Newspaper Page Text
Records of Whitman County SATURDAY. APRIL 3, 1915 Deeds James W. Freeman et ux. to Har vey D. Mattingly, sh of swq and neq of swq, sec 28-18-41, $8000. B. Norman to Blrchwood Farm Co., lot 11, blk 30, Maiden, $1. Nellie Couchman et ux. to Edith U. Ellis, part of seq, sec 16-20-43, $1600. James S. Martin el ux. to First State bank, LaCrosse, lot 3, blk 3, T. H. Shobes First add, LaCrosse, $1075. James B. Koaton et ux. to First State bank. LaCrosse, lot 3. blk 3, T. H. Shobes First add, LaCrosse, $1. Mortgage* Harvey D. .Mattlngley et ux. to James W. Freeman, sh of swq and neq of swq, MM II and seq Sec 15, 18-41, $8000. Edith E. Ellis to I*. O'Boyle, part of seq sec 15-20-43, $500. E. W. Mahoney et ux. to F. J. Mahoney <i ux.. lot. 10, blk 11, Te koa, $1000. Conrad J. Lust et ux. to Clarke & Eaton Co., lots 7, 8, blk 2, L. F. Smith's add. Endicott, $200. Chattels G. E. Lee to Farmers National Bank of Colfax, Wash., live stock, $300. Release Patrick Boyle to E. W. Wag- 1 ncr et ux., real mtge. Bill of Sale L. F. Hubbard to E. E. Krueger, two-thirds crop on H. F. Schrieber farm, $700. Assignment Farmers National bank of Colfax, Wash., to James Rock, real mtge. Lis Pendens W. F. McCauley et al. vs. VV. 11, Martin. Atachment W. F. McCauley et al. vs. W. H. j Martin, neq Bee 26-15-39, $271.60. MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1916 Deeds Jesse G. Williams et ux. to L. L. Calhoun, part of seq of neq, sec 24 --20-43 (except), $200. William R. Anderson et ux. to F. L. Stottler et al., wh of sec 11; seq of neq and neq of seq, sec 10-14-40, $14,000. Ruebeu Green et ux. to T. S. Fort, tract in sec 20-16-44, $600. Wesley Bumgarner et ux. to Will iam P. Fisher et ux. eh of sec 32-16 --40, and lots 1.2, and sh of neq, sec 4-15-40, |1. Mortgagee William M. Reins et ux. to Union Trust & Savings bank, swq of neq and nwq, sec 32-18-43. $4000 (ex cept). Clem I. Roberts et ux. to Day & Hansen Security Co.. sh of seq and sh of swq. sec 20-16-45, $227.88. F. L. Stottler et al. to W. G. Fra zer, wh of sec 11; seq of neq, and neq of neq, sec 10-14-40, $8000. Wm. P. Fisher et ux. to E. F. Freeman, sh of neq and lots 1, 2, sec 4-15-40; eh of zee 32-16-40, $1000. Chattels J. R. Curtis to J. H. Juvinall, live stock. $25. J. C. Rice to Garfield National bank, !.' acres, crop on nh of swq of nwq, sec 8-17-45, $182.50. Harmon Sharp et ux. to Garfield National bank, live stock, wagon, 2 sets harness, $175. Releases Lars Bolander to Edward Hnge dorn et ux., real mtge. Mary J. Merrill to Andrew M. Horton et ux., real mtge. .National Bank, Palouse, to Charles W. Guptlll, chattel mtge. Assignments First Savings & Trust Bank of Whitman County to Grand Lodge of Washington, A. O. U. W., real mtge. Michael McCue et ux. to T. Q. La fave, real mtge. TUESDAY, APRIL 6. 1915 Deeds E. N. Hand to Olive Hand, part of lots 1. 2 and 3. blk 19, Reaney's Sec ond add. Pullman, $10. Ellen E. McFarland to Letter C. Harwood, seq. Sec 29-19-41, $1. Ellen E. McFarland to Jesse G. j Harwood, swq, sec 26-19-41, $1. B. C. Gregory et ux. to Herman Heaston, tract in sec 23-19-44; half Interest ln ice house and part of lot 8. blk 5, McCoy's add, Oakesdale $1500. Erasmus S. Coachman et ux. to Charles Hoeck. lot 20. blk 11. Ro salia, $1. L. W. Carson et ux. to F. H. Mich aelson et ux., part of sec 4-17-45 $1. Mrs. Mary Martin to Sarah C. Mar tin, neq sec 26-16-39, $1. O. B. Martin to Sarah C. Martin neq sec 26-15-39, $1. C. E. Martin to