Records of Whitman County
fi SATURDAY. MARCH 27. 1915
Milwaukee Land Co. to Patrick S.
Casey, lot 24. blk It, Maiden. $600.
Oakesdale Cemetery to Frank
Clements, lot 47, blk 5, Oakesdale,
G. W. Peddycord et ux. to Security
State bank. Palouse, part of lot 7,
sec 1-16-45, $1.
W. T. Mattnusih et al. to Northern
Pacific Railway Co., easement for
pipe line over lot 8, blk 11. Rosalia.
»-" i
Clement I. Roberts et ux. to A. E.
Walker, sh of lot 3, blk 7, Rem
add, Pullman, $1500.
C. H. Russell et ux. to Standard !
Lumber Co.. lots 3, 4. blk 9, Pull
man, $1600.
Kittle L. Peterson et vir to Pacific I
Building & Loan Association, lot 1.
blk 17, Maiden, $1800.
Chattel Mortgages
J. M. Webb et al. to National Hank
of Oakesdale, live stock, two-thirds
crop on nh sec 31-19-44, $750.
G. M. Hlveley to Bank of Sprague,
live stock, $200.
J. M. Shirley to Mrs. Belle 1..
Greene, live stock. $500.
Security State Bank, Palouse. to
Luther Barnes et ux., real mtge.
Edward Howell to Kiltie L. Peter
sen et vir, real mtge.
James S. Adams to the public.
James S. Adams to the public.
Clem I. Roberts to the public.
Articles of Incorporation
Steptoe Trading Co.
W. J. Morrell et al. with School
District No. 130.
MONDAY. MARCH 29. 1915
Philip Herbert et ux. to School
District No. 146, part of swq, sec.
1-16-41, $60.
L. L. Calhoun et ux. to Jesse G.
Williams, part of neq of swq and
part of nwq of seq, sec. 24-20-43,
J. M. Brown to Bank of Rosalia.
lot 1, sec 6-20-43 (except), $1100.
Bank of Rosalia to Carl C. Robin
son et ux. lot I, sec 6-20-43 (ex
cept), $1200.
E. E. Flood et ux. to R. Hofmann,
lot 1, blk 2. Josephine and 10th,
Street add, Rosalia, also part of seq
of seq, sec 16-20-43, also part of sec
15-20-43, $4000.
K. J. Fisk et ux. to Jake Blank, Jr.,
neq and eh of seq and part of eh of
neq, sec 3-19-43 (except).
Carl C. Robinson et ux. to Hank
of Rosalia, lot 1, sec 6-20-4 3 (ex
cept). $700. #
Charles C. Cook to Milan Still, eh
of sec 33-19-39, $2500.
E. J. Tramill to F. A. Darn idle.
crop on sh of nwq and lots 3, 4, sec.
3-19-46, $702.
W. W. Cochrane et al. to First Na
tional bank. Pullman, live stock, 300
acres crop, sections 31, 32, township
14-44. $2000.
William A. Brackbill to A. B. Will
ard, live stock, 1 set harness, wagon,
A. E. Hooper et al. to Bank of
Rosalia, two-thirds crop on eh of
sec. 12-20-42, $3500.
A. E. Hooper et al. to Bank of
Rosalia, live stock, farm implements,
F. M. Allen to Rumely Products
Co., tractor, $1100.
Bank of Rosalia to Joseph M.
Brown, real mtge.
Bank of Rosalia to Joseph M.
Brown, real mtge.
R. P. Turnley to Bank of Rosalia,
real mtge.
W. C. Baker to Bank of Rosalia,
real mtge.
Bill of Sale
Elsie Wilson et al. to George W.
Lakin et al., live stock, farm imple
ments and other machinery. Feed.
one-fourth interest in summer fal
low, half Interest in crop, $3000.
E. H. Bollinger to Selena Thomp
son, lot 3, blk 1. McDonald's add.,
Tekoa, $700.
Selena Thompson et ux. to E. C.
Culp, lot 3, blk ], McDonald's add
Tekoa, $700.
James T. Campbell et ux. to E.
C. Culp, lot 7. blk 4, McDonald's
add, Tekoa, $800.
