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T. ALLISON BALL EYE SPECIALIST Examination made by appointment AAA'^A only. Phone I:WJ. Pullman, Wash. . Anyone knowing themselves in debted to the Pullman Mills for goods received up to' July Ist, please call and settle, as the mill has changed ownership, and old accounts must be settled. Aug. 11 tf __M_l- W. H. BTRAUB if B^ Optical Specialist ; ;vp||s» ill Main St. Pullman In bis office daily except on first five days of each month. Correct glasses guaranteed. 0.-W. R. & N. Time Card. To Colfax —7 a. m. To Moscow — 11:65 a. m. To Colfax —3:40 p. m. To Moscow —6:55 p. m. Passengers going to Spokane can leave Pullman at 7 a. m., reaching Spokane before noon. Connecting at Colfax with the Soo train for St. Paul and Chicago. Through with out change. I - a - ONE MAY OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT < simply as a matter of convenience in handling bis persona] funds and without serious intention of making it a "Savings" account, yet he will usually find that the balance to his credit is steadily growing, and he will soon take pride in governing his affairs in such a rueful and business-like way that his surplus will continue to grow at an Increas ing rate. Another advantage in keeping a bank account and paying by check Instead of with the actual cash is the avoidance of loss by accident, theft, and errors in making change. ' OXE DOLLAR will start a bank account with the FARMERS STATE BANK OF PULLMAN Mono) to Loan. The Pullman Savings r.nd Loan Association has money to loan on Improved property at reasonable rates. The principal and Interest can be paid in small monthly payments thus making the Savings and Loan plan a desirable one for persons having a moderate income. Or, If desired, the entire loan can be paid at any time * without any bonus. The money you are now paying for Bouse rent will. In a few years, if applied to Savings and Loan Stock, purchase you a home. This association has been in op eration nearly nina years and has as sisted in building nearly 100 dwel ling houses in Pullman. It ls com posed of local people exclusively, its members being those persons who have taken out loans or hare pur chased savings stock. For particulars apply to any of ficer of the association. J. N. Emerson, president; M. K. Snyder, Secretary. Dew has a bath Dew always makes you feel wel come. He appreciates your patron age. Sept.29 w. s. c. Suit Pressing Club Suits Pressed - - - 50c Suits Pressed and Cleaned - 75c Leave Suit* at Dew* Barber Shop College Students, Props. 1 EWARTSVILLE Harry Bryant left Tuesday for his home at Harpster, Idaho, after hav ing spent the slimmer in this neigh borhood. Mr. and Mrs. .1 M. Klemgard and children spent Sunday at the Nat Bryant home. Miss Edith" Brown, of Pulaski, lowa, who has been visiting at tin* Chris. Naffzlger home, left Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Reinhart and Mr. and Ml-. Chas. McMananna for a two weeks' visit with relatives at Bellingham, Among Ewartsville visitors to the LewittOll fair were Mr and Mrs. C. 11. Kincaid and Frank Murray. Jim Clark, who has been working for John Klemgard, left Sunday for Kamlah, ■•■ldaho. Mr. G. W. Metcalf, of Gresham, Oregon, Is renewing old acquaint ances in this neighborhood. Miss Jennie Ryan spent a few days last week at Hie home of her brother, Will ({van .tallies Paullus received a message Sunday night from his wife, who left a few weeks ago for their home stead near Plummer, Idaho. that forest i,i.s were within a quarter of a mile of their house and that neigh bors had moved out. Mr. Paullus le'- Wednesday morning for Plum mer, A. .1. Whitten took several blue ribbons on his sheep exhibit at Spo kane. lie made six sales of sheep and one of hogs. He took fourth and fifth prizes on his hogs. Oscar Kincaid has again taken up his residence at the ('. H. Kineaid home. High School football. The high school football warriors were defeated 1 l to 0 at Lewiston, Idaho, yesterday by the Normal school team of that city. The boys left here (Wednesday evening and nearly the .wd+wb —high school were at the depot to give them a rous ing sendoff, The game scheduled for last Saturday with the Spokane high school team did not material ize. The boys were at the 0.