Sarah C. Martin, neq sec 26-15-39, $1. A. A. Martin to Sarah C. Martin, neq, sec 26-15-39, $1. .. J. 8. Martin to Sarah C. Martin, neq sec 26-16-39. $1. Mr». Stella Freeman to Sarah C. Martin, neq sec 5-39. $1. Mrs. Lillian Freeman to Sarah C. Martin, neq sec 26-16-39, $1. Mortgages Little Leinbach et vir to Western Loan & Building Co.. lot 12. nh 13, blk 9, Prescott & Perkins Riverside add, Colfax. $1250. j ('has. Hoeck et ux. to Bank of Ro salia, lot 20, blk 11, Rosalia, $1000. J. W. Berry et ux. to Anne Soren sen, wh of swq, sec 17-16-45, $2000. F. C. Robinson to National Bank of Oakesdale, live stock, $500. Walter Gum to Tekoa State Bank, crop on lot 4, sh of seq, sec 12, and lot 1 of sec 13-44-6; sh of neq and lots I. 2 of 6-19-46, $65. R. O. Workman to .las. 1. Baker, live stock; two-thirds crop on neq sec 15-18-41; neq sec 10-18-4 1; part of nwq sec 11-18-41, $534. Henry Erlcksou to P. W. Greene, chickens, ducks, etc., $100. B. A. LeFaivre to S. Met/. & Sons, j live stock, $900. Releases Ella C. Ward to Chas. W. Guptlll let ux., real mtge. National Bank, Palouse, to Chas. I W. Guptlll et ux., real mtge. Edwin T. Coman to G. F. Johnson et ux., real mtge. Bank of Rosalia to Erasmus S. Coachman et ux, real mtge. Assignments National Bank, Palouse, to R. C. Johnson, real mtge. Mary K. Couplin to 11. D. Tift, real mtg*. Bill of Sale John T. Knight to John F. Worum, Wawawai Ferry property, $1. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1915 Deeds Jay .Maynard et ux. to Frank J. Relf, part of lot 1, blk 4, Colton, $1. John 11. Woods et ux. to P. W. Berg ot ux., sh of nwq and nog of nwq. sec 12-19-44 (except), $7700. P. 11. Clayton et ux. to Potlatch Lumber Co., lot 9 and sh of lot 10, blk 39, Pullman, $3500. James W. Freeman et ux. to Irven Rackley, tract in sec 29-18-41, $400. J. B.•Wolfe et ux. to Noah W. Ak ers, part of lot 1, sec 6; part of lots 3 and 1, sec 5-20-44 (except), $3800. W. B. Paulson et ux. to Edward .1. Paulson, nh of seq, sec 26-41-5; part of neq of swq, sec 26-41-5, $1. Y. A. Roberts et ux. to Q. W. Hes ter, ne 4 0 feet of lot 11, blk 6, Thornton, lot 5, blk 1, Spencer's sec ond add, Thornton, $1. Joseph Vollmer et ux. to William Stoiner. lot 7 and sh of lot 6, blk 17, Rosalia, $1800. Hllliard Investment Co. to Joseph Kopf. seq of neq. sec 8-13-46, $1700. Clarke & Eaton Co. to Warden In vestment Co., lots 9 and 10, blk 14 Endicott, $2750. H. J. Jackson et ux. to H. W. Tut tle, neq sec 18-15-45. $1. Mortgages James A. Smith et ux. to North western Mutual Life Insurance Co., nh sec 35-20-40, $6000. I. W. Berg et ux. to Lena Louise Quaife, sh of _wq and neq of nwq, sec 12-19-4 4 (except) part of iawq, of nwq, sec 12-19-44, $4500. Henry Nleheuke et ux. to M. Schul thels Sr., nh of neq and swq of neq, sec 13, and sh of seq, sec 12-13-45, $6000. Joseph Kopf et ux. to Hilliard In vestment Co., eh of nwq and wh of neq. sec 24 and lot 2 and part of lots 1 and 3, sec 24, and nh of seq, sec 24-38-6; and seq of neq, sec 8-13-46, $11,200. B. Glasner to Colfax National bank, live stock, $75. Edward J. Paulson to National bank, Palouse, live stock, imple ! ments, two-thirds crop on Swan Ol son farm, $500. Releases Colton State bank to Frank J. Reif, real mtge. Wheeler-Motter Co. to L. F. Buff, et ux., real mtge. Pullman Savings & Loan Asa'n, to j L. C. Fisher, real mtge. Mary W. Williams to John H. Woods, et ux., real mtge. Colton State Bank to H. L. Fer guson, chattel mtge. Assignment C. H. Walters