VOL. 1. NO. 10.
I> E IV T I S T ,
Pullman, Washington Ter.
Office Hours : 9 a. m. to 12 m . and 1 to i p. m.
I>efilei*s in (xrain.
Highest market price paid for Wheat,
Oats. Barley and Flax.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Money to loan on real «state at the lowest
rates of Interest. All legal business promptly
attended to. Taxes paid for non-residents. Col
lections promptly made ana remitted.
Physicians and Surgeons
Are Prepared to Treat All Special
Office in Stewart Block.
Barber and Hair Cutter.
Special Attention is Given to
Cutting : and : Trimming;
Ladies' and Children's Hair.
Hot and Cold Baths.
$500.000 $500,000 $500,000
W. V. WINDUS, Agent.
Pullman, Washington Ter.
t- . —
Pullman Meat Market.
Dealers in all kinds of
Fresh and Cured Meat.
Specialties In Mea*om.
Highest market prices paid (or Cattle
and Hides, Hogs, etc.
>o4ißf Block, ■ ■ Main Street.
Jeweler: and: Engraver
— AND —
-:- Practical -:- Watchmaker. -:-
Pullman, Washington Ter.
Repairing of Watches, Clocks.'and Jew
lry a specialty. Postoffice Bnilding.
Pullman Sample Room,
Cor. Main and Urand streets.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Perfect order maintained and gentlemanly
treatment to every one.
PBllman, • . Washington Ter.
Union Pacific Railway.
Thrown Pullman Sleepers and Modern Day
roaches to Omaha, Council Bluffs and Kansas
City, making DIRECT CONNECTIONS to the
points in the East and South.
' Baggage cheeked through from Full
man to all points named.
Family Sleepers Free on
, All Through Trains.
*• Var farther information regarding territory
evened rates of fare, descriptive pamphlets,
S ipplv to nearest airent of tV Union Pacific
nSi way, or O. R. & N.Co., or address
." ... H. H. BROWN, Agent, Pullman.
It * Tsbubts, O. P. 4 T. A., Omaha, Neb.
. A. L. Maxwell,
O. P. * T. A., O. a. & S. Co.,
T\ Portland, Oregon.
m,:: ' •-:■.—
/ V Su \ Ea I ' ' I ■" '. . '-'„'
Matters of Local and General Import
Gathered from All Sources for
the Benefit of Our Readers.
Virginia City has many idle men.
Small-pox at Meiced is disappear
Redwood City complains of burg
Vancouver has limited its saloons
to six.
There is a wood famine at Grass
Burglaries are still plentiful at Los
San Luis Obispo works it« prisoners
in a chain-gang.
Salt Lake City has an 1814-pound
3-year-old Hereford heifer.
Crescent City, Del Norte county,
proposes to establish a pork factory.
Phoenix, A. T., has succeeded in it*
effirtß to secure the Territorial capital.
The remains of an unknown man
were found on the tract at Bakers
Sin Bernardino charges $40 a day
for circuses and $10 per day for dance
Miss Emma Holman was fearfully
injured by a neighbor's dog at Al
bany, Or.
A fatal disease has appeared among
the horses on Dry Creek, San Luis
Obispo county.
Salt Lake has risen three inches in
the last 60 days, after a fall last bum
mer oi 26 inches.
Idaho lawmakers complain of the
treks by which Mormons evade the
laws den}ing them a vote.
About 50 pas-eenger and freight con
ductors an the Atlantic and Pacific
railroad have been discarged.
The Gilroy Advocate intimates that
the reported discovery of coal near
that city has been exaggerated.
A Cnincse gardner applied to the
beet sugar factory at WaUonville for
a contract on 70 acres of beet?.
The iflinial count in Nevada gives
Bartine (Hep.) for congress, 6921
votes, ann Cassidy, (Dem.) 5682.
Santa Rosa believes it will, within a
year, be connected by rail with the
western boundary line of Sonoma.
