OCR Interpretation

The Colfax gazette. [volume] (Colfax, Wash.) 1893-1932, February 09, 1900, Image 2

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085460/1900-02-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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Five Display ol'Palonsp Poultry
at the Show.
Four Hundied His'i Bred Birds On
Exhibition— List of the
Prise Winners.
The second annual poultry show of the
Whitman County Poultry ami Pet .Stock Aa-
Bociotion opened Wednesday in the Davia
building with a splendid display of 400 birds,
of 4S breeds, a much larger and tiner exhibit
than that of last year, It is being well patron
ized and the hue fowls have opened the eyea
of many who have not had an opportunity to
know the status of the poultry industry of
Whitman county. Judge Theo. Hewis of
Trenton, Mo.,iwith the highest reputation in
the United States aa a poultry expert, judged
the birds on the opening day and left at once
for Chicago to meet a prea-ing businesa en
gagement. Tho worea given show that no
part of the United Staten has finer fowls than
the fanciers of the Palouse, and Judge Hewes
nays there is no reason to send east, either for
birds or men to judge them, as Washington
has men as competent as any in the world to
pans upon them.
The Golfax band tarnishes music each even
ing. The room ia splendidly arranged, com
fortable and lighted by electricity- Judge
Hewes complimented the management highly
on this, and said it waa one of the best ar
ranged shows lie had seen.
Exhibitors and Their Birds.
Jamea Hinchliff, Elberton,Barred Plymouth
Steve Shoemaker, Garfield,White Plymouth
S. C. Lyle, Colfax,barred Plymouth Hocks,
Evans Kelly, Elberton, White Wyandottes.
O. L. Kennedy, Colfax, White Wyandottes
B. B. Natf, Guy, White Wyand-.ttes.
C. E. Hoover, Pullman, White Wyandottes.
J. F. Winans, Colfax, White Wyandottes.
J. Housekeeper, Colfax Barred Plymouth
Rocks and BantamF.
J. W. Calhson, Garfield, Buff Plj mouth
Rocks and Red Caps.
W. B. Gross, Palouse, White Plymouth
R. Hai.ua, CoSfax, Barred Plymouth Rocks.
R. Drefjer, Colfax,Barred Plymouth Rocks.
H. Ripley, Colfax, Barred Plymouth Rock?.
Mrs. Perry Crowell, Colfax, Barred Plym
outh Rocks.
J. P. Stine, Colfax, Barred Plymouth
B. Burgunder, Colfax, White Plymouth
Burgunder Bros, Colfax, Bantams.
B. F. Mitchell, Colfax, White Plymouth
George I. Turnbow, Eden val!ey, White
Plymouth Rocks.
Seymour Manning, Pullman, White and
Silver Laced Wyaudottes.
F. E. Hawley, Pullman, White Wyandottes.
C. E. Underwood, Colfax, Buff Plymouth
J. B. Brown, Colfax, Silver Laced Wyan
W. T. Sharp, Palouse, White W ryandottea.
Milan Still, St. John, Silver Laced Wyan
D. S. Wa6key, Colfax, Barred Plymouth
Rocks, Buff Cochins, Butf Plymouth Rocks,
Brown Leghorns.
Win. Dumdi, Colfax, Buff Plymouth Rocks,
Black Ti«ngthmnn
Emmett Dix. Garfield, Butf Plymouth
George Ferguson, Endicott, Silver Gray
Dorkings- Golden Wyandottes, Barred Plym
outh Rocks, Butf Leghorns, Brown Leghorns,
Sherwoods, Ma 1:11 oth Bronze Turkeys.
Mrs. L. E. Fuller, Colfax, Butf Cochins.
H. S. MtClure, Eden valley, Partridge
S. W. Crumbaker, Colfax, Blatk Lacg
.T. W. Bailor, Elberton, Light Brahmas.
