THe Herald. THOMAS NEILL, Pcblisheb. WILL ALLEN, Associate Editor, terms of SUBSCRIPTION: o:jeyeak... $2.00 BIX AIONTH3 ONLY. 1.00 ADVERTISING RATES Are liberal, and made known on application in person or by moil. Legal Notices at the legal rates. Give as a trial. Entered at the Post Office for Transmission in . the Mails at Second-Class Rates. . . . Letter From Washington, D. C. Bpocial Correspondence to the Heb.vld. Washington. D. C, July 10. —Sen- ator Quay, who Las returned from Penn sylvania, said to-day: "Yes, the demo crats are claiming a great deal in Penn sylvania this year but they will be wo fully disappointed when the returns are all in. My confidence in republican success is unshaken; it is founded on a rock, and when you have sand in addition to the necessary rock you are pretty •wall fixed, and that is just the condition of the republican party of Pennsylvania." That was a pretty long speech for Mr. Quay to make to a newspaper man. There is not a word of truth in the statements made in democratic papers that the republican senators had made a bargain with the democrats by which the federal election bill was to be shelved for the session in return for democratic promises of not obstructing or delaying the passage of the McKinley tariff bill. No such bargain has been made, aud no such bargain wiil be made. The repub licans have a large majority in the sen ate, and to intimate that they would allow the minority to dictate what should or should not be done by that body is simply to insult some of the brainiest members of the republican party. The tariff bill will certainly pass before ad journment, but no determination has yet been roached upon the federal election bill. It is thought another republican caucus will be called before it is finally decided wnat shall be done with it. One was held last night and seyeral senators who had been credited as opposing it stated that they favored it. The silver bill reported from the con ference, and which is certain to become a law, like all other compromise measures t ails to pleas? the extreme gold standard men or the free coinage silver men, but it seems to snit the average man protty well. It provides for the purchase of 4,500,000 ounces of silver each month, which is said to ba slightly in excess of the entire out put of all the mines in the United States. Notwithstanding the extreme warm weather the president, since hi 3 return from Cape May Point Tuesday afternoon, has been working like a beaver. After many delays Wyoming is a state, although the forty-fourth star will not be placed on the flag uflfcil the fourth of next July. ™ The senate by a majority of 3, refused to open the debate on the tariff bill this week. Five republicans voted with the democrats in this, because they were opposed to taking up the tariff bill un til the silver question had been finally disposed of. Representative Perkins, of Kansas, has introduced a bill in the House to establish public schools in the territory of New Mexico. The House committee on invalid pensions has made a favorable report on the bill to pension army nurses. The bill only affscts about 900 women, and it seems but tardy justice that these women, many of whom are destitute and in bad health, should be provided for by the government for the rest of their lives. There is an ugly report floating around here to the effect that Representatives Hooker and Catchings, sitting members from Mississippi, had rel ained their eeats by obtaining the influence of ex-Senator Bruce and Auditor Lynch, two Mississ ippi colored men now in office here, tfhis may or mr.y not be true, but certain it is that the House committee on elec tions has made a report against the re publican contestants of Messrs. Hooker and Catchings' seats. More than one hundred members of the House are absent from the city, and Speaker Reed has the hardest kind of a time to keep a quorum present, in fact hodoesn'tdoitjthe unimportant busi ness is allowed to go through without having the question of "no quorum" raised, and when anything of importance is to be aot«d upon the members are drummed up until there is a quorum present. The "original packaoe" bill was, ac cording to the programme of tho com mittee on rales, to have been disposed of by the House this week, but the House &ot contrary and refused to adopt the resolution submitted to it by the com mittee on rules. This is the first timo this session that the House has refused to follow the programme adopted by that committee. Chairman Belden of the republican congressional campaign committee has &ent an appeal to the republican editors of the country asking their aid in arous ing public sentiment to the necessity of a federaljelection law. The House has passed a bill contain ing the regulations adopted by the recent international maritime conference to (■r.yrent collisions at sea. A Prominent Colfax Citizen Dead. Oouax, July 15.—William J. Bram wull died this morning at his home in this city after an illness of three years. Mr. Bramwell was well known through out the country and a highly respected citizen. South Dakota Dislikes Cheyennes. Washington City, July 12. —Senator Pettigrew, who does not want the Chey ennes removed to his state, and Repre sentative Carter, who wanta to get them out of Montana, have had a conference, and have decided that they will compro mise, join forces and remove the redskins to the Indian territory. There is philan thropy in this action, as the gentlemen claim that the Indians will receive the much-needed instruction immediately that they cannot get in Montana or South Dakota. Suing: A Railroad. San Francisco, July 11.