An artesian well at Elsinor, San
Diego county, furnishes bath houses
witk water 108 degrees temperature.
A seam of bituminous coal, three
feet in width, has been discovered in
Saamich, B. C, 20 feet from the sur
Thirteen and one-half tons of bar
nacles and shell fish were scraped off
the bottom of the Olympian at Vic
A boy tramp, aged about 13 years,
arrested at the Suisun depot, was
found to have two loaded revolvers on
his person.
The jury in the Teller murder case
at Spokane Falls brought in a verdict
of not guilty. Mrs. Teller killed her
husband in self defense.
Leading lawyers in Nevada believe
the constitutional amendments that
were adopted by the popular vote last
summer, are null and void.
At an undertaker's shop in San Ber
nardino William Graham took a drink
of embalming fluid, thinking it was
beer. He died in great agony.
Mrs. Alice C. Whitford, wire of a
Denver banker, has gone hopelessly
in«ane at Pomona on account of her
husband's complaint in a divorce suit.
Sixty acres of land were purchased
at Seattle for the site of a big smelter
to reduce the ores cf the northwest,
and especially those of the Cceur
Shipments of fish from Hnnford
and Lt-moore, Tulare county, 60.625
pounds from September 15th to De
cember 1, 1888. Tae fish were taken
from Tulare lake.
Several companies nave been or
ganized to develop the oil fields in
New Mexico, and considerable excite
ment exists at Gallup, where oil is in
such quantities that in many lacali
ties it "runs in rivulets."
A rattlesnake three feet long with
seven rattles was found the other day
on the roof of the Palace hotol at Tuc
son, A. T. The building has brick
walls and is sixty feet high.' It is sup
posed the reptile was dropped by
some bird of prey.
It has been discovered that over
$75,000 in coupons of the funded debt,
purchased by the city of Sacrament',
is missing and not canceled. The
coupons are of 1865. It is believed
$13,000 of the issue now in the books
and canceled has been paid twice.
Robert Evans and Walter, Isaac
and Frank Cannon, living on the road
between Grass Valley and Nevada
City, have been arrested and charged
with selling bogus gold nuggets and
quartz specimens to Chinamen. They
have carried on their swindling opera
tions for sometime.
A. N. Polymath, the San Diego jew
eler who was arrested a few days ago
for illegally restraining Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Tabor in his shop two or three
hours and subjecting them to a search
to the skin, because they refused to
pay him $45 for three rings alleged to
have been taken by them, has been
held to answer before the superior
court on a charge of false imprison
ment, j
A Brief Mention of Matters of Gonaral
Interest.—Notes Gathered from
Home and Abroad.
New Cumberland, W. Va., iiad a
$150,000 fire Tuesday night.
The steamf r Silver Star was sunk
near Portsmouth, Maine, last week.
A conference of wool-growers will
be held in Washington on January 10.
Sunday trips of tho Fifth avenue,
New York, stages have been abolished.
New York and Washington were
surprised Tuesday with pleasant wea
Pittsburg has the walking mania.,
A 72 hour match was in progress last '<
Canada prohibits the importation of;
improper literature from the United
The secret service of the Missouri
Pacific road will cease to exist after I
January 1.
The Butchers' Protective associa
tion at, Cincinnati, has declared a boy
cott on Chicago dressed beef.
A heavy fall of snow in Michigan
h»s enabled the lumbermen to begin
the winter logging operations.
Two thousand people witnessed a;
game of huge-ball at Philadelphia last
Sunday, played in-doors at the state
lair building.
Mrs. John Priestly and her grand
son were murdered last Saturday and
then burned in an incendiary fire at
Forest City, Perm.
The French-Evertoll actions in
Kentucky are heavily armed and pre
paring for a right. The French party
has 35 men, heavily armed.
Fraicis Murphy has made 20C0 to
tal abstinence men in Indianapolis.
His methods appear to le more efftc
tive than the prohibition vote.
