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COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS The board of County Commission ers met, pursuant to adjournment, December 16th and 17th, 1912, with all members present on the 16th and Samuel Ellis and M XV. Whitlow present on the 17th. Current Expense Claims Allowed, Baker, W. R., exp. as deputy sheriff - $189.2*. Campbell. M 8., livery for engineer ....... 13.75 Campbell, M. D., labor 6.00 Carter, G. B. exp. as sheriff. . 281.05 Carter, G. B. boarding prison ers 131.20 Cole, Wm.. exp. Dep. sheriff 237.75 City of Colfax water rent.... 9.90 Colfax Ice & Fuel Co, coal for election .00 Cornelius, Geo. i. repairing transit 8.86 Corner, Geo. L. exp. as Deputy Sheriff ... . . 8.40 Dalton Adding Mach. Co. ad ding machine ribbon 2.00 ('ah', G. W., board and room for engineer 16.55 Gates, Chas. livery for sheriff 5.00 class & Prudhomme Co, Com missioners' Journal 21.00 Good, J. R. & Co., grade stakes for engineer ..... 24.00 Good. J. R. & Co. ballot bn . 10.00 Good, 3, R. A Co. repairs for jail, 8.60 Good, J. R. & Co.. election booths 97.50 Hamilton Drug Co., supplies for auditor . 1.00 Harris. W. B. fruit Insp 78.50 Hodgkins. 11. C. exp as dep uty engineer 2.80 Howells, Dr. 11. .1. expert wit ness, Brown case 200.00 Huntley Bros, rug for supt. office 22.50 Industrial Ins. Com., acci dent fund .... 17.00 Mattoon, J. 0., exp. as Supt, 17.0." Mattoon, Mrs. J. 0., Asst for examination 9.00 "M. E. Church, church Janitor sect, examination 2.00 M. E. Church, rent of church for examination 7.00 Mlchaelson, F. H. printing for engineer 10.50 Mlchaelson, F. H. printing for superintendent 29.00 Mlchaelson, F. H. printing for engineer 5.50 Miller, Jess, exp. as deputy sheriff 10.15 Model Steam Laundry, laun dry for court house .90 McCaw, 3, M. exp. as engr. . I 1.08 McCaw, J. M. exp. as Mgr. . 17.70 McCroskey, S. M. And. exp, various offices 152.56 Pac. Tel. & Tol. Co. phono ser vice for engineer 6.70 Philips, A. W. exp. as dep. supt. 2.10 Rosalia Telephone Co. phone service for sheriff .50 Shaw & Borden Co., records for auditor 67.50 Shaw & Borden Co. sup plies for engineer 16.95 Schick, B. M. printing for engineer 4.00 School Dist. No. 1 rent of bldg. for Institute 25.00 Sieged. E. E. Livery and tel ephone for sheriff 4.85 Westacott Drug Co. oil ther mometer for engineer.... 1.90 Williams Bros, drayage acct. election ..' 1,50 Woolman, Carl, fruit Inspec tion 116.90 Road and Bridge Claims Allowed Smith & Stratton, 2nd and Est. permanent highway No. 6 ... _ 372.57 Wilson-Bailey Const Co. final Est. Permanent high way No. 2 163.20 Road District Claims Allowed. District No. 1. Alexander, Ray, labor .... 5.50 Gordon, James, foreman and team 4 6.30 Grler, R. E. labor and team 2.20 Harmon, Geo. labor 8.50 Kerns, A. M. labor and team 18.00 McCabe, C. W. labor and team .. 27.20 Reallng, O. A. labor and team 37,50 Stratton, O. H. material for stock chute i £oo Thompson, W. F. labor and team .......'.. 12.00 Thompson, Tollle, labor and team 28 35 District No, — Allen, G. W. labor ... . 16.80 Bandy, Geo. W. labor and team 51.15 Bandy. Geo. W. labor and team 10 so Becknell, M. J. labor 25.50 Befua, John labor .... 25.50 Bloom, John labor and freight 47.75 Brown, Joe labor .. 5.70 Brown, Joe, labor ........ 9.60 Coclto, L. 8. labor .... 6.00 Cole, D. J. labor and team 2.10 Cornelius, Wesley A. labor. 11! 10 Cornelius, Wesley A. labor 720 Cruzan, W. 8. labor 14 40 Cru_an, W. 8. labor ...... is^O Davis, J. C. labor 23.40 Dickerson, A. L. 1ab0r.... 27.90 Frazer, XXX Q. labor ...... 38.40 Geyer, Geo. labor 25.50 Ham. Win. labor and team 52.80 Hume, Ira labor 14.40 ; Hume, Ira labor 13.50 I Hume, Ira labor 12.60 Kromni, Geo. labor 2.40 Luft, Pete, labor, ' 26.70 Madson, John, labor 28.00 Madson, John, labor 18.00 Madison, Martin, labor and team 15.20 Mansfield, C. labor 27.90 McNutt, C. A. labor and team 8.86 Nelson, August, labor ... 14,40 Nelson, August, labor .... 18.60 Ocha, Phillip, J. labor and team 22.00 Parvln, Euel, labor 7.20 Parviu, H. M. labor . . .... 28.80 Parvln, J. S. labor, 26.70 Peterson, Alfred, labor .... 18.60 RlChenauer, Frank, labor . . 