Newspaper Page Text
Records of Whitman / County SATURDAY. MARCH 20, 1915 Deed* William A. Ay or ill et ux. to Kittle Foster, lots 2. 4. blk 6, Smith's add, Palouse, $260. ! George P. Litzenberger et ux. to John Peter Ocha. lots 5, 6. 7, 8, I, blk 3, H. D. Smith's second add, Endicott, $500. J. W. Llnville to First State Bank, LaCrosse, live stock, $200. S. P. Strickler et ux. to Philip Hei denrelch. sen. 12-16-43 (except) part neq 13-16-43, part sec 7. part sec 18-16-44, $20,200. Mortgages Oregon-Washington Railroad & ; Navigation Co. to Farmers Loan & Trust Co.. real and personal proper ty, $111,620,000. William Kramlich et ux. to George Bafus et al.. tract in sec 84-16-41, part sec 19-10-4 2, $5000. W. K. Tetherow to Farmers Na tional bank, Colfax, live stock, farm Implements, 2-3 interest In 366 acres crop' on Dr. W. B. Palamountain ranch, $1764.30. Claude L. Westacott to A. P. Johnson, pool table, business, barber outfit and merchandise, 1939.32, Ray Shane to Copeland Hooper Co., live stock, $85. Robert R. Miller to James .1. Dun lap, 2-3 crop on s half of neq and lota 1 and 2. sec 6-45 and , lots 3 and 4, sec 6-45-5 and seq of Bwq and lot 4, sec 31-46-5, $450. William Schlehuber to Walter Bayfield, 2-3 crop on nwq, sec 35-19 --45 and nh of neq, sec 84-19 $881.26. Releases Grand Lodge A. O. U. VV. to Wm. Kramlich et ux., real mortgage. Oregon Mortgage Co. to John A. Zarlng et ux., real mortgage. Farmers & Merchants State bank to J. M. Brown, chattel mortgage. Barnhart Brothers & Spindler to Howard Brain well et al., release of conditional bill of sale. MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1815 Deeds John Squires et ux. to Clara Ruby. lots 3 and 4. blk 21, Daw's add to I'ullman, $1. Wm. Cole (sheriff) to Robert Der ieks, part of sec 10-16-41, $2500. Charity M. Gribble et vir to M. M. Brantner wh of blk 11. w of F street, Breedings add, Palouse, $450. Hans Roder to J. R. Hut or sb of seq. also swq see 35-20-41 (except) 11. Asenath M. Fender to August W. Lange, lot 7, blk 1, Rose Park add, Pullman, $1. Ellison S. Brown to Louise Kop pel, lots 4, 5, blk F. Agricultural Col lege add, Pullman, $850. Myrtle O. Peters et vir to W. H. James, sh of neq and lot 2, sec 6 -14-38, $1600. Wm. Cole (sheriff) to Lewis Neace, eh of neq and eh of seq. sec 28-17-39, $1206.15. Mortgages S. T. Stuart et ux. to A. W. Mott, eh of neq, sec 8-13-45, $1000. W. 11. James to Colfax National bank, Bh of neq and lot 2. sec 6 -14-38, $260. W. G. Shirk to Estella Walker, swq of neq and nwq of seq, tec l -13-46, $700. Mary J. Stuart to E. K. Hanna et al.. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10. I 1. 12, 13, 14. 15, 16, 17. 18, 19. bib 2;' part of lots 5, 6, 1, 8, blk 3; all of lots 9 and 10, blk 3; lots l. 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, part of lots 4 and 10, a nd part of lots 5, 6, 8, blk 9; lots 1, 2, 8. 9, 10, and part of lots 5, 6 7* blk 10; all of blks 11, 12, 13, 14* lots 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, blk 15, Texas City' nh of seq and nh of swq. and lots s', 6. sec 30-13-38 (except, wh of neq and neq of nwq and lot 1, _ 3-13 --38, $600. R. G. Lyle et ux to E. _, Kanipen, sh of neq. and lots l, 2, sec 6-1 1-44 (except) sh of seq. sec 31-15-44' $6000. Walter Glaspey et ux. to W A Mott^neq of a*c 26-15-44, (except)' $1400. V Mary J. Stuart to B. K. ___,» _ »> live stock, fixtures, furniture, etc., in hotel, $600. L. A. Jackson to Robert Warner live stock, $50. Conrad Dippel to First State bank Garfield, live stock, farm imple ments, $75. Releases. ,A' W. Mott to Walter QU_|_, _ al, real mortgage. A. W. Mott to George B. Board man, real mortgage. International Mortgage bank to R. Q. Lyle et ux., real mortgage Samuel Easto to William G. Shirk real mortgage. American eCntral Life Insurance company to Samuel H. Perkin e t ux real mortgage. Assignment. Citizens State bank, Tekoa to Mrs. 8. C. Hay worth, real mortgage. Affidavit. H. E. Eraser to The Public. TUESDAY, .MARCH 23, 1915 Deeds Treasurer of Whitman county to J. B. Bcbwetgar, lots 9, 10, 11. 