would be to blame. The jury stood nine to three for conviction. A jury law which would have en abled a three-fourths majority to bring in a verdict would have con victed the accused in this cose, jus tice would have been done so far as the courts could go and the jury sys tem would not have suffered another serious loss in the confidence of the public. The three-fourths verdict is almost an inevitable result in the course of time. It will make jury fixing much more difficult and pro mote the cause of justice and com mon respect for the jury as an institu tion. STIRRING UP ARMY DOCTORS. In the convention of military sur geons held at Detroit, Mich., there has been a lively discussion of Japanese hospital methods during the receiu "war. Major Seaman praising the Japanese service and Surgeon Stokes of the army denouncing his eulogies as ex ravagant. Major Seaman ap pears to have made himself extreme ly unpopular with the leading ampu tators, for at the close of the de bate he felt it his duty to tender hi? resignation "in case it was wanted." Why an American surgeon should feel compelled to resign from a so ciety of surgeons merely because his observations abroad do not agree with those of some who stayed at home and did not see anything is difficult to un derstand. One remark dropped by Major Seaman may assist to an ex planation of the heat engendered. In the course ff the discussion Dr. Sea man said he had been informed with in the year by the surgeon general and two of his principal assistants that there had not been enough changes made in the army medical system since 1898 to prevent a re currence of the sanitary and hygienir failures of the Spanish war. This seems to be the point where the sparks were emitted. It is well known that in the Spanish war our army medical departmen' was sadly hampered by defects in the system and by the fact that it had lit tle or no control over volunteers: that In Cuba the soldiers, acting as if they were on a picnic, ate and drank what they pleased and gave medical advice DIAMOND RINGS ?° m OU f very lar S e assortment of tu ♦ ,MMUJ Diamond Rings are manv stvles that are meeting with unusual favor. Special designs In D a mond Rings will be promptly executed THE it^?]S/ G ™RY COMPANY Eyi TesteJ fEIT ' G '**-*« OirticUa. 125 Mtia Street _____ Gl*M«« Fitted the go by. Naturally we had a large number of cases of illness and more deaths than we should have had in proportion to the number* of men and the length of the campaign. We do not know anything about Major Seaman, but it would seem as though he were on the right track in the light of what we have learned from Japan. The doctors are prob ably correct in discounting the fairy tales which have come to us of the miraculous character of Japanese surgery. The exceptional of the Japanese is undoubtedly due more to discipline than to any other one cause. The Japanese medical corps precedes the army instead of following it. It has paramount authority as to the sites for camps. It goes ahead of the army, selects camps, tests the water and approves or condemns. When it condemns a stream, the Jap anese soldiers do not drink from that stream. The American army reverses this process. The fighting arm goes ahead and the camp is selected entirely from the military point of view and the privates sample all the bad water in the neighborhood. They get sick and the doctors are hurriedly sent for to attend them. If Major Seaman's criticisms have a tendency to awaken the medical corps to its responsibilities they are good even if some very eminent surgeons with a typewriter-full of degrees is hurt. Better hurt feelings in peace than bury soldiers in war. A corporation of women has been formed in Indianapolis, for the pur pose of building small but artistic houses for people of moderate means. All of the directors are business women; one of the vice presidents is Miss Elizabeth Browning, the city li brarian, and another is the principal of one of the public schools. The secretary has for some time been in charge of the office of a savings and loan association and is a member o£ the Indianapolis inspection board. It is just as inexpensive to erect an ar tistic small house as it is to put up a woodbox and it looks better. The Illinois state insurance exam iner seems to have examined some thing. He found out that the policy holders in twenty-eight small assess ment companies which merged in the Western Life Indemnity were with out protection; the ending of the sub sidiary companies ended their policies, but they are still permitted to go on paying premiums. Yes, but think ol the sense of protection that they have had. An English judge has ordered a woman to pay for duck's eggs that she got when she merely ordered eggs. Any old eggs are eggs, the court ruled, and do not have to be manu factured by a hen. It would be in teresting to see the judicial effect of working off twelve sparrows' eggs on the court's wife. The Rev. Newton M. Hall, pastor of the North Congregational