34,87 Risbick, John, labor and ' team 60 Spokane Cor. Culv. & Tank Co, culvert pipe and frt. . 8.4 2 St. Peters, Geo. labor and team ''? '. 6.00 Steel, Wm. labor 15.60 Stipe, W. M, labor 4.00 Stilson, C. N. labor and team 1 1.40 Storie, C. XXX labor 13.50 Stori . C. W. labor 9.60 Sturdevant, Chas, labor... 14.40 Sturdevant, ('has. 1ab0r.... 11.10 Taylor, E. C. labor and team 48.00 Thompson, XXX M. labor .... 14.40 Weeks. N. XXX labor 27.00 Wright. 11. 0., labor and loam 17.60 District Wo. — Smith, Silas, labor 25.00 Hendee, John, labor 20.00 Wise. T. C. labor and team 68.00 Howard, Walter, labor and team 45.50 Splater, H. E. labor and team 7.00 Moore, William, labor 10.00 Wise, I?. J. labor 15.00 Bowers, Roy A. labor and 11''•'' -,4. Pell, T. labor 13.75 Wise W. li supervisor .... 42.00 James, rover, labor and team 25.75 District, No. 5.— Smith & Stratton, crushed »t«"e ■ 44.85 Stratton, 0. H. crushed stone 42.55 District No. o. — Hooper, .1. W. labor and team _,0 Potlatch Lumber Co, lumber 17.90 District No. 7.— Louis, Michael labor and '''•"'I 6.30 Potlatch Lumber Co. lumber 18.20 Moser, Chas. labor and team 7.20 Moser, Ed. labor 4.00 lteisnauer. M. foreman 24.00 Reisenauer, Mike L. labor. . 4.50 Kramer, John, labor and team 6.30 Kramer. Ed. labor 3.50 Maynard, T. J., labor and team 5.40 Maynard, Ward, labor .... 2.00 District No. — Palrd. it. C. livery 2.50 Engineer's Cost Bills Allowed. Improvement Road No. I.— rlodgkina, H. C. exp as eng 3.85 Miller, 11. assisting engr... 00 Improvement on road at Kwan.— Thomas, XV. N. engr & exp. . 19.85 Leslie, E. N. assisting engr. . 5.00 Improvement Road No. a. — Hodgkins, H. C. exp as engr 1.75 Justice Court Coal Kills Allowed. Doolittle, 1. B. justice fees St. vs Smith 8.05 '''"'little, I. B. justice fees St. vs Smith 3.05 Mechling, A. P. witness fees St. vs Smith 3.20 Doolittle, I. B. justice fees St. vs Goddard , 2.55 Doolittle, 1. B. justice fees St. vs Harper 3.05 Doolittle, 1. B. justice fees St. vs Whiting 3.05 , Doolittle, 1. B. justice tees St. vs Wilson 3.05 Doolittle, I. B. justice fees St. vs Breen 2.55 Doolittle, 1. B. justice fees St. vs Carlin 3.05 Codd, Pat, witness fees St. vs Carlin 3 20 Doolittle, I. B. justice fees St. vs Frisnan 3.06 Doolittle, I. B. justice fees St. vs Garrett 8.06 . Coroner's Coat Bill. inquest of Rot-well E. Sampson.—• Henry, Murray, juror ... 2.00 Haines, R. juror 2.00 Slow, C. B. juror 2.00 McKenzie, Harry, juror .... 00 Dader, G, juror 2.00 Boyd, A. R. juror 2.00 Maloney, N. J. witness 2.00 Broberg, Joe, witness 2.00 Searles, O. E. witness .... 2.00 Thompson. Francis A witness 2,00 Knowles. J. E. witness .... 2.00 Official bonds of the following named precinct officers elected at the general election were approved: Beste, Frank, constable, precinct 44 and 62. Dillingham. A. R. Justice of the Peace., Precinct 66. L ' Doolittle, i. 8., Justice of the Peace precincts 36, 46 and 53. Holger, D. A. Justice of the Peace Precinct 39. j-'f-'jj Larson, Martin, Constable. Precinct 4 5. Shoudy, Chester, Justice of the Peace Precinct 33. Road Matters • The petitions for li. F. Schreiber, change in Territorial Road and for the Flag Pole Road, were rejected. The hearing in the matter of the G. XV. Smith road was continued without date. The hearing in the matter of the Lynch road was reset for January C, 1913 at 1 o'clock P. M. A p'titinon was filed by XV. K. Thompson and others praying for the vacation of a road lying along the inters etion line between sec lions 12 and 13, township 19, range '•'•. and a hearing thereon was sit for January 80, 1913, at 1 o'clock P. M. A petition signed by K. J. Wilmer end others praying for the vacation if a portion of the Kelsie road lying In section 11*80-43 was filed and the engineer was directed to examine the proposed vacation. A petition signed by F. J. Wilmer and others praying for the vacation of a portion of the Kelsie road lying in section 11-20-43 was filed and the engineer was directed to examine the proposed vacation. A petition signed by F. J. Wilmer and others praying for the establish ment of a road to be known as the McCabe change in section 2-20-4 3 was filed and the count) engineer was directed to survey the proposed change. The state highway commissioner's