Newspaper Page Text
Records of Whitman County CROAT, JULY 11. 1914 Gov. Patents and Receipts United States to Leonard M Bow man, esq net}, neq seq. s>h seq 13-13 --43. patent, Deads Israel D, Lemley and wife to M, J. Larrick, swq 36-20-43. $1. Bafronla Kirkendall. executrix, to Raj Kirkendall, swq nwq, wb swq, seq swq 28-14-43, $1. Real Mortgages Ada Quinn and husband to West ern Loan & Building Co., part bus 13 and 14. blk 2, Tekoa, $700. Frank M. Quinn and wife to West ern Loan & Building Co., lot 4, blk 2, Huffman's add. Tekoa. $1500] First Christian Church. Maiden, to American Christian Missionary Society, lots 6 and 6, blk 29, Mai den. $120. Emily Stone and husband to Es tella Walker, lot C and art lor. 6, blk 8, Reane> '.- 2nd add, Pullmau, $500 U. K. Anderson el ex. to NBa BJorklut part nh nwc and par 10l I of l 14-46, $2000 Hose .Milan- to J. W. Thompson lo; 3, llk 6, Brown's add Colfot, $350. Charles C, Cook et ux . to Hughes & Co., sh swq 4-IS-39, $375. < I.title! Mortgage John F. Stotl to Ryan Harness Co., live stock, etc., $66. T. L. Bilderback to Holt .Manu facturing Co., machinery, $30001 Releases Frank E. Brown to A. F. Clod dard and wife, real mortgage. Dr. B'Jacob to Emily Stone and husband, real mortgage. Conditional Bills of Sale National Cash Register Co to '■' E. Moore, register, $65. MONDAY. JULY 13, 1914 Deeds Isaac H. Doggett to Peter Arm strong, lot 4 of 3-20 -39 $1. Isaac H. Doggel i to Peter Arm strong, lot i, eh seq 4-20-39, $1. J. J. Van Ham to Mary E. Couplin, part lot 8, blk 11, Fitch's add. Pa louse, $1. John c. Gibson and wile to 1.. C. Money, sh lot 10, hlk 9, Johnson, $50. Leal Mortgages Peter Armstrong el ux to Henry Biernback, lot 1, eh sen, 4-20-39, part lot I and wh swq, 3-20-39, $700. Chattel Mortgages Walter P. Turk to Max 11 in rh lis. crop on sh neq 3. nwq 2-1 1-43, and live stock. $ 1 650. C. O. Hand to Steptoe Slate Bank. live stock, $25. Ernest C. llunton to Steptoe State Bank, live stock, crop on swq seq 28-18-48, $260. W. L. Babb to Mineapolie Thresh ing Machine Co., machine! $550. A. J. Windnagle el al. to Aultman & Taylor Machinery Co.. machinery, $3794. P. B. Martin to J. I. Case Thresh ing Machine Co., machinery, $885. P. B. Martin to J. 1. Case Thresh ing Machine Co.. machinery I 232. Release Doming Investment Co. to John W. Henkle, real mortgage. B. F. Hall to W. F. Huffman, chattel mortgage. Conditional Bills of Sale Harry L. Oliver Co. to L P. Cards, automobile, $1070. National Cash, Register Co. to 11. S. Hull, register, $285. Assignments D. C. Sever to the Colfax National Bank, contract. Miscellaneous W. R. Milliken to the public, affi davit. TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1914 i leads Hiram Lodge No. 21, F. and A. M., to R. M. Johnson, lot 39, First add, Masonic cemetery, $20. Oscar O. Mitchell and wife to Silas W. Woodland, lot 1 and part lot '-'. hlk 1, Wiley's add, Palouse, $1. Oscar 0. .Mitchell mid wile to Silas W. Woodland, lots 1. 4. and part lot 3, blk 13, Beat I add, Palou *I. F. M. Sever, administrator, to Ja cob W. Heidenrich, pa i 3-15-42 $8339. William H. Kaye et ux. to (ioorge E. Canfield, part lots I". 11. 