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Records of Whitman County! SATURDAY, DEEM BER 14, 1912. Deeds. Minnie Isabella Harper and hus band, to Wm. Henry Parvln, Pt' BeQ -22-16-44. $1. y q Minnie R. Yager to Frank F. ea ger, lot 4, blk 29. resurvey of Step-! toe, $10. State of Washington to Geo. Bafus neq 36-16-41, $5,130. Mary A. Goodeil to Geo. XV. Tay lor, lots 5 to 10 inclusive, blk 3 LaCrosse, $1. . J. A. Sinclair and wife to Agues Briggs, eh lot 4, all lot 5. blk 8, Wiley's last add, Palouse, $1. Pullman 1. O. O. P., lodge to Mrs. J. W. West, eh lot 45, I. O. O. F. cemetery, $10. J. J. Johnson to Mary J. Johnson.: blk 4. Robard'B add, Palouse, $1. Geo. M. Carey and wife to Ernest- j me J. Rohlff. lot 7, blk 27. Wiley's I add, Palouse, $350. Martin M. McNall to Mary E. Mc Nail, lot 3, blk 15, Ewan, $1. J. D. Schmick and wife to Michael Havlick, lot 3, sh lot 2, blk 14. Huff man's 2nd add, TAou, $4,500. Martin M. McNall and wife to Re becca J. McNall, sh swq, wh sec 28 --20-40, $1. M. Havlick and wife to John D. Schmick, blk 10, College Hill add, Tekoa, $2,000. E. H. Babcock and wife to S. XV. Paisley, lot 9, blk 10 Reaney's 2nd add, Pullman, $275. Robert Whlttier and wife to Sam uel W. Carter, sh swq, wh seq 4-19-44 $12,000. Real Mortgages. W. H. Parviu and wife to Auabel MacKenzie, pt 22-16-44, $3,000. Frank F. Hattrup and wife to Emll Relsenauer, lots 8, 4, blk 2. Schwenne's add, Uniontown, $800. John D. Schmick and wife to Michael Havlick, blk 10, College Hill add, Tekoa, $1200. J. M. Littlefleld to E. S. Plunkstt, lot 3, blk 20, Lamont, $25. Chattel Mortgages John Morasch to Colfax National Bank, livestock, $50. Orin H. Bartleson to Dan'l Branch livestock, $195. A. L. Mortimer to Farmers State Bank of Colfax crop on 200 acres near Sunset, $800. E. R. Sargent to Adolphus Brig--s. livestock, $207. W. M. Walker to Russel Supply Co., live stock, 2-3 crop on Fitzger ald farm, $500. Jos. C. Israel to Geo. W. Case. Jr. livestock, 250 bushels wheat on neq 24-19-41, $100. Releases. Chas. Corbett to Barney F. Lens ing and wife, real mtg. Fidelity State Bank to F. F. Hat trup, real mtg. Bill of Sale. Carmin and Logan to Colfax Nat ional Bank, desk, etc., $1; live stock, Implements, $1. Assign men ts. Markham, May and Coleman to Lizzie E. Klauser, real mtg. MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1912. Gov. Patents and Receipts. United States to Martin Hibbs, swq neq 17-13-46, patent. 7 Deeds. Pine City Development Co., to Mary A. Klingenberg, lots 5, 6, blk 26, Development Co's add, Pine City $1,000. Chas F. Stewart' et ux to John L. Simmons, lot 11, blk 21, Maiden, $10. John McTierney to Fred B. Rogers. pt 18-16-44, $22,000. P. E. Wilhelm et ux to Hollings worth Land and Livestock Co. pt 33-17-43, $1. Geo. H. Simpson to Mary E. Simp son, lots 1, 2, blk 1, Spencer's 2nd add, Thornton, $1. Northern Grain and Warehouse Co., to Lewis Stairet, pt lot 2, blk 45 resurvey of Steptoe. $1. W. C. Bishop et ux to Northern Grain and Warehouse Co. pt lot 2. blk 46, resurvey of Steptoe, $1. Palouse Irrigation and Power Co.. to A. D. Eshelman, lot 8, blk •_, Pa louse Orchards, contract, $1,500. This has been assigned to Martin L. Rude. Real Mortgages'. Fred B. Rogers et ux. to .1 C. Van sklke, neq 13, 15, 43, lots 2. 