approval of the plans and specifica tions lor Permanent Highway Xo. 5, known us the Donahue road, was re ceived. On account of the Incompleteness of proceedings In the matter of the vacation of the Garwood-Green road the order of vacation entered by the boar.) November 6, 1912, was re scinded, and a hearing was ordered in the petition for said vacation for February 3, 1913, at 3 o'clock p. m. The supervisor of road district No. 1 was directed to cause to be re moved all obstructions existing In George street In the town of Sunset so that the public may freely travel thereon. Written reports of the county en- j Kirn in the matter of Improvement: roads Nos. 4 and 5, of the progress; ami condition of work on Improve ment road No. ii and of the time and labor yet required to complete the bridges and roads now under con struction, were filed With the board. The board entered into an agree ment with Wilson-Bailey Const. Co, as to the prices for labor, machinery and oil quired aside from the con tract on permanent highway No. 2, which prices are as follows. Engin eer or rbllerman, 8 hours, $5; truck, gasoline and driver, 8 hours, $18; coal at yard, $8 per ton; road oil 90 per cent asphalt, per gal., 7c. The board entered Into an agree ment with Wilson-Bailey Const. Co., extending the time for completion of permanent highway No. i from November 1, 1912, to July 1, 1913. By reason of the fact that the con tractors for the construction of per manent highway No. 1 are unable on account of climatic conditions to con tinue work on said road during the winter, rock bins and other super- WINTER SCHOOL FOR FARMERS At the STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON ■ - - - At Pullman- ===== OPENS JHL" 6TH, CLOSES ffllflj Strong courses in live stock production, dairying, poultry *-'■■■/ *'''•■ •*' ■•:' - * raising, fruit growing and home economics Tuition Free Reduced Railroad Rates I structures existing on the right of i way were ordered to be removed and proper drainage culverts, placed in the road for the protection of travel. The county treasurer was directed ito transfer from the funds of road district No. 3 to the road and bridge fund the sum of $275.55 to reim burse the latter fund for the amount of estimate No. 1 improvement road ! No. 6 which by agreement was to have been paid from the funds of road district No. 3. Miscellaneous Matters , The hearing In the matter of the petition of LaCrosse Telephone Co. continued to January 20, 1913, 'at 2:30 p. m. ! A petition was presented by the I Uniontown ' Telephone Co. for the [franchise to construct and operate a [ telephone line connecting the towns !of Uniontown, Colton, Johnson and ■ along the county road toward Lewis ; ton, and a hearing thereon was set for February 3, 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m New voting precincts were estab ; lished as follows: Pullman City Precinct No. 72, be ! ginning at a point at the Northern Pacific Ry, right of way in the center of Morton street, thence running In a northeasterly direction along the 1 enter of Morton street to block 7, Reaney's addition, thence northerly along the west line of lot. S, block 7, Reaney's addition, to the Intersec tion of Maiden .Lane and Ruby street, thence along the center of Ruby street to the center of California street thence along the center of Cal ifornia street to the center of Monroe street, thence north along center of Monroe street to the city limits, thence north along the east bound- ary of the city limits to the north boundary line of city limits. South Palouse City Precinct No. 7.'