12, blk 51. Maiden, $1. E. C Dowel and wife- tv Ada Qulun, lots 13 and 14. blk 2, Tekoa, $4000. Colfax National Bank to H. T. Banning, tract in nwq 32-17-44. $1. H. T. Banning to C I. MacKen zie. tract in nwq 32-17-4 4, $1. C. L. MacKenzie and wife to city of Colfax, tract in nwq 32-17-44, $1. W. G. David to City of Colfax tract in Colfax, $1. . Real Mortgages Silas W. Woodland and wife tc Oscar 0. Mitchell, parr lot 3 and 10l 4, blk 13, Beach's add, Palouse $4 00. Jacob W. Heidenrich and wife tc R. M. Johnston, part of 3-15-42 $5000. I Chattel Aleut- . C. N. Smith to Otto Barfknocht, live stock, machinery, $400. A. M. Davis it al. to First National ; Bank, Washtucna, live stock, two thirds crop seq, seq iwq 12-14-37, $142. E. T. Hall to Runioly Products Co., machinery, 50. I tel<eases Security State Bank to T. B. Hampton et al., real mortgage, Citizens Slate Bank, Tekoa, to C. E, Greene et ux., two real mortgages, Conditional Hills of Sale International Harvester Co. tc; W. I L. Babu, header, $260. . V\ HRNKSDAY, JULY Ift, l»l I Deeds Robert Sangster et ux, to 11. 11. ' Chase, sh seq 25-14-46, $7500. . W, !:. Clematis et. ux. to Herman U. Chase, sh seq, 25-14-45, $1. William Cole, sheriff, to J. F. Hall, administrator, nwq 32-20-40, certificate of sale, 1017. Ceil Montages Herman Q. Chase to W. ]■:. How ard, sh .sees 25-14-45, $1205. Samuel E, Casseday .1 ux. to Theresa E. Colvin, lot 4, blk 27, Colfax, $1000. ("battel Mortgage* W. H. Fraanr et al. in Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co.. machinery, $11 no. E. R. Sargent to Holt Manufactur ing Co., machinery, 100. Releases Anabel Mai Kcnzlo to W. 11, I'ar \in ci u\.. real mortgage. Hills of Sale Albert Burn am in Barbara Stueekle" stallion. $300, THURSDAY, JULY 10, lull Deeds W. 11. Randolph aml wife to A. P. Wuer, lot I, bib 1, La Crosse, lot 1. hlk i. Rudolph's add, I.a Crossed $25. Ada L. Belshaw et al. to Mary E. Belshaw, hwq 7-18-4 neq 28-19 -1.".. eg 28-19-45, $1. .Milwaukee Land Co to S. 1.. Mat son, lots 13 and 14, hlk 8, Maiden. $200. P. ,1. L\l in J. C. Hudson, lot 7. bib B, Holbrook's add, Pullman, contract, $550. Real Mortgages W. A. Moss et ux. to Pullman Say- j ings & Loan Association, sh lot 2, j hlk I, Lawrence & Holbrook's add, Pullman, $3000, .1. Q. Reynolds and wife to ,1. 11. Haskell, neq swq, ah nwq seq, nh s\\e| seq 2S-17-44 (.ex), $340. August Nelson to Edw. Schmidt, lot is, hlk ;;. Tekou, $250. Henry E. Davis and wife ~to~Spo kime & Eastern Trust Co., sh 15-17- I ■'.. $5000. battel Mortgages S. M. Lathrum to Rumely Pro dill Co., machinery, $1000. Ernes! C. Huntley to Rumlej Products Co., machinery, $2100. Roy E. York to Fisher Minshull a Terhuhe Bros., two-third? crop em tracts 5, 8, 9, Ewan Orchards, $50. 11. C. Sharp to St. John State Bank, two-thirds crop seq l 8-1 9-12, all crop on aeq 24-19-41, $300. Q. R. Pierce to St. John State Hank, live stock, crop on nwq 19-18 --41, nh nwq, ah aeq 21-18-40, $300. D. Williams to .1. H. .McCroskey,' live stock, $50. August Nelson to Edw. Schmidt, mobile and tools, $250. Releases .Mary Jaskulek to Lamont Lumber & Supply Co . real mortgage. J. ,1. Bell to Claude A. James, chat tel mortgage. Steptoe State Punk to Ernest C. Ilunton. two chattel mortgages. Inland Typewriter Co., to V. M. L'nse conditional bill of sale. Conditional Hills of Sale International Harvester Co. to O. H. Clifford, engine, 00. Hills of Sale Main Street Garage Co. to John Herding, automobile, $1200. Assignments Thompson & Son to Spokane