—A suit was filed in the superior court to-day against the Southern Pacific Railroad company by William W. Craig, who demands $50, --000 for injuries which he received on April 30, while brakeman upon one of the defendant's trains which was thrown off the track near Castroville, in Mon terey county, by reason of a misplaced switch. Louis Ohnimns and Elizabeth'Ohni mus sue to recover $50,000 for tho death of their son Henry, who was em ployed as fireman on the same train and was killed in the wreck. Louis Silberg, one of the passengers upon the Southern Pacific coast train which ou May 30 was wrecked at the estuary on Oakland creek, has sued the company for $10,211 for injuries re ceived. Stole His Employer's Wife. Centralia, July 12.—The particulars of a domestic scandal have just been brought to light, affecting Mr. G. W. Hamilton and his wife. Mr. Hamilton was the keeper of the Palace restaurant' and had in his employ a young man named Evans, who acted in the dual capacity of clerk and head waiter. For a long time it had been noticed by the habitues of the house that there appear ed to be an intimacy between the clerk and the mistress of the house, which boded no good to the ponce of mind of too confiding husband. Mr. Hamilton discovered that the receipts of his estab lishment were gradually growing "small by degrees und beautifully less." At last his suspicions were aroused. About this time Mrs Hnmilton was suddenly seized with a desire to visit a sick friend in Kalama, and took the south-bound train, being furnished with the money by her husband. Shortly after this Evans also left. Then it was that bills began to pour in, and Hamilton discovered that t j had been systematically robbed and dishonored by his wife. Recently he received a letter from her dated at What com, saying that she would not return. She leaves three small children. A Repulsive Sight. Portland, Or., July 11.—Tho most affecting execution ever seen in the Northwest was witnessed in the hang ing of Edward Gallagher at Vancouver this afternoon. The execution took place in a temporary courtyard, and was witnessed by fully 500 people. Such a scramble to see a man swung into eter nity has seldom been seen. The eD closure was crowded, and the fence, shed on one side, windmill at the other end, and the roof over the scaf.,ld fairly groaned with the weight of human freight. Not only men, but women and small boys and girls jostled each other to get a place of vantage, from which they could see. After the 200 tickets were collected the door was thrown open, and a promiscuous crowd thronged in. Gallagher believed he would be saved up to the last minute. He was led" into the yard by the sheriff and deputy sheriff shortly before 1 o'clock, and with a little assistance ascended the scaffold. He refused spiritual consolation from the priest, saying he was not going to die, and he did not take any stock in church affairs, anyhow. "The soldiers will keep me," said he. The sight of the crowd seemed to daze him, and when he spoke his voice was scarcely above a whisper. He apologized for appearing before them in that form, and promised to do better some other time, an imbecile smile playing about his mouth when he spoke. Everything went smoothly until it came to fastening his hands and feet, and then he fought like a madman. He struck out with his arms, and kicked like a maniac, knocking down the sheriff and several of his assistants, aud it re quired the combined efforts of seven men to overpower him. A feeling of horror crept over the crowd, for such a struggle on the scaf fold had never been seen by any present before. It was harrowing in the ex-! treme. He was finally manacled and the cap and noose were adjusted, and, as the trap was sprung, he hissed the | words, ■ I don't give a damn. " His neck was broken by the fall. Gallagher was hung for the murder ' of Louis Moran, an aged farmer who i lived near the Cascade Lacks, last ' November. He denied his guilt, claim- i ing that a man by the name of " Snow-1 ball" did the shooting. "Snowball"; has never been found, and it is balieved \ that Gallagher killed him also. While I he was not insane, he was a moral idiot. ! As Gallagher was well acquainted with the soldiers of the barracks, it was be lieved that a conspiracy was on foot to rescue him, but the sheriff was well pre pared. Stolen Money Recovered. Jamestown-, N. D., July 12.—0n the night of June 13 last, a Northern Pa cific train was boarded near New Salem, N. D., by two masked men, who terror ized the men and got away with several pouches of registered mail matter. One of the robbers was afterwards captured. The postal authorities probably know by this time the amount they secured. The published estimate of 85,000 or $6,000 as the amount is but a rude guesb. It is believed that the robbers got away with about $5,000. The postal inspect ors have searched over the grouru where they caught the robber. They found in torn bits and ragged pieces a large amount of currency, including one bill of $1,000. There were found a number of $10 and $20 bills, more or less mu tilated. A whole bundle had been dropped in one place, and in the robbers' haste was not securely tied. Coyotes or gophers had torn and separated the money, and the wind had scattered it. The amount recovered the inspector will not disclose, but it runs into the thou sands. Almost A Calamity. Janesvillk, Wis., July 12.