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ALL ALONG THE LINE, Republicans Will Again Take the Reins of Government. THE SOLID SOUTH BROKEN. A Republican' President and Repub lioan Majority in Both Houses of Congress. Later returns have not materially changed the national vote from that given last week. The oflki il count stands Harrison 2-\d and Cleveland 162 votes in the. electoral college, i counting West Virginia's six votes! for Harrison, though the official count! may give them to Cleveland. The re turns from the mountain districts of that state are blow coming in and both sides claim the victory by a small ma jority. The republicans maintain their! majority in the senate and gain con- ! trol of the home by aboti tls majority, which is tha best news the territories could receive. Tin; republican con gress will admit those territories knock- j ing at the door of the Union with the, greatest possible dispatch. In the tcnitory John J5. Alien, dele gate to congress, is ahead by about ! GOOO, it is thought, when complete re- ' turns are in. So far as reported, up j to the time of going to press, only five counties have given Voorhees a major- ; ity, and these majorities give a total cf '• not much more tiian a hundred. With \ Allen's majority at 6000 this shows a gain of over 8000 to the republicans over delegate vote of 1880. The ter ritorial legislature will be republican in both branches. It is reported that j only one democrat has been elected to the council. Returns thus far received give the republicans 20 and democrats 4 in the house. The vote of Whit man county, as canvassed by Auditor Turner, Probate Judge Liv by and \ Deputy Treasurer Smith, is given in detail in the table. Allen gets ama jority of '241, a gain of ■"■'.'l to the re publicans, compared with delegate vot< of 188 G. Of the county officers, re publicans elect 8 out of 11. The official count gives Mr. Bean, candi date for school superintendent, :*. ma j joiity of 89. The republicans have two legislators and the democrats one. Republican majority in county about | "205, a gain of forty. Thus fully equipped in republican majorities we are ready to hold a stnto election at the earliest opportunity. WHITMAN COUNTY. Uniontown is still the deaioeratic] stronghold, the party vote lieing about! four to one. 'C^Ljcpublican tnnjority \u Whit— . in county, as sliouh l«y the vote for military officers, is about 295. In I 1886 it was 253. The phenomenal majority of 12-19 lor the republican candidate for pro bate judge exceeds the total vote cast for t!i i deal »oriti: cmli i ite. For coroner the democrats had no j regular candidate, th.> convention noui ioee declining to run. Fourteen per sons racteved votes for coroner. Ed. Jones, republican candidate ;• r sheep commission) r, was reelected by a bandaome plurality over the 27 per ■oot who received votes for the ofii •. Clinton is the banner republican prt-cinct, castiog its entire '■'■'■> votes for Allen. The political complexion of the precinct, as shown by tha vote for other otlicvrs, U 29 republican to 4 tleruccratic. The prohibitionists jiollt-il lcsi than one-halt the number of votes claimed by them before the election, Rogtr S. Green, candidate for delegate, receiv ing 113 in the county. The highest prohibition vote was for C. M. Kin ciid, candidate for prosecuting utter my, who receive,l 157. The prohibi tien vote being so bid all and scatter ing it is omitted from the table. COUNTY OFFICERS ELECT. Prosecuting attorney .... 1. 11. Plattor Auditor ). J. Larwo x& Sheriff' John McLean Treasurer James Ciur k Probate judge W, X. Ruby J amos Logan Commissioners J William Lie School superintendent . . . .C. W. Bean Assessor 11. M. Boono Surveyor V.V. Mesick Coroner J. S. Noble Tim: LEGISLATORS. Councilman. T. J. Smith I A. T. Fariss Representatives • ) J. V. OP.'ll TERRITORIAL. Allen's majority in Okanogan county i■; 64. Asotin county gave Alton a majority of 54. Yakima county gave Allen 63 ma jority. Clarke county gives Allen 370 ma jority. Lincoln county gives Allen a major ity of 209. The total delegate vote in Spokane county was 439 G. The vote for delegate in Stevens county is reported to be a tie. Allen's majority over Voorhees in Pierce county is"s2G. The prohibi tion vote for delegate was 84. Voorhees had majorities in Colum bia, Douglas, Franklin, Mason aud Skamania counties, totalizing at some thing over 100. -~- In Walla Walla county the repub licans elected everything but probate judge and coroner, by majorities rang j> ing .from 7 to 438. i%V It is just 24 