Mer ■ hants Association, billiard, etc., business. Willis R. Noble to Ivan Manring, real mortgage. FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1914 Deeds John M. Lambert i.d wife to Joseph W. Watson, n h neq, «h nli |eh neq 0-15-4 0, $1. William Cole, sheriff, to Edward : Johnson, lots 7 and 8, blk 29, Col fax, $55 41. Louis W. Pratt, trustee, to Mar shall K. Snail, lots 7 and 8, blk 21, i Ewan, $1. Miles Cramer et ux. to Hartman & j Thompson, lots 17 and 18 blk 13, . Lament, $1. Rufus S. De Lone to Ethel May De Long, lot 8, blk 8, St. tfohn, lot 3, blk 3, Lockhart's add, St. Jonn, $1. John H. Clarke et : ,1 to Clarke ft ; Eaton Co., lots l, 2, 3, 4. 17. 18. blk I 12, La Crosse. $1. Real Mortgages William 11. Bchlehuber and wife to Bank of Fariuington, eh seq, ah neq 24-19-46, $4000. William H. Schlehuber et ux. to Bank of Farmington, sh seq, aeq swq, lot 4 of 19-19-46, $4000. Ida .lessen to Whitman County National Bank, eh neq, eh seq IS -2U-44. $3500. James Bowerman to Bank of Ro salia, part n.vei 23-20-43, $500. Chattel Mortgages C. Buob el al. to Rumely Products < (i.. machinery, $2500. Irwin Delavan to Farmers Imple ment Co., machinery, 060. 1. J. Lee el al. to C. M. Heater, crop sh seq 11, part of sections 12, 13, 1 I of ' 1-15, $341. Releases .lan < -. Bow ermau to Bank of i;. salia, real mortgage. Assignments 11. T. Morse lo F. .i. timer, leal mortgage. Hills of Sale Irwin Delavan to Farmers Imple ment Co., machinery, $350. Conditional Hills of Sale Fairbanks. Morse & id. to Archer & Rounds, machinery, $255. Ritter Dental Manufacturing Co. to Earl Stewart Washburn, dental supplies, I 49. Miscellaneous Johnson Drug Co. vs. J. R. Stephenson, part lot 12, blk 6, Rea tie add. Pullman. levy and it t.e-hmiMit, 5210. SUMMER SCHOOL CLOSES TODAY The State College summer session will close tod after the most satis factory summer session in the history of lie- institution. Today will be given over entirely to exam illations, and it may be necessary io conduct a few examinations tomor row morning. The excellent pro gram of lectures and recitals has proved one of the most popular feat ures of the session and many towns people have taken advantage of the opportunity to hear the addresses on various topics. The summer school plays, "The Cricket on the Hearth" and "Six Persons." ere presented to an ap preciative audience Wednesday evening, and the short coursers reg istered a big hit by their display of theatrical prowess. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS Last Tuesday evening a meeting was lie-Id of the Sunday school workers of Pullman In the -Baptist, building to discuss "Junior Work.' Alcoa 150 ere present. The meet ing took the form of a round table discussion. Keen interest was mahl- tested and here were era] clashes eif opinion em the matter of hikes, parties, etc., and reverence and methods of teaching In the Sunday school class. Next Tuesday evening the intermediate or teen" age de partment, will be discussed. Discus sions led by Miss Llewellyn and Mr. Kerns. The meeting will be called to older at 8 o'clock. A lime glass water tumbler for 5c as tie- Variety Store. Muffins for Two Butter, size of an egg one tablespoonful of sugar, one egg. Heat all to a cream and add half a cupful sweet milk, pinch o? salt, one cupful of flour and one