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The Colfax gazette. [volume] (Colfax, Wash.) 1893-1932, December 17, 1909, Image 9

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News of Our Neighbors Related
by Gazette Writers.
Drnpite Htormy weather and bad roade
the telephone meeting at Grange hall
was well attended.
Fred Ifoe of Creston i« visiting his
brother and Pinter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Mrs. I. M. Price was recently called to
the bednide of a Hick winter living near
Frank MeCann of Potneroy haH been
the gueHt of Dick Liddle the pact week.
0.l account of bad roads our genial
mail carrier wan oulv üble to make irreg
ular tiip« the past week.
We are glad to hear that J. W. JoneH,
ho ■firlouwlj hurt in a runaway accident
a few we. kn ago, haH been brought to
hit* home from St. lgnatiun hospital and,
like Richard, will hood be himself again.
Mr. and Mr*. Kd Enos and eon Dale
took advantage of the tine sleighing and
visited relatives at Pullman the past
W Frank M. Brown and family expect to
ippend Christmas week visiting a brother
at i'endleton, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Liddle are expected
hnini' Tuesday from a visit with Mrs.
Liddle's mother.
The dance at Wilcox last Friday night
WHfl attended by a large crowd, several
being present from Colfax. It whs an
nounced thrtt one whh to be given on
Christmas Eve and a masquerade on
the 7th of January. Priz»H will be given
to the best gentleman and lady sustained
Fwbe Carroll has returned from a visit
to Z'll Holhrook's
Carroll Brothers have sold their laat
lot of hog* to Henry Larkin.
Kail wheat in looking fine since the
BBOW left. Told weather in feared by the
Wilcox farmers.
Colby Harper's new house is com
pleted and looks nice. It looks as
though something was going to happen.
John Carroll, cousin of John Cowley,
if looking at the country to find a half
MCtioa of land to purchase. He is a
harness maker by trade, working at St.
John for three years. He thinks the
Wilcox country the cream of the l'alouse,
William Kauffmau is visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Lew Williams.
Miss Nettie I'arker was sick last week.
Several new windows and curtains
were placed in the school house last
The school is rapidly getting its Christ
mat? program in hhape. The program
will begin promptly at 8:30 Friday
< vening
(ilud\M Landers started to school Mon>
The weather has been disagreeable
lately, composed of snow, mv I, fog, rain
and cold bretsea. A heavy rain has
taken < ff almost all the snow.
Will Cole stopped to greet friends
Wednesday on his way through to Colfax.
Miss Leota Celt on returned Wednes
Mrs. Lucy Shernvin, who has been ill,
is reported better.
['reparations are being made for a
Christmas tree at the M. EL church.
Roscoe Henderson has returned from
Grain Quotations.
lied Russian $ .90
Club and hybrid 93
Forty fold 96
Kluestem IM
Fife 93
Turkey Red 93
Feed barley, per hundred 1.20
Brewing barley 1.30
Oats, per hundred 1.10 to 1 35
Found, ou road between Sprint; flat
Hntl Sbawnee bridge, F. O. E. fob. Owner
recover at Gaiette office by paying ad
vertising charges.
Carpets to clean. Prices very reason
able. Address J. M. Stinson. Colfax.
Anyone having apples to sell in small
lots, apply to T. W. Walters or phone
Black 424\
For sale —10 room bouse in South Col
fax ; electric lights, city water, good
well, lot 50x300. Write Box 393.
For Sale —The fiogan residence pro
perty on Clay street in North Colfax.
For particulars call on Mrs. J. R. Butcher.
Phoue Black 21.
For sale at a bargain—B-room house
at 310 Mill street; bard finished, all
modern conveniences, toilet and bath
downstairs, toilet upstairs, good wood
shed and cellar. Apply Dr. R. J. Skaife.
For Sale — Building 36x100 feet on
corner lot 75x100 feet, with an up-to
date hardware and furniture store in a
thriving Palouee town ; building and lot
$2500; stock about fOOOO. Address
hox 532, Colf&x, Wash. Phone Main
The Woman's Relief Corps meets the
first and third Saturdays of each month,
at 2:30 p. m., in A. O. D. W. hall.
