Newspaper Page Text
Records of Whitman County FRIDAY, JUNE 26. 1914 Gov. Patents and Receipt* United States to Edward J. Smythe. sh nwq, nh swq 24-14-38, patent. Deeds James Surman Chandler et ux. to D. C. Sever, eh eh wh 23-14-3 S. eh 21, swq, sh nwq 24-14-38, $14,500. Alice Woods et vir to D. C. Sever, nh nwq 24-14-38. $1000. Susanna Gustln to Mrs. /eh i Gosselln, lot 2, blk 15, Pullman. $1. Idaho-Washington Light & Power Co. to Luella H. Smith, part lot 3, blk 14, Pullman, $1. Luella H. Smith et vir to Samuel H. Cameron, part blk 14, Pullman, $700. Kittle Eldredge to Henry Hughes et al.. lot 21, blk 6, LaCrosse. $1. Rosalia Lodge No. 110, 1. O. O. F.. to Hans Mumm, lot 36, blk .'!, Ever green Cemetery, I. O. O. F., $50. Real Mortgages Samuel H. Cameron to Luella 11, Smith, part blk 14, Pullman. $600. D. C. Sever et ux. to First Savings & Trust Bank. Whitman county, all 24-14-38, eh 23. eh wh 23-14-38. $8000. chattel Mortgages Frank Baumgarner to J, I. ('use Threshing Machine Co.. machinery, $530. Carlton Saxon to Lawrence & Kin cald, machinery, $750. Charles M. McNutt to Ryan Har ness Co., live stock, $4 0. Releases Pullman Savings & Loan Associa tion to A. H. Hanklns et ux., real mortgage. B. A. Ish to Peter N. Johnson et al., real mortgage. Assignments A. A. Wilson to B. A. Ish, real mortgage. Conditional Bills of Sale Winton Motor Carriage Co. «to H. S. Titus, automobile, $850. Simon Piano Co. to C. F. Ander son, piano, $375. Bills of Sale Effie M. Cole to T. A. Ireland, un divided one-half interest in business known as "Ireland's Cigar Store," shooting gallery outfit, etc.. $700. Miscellaneous Mark Richardson vs. Katherlne Richardson et al., lis pendens. SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1914 Government Patents and Receipts United States to Alonzo O. Wells, nwq 14-20-39, patent. Deeds D. C. Sever and wife to Surman Chandler, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9. 10. blk 34. lots 5, 6. 7, 8, blk 36, Second Syndicate add, Guy, $2500. G. M. Witter and wife to State of Washington, easement over eh swq 21-19-43, $1. Real Mortgages C. 0. Bradstreet and wile to Pa cific Building & Loan Association, lot 13, blk 32, Maiden, $406. J. L. Plckard to Security State Bank, LaCrosse, lot 7, blk 4. W. 11. Rudolph's add. La Crosse, $150. Chattel Mortgages Thompson & Son to Security State Bank, Palouse, pool room outfit, etc , $1310. D. A. Schlotthauer to J. G. Con ger, live stock, $150. T. J. Compton to Security State Bank. La Crosse, summer fallow on nh nh 20-16-40 and two-thirds crop for year 1915, $49. P. H. Matson to Mumley Products Co., machinery. $975. Miscellaneous A. J. Campbell to the public, affi davit Delwin J. Hewitt to the public, affidavit. MONDAY, JUNE 29, 19 11 Deeds Seymour Blyton to Fred Kagele, lets 5 and 6. blk 40. Wiley's 3rd add, Palouse, $1. Charles N. Darling et ux. to Fred Kagele, lots 5 and 6, blk 40. Wiley's 3rd add, Palouse, $1. Seymour Blyton. executor, to Fred Kagele, lots 5 and 6. blk 40, Wiley's 3rd add, Palouse, $550. E. W. Wagner et ux. to E. T. Huff et al.. lot 1, blk 2 First add. Guy $35. John H. Stover et ux. to R. A. Goans. lots 2, 3 and 4. blk 14, Syndi cate add, Guy, $1300. Ira G. Allen et ux. to George C Grimes, lot 11, blk 7, College Park add, Pullman. $375. George I. Reeves et ux. to C. C. Todd, nh lot 2. blk 1, Lawrence & Holbrook's add, Pullman. $2400. Bank of Rosalia to W. J. Cabbage et ux., lot 11, blk 2. Rosalia, $1. Ileal Mortgages Ira Merton Ledbetter et ux. to Bank of Rosalia, nh lot 2, part lot 3, blk 4, Anderson's add, Rosalia, $270. C. C. Todd to Pullman Savings & Loan Association, nh lot 2. blk l. Lawrence & Holbrook's add, Pull man (ex), $1200 James Neill to L. W. Kingsbury, lot 3, blk 1, Pullman. $450. Chattel Mortgages Mort Homer to Colfax National Bunk, live stock, $346. . F. M. Hardeaty et al. to Colfax National Bank, machinery, $700. E. C. Sorrels to First State Bank, La Crosse, live stock, $360. J Erich llaitman to Aultman & Tay lor Machinery Co., machinery, $1447. i l Frank Fuche to Aultman & Tay lor Machinery Co.. machinery, $625. E. L. Flansburg to Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co., machinery, $703. Ed Faulstlch to Maytag Co., ma chinery. $178. Releases James Monroe Short/, executor, to Robert D. Davis, real mortgage. Henry G. Wells to George 1. Reeves, real mortgage. Bertha V. Thrashe" guardian, to Bertha E. Raines, real mortgage, Archibald McAvoy to Joseph Naff ziger el al., real mortgage. J. A. Reubens el al. to James F. Collins, chattel mortgage. Assignments R. P. Turn ley to George 11, Sehlegel et ux., real mortgage. Commercial State Hank to North western Mutual Life Insurance Co., real mortgage. Conditional Bills of Sale Rosalia Auto Co. to C. S. Bunigar-1 ncr, touring car, $325. ' Rosalia Auto Co. to H. T. Robin son, touring car, $419. Main Street Garage Co, to C. 11. Kincaid, automobile, $600. TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1914 Deeds Myrtle B. Mclloes et vir to Marion C. Peterson, lot 11, blk I. Maiden, $1350. Anna Schwalbold to Myrtle B. Peterson, lot 11, blk I. Morrow's add. Maiden, $1350. College Park Improvement Co. to Archie W. Henry, lot 13, blk 8. Col lege Park add. Pullman, $300. William L. Mills et ux. to Nellie A. ' Keycs. lot I, blk 6, Sunset, $60. Real Mortgages Oren P. McNall et ux. to 11. D. Mills, neq 28-20-40, $1250. Archie W. Henry et ux. to Pullman Savings & Loan Association, lot 13, hlk S. College Park add, Pullman, I 1000. Mrs. Mary Busch to Mrs. Emma Grand, swq 11-12-45, $5000. Releases I Western & Hawaiian Investment Co. to Orren P. McNall et ux, two real mortgages. WEDNESDAY, JULW 1, 1914 Deeds Francis W. Sever et ux. to Eph ralm 1). Finch, lots 13, 14, 15, 16. hlk 0. lot I I. blk Hi, Second Syndi cate add. lots 9 and 10, blk 10, Syn dicate add. Guy, $1130. Chattel Mortgages Theodore K. Huntley to Ellen E. tlarwood, live stock, $100. Releases Pullman Savings & Loan Associa tion to W. O. (iass et ux., real mort gage. Pullman Savings & Loan Associa tion to Ira <;. Allen et ux., real mort gage. Pullman Savings & Loan Associa tion to M. K. Snyder et ux.. real mortgage. Jackson Long to Paul Culp, real mortgage. John B. Sanborn to Olive M. Cof fet et vir. partial release, real mort gage. Ellen HarWOOd to Theodore K. Guntley, partial release chattel mortgage. Assignments Farmers State flank, Colfax, to E. W. Orr, real mortgage. BiDs of Sale New! Jacobson to C. J. Hay. undi vided one-half interest in machinery $750. E. C. Berry to S. Wiedrich. one hair hay, stock, grain, etc., $300. Miscellaneous E. W. Orr vs. William Junkee et al.. lis pendens. —*. .. THURSDAW, JULY 2, 1914 Gov. Patents and Receipts United States to Frank Stark, wh nwq. wh swq 22-13-38, patent. Deeds Mary C. MeCann et vir to Byron Hunter, lot 10. blk S. Reaney's 2nd add. Pullman, $3500. Francis M. Hill et ux. to John M. Lambert, eh neq neq. eh wh neq 6 -15-46, $2400. George B. Fisher et ux. to John If, j Lambert, wh neq, wh wb eh neq 6 j 1"-46. $9135. Real Mortgages Byron Hunter et ux. to H. W. Sampson, lot 10, blk 8, Reaney's 2nd add, Pullman, $1800. I. W. Jesse et ux. to Colfax Na tional Bank, lots 6 and 7, blk 10, Perkins & Prescott's Riverside add, Colfax, $500. Chattel Mortgages John Gallagher et ux. to Bank of , Farmington. live stock, machinery, etc., $600. Claude James to Bank of Winona, live stock, machinery, $178. 11. F. Troub to Colfax National Bank, live stock, $500. Releases E. P. Arms to Frank Burnett et al., real mortgage. Conditional Bills of Sale Hobart Manufacturing Co. to S. C. Kurdy, coffee mill, $116. Miscellaneous Irving R. Hriswold et al. vs. Jacob J. Bush el al., lis pendens. Thomas Neill, administrator, vs. George W. diner, wh seq 3-18-45, levy and attachment, $542. SUPERIOR COURT PROCEEDINGS Civil Richard C. Peterson vs. Marion Peterson Decree of divorce. Oscar P. Hill vs. Evelyn Noble et al.