18, blk "R," B. K. Reed's add, LaCrosse, lot 6. oik l. Rudloph's add. La- Crosse. John Elainger et ux. to Nellie Doo little Johnson, | 100 ft blk 68, Col fax, $1000. Bryce It. Parker et ux. to Dan A. Robinson, neq, sec 34-19-41. $10, --200. ■ P. S. Baldwin el ux. to J. A. Scott, nwq, sec 9-15-40, $8000. Llllie M. Iloteu at vir to Sarah M. Beamao, lota 14, 16, 10, blk 6, Sun set, $1200. Wm. Hoare et ux. to Henry Dowell, blk 23, oik 34; also strip 30 feet wide along w end of said lots, Wosta cott's add, Tekoa, $250. Chailet _. Marks to W. 11. James, sh and lot. 2, sec 0-14-38, 11. Mortgages Henry Dowell el ux. to Mary J. Brown, blks 33. 31, with a strip 30 feet wide along w end. of said lots, Westacott'a add, Tekoa, $300. C. E. Breeden to Clark & Eaton, live stock, $65.93. J. R. Barnett to Farmers National bank, Colfax, crop on wh of sec 32 --17-44. $200. A. (Secies to First State bank, La ('rosso, livo stock, $600. Releases First National bank, LaCrosse, to Alfred Eccles, chattel mortgage. Affidavit Lizzie A. Parker to the public. WEDNESDAY; MARCH 24, 1915 Deeds Charles W. Cook to John C. Stall. lota 3, 10, blk 63, W. P. Simpson's add., Garfield, $600. Milan Still et ux. to Charles C. Cook, eh sec 33-19-39, $6000. Jacob Shook et ux. to Jacob Rajes ka, lot 12, blk 34, Maiden, $450. George F. Stivers et ux. to John Crenshaw, part of lots 3, 4, blk 5, Garfield, $9000. Lease William R. Simpson to John Ru der, neq of nwq, sec 9-12-45. Mortgages Sanford W. Hickman et ux. to First Savings _ Trust Bank of Whit man County, nh of neq, sec 32-15 --43 (except), $1500. •Sanford W. Hickman et ux. to First Savings & Trust Bank of Whit man county, swq of neq; sh of nwq and swq sec 6-14-43, $1500. L. L. Calhoun et ux. to Anson G. Hutchinson, nwq sec 14-20-43 (ex cept), $4000. William A. Lamb et ux. to Herman A. Buss, lots 1, 2, 3, 14. 15, 16, blk 39, Ewan, $310. Releases , Marshall X. l Snell to William A. Lamb et ux., real mtg. C. S. Bennett to A. _ Downey et a 1., real tutg. C. S. Bennett to A. I. Downey et al.. real mtg. W. M. Lee to Harvey Lee et ux. (partial release), real mtg. Ed R. Young to Chester 1". Young, chattel mtge. Garfield National Bank to J. S. Qumpbell (partial release), chattel mtge. Lien Potlatch Lumber Co. vs. W. S. Mood el ux.. lot 12. sec 1-16-44 $137. Assignment* Marshall C. Handley to Farmers National Bank of Colfax. Wash., real mtge. Bank of Rosalia to Anson Q. Hut chison, real mtge. Bill of Sale J. A. Mason to M. C. Huffman, live, stock, farm implements, a.ll hay stored in barn, $865. THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 19,15 Deeds John T. Sampson et ux. to H. B. Morgan el al., tract In sec 6-16 --46, $1. Edith B. Harper et vir to Elizabeth 8. Wilkinson, part of lot 11. blk 15, Bleecker & Brown's add, Colfax, $125. Joseph S. Robertson et ux. to John A. Polsom, part of wq of nexi and eh of seq, too 8-20-29, $301.87. Elizabeth Rice to [___ K. Luce. easement across nwq of nwq, mc 14 --14-44, $1. Lease Eugeno Rice et ux. to School Dis trict No. 99. leasing rigkt to spring. Mortgage Cyrus X. Neel et ux. to Flmt Mort- Kage and Debenture Co., sec fl-14-40 -except) 8h sec 8-14-40, $10.800. E. W. Buttschau to Richard A. Utter, two-thirds crop on lots 2, 3. nh of seq. sec '-'-44-6. Live KtOCk. farm implements, $650. Releases J. C. Monahan to John Elslnger et ux., real mtge H. S. miner to Win. K. Southard «tux., real mtge. Ira Petty to James F. „ enoter * ux., (partial release) real, mtge. Agreement Eugene Rice el ux. to Isaac K. Luce, agreement as to Water system. Miscellaneous Order discharging guardian and restoring legal capacity in the matter of guardianship of W. W. Goff. FRIDAY, MARCH 20. 