A b»Bket eocial was given Thursday
evening of laet week in Chestnut school
district, 2\ miles southwest of Colfax,
which was attended by ebout 50 people
and was an event loog to be remem
bered. It was in charge of Miss Gene
vieve Bowqs, who teaches the school in
Chestnut district. Features worthy of
special mention were the "Rainbow
Drill," by seveu little girls and a tablau,
"The Shadow of the Cross." From the
ealee of baskets $27 was realised. This
money goes towards the purchase of an
organ. It was an enjoyable as well as a
profitable occasion.
Unclaimed Letters.
Lint of letters remaining uncalled for
in the Colfax i>ont office, Friday, De
cember 10, 1909
Allen, Mrs Frank Gilbert, Geo
Bettman, J S McNab, H
Barnes, Milton McKuhn, Thoa
Becmg, JoLn Pilot, Geo
Brown, Albert Reynolds, Geo B
Garter, Miss Daisy Schick, Mrs Nancy
Chapman, Will M Sears. Mrs Wm
' )ne cent postage will be collected.
Jamkh Ewart, P. M.
Expectations More Than Fulfilled.
Lucille, a eiu>fully brought up little
girl of tlve years, returned from her
first party iv glee. "1 was a good girl,
mamma," .she announced, "and talked
nice all the time."
"Did you remember to say something
pleasant to Mrs Appleby just before
leaving?" her mother asked.
"oli, yes, I did." was the enthusi
astic reply, "l smiled and said, "I en
joyed myself very much, Mrs. Apple
gate. 1 had lots more to eat than 1
speeted. 1 "—Woman's Home Compan
Something Just as Good.
Said the young man to the old man,
"I want your daughter's hand."
Said the old man to the young man,
"Of daughters I've a band."
Said the young man to the old man.
"1 meant your daughter Sue."
Said the old man to the young man,
"Take Polly, Jane or Prue."
Said the young man to the old man,
"1 do not think I could."
Said the old man to the young man,
"I've others just as good."
—Philadelphia Kedger.
A Never Failing Supply.
The fond husband was seeing his
wife oft" with the children for their
vacation in the country. As she got
into the train he said. "But. my dear,
won't you take some notion to read?"
"Oh. no:" she responded sweetly. "I
shall depend upon your letters from
home."—London Tatler.
Congregational church, Rev. J. Her
bert Bainton, pastor—Services at 11 a.
m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. vi.
The usual services will be held In the
evening Misa Bertha Schultz will sing,
'Nor the Day Is Ended," with a violin
obligato played by Mrs. Yandervelde.
The pastor will preach on "Man's Mast
ery Over Matter and Mind," and in the
morning on "Christ or Despair." All in
Hrst Methodist Episcopal church, Rev.
J. P. Barker, pastor —Regular services
at 11 a. m. and 8:00.p. m. Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m.
North Colfax Methodist Episcopal
Church—Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
Preaching servire at 3:30 p. m.
Christian church, Rev. A. A. Doak,
pant or—Services at 11 a.m. and 8:00
p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
St. Patrick's church (Catholic), Rev.
Father Le Roux, priest—Regular services
every Sunday at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Sun
day school at 2:30 p. m.
Christian Science Church—Services at
11 a.m., Sunday and 8:00 p. m., Wednes
Haptist church —Sunday school at 10
a m., youug people's meeting at 0:30 p
Rev. W. T. VcUann of Spokane will
occupy the pulpit Sunday, December 19
Mnrnii'g subject, "The Isolation of Sin ;"
eveniug subject, '"The Relation of Con
science to Life."
German Lutheran church, supplied by
Rev. Aug. Tr. Graebener—Preaching ser
vice every 2d and 4th Sunday. Religious
instruction every 2d and 4th Saturday
afternoon. Sunday school evt-ry Sun
day from 9 to 10. Service commences
at 10 o'clock. Everybody rordially in
Gazette advertisers invite the patron
age of Gasetta readers.
Everything for Christmas, at the Klk
Drug Store, Colfax.
Estray Sale.
