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CROWD IS EXPECTED AT SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR, CROWO IS EXPECTED AT SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAB. i ' ilfaro ■• /t j ,j_ i ;ra[n^.D!_OT » *"■ 'v*V:;":i-\v;.*' i i - '"|n | '":'■:*■ '■■ 3 mfSt tK. .***-- *"**-• I "T I i ;m' BB__«*-f'i-ii'A-i -"-sr% i It •>" &&,,___ . : t ..; ,___gi , i ,'2'3fvfWltM»_Bi __s*ii_^Bi___t^^iis_t',»iWK_.v», „■<_.-_. ,■'■ ' rff^ 4 •^ -'_L*i^_*7S<__B______MC_l_n__S_HKß___r ____# "^^__Afflr <»_/** -j_.-- . K»_9H^«l_^R_-^Pra9^!-____^^ ■;3s_Hfe2M«mA_.'':-iC- J-PC'.-K. i_. jp.--«l__r <*3B_99__ fißlßs___Kfiaf 1 ■_■ -1 S^__r ' _S_>_S—*l^ __y "___ l Jlh .isKi ?"i|H__ *_ -Hu-ffv-,, . KJl^ >**- i-u iV - J___4f l__-_BH_#i>'' ■!■»' ■) *■__•*_; fif* \ ____________M_k> CI f Bfir ■a-^riW - §l%«il§W' ■:; £fet ## ■$&} *%sss£ •& 4t_l____r - 3_3d____ i-E- -... '■ c3-HPni l__fl_Hl__S!.:_Sf '>V __&_ Jl M-_ liß MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE SPOKANE INTEIISTATE FAIR ON THE OPENING DAY OF UKJU languishing characteristic of the Spokane, Interstate Fair for several years past has been the apparent v jti, which the huge crowds are handled by the management. Last year there were some 110 000 paid nd • [ns, and this year 150.000 are coufldently expected. It requires the services of a big mid thoroughly trained If attendants to secure comfort for these throngs [is true that Spokane through its lodges, fraternities and various organizations contributes with admirable jto the same desired end of Insuring the comfort of visiters. The city authorities do their purl us well and [suit of the kindly activity of the -.ollce is that, some weeks before the fair's opening, Spokane Is idea red of [desirable characters, confidence men, pickpockets and the nimble fingered and nimble wilted fraternity ireo- L m the opening of the gates on the first day of the Spokane Interstate' Fair— held this year Oct 3 to it- Is exhilaration in the air. an Infectious, joyous spirit that pervades the throngs in the cars seemingly before tarrlriil by one of the two electric lines at the fair grounds. And when the moving stream of pleasure bent nil Is passing through the gates it nerds not the big sign overhead nor the Inspiriting music of the bands } to convince the stranger thai tin- Interstate Fai, is on. II HE BEST BOOK B man can have in his. pocket, (he Bible alone excepted, is :.l i 3 bank book. The plot is absorbing and the reader's i interest increases ut the rate of four per cent, ('all al our I * t today and gel next. The check system is suited to all Is of business and will assist you in holding onto the dol- I. You can lie saving and nol be a miser. Economy encour i all the better elements of manhood. Il is easy to economize i your money in a bank where you do not see it. If it !;lcs in your pocket there is a temptation to spend it. We harness it up and put it to work earning interest for you. 6 possible you have never fell (lie absolute necessity of hay /a bank account, You might drift alone; and prosper with [one, hut it is much easier to forge to the front in a financial '.if you have one of our neat little bank books in your ket. Do ynu know of a single prosperous man who does not ry one ' You tire glad to follow the example of the wise and dent men in other respects, why not this? Call today, make nail deposit as a starter and yon will step a little higher Ijou go home to your fainil" with a bank book in your fleet. Try it just once. « :■ 1 Afl NP-MitJ 1 & It j ' * ® ne Pullman State Bank ■«i-k-_____W l «__^_ B _a_^__---____n«_--v_MU«n-H---H«>ii«-«^ J)VERTISE IN THE HERALD ■*■— .... I ... I l - mi. "il ll I - Pullman Now Has a fßexair Store "***^— **""" _«______-__-_-__mm--»--™« ammmmamaamma The Corner Drug Store now has a full line of the famous Rexall Remedies ' which there is one for every ailment These rem edies, toilet preparations, etc. ARE NOT PATENTS k |rormula will be furnished for any of them on request .1 **M-______H_a_n___-___-__-_______--_^^ _-__..-.-w----»_--^ ______---■■-■» ] GUARANTEE— On Every Preparation \? ht' l>dt«^l i>,u X Co. und the lle.vull Store handling this preparation f T,,«' l idled to give sat isf art ion; if it Store not, go to the preparation u »riii!lec ii , j, iv( . salisfai tion; if it does not. go to (be StOW where ou b,»"«ht i, md ,., y o ur money back. It belongs to you and we 'mi ton to have it." LOCAL NEWS J. M. Reid was a Colfax visitor last i Friday. Samuel Coad spent last Sunday at Oakesdale. A. B. Baker was in Spokane Wed , nesday and Thursday. J. S. Fountain of Spokane was a Pullman visitor .Monday. .1. I". Nessly left Wednesday for I his Stevens' county ranch. .1. If. Officii] was in town from his l ranch on snake river Monday. Thomas Neill transacted business at the county seal last Saturday, J. 'I. Brown, the Colfax attorney, was in Pullman the first of the week. The Misses Mamie Brewer and , Beulah Harris visited at Moscow Sat. i urday. For Sale — Pure bred Scotch Col lie. 10 months old. Apply .1. Vassie, i Pullman. augl 9 Karl P. Allen and wife are spend ing .i week in the Blue mountains near Dayton. j We are long on buyers but short on property. List your property with Jones & Sanger. aug stf Marshall McCroskey, an attorney of Colfax, was in Pullman Wednes . day on business. . Prof. ("has. Timblin returned from I a camping trip in the mountains of Idaho Wednesday. E. A. Kampen has returned from a business trip to Ritzville and other parts of the Big Bend. Loyal Branham, formerly of Pull . man, but now living at Palouse, was in town Monday and Tuesday. l"or Rent — Rooms with house keeping privileges in furnished house. Telephone Dr. White's. Phone, I ill. For special bargains in wagons during the next thirty days see 1.. B. Stivers, 719 Grand St., Jlyß tf Prof. Herbert Kimbrough and Dr. D. R. Campbell left Monday evening for a ten days' outing in Yellowstone Park. A. XV. Lee, state grain inspector of Idaho, was in Pullman a short time Wednesday on his way to Genesee on official business. Therese Osterman, the gifted Mai:. netic Healer, treats every known disease successfully. Room i. Mott building. Phone, LIT, 1. auglOtfl The Potlatch Lumber Company mill at Palouse is to be closed down In all departments, a decrease in the demand for lumber owing to the short crops in the middle west being given as the reason. John Jones left Monday for his ranch near Genesee, Idaho, He ex pecs to remain until fall, when he will return to Pullman. Wanted —Experienced fruit pick ers and packers by the Blalock Fruit Co.. Walla Walla, ash. Pleasant work during vacation. augl2tf E A. Williams of Tekoa. ca mid,ite for the republican nomination for prosecuting attorney, was in Pullman Wednesday, Blinking hands with the voters. Seabury Merritt, one of the can didates for the republican nomination for congress, was In the city Wednes day, but did not make much impres sion on l.a l""!lei te's strength. Mr. and Mrs W. It. Nessly, who have been visiting relatives In Pull man for some time left this week for their home In Wichita, Kansas, They will go by the way of Denver, .1. M. Held of this city has filed his notice of candidacy for he repub. llcan nomination for state repre.v i,'< tative from this district and George Wallers has entered the race for county assessor. .Mrs. M. 11. Kin hen came down form Bossburg Wednesday, and yes terday went to Colfax to visit a sis ter who has just arrived from the east, and ho is at be home of L. T. Bragg, a brother, at Colfax. XV. i,. LaFollette was in town for a couple of days during the first part of the week, tie left again tuesday evening for Wenatchee and other Big Bend points to continue bis cam paign for the nomination as congress man. The deep hole near the X. P. track on Kamiaken street has been filled with stones by the railroad employes. The hole has caused much Inconven ience and annoyance since the March floods visited Pullman and a com plaint was filed with the railroad by the Pullman Union Warehouse Co. A party of Colfax business men and politicians came up to Pullman in automobiles Saturday and spent the day hero. Among the visitors were Paul Pattison, democratic candidate for prosecuting attorney, ('has. La- Hue, of the firm of c. W. Laßue & Co., C. R. Hill, attorney, and Frank Bakola. Clark Nye, of the postoffice force, left Monday evening on a vacation trip to California. lie left on the O. R. & N.i going by the way of Port land, and will visit Los Angeles, San- Francisco, Pasadena, and oilier points before his return, lie will in- gone two or three weeks. Pros. Bryan came down from Cakeview, on Pend d'Oreille lake, Idaho, the first id' the week expect inn to attend a meeting of the board of regents, but owing to lack of a quorum no meeting was held. As Mrs. Bryan has been quite ill at their summer home. Mr. Bryan hastened back to her. I ion Geo. .1. Hurley, of Loomis, j Okanogan county, was in town yes terday looking for a house that he could rent for the next school year, as In. wishes to move his family here ami semi bis son to the college, when, lie can receive a course of in struction in horticulture. Mr. Hur ley states thai Okanogan county is fast coming to in- front as a fruit producing region, and now claims the finest flavored and highest col ored apples In the world. As a mem ber of the state senate Mr. Hurley was a valued friend of the state col lege, and his friends her., will wel come his coming to Pullman. J. C. RUTH REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSUR ANCE and RENTALS Any business entrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful at tention. Upstairs Pullman State Rank Hldg. PULLMAN*, WASHINGTON TRY A BACK OF W. S. C. FLOUR HIGH PATENT As Good as the Rest Hotter Than Most SEED, OATS, [JAM-BY, WHEAT FOR SALE PULLMAN ROLLER MILLS L. W. ROBINSON Pullman, Washington M. .Vhnlthma. Jr.. IVtidrnl w_ „ ,~ R, A. I_inglrv. Vie. ft,.. THE II T.„_r.. A..,. _» .. " FARMERS STATE BANK PULLMAN, WASH __ THE BANK MONEY ORDER IS THE SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IN THE MAILS If a Bank Money Order is lost, your money is not. It is not necessary to register a letter containing our Bank Money Order, if it is lost in transit we issue a duplicate or refund your money Without any "red tape." The cost is less than a post office or -xpress order and with it you get a receipt. DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS WITH THIS BANK We pay four per cent interest on savings accounts. One Dollar will start the count. We welcome the small depositor and extend to him the same consideration and courtesies ac corded ill our patrons. THE BANK FOR EVERYBODY NORTH BEACH Queen of the Northwest Resorts ;' Near the mouth of th,. Columbia river, on the Washington coast THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beach Level, Compact and Smooth. Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cot tage, tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation of tin- seaside bathing, fishing, clam digging, beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls anil drives through pictur esque WOOded headlands. ' Reduced rates from all parts of Oregon and Washington. VIA — Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 Three Day— Saturday to Monday Rate, 3.00 Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Office, 3rd ami Washington Streets, Portland, or inquire of any 0. R. & X. agent elsewhere for information. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. FROMjCOLF LINKS TO OFFtCEI Tl iff AN V a man would be unable to enjoy the MA N V a man would be unable to enjoy the JL VJL healthful exercise of golf if the telephone did not keep him in touch with his business. A word over the wire Nave* him an hour's delay in leaving the office. There In another reason The busy man's day is made shorter by the Bell Service, which brings him in Instant communication, not only with his fellow townsmen) but with correspondents in distant cities. The Bell System provides universal service Jo meet the needs of all users. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephone it the Center of the System i j ______________________________-___-m--------------M_l-.- _-_-____-_-_-____--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-____-_-___-_____-___-__, FOR JOB PRINTING That l Tasty, Neat and Up-to-Date, and at Prices that are bound to Please you, try The Pullman Herald One of the Best Equipped Printing Plants in the N. W. . "fI iii ;■■ , |f.|lf: :>;'|f 1