3, of 18-16-44, lot 1 of 18-15-44, except. $10,000. Fred B. Rogers et ux to J. C. Van skike, lot 4, eh swq, sh seq 18-15-44 $7,000. R. J. Park, to Rumbaugh and Hen ry, 200 sacks wheat to be delivered In warehouse In Winona, $190. H. W. Gay to Wm. A. Ish, live stock, etc., $275. R. L. Be'nsel to Colfax National Bank, crop on nwq 9-15-14, live stock, $1,000 W. E. Strevey to Rumley Products Co., machinery, $6000. 8. E. Walker et al to Thos. Stew *rdson, implements, $71. G. W. Bennett to J. W. Games, livestock, crop on eh swq nwq 21-16 --♦6, $860. Releases. Guy Hughes to O. H. Bartlesson et al, real mtg. W. S. Imbl»r to Geo. H. Gilbert et al, real mtg. American Mtg. Co. of Scotland, Ltd.. to Orris Dorman et ux. real mtg. Geo. D. Brown to Wm. Wolf et ux real mtg. Daniel Branch to Orin 11. Bartle son, chat. First State Bank of LaCrosse to XV. W. Pickett et al, chat; to D. S. Ryan. chat. H. C. Fisher to J. I. Richardson, chat. Mrs. Annie Fields to Homer G. Williams, chat. M. Freeman et al. to M.'Taylor et ux, chat. Assignments. Harmon 1. Davis to W. S. Imbler. real mtg. Miscellaneous Ella E. Galloway to the public affidavit. XV. S. Norman to the public, aW davit. Thos. Neill to the public, affidavit. P. B. Stravens to the public, affi davit. R. H. Lacey to the public, affi davit. In the matter of Edmund P. Mc- Nall and Myrtle McNall, bankrupts, order approving bond of trustee. TUESDAY, DEC. 17, 1912 < Deeds Isaac Riggs et ux. to Roy L. Smith, swq 4-16-44, $1. John F. Moore et ux. to M. R. Moore et al., eh seq 2-14-38, wh seq, swq neq, seq nwq 2-14-38, $8400. John Henry Repp et ux. to John XV. Schmick, seq swq 2, pt neq 10, wh 1-17-41, $17,000. Jos. ■ E. Pickerd et ux. to John T. Simpson, pt lots 7. 8, blk 6, Wiley's add, I'alouse, party wall rights, $2500. Chas. N. Nelson et al. to Pente costal Church of the Nazerene of Dia mond, blk 1, Fowler's add, Dia mond, $280. Wm. E. Kuechle et ux. to Wm. W. Edwards, blk 28, Westacott's add, 'l'ekoa, $350. Margaretha Maurer and husband to Wm. W. Edwards, blk 27, Westa cott's add, Tekoa, $350. Real Mortgages R. L. Smith_et ux. to Isaac Riggs, swq 4-16-44, $6000. John Schmick et ux. to First Sav ings ami Trust Bank of Whitman County, nwq 13-17-41, $4000; pt neq 10-17-41, wh 11-17-41, except, pt swq 11-17-41, $7000. W. J. Fagen to Security State Bank, wh seq, nh swq 8-18-45, $5000. Wm. Josephson et ux. to Vermont Loan and Trust Co., sh seq, sh swq 4-19-41, $2850; nwq seq, nh swq, swq uwq 4-19-41, $2000. Jacob J. Bush to Griswold, Hal lett and Persons, sh seq, neq seq, seq neq 26-18-39, $1000. Chattel Mortgages Chas. L. Hall to J. R. Lee, live stock, implements, 2-3 crop on 5-14 --41, $1600. . Pete McDonald to I. C. Nave, live stock, $300. K. H. Ochs to Colfax National Bank, live stock, crop on eh 21-17 --40, $450. C. F. Archer to Jas. Angus, live stock, $350. Elijah Sturgill et ux. to A. H. Pal mer, live stock, implements, 2-3 crop on uwq 35-20-45, wh swq 33-20-45, $1820. Releases Win. Swain to Jacob J. Bush, real mtg. Tekoa State Bank to Chas. Durant jet ux., partial real mtg. Harvey