teaspoonful of baking powder. Sweet Shortcake — Beat together two eggs one cup of sweet milk, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one cup sugar and flour to make a cake batter. Pour Into two round or square tins and bake as you would cake When done use for the two layers of the cake, putting fruit be tween and whipped cream on top or fruit between and on top both. Pieplant Jelly—Wash and cut the stalks into Inch pioces. Cook in water to cover to a soft pulp, and strain, boll and skim, Add a tea cupful of sugar to each teac it] of juice, and boll until it will jolly on the skimmer, I ben add vanilla ex tract to flavor. Melt paraffin in an old coffee pot. it is a most satisfactory way to pour the wax over the jelly when sealing it. No drops will be spilled upon the table or tray. At this season of fruit stain it is well to look carefully to the table linen, If there Is a sign of a stain, pour boiling water through it as ; soon as possible. This will remove all but the stain from peaches. .la v-die- water is the best medium for ! this. A bad taste in the mouth comes from a disordered stomach, and back : of that Is Usually a torpid liver: — a condition which Invites disease. HERBINE Is the remedy needed. It i corrects the stomach and makes the liver active and regular. Price 50c. Sold by Watt's Pharmacy. jly ! LOCAL DRUGGIST s.Us: • 'TAKE ONLY ONE DOSE" Wo want to tell those in Pullman suffering from stomach or bowel trouble that we are agents for the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known a3 Adler-i-ka, the remedy which became famous by curing append This is the most thorough bowel cleanser known and JUST ONE DOSE relieves sour stom ach, gas on the stomach and consti pation almost IMMEDIATELY. You will be surprised at the QUICK action of Adler-1-ka. White's Drug Store. Doing bard work in a bent or stooping position puts a stitch in the back that is painful. If the muscles have become trained, you can't get rid of it without help. The .-ii it penetrating power of bal i CARD'S SNOW LINIMENT will ap ical to you most strongly at such times, because it is the very thing you need. Price 25c, 50c and .00 per bottle. Sold by Watt's Pharmacy. Housekeeping rooms for rent, 20 McKenzie St. Mrs. W. L. White, phone 102 R. Jnel2tf: V lady with two boys wants work on a ranch. One hoy 13 and the other 11. Write Mrs. Ada Stites, Pullman, Wash. Good residence property to trade for horses. Walker & Struppler. iuy22tf FOR SALK- Furniture for eight room house, 'ill Campus venue Phone 26S J. c'■ <$*: dWv\ Vy* ' ~if>k \vys •> - W\\ M A Fair Proposition These druggists « -11 tell you they could uoi recommend a more sHiislnclory remedy lor rheuma tism c hi, Rheumatism Powders tin manufacturer!! have --. i much confidence in this prepara tion that they authorize it to lie sold on a positive guarantee to give you relief or your money will Be refunded This is certainly a lair proposition. I.el us explain tills remedy to you. Price '■ c Hi • sail by Wall's Pharmacy Exclusive Agency j§&r I tic." lice question is quickly^Sk k^f --ctllc.-cj if you diM niilk I,ml, unlink m Conkey's Lice PowrJerm if It's safe, lick and sure. fcij r:-a Saves your poultry profits because ii H Kills the Lice & Doesn't Harm Chickens M 1 i\\W :cir the mites thai hede m the cracks by .