A. H. Wagner et ux. to E L
Bunch, lot 10, blk l, Beach's Sec
ond add, Palouße, $175.
W. B. Palamountain et ux. to A
W. Carpenter, lots 6. 7, blk 10, Pres
cott ft Perkins Riverside add Col
fax, $900.
Thomas A. Ball et ux. to J. C.
Gamble, lots 1, 2, blk 7, Mount View
add,: Pullman. $500.
H. H. Home et ux., to Susan E.
Jeffries, blk 29. Farmington. $450.
Susan B. Jeffries et vir to H. H.
Home, blk 19, Farmington, $350.
Wesley Hay et ux. to Minnie M.
Hall, see. 5-20-39, $900.
Elmer C. Colpitis et ux. to Pull
man Savings & Loan Assn., lot 1
and eh of lot 2, blk 14, J)[eaney's
Second add, Pullman, $2000.
Frank O. Kreager et ux. to Pull
man Savings & Loan Assn., lot 10,
blk 4, College Park add., Pullman,
E. C. Culp et ux. to Tekoa State
Bank, lot 9, blk 1; and lot 7, blk
I. McDonald's add, Tekoa, $800.
A. W. Crlbb to Farmers National
Bank of Colfax, Wash., live stock,
l etc., $100.
Warren S. lin bier to James If.
' Dell St al., real mtge.
Security State Bank to Kate
Hughes tl vir, real mtge.
Security State Bank to Kate
Hughes et vir, real mtge.
O. M. Miller ct al. to Carrie M.
Shaffer et vir, real mtge.
John Squires to the public.
. , Deeds
W. A. Ferguson et ux., to Roy Fer
guson, lots I, 2. 3, 4. blk 9, Fergu
son's Third add., Colton, $1.
Roy Ferguson si ux. to Sallie Fer
guson, lot 6, blk in, also w 92 feet
of lot 3, blk 10, Ferguson's Third
add, Cotton, $1.
(medio Cemetery Assn. to Mrs.
Catherine Stevlck, lot 69, Old Ceme
tery, Onecho, $10.
Onecho Cemetery Assn. to C. A.
Stevick, lot 74, Old Cemetery, One
cho, $10.
William 11. .lames et al. to W. N.
Thomas, part of swq of seij, see. 14
--16-43, $326.
Northern Pacific Railway Co. to
Guarantee Trust Co. et al., Trustee,
Real and Personal property, $421,
Ralston McCaig et ux. to S. S.
Crenshaw, lots 9, 10, 11, blk IS,
Rosalia, $1600.
Kate A. Hughes et vir to William
K. Fortner, lot 8 and part of lot 7,
blk 2, Smith's add., Palouse,
First State Bank, LaCrosse, .to
Henry P. Kyllo et ux., real mtge.
• Ralston McCalg to Thomas 11.
Hemp, real mtge.
International Mtge Bank to C. X.
Neel >a u\.. real mtge.
Harvey Lee et ux. to William R.
Anderson, lot 3, blk 1, Colfax,
Mattie L. Anderson to Robert J.
Fisk, nwq of sec. 19-20-44, $12,300.
Simon H. Schaaf et ux. to Henry
Zellerhoff, nh of seq of swq, sec.
5-12-46; part of neq and nwq, sec.
5-12-45, $17,625.
P. 11. Routzahn et ux. to Town of
Garfield, tract in Garfield (except),
Callie Gavin et al. to William Stipe,
lots 5 and 6, block 2, Fowler's add,
Diamond, $1.
Callie Gavin et al. to Mary A.
Stipe, lots ! and 2, blk 2, Diamond
Callie Gavin et al. to Phoebe J.
Frazier, lots 3 and i, blk 2, Dia
mond, $1.
J. W. Jesse et ux. to W. B. Pala
mountain, lots i; and 7, blk 10, Pres
cott and Perkins Riverside add., Col
fax, $900.
Sadie A. Smith et vir to Lewis
Btairet, lots l. 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12. 13, 14, blk 32, Re-survey, Step
toe, $275.
Walter Davis to Savory Club, lots
1, 2, 3, 4, blk 1, Campus Park add,
Pullman, $5580.