—One hun dred passengers thundered toward death I on the Chicago & Northwestern through express north of this city to-day over switches ehnt barely in time to keep the train from destruction. Along the track the trair: flew, while other trains were rushed into sidetracks and out of danger by the frightened train men. On the floor of the locomotive cab lay En gineer Steve Ho tall ing, a man of mas sive build, powerless in the grasp of the maniac. The insane man brandished a wrench, which he had clutched from the engineer's tool box. Both his arms were in the grasp of the almost despair ing man beneath him, but the men on the depot platform at Climan, one of the towns through which the train passed, could see that he had nearly freed him self, and within another moment, unless help came, the murderous blow of the wrench would fall. The maniac was Engineer Hotaliing's fireman, C. L. Hast ings. Near Watertown he stepped from the cab to the tender to coal up. He did not return, and Engineer Hotalling reached back from his seat, pulled aside the cab curtain and looked out. As the curtain moved aside Hastings bounded in from the tender, clutcned the engineer about tne neck and threw him headlong to the swaying foot board. There the two etrugglod as the train dashed on under a fail head of steam. At one time the engineer all but dropped to the rail beneath the engine, which left with out fresh fuel, was slowly losing steam, but still rushed on at a rate that could mean nothing lees than a fearful tragedy at the first switch left unturned. As the train swept past Climan without stop ping the passengers and train crew realized that something was wrong and a party humed forward. Writhing and struggling among the blocks of coal on the tender they saw a maniac and engi neer. Hastings was overpowered and taken to the baggage car. A moment afterward he fainted. Consciousness did not return till two hours later. The intensely hot weather, made more try ing by the temperature of the cab, is given as the cause of his insanity, and there are fears that he cannot recover. A Torch In the Sea. Port Townsejjd, July 12.—The re port that Mount Bogoslov, Alaska, is in a state of eruption is verified by officers and passengers on the steamer Arago. The steamer left Ounalaska July 3, and at that time huge volumes of steam and smoke could be seen issuing from tho volcano, while at night a pillar of fire thousands of feet in height was discern ible for miles. Bogoslov is on Oumnak island, and according to Indian tradition rose from the sea in 1796. Government surveyors give the height of the mountain at 1,169 feet, but recent surveys show that the mountain peak is but 884 feet above the water line. The volcano first began to emit fire and smoke about two months ago, the eruption following a violent earthquake. Bogoslov has been in a state of activity ever since, and Professor Elliott of the Smithsonian Institution, now at Ounalaska, so it is said by those on the Arago, has personally visited the island on which the volcano is situated and made au investigation. Ounalaska is about forty miles distant from the yolcano, and Oumnak island is nearly twelve miles from the nearest point of Ounalaska island, and snow on the mountains in the neighborhood has been turned gray by ashes. In walking through the grass a pedestrian gets covered with ashes believed to come from the volcano. As the island upon which the volcano is situated is uninhabited, Ido damage will result. The sight is a grand one, and mariners hope that the 1 activity will continue, as it serves as a j lighthouse in guiding vessels through I Oumnak pass. Mount Shishaldin, on ; Analgo island, was beginning to show j signs of approaching activity when the i Arago sailed. Steam and smoke have I been seen to issue from the center, and I fire and lava were daily expected to be seen issuing from the "mouth. Shishal ■ din i 6 5,952 Toet in height and rises grad i ually to the summit. It is perpetually 1 covered with scow, and with the peak can be seen at sea for a distance of ninety miles. If this volcono should become active the eight would de one of un equaled grandeur, and the eruption would be o fine subject for scientific in , v.'Stigation. Arid Lands, Washington/July 14. —Judge Carey, delegate from Wyoming, has introduced, at the request of his constituents, a bill providing for the segregation of irri gable lands of the and region and grant ing them to the several states and terri tories. The bill has in its aim the settlement of the much discussed ques tion. In its provisions the secretary of the interior is directed by means of geological surveys to make examinations and Burveys of that portion of the United States where agriculture is carried on by means of irrigation suf ficient to enable him to designate mo6t suitable areas for irrigation and to