H. Larkin, Colfax, Light Brahma*.
J S. Keeney, Pullman, Light Brahmas.
Henry Troub, Winona, Light Brahmas.
David Benton, Colfax, Black Lang.sbans.
M. 15. Myer.«, Pullman, Brown Leghorns.
J. K. Good, Colfax, Single Comb White
A. Bidie. Spring Hat, Brown Leghorns.
B. W. Powers, Palouse, Silver Spangled
J. B. Kerr, Pullman, Single Comb Brown
O. L Waller, Pullman, Single Comb White
J. W. Seats, Colfax. Black Minyrcas.
A. 15. My rick, Colfax, Silver Spangled
C. E Scriber, Colfax, Black Breasted fled
Games, Shenandoah Games, wild geefe.
H. Munsterman, Pullman, Mammoth
Bronze Turkeys.
A. Howe, Colfax, White Wyandottes, pea
Kppn were exhibited by Geo. Ferguson and
S. C. Lyle.
The Prize Winners.
Barred Plymouth Rocks—First hen, Bcore
90$, B Hanna. First cock, score 92, Ist pul
let, score 92, S. C Lyle. Second hen, score
89$, S> C. Lyle. Second cockerel, score 91£,
2d pullet, score 91f, J. Hinchliff. Third hen,
score B<j, D. S. Waskoy. Third cockerel, score
90$, J Housekeeper. Third pullet, score 89,
Geo. Ferguson. First pen, score 182|, S. C.
Lyle. Second pen, score 181$, J. Hinchliff.
Buff Plymouth Rocks—Srecond cockerel,
89f, J. W. Callison; second pullet, 89f, Wm.
Dumdi. First pen, 177^, J. W. Callison.
Wh:te;Plymouth Kocks—First cock, 92.J, Ist
hen !)4i, Ist pullet 95|, Ben Burgunder; Ist
cockerel I)3s, W. S. Gross. Second cockerel
925, id hen !»2 i !, 2d pullet 93f, Ben Burgunder.
Third hen 92, ad cockerel 9l|. 3d pullet 934,
Ben Buigunder. First pen 186, 2d pen, 1844,
Ben Burgunder. First collection, of 9 birds
or more, Ben Burgunder.
White Wyandottes—First cock 935, Ist hen
95, Evans Kelly; let cockerel 95, S. Manning;
Ist pullet 965, C. E. Hoover. Second cock
91$, 2d hen 94j, E. Kelly; 2d cockerel 94f. 2d
puilet 95, W. T. Sharpe. Third cockere', 94£,
B. B. Naff; Sd hen 94f, S. Manning; 3d pullet
WJ, W. T. Sharpe. First pen, 181»i, W. T.
Sharpe: 2d pen 189, S. Manning; 3d pen 187,
Evans Kelly. First collection, Evans Kelly;
2d collection, J. t. Winans.
Silver Laced Wyandottes—First cockerel
(.K>i, S. Manning; Ist pullet 90. J. B. Brown.
Second cock 88f, 2d cockerel 88$, 2d hen 893
Milan Still. First pen 178f, Milan Still.
Silver Gray Dorkings—First cockerel 91,
Ist pullet 935, 2d pullet 921, Geo. Ferguson.
Golden Wyandottes-First pullet 90, Ist
cockerel, Geo. Ferguson.
Sherwoods—First cockerel, Ist hen, 2d hen,
Geo. Ferguson.
Partridge Cochins—Third cockerel, M pul
let. 3d pen, H.S. McClure.
Black Langehans—First cockerel 92. 2d
cockere! IK), G. H. Lawrence. Thiid cockerel
88, S. W. Crumbaker. First, pullet 93, 2d
pullet, 90L Sd pullet 90.5, V'm. Dumdi.