years since the repub 'VViui elected a sheriff in Walla Walla •■'•■ ***ty, says the Journal. The last S£2 one that held the office was W. S. Oil- : Ham. I ' . .; ■ IN THE STATES. . ; Cleveland's official majority in ' Georgia i 3 00,003. Harrison's plurality in Pennsylvania is 79,879. Elaine's plurality in 1884 wasSl,ol9. Republicans gain one congressman in Kentucky, making t*o in the dele gation. New York and Indiana, with their •11 electoral votes, inarched out of the "doubtful" column in fine style. Ex-Senator Mahone, of Virginia, is confident that a fair canvass will give I the state's electoral vote to Harrison. The Chicago Tribune figures the next congress as follows: Senate—Re | publicans 38, democrats .'57, with one j state to hear from. House—Repub licans 175, democrats 150. The result of the election in Kings: j county, N. V., was a surprise to the democratic leaders, who expected 23, --i 000 plurality for Cleveland. The shrinkage is accounted for by the re ; turn of mugwumps and prohibitionists lof four years ago to the republican : party. In Delaware the democrats have a movement on foot to unseat a republi can elected to the legislature, which would make it a tie on joint ballot and 1 prevent the election of a V. S. senator, thereby placing the appointment in the | hands of the governor, who would be expected to name a democrat. The latest tables on the complexion i | of the next national house of represen tatives show that the republicans have elect* I 25 members from the southern! states, viz : Arkansas 2, Florida, 1, : Kentucky 2, Louisiana 1, Maryland 3, i Missouri 4, North Carolina 1, Tennessee 13, Virginia 4, West Virginia 2. The j house seems to be republican by about | 15 majority. In West Virginia the all important I : official count iv the mountainous parts \ of the state is not complete, and until it j is no one will know definitely whether ! the electoral ticket is republican or I democratic. The majority cannot be | more than 200 or 300 either way. The . republican state committee has raised its estimate from 125 and 200 to the above figure?, as it claims, while the I democratic claim it from 400 to 500. George William Curtis, chief mug I wunip, accounts for Cleveland's de- at as follows: "1 think the result was due chiefly to the presentation of a ingle issne'which the president's party accepted but did not desire, which was new and unexpected to the country. Much is due also to disap pointment with the president's admin istration of the civil service reform laws, to trading of votes, and to lack ■ of personal popularity." THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. I I ■;; HLIBRISOX. FOB CLEVELAND. ; California 8 Alabama 10 I Colorado •< Arkansas 7 Illinois 22 Connecticut C 1 lowa 13 Delaware 3 ! Indiana 10 Florida 4 Cansaa '■' Georgia 12 Maine <> Kentucky . .13 Massachusetts .'1 Louisiana '•' Michigan 13 Maryland S Minnesota 7 Mississippi 9 . Nebraska 5 Missouri 16 Nevada '•> New Jersey .9 New Hampshire . . ! North Carolina ...11 New York 3G South Carolina .... 9 Ohio 23 Tennessee . 12 i Ire [on 3 Texas 13 Pennsylvania SO Virginia 12 Rhode Island . 2 • Vermont •"• Tutal 162 . ; Wisconsin 11 West Virginia* C Total 230 j I cessary to choice, 201. ! Harrison s majority, 77. 1 i •3till in doubt. JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES. FoUjwing are the justices of the '■ [•:.••• and constables elected in the var ' lious* preciucta of Whitman county at I the general election held Nov. 6, 1888: Coif ax- W. A. Inman, John Patti ' j son, justices of the peace; I>. F. New ■ comer, i.rooks Mackay, constables. Palouse City -J. D. Knight, Frank Maapin, justice*; R. M. Collinson, B. '! Laughlin, constables. Pullman—J. T. Lobaughj. Win. M. ; Stoops c. •i Garfield—Thos. Kennedy' j, George 1 j Simpson c. . ! Endicott—H. Fisher j, E. 11. Muntz ; o. Colton—A. J. Hicks j, George B. i Parks c. Uniontown — Thomas Schf'ffen j. TekoaD. W. Traax j. W. IT. Landers c. Oakesdal< W. 0. McCoy j, R. Dar rol c. Rosalia- HI. Kennel j, C. W. Wal ton c. Pine City —J. Edwards j. Elb?rtonJ. 1. McCoy j, W. L Coch ran r. Diamond A. S. Hamilton ,j, B. W. Hamilton c. Guy - A. Bradbury j, D. A. Downs c Clinton—T. A. Brown j, C. M. Heater c. Almo'a— C. R. Duncan j, George Gabbert c- Penewawa— W. B. Fincherj, J. A. Fiacher c- Pampa—P. S. Cutting j, John M. Wcehr c. Coin— Silas Blake j, Frank M. Palm er c. Texas Perry— W. Bradford j, F. A. Day c. Steptoe—J. Dana j, F. E. Dennis c. Lone Pine —M. Fountain j, H. H. Sheehan c. Sutton— George Blaneett j, L. S. Warner c. Harper—T. J. Br.