Notice is hereby given that Walter Freelo,
on the 15th day of November, 1909, took up and
now keeps at his farm at N. W. corner Step
toe townaite, Washington, the following
estray mare :
One bay care, 6 years old, weight 700
pounds, three white feet, branded on HQI
left shoulder. UU
Said estray will be sold to the highest ou
der for cash at the place kept, as above speci
fied, on Monday, the 3rd day of Jan. 1910,
at the hour ot 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, unless the owner thereof, or his legal
representative, shall appear prior to that time,
and make out his title and pay all charges
against said estray.
Date of first publication ot this notice De
cember 17, 1909. WM. If. DUNCAN,
Auditor of Whitman County.
By Mary J. Oliver, Deputy.
Betray Sale.
Notice id hereby given that A. H. Gustin,
on the Ist day of April, 1909, took up and
now keeps at his ranch, 1 mile north of
Pine City, Washington, the following eatray
One blue roan yearling heifer with white
breast, no marks, no brands visiblr.
Said estray will be sold to the highest bid
der for canh at the place kept, as above speci
fied, on Monday, the 3d day of Jan., 1910,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, unless the owner thereof, or his legal
representative, shall appear prior to that time,
and make out his title and pay all charges
against said estray.
Date of tirst publication of this notice De
cember 17, 1909. WM M. DUNCAN,
Auditor of Whitman County.
By Mary J. Oliver, Deputy.
Application Made on Scented
Note Paper Is Fatal, and
Stunning Dress Effect In Per
sonal Call Doesn't Count.
NOWADAYS, when housewifery
is so much out of fashion
and the so called business wo
mao has stepped to the front,
there is in every city and town a little
army of those who are looking for
work, an army of who are doing
/ jggfe. /\
i heir best to evade the responsibilities
and possible drudgery of home life.
Some of these young women are well
equipped for the competition which
they have chosen to enter. Some of
them are so fully prepared to under
take the duties of office positions that
they have no difficulty in making the
fact apparent. It is for those who
are unsophisticated and ignorant of
the way to success that this note of
warning is sounded.
First of all. dear girl about to "place
yourself in a business career, do not
fail to remember that much depends
on your carefulness in this most im
portant matter. Unless your circum
stances compo) you to accept anything
that is offered take plenty of time,
wait until you succeed in obtaining a
position with a firm bearing a reputa
tion for fair dealing both with em
ployees and customers. It will be far
wiser for you to secure a position with
such a house than to go elsewhere at
a better salary.
Consider also that you may be go
ing to spend most of your waking
hours for several years to come in one
office or store. You are very young,
aud your ideals will be formed by your
environment. There is absolutely no
limit to the influence such association
may have on your character. Should
you be so unfortunate as to come in
constant contact with petty mean
nesses, with repeated occasions of busi
ness doceit and unscrupulous business
methods, the intimacy must in time
lower your standard of uprightness.
No matter how faultless your original
intention, in time you will become less
intolerant of doubtful business meth
ods, and you will find it harder and
harder to discriminate between what
•'is right" and what "'will pass."
Having selected a arm the members
of which have a reputation of being
gentlemen and good citizens, your next
stop will lie to make your application
for a portion in a !;»«iuesslike man
ner. This is really a very important
feature of the matter, although, if one
may judge from the carelessness ex
hibited by a great number of place
seekers, i(s Importance is unappreciat
ed grossly. What, for instance, would
be thought of the business instinct of
the girl who sends in her application
on a highly wented sheet of blue note
paper, the writing so angular as to be
practically HleiriMe, about half a dozen
sprawling words to the page? What
kind of impression would such a mis
hive miikp on a business man in search
of a competent assistant?
Can you not see, my dear, that your
written proffer of your services should
be a straight out and out business
proposition, a sample of what you can
do as a business woman? It is your
best opportunity to make a favorable
impression. If your application is
strictly to the point and modeled after
the most approved business form it
will meet with respectful considera
tion; If otherwise. It will go into the
wastebapket without further cere
Should you apply personally the mat
ter of your appearance must be taken
Into consideration. It is just here that
many girls show the very poorest judg
ment. Recently a rather bright young
woman of my acquaintance, whose let
ter in answer to an advertisement had
made an excellent impression, was In
vited to call for a personal interview.