Light Brahmas—First cock 93i, Ist hen
'];. J,S. Keeney; Istcockerel9.lv" Ist pullet
93. Henry Troub. Second cock 91|, 3d hen
BOJ, J. W. Bailor: 2d cockerel 93/, Henry
Troub: 2d pullet 925, J. W. Bailor. Third
hen m, J. W. Bailor; 3d cockerel 87, H.
'«k«; M Pullet 91, H. Troub. Fir=t pen
188J, J. S. Keeney; 2d pen 1821, J. W. Bailor;
3d pen, H. Larkin.
Buff Cochin*- First pullet 93;, 2d pullet
v v"« etc! BS*> D S- Waskey. Third
S Waske E' FU'ler' FiFßt Pen> D-
Single Comb Brown Leehorcs-First cock
erel 94i, r. K. Hawler: Ist hen, 92+ D S
£%&} i\ st E" 11,? 1 "?*• J- B- Kerr- Second
EL^^w" & \Vask^:2d cockerel 93*. 2d
Kerr. Third crckerel 922, J B Kerr- %1
hen 92, D. S. Waskey; 3d pullet "4".' B
Kerr. J.rst pen ISC, J. B Kerr; 2d pen 184
bmgle Comb White Leghorns-First cock
erel 94£, Ist pullet 95*:2 d pullet 96$ 3d pul
let 95 j. O. L Waller. First cock 91$, Ist hen
WJ, 2d hen 93, 3d h-n 83, J. R. Good. First
pen, O L. Waller; 2d pen, J. R Good.
Huff Leghorns First cockerel 92, lat pul
let 9li, 2d pullet 88$, Geo. Ferguaon.
Red Caps-First cockerel 91£, Ist pallet
92*, 2d pullet 90f, 3d pullet 90i, Ist pen, J.
W. Calhson.
Silver Spangled ITambuiys— First cockerel
92, Ist pullet 96i, B. W. Powers. Second
cockerel 88. A. H My rick.
Black Minorcas—First cockerel !*2, Ist pul
let 90}, 2d pullet 90}, J. W. Seats.
131 ark Breasted Ked Games—First cock, Ist
cockerel, 2d pullet, C. K. Scriber.
Sbenaodoah Games—First c<»ck, Ist hen, C.
E. Scriher
Maniinoth Bronze Turkeys—First cockerel
955, 2d pullet 92|, H. Munsterman. Second
cockerel 9Sfc, Ist i.ullet 93,15t gobbler 87, Ist
hen 89£. Geo. Ferguson.
Kygs—ließt display, Geo Ferguaon.
Canaries—S. C Lyle.
Farmer's beat display of most varieties —
Firdt, Geo. Ferguson; second, A. Bidle
Who They Are and Where Their
Territories liie.
Assessor Siler ia hard at'work preparing for
the 1900 assessment, which begins March 1.
He has appointed the following 23 field depu
ties and assigned to them the territory appear
ing after name:
W. H, Simpson, Tys. 11, 12, R. 44 45 46.
F. M. Hooper, Tp. 13, 11. 43, 44 45, 46.
0. E. Young, Tp. 14, R. 44, 45, 40.
•T. It. Moys, City of Pullman.
1. N. Nye, Tp. 15, R 44, 45, 4G.
Geo. H. Ross, Tp. 10, R. 44. 45, 40.
J. R. Cunningham, City of Palouse. Tp.
17, one-half R. 45, and all of 11. 40.
T. J. Green, Tp. 17, R. 44, and one-half R.
45, and City of Elberton.
J. M.Tropst, Farmington City, and Tp. 18,
R. 45, 46.
E. F. Dixon, Tps. lit, 20, R. 45, 4b'.
Geo. W. Wyer, Rosalia City, and Tp. 20,
R. 43, 44.
E. E. Smith, Tps. 19, 20, R. 41, and R. 41,
42, Tp. 20.
O. S. Daniels, Tp. 19, 20, R. 39, 40.
Minor Lewallen, Tp. 19, R. 42, 43.
Chas. Lakin, Oakesdale City and Tp. 19,
R 44.