-W. It & X. depot at 7 o'clock in the morn ing, ready to start for Colfax, but learned thai the train on the main line was four and a half hours late. The Spokane management refused to postpone the game to a later hour than 2 o'clock, so Coach Cave sent the boys back home. October 28 the team goes to Tekoa to play their first game in the series for the county championship; W. S. C. Lecture Course. From the many possible entertain ments that could have been selected for the college lecture course this year, the committee in charge un hesitatingly announce a .-erics of most exceptional numbers. There will be at. least seven num bers iii the course, Each one is so different from the others that you can not afford to miss any of them. The first number of the course gives you the privilege of hearing one of the rare specimens of today— a poet, as well as a writer. You will find Edmond Vance Cooke clever, versatile and amusing. His writings are ranked with those of Holmes, Lowell and Field. Senator Thomas I. (lore. "The Blind Man Eloquent" of Oklahoma, is booked as one of the attractions. The committee in charge should be congratulated In securing this dis tinguished statesman as a visitor in our midst. The Danish violinist, Skovgaard, who by special request played before King Christian of Denmark, King Haakon of Norway and Emperor Wll helm of Germany, is now making his American tour and will be here with us. Another most entertaining man who appears on the course is Alton Packard, acknowledged to bo Ameri ca's greatest platform cartoonist. His performance is nothing short, of a revelation. Of Mr. Frank Dixon someone has said "that a lecture by him fixes a mile stone upon the highway of a community's life." That, he is a bundle of nerves and of excitable gray matter and opens a wholo bat tery of logic every time he opens his mouth. Sept.29 Montaville Flowers brings to us a life lecture, with Illustrated acting. We will soon bo able to announce which one of the following he will dramatize for us: Hamlet, Ben llur, I.s Miserables, The Christmas Caro. or one of the others of his list. Tho last number on the course Is the Leßoren Grand Opera Quartette This company carries with them over $5000 worth of magnificent cos tumes and scenery. The single admission tickets for any one number will be 50r. Season tickets for the entire course will be on sale beginning Friday at Watts pharmacy and at the offices of the Y. W. and Y. _ C. A. The price for the entire course Is only $1.50. Local New* I Joe Dew transacted business in Colfax yesterday. ■ —————— George Ruply „ suffering from an attack of blood poisoning in his face. An eight-pound girl was born to ' Mr and Mrs. F. E. Stoke.- last. Sat urday. Judge and Mrs. Tims. Neill were visitors from the county seat Sun. day. Arthur Gullxon, a former resident of Pullman, was down from Tekoa this week. SPECIAL —Large vegetable dishes, platters and bowls for ten cents at' the Variety Store. 0ct.13. Pure Maple Sugar, from Lewis Co., X. V., in the foothills of the Adiron dacks. Sanders. Phone 39. • . If you miss hearing Gypsy Smith you will tail in hearing the world's greatest evangelist. Pull line of Acme Quality paints, best paint made. P. C. I, Co. Oct. 1 Stf. 7 1 1 Grand St. Harry McKenzie, the Snake river fruit grower, was in Pullman on business this week. Up to last night only 288 voters had registered for the city election. Of this number 118 are women. The social club of the Degree of Honor will meet at the home of Mrs. Robt. Burns next Tuesday afternoon; E. C. Turnbow has recovered from bis attack of appendicitis and is again conducting his dray business. The rains of the early part of the week proved a big boon to the farm ers by putting their land in condition for fall plowing and seeding. Always something new at Sanders Grocery and Market. This week It's Heinz's Mime Meat, in bulk—"lt's the best ever." Phone 39. Prof. Herbert Kimbrough, Fred McXutt and XX. E. Norton will jour ney to Lewiston Sunday on motor cycle.-,. The Misses Alma and Sarah Labaree, of Berkeley, California, are in Pullman, the guests of their cousin, Mrs. Karl Allen. Willis Ford was in town Wednes day with a load of as fine apples as were ever raised in the Northwest, and that's saying a lot. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church will serve a chicken din ner in the church dining room Fri day evening, October 20, from 5:30 on. W. E. Cahill and Harry Moo. of Dayton, were in Pullman, Sunday, en route from Spokane, where they at tended the fair. The trip was made by automobile. If it wasn't for Sanders you would be carrying that package of meat home yourself. Buy U. S. inspected meat at Sanders. He delivers. Phone 39. Mrs. Dr. Hoyt of Kendrick was operated upon by Dr. Else In this City last Friday. Mrs. Hoyt is doing nicely and will probably return to her home today. Albert Dickinson, ex-postmaster of Waitsburg, and a candidate for ap pointment to fill the vacancy now existing, was In Pullman this week to confer with Congressman LaFol lette. $10 Reward for the return of my fox terrier dog. He is about one year old and answers to the name of Kipper. Black spot on hip and one black eye. Oct 13. C. R. DUTTON. G. W. Metcalf of Gresham, Ore gon, arrived in Pullman Sunday to look after his interests here. He went to Oregon a year ago last Juno and says that he is well pleased with his location, which is only five miles from the city limits of Portland. C. W. Booth, a prominent farmer of Xez Perce. Idaho, stopped off in Pullman this week on his way home from the Spokane fair. He says that the prop on Nez Perce prairie was the heaviest this fall ever produced in that section. He had 53 acres of fortyfold which averaged 51 bushels per acre. Cord Wood Cheap. Eighteen-inch of four-foot sea soned fir, tamarack or pine. Write for prices. Box 137, Plummer, Idaho. Oct.l-N0v.24 -__~_V _■_■__■_. ~&~_k WmmmT mm ______ ■_, ■_. ______ ______ * Iwm Pianos at Your| S (pIHI Own Price & ft ! „ M A large stock just arrived and we must move them at once _j X It is to your advantage to look ours over before buying. C tt Cash or Easy Payments. tt j Waters Furniture and Piano Store § Will Inspect Relief Corps. Whitman Corps No. 40 will be in-1 spected by Department Inspector Melica U. Stewart, of Friday, October '.O. Dinner will be served in Masonic hall at noon, to which all indies of the XV. R. C, and the members of the G. A. R. are in vited. The State College football team in meeting the University of Oregon, plays a team from that institution 1 for the third time in the history of the school. in 1901 the U. of O. played here and were defeated by a score of 16 to 0, while la 1903 the Oregon team turned the tables o.i '. the local team by trouncing them, 0 to 0, at Eugene, Manager Jones is to be congratulated on breaking into the big Oregon school's schedule for the first time in eight years. ■X. B. Baker and Win. Goodyear attended an open campfire of Reno post, G. A. R., at Spokane Monday evening to confer with the members regarding the state encampment, which is to be held at Pullman next June. There was a large attendance and nearly all present expressed their intention of attending the en campment here. Christian Church, Sunday, Oct. 1.",. Sunday School, 9:50, Prof. Isaacs, Superintendent. Preaching, 11, by the pastor. C. E. meeting, 6:30. Preaching, 7:30, by the pastor. On Sunday morning the pastor will deliver the second of the series of sermons on the Apostolic church. In the evening he will preach the first of a series of Sunday evening sermons on "The Christ," the sub ject for next Sunday evening being "Christ, the Friend.' Xo attempt will be made to observe any logical sequence in the order of the sermons on Christ. For Rent— 7-rbom house; large barn, woohshed, chicken house and one acre of ground. $10.00 per month. SANGER & DOW. Oct.l3tf. TRUTHFUL REPORTS. Pullman Reads Them With Uncom- mon Interest. A Pullman citizen tells his experi ence in the following statement. No better evidence than this can be had. The truthful reports of friends and neighbors is the best proof in the world. Read and be convinced. C. R. Dutton, Mala St., Pullman, Wash., says: "I can not fully ex press my gratitude to Doan's Kid ney Pills for their good work. For many years I suffered from attacks of kidney complaint, and when the trouble was at its height, I could not attend to my work. I had acute pains through my loins and kidneys and often was unable to move. Being advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills by a party who had taken them with benefit, I did so, and the contents of six boxes removed every symptom of kidney complaint from my sys tem. 1 consider Doan's Kidney Pills far superior to all other kidney medicines." (Statement given No vember 20, 1907.) Th« Cure, lasted. Mr. Dutton was interviewed on April 22, 1910, and he said: "The cure affected by Doan's Kidney Pills in my case has been permanent. I gladly give this remedy my re-en dorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit"d States. Remember the name— —and take no other. For Sale Cheap. One hundred acres, two miles from Pullman; good land, good build ings and plenty of water. Price $7700; $2000 down, balance as long time as you want. Oct. 6 Sanger & Dow. Take Some Home for Sunday Dinner! What? ICE CREAM BRICKS Get 'em at DUTTON'S The Chocolate Man Houses near college of all sizes for rent or sale. SAXGER & DOW. Sept. Btf ForSale—Good riding pony. Ross Atherton. Phone Farmers IX2. For Rent- Large front room, board handy. Mrs. Wilcox, 511 East Main street. Sept.22tf Go to Duthie's for your coal and wood. Prices always right. Feb. 17tf. For clean, pure, unadulterated feed, call on Pullman Mill Co.. , aug 11 tf For Rent—Two large rooms. Third house from Franklin school, 411 Water St., Sept.Bt4 Houses near college of all sizes for rent or sale. SANGER & DOW. Sept. Btf Wanted—Girl to do housework. W. B. Strong. 1714 Monroe, Pullman. tf. Furnished Rooms to Rent I have several large, well lighted furnished rooms to rent near the high school building. Mrs. J. E. Nessly, 803 Church street. Special Offer to Introduce Our High Grade Post Cards. 20 Beautiful colored assorted Birth day, Gold, Embossed, Mottos, Best Wishes, Scenery, etc., 10c. • 12 Highgrade Embossed Flower Post Cards with your name, friends' names or town greetings in gold on each card, 10c. UNITED STATES ART, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Will Deliver Meat. The Palace and K. & K. meat mar kets announce that they will make meat deliveries as follows In future: College hill —10 a. m. and 4 p. m. Military hill—7:3o a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Sunnyslde bill —8:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Methodist hill —9:30 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. Sept.Btf. JOHN SQUIRES Farm Lands City Property «_«_——-_-__—___——______. Mortgage Loans Plat Iron Block "Stop!" and get one of those hair cuts at Dew's place. Sept.29 If you want the best bluestem flour on the market call for the Pull man Mills' flour. aug llt | Go to Duthle's for flour and mill feeds. For sewer construction and re pairs, see Oscar Amos. •■- — — _.- - - „. ,„ _ '•,-■■ Baled hay, rolled oats and barley. June2tf. P. C. I. Co., 711 Grand St Best line of screen doors In town. June 2tf. P. C. I. C, 711 Grand. 8t! Go to Duthle's for Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Sunshine finishes for floor and furniture. Also standard wall finish. -or Rent- Suite of three rooms, nicely furnished.—Mrs. W. L. Whits aug 1 ltf See George N. Henry for Farm and Grain Insurance. aug lltf, Mrs. C. H. Buell dressmaking st home. Phone No. 217. Aug.lßtf. THE IMPERIAL DAIRY Is all that the word signifies. Purity, Cleanliness and Excellence of Quality aro our watchwords. Ij. E. MOORE, Prop. Phone Farmers 9x. Pullman, Wash. PROMPT and Careful Service .We have engaged in th© transfer uid storage business and are equipped with good teams and a large ware house. Our headquarters are at Lee Allen's Hardware Store. If you want anything hauled or stored, ring up Phone 21. OITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. L. B. MILLER ■•'■■' \*' ■' '*-. Watchmaker and Jeweler (fe Pullman. Wash. . H — ■ v**^ EASY TO START, EASY TO STOP, inexpensive to operate. f$ Anyone who wants a small, coo pact, powerful engine for pumplnf water, churning, operating cream MP* arator or printing press should Mtt| chase a STOVER GASOLINE ENGINE i - We also have the agency for ths Demlng Power Pump. Come in »ai see them work. Just the thing to save time and labor on the farm. J. E. HAMMOND Plumbing, Heating and Tining ■> Olson Street |y.n