There have been three heavy snow
slides on the Canadian Pacific rail
road in the mountains during the laot
few weeks, all at or near Field.
The owners of the released steamei
Hartian Republic, demand damages
froiji Hayti amounting to $200,000,
and the ship's crew $15,000.
Bogardus was defeated in a pigon
shooting match at Cincinnati by Al
Bardic. The latter killed all his
birds, 100; Bogardus killed «5.
Fcur woman had an 8-hour bicycle
race at New York Tuesday night. Lot
tie Stanley made 80 miles and secured
$500 and the diamond medal.
C. J. Kerehaw, who failed for two
millions in the Cincinnati wheat cor
ner, has arranged to pay nearly 90
cents oa the dollar on all the chums.
Foster, Dixey's advance agent,
jumped from a swift moving train,
while 30 miles from Cheyenne, Tues
day. He was not killed, but badly
Since 1835, and including the one
last week, nine explosions have oc
curred at the powder works in Wind
ham, Maine. Altogether 33 lives have
been lost.
Indictments have been found in
Jt fferaon county, Ind., against every
pilot who took out a Sunday excur
sion from that locality during the
past summer.
Lincoln, Neb., has a ;itizei< named
John McAllister, worth $30,000, who
lives alone in a small room in a state
of abject fqualor. He is a monoma
niac on "logic."
The football team at Durnam,N.
C, has had powerful electric lights
suspended over its grounds and pro- j
pose to play the game during the
evening hereafter.
Fount Homer, aged 20, while crazy:
drunk, ran through the streets of |
Charleston, W. Vu., Tuesday with a'
dub, hiding everybody he met. He
struck Edward Ames, who stabbed
him to detth.
G3neral David Stanley was arrested
recer tly by order of the nuyar of Aus
tin, Tex., but, the jailor refused to in
carcerate him. The general was exe
cuting an order of ejectment issued by
the war department.
The model of the monument which
is to he erected in Haymarket square,
Chicago, in memory of the policeme.i
who fell in the encounter with the an
archists, has b^n finished, and will
be 6ent to New York for casting.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch Christ
mas fund reached $10,000. The sub
scriptions started at. 10 cents. Fully
15,000 poor children received pres
ents Tuesday, and for hours the Ticin
ity of the exposition building was
A riot broke out afresh at Bevter,
Mo., the scene of the recent mine
troubles, last week. The negroes wete
the aggressor?, and not only did they
grow boisterous, but attempted intimi
dation by the free use of firearms. The
militia acted promptly, and Tuesday
night five of the leaders were in the
Arkansas has received the honor
able mention of showing the greatest
number and best varieties of seedling
appks before the Illinois Horticultural
Society. That state won the same
award at New Orleans, Boston and
An odd piesent was received by
Gen. Harrison Christmas from Port
land, representing a spider's web of
fine wire, with a spider and a fly in it
in close proximity. Underneath.were
the words: '-Home, Sweet Home."
The general was unable to 8«e the sig
nificance of the gift.
Newsy Notes Concerning the Farm asd
of Especial Uterest to the Pa
cific Coast Husbmdniaa,
Jt will be a sign of progressive firm
in? when the owner of swine saves
clover ior his hogs in winter, or goes
further and preserves in a silo BWiet
corn, with which to winter and help
his hoge. The possibilities of hog- j
rearms with the right kind of eneiUge j
are beyond reckoning.
Never grow trees of different kindu j
together until satisfied one does not
injure the other, as is frequently th^ I
case when plums are grown near:
peaches, thus inducing the curculio
to sometimes attack the latter. A
single wild cherry tree near an apple
orchard will provide a harboring
place for caterpillars, which finally in
jure the apple orchard.
There is a time to market produce,
and that must be regarded if success
lis hoped for. It is decidedl ' best to j
market aa much produce iw possible
I in the immediate vicity of one's home,
and to sell directly to the consumer.
In this way usually better prices are
maintained, as there are no middle
men to get their shaiv, and there is
also the advantage of dealing with peo
pie whose standing is fairly known.