Thos. E. Ross, Tp. 18. R. 39, 40, 41, 42.
J. V. Crisp, Tp. 18, R. 43, 44.
Geo. W. Case, Sr., Tp. 17, R. 39, 40, 41.
H. W. Howard, north half Tp. 1(5, R. 42,
43, and Tp. 17, R. 42, 43.
Chaa. Daggett, Tp. 14, R, 42. 43, and Tp.
15, R. 42, 43; south half Tp. 10. R. 42, 43.
Geo. S. Allen, Tp. 16, R. 38, 39. 40, 41.
A D. Baker, Tp. 13, R. 40; Tp. 14, R. 40,
41: Tp. 15, R. 40,41.
Frank H. McClintock, Tp. 13, R. 37, 38,
39; Tp. 14, R. 3G, 37, 38, 39; Tp. 15, R. 37,
Geo W. Caae, Jr., will superintend the
work of the field deputies.
W. E. Abrams is at work on the new plat
system n^der J. F. Fuller, who has the con
tract for the work.
Good Paymentß*|Made During the
Month of January.
Treasurer Windus, within the past few
days, has sent out notification to personal
property tax payers that interest will attach
after 30 days from notice. This is done mere
ly to comply with the new law, which de
mands it. It is not the intention of the treas
urer to enforce payment of personal taxes un
til after June 1, but he has no option in the
matter of attaching interest.
Taxes of 1899 became clue and collectible
Monday, and the receipts on this account for
the fir.«t three days were 52113.02, $125150 of
which was persona], and $858.52 real.
During the month of January §15,410.(;G
were paid in for 1898 and back ypar*, as fol
lows: Forlß9S $13,817.46; for 1897, §957-24:
for 189G, 5238 15; for 1895. $139 09; for 1894,
§104.07; for 1893, $154 05 Other receipts
were: Fees of officers,§ 92 ■* 05; liquor licenses,
83:50; ferry licenses, 810; taxes prior to 1893,
which now go to the current expense fund,
8197 49-a total of 814f>5.54. and a erand total
of receipts for the month of §lb\B7G 20.
The disbursements for the month from the
various funds were; School district, §4999 07;
special school, §0788 89; road, $1(111 (13; cur
rent pxpense. $7152 21; road and bridge,
81723.92; indigent soldiers, §10—a total of
Of the 5247.G14 taxes laid in 189S, all but
824.177, or over 90 per cent, had been collect
ed February 1
Miss Jean Goldie Amos has been quite
ill from bilious fever, but is convalescing.
Mrs. Aaron Kuhn and Mtr. H. Kamin
ski leave today for Ran Francisco and
other California points, to remain for a
month or two.
Mine Ruth Grostein, who has been
visiting her eiaterp, Mrs. A. Kuhn and
Mrs. H Kaminski, in this city, returned
Tuesday to her home at Lewiston.
W. M. Taylor, formerly assistant
cashier of the First National Bank, took
his departure February 1 for Miles City,
Montana, where he will open a Fair
J. W. Armstrong, of Walla Walla,
missionary of the American Sunday
School Union for the state of Washing
ton, was in the city this week in his line
of duty.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Coolidge returned
Tuesday from a visit of several weeks in
the WillamettevaHey. They accompanied
the remains of Max Miller to Salem for
Oliver Hall, recently appointed in
spector of arid lands for Washington,
Idaho and Montana, left Friday for
North Yakima to begin his duties. His
salary is $7 a day, but out of this he
must provide his traveling and other
Manager C. B. Hopkins and Superin
tendent Cochran of the Inland Telephone
Company and Mr. Lawrence of the Sun
set Telephone Company were in the city
Monday inspecting the recent important
Colfax improvements. They were great
ly pleased with the progress being made
in the business here.
Woman and a Horsewhip.