^.v" lay and pr. > on chickens at night, spray 4SE3r. , r «iur poultry house* with, ' jj£]S-* > c T* ■ Conkey's Lice Liquid ff^l^l—^ Dleans ch--m out rborou^hlv Quart s5 p> &*■=«*-—ds**-] rents, hall gallon 60 cents gallon SliK). K. l l*'llsi^V*' CONKEY'S HEAD LICF. I W'-'^j' ointment gj lr%*^ri Effective and doesn't harm chicks. 10 |fl l&J^rf I md 25 tents. Money back if these |F~ -Ii • ?ri-parjr.»ms del nut s.insfy J?*\ I ;L^.J . The? G. E. Cookey Co , Cl.vtUnd, Ohio lP V■'" S J. P. DUTHIE J Northern Pacific j ! Railway ! > Is Selling Daily to September 30 i ! EXCURSION TICKETS ! ! EAST ! 1 Low Fare to Any Eastern Point ' I Stopovers Given , i Return up to October 3 < > DAILY Through Trains < C Prom Pacific Northwest < C TWO TO CHICAGO via MIX- J I NEAPOLIeS-ST.PAUL < ? ONE TO ST. LOUIS ' l» Our usual high class service, < l[ with Northern Pacific Superior J ji Hilling Service. < | Yellowstone Park : > Season to September IS i ]» Tickets and All Information < ]! WM. LAIRD, Agent ] ]> M. A. BURG, T. P. A.. Spokane < jl A. I). CHARLTON, A. G. P. A. < ? Portland, Ore J M With a good oil cook stove there's no delay or \ M bother—no lugging of wood, coal or ashes. There's \ M no smoke— waiting for the fire to "catch up". Cook \ M ing starts at once and when you're through you sirnnl" 1 M turn off the heat—no fuel wasted. The P * I I New Perfection I I OIL COOK STOVE i is not just a "quick lunch", light housekeeping affair I A It is a complete all 'round stove that you can bake J m broil and roast on just as well as on x wood or coal' I % range—and a lot cheaper. Best of all—it doesn't M %^ overheat the kitchen. An ideal summer stove. M Doesn't smoke. Doesn't taint the food. M Dealers everywhere. & Standard Oil Company ,aw FOR (Lalii/vmia) BEST RESULTS Pullman „^^^^ USE PEARL OIL \W&*^^^ flic BANKING the ULWARK | of US3NESS CONSIDER what business would be WITHOUT BANKS. No man should think of starting- an enterprise before he arranged to OPEN AN ACCOUNT. HOW DOES HE STAND AT THE BANK? is i question asked at some time about every business man. A good WORKABLE BANK BALANCE is essential to every successful business man. Xshe Farmers State Bank Pullman, Wash _ MllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllMlllllll I Tillicum Potlatch! = SEATTLE, WASH., July 15th to 19th —Round trip rales of one = and one-third fare via I Great Northern Railway E Tickets on sale July 14th, 16, 18th —Final return limit July 20th | Three Trains Daily | Spokane to Seattle E Oriental Limited 7:40 a. m. —Arrive Seattle 8:15 p. m. 1E Great Northern Express 8:35 r. in. -Arrive Seattle 10:20 p. »>• E Oregonian 8:15 p. m.--Arrive Seattle 8:45 a. m. |= Compartment-Observation Cars, Standard and Tourist Sleeping E Cars, Diner and Coaches on all trains. E Make your reservations early. For mm --— ~~~i"J IE further information call or write \ j flAst^ rt id t3 E ROBERT C. SHAW L| NOP .ii/Am fi E Traveling; Passenger Agent p I l»" Pi E Spokane, Wash. iiv^ff'P'Wß »*NH ht\ fljffff^n iTlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' 111111'I'^ In the Good Old Summer Time is when you should lay in your supply of fuel for winter. If yoU want to get the most heat for the money invest in some of our COAL and SLAB WOOD We carry a big stock of the best varities The Potlatch Lumber Co. H. D. MacVEAN. Manager Phone I