- Judgment for plaintiff. C. 11. Oderlin vs. A. B. Sever— Sheriff's return of sale. Win. R. Armstrong et al. vs. Mod ern Woodmen of America —Order overruling defendant's demurrer, and giving 30 days in which to further plead. Charles E. Walton vs. Myrtle E. Walton —Decree of divorce. Lamont State Hank vs. F. T. Dog get t -Order dismissing the action. Farmers Implement Co. vs. J. ii. Basket! et al. —Order for garnishee defendant to surrender note to sheriff. .1. L. Bailor vs. Harry D, Cox et al. — Order continuing case tor setting. William .Miller vs. W. B. Pala mouutaln et ux, — Order in the mat ter of defendant's motion to strike complaint. Emerson Mercantile Co. vs. Harry Austin et ux. — Order dismissing the ion. R. G. Hargrave et ux. vs. City of Colfax—Order overruling plaintiffs motion for new trial. M. Farley vs. E. 11. Letter man et UK, —Order denying motion for a new trial. Geo. C. Jewett, receiver, vs. Sey mour Blyton —Assignment and par tial satisfaction of judgment. Pullman State Bank vs. 11. A. Glane— Judgment tor plaintiff. Frank L. Towne vs. Jane L. Thomas et al. -Order dismissing the action. Geo. 11. Schlegel et ux. N. Johnson el al.—Order dismissing the action. Now Civil Cases Washington Trust Co. vs. Thomas Keyes et al. —Abstract of judgment from Spokane. Probate Estate of Charles H. Danielsen Older for bearing on final account and to show cause why distribution should not be made. Estate of Frank Rider Order to destroy diseased animal. Estate of Alfred Drew -Order to correct name, and order releasing ex ecutor. Estate of John Downing- -Order continuing hearing on petition for administration to July 20th at 10 a. m. Estate of Esther Yeo—Order ad mitting will to probate and appoint ing William A. Yeo executor. Estate of Louise Milium —Will ad mitted to probate; Hans Munim ap pointed executor; F. M. Campbell, J. G. Williams and L. L. Calhoun ap pointed apraisers, and order to pub lish notice to creditors. Estate of Bernard Kilkelly--Order to pay attorney's fee. Estate of Marinda J. Kile- Order confirming appraisement. Estate of N. B. Parkman -Order confirming appraisement. Estate of Patrick Stafford— 11. G. DePledge appointed administrator with bond of $10,000.00. Guardianship of Charles C. Stine, a minor Mrs. Mabel S. Hodges ap pointed guardian with bond of $2000. Estate of William F. Ham —W. R. Anderson appointed administrator de bonis non, and order to show cause why order to sell or mortgage should not be made. Estate of Michael Mellett —Bond of John P. Duke, resident agent, filed. Guardianship of David C. Vincent —Order for hearing in the matter of confirmation of sale of real es tate. Estate of Margaret Savage—De cree discharging executors. Estate of Baloma Bourbonnle— Order settling final account and order for distribution of estate. Estate of Martha Kornetzky— Or der confirming appralsment. Estate of Ban ford Newton Jeffries —Order confirming appraisement. Estate of Mary Williams—Order directing proper marking of grave. Estate of William ii. Wallace— Order to publish notice to creditors and order appointing D. B. horsey, H. L. Tatom and J. G. Williams ap praisers. Estate of Edward R. Smith—Order confirming sale of real estate. Estate of Lars Anderson—Order approving publication of notice to creditors. Mothers Pensions Mrs. Anna Horn. Tekoa, granted pension of $15 per month. (Official Publication) Report of the Financial Condition of V - ■■■ •■-■- : THE PULLMAN STATE BANK luxated at Pullman, State of Washington,, at the Close of Business on the Thirtieth Day of June, 1914 RESOURCES | Loans and discounts. . . .$239,122.83 Overdrafts " 1,576.12 Ponds, warrants and other securities 6,504.97 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 20,174.09 Other real estate owned. 27,073.76 Due from banks 46,475.09 Exchange for clearing house . .„ 428.10 Cash on hand 17,900.94 Total $359,255.90 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. .. . 37,600.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits 3,4 96.06 Deposits $284,555.26 Certified checks 579.58 Cashier's checks 3,125.00 Pills payable (including certificates of deposit for money borrowed). 