! comprising the territory hereto fore Included in precincts Nos. 4 4 and 52 and bounded as follows: All the territory south of a line com mencing at a point where the cor poration line* Intercepts the river on the east, thence following the center of the river in a westerly course to the bridge at F street, thence north on F street to the center of Main street, thence westerly on Main street to the bridge near the North ern Pacific Railway Co.'s depot thence following the center of river to the west line of the corporation, Tekoa City Precinct No, 74 com prising that part of the territory heretofore Included in Tek >a 'ity j Precinct No. 37 described as follows: That part of the City of Tekoa lying south of the section line thai divides sections 13 and 24 and erst of Cros by street. Tekoa City Precinct No. 75 com prising that part of the territory heretofore included in Tekoa City Precinct No. 37 described as fol lows: That part of the City of Te koa lying south of the section line that divides sections 13 and 24 and west of Crosby street. Cashup Precinct No. 70, including the territory described as follows: Beginning at the quarter corner on the east line of section 2, running thence west through the center of sections 2 and 3 to the quarter cor ner on west line of section 3, thence tooth on west lines of sections 3 and 10 to the quarter corner on west line of section 10, thence west to the cen ter of section 9, thence south to lie center of section 16, thence west to the west line of section 16, thence south to the southwest corner of see tlon 16, thence east to the southeast corner of section 16, thence south along section line to the southwest corner of section 22, thence east along the south line of sections 22, 23 and 24 to the quarter corner on j south line of section 24, thence north j on line between east and west halves: of sections 24, 13 and 12 to the quar ter corner on the south line of sec-' tion 1, thence west to the southwest j corner of section 1, thence west to the southwest corner of Section 1, thence north to point of beginning, all in township 18, north of range 43, E. XV. M. The board adjourned to meet De cember 80, 1612, at 10 o'clock a. m. THE IMPERIAL DAIRY Pullman's Most Sanitary Dairy Establishment MILK CREAM 8008 -hone Farmers 9K L. E. Moore, Prop. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms tor light housekeeping. Mrs. White, 20-. McKenzie street. V x tW^o^ W tf^\s~^ AX^^-A Yvl Sixth Annual Et-yf; ty _r**__s«ifoi__*s. t'iiJlMrf /'■'" Inland Empire IffE SPSS-! l@M// A' California KU' l|f_-> t**J9T V 1 Excursion v*K \m?W » A "DE LUXE" Excursion '.-,I) | \ *"* 35* *•- -"~*v"!;' Vl-_ih« 1, K^f 1 SPECIAL TRAIN via tne I FpL g Southern' 1 l'm-ific 'I ®L^taJmmk / I ,uaU ,B- e<-Pe». X nouuitin i -nun. jm 'SE,2t;*f^|^?3L | servation, buffet "Road of a Thou- ik t^r^^^^^^^i^' -■ :iUti d,nln S cars. Leaves Spokane | l|MT^| . Along» rolJ te re* January 14, 1913. I-^r**^^\ tRHB '** M|? te with Amerl- Arrives Los Angeles I *-; - JVC fe? I 5,,, '"OSt ' I)eautlul \wM_WSs3ffi __£_fP ' al"' dhilng cars. January 20, 1913. | / ),^M / i — magnifi- Final return limit | -,,.. feSf A f; f" ri.vera moun- April 30, 1913. %\f4SyXr\ "^Wl'^m-W^fA * valleys— to ROUND TRIP I gpMjß Wmß. lIPI •* with sunshine > and includes all ex- | ASHL i^^_k_J_SßL v'v! & steeped '"* the pense of the going | v4^___EW»_^_aS_3_isJK" * sweet fragrance of trip -berth, meals, l >A-^^l%____W^__W i flowers, side trips, enter- | I Let us tell you tainment. Liberal | -__. I more about this en stopovers on ret'irn * y^y/jvS B^R - .lovable trip ski ':im >iTf4?3- __^^> _$ £» ,*Xs!__!*^w/ /s2__ss_\ A. F. BROWNELL, Agent, fg_rWßjl_%.\ PULLMAN, WASHINGTON V^HfleWf/ A MacCORQUODALE, V&SP_I?&/ DISTRICT FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT, N2__N^!_>^ Spokane, W«.hington Shoe repairing at 312 East Main j Qo to Duthle's for lumber, sash, street; work and prices guaranteed.: oors and mouldings. Af2tf W. W. Stoddard. MylOtf j Corner lot near college for Bale ! tillable; near town and warehous cheap—lot 6 In block 1, Rose Park i Wm. Porter & Co., Pullman, Wash. Add. to Pullman. Address Dr. Wm. NovlStf H. Cumming, Lonbutte, Alberta. WANTED—To rent a piano for Duthie pays the highest markut j the winter. Apply 211 Paradise price for poultry, veal and hides. ' street. Nov27 Pullman Transfer & Storage Co. J. P. Duthie, Manager Dealers Is Sy. Brick. Lime, Cement and t m m Vie make a specialty of morl*, household goods mid planoe. Call on us and give us « trial Office. 607 Grand si. How About Your Annual Bath? EVERYTHING NEW, CLEAN A \|, SANITARY JAIN, The Barber Ladies, bring your combings to Mrs. E. C. Boone, Pullman, R. p. D No. 1. to have your switches mad- Price $2. Money back if not satis fit'' 3 Japs ! FOR RENT—Quarter section; all