1915 Deeds M. V. Trlbett to C. D. West, eh of aeq and nwq of neq and neq of nwq, 24-18-88, $1. Oliver Hall to W. Dumgarner, lot 66, blk 2, 2nd add Col fax cemetery, $20. Lease D. W. Truax to Teh,,a State Bank, part building on lot 12, blk 6, Tekoa. , .Mortgages Jus. K. Smith et iii. 10 Northwest art) Mutual Life insurance Co., swq and wh of nwq, 86-20-40, $4000. Geo. A. Bailey et ux. to Northwest ern Mutual Life Insurance Co., all 17-19-4 $10,000. Myrtle H. Golden et vir to N. E. Nuzum, eh 10-30-40 (except), $500. Clifford D. West et ux. to Farm ers National Bank, Colfax, eh of neq and nwq of. neq and neq of nwq. 24 and nwq of neq and neq of nwq, 24 --18-39, $500. A. E. Lanes to B. C. Dailey, lots 1, 2, 3. 4, blk 8 and nh lot 2, blk 20, Farmington, harness makers out lit and supplies, $250. Myrtle Golden ci vir to N. EC, Nu zum, live stock, $500. , Releases Mary G. Penny to Geo. F. Johnson et ux., real mtge. Jack McElroy to .las. K. Smith, real mtge. Holland Bank to Geo. A. Bailey, et ux., real mtge. J. A. Smith to O. K. Smith, real mtge. X. W. McGee to Clem I. Roberts ci ux., real mtge. FIRM FOUNDATION .Nothing Can Undermine It in Pullman People are sometimes slow to re cognize true merit, and they can not bo blamed, for so many have been humbugged in the past. The experi ence of hundreds of Pullman resi dents, expressed publicly through newspapers and other sources, places Doan's Kidney Pills on a firm foundation here. Mrs. R. A. Emerson, 1211 Star Route St., Pullman, says: "I suf fered a great deal from a dull pain across the small of my back. I felt tired all the time and had but little ambition. My kidneys acted irregu larly and caused me much annoy ance. A friend advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills and I did. They proved very beneficial and soon re moved the ailments. Another of my family, who had about the same ail ments as 1 did, found great relief from Doan's Kidney Pills. After a lapse of over three years I can say that I have as much confidence in Doan's Kidney Pills as I did whsa I gave my former endorsement." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get 1 loan's Kidney Pills —the same that Mrs. Emerson had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS College Hill residence property to trade for property on other hills. 2000-acre stock and grain ranch for sale at $13.00 per acre. A bar gain guaranteed. Terms. Palouse ranch for sale at $60.00 per acre. Land in Alberta and Montana to trade for city or farm property in the Palouse. Money to loan at cheapest rates. Let us insure your home in a reli able company. City and Palouse farm property for sale on easy payments. R. POLGBR REALTY COMPANY Pullman, Wash. JOHN SQUIRES Farm Lands City Property Mortgage Loans I Rat Irou Block PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. D. R. CAMPBELL Physician and Surgeon Offico in First National Bank bldg. Oiflce phono 32 Residence phone 6 DR. L. G. KIMZEY Successor to Dr. Ed Maguire Office at White's Drug Store Residence 1200 Maiden Lane Residenco Phones: City 56 V; Farm ers 36 R Office phones: 126 both phones DR. E. T. PATES Physician and Surgeon Office over Davis' Drug Store Residenco 309 Ash street Residence phones: City HOY Farmers 100 R Office phones: City 110 R Farmers 100 DR. C. 11. RUSSELL Office in White Brick Opposite Postoffice Office phone Inland 81 Residence Phone Inland 1144 DR. W. LUTHER HOLT Osteopathic Physician Office hours: '.) to 12 a. m, 2 to 5 p. m. Office over Button's, entrance K. P. Hall, Pullman, Wash. M. 8. JAaMAR Attorney at Law- Office in Flatiron Building I). O. DOW Attorney at Law Room 14, First National Bank Bldg. K. E. SANGER Attorney at Law Room 11, First National Bank Bldg. 11. ,1. WELTY Lawyer Office Flatiron Building Pullman, Wash. DR. A. E. SHAW Dentist Office: First National Bank Build ing, Pullman Hours: 8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. DR. A. A. ROUNDS Dentist Office in First Natl Bank Bldg. Phono 63 (^_ m^m _j T- ALLISON BALL /_£_Zjfij&\ Eye Specialist v®fe2SP^ Office First National ns_£s2?£< Bank Building Residence Phone 164 R mW. H. STRAUS Optical Specialist Strictly Correct Glasses Guaranteed 111 Main Street, Pullman, Wash. Phones: Farmers 1031 Bell 284 The Grand Kahn says: There are some occasions when even getting hot about things won't keep a fel low warm. You will get hot "around the collar," when you find VAN selling Mushroom and Summer Negligee Shirts for $1.50 that you paid $2.00 for elsewhere. Save yourself a "sweat" by giving The Toggery shirts the once-over be fore purchasing your summer shirts. The Arrow Collar is represented here in 29 styles. Billiards steadies the nerves Billiards develops the mind. Billiards quickens the eye. . Billiards cures brain fag. Billiards is recommended by the world's leading doctors. Why not play billiards on the regulation billiard table at 15. CITY CLUB Cannon (8b Stephenson Proprietors INSURANCE FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS OLD AGE FIDELITY PLATE GLASS Agent for Steamship Tickets M. J. CHAPMAN AGENT Room 15, First Nat'l B'k Blk. )D0 INSPIRATIONS I I SURE, WHEN IVf£ GOT _ } EVER COME EASY?! 1 THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW? SJ £THE GOOD JUDGE LEARNS FROM THE ARTIST I TOBACCO satisfaction — a chew of "Right-Cut," the Real Tobacco Chew. The comforting taste of rich, mellow, sappy tobacco comes —and it lasts. Made of ripe, mellow tobacco — seasoned and sweet* ened just enough. "Right-Gut" goes twice as far as any other tobacco for the same money. Get a pouch and see for yourself. /CV^) Take. a very small chew— less than one-quarter the / °' B'**' II W'" be more »«t«»ly«ng than a mouthful y,-*j£s=? of ordinary tobacco. Just nibble on it until you find is^J&^L___s^ the strength chew that suits you. Tuck it away. /^gESgßft\ Then let it rest" See how easily and evenly the real $88&&ll tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies without grinding, Low N W\SS^ much less you have to spit, how few chews you take to \ J j he tobucco satisfied. That 'a why it is The Real Tobacco \ J Chew. That's why it costs less in the end. \\ J It '» a ready chew, cut fine and short shred to that you won't hive ,/J'l »<» *r'nd on it with your teeth. Grinding on ordinary candied tobacco r-^^& makes you spit too much. The i-istc of pure, rich tobacco does not need to be covered up with molasses and booric*. Notice how the tall brings out the rich tobacco taste in "Right-Cut." One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY SO Union Square, New York , (buy FROM DEALER OR SEND IQ^STAMPSTO u<T) I Good-bye, Drudgery! OLD man Drudgery is driven off the farm by a Rumely-Olds Engine. When the engine comes there are no more back-breaking wash days or tiresome turning of the churn or cream separator. The Rumely- Olds Engine makes happy farm wives — happy hus bands and sons, because you can take it wherever you like, and it will do a lot of work everywhere on the place. And it saves money. Sizes I>_ to 65 h. p. ®Drop in soon and see our Rumely-Olds engines. Or '^MMmL let us know and we'll send a catalog to you. ffl^B We're here to serve you. %/i>Sj «• Give us a chance. That Implement Man .•'■■* i PULLMAN, - - . WASH. B The oil that's all oil _ m —all lubrication | ZEROLENE B ike Standard Oil Motor Cars _ M Dealers everywhere, and at all our 11 ■ agencies or Service Stations. Or ask gjj w us about delivery in bulk. 6§ 8 Standard OU Co. JL~-*> * ; —————————-»-—- , ,„, , „ ,„, r —— COL. L. STROBEL and N. W. CAIRNS Auctioneers! FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Satisfaction Guaranteed Try all other auctioneers first, if they let you down, try us.' COLFAX OFFICE PULLMAN OFFICE ': $jj H. M. Love, Telephone 94 Walker & Strupler, Both Phone*, 1^