de termine the location of reservoirs, ditches and canals, by means of which reclama tion is to be accomplished. The di rector of geological surveys is to begin his examination of areas where irriga tion has the greatest importance. He is to make a report each year. When the secretary of the interior receives the re port of the director he is to transmit to the governor of each state where a sur vey is being prosecuted an accurate de scription of the lands located for irriga tion within the boundary of the state, and at the request of a governor the president is to cause a patent to be issued to the state, on the issue of which title to the lands is to be vested in the state, subject to the disposal of its legis latnre, under certain conditions. These conditions are that the land shall be dis posed of to actual settlers and cultiva tors, and not to exceed 160 acres to each individual, the maximum price to be 310 j>er acre. The proceeds of the salo of the lands are to constitute a fund to pay the expenses of the supervisor of the irrigation system of the state, for the construction of works, to be built and owned by the state. Land is not to be sold or disposed of until the proper state authorities shall have provided for the construction of suitable reservoirs, ditches or other works necessary for complete and proper reclamation by the issue of bonds or by contract. The state is to hold title to the lands until canals and other works for supplying water have been satisfactorily completed and the land subjected to cultivation. Any failure to comply with the pro visions of tho act governing the disposal is to cause the lands to revert to the United States, and all lands not re claimed within twenty years from the date of the grant from the United States to the state are to revert to the federal government. Sued The Northern Paciilc. Seattle, Gash., Jnly 17.—1n the su perior court to-day Louis Gnrat, Charles H. Florida and George R. Clark brought three suit; against the Nornhern Pacific railroad company, each for 825,000 dam ages for ejectment from a train. The complaint in each case alleges that the plaintiff purchased in Seattle on July 14 a ticket to Piisco, and that the conductor tix>k up their tickets and afterward put them off the train within forty miles of Svattle. The plaintiffs allege that they had important business at Pasco, and were damaged to the amounts sued for by the failure to meet them. Tha tick ets were not stamped by the agent who sold them. BREAD! Cookies, Frnit, nnts and candies of all varieties, Books, stationery, tobaccos & cigars at West's Variety Store In Crawford's Marknt, opposite Trne's Hotel. Pullman. 38 THE Great and Only McKanlass! REANEY'S OPEEA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY, JULY 22. MKANLASS' IfEW OPERATIC MIX- STREL COMPANY, Including MASTER WILLIE aND SISTER PATTI. And a first-class com pan) of 20---ARTISTS-V2O Brass Band, And Orchestra, all to appear in a pro gram, grand and select, of Fun, Good Dancing and plenty of New Jokes. Grand Street Parade An 12 o'clock. Seats on sale at box office only. J. H. ROSS, Agent' Kepubiican Primaries. The republican primaries of Whitman county ■will be held at the usual place of voting in each precinct, on Saturday, the ad day of August, | 1890, for the purpose of electing delegates to the j county convention, to be held on a date to be i Hereafter announced, i. p., after the meeting of the state central committee. The basis of rep resentation, as fixed by the county central com mittee, is one delegate for tacli twenty-five votes cast for Congressman Wilson at the last election, and one additional delegate for each fraction of twenty-five votes above twelve, provided, that each precinct is entitled to one delegate. The precincts are entitled to representation as fol lows: 1 Uniontown 1.18 I natvawa .... 1 lJiColton. 8 14 Button.... 1 2 Clinton ......1 14>£Harper..... ,[[]% 2Xrallman..... 6 15 Endicott. .[a 3 Branham ..2 153^'Coin "'2 4 Palouse City 8 16 Pine City 2 43*• EBSociifieils • have added with equal force, that merit is the essence of success. Wisdom's Robertine is the synonym of merit, and its history is success. The magical ef fects of this preparation have been attest ed by thousands of the leading ladies of society and the stage. It is the only arti cle ever discovered which gives a Natur al and Beautiful tint to the complexion, at the same time removing all roughness of the face and arms and leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. It - has long been the study of chemists to pro duce an article that while it would beau tify the complexion would also have the merit of being harmless, but these two important qualities were never brought together until combined in WISDOM'S 50c nOBB^TIJiB The Celebrated French "SEEIr 1 "APHRODITINE" % t^S3. f GUARANTEE » *>\J form of nervous I**" J? BfFORI Tf'r Com er the AFTER excessive use of Stimnlants, Tobacco or Opium enccT 8h s?. athf, ul ovef h/duU?-' np^'iT '• C 5 as Los* of Brai" Power, Wakeful ness .Bearing down Pains iv the Back Seminal 11 EmiS, IIy ! ° la- , ervoM Prostration Noctura- Srv Ln« nf V' encorrs ? ll> Di^iness. Weak Mem l^it^H 1 pow"and ImPOtCDcy, which if ne &ioi Ili1 lip c?o*,X 6bOMilorl6-00 by nr^. W,UIT^ Ei i GUARANTEE forevery 15.00 ?n™ u™ef£ n