Mrs. Bertha Lambert of Winona was
on trial in Justice Kirkland's court as
The Gazette went to press for whipping
W. E. Wilson, school teacher at Winona,
with a buggy whip. The case is full of
naughtiness and alleged bad actions of
school boys and girls. Incidentally
Mrs. Lambert accuses Wilson of drag
ging her character in the mire through
talk and assaulted him. Wilson denies
having done anything of the kind, and
the town is split in factions over the
Six Boys Fined.
Vernon Hogue, Edgar Anderson, Clyde
Ogden, Chas. Van Schoick, Chas. Clark and
Ed. Jones, six boys from 15 to 17 years of age,
were fined $25 each in Justice Kirkland's
court Monday for assault on Foy Lung, a
Chinese laundryman. The fines were sus
pended during future good behavior, but
they were mulcted for $1.50 each and costs.
Saturday the Chinaman was passingj the
crowd with a bundle of laundry. The boys
began snowballing him, and when he put
down his bundle to protect himself one of
them hit him in the mouth with a heavy piece
of bone, badly injuring him.
More satisfaction in one good f igar
than two poor ones. Buy a "Bruns
Niaetj-Six Pupils Who Were Neither
Absent Nor Tardy from School.
Many Have a Perfect Record for
Attendance Throughout Both
Terms of Nine Weeks Each.
The following list of pupils of the city I
schools who have neither been absent
nor tardy for the nine weeks comprising
the second quarter of the school year is
a long aud encouraging one, showing a
faithfulness in their work which is highly
commendable. The figure 2 after names
indicates perfect attendance for both
quarters, or all the year: •
Aegerter, Clara—2 Hunt, Roy—2
Anderson, Edgar Johnston, Bertie
Anderson, Maude Johnston, Iva
Bakala. Hattie—2 Jones, Emma
Bales Trula—2 Janney. Norval
Baker, Delia Kuhn, Ethyl
Beck, Gena—2 Krausse, Elva
Braillard, Frank—2 Lake, Pearl
Briuknor, J. seph Martin, Elma
Butcher, Oakie-2 Matlock, R*y—2
Canfield, John Matlock, Alice—2
Cantield, Ellen Marsh, Ethel
Cannon, Gertrude-2 Manring, Floyd-2
Cantrell, Goldie Munns, Eulah
Carter, Hattie Moller, Harry
Canutt, Volney—2 McPhee, Alfred-2
Canutt, Virgil-2 McPhee, J. A.—2
Clarke, Wayne Mackay. Joe
Cornelius, Wesley—2 Moore, Vivian—2
Cornelius, Martha Newton, Frank
Cornelius, Stella Oliver, Allen—2
Culton, Bessie—2 Ogden, William
Davis, Howard Parker, Tot—2
Dickey, Ardie-2 Parker, Edward-2
DuVall, Clinton—2 Kyan, James
Dwelly, Florence - 2 Renfrew, Claude
Ellis, Pearl—2 Stinson, John
Fisher, Florence Stravens, George—2
Fisher, Agnes-2 Stravens, Clara
Fisher, Oswald—2 Smith, Ruth -2
Fisher, Byron—2 Seats, Myrtle
Fisher, Maurice Seats, Jasper
Galloway, Gladys Slate, Roy
Gaston, May—2 Sterner, Inez
Green, Corvin Smith, Wilbur
Greene, Ethel Stimson, Orin
Green, Jessie Shaw, Grace
Hulin, Bertha Taylor, Effie
Holladay, Harvey Taylor, Lily
Holladay, Willie Thompson. Jennie —2
Hort, Willie Vollendorf, Beatrice—2
Hunter, Selma Van Schoick, Charles
Henderson, Tom Wiseman, Ivy—2
Hunton, Turner Wiseman, Willie—2
Hereford, Stella Wilton, Harold
Higgins, Mattie—2 Wilton, James
Hungate, Eugenia—2 Yaisley, Billy—2
Housekeeper, Grace Yaisley. Frank
J. C. Andrews Badly Hurt By a
Frightened Horse.