Against the counsel of her mother the
aspirant arrayed herself In a pink lin
en gown with a Dutch neck, her hair
a mass of puffs and curls, her feet in
low shoes and openwork stockings.
The "boss" caught a glimpse of her as
she sat waiting In the outer office and
sent his stenographer to tell her that
she would not do.
Do not try to mix furbelows and
feathers with your business matters.
They may not be precisely antago
nistic, but they do not combine readily.
Wear as good clothes as you can af
ford, but beware of cheap finery.
There is every reason why you should
be as well groomed as possible.
Unique Achievement of Mrs. Charles
Netcher of Chicago.
Mrs. Charles Netcher, a widow,
mother of four children, two of whom
are daughters, aged fourteen aad six
teen respectively, and two buys, oue
uiue, the other eighteen, the latter be
ing at Yale, is the most unique exam
ple of feminine achievement iv this
country- From the position of sales
woman in the cloak department of a
retail store In Chicago she became the
head of oue of the greatest department
stores in the country. She personally
directs more men and women than any
woman in the land. She also manages
the entire concern of which she has been
the head since the death of her husband,
in 1004. of the business which he had
fostered and expanded for many years
before he died from the effect of an
operation for appendicitis. She car
ries life insurance for $1. OO.IKX). At
the time of his death she was Insured
in several life companies for a large
amount, and alter his death she in
creased her policies to the amount
Thirty-five years before his death her
husband was a bundle boy in a retail
house in Chicago. From that he be
came the owner of the concern and ex
tended the business. With him busi
ness came first, but Cupid tiuds his
way generally to the heart of the bus
iest man on earth. The courtship of
Charles Netcher and his young cloak
department clerk was conducted in a
very commercial way. He was forty
eight years old when he sent for her
to come to his omce. He was deep in
his affairs when she reported.
He had forgotten for the moment
what he wanted with her, but after
scratching his bead lie remembered
that he wished to ask her to become
his wife. They talked over the propo
sition as they were in the habit of
talking over store matters, and before
she left the office she had promised as
he desired. They were married a few
months later. Four years after the
marriage the husband took out a life
insurance policy for half a million dol
lars for the benefit of his wife. He
died two months later. The estate of
which the widow became the sole ex
ecutor amounted to more than a mil
lion dollars.
The Netcher home is an ample one
on Drexel boulevard, an exclusive resi
dential center of Chicago. Mrs. Netch
er is an early riser. After breakfast
she has a short constitutional and is
at her big store in State street be
tween 9:30 and 10. She drives home
at noon and has luncheon with her
three children, who are in possession
of the house during her absence for
business. She returns to business after
luncheon and remains until G. She
finds her recreation at home, and that
Is all the vacation she takes. Her idea
is that the only successful business
is a life <>f work and sustained effort
She has been heard to say, "'The busy
life is the only life worth while."
While she cares nothing for social
diversions, her home life is in line with
that of the exclusive woman She is
fond of the refined atmosphere, and
her house is furnished accordingly, and
the meals on her table are served with
the same care and elegance as are the
meals in the home of the woman whose
life is rounded by social environment.
Her business is not confined to the
routine of the desk. She walks miles
In her great store every day. looking
after the needs of each department and
the welfare of her employees. The
head of each department reports to
her, and she makes the orders neces
sary for every detail. The man who
calls with a line of samples sees Mrs.
Netcher. She is, as she must be. thor
oughly up on the demands of trade
and the fluctuations of the market that
affect her business. Every head of a
department In her store is a man. and
all are young. No one ever makes a
transaction without first conferring
with her personally. Her business judg
ment is unerring, and she is just witb
all her help, from the head of a depart
ment to the rawest cash girl or boy in
the house. AMANDA KIDDLE.
Honors For Chicago Women.
The following Chicago women have
received foreign recognition in the
way of decorations: Mrs. Potter Pal
mer has been made a member of tht-
Legion of Honor of France and of the
Order of Leopold of Belgium: Mrs
Ellen M. Henrotin has been decora t
ed four times, is an academic officer
and officer of public instruction in
France and is a member of the Order
of Leopold of Belgium and of the
Chefakat (Order of Mercy) in Turkey:
Mrs. Henry Cuannon and Mrs. M. H.