\t;na:i j, John Ly on c. Branham ML W. Cunningham j, George Rowan c. Rock Creek —James Phillips j, J. H. Cranshaw c. Seats — H. Lewis j, George Clark c. Mouth Rock Creek—David Oliphant j, C. Miller c. gtaley—M. G. Russell j, Joseph Alphin c. - NEWS OF THE NORTHWEST. A Week with our Exchanges-The Cream of Ter ritorial and State Stws Briefly Given. The M. E. nniversty at Tacoma is to cost §50,000. The Washington Central has reached Medical Like. Spokane F.»lh v. ill soon have a cor rugated iron factory. Wall* Walla is to have a free de livery after January 1. A six foot v; in of good coal 1 as been discovered near Rondo, Idaho. Ore has been found in the Pend d' Oreille. district assaying $150 per tor. The cr-uiberrics raised in this terri tory are exceedingly fine flavored and very large. Two spans of the S. L. S. & E. bridge across the Snohoroish liver has been washed out. Thn Rockford branch of the O. It. & N. system will reach Spokane Fulls early next season. Miller, the murderer of Kohl at Spokane Fulls who has been recaptured ha<? confessed his crime. The cable road between Seattle and Like Washington has began opera tions. The fare is f> cents. The evangelist, D. L. Moody, who has been engaged in revival work on the sound, is now in Portland. John Stantun, a woodchoper from Pamela, a frightful maniac, was com mitted to jail in Pendleton Thursday. The Republic notes the discovery of a fine lino of coal an! a large bed of lime some twenty five mi'rs from Yak ima. The coal miners fit Roslyn, unham pered by any Knights of Labor organ ization, are making from $."5 to $7 a day. It is estimated that the expense of picking and drying the hop crop of Kins; and Pierce counties this year was 8200,000. The Oregonisn s-tatfs that, the pro posed through line of the O. 11. & N. to the Missoula valley will be built without a doubt The arc light has proved such a suc cess at Walla Walla that the intro duction of the incandescent principle is in contemplation. A first class creamery is to be rstab lished at Silverton, Oregon. A chair factory hr-.i been pat in operation and a cannery is wanted. The German Imtnijjration Society at Portland has sent out daring the pasi month* ten thousand circulars at an ex] enae of ■■? 100. Palouse City has raore tlian doubled its population in the past year, nowith standing almost the entire city has been destroyed by fire. — Boomerang. The transactions in real estate in Portland thus far this year aggregate nearly 500,000 — over 8000,000 ahead of the corresponding period last year. It is predicted that the Spokane it Palouse branch of the Northern Pa cific will be extended to Julietta and possibly to Cam as prairie in the early spring. In Skagit county, W. T., several ex tensive ledges of marble have been found and thus another rich resource is discovered which will be developed at once. Considerable eastern coin is being invested in Clatsop county timber land. The ruling rate is .$lO per acre. Ten years from now it will be worth $100 per acre. A pardon has been sent from Olyrn ■- pia by Governor Sample granting a pardon to John Wilson who is in the Walla Walla penitentiary for horse stealing. The Portland Daily News thinks that the O. it. k N. company will unite with the Manitoba road, and make Portland a terminal ot the com- j Lined system. Sturgeon packing at Columbia City has become quite an industry, and it is rumored that another firm is soon to engagfi in the business, shipping the pick to Germany. The iron and steel company's works at Oswpgo, Oregon, arc about com mencing operations. Th- road from the ore beds to the stock house has been completed at.d ore is being dump ed at the works. The Samish lake telegraph operator named Mackay and a Mrs. Codlin have disappeared. The woman be cause enamored of the young operator anil left a husband end five shildreri to tlope with him. Whatcom is one of the towns that have been attracting much attention on Puget sound. Its foundations for prosperity has been laid in the shape of railroads, sawmills, docks ami many other local enterprises. The council at Walla Walla raised the license of auction houses to £75 a quarter. This ordinance is the result of a petition of the merchant?, and is calculated to curtail the business of auction establishments, creating ccn~ siderable ill feeling. A company has been formed for the purpose of manufacturing soap from a natural soap well at Buffalo Gap, D. T. The soap is skimmed from a boiling spring and hardened by exposure to the air. It is like soft clay and can be gathered with a shovel. In payment of an election bet at Ta coma, City Attorney Thomas Carroll, democrat, bought a silk umbrella, trim i mcd it with American flags, draped himself in mourning and carried a flag made of a bandana at half mast, pre ceded by Constable Green beating a bass drum, led Capt. Thomas Brown, ( republican, the winner, through the principal streets, and finished by set ting up dinner for Bro*n, Green and himself.