and Regan to Alex Fuchs, chat. T. E. Broyles to E. B. Paul, par tial chat. Albion State Bank to J. A. Glea son. partial chat. Conditional Bills of Sale C. M. Waters to E. M. Daniel, house furnishings, $111. C. M. Waters to Mrs. M. J. Boggs, house furnishings, $127. Assignments Colfax ice and Fuel Co. to Colfax State Bank, chat. Miscellaneous Pentecostal Church of lie- \'a/.er ene of Diamond, articles of incor poration. MOWN Moore with his wife, Ellen E. Moore, community property agree ment. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18, 1912 Gov. Patents and Receipts United States to Richard W. Emert. nwq 14-13-39, patent. , United States to Albert A Muel ler, neq 28-19-40, patent. Deeds Anna M. Chamberlin. admr., to Robt. L. Fincher, tract In 18-14-41, $3500. St. John State Bank to Frank B. Babcock, nwq 20-18-40, $1. Geo. E. Swannack et ux. to 1 Jervis D. Swannack, ah nwq. ueq swq 17 --20-80. 81000. Retta Wllmot to Zach T. Cooper, lot s. blk l. Cassldy's add. Rosalia. $55. Albert A. Mueller et ux. to Henry Turner, neq 28-19-40. Real Mortgages Curtis H. Ede et ux. to Wm. Nich ols, nwq 12-17-38, $1000. W. J. Sarter et ux. to M. D. Hen ry, lot 15, blk 8, Garden City add, Pullman, $150. John L. Canutt et ux. to E. F. Ca nutt, pt 36-16-41, $588. John 1.. Canutt et ux. to Hanna nnd Hanna, pt 3G-15-41, $500. Chattel Mortgages Chas. O. Wilson to Steptoe State Bank, live stock, etc., $150. S. S. Russell to Colfax state Rank, live stock, implements, machinery, 2-3 crop on eh 84, all 33. wh 28. eh 29. pt 20. 21 in 18-40, $2600. Releases E. W Wells to Me- Mills et ux.. real mtg. First Savings and Trust Ba*nk of Whitman County to Arthur Harmon, real mtg; to Frank B. Rabeock, real mtg. C. R. Algver to Jos. M, Willkomm, real mtg. Mrs. Charlotte Harlan Laakso to Foy W. Sinclair et ux., real mtg. J. K. MoCornaok to B. A. Boone. real mtg. R. L. Rutter to Weasel Roelich et ux, real mtg. Wm. A. McEachern to O. J. Downs, chat. Walter Hayfleld to John Gal lagher, chat. Bills of Sale Colfax Ice and Fuel Co. to Colfax State Bank, coal and fuel business, $378. Silas P. Sryon to Jas. S. Campbell et al., live stock, implements, grain, etc., $3500. Assignments First Savings and Trust Bank of Whitman County to First Mortgage and Debenture Co., two real mtgs. A. E. Pollock to A. W. Freels, real mtg. D. E. Kelley to Idaho Trust Co., real mtg. Miscellaneous Frank L Currle to the public, af fidavit. J. F. Reynolds Landis vs. unknown heirs of A. O. Heatherly et ux., lis pendens. THURSDAY, DEC. to. 10 IS Deeds Robt. Turner to Isabel.. Turner, neq 12-15-45, $10. Milwaukee Land Co. to W. J. Jor dan, lots 1, _, blk 56, Maiden, $350. Morrow Land Co. to Guy XV. Pos ter, lot 5, blk 3, Morrow Land Co. Ist add. Maiden, $200. Real Mortgages Pullman Development Co. to Win nlfred S. Wyman, tract in Pullman, $600. Raymond Armstrong and wife to Geo. N. Lamphere, Sr., lots 9, 10, 11, 12, blk 8, Powers Add, Palouse, $500. Jno. Wall! and wife to Frank Ba kala, neq 24-14-39, $500. E. G. Faires and wife to J. S. Faires, lots 1. 