church of Springfield, Mass., and Professor Irv ing F. Wood of Smith college, are pre paring a children's Bible. The little affair between David and Goliath will probably be edited down to a joint de bate. A dispatch from Godzydani says the Russian army will have to stay in Si beria all winter. As the army is not fighting now, will Russia consider it necessary to feed it? This is a seri ous question now confronting the army. Professor Starr of the University of Chicago sailed last Saturday for the Congo Free State to study monkey "talk.' A department of monkey shines does not need to be added to any undergraduate course of study. Senator Penrose of Pennsylvania is somewhat in the position of the boy • •aught running away with the jacket of the other boy who is treed in the pium tree by the cross farmer and two hoarse dogs) "I have the satisfaction of know ing," said Mayor Rose of Kansas Ci*y, 'vin.. "that I have at least stood for *omethins." The mayor must have been riding on the streetcars i n the rush hours. Says Bryan to Roosevelt, "Prolific Is your station fo r service specific; If I can assist Be assured of my fist." Then Bryan sailed o'er the Pacific. The eastern press reports that bears are trying to hold up some of the Du luth street cars. Our honored chief THE EVENING STATESMAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1905. executive might be obtained, at the close of his term, to ride on the Du luth cars. Grover Cleveland, 't is suspected, will never be called upon to mutualize male and female suffrage. The president is preparing his mes sage. The senate won't read it. COLDEST NI6HT OF THE FALL Temperature Dropped to 41 Degrees and Frost in Evidence This Morn ing. Clear skies and fine bracing weath er greeted Walla Wallans when they got up this morning and Observer Newman predicts that fair weather may be looked for at least for three or four days yet. Last night was the coldest of the fall, the mercury drop ping to 41 degrees early this morn ing. A white frost occurred in sev eral of the suburban districts. The fine, clear weather this forenoon brought many people onto the streets to enjoy the bracing air and sunlight. In the downtown districts Monday morning shoppers were thick and bus iness houses did a rushing business. ALLE6ES NON SUPPORT Carrie Garland Begins Action for Di vorce Against G. M. Garland. Alleging that since September 2, 1902, she has earned a living for her self and two children by her own eflorts, Mrs. Carrie Garland in the superior court today began action for divorce against Green M. Garland. Mrs. Garland in her complaint al leges that two years ago Mr. Gar land abandoned her and their two children and that since that time he has failed to contribute toward the support of his family. She asks for the custody of the children, Clyde, aged 10 years, and Winnie, 9 years of age. Mr. Garland, it is believed, is not a resident of the state of Wash ington. AMUSEMENTS AN EXCELLENT PRODUCTION. "Michael Strogoff" Well Presented by Redmond Company. "It was the best theatrical perform ance that has been given in Walla Walla for many years," is the general verdict of the people who last night witnessed the production of "Michael Strogoff," at the Keylor Grand by the Ed Redmond company. The theater was crowded with Walla Wal lans, the box office receipts showing it to be the banner attendance since the opening of the new playhouse. In presenting such a strong play Manager Redmond demonstrated to the theater goers of Walla Walla that they can expect the very best of plays during the coming winter. Of last night's performance noth ing but praise in the strongest terms is due the company. It is a play that calls for the best that is in an actor or actress and every member of Mr. Redmond company, was equal to the occasion. Each person in the cast car ried the role in a faultless manner and the audience was not a bit lacking In showing its appreciation for the splendid work done by everyone. It would be a difficult task to single out the particular star in last night's performance, so well did each one car" ry out the part assigned. "Michael Strogoff" will be given again tonight, Tuesday evening and at the Wednesday afternoon matinee. For Wednesday night Mr. Redmond will offer "Rip Van Winkle," in which he will assume the leading role. Mr. Redmond is a finished actor and the public may expect something of great merit from the gentleman in handling the difficult part of "Rip." Drawing the Line. "I like to believe that all men are honest," said the moralizer. "Same here," rejoined the demor alizer; "still I always draw the line at taking the same patent medicine for liver complaint that I used for toothache, no matter how the label reads." THOMAS M. REED DEAD "Father of Masonry" in Washington Passes Away. Thomas M. Reed, a pioneer of Washington, who for over 40 years continuously secretary of the Ma sonic grand lodge of Washington, died at Olympia Saturday night after an illness of several months. Mr. Reed was