to Cora M. Walters, chattel mtge. Kumely Products Co. to National Bank, Palouse, chattel mtge. BUI of Sale J. M. Deeds to H. If. Beck, drop curtain, etc., $160. Affidavit P. H. Clayton to the public. Declaration Homestead Kathr'ina Streib to the public, i tract In 11-15-43. Decree In the matter of the estate of Geo. Streib, deceased, decree setting aside "act in U-16-43 as homestead for | Kathrina Streib. FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1915 ■> Patent United States ot America to Jcth raited States of America to Jeth ro l lard wick, nh of seq, sec 22-14 --4 4.' United States of America to Nancy Young, nwq sec 23-14-44. Deeds Ralph K. sec 23-14-44. to A. H. Deeds Ralph K. Green et ux. to A. H. Miller, lot 18, blk 7, Lamont, $1. Nancy C. Crow et vir to Edgar A. Barry, lot 3, blk 26, Oakesdale, $1. Wm. Cole (sheriff) to C. E. Fred erick Co., lot 7, blk 6, west of "E" street, Breeding's Add, Palouse, $201.04. Lease M. B. Dwell? et al., to John Hoff man, sec 3 seq sec 9, wh and seq sec 10, swq sec 11-15-40. Agreement M. B. Dwelley et ux. to Max Bauin elster, half sec 3, seq sec 9, wh and seq sec 10, swq sec 11-15-40, $14,000. Mortgages Elizabeth G. Robinson to Security ►State bank, Palouse, neq of nwq, sec 19-16-46, $300. I. J. Lee et al., to Farmers State bank, Johnson, live stock, crop on C. M. Heater farm. $3500. W. P. Fisher et ux. to C. J. Hoist et al.. crop on eh sec 32-16-40, farm implements, $1000. Ratliff and Yelle to Erskine Hew itt (receiver), typesetting machine, $1728. . George C. Zellmer to First Savings & Trust bank of Whitman county, live stock, buildings, fixtures, wag in, truck, etc., $1200. I teleases R. A. Poe to Kate A. Hughes, real mtge. Luther Arnold to J. A. Smith et ux., real mtge. Security State Bank to Elizabeth G. Robinson et vir, real mtge. A. H. Miller to Ralph K. Green, et ux., real mtge. Assignment Robt. H. Lacey. to First Savings & Trust Bank, Whitman county, real mtge. Bill of Sale H. L. Ferguson to Colton State bank, live stock, $700. 11. L. Ferguson to Colton State bank, piano, $85.40. W. Bumgarner to W. P. Fisher, Ire stock, machinery, implements. J. D. Hensley to Jus. C. Throop, ive stock, $225. Articles of Incorporation Turuley-Chandler Depart ment Store. HEARD IN PULLMAN How Bad Backs Have Been Made Strong — Kidney Ills Corrected All over Pullman you hear it. Doan's Kidney Pills are keeping up the good work. Pullman people are telling about it — telling of bad backs made sound again. You can believe the testimony of your own towns people. They tell it for the benefit of you who are suffering. If your back aches, if you feel lame, sore and miserable, if the kidneys act too frequently, or passages are painful, scanty and off color, use Doan's Kid ney Pills, the remedy that has helped so many of your friends and neighbors. Follow this Pullman citizen's advice and give Doan's a chance to do the same for you. John Cooper, 114 Main St., Pull man, says: "I have given Doan's Kidney Pills a thorough trial and have found them to be just as rep resented. They gave me quick and lasting benefit from kidney weak ness. 1 am willing that my name be used in recommending Doan's Kid ney Pills, as they are certainly a remedy of merit." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's Kidney Pills— the same that Mr. Cooper had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the Superior Court of Whitman County, State of Washington, In the Matter of the Estate of Esther Yeo, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Will iam A. Yeo, executor of the estate of Esther Yeo, deceased, has rendered and presented for settlement and filed in said court his final account of his administration of said estate, and that Monday, the 3rd day of May, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day. at the court room of said court, in the City of Colfax, Whitman County, State of Washing ton, has been duly appointed by the said court for the settlement of said account at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions in writing to said account and contest the same. Dated April Bth. 1915. B. F. MANRING, ! > Clerk. By M. P. Bellinger, Deputy. John W. Mathews, .' Attorney for Estate. aprl6-30 ; ♦♦♦I l*'ll IMWMmMI Ile | TO 1 CALIFORNIA I EXPOSITIONS I USE I Northern Pacific t Railway •[• In connection wi The Fast De I Lu\e Route to California, the £ GREAT NORTHERN PACIFIC v S. S. CO.) operating new Cast *♦* ►j. palatial Steamers to San Fran- X cisco. with low excursion fares. '. v Berth* and meals Included. a% a*. I J. t Ask about ♦ Eastbound Excursion Fares : .£ In Effect May IS < V ,——- . J n ; X Yellowstone Park v June 15 to Sept. 15. Low rates ' V daily during Park Season \ % /v^f 4?xv Tickets and X f^/^^^m^tVx Information • i \&W&) WM- ' x"!l> • % A_ClO< Ag!n* a% Pullman, Wit. '. ? A. D. CHARLTON, A.G.P.A. Portland, Ore. '. *«x~X"XK"X"X"X'*«x~X"X>**«x~ Vindex Shirts are for those who appreciate something better. They sell from $1.25 to $4.00 GREENAWALT-FOLGER CO. =^ WIN A PIANO An Educational Contest that will sharpen the minds of the young and old alike. School Children, Graduates, Old Folks, Young Folks—Everybody send us your answer and win this Beautiful $350 Piano, given away absolutely free by the manufacturers representative. Ist Prize A BEAUTIFUL $350 Piano « 1000 in Valuable Prize. absolutely free m Addition to This 2nd Prize A $40 Scholarship in Music BeaUp_I o s3s° Together with a Cash Credit for 9180 3rd Prize A $40 Scholarship in Music There are no Blanks Together with a Cash Credit for $120 Every Contestant Wins a 4th Prize A $40 Scholarship in Music Prize Together with a Cash Credit lor 9117.50 You Cannot Fail sth Prize A $40 Scholarship in Music ■.^^^^--^ Together with a Cash Credit for $115 ' * , '►- ,•; 6th Prize A $40 Scholarship in Music |$ r |i|lii__i___aH| •, Together with a Cash Credit lor $112.50 $% " And $1000 in Other Prizes Ranging W^m^t^MS^ in Value from $50 to $100 ,^,';'^""'Si Send Your Answer TodayNOW! (h__HBBBIq ; This is an Educational Contest. Everyone Should be Interested and Send an An swer to These Geographical Questions. Can You Answer Them ? You May Ist- This or a Separate Sheet of Paper, but Be Sine and Number the Questions* 1. What is the highest mountain in Washington? 2. Name the largest river in Washington. . . . . .'.'.". / ■'■. 9. Name the building in which the laws are made in any state .. . ....... ■•• • • 4. What states contain the Yellowstone National Park? ...... ••■•■••••••••-••••• 5. Name the principal titer in Alaska {'i...... ' 0. What state west of the Rocky Mts. is largest in area of sq. mi. ........... "'''"'"' •••••••• •,;• 7. Name the largest range of mountains in Washington ...... .......... 8. What river has the largest navigable course on the Globe? ..... ........ '*'»■ ' 9. Name the largest city in Washington J ..... 10. What mountain In Oregon bears the name of a great English statesman? . ' '.