20,000.00 Total $359,255.90 State of Washington, County of Whitman, ss. I. E. Maguire, cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. E. MAGUIRE, Cashier. Correct. Attest : Ceo. 11. Watt, J. N. Scott, directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Bth day of July, 1914. JOHN W. MATHEWS. Seal 1 Notary Public, hen the baby is suffering thu double affliction of hot weather and bowel disorders, the remedy needed is McGEE'S BABY ELIXER. It re duces the feverish condition, corrects the stomach and checks looseness of the bowels. Price 25c and 50c per bottle. Sold by Watt's Pramacy. jly 1 Be comfortable during the coming hoi days. shade your porch with a V'udor Porch Shade, for sale by C. R. Sanders Co. A lady with two boys wants work on a ranch. One boy 13 and the other 11. Write Mrs. Ada Stites, Pullman, Wash. Good residence property to trade for horses. Walker & Struppler. my22tf Duthle pays the highest market price for poultry, veal and hides Doing hard work in a bent or stooping position puts a stitch in the back that Is painful. If the muscles have become strained, you can't get rid of it without help. The great penetrating power 'of BAL LARD'S SNOW LINIMENT will ap peal to you most strongly at such times, because it is the very thing you need. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Watt's Pharmacy. FOR SALEFurniture for eight room house; fill Campus avenue. Phone 268 J. Misses' and children's wash dresses 33 1-3 per cent off Satur day, July 11, at C. R. Sanders Co. GEO. N. HENRY REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Phones: Bell 62; Inland 1172 Opposite Postofflce Pullman Transfer & Storage Co. J. P. Duthle, Manager Dealers la Brick. Lime, Cement nasi Sand. We make a specialty of moving household goods aad pianos Call on us and give us a trial. Office, 907 Oran.i »i. The Pullman Hospital Pullman, Wash. 1506 Star Route St. Phone 69 INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, OLD AGE, FIDELITY, PLATE GLASS Abo agent for Steamship tickets. M.J. CHAPMAN, Agt. Room 16. First Natl Bank Blk. Florence Meare SSSSSSffiig strut ions and lessons to .i lady customers on the Velvetina System of Home Complexion T ments and the proper combinations to use for a good cotnplexl r8&t" our store Saturday, June 20 —afternoon and evening, iie 1* n ' M teaching these treatments to the ladies of Pullman, but will 110* pleased to meet all those whom she has not yet had an opoort i to see in their homes in our store on Saturday or go to your horn ° appointment. She will also be very glad to meet all the ladies f 6 * the country. THESE LES- rom SONS AND TREATMENTS U/jjllL Dk-.«•-_-. are free. ▼ ▼ Clll O i WclllllclCV You Demand Purity and Quality' jff^ ""' " x v HaPPy omar Eats His Cak« £T V and Likes It. w- / Waste not your hour nor In the ™„ J pursuit tn | ■ ./ Of this and ; that confection and n«™ i route; nen f\' \ Better be happy with our fruithi \/0\ \*#mm* *"* Than frSt der ttltor ,lone or blttß- K^ - <'-^Ib^:: ———-—— IK- '^ V \ You can be happy and con- If i lT< :0m tented over our cakes, p les m , 1 tarts, jelly rolls and every t*& ..^***r-^ thing else we make. \J -^SSn ; . , We don't use fake jams and %•;•.,,, m jellies and flavors. , ( "*" § We are honest. Also we % , I are clean. Bakeshop regu- X i /J larly inspected. \ .*/ Why not. then, trade with , t r us ? ■*<»*<' _____ We Guarantee a Clean Bakery! II MODEL BAKERY COPtWOfT i*ij , A Rumely-Olds Will Run Your Baler TT runs it at just the right speed to give A the best results. It stays right on the job as long as there is any work to do. It is a "Jack of all Trades" for the up-to-date farmer. It will run [any machine whenever you want it done. Have you ever seen a Rumely-Olds Engine running? Call on us and we'll show you one. If you can't visit us, examine your neighbor's. See how simple it is and how easy to operate. ®Or phone us and we'll call or mail you a cat- o^fegsj alog which tells all about it. i«^««S We're here to serve you; «£&jyA*r ««• give us a chance. x^^r TT. G IVIARTIJXr That Implement Man PULLMAN. - . . WASH. The Best Motor Oil the Standard Oil Company Can Make ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars TDADt MAM tJsfSiS'^^ tiC U $ .AT OM. Igy*^^ Dealers everywhere. Ask our nearest agency about delivery in bulk. Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) • Pullman . ' " '' '''*- ±: