Newspaper Page Text
Costs you a dollar a yard anywhere. (Saturday only will sell 5 pieces on i J Always Something Doing Here is wonderfully good news for th,- ladies who have delayed purchasing their Easter Hats. Most of the styles are in advance of anything you have seen this season—featuring the large j unit',l up brim and the finest, imported straws. These Hats, if bought regularly, would sell from $7.50 to $25.00 each. Now, ladies, there were just sixty of these Huts in the lot, and at the prices we are making, they will go out with a rush, and. of course, the best will '_>- first. Come at once. Piled High are the Pretty Wash Fabrics, Awaiting the Women who Want Exceptional Quality and Beauty at a Low Price Satin striped Voiles, Mercerized Poplins, Shantings, Silk and Cotton Pongees, Linen Suit ings, pretty organdies. Printed Klaxons. New Ginghams and Percales. ("all and see them. Let the Home Journal Summer Quarterly help in the planning of your summer dresses. Queen Quality Oxfords on Sale Saturday The New Oxfords and Pumps— The delayed shipment will be here for your inspection this week. Yon all know thai "Queen Quality in ;> shoe stands for everything thai is right in sty!,- and quality. The new Tan Oxfords are beauties and are going with a rush. There is no shoe on the mar ket today thai will give you more style or better service than a "('rosette." The correct thing in Neckwear for Easter wear is the long and narrow silk Crepe Pour-in- Eland, and we assure you they are beauties. The Cluett Shirt is the standard of excellence the country over. We show exclusive patterns in the new soft styles with soft separate collars to match. HEAL/THY INCREASE IN POSTAL REOEIePTS Pullman Postofflce Shows Increase of $HB.l> Receipts Over Lust Year. The total postal receipts of the lo cal postofflce for the fiscal year end ing March a Ist, 1911, were $14, --277. This is an increase of $88f> over the previous year, when the re ceipts were $13,392, and was the most prosperous year of th,- Pullman' Office, The record of the office, how ever, has been one of Increase, every year having shown a growth over the previous period. As the year has been the best ever experienced by the postofflce, so was the quarter ending December 31st, the best three months of the office, the receipts for that period being $4 058. When Postmaster Allen was in stalled in the office, in 1902, the re ceipts for the year were $6180, and sine- that time Uncle Sam's local patrons have Increased their pur chases of postage stamps by about an even $1000 yearly. This remark able growth is an index of the strides made by Pullman In population, as every year has shown a correspond ing growth of the city, and statistics show that postal receipts and popu lation Increase in a like proportion. When our postal receipts were $6180, the federal census credited Pullman with 1308 people, so that with the present receipts we should have a population of approximately 3000, which would bear out the claim that Pullman noses were not all account ed for In 1910. Hardware Store Robbed. The Hamilton hardware store was entered early Saturday morning and the safe robbed of about $50. The safe was locked when the store clos ed In the evening and the combina tion was worked by the burglar. Only large pieces of money were taken, a large number of nickels and dimes being left undisturbed. En trance to the store was gained by cutting away the wood around the lock of the front door and forcing the door open with a pry. The Pullman Fire Department has received fifteen waterproof coats, one for each member of the department. The coats cost $81, the money being raised by the firemen through their dances. 70-inch Pure Linen Damask Woodin's Sample Line Women's Swell Hats Crossett Shoes for Men New Easter Ties—Cluett Shirts l'ullman Wins Debate. The Pullman high school debating team, composed of Russell •Chamber lain; Helen Hungate and Will Nessly, won the third debate of the county series by defeating the Rosalia high school team on Friday night, March 21. The del,at.- was held in the high school assembly hall and a fair sized crowd attended. The question was the same debated by all the other 'county teams this season: "Re solved, Thai Federal Control of the Natural Resources Is Preferable to State Control." The Pullman team upheld the negative side of the ques tion and was awarded the decision by the judges, Dr. (Jaw and Prof. Paul Vogt, of the W. S. ('.. and Prof. Work, of the Cheney Normal. On the same night the LaCrosse team defeated the team representing the Elberton high school, having the affirmative side of the question. This eliminates all the county teams excepting thus,- of Pullman and La-! Crosse from the county champion ship race and these teams will de bate for the final championship some time next month. The date of the last debate will be decided at the count] teachers' institute- at Colfax this week as will also the place and the sides which each team will be given. Pullman high school won the ran offered for the championship last year, but must win it for three successive years to retain permanent ownership. Prof. F. X. Bryant has , coached both the teams of last year and this and much credit is given • him for the success of both teams. Christ Science Services Christian Science services are held ■■very Sulday morning at 11 o'clock m Masonic Hall, over postofflce. All are welcome. Subject for next Sun day: "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?' Golden Text: "l will re store health unto thee, and I will heal the,- of thy wounds, saith the Lord." Jeremiah, 30:17. Harold Fountain arrived in Pull man Friday night to visit with his brother Sidney Fountain, of this place. The young man came to Pull man direct from Baltimore, Mary land, and will probably remain In Washington. Th,. brothers had not met for more than twelve years. Mrs J. E. Nessly spent Friday and Saturday visiting in Lewiston. Ida. Websterian Play] Members of the Websterian de bating society are rehearsing daily on the sixth annual Web play, which will be presented In the College Auditorium on Tuesday evening, April 18th. Previous to tins year something in the nature of a com edy has always been presented by these pioneers in college dramatics, but this year it was decided to pre sent a play of a much more difficult nature than hitherto attempted, hence the choosing of Arthur W. Pirlero'B four-act drama. "His House In Order." The play Itself is of Eng lish setting, and one very seldom at tempted by amateurs on account of its several hard parts, and the dram atic ability necessary to present it well; nevertheless the Websterians promise it to be the most successful of all Web. plays. Aiming the members of the cast are .Miss Bessie Harlowe, Clarence Cooil and Howard Melvin, all of whom starred in last year's play, "A Bachelor's Honeymoon." Other members are the Misses Taylor, Tur ner, Cook and Perry, Joe Philips, Harold Dammon, Frank Jenne, Ern est Stewart, Howard Gregory and George Watt. Special opera music for the even ing has been ordered by Ernest Fitz slmmons, and will be rendered by selected artists from the College or chestra. The public schools have been clos ed this week to permit the teachers to attend the annual teachers' insti tute at Colfax. Miss Frances Boone of this city was married in Lewiston this week to Harold J. Brewer, of Alpowa. D. L. Kemper was over from Col fax Saturday bidding his Pullman friends goodbye before leaving for California, where he has purchased an orange grove. Mrs. C, A Moody visited friends in Spokane the first of the week. Leon Ettinger came over from Col fax in the Ettinger automobile Wed nesday. Assessor Geo. Walter Sundayed in Pullman this week. Premium Cooked Ham. Best yet for lunch. Sander's Grocery. Apr.7 vm Prices Everlastingly the Lowest DEMONSTRATION < Alt LEAVES NEXT WEEK State College Professors Will Talk to Farmers on West Side—First Stop at Natches The schedule of the next farmers' Institute has been announced by R. C. Ash. superintendent of farmers' institutes at the State College. The car is being furnished by the Nor thern Pacific and will carry th,- dem onstration and exhibit material. The party will be composed of It. C, Ashby, Professor R. W. Thatcher, ii. L. Blanchard, A. B. Nystrom, W. <;. Brerly and 11. ty. Sparks. The demonstration car will carry a farm electric lighting plant, dairy equip ment, horticulture tools and equip ment and a farm library. Lectures will be given on dairying, horticul ture, livestock, soils and crops, stump clearing and alfalfa growing. The schedule follows: April 10, Natches; 12-13-, Ellensburg; 13-14, Enumclaw; 14-15, Sumner; 17-18, Montesano; 18-19, Elma; 19-20, Oakesvllle; 20-21, Chehalis; 21-22, Kelso; 24, Grays river; 26, LaCen ter; 27. Am boy; 28, .Mount Pleasant; May I, Underwood: 2, Husum; 3, Trout Lake; 4, Glenwood, and May "), White Salmon. An excursion train will be run to the Roosevelt speaking at Moscow next Monday by the N. P. Ry. Co. It will leave I'ulinan about 7:45 a. m., returning immediately after the speaking. Passengers who wish can return on the regular evening train. Pasture Grass Seed for Sale. 1 have a little Promo grass seed, at S cents, and Tall Meadow Oat grass seed at 1 2 cents, for sale. Both of" these grasses are very fine to mix with alfalfa for pasture. This seed is free from weed seeds. MAX HINRICHS, Pullman, Wash. March 31-April 14. Colonist Fares From the Middle and Eastern por tions of the United States and Canada to OREGON, WASHINGTON AND ALL THE NORTHWEST. will prevail Dally MARCH 10TH TO APRIL 10TH over the OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. and connections, the Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Chicago & North-Western From Chicago at $33.00 St. Louis 32.00 Omaha 25.00 St. Paul 25.00 Kansas City 25.00 and from other cities correspondingly low. You Can Prepay Fares The Colonist tares are Westbound only, but if you have relatives or friends or employees in the East whom you desire to bring to this state you can deposit the value of tho fare with your local railroad agent, and an order for a ticket will be tele graphed to any address desired. Let the World Know Of our vast resources and splendid opportunities for HOME BUILDING Call on the undersigned for good instructive printed matter to send East, or give him the address of those to whom you would like to have such matter sent. WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent . Portland, Oregon. Mono) to Loan. The Pullninn Savings r.nd Loan Association has oioney to loan on Improved property at reasonable rates. The principal and interest can be paid In small monthly payments thus making the Savings and Loan plan a desirable one for persons having a moderate Income. Or, If desired, the entire loan can be paid at any time without any bonus. The money you are now paying for house rent will, In a few years, if applied to Savings and Loan Stock, purchase you a home. This association has been in op eration nearly nina years and has as sisted In building nearly 100 dwel ling houses In Pullman. It is com posed of local people exclusively. Its members being those persons who have taken out loans or have pur chased savings stock. For particulars apply to any of ficer of the association. J. N. Emerson, president: M. K. Snyder. Secretary. See Geo. ty. Henry for Fire Insur and that insures. Mar. 17-tf Reduced prices on coal at the Pot latch Lumber Co. feb2tf Duthie's for Lilly's seeds. M. S. Jamar transacted legal busi ness at the county seat .Monday. Landlord Dawson of the Palace hotel transacted business In Spokane Monday and Tuesday. Dr. Thos. Ball, of Pullman, return ed Sunday from a week's trip to Boundary and Northport. Professors D. L. Hennessey and C. L, Mix. of the corps of high school hers, went to Spokane Wednes day to spend the rest of, the week. 1 , —— Norman Moss is taking advantage of the school vacation this week and is visiting friends in Spokane. - , __ , i L. J. Chapin, a state College graduate in agriculture, has been elected agronomist at the Puyallup station. For Sale. Six-room modern cottage at 701 Stale street. Connected with sewer For terms, etc., write Ira •',. Allen Room fl, Federal Building, Seattle Wash. The directors have selected the following "ad.," written by. M. Thomason: tr "^^xSAoV&y \ \ V_A^ c W& \ \ :-'* -■>' "mm mft> V* __***_^ :^ \ \ Cka^ e_i^^ goes \ \ 'f^A\^ xQ led * V \ W we**** \ \ so-" O .V> ,U *»V \ \ 4V c c,e*v v \ \ \v& c\ \ \ \tvtet:e *** a:t \ \ ?*h****A*A \ ?*\^^>^ Pullman State Bank I s 1 A *p 1 Week^' 7 -:^d|!^v It is a shame the way women >>>U « V^* V '^V ■ J hate been obliged to use sewing \lk '!■■ ■■'. i : >■. 'jjl" * macirnes that cause aching backs, >m lßyl-23^^WJ ; -•'; tired limbs, annoyances with bro- "A\ 'f \ '>■?M 'fc_T H ken threads, broken needles, un- /T_^D-_-__^_iS_^lfeh'M& even stitches, ugly dust, etc., etc. l i&^^^'A:ia^M_Fw'^m It is because we know that in &-J-J I> F ;:; ■'l^@ij-* i •' 'J^ll' The FREE all of these faults have JAA\ IA -" -£$mri ;: 511 been overcome, that we offer this ip£- 1' j '\r®% ( ArM&-%' twit marvelous machine at our custom- J*~*^m\ fl, »iil£* ere' own terms, 'even as low as gull y^l^'ijl VHli I | $1.00, and at a price so low that \il i ' \ > ft' P 1 j \ we do not dare to tell you what it jll ■ '*' '* ;/ <l JjV, is in this advertisement, because '.?'| ? |tr-*>~-:;-., -*f v'>* then you would not be able to an- j ,C J^^^^l^li"' preciate what a perfect machine it mi tail ■*__,_>"♦ iii •■-- *■» - •— '-- '« i J preciate what a perfect machine it ff M„a-r, '>>'' ■ ;-— |l really is. And it is for the same reason that we want you to take The FREE 911 30 Da Trial Home We believe that The FREE Sewing Machine with its scored thoroughly up to-date improvements will revolutionize the sewing midline business just as soon as the women of this country can find but first hand just how light running, how fast sewing, how beautiful, how perfect stitching 'The FREE" is. That's why we want you to test The FREE Sewing Machine for 30 days, sew on it for 30 days. Try this machine— test it- sew with it on all kinds of material -if you then are not entirely satisfied —if you are not con vinced that it is the best machine you have ever sewed on — the most improved., the most up-to-date—if the low price does not convince you that this is ,he biggest bargain you have ever bought, return the machine to us and we will refund your deposit so that the trial will not cost you one cent. You mar have been getting along up to the Dtawets. Rotary Spool Pin. in Automatic Ten»to> precept lime with a machine that hasn't been „, Release, its clever Shuttle Ejector. In Automatic proved upon lor .10 yean. But after you have Hied Tbtead Controller, its Improved Head Latch. I» The FREE- with in lifhl running 8 sen I Ball Bell guaids. its Square Feed and ill J yean Bearings, in last sewing Rotoeclllo" movement. Insurance Polio against all accidents—after th" 111 Beautiful French-leg design and dusiless your desire to keep "Tht FREE" will * japanning, in convenient Automatic Locking irresistible. Come and see The FREE tomorrow and take it home with you for a month's trial WATER'S FURNITURE (Si PIANO STORE VESPER SERViCK f*■ Through the excellent wnrv 'tt College band the Vesper si™ Sunday afternoon was made W ed success. in addition to th& *** I tlons rendered by the _ * **"* Evans performed on the ore!!' $ Miss Inger Anderson played « "* solo. yd a T'OH i Special Sale on Wall Paper an, price. Water's Furniture store Mar- nt , For Sale—Choice seed A^A Early Pose, Rural Now Yorker fi bank. Phone Farmers 22,>ft 'j Fulfs, Pullman. , j^M For Rent—Five acres of \ m J some pasture, with 7-room m A house and good cellar; In city H M T' Inquire of E. W. McCann at Haffl ! ton's hardware store. march 25 :., Anything you want in the *L of coal. Potlatch Lbr. Co. ftd Go to Duthie's for Paints, Oil, Varnishes and Sunshine finishes ft! floor and furniture. Also stand™ wall finish.