' But even if lower prices must be taken j
as a rule it is better to sell near home |
than to take the risk of marketing at
a distance.
The value of the food is not in the
available material contained therein j
for the production oi meat or milk
only, but aUo in the amount and qual
ity "of manure derived therefrum. It
has been estimated that one-third of
ihe food eaten goes into the manure.
As the manure, then, is simply the i
food stored away for future use, it is
important that in order lo drive the
greatest benefit from the loud manure
shuiild be- carefully managed to pre-
Tent loss. As the food is not exposed
1 to injury by air and water the manure
is equally deserving of cue. The j
manure-lie*p is the savings bank of j
the farm.
If it is desired to have poppies very ;
early, it is well to take " time by the |
forelock" and prepare the bed in the
fall. Sprinkle ihe seed on the top of
the ground just before winter fairly j
sets in, oi it can be done later. The i
finest poppied I have ever giown were
Mown during a January thaw, while
the bed was free from snow for a day '
or two. Poppy seeds arc very liny.
;in il planted tou ikep will not come j
up, or if not aufficientJy covered soon
dry up , but the rains and the melting j
snow teem to regulate the matter
nicely. U-e as little seed as your con
science will let you, else the work of'
thinning out will be tiresome. Poppies j
should always be sown whtre they
are to bloom, fur tkey are very dif
ficult to transplant,
Feed warm swill to your pigs in a '
warm place. Feed often and but lit
tle at a time, so that the pigs wiV
always come to the trough with li j
good appetite, and there will be noth- ■,
ing left to eour. Feed the swill as i
fust as it is made, so that it doesn't j
get sour. Try to get your litter of j
pigs in March or April, that they may |
be tit for tale in eaily winter. Breed
once a year, as this is a sufllcient
ttrain on the vitality, and breed to i
mature parents. If you breed from j
too young parents you increase the I
probabilities of infirmity and disease
10 which the pig is liable. Whenever
you bring a new pig on the farm,
shut it up by itself for at least three
weeks, until you have ascertained it
to be perfectly healthy.
The pulling of feathers is a pure
, habit, which is brought on in flocks
i that hare not enoi.gh to occupy their
time and attention. When they once
get a ta-te of the meaty end of the
: feather they are liable to extend their
! picking to something mure than
feathers, taking advantage of the
naked condition of their companions j
; by nipping at ex )osed bloody parts,
and allowing the poor hens no peace
till they or iheir mates are taken oat
of the pen. During the winter con
finement of fowls they should be kept
as busy as pos-ible by scattering their
grain among leaves and chaff, co that
; hard scratching will be necessaiy on
their part in order to get enougu to
eat. This will take their time and be
i liable to keep them out ol mischief.
i As a further prevention, tome trim
[ the edges of the beak*, so that when
I they attempt to poll a feather it will |
i slip tnrougu and they cannot hold it.
Another remedy is to put on the fowl
,an appliance called the poultry bit,
: which can be obtained of almost any
! dealer in poultry supplies.
If any person were to chain an ani- j
1 mal to a stake in a field and leave it to |
; shift for itself, then to watch the ani
mal until it geis thin and decrepid
from loss of llefh and strength, it in
quite probable that the humane so- j
ciety would be after him with properly j
def erved punishment. Yet this is j
what thousands of farmers are doing
with their fruit orchards, of course
barring the difference between the in
satiate tree and living animal. Like
the latter the tree is chained to one
locality and cannot go abroad for
. food, but fortunately it has n« sense
of suffering, or at least none that we
can appreciate. And yet even for a
tree there must be something akin to
■ pain in the process of slow starvation |
the seeking by exhausted rootlets j
of food that cannot be found. It takes
an enormous amount of various ma
nures to form fruit and seeds. The
leafy part of the tree may mostly
come from carbonic acid gas of the
atmosphere, but the stone fruits need
a good deal of potash. Grapes and
i peart require a considerable amount
'of phosphate in addition. There is
perhaps, no place 011 the hum where, ■
a good dressing of manure would de
greater good I ban in ah old apple
orchard where (lie trees seem to b
running out.