widely known through out Washington and Oregon. He was called the "Father of Masonry in Washington," and was greatly es teemed and revered. He was for many years prominent in republican poli tics and in 1889 was elected the first state auditor of Washington. Mr. Reed had been suffering for months from a complication of dis eases, in which his advanced age was a handicap. His death was not unexpected. The funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 o'clock from the late residence in Olympia under the aus pices of the grand lodge of Masons. An English lawyer was cross-exam ining the plaintiff in a breach of prom ise case. "Was the defendant's air, when he promised to marry you, per fectly serious, 6r one of jocularity?" he inquired. "If you please, sir," was the reply, "it was all ruffled with 'im a-run nln' 'is 'ands thru it." "You misapprehend my meaning," said the lawyer. "Was the promise made in utter sincerity?" "No, sir, an' no place like it. It was made in the wash-souse an' me a-wringin' the clothes," replied the plaintiff. A judge in one of the New York municipal courts has his own quick way of getting into the heart of a case. The lawyer for the plaintiff had just finished presenting his argument, and, as he mopped his brow and sat down, the judge stared at him ad miringly with wide-open eyes and open mouth. Then he turned to the other lawyer, who had risen to his feet. "Defendant needn't plead; plaintiff wins," he shouted. General Benjamin F. Butler, in pleading a case before an inferior court in Massachusetts for a poor working girl who was on his free list, caused the presiding judge to threaten to fine him for contempt of r i Orders taken this week for the famous Armenian Handkerchiefs, To be de ! fevered about November sth. See out Thistle Plaid Handkerchiefs. i Walla Walla Cloak and Suit House Our different departments are now becoming almost complete, and we pride ourselves this season on having stlyes and values far superior to any previous season. :: :: :: :: Special showing of Ladies 9 Tailor Suits and New Loose and Tight Back Empire Coats. Prices: $9.75 $12.75 $16.75 $20.00 Complete Assortment Now Ready of the Merode Hand-Finished Underwear The finest fitting garments sold. Popular priced: Union Suits - 95c, $1.25, $1.75 and $2.50 Vests and Tights - 65c, 95c, $ 1.25 and $2.00 SEE BARGAIN TABLES OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Ladies' Union Suits - - - 25c and 50c Vests and Pants, extra heavy fleeced - - 25c and 35c Headquarters for all Kinds of Children's Coats Big Showing of Batiste Waists For Evening Wear court, to which Mr. Butler replied, in apparent surprise: "I have ex pressed no contempt for the court; on the contrary, I have carefully con cealed my feelings." - If you were in the market for real estate you would not be apt to over look a single real estate advertise ment in this paper, would you? And if you seek a markt for your real es tate your advertisement in these columns will be considered by every possible buyer, as a matter of course. "But, your honor," protested the lawyer, "let me at least present my case." The judge looked weary. "Well, go ahead," he grunted. So the lawyer for the defendant went ahead. When he had finished, the judge looked at him, too, with wide-open eyes and open mouth. "Don't it beat the Dutch!" he claimed. "Defendant wins." "One must know one's own meas ure, and keep it in view." Just to spe cify: You know how big your store is—you know its measure. Does any one in the city think it a smaller store than it is? The chances are that if any one does it is because you have been careless about keeping your store's measure in view." CURRY OPTICAL PARLORS N Q Have modern appliances for accurate Eye Can fit <4&#@3BbW any eye that will respond to light. Eyes Examined Free. fW*Z~*Z^ Third year in Walla Walla. 7 — MR. AND MRS. H. C. CURRY ~~ Eye Sight Specialists ~ Cor. 4th and Main Sti. Phone 345 Dacres Bldf. " ~ ~ j Minnesota Baptists Meet. DULUTH, Minn.. Oct. 9.— Bt . hv 250 and 300 clerical and lay of the Baptist church of this state im in attendance at the annual Baptist convention which opened here todT at the Pilgrim Congregational church The Pilgrim church was selected b ' cause the Baptists hav e no ehurch i„ this city big enough to accommodate so large a convention. Delegates f rom nearly all the English speaking a* Scandinavian Baptist churches in the state are in attendance and the R ap tists of this city have made extensive preparations for their entertainment At the opening session today the mayor of Duluth, welcomed the dele gates and he was followed by Mr. z. D Scott, who was the principal speaker of the session. The convention WH] last five days and many important matters will come up for consideration and discussion. lir •< Hyjjjj NOTICE. Miss Yale, Just arrived from N ew York, will give vapor and alcohol baths; also scientific scalp and face massage. Wrinkles removed. Suite No. 1, Hotel Louvre. The Statesman prints todays news I today.