- Capt. Brown wore a Harri son hat with a. crowing rooster perched on top. The affair created much amuse ment. More wheat will be sown this fall in Walla Walla valley tliau ever I efcre. A certainty of a pay;.-!" price m xi fall has stimulated every Farmer '■■■ greater exertions. The surplus of the valley will keep both railroads fully employed | next year. The big bore at Rosilyn i* now down about 700 feet. In going through a deep stratum of clay it closed down on j the drill and fasteutd it, which can.* a temporary stoppage, cf the work. But the work is going on in the othi r, | a half mile distant, which is no* do* r ] ] about "00 feet. Work will be resumed in the first named as soon as the piping is received and the drill rele-ised. The publican party will -.. i. lie basic on its old camping grounds. It proved itself a very live corpse at the last election. It carried th" day as with a rushing, mighty wind and the sound of many wafers. The dead is sues of free trade hare b;cn Eiiowed under and dare not bebiought to light fur 10, these many year* Th; party j which directed the ship of state through those years of awful commotion and bloodshed is again nt her helm, and we feel assured that all will be well at Washington for four years mere at I»ast The mineral resources of Alaska, i though hardly yet touched, are draw- ] ing tither the attention of a continent. I | She is being recognizi-d, net only in her ; gold and silver intcrt-^ts, but in the possession of great coal I!<!ih *-hich j promise at no distant flay to rank first ! in importance on tho Pacific coast. Lar^e v«-ins of excellent i-< ■■; are said jto have been discovert d at difltr.-nL I places along 'Am- coast, ami ;> gooil ' ! grade of anthracite h:is been discovered ! at Litng-i bay. Alaska coal »ill soon | fill the present demand fur British im ported coal on th« Pacific coa-t. Washington territory now ranks sixteenth among the toal prodncing states ai.d territcries, and yet Ler coal ■ his barely ben touched. At Cleelam j alone vast measures of the coal exist, mountHins of iron of the finest ijuality have b'i v expogcd. The territory h; .iiorv of botli coal and iron than Penn sylvania hus within th ■ same ;r a, ai d she has vastly m ire territory than the Keystone state. All that is needed in either Oregon or Washington to pro duce coal and iron enough for the world is capital, enterprise and operation to place thes^ &t-4ji!c minerals upon the market. Olymt'ia »aa wile! with republican enthusiasm Sitarday night. At seven o'clock an immense parade started from .-^i i-lii 1 T 1 .!.. . I. Columbia hall ai U inarcuid through the principal str:!-!s of the city. The houses along the lino of march svero brilliant ly illuminated and |iresented n beautiful appearance. An army of smail Iji>;.s accompanied the procession with tin cans, horns and drun s and made iii»" night extif-rcely hideous for dem ici :i : citizens. Alter the proces sion an immense public meeting was held in Columbia ball md addressed by many of tin l-ailina citizens. A well trained "glee ilu»>, 1.-.i l.y Gt-i •r tl R. (1. O'Brien was : rc.-f ; a: d did ex celletjt service. Miss Beatrice Sjobergj a Danish lady of rank and fefineusent, »ho lias been s-'jonniing in Saletn for Rome months had laid a wager with -Mr. [-^aic Scott, a fellow boarder at Mr-. R,"illvV, to the effect thnt if Hanison »as succets iful she would wheel him i.; a wheels barrow from the boarding pl»c« to the pcstofli ■(■, 'i distance 01 six 11 ..',.-, be carrying an American t' j.^' »nd hurrah ing for Harrison and Morti n It' Glevt: land was «lectfd the order was to bi revi reed. !!:•.■■ ing lost the bet .M'-s SjobtTg insist* d upon paying if, and did to by wheeling him down through the crowded streets nt 4 o'clock. The cavalcade was gierted with cluersi-f adtuiratioii of the clear grit displayed, by the lady in redeeming her forfi-it- Sne was placed in a handsomely deco- I rated carriagH after reaching the |« ste office and driven home in triumph amid the hearty salutes of the crowds that lined the sidewalks. Baptists in Council — The convention of eastern Washington ami north Idaho met in Colfax, W. T. November 8, at 7. p. in , when the an ■ _. _ a _ 1. .1 1... 1? ■ .1 nual sermon was preacneu uy r..:\. .>. If. Beven of Walla Walia, text, 1. Tins- 5:10, theme, "The disuse of spir itual gifts." Friday the convention came to order with Vice-president Rev. (ien. Ann 18 in the chair, and or ganized by electing him president, and J. 11. P..-van fur secretary and treas urer. The following ministers wen; enrolled as delegates and visitors: J, Cairns, E. T. Tr.mble, 0, X. Annes, J. 11. Bevan, J. 11. Teal, 8. E. Steam?, E. G. Ogroat and T. G. PielJ. The general niissionaiy reported six new I men recently secured upon the Geld, and ten in ell under appoiutman*. These were supplying 21 Etaiioi and and churches: whole number of church ea 31; new houses of worship being built 2, amount of money being ex pended in missionary work .^•'>l-";): number of baptisms 40; total member ship on the. field 1200. No debt has been incurred and tha state of the work is encouraging. Whei the m vitation to unite with the "Xortimist ! Convention' of western Washington came up the convention went into a committee cf th» who]-, and after a full and fair discussion declined the in vitation for the Following reason*: First, the geographical nature of the couutry which will necessitate two agents, Second, !:;■ fact that on] one convention could '..■ beJd in two yeaw in each field. Third, tho inequality of financial abiliry of the two fields ! which would interfere with a just, ar rangement of pro r.ita. A r- 7:30 p. ni. | the serujjn on eduoatiin was pre.tuhed |by B,cv. E,T. Triinl-'le, from la* 54:2, and was an able presentation of the needs of an intellectual and moral tdu cation for the safety of government and the suciess of the church. OFFICIAL VOTE OF WHITMAN COUNTY—IBBB, t~tt n ~\ pf — I nil - ri!lhiW< I !!ll|;J!l||!!iUi!iii|H •". |Si!?lj:iyii!l|j3!ll|| M — — — - - Delegate to Cmgress— ■ i ! ! ! : ; : r John B. Allen. .... : 2.°,; 61 33j102 37199 74*156 f>9;3o 73 46:174 53 220325 3513 27 38 C!) 7;52 48;178 20|54 13 1 37:27 i <>0;i1950 211 d Chaa.S.Yo6thees.. s. . ... !72 90' 0 ;35213 OS 125 9l!l9 W5 40!15J<:40, 26 1a!2122i13 20 45 403644331421 91017 8 28,23 30 j 1700 Brigadier General- Mi! I | I i I I iI M II i ! rA. P. Curry lift 63 23 102 38 221 87154 58 31 73 171 57 2332;25 36 9 2739 C 9 38 :slkB]lBo 3052 4114 i 3O 2fi|«o) 1978 296 rf J. .T. Hunt .. L7o| 891 i 0834 197 90126 9319 61 40 157 37i25tic!21 1917 20J44 10 37147132 139 91917 9:2023.29 1682 Commusarg . -.■.,.'■- | I i | ' | i I ! III! ill ' '' ' ' ; ,1 liobertMeade ji7.VSS 1 ! 68341204 90!127 9319 64 40 157:3712f>'16:21 21-18 20;41 : 403647|29138 01917 2023.30 IC7O Adjutant General- II il I! M M I I I I M >'■ K. <} O'Brien . ■ , 19 63 29102 38 206 86.152 BSBI 73* 171157 2313225 36 827133 6939:51 18j!82'20j52 41114 39 2fi;6o 1961 290 dH. Butler V.{ 71 Sit! 4 GS:34 ISO; 9U 20 9J!li) 61 40 15* 37i2j 16 2! 21 1/ *» li 3«J 3(5 47 :;m::- 91917 !):-'0J2!30 1671 Prosecuting J/' u-n. » II I ! I i I I M '„ M I »■ Mark A. Fullerton 42 5529L94137 179 72141 4927 04 24145 4C 20 31 23 31 Op* 35, .">8 -MJ.47|:it>.1ti3;21>;52;38;10,3t!2354 1738 dL. H. Plattor 53 96 I ;."> ■"' -.-'." 94139102J21 7 l!"'i 174 4027 172326192248 51444941147 9|l9 2011-'82635 1853 115 Councilman - i I > I I !I ! 'i I j II ! 111 II .■ I.J. Smith . 21 62 2810038178 05 151 5331 7343 184 154 253524 3!) 12 30 42 73137147 48183 20 43 4012,30126 59 [900 182 A.Hlanrine 73 881 4 68 32 232112129 9919 65 43 144 39 23 12 21 18 14 17 41 36 36 40 33132 9 2317|10|32 23 31 1724 "-/"'/']-Vn*ir . 18 57;-29 96 38184 50 15014318 6242 1795517 29 2^26 724 28*64 37 44 46 *80 204*7 39 feMl9Wl 1671 fj S. Fenn 1- 37:29 96 38184 50 150 is|lB -;:■ !- 17H :.:, 17 J!i -Jl' -'•: 7 '-'! l'S i;|S7)!P B0 20 147139;i2:28!19 i 6] 1671 /• \ '; Farina "''l79 723210742194 SO 146 5532 72 42 182 47N 2lj*i ,' -'7 :>7| 7. •<'■ .0 ifiilS'J/JO^ltaU 31|35 00. 2016 851 ..' ,Tf,hnM. !;,.,.! 11 77 4 58 320 111 135J112 2" CS:4f>H62 3«126!13 23 17 19 20 4 4.V;W 4!) 3T>! 1221 20117 lu;3tj| 9;26!j1&w dJ. V. O'ljcll 70 92 1 66 208 87130 9120 6940 237 46 30 15 24 30 19 2330 :-7 ::i !.". :U -.-, 821 18 8,203228 19201 219 And;;,:- - i i \ \ : ! ! | I I Ii I ' ! I I ! r .1 Urwiiod ' 22 |58|2910138197 5.215S 60 31 72 46 172 56 3233!2544 122935 67 34 49 53 173:20 52 4014j37|26 61 19C11 2SO d (' 1; . .i; S\'tL ~73 94! i' 6534205 90 122 9119 6!;|391tJl :<7|lfi!l3!2l|l3 14 1847 43384728149 919 IS 9,27123 29 L6Bl Sheriff- -H I I I i | I! I I ! I I I ! r j', P. Berry 45 6?28 9132174 71 56 35116 433918700 23 3224 36 8 2039 593144 4511891942 38124227 50 1719 d John McLean ... 