John C. Andrews, who resides five
miles south of Pampa, was dangerously
injured by a frightened horse January
2-'?, Buffering concussion of the brain,
from which, however, he is now recover
ing. On the afternoon of that day Mr.
Audrews left Colfax at 2 o'clock to drive
to his home, 43 miles, with a horse and
cart. At last accounts he had not re
covered sufficiently to enable him to
give an account of the accident. Wednes
day morning he staggered up to the
home of Mr. Scott on Union flat, acting
very queerly. He was a stranger to the
family and was on the point of being
ordered away for a tramp when it was
noticed something was wrong with him
and he was taken in and cared for.
I'renently the boys of the family went
out into the road and found his cart
and some packages with his name and
address upon them. A messenger was
sent to La Crosse, where it was learned
who he was and where he lived and the
injured man was sent home. It is not
known how he was hurt, but the Scotts
say their dogfl weie heard to charge in
to the road about 11 o'clock at night,
and it is supposed they frightened his
Dr. Boswell ivas called Wednesday and
remained continuously with him until
Saturday, so dangerous was his condi
tion It was while at his bedside that
Dr. Boswell heard the shot fired- which
killed George Boland, the murder taking
place within 200 yards of the house.
Benjamin T. Bonn of near Colfax has
been granted na increase of pension
from $6 to $10 a month.
The county commissioners met Mon
day for the regular tnouthly term. They
attended to all business on hand in
three days and adjourned Wednesday
Judge McDonald notified Judge Rich
ardson at Spokane by telephone Tuesday
that owing to continued illness in his
family he would be unable to hold court
at Spokane.
Oliver Hall's undertaking establish
ment hasbeen removed to his new build
ing on Mill street. The parlors h«*ve
I een handsomely fitted up and a fine
establishment made of it.
It is suggested by some that a skele
ton found buried at a depth of a foot at
Spokane the other day may be that of
E. Frank, a former clothier of Colfax,
who mysteriously disappeared at Spo
kane several years ago.
The snow which has been bo long ex
pected, but never came, began failing
steadily yesterday and has made a
warm blanket for the thousands of acres
of fall wheat. It will be of inestimable
benefit to crops and to lumbermen and
Monday night's windstorm was rather
severe about Tekoa and blew down H.
EL Noble's barn, 3% miles north of that
town. The building was a frame one,
(50x120 feet. One horse was killed and
four others and two cows escaped un
hurt. The loss is about $500.
The ladies of the Christian church will
serve lunch at 12 o'clock, and chicken
pie dinner from 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. on
Saturday, February 17th, in the vacant
building, one door north of Hamilton's
drug store o
If you would have the best blood
purifier and tonic, get Dr. Buck's Celery,
Sareaparilla and Dandelion compound.
Only at The Elk Drug Store.
To rent, by an experienced farmer, a
farm with stock # and tools furnished. Ad
drees, W. H. Nutter, Colfax postoffice.
Found—On Spring flat road, by Henry
Klavano, a ladies' jacket, which owner
may recover at Gazette office by prov
ing property and paying adv. chargep 0
Household goods for sale by H. E.
Braillard, at the old Chas. B. Newman
residence, we6t Colfax.
Gunthers fine chocolates and bon
bons, at The Elk Drug Store,
Call on H. W. Goff for Insurance,
Grain.—Wheat, Club, per bu.,Backed, 39c;
blujstem, 41c. Oats, per cwt , 85c. Barley,
per cwt., 57ic
Hat.—Timothy, baled, per ton, $10; loose,
$:>; grain, baled, $9; loose, %~.
Fruits.- Apples, per lb., 2:; dried fruits,
per lb., 4c@lsc.
Butter. -Creamery, cash, per lb., 27c;
ranch, cash, 17Jc@20c Cheese, per lb., 14c.