11, 12, blk 36, Oakes dale, $1000. Chattel Mortgages Kate Shaw to Lizzie Gallatl, lodg ing, restaurant outfit, $1475. F. E. Wilhelm to Farmers State Bank of Colfax, live stock, $200. L. H. Kuckuck to Farmers State Bank of Cblfax, live stock, $600. Releases • Pacific Bldg. and Loan Ass'n., to Raymond Armstrong et ux., real mtg. John Hall to Jas. W. Million et al., chat. Benge State Bank to W. ' H. Sloan, two chats. Bank of Winona to E. H. Ochs, chat; to J. J. Bell, chat. Conditional Rills oi Hale Kohler and Chase to Geo. E. Wil liams, piano, $280. Wm. M. Porter to C. Woolman. hogs. $300. FRIDAY, DEC. 20, 1912 Deeds Jas. McConnell to Jos. W. Wil son, sh 13-17-42, $14,400. Jos. W. Wilson to Wm. S. Wilson, swq 13-17-42, $8400. Anna McConnell to Jas. McCon nell, sh 13, neq swq, nh seq, seq seq 14. neq 23-17-42, $1. .Jas McConnell to Win I. Wilson, nef. swq, nh seq. sen son 1 I. neq -'! -17-42. $14,400. Rosalia Lodge No. 110, I. O. O. F . to L. T. Brockway, sh lot 120, blk 1, Evergreen cemetery, $25. John VV McManarna to N. Wil liamson, nwq. nh swq, nh seq, ex cept, 20-17-45. $24,650. Michael Meull and wife to L. T. Brockway, lot 7, blk 15, Rosalia. $30. Real Mortgages Jos. W. Wlllßon, to Jas. McCon nell, sh 13-17-42, $8449. Wm. F. Wilson and wife to Jas. McConnell, neq swq, nh seq. seq seq 14, neq 23-17-42, $8449. L. T. Brockway and wife to L. A. Qualfe, neq 16-20-44, except, $5000. Maxle C. Morse to Josephine Co penhaver, guardian, lot 15, blk 66, Pullman. $600. •'',•'.'/ Anna S. Flcklln and wife to Jesse Baata, lots 9, 10, blk 26, lot 5. bik 33, Endicott, $400. Frank Simpson and wife to Harvey and Regan, live stock, $171. Releases Rose If, Lombard to F. J. Ma honey, real mtg. Oregon Mtg. Co. to Orris Dorman, real mtg. F. J. Mahoney to David H. Snider, real mtg. A. O. IT. W. Lodge to M. C. Hund ley, real mtg. Harvey and Regan to Frank Simp son, chat. Rills of Sale J: W. Mc.Manaiua et al, to N. Wil liamson, live stork, Implements, grain, $1. Xxui. Warner to L. T. Brock way, Improvements ou eh 16-20-44, $1000. Superior Court Proceedings Civil Thomas Culberson vs. Gilbert Hunt Company et al. -Motion of de fendants to file amended answer granted; defendant's motion to va cate sotting of case for December term denied and case set for Decem ber IS at It o'clock a. in. George B. Miller et ux. vs. Charles E. Knight et al. —Trial before a jury; verdict for the defendants. Emma lnscoro vs. William Inicore —Order of default. George B. Lam vs. John H. Hills —Plaintiff granted leave to amend by interlineation. The Minneapolis T. M. Company vs. A. W. Amlck et al. —Order deny ing motion for default. Holt Mfg. Company vs. Geo. E. Swannack et ux.—Order overruling motion to strike. David S. Ausherman vs. Sanford W. Hickman — Order of dismissal. National Bank of Palouse vs. Goo. M. aroy et al. — Judgment against tho defendants. J. I. Michel vs. Louis Lukeßond for attachment. State vs. Raul Pattison—Judgment and sentence to state reformatory. George B. Thomson et al. vs. E. J. Tramill—Trial; verdict for the defendant. Lou L. Ellis et al. vs. Thomas 11. Ellis et al.—Order appointing guard ian ad litem; decree in partition. State vs. Henry Goddard—Dismis sed. State vs. James Rn en —Order of dismissal. State vs. L. A. Scott—Arraign ment; plea not guilty; bond fixed at $2000. 3. M. Mohney vs. Thomas H. Kills at al.— Order for clerk to pay out money. Matter Of Petit Jury—All Jurors were excused on Dec. 17 to the lt9h at 0 a. in. W. F. Adams et ux. vs. Farmers State Bank et al. —J. ']'. Brown and Chas R. Hill, Esqs., granted leave to withdraw as attorneys for defend ants John L. Canutt et ux. John L. Canutt et ux. vs. Frank H. Endsley et ux.—J. T. Brown and Chas. R. Hill, Esqus., granted leave to withdraw as counsel for the plain tiffs. Stato vs. Stanley Mitchell — Plea of not guilty withdrawn and plea of guilty entered by defendant, and de fendant committed to the state train ing school. State vs. C. V. Drazan —Dismissed on motion of the state. State vs. Charles Collard—Dis missed on motion of the state. State vs. Harry Felton—Dis missed on motion of the state. State vs. W. M. Lagoon et al. — Plea of guilty to burglary In second degree; sentenced to penitentiary from one to three years. State vs. Ed Doyle and Harry Riggs —Plea of each not guilty; trial of Doyle set for February 10, 1913, at 1:30 p. in. and trial of Riggs set for February 11, 1913, at 9 a. m. C. H. Ede vs. James A. Cole et al. and 11. C. Fisher, garnishee defend ant-Order requiring H C. Fisher, garnishee defendant, to bring inde pendent action. New Cases George Dekker vs. T. J. Hastings et ux.—Action to foreclose Hen for labor. The National Bunk of Palouse vs. Ceo. M. Can et al. —Action for money due. .1. I. Michel vs. Louie Luke —Ac- tion tor attachment for money due. Loo L. Ellis et al. vs. Thomas H. Ellis .1 al. —Action for portltlon of real estate. Ethel Hosier vs. Frank Hosier— Action for divorce. State vs. Paul Pattison —Charge grand larceny. State vs. I. A. Scott—Charge grand larceny. State vs. W. M. Lagoon and A. Pullman —Charge buarglary second degree. , . State vs. Ed Doyle and Harry Riggs -Charge burglary In second degree. J. F. Reynolds vs. unknown heirs of A. O. Heatherly et ul —Action to quiet title. H. C. Fisher vs. C. H. Ede et al. — Action to establish ownership of money. I STICKS TO I THE MAIN ROAD mm 1^ mmmmk« m__M_M________e____m_ ■__^|__|_V ___S___________________|___________________|_____H___________B'|^H^n H = i^S^ THE MEN who hunt for a fortune by 5 V^/ the short cut, meaning through specula si tion, a large percentage lose out. 5 Ihe Main Road may be a little dusty and 5 probably not picturesque, but it is a sure winner. = You can't get lost and there is no danger of S stepping off at the end. I We Pay 4 per cent on Time Deposit*. 1 aHZ fc'^ _TS»/»wA^_fc_ I The Pullman State Bank llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllillllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilillllllllllllllllll 11 I wish to thank my friends ij ' - for their trade during the j| past year and trust that I ;| may serve them in the "V ]! future. j! ■ Yours faithfully, ij E. W. McCANN || Phone 15 amaaaam^mammmma.mnaaamammaa^aaa.«, •— Tl II" I!■ ■ I—l 11111 111 lJ I 111 . 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Ever/ Bell telephone Is « long distance -.Cation f_ _» rf Ws-_ \» T-1 T% •__• T' 1 L Ll tJ%>.''"-'lk f( j_\% The Pacific Telephone £( Affi \&£&7 & Telegraph Company st&B^ "J_!H_Dni_n^l^lMe^iV > m