50 90 575 39 286 99224 121 34 47 142 34 25j16i22121 18 26 44 50 40 5135 13110 27 19J11 26 23 38 1823 204 Ciavk 19 5.1 2» 13239103 71151 5829 7: 46116955 233334 33 9 25,44 58,29 i 1732015239|13|37133 60 1908 195 dA. I. Moßrido 7:> 9S -! !38 33 252 10012ffl 9419 66 3S 152 38 251212 22 IT 2139 50 3647 29143 919 18 10 2515 31 1713 ProCtf, ..■■-•■/ i | I I ' | ! 1 I i I !I I II \v N Kuby. .. 3!) 74 33122 40 288:115 153 9733 81 33 2267128^5 27 40 243359 80 40 55 531218 20 55140 14,38139 65 23871249 dL. L: Burtenshaw 50 77 0 17 301106 15128 3016 ."-7::: 88 23 20131917 2 825 30 4328 97 91612 723 923 1138 ''r'iu^'lc^r"""' 12 C2!29: 9739 87 73185 57 34 70 42 20156 25 35 25 3.S 927:39 6730 49472132046 40 9 30;23 69 i 1921 242 r'Chas V, "Johnson 1!' 6129101 391207 7:' 154 58 31 72 iti I li". 39253325 \36 ! 926 41 38;365146 992024401103G:21 SO 1/31 (ZJ..lm'c Schumaker . .. 53 88 4 7333327 96 96 90 IS 68 ;42 125 36.21 13 2110 16 20143 40314830100 923 26 26 19 1679 d William Lea 75 88 4 6933194 87123 9319 65 39 212 53 2115 212118 2140 75 391635 220 9 461713 27 23 30 1891 ICO School Superintendent— • I ' Mil '■■ \ ' ' c W Bean 18 58 32103 40 206 69148 58:31 74 45j145|52i18|3i:20 17 1124 37 72 34 48.41 15517 513910 37 -'4 58; IS3I 29 ,! W. \\ Mii: c . 176 59.1 64 32 198 105133 96 19 64 40 ISO 41 3»» 15 21 4i 15-3:40 38 39 49,39 161 1217 18 12 27 24 32 1802 Ussesinr- I ill M M I I I| ! M ! I | I r H:M. |;,,,,,,,' 18 6623 94 37 203 77 142 559 73 40 151 61 !25 33 1934 12 27 50 73136.T0i00 137119,5240,14.32; W60||1872 158 d Sl'lasPrather . ... 77 85 972 35 202 89131 92 19 6510 16631 23 1427 2 1420:32 37 37 4731158101917 81936 29 1714 Surreuor— ■ Ml 1' ■"''* I* \'! '~\ M M II M M"' ' ■:• V Mesick .".121 63:28:104 38198 781126 l 5C31 73152 2233253" 8 23,47 68;36 49461732049;4fi14,37i27 63 1907 176 dA \V \Vipner 7:: S7i 5 60|34210 93|154 94 19 65.35J158 :*7;25! 15,21 2i IS i 235 44374835147 92117 92822 26 1731 Coroner- : ! j | I I I j Mil i M M I I' I I ! ,1 s \,■]■:■■ ■ 19! C-J 28 03:33 14 .76156 5931 74 44 22301 23352537 14 50 42 714050502442040 123928C0] 18921874 d( ; A. MiUer '.'.'. . ' .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 3 C Oj 1 000;00( I- Ol 1 5d 0 3 000|0;0 Ij 0 0 18 Precinct vote . L!>s|ls2 3:!'170'72.415!177;281|ini; so|i:«> s»!:km';)4: i>:s.|ij:.; 'a !7 11-i 7-*' l '.is 81 :i2-,' •-".' 71 58,23 50:91| 3687 liepnblioans marked r, democrats *-'. Republican!) had no candidate for Commissary General. The precinct vote as Riven above is the highest total of republican and democratic vote for utiy office, but Coca not Include the pr ihibitlon vote, which was 1'- for delegate to congress. Adding this to the precinct vote would make the total vote in the county livo. 'I he publican majority in the county, as shown by the vote for military officers, is about 293, a gain of 10 over ISS6. DEALINGS IN DIRT. Transfers of H;al Estate Fibci for Escord for the i Weok Eadia» Wednesday, Nov. 7, ISSS. Coim-nyni v M :Kune to Nancy It I Zuq'.vi ilt, !i .' of Liik 36, one! lots 10, I 111 and 12 in' 17, O.*kesdal<> J $500. Nauiiy 1!.. X mi* ait to Joseph R I Reed, •■ •■ k as hlovc, 81700. Joseph Mc< . to Frank M White, lota 1 ■': d 2, blk 7, Odk< dalp, 8100. ■ Jai l> 1> Crawford and vet to John ! [IMcKm.'.ie,nes sec 29 '.-, 15 45, 82500. \ iirar.d C Smith to Samuel TSuiiih si nvp] sec 25 tpl6 rl!. §1-200. >Isaac R Harrison et ux to Lev i I' Ron-land, i .'. -■ ] sec 18 tpl4 vU, $200. Ch is W Cunningham to .M W God- : Jan! lot 0 blk 34, Oakesd lc, 8:500. Chas I? M ■■ ami ftf to prank W I Flint, m.i half interest in lots 2 and 7 j ■i c :'•■:•■ iiT !.>. I. (.'ilui -..1..- to W. O. Gilliland | -i, ?.» I ai (1 :■■■]<■■■■ [ f.f tec 1- pis m 42, £510. Levi P Rowland and wf to [saac J; ! Harris « ! ne] s«J -i-c 1>: tp 14 c r It, 8-00. C L Mason and India V Mason to A. G. '■'■ Dunn, nw-J and bwJ of ne] j ; of svi ! wild lut 3 all in section 11 tplo i.r IG, $4200. Ralph E Draper aud »f to Emma \V Coch'rah ci of se! sec 26 tp 17 r44, j .-51000. Henry A SkurU a."id »f to A Mc- Queen and A CO3 'c, lot in Goitoi $100, John" F Elnnt to II Grey Df|.-ledge, Jot 12 i»i»H 13 Ili 59, Pullman, 81100. George Stewart and wf to James M rlotiba in I of sej sec 32 tp 17 nr 45, $30 1. Harriet J Pric-" and lil> to Emoline It Payne 4 acies in sec 31 tp 19 nr 46, $100 ; William T [lodges to George Coir. egys, nd vf ni'] see 34 Ipl9 nr43, $500 Ge 1 W Truax r.nd wf to L It Laui detl -■■; sec 6 Ip 18 m 46, $2000 ' C G Alii ato fjirs Puulsen 'ot 5, bik 27 Prtiouso City, $150. Magg:« riiouip3on and V M Thomp- ! son to A McQueen End A Coyle, lot j Col ten* -;:12-". I COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ' The county i imiuUsioaers of Whit man county, W. T. met on the :.'ii id! :. in regular, session. Present J. {;, Ed find I;, Weeks commissioners, L. P. I! "\ sheriff, an i 1. C. Turner , clerk. Oi'd i" !