Savory Club to A. S. Wilson, lots
I. 2, 3, 4, blk 1, Campus Park add,
Pullman, $5650.
W. W. Robertson et ux. to O. L.
Waller, seven-eighths interest in nh
of neq; neq of nwq, sec. 23; nwq of
nwq. sec. 24-14-45, $5000.
j Frank Mocaer et ux. to Town of
Garfield, tract In sec. 5-17-45, $500.
Security State Bank to Gust Lin
den et ux., real mtge.
J. E. Brown to Or* L. Richardson,
et ux., real mtge.
Marion Freeman to S. E. Hunt,
real mtge.
Northern Pacific Railway Co., to
Whitman County, easement for road
way over parts of their right-of-way.
. W. H. Rudolph et ux. to I. O.
Stair, lot 2. blk 1; lot 5. blk 1, Ru
dolph's add., LaCrosse, $25.
Jess Miller et ux. to V. H. Farns
worth, lots 13 and 14, blk 1, Guy,
L.L. McCurdy et al. to Wilson In
vestment Co.. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 18,
blk 12; lots 11, 12, 13, blk 9 (ex
sept), $1.
Martin J. Maloney et ux. to J. C.
Penney Co., part of building on lot
5, blk 19, Colfax.
* *
George W. Johnson et ux. to Na
tional Bank, Palouse, seq of neq,
neq or seq and lots 3 and 4, sec
21-13-38, $700.
1). C. Com stock si ux. to Thomas
C. Scott, tract in sec 4-17-45, $1200.
Wilson Investment Co. to L. L.
McCurdy et al., part of lots 17 and
18, blk 12. LaCrosse, $1500.
Wilson Investment Co. to L. L.
McCurdy et al., lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and
part of lots 17 and 18, blk 12, La
Crosse, $9000.
Wilson Investment Co. to L. L.
McCurdy et al., part of lots 11 and
12, blk 9, LaCrosse, $3000.
('. X. Brannon to 11. M. Asbury,
machinery, tools, etc., in blacksmith's
business, $1000.
Chas. Wood to G. F. Whetsel et
ux., real mtge.
National Bank, Palouse, to Geo.
W. Johnson et al., real mtge.
R. B. Games to W. A. Thompson,
chattel mtge.
Bill of Sale
LaCrosse Hardware & Implement
Co. to David Wilson et al., hard
ware, implements, etc., $31,686.
Farmers State Bank, Pullman, to
E. 11. Letterman, real mtge.
James A. Hungate to the public.
Pullman People Are Pleased to
Learn How it Hits lieen Done
It's pretty hard to attend to duties
With a constantly aching back;
With annoying urinary disorders.
Doan's Kidney Pills have made
work easier.
So thousands have sratefully tes
They're for bad backs.
They're for weak kidneys.
Pullman people gratefully reconi
meud Doan's. •
Mrs. Frank Klossner, 300 Harri
son St., Pullman, says: "Ono of my
family was suffering from backache
and he was advised to try Doan's
Kidney Pills. He got a box at
White's Drug Store and began using
them. He had been having consid
erable trouble front a lame back an«.
it often interfered with his work, so
that he had to lay off. One box of
Doan's Kidney Pills gave him relief
and he hasn't needed any kidney
medicine since. Nothing else ever
did him as much good as Doan's Kid
ney Pills."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy—
get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same
that Mrs. Klossner recommends.
Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo,
N. Y.
College Hill residence property to
rade for property on other hills.
2000-acre stock and grain ranch
for sale at $13.00 per acre. A Bar
gain guaranteed. Terms.
Palouse ranch for sale at $60.00
per acre.
Land in Alberta and Montana to
rade for city or farm property in
he Palouse.
Money to loan at cheapest rates.
Let us insure your home in a reli
able company.
City and Palouse farm property for
sale on easy payments.
Pullman, Wash.