Vegetables. — Potatoes, per cwt , 40c;
Onions, per cwt., tisc. Cabbage, per cwt, 75c.
Beans, per lb., 4c.
Poultry.—Chickens, live, per lb., 7c. Tur
key*, live, per lb., He.
Egos. —Per dozen, cash, 16c.
Groceries.—Granulated su^ar, per 100 lb.
sack, $6 26.
Butter—Creamery, 30c; ranch, 18c@25c.
Cheese, per lb. 20c.
Er.tJS.— Per dozen, 20c.
Meats.—Beef, fresh, per lb., 7c(« 15c; pork,
fresh, 10cC« 12k; mutton, fresh, 12^c@15&
Bacon, breakfast, 13c; salt, 10c: hams, 15c;
shoulders, lie. Lard, 3 lb. bucket, 40c; 5 lb.
bucket, (>oc; 101b. bucket, $1.15.
Mill Feed. —Bran, per ton, §9; shorts, per
ton, $11. Chopped barley, per ton, §20.
Chicken feed, per cwt., $1.
FLOt-R.—Wholesale, per bbl., $2.< JO; retail,
per 50 lb sack. 75c:
A Breezy Night.
Monday night wae about as breezy a
one as the Palouse country is accus
tomed to, though the fitful gusts would
be classed as zephyrs only in a windy
region. No damage was done about
Colfax except to overturn a few half
fallen outbuildings and rip loose shingles
off a few uncared for roofs. The lat
ter happened to the roof of the grand
stand at the fair grounds and made
several large sized holes in the roof. At
Spokane the gale increased in speed and
reached a gait of 41 miles an hour.
Wires in all directions out of the city
went down before it by 2 o'clock in the
morning, and on the coast they were
prostrated by midnight.
Railroad Truce Renewed.
A New York dispatch of February G
says the six months' truce between the
Northern Pacific Railway and the Ore
gon Railway & Navigation Company,
whereby both companies agree to bus
pend construction work in the "Clear
water country," in Idaho, expired to
day, but has been renewed for another
six months. If this is true it will prob
ably result in a postponement of the
building of railways in this country
which has been so confidently expected
for the coming summer. The Union Pa
cific denies that it has secured trackage
privileges over the Northern Pacific into
Call for Committee Meeting.
To the members of the republican
county central committee, of Whitman
county, state of Washington: You are
hereby notified that there will be a
meeting of the committee, at Colfax,
Washington, on Saturday, February
24, 1900, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of fixing a time for hold
ing the primaries and county conven
tion to elect delegates to the republican
state convention, to be held at Ellens
burg, Wash., April 4, 1900, to elect del
egates to the republican national con
vention, to be held at Philadelphia,
June 19. J. N. Pkkrell, Chairman.
Colfax, Washington, Feb. 6, 1900.
Charged With Disturbance.
John Pendell of near Guy has been
arrested and an information tiled against
him in the superior court. He is charged
by Paul Kruger, who claims to be a
grand-nephew of Oom Paul, and who
also recently claimed to have inherited
a fortune in Germany, with disturbing
one of his Boer meetings held on Spiing
Hat a few nights ago. Pendell was ar
raigned Tuesday, pleaded not guilty,
and trial was set for February 4.
"I think I would go crazy with pain
were it not for Chamberlain's Pain
Halm," writes Mr. W. EL Stapleton,
Hermine, Pa. "I have been afflicted with
rheumatism for several years and have
tried remedies without number, but Pain
Balm is the best medicine I have, got
hold of." One application relieves the
pain. For sale by all druggists.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. The Elk Drugstore.
Coyote Pelts Wanted.
Fifty to 75 cents each for coyote pelts
delivered at I. B. Harris' meat market,
Colfax. Owner can keep scalp. Ed.