>>■ tliH bard that the bound aries of precinct No. 4] may be change d to as t> includo the following named Beckon, tow;:: Sections 15, 16, 17, IS, 20 and 31, tr 17, nr 45, E. j i W. }.!., and section 1, tp 17, nr 44, E. j W. M. and section 22, 27 »nd ci sec. 28, Ip 18, nr 44 E W. M . also section 34, 35and 90 tp 19, nr 44, E. W. M. { of voting at the hotel building al Garfield; The F. P. Grose road cud the Hen derson roads were dismissed, The i following roods were declared op in, vis; ! The Tucker road, Black road Gragg ; change", EirohoQer road, F. M. Thotnp j son road Johnson change, White road, j Lyii'.m road, Suiter-! ro\d, Bi-ihop ] ao^d, Kincaid roal Henderson road and Morgan road Other roads con j tinued over. Mr. Melnturfl app >iuted sup t visor road district No. 30, and J 18. Stinsdn j road supervisor district No. 43. | Ordered, that the county auditor [ advertise for pealed ! ids for keeping and medical cart- of county poor, said bids to be op-:: at 1.30 p. .in. Nov. 30, 1888, and the contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. -'- ... The Uiiion!o*ii Disti'lery Corup.tny has •'■■ n or^aniz^-d and th 1 institution j will soon be in full running or !er. A few necessary changes are being made owing to the approach of winter. PROBATE COURT. November 10—In the matter of the estate of Emanuel Homes, deceased, ordi r of ?a!e of personal property grained. In the matter of the estate of A. J. Banna, deceased, order that Recorder M. Midgett be appointed administrator. In the matter of the estate of Susan Grief, deceasi d, order continuing h-ar ingon petition for letters until Nov. 12, at 10 a. ru. [n the esl ite of Mary A. Obarhol :-.< r, dccc iss I, ordi r continuing beai ing on petition f r ' :*■ ;■: until November 12, at 10 a. in. Novprnbtr 12 [n the matterofthe of Samuel < '. Fishi r, dccc \.~.' i>\, order made to sell all the personal . • j rty oi •■.:■! estate at public bblp. In th ■ m :'•■.■ of the • te oi Susan Grief, dei . the folio * in^ claims all >w ' G. il. [ngrabam 8600, \l. A. Fair $35, !! iliii Heigtha BankiDg i >:ii; am i 11! the ii.■■! ti rof the est ite of !. -vi o i I. .i . ,! . 1 _ :...; i;«ynoi(is, deceased, order appointing J. T. WallsGM administrator, order 6x ing bond at if"2680. TEACHERS' MEETING. The teachers'association will meet Saturday, Nov. 17tb, in the public school building, in Colfax, with the following program: FORENOON. 1. Paper. "Art of Questioning:," by E. Minnie Whittington. General dis cussion. 3 Paper. "Dictation," by Miss Elvee Stone. Ditcussion opened by Miss Euima L immasson. 3. Paper. "Variations in school work," by J. L. Lancy. Discus sion by Miss Jesi:e Potter. AFTEHXOOX. 1. f Model ography class," by Mr. Dillon, Discussion opened by Miss Mcßri le. •2 "Pfiimanship," by Prof Bean. Discussion by Prof. Janeway. :! "Dictionaries and how to use them," by C. S. Roberts. Discussion by Mr. Elliott Miss Kate Redmond and ('has. Mecklem, committee. A Woman Shoots a Burglar.— j Wednesday night a burglar tried to force an entrance to the residence of Mr. McCartney of Spokane Falls. Mrs. McCartney w;ts not at home, but the house was in charge of a lady who sup presses her name. The fellow tried to raise the windows but was unable to do so. After making the unsuccessful attempt at the windows, be came back to the front door again. Mrs. X. then warned him to leave the place but he refuse (1 saying he must have something to eat. She told him she had a levol- vi r and would shoot if necessary. He replied that ha li id a revolver too, and although he did not want to use it, he would come in. After once more try— ng the windows, be attacked the front j loor again. .Mrs. X. then fired through ' the do ■■, the first time over the man's bead. After a moment's interval she l fired again, this time, however, the ."hot took effect, entering his left side. He was taken to the hospital and the ball was extracted by the hospital sur geon. The wounded man tjave his name as Holland, but says he knows nothing of what happened. However, his story is not believed, as he was not at all under the influence of liquor at that time. At a late hour bo i still alive, bat in a very precarious con dition. The Colville Indian reservation oc cupies on area of