Much of the feeding of chickens is
of soft food. It is easily picked by
the little fellows, and they can quickly
fill their crops from a dab of wet meal
thrown on the ground before them.
This too rapid eating is one of the
worst evils in artificial feeding young
chickens. They gorge themselves be
come surfeited and die. We have
found whole wheat grains much bet
ter, beginning for two or three days
by breaking the grain in two pieces.
It does not matter, however, if the lit
tle fellow is forced to do this work
himself. He will struggle with a
grain of wheat or oat grain for two or
three minutes, and at last, after a des
perate struggle, swallow it. The very
hardness of the whole grain keeps his
food from compacting to his crop.
We would not, however, feed whole
corns to wry young chicks, nor in
deed corn ground into meal, as their
principal diet.
At present many country people
want to know how to make quickly
vinegar out of cider. Apples vary in
the amount, of sugar they contain.
Some that make thin and watery ci
uer. or are largely diluted with water,
will never make strong vinegar unless
reinforced with more sweet. Any
course sugar or molasses will do, as
whatever impurities it contains must
bo thrown up to the surface in violent
fermentation, and may be skimmed
oft". if the cider is all right, place it
in a place, where some may be drawn
off and lured back every day, taking
pains to bring it into contact with the
air as rich ss possible. For this pur
pose it is often filtered over coarse
shavings or straw. The oxygen the
air starts first the vinous or alcoholic ■
fermentation, which is quickly fol- i
lowed by the acid fermentation. The !
more sweet there is in the cider the
stronger the fermentation and the
sharper the vinegar. If you have old
cider that don't turn readily into vine- j
gar, put it into an old molasses hogs- j
head or barrel, and give it another j
trial. There are various methods of
keeping cider from working. If your
old cider has been subjected to any of
these, it is better to make or buy a
barrel of new. The cider that has
been doctored to keep it sweet is hard
t > change into vinegar, and is not of
the best when mute. The common
practice of putting the cider barrel in
ihe coldest corner of the cellar, and
then letting it work itself into vinegar
without help, is * not one to be gener
ally rcc jmmended.
A correspondent of the Country
Gentleman writes lrorn California how
he saves and cures peaches in the sun.
He cays neaely all evaporators are
abandoned end the rays of the sun
are depended on and answer as good a
purpose as the best system of artificial
heat. Ho goes on at length to s*y how
th' fruit is gathered, peaches being
I Is cwn crop, that it is bleached by
use of sulphur fumes half an hour,
and the sun dries large fruit that is in
halves id three days' time. California
evidently has a great advantage in it*
warm sun and dry climate, but while \
they depend on the sun's rays only,
they have not any decided advant
ages over the evaporating machines
now in xogue in Oregon. They do all
the work of preparation and laying on
tray?, and while they place these trays
in the sun the evaporating concerns
hold them mere conveniently and the
cost of wood is small. The Co3t of j
handling is the same in either case. |
There was a short time last summer
when sun drying was efficient, but
not to be depended on. The sun in
August can be utilized here in con
nection with evaporating by heat.
Last summer when peach plums
were threatening to spoil because
there was not evaporating space to
hold them, the expedient was resorted
to of spreading the fruit cut and pitt
ed upon boards and partially drying
it thus. It was found to be an ad
vantage, the fruit partially sun-dried
was even better than that put at first
into the evaporator. If we have a
good tun it can be utilized to dry fruit
and it can be bleached as well before
sun drysng as when dried in an evap
In making calculation? for any in
vestment, it is -.lways well to con
cider both sides carefully—the proba
ble cost and the probable returns the
investment will yield. If by one
method of procedure it costs five
cents per pound, and the price of
beef gives promise of fluctuating be
tween 4$ anil oj cents per pound, the
investment is not a promising one.
Again, if it costs $100 to raise a com
mon horse in a common way to the
age of four years, and there is no
promise of more than $125 for him,
while it costs $125 to raise a fine draft
colt to the age of three years, anu
such colts readily bell at $175, it is not
bard to see which investment gives
the greatest promise of profit. In this
question of relative profit, the Farm
ers' Advance gives the following inter
esting incident: A gas company hav
ing a quantity of pipe to be hauled
some distance offered what they sup
posed fair rates by the hundred
pounds for the work. Light team?,
or what many call general-purpose
teams, could draw an average of 2,200
pounds, earning $3.30, which, after
deducting $1.59 per day for driver and
his board, left $1.80 for use of team,
wagon and harness. Any one will
say that the team would be fed at a
loss. Parties having heavy teams of
grade draft horses took the contract
at the company's rates, and drew on
an average of 3,800 pounds, earning
$5.70 per deducting $1.50 for driver
and his board, leaves $4.20 for team,
wagon and harness. This is a differ
ence of $2.40 in faxor of the draft
team. "Jl ' " '
........ V ...
The stHe of the mercantile market ha
remains.] unchanged throughot the past
week, wheat being alone affected.
C:il>'f advices from Liverpool do not give
promise of a change for the better until
after the Christmas holidays. The retail
holiday trade is very active, ready money
being more plentiful than usual at this
: time of the year.
GaOCEKIES-Sugars have fallen ie
since our last report. We quote C i [;c,
extra C f Je, dry granulated 74,e, cube,
crushed and powdered "So. Coffees firm,
Java 2?c, Costa Rica J'J.c'SiOc. Salvador
lS'a>l9c, Arbuckle's roasted 24.c. In
canned table fruit, assorted, 2\s $2 per
doz: pie fruit, assorted, 2Js f1.2)i|1.33,
8* $3.73.
PROVISIONS—Oregon hams are qnot
edat Hi'aSloc, breakfast bacon He, »houl
ders lOjc, Eastern meat is qnoted as fol
lows: Hams 13(a>16c, breakfast b icon 13ic
sides lHc.
FRUITS-Green fruit receipts 1253 tots.
Hard fruit is scarce, and the supply of ap
ples not equal to the demand. .Apples SOSft
do per bx, Mexican oranges $4, lemons
[email protected] per bx, bananas ?3.50@4,50.
quinces 40 « 60c,
VEGETABLE3—Market well supplied.
Cabbage J o>lc per ft, carrots and turnip*
75c per sack, red pepper 3c per tb, potatoes
40.a»45c per pack, sweet 1 jf'<E-e per lt>.
DRIED FRUlTS—Receipts 400 pkges.
Sun-dried apples 4'ase per It), factory
slic d Be, factory plums BS9c, Oregon
prune* 7"!>e, pears 9 a 10c, peaches 102 lie,
rai-iiis $2.25 per box, Cali ornia fig* He,
Smyrna 18c per It>.
DAIRY PRODUCE—Butter receipts for
the week 159 pkges. Fancy creamery 32J<;
per lt>, choice dairy 3"c. medium .7@3Oc
common 20e, eastern 25(£30c.
EGGS—Receipts 19.2 cases. Oregon 35c,
eastern 32'.<»32£c.
POULTRY — Chickens $3.5034, for
large young and $4 450 for old, turkeys
ll^iaWc per ft, ducks {5@7 per dozen,
geese $8 a i).
WOOL—Receipt* for week 221,800 lbs.
Valley 18 ?>2oc Eastern Oregon 10<ai5o.
II OPS-Receipts for week 1027 lbs.
Choice li}(al4c.
Receipts'for week 94,206 ctls.
Valley $1,374(81.40, Eastern Oregon $1,321
to 1.40. Oats 32®35c
F, OUR -Receipts for week s<i~d bbls.
Standard 84,75, otner brands $4.25.
FEED—Barley f23'per ton, mill do
$18 2iH.50, shorts «16 50, bransls.so,
baled hay $13*15, 100-e §li@ls.
FRfSH MEATS—Beef, live, 3c, dressed
6% mutton, live, 3c, dressed 63, lambs
92 2,5 each, hogs live, .">i t tic, dressed 7@
7i, veal 6 a 7c.
Bales for Cultivating the Most Lasting:
form of Lovellnrva.
No cosmetics are so capable of en
hancing beauty as the smile of good
temper and a desire to please.
Beauty of expression is more than
any other form of loveliness, capable
of cultivation. A woman may not
have perfectly regular features, but
her face will be so lit up with the
beauty of goodness that she can not
fail to please, if she strive to obey the
spirit of some such rules as the follow
ing, which may be multiplied or di
minished according to particular cases.
1. Learn to govern youselves and to
be gentle and patient.
2. Guard your tempers, especially
in seasons of ill-health, irritation and
trouble, and soften them by prayers
and a sense of your own short-comings
and errors.
ft Heverr speak or act in anger until
you have prayed over your words or
4. Remember, that valuable as is
the gift of speech, silence is often
more valuable.
5. Do not expect too much from
others, but forbear and forgive, as you
desire forbearance and forgiveness
6. Never retort a sharp or angry
word. It is the second -word that
makes the quarrel.
7. Beware of the first disagreement.
8. Learn to speak in a gentle tone
of voice.
9. Learn to say kind and pleasant
things whenever opportunity offers.
10. Study the characters of each and
sympathize with all in their troubles, j
however small.
11. Do not neglect little things, if
they can affect the comfort of others
in the smallest dogree.
12. Avoid moods and pets and fits j
of sultriness. •
13. Learn to deny yourself and pre
fer others.
14. Beware of meddlers and tale- 1
15. Never charge a bad motive, if a ;
good one is conceivable.
--16. Bo gentle and firm with chil- j
The last rule refers to children, but
often a husband is far more difficult to
manage. If, however, a wife can keep
her temper, and persevere in her ef
forts to please, she will in the end
conquer by kindness. — From "Five Tal
ents of Woman." ''■'■
,» « «
The Übiquitous Paragrapher.
"I see many nationalities represent- j
ed here," observed a clerical traveler
in Jerusalem; "there are Turks and
Arabs, Armenians and Persians, and
Greeks and Romans, but so few He
brews. Ah, I wonder when the Lord's
peculiar people will come and again
take possession of the Holy city?"
'Oh, they will come," observed a
consoling voice at his side, "they will
come in Jew time."
And the preacher recognized in the
stranger the übiquitous American para
grapher — a veritable companion in
travail. — Chicago Globe. _^_
—A man may be thoroughly con.-ci
sntious, and yet not have the skill to
make a good house, or shoe, or web of
iilk, or carriage, or poem, or speech.
Yet we can better spare tho skill than
the conscience; for skill in itself, even
the highest, gives no assurance that t he
work done will be according to ability.
Books are made, nails are driven, seam*
are sewed, ships are navigated, laws
are enforced, in the most successful
way when they are veined and arteried
with conscience.— The Advance.
£2.00 PER YEAR.
The rrinrlpal Characteristics of Denmark**
Capital City.
We soon found ourselves in a fine
city of 300,000 people, well built, well
paved, and in every way worthy to be
the capital of a thriving though not
largo kingdom. The people have quite
a cosmopolitan style about them, and
move about with a brisk, business air.
Shop _ windows make pretty displays
and signs are gaudy. It is astonish
ing how four or five names predomin
ate all over the town. In Norway you
call a boy "Olaf" and the chances are
he will answer you. Here yon may
take off your hat to "Mr. Olserr." lie
will either return your salute or ho
will say you are mistaken, his name is
"Jensen." Ole Olsens and .fan Jensens
are everywhere. It seemed to me that
out of every hundred signs more than
half of them were '-Olsens," "Jansens."
"Petersons." and one or two other
patronymics. Sometimes "" Jan>e,i"
took a variation and called himself
"Johansen." and a Petersen became a
"Pcdersen." But the dodge could not
fool a knowing one — they were '•Jan
sen" and "Petersen'' still, just -as
••Smythe" is surely "Smith." Stores
are, crowded closely together, and
basements are evidently as popu
lar as first floors. All that is
required is enough of the base
ment window above the sidewalk to
make a pretty display, and the below
ground is a good locality for a money
changer, a meerschaum dealer, or an
ivory vender. The streets in the old
town are narrow and the sidewalks very
contracted. But they are all kept clean,
and as many people walk in the^road
•.vay as on the footpath; this is especi
ally in the evening when wagon traffic is
mostly over. The streets were gen
erally pretty well peopled, probably
more so while we were there than
usual, owing to the exhibition now
coming to a close. In the new quar
ters the streets are quite broad and
the houses rarely under four stm-ies in
height, live being the usual number.
These newer buildings are of pretty
modern architecture, but built in solid
blocks, there being very few separate
houses with yards or grass plats.
Looked down upon from one of several
church towers the city is very pictur
esque. I chose the one known as the
•'Hound Tower"' for my observations
because of its easy ascent over a broad
winding walk upon brick arches, up
which Peter the Great rode on horse
back and his Queen, Catherine, in a
This tower is only 110 feet high.
By stepping the outer edge-of the
walk I found it 330 yards. The old
town from it looks very quaint
with its tall houses built on narrow,
irregular streets, of lofty, steeply
pitched roofs, with two. three and
sometimes four stories of trap win
dows cut through the red bent tiles.
Circling about the old city is the finely
built newer town with massive blocks
of buildings all in black slate roofing.
There are some fine public buildings
in the city and the old Rosenburg pal
ace is tilled with mementoes of the
I Kings and Queens of the land, many
I of them rich and interesting. — Carter
11. Harrison, in Chicago Mail.
— ■♦ • ♦
--\ . ■
I linn .1 Huge Beast Was Chastised for Kilt
ing It* Keeper.
Some elephants resemble men in
their liability to sudden outbursts of
passion, and in their exhibition of re
! morse when, the passion having sub
sided, they see the results of their vio
j lent temper. An illustration of an
elephant's violence and contrition is
given by General George Bell in his
"Hough Notes of an Old Soldier,'
written while he was serving in India.
While the party was in camp a
mahout went with his elephant to cut
forage. As ho was binding it in bun
\ dies the elephant began to help him
i self, and knocked about the bundles
I already tied up.
The mahout punished the beast (or
j lisobedicnce by a blow on the shins,
! which so enraged the elephant that ho
seized the man with his trunk, dashed
him to the ground, and trampled him
j to death.
No sooner had he killed his keeper
than he repented, roared, and bolted
for the jungle to hide himself. Six
other elephants, guided by their ma- .
hoots, followed him. On being driven
j into a corner he surrendered, and was
| led into camp a prisoner, and chains
! were placed on his legs.
j Then came his punishment. An ele-
I pliant was placed on either side, each
j holding ■ heavy iron chain. -As the
j dead body of the mahout was laid on
j the grass before him the elephant
j roared loudly, being perfectly aware
i of what he had done.
A mahout ordered the two elephants
to punish the murderer. - Lifting the
t «-o heavy chains high in the air, with
| their trunks, they whipped him with
these iron whips until he made the
camp echo with his roars of pain. He
was then picketed by himself, and an
iron chain attached to his hind leg,
which he dragged after him on the
£Tj:- «—— —— ■
An Interesting Child.
Brown —I want to tell you about my
little boy. ' He—
Jones—Excuse me, my dear fellow,
but I've got to catch that 4:10 train,
Brown—He is the most. ordinary
child .in *: existence. -Never said a
bright thing in his life '. and is remark
able backward for his age..
(They drink together.)— Time.
m « »
—The lay of the tend is what dark
ness broods ov.:. T.'mt.