Money to loan on city property at 7
per cent, repayable in easy monthly in
stallments. J. A. Perkins & Co o
Take Stone's Cough-Not, the infallible
cough cure. 25 and 50c, at The Elk
Drug Store o
Wanted —a girl to assist taking care
a baby. Apply to Mrs. Julius Lippitt*
A full line of Gunther'e famous candies,
at The Elk Drug Store.
Brown's in town! What Brown?
Brown the plumber o
(Successors to Sid Lyle)
Carry a full line of
Cigars and Tobacco
and Fruits.
Temperance Drinks in Season
Good Farm
For Sale Cheap.
Ot)A Acres of unbroke land, one mile
O~\J c outh of Endicott, on main road.
All good farm land, partly fenced. Price
$5.50 per acre.
Termß reasonable. For further par
ticulars apply to or address
Colfax, Washington.
Try "The Bee Hive"
The Cheapest store in
Colfax for
Notions of all kinds.
S3 1 Eggs Wanted. . \ Main Street.
Remnants and Odds and Ends!
I have just completed my annual inventory and
am now ready to clean house.
Remnants of Dress Goods and Staple Dry Goods at from 25
to 50 per cent of their value.
Odds and ends in Clothing, Boots and Shoes at a discount of
from 25 to 50 per cent.
Ladies' Jackets and Tailor Suits—all going at a discount.
AH departments must be cleaned up before our new Spring Stock arrivt-M.
Pioneer Merchant. Col fax, Washington
9 Just 34 Paiis
Johnston iV Mnr|ili\
ttmi the-. Shoes for Men
m m Reduced Prices.
I Tlu'DultySliorCo.
$10 Crayon or Water Color Portrait FI'CC
s* 1.00 FRAME FOR **'~±<f*n.
Olllv 00 *n tra(*e at our etore secures a fire enlarged portrait in
V^lllJ VW.UU Crayon, Sepia or Water Color, from any photograph or
tintjpe you may desire.
C. F. STUART, Proprietor.
Next door to Poetoffice. Colfax, Wanhingtoti
It will pay you to examine
Before investing your money in a Chop Mill.
Some of its features:
No Burrs to Wear Out. No Gears. Only Six Bearings.
Mills specially adapted to wind mill power.
All eizes up to 3% tons capacity per hour.
Manufactured by CARLEY IRON WORKS, Colfax, Wash.
i Iftsp- j r^• -,i
■^^ m (jrivun with every
M J dcz. Cabinet Photos
fli ■ A.T
M^^mSil "" )1H >V'l ll'S
M,jt I Studio
Col fax, Wash.
■*-* low prices and fair dealing, we have
earned the title of
Purveyors to the
People of Colfax,
which we will hold and defend by the
same prompt and intelligent attention
to the wants of our patrons.
Bennett & Tarbet,
Family Grocers.
—————————^—^—— — —^—^— —
Confectionery, Nuts
Stationery, Books
Postofflce Store
Cigars, Tobacco
Pipes, Notions, Toys
Marble and Granite Works
D. MILLGARD & CO. Proprietors.
Monuments, Headstones, Tablets
All Kinds of Cemetery Work.
Call and Bee samples. Wall Street
1 am now prepared to do all kinds of
land business, homestead entries and
proofs, contests, etc. Have had 13 years
experience in land cases. W. A. Inman,
U. S. Commissioner, Colfax, Wash.
THE BUILDING is up-to-date, having
new seats, new furniture, electric lights.
THE TEACHERS are up-to-date in
their methods of instruction.
are up-to-date, as every one can judge
for himself by examining our circular of
information. The President will he glad
to send one to all who deeire to inveeti
St. Vincent's Academy
A select Boarding School for younir girl?.
Gives a thorough education in all English
branches. Music, Fancy Work, Languages,
etc. No compulsion with regard to religious
Correspondence solicited.
Sells the Best
Pumps and Windmills
in the Palouse Country.
See him before buying.
Dealers in
General Merchandise
Highest market price paid for country pn>
duce of all kinds.

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