nearly- 100 miles square, has less than a thousand Indi ans upon it and is very rich in mines of silver, gold and lead, and the people of Stevens county me very anxious to have it thrown open, especially for mining purposes. HOMESTEAD PATENTS. , | The following homestead patents bare been re l ceived r.t the Walla Walla land office: I Matthew Sturm, .1 A Longhrey, I Charles W Beach, Patrick rlantgac. Matthew Whitiiekl, David F West Kobt. M ■ itlirti. Sanies S Semple, Samuel V Williams, Bernard V Simpson. Heirs of It Johnson.dec W I' Dolaa, ; John Starr, - Jeffßcntlov. ; Alfred II Bishop, Millar<l K. McMahon John it Berry, li Casacca, i James .1 Purviance, Jos m Baxter Win Ellingsworth London UcGee. Amos Green, Heirs of Win M fUggim, I Nelson Knettle, Dennis I! Messenger i Sarah M Goodwin, Bailey 11 Gross, j Thomas A irwin, Thomas J Brannan, ' Daniel Davis, Jacob A Bender (ieo W Reed. Wm A I'arvin JcffF Patrick, John V n beelaa John 11 Berry, Wm II Millspaugh, John i.uhrs, Frank Gano, Wyatl - George, John Downing, ! Owen Moon-house . Wm Turner. j ue<> Blunehett, Edward 11 Smith. M M Jeffreys, II T Hayes. Thomas Monre, Jno a Marlatl ! Elizabeth Miller, Jlngh Ward, ' j Wm II « \l on, Geo Dacros, I Mary M Dwyt r II 1' Lawerenee, 1 Elian King,» Jno .1 Muir, I ■'"" Petty, ltolit Morton, I Ed wan I Dow, C M [sh, I A 1. Wilson, Peter HenrieVson, Orrin Carpenter, Homer c Fisher, . M<; Groom. Mara i C Kulil, Oreo W Bradbury, 1) .- Smith D tTaa»>n. " eh;; 1-Mwar* I*,'1*,' Jessee (Jorbitt, Ino Hunt, >■ •■"■> Stllson, F.lias !■; Fanning, , Adolph Boger, Jas .Simpson, ; Chester Morley, Henry <; Long; j laaae i. Teller, Kdward i (won j John .M Ilixson, JnoMuth, Hi"- Higginx, Alonzn Prat her .Sarah X Lawler, »m II Bogan Lafayette Shirley, II R Uavburn, ! Henry Iliekman, Fred Uofer ' j John Wiseman,, Wirt WUloughby ; Alex Atkinson, II Sohneekloth, ' Jno C Lloyd, Dan 0 Bounds, Sadie II liaird. .1 li Lee, '■•" I Martin, Jonathan Starr .las II Crocs, Henry Bosh i Andrew J Uoser, Jno J Small Benj Flock, a t Hooper, Louisa 1! Wright, Arthur Gosselin Jno II Copher, Jos LStlllwell ' Jacob S Stone, Kolit a Tnr- ' II C Abel, H T Clement ! " S Malloy, j,;,) >fllendriek. | chasJMulUcy, J Lewis, I i itian lilair. Übtti Smith JnoUnd, Charity A Kexfoid, Tims i- Foster, Jno Wehlli 8 J Lowe. Henry Sedge Jos II Go«ch, .las HeGnire F schnnnemann, (ieo Local ' Albert Bowman, Silas Cohen's Juo 1) Williams, Henry J Young A J Abel, Goo Bemis, Addison M Roger*, Frank T Kei>er \VAsterrett, AC'Jowner, ' Edwin r Marshall, Jno X Facho Sam 8 Rogers, Edward Duffy! Sam B Stone, Jus R childers. Jno \: lem wait, \v r Anderson "« JosGadeberg, prank li.irmatfT' F Scoville. Morgan II Tale, l: C Woodruff, I. tommassoii,' Qsi-ar l: ouiih, Isaac Odell WmGwinn w I) otephensi/n, Jos M Knight Jno i; Wolfe, \\ E Appleford, John Baker ' Virginia Kitziniller, .Mary a Babandorff. « L Brown, Jno Noble V 1 -\ I vlr, lher- w GAddington, "■baa W H.,,len, Wm F Haeklej. ElilSoliek, Wmßrtinneffrd, .las a McCause, Lewellyn Kced, The Gov^rhou Pmoclaims —The governor of Washington territory has issued a brief but beautiful Thanksgiv ing proclamation. He. gays: "By authority of the established custom of this country, I hereby designate the last Thursday of November as Thanks giving day for the year 1888. I recom mend that on that day the people of Washington territory do assemble", in their places of worship, in their school houses am] society halls, in their log gers' camps and miners' cabins, on their ships and by the firesides cf rich and poor, in city and country, and there give thanks to Almighty (bid for his infinite us and all men. If any homeless ones be seen standing by the byways on that day, I tru* that those who are more fortunate will care for them, that they may see the silver lining of the clouds and feel -the sunshine of kindness for a moment, and so not despair of human nature. Such bread will return, in blessed form, , to those who east it upon tliu waters." ; I In Columbia county, Oregon, the ; ' officials are remarkably accommodat | ing. A special term of court was held ; recently at St. Helens for the purpose i .I of granting a liquor liscense for the' tr.-ni of two years to Mr. Hunter, who "j i pa d 'he expenses of the term. The new warehouse beintr construct ed in Portland will hold upwards of li i 000,000 of grain and is probably the largest on the Pacific coast. The f°aD' i dation is on 1500 piles. Over 2000 tons of grain are. now stored there, a: but it is not expect, d tnat the stroc-. i, j ture will be fully completed «n^ I February next