Knowles have been honored by France.
(tsjA Oil neat
S!hM Without Smoke
Bhß^^hH No matter how sensitive your
&|f Jljii^K olfactory nerves may be, or under
tJJjBI what working conditions you en-
£^PHk Oil Heater
Jw ><es:^-^£^^3^^ r3 (Equipped with Smokeless Device))
V"V youll not detect the slightest udur of
The Perfection Oil Heater neither smokes nor diffuses odor. The new
Automatic Smokeless Device
positively prevents both. Repeated tests during its incipiency and develop
n.t-in. innumerable trials after it had been pronounced perfect by the inventor,
demonstrated its utility and sure effectiveness.
The wick cannot be turned up beyond the point of its greatest effective
ness. It locks automatically and thus secures the greatest heat-yielding Hame
without a sign of moke or smelL Removed in an instant fot cleaning.
Si Jid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil— sufficient to give out a giowiag heat
for 9 hours—solid brass wick carriers—damper top — cool handle—oil indicator.
Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan i:i a variety of styles.
Every Dewier Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circular
to the NcareM Agency of the
Special Listings That
Are Extra Good Buys
416 acres 3 miles east of La Orosse, all in cultivation, fair improve
ments, windmill and cistern, on county road, It. V. P. and telephone,
a snap at $36.00 per acre.
GGO acres 3 miles north of Colfax, GOO acres in cultivation, 240
acres in crop all to purchaser, 4 acres of orchard, fenced into G fields,
running water in each field; tine improvements, .', mile to school, 1
mile to warehouse, R. F. D. and telephone; $65 per acre.
400 acres three miles from Albion, all cultivated, 200 acres in crop
all to purchaser, extra fine improvements. This is one of the very
best places in the Inland Empire. Price $72.50 per acre.
i Get oar new price list. We have 250 )
( places Hated in the Inland Empire. j
Our slogan for the last ten years has been
"Bargains tor Buyers ami Buyers for Bargains"
G. W. Larue & Co.
For the Xrnas caken, oieH, pastry, you
will find our Royal Roue and Olympic
flour—the flour that will rrake the most
delicious products For the other in
gredients we have laid in the best, stock
h ti tilii>utn of II; i-ins, Currants, Candied
I'eels, Mince Meat, Baking Powders,
Flavoring Extracts. Of courpe, all the
other articles, too, you'd expect a LITE
Grocery Store to carry.
Model Grocery
Whee'hoiifie &. Erwin, Props.
VI I 'II ' 'ie largest Anatomical
lu/W MiJßeum in the West.
Dr. Kelley—Diseases of men. 20 years exper
ience iii the treatment of weakness, neivous
troubles or any contracted ailments. A positive
cure in every case undertaken. Consultation
free and strictly private. Treatment personal
or by letter.
310 Howard St. Spokane. Wash.
Hotel Touraine
Spokane, Wash,
24 Monroe St. Opposite Review Bldg.
New Annex Just Opened
All elesrantly furnished. Hot and cold
water ard telephones in every room.
Auto Bus Meets All Trains
Rates 75c to $2.50. Special rates to
steady guests.
WM. SNOW, Prop.
Is read by people whom
the advertiser desires to
reach with his announce
ment..., : .
If you are interentrd, drop a poat
curd for a freo brtnklet teeming
with iuformatioD hliihi 1 this
wonderful country.
mm "V thiIJTO
Tickets for Rule hy 0 It. & N.
ageots. Details, herthn, literature.
J. S. Carter N. M. Jueksou
Gen. A«t. Tray. Pa«s. A^t
14 Wall St., Spokane.
\\}AAAjj 60 YEARS'
F Trade Marks
'FfTTJ" Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable. C i.riiruurilca
tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK ou Patent*
Bent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelre
rpeclal notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllnßtrafed weekly. Largest cir
culation of any eoientinc journal. Terms. 93 a
year: four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN £Co. 3618'oad "«>- New York
Branch Offlce. 625 F 8U Washington. D. C
315 Main St., Colfax
la Headquarters for
The Square Deal House
Colfax agency for
Chase & Sanborn's Coffee
The best you can bay.

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