City warrants with a face value of
$20 or over can be discounted for 2
per cent on application at The Her
ald office. novl3tf
Farm Lands
City Property
Plat Iron Block
I am looking for a permanent
tenant for my 7-room house at 1405
Maiden Lane. It has exceptionally
large rooms and Is suitable for a
large family or a sorority. I expect
to thoroughly overhaul the house
this spring and put In a modern
steam heating plant besides hot and
cold water now in the rooms and
additions could be made to suit a
permanent tenant. Mrs. E. A. Daw
son, P. O. Box 87, City. mch!9tf
Agent for Steamship Tickets
Room 15, First Nat'l B'k Blk.
Out of Oil <&
—a change fro.n the oil you
have been using; means
bother in adjusting the.
feed. Otherwise too
much or too little' is
fed into the cylinders.
No trouble if jou use
Sua Ibb u-a "*aj?' ess ks ■ M aba
| the Standard Oil
for Motor Car 9
Ej It is obtainable every'
■ where, from Seattle to
H San Diego, from Spokane
B to Phoenix— city gar-
II age or roadside hamlet.
|| And it is always uni
-11 form —the same body —
H the same perfect lubri
|| eating quality.
n Dealers everywhere, or
H at all agencies and .Ser-
H vice Stations of the
J**? r \jLy Standard
\ JvV * iii Company
\,g^> a ~m\ A (California)
tC^Uj# lS^j^»_a|^*^ I'ullman
Good Times Are Coming! Things Are Picking Up!
And in order to realize the full benefit of the good times
you must advantage of every chance there is to
save a dollar. Look at the Prices quoted below:
• \ . '" , — — —- - ' ==■
Shoes!~ Shoes! Pants, Overalls
Shoes! Jumpers
Hannah Stamped $4.00, lace An mm* Men's Bib Overalls mjm*
or button Jp.J.TrO for ....... .'• • • /OC
W. L. Douglas Stamped $5.00, aHm amm Men Heavy Bib Overalls om*
our Price '••• ipHr/rO for OOC
One lot W. L. Douglas A Q am* Men > s Jumpers a q
One lot of W. L. Douglas, lace An qN Men Jumpers g%mt
or button aOD f0r..... DOC
______' ■
MEN'S WORK SHOES Men 's Jumpers 7K,f»
$2.00-$2.45-$2.85-$2.95 | for *J
and $3.25 Mens Jumpers 85c
and $0.Z5 for OOC
========== MEN'S PANTS $1.00 AND UP
Ladies' oxfords and pumps f\E? _■
only _/_>C
3 _"_#w LADIES BAREFOOT ah am Q[J
Ladies' oxfords and pumps £ « Q C SANDALS Jb * _OU
only Jj) 1 •*_)_) — ==
, ____ , — MEN'S BAREFOOT Aa Oft
Ladies' oxfords and pumps aH *gg j SANDALS $2.6?
J*_ -"'" ...:::.■:"'. ... ..
OXFORDS AND PUMPS ; 69C~75c »**_ 95c
95c-$1.20 ■= ...■*!
$1.25-1.45-1.65-1.85-1.95 __',__«■ $1.85 up
THE HU]ir™"__ii_ MOB ' iff
1 r_C I_UD Manager ;»
J here's hoping that] i'll lead at the]
TV/TEN, you chew tobacco for the satis
iTl faction and comfort you get from it
"Right-Gut," the Real Tobacco Chew
does satisfy. Gives you the taste, the sub
stance of rich, sappy, mellow tobacco.
Seasoned and sweetened just enough.
That's why "Right-Gut" users tell
others about it. You'll like it better
than the old kind.
tTake a very small chew— less than one-quarter the
old size. It will be more satisfying than a mouthful
of ordinary tobacco. Just nibble on it until you find
the strength chew that suits you. Tuck it away.
Then let it rest. See how easily and evenly the real
co taste comes, how it satisfies without grinding, how
less you have to spit, how few chews you take to
bacco satisfied. That's why it is The Real Tobacco
. That's why it costs less in the end.
is a ready chew, cut fine and abort ahred io that you won't hava
id on it with your teeth. Grinding on ordinary candied tobacco
you spit too much. v
The taste of pure, rich tobacco does not need to be covered up with molasses and
licorice. Notice how the salt brings out the rich tobacco taste in "Right-Cut."
One small chew takes the place of two big <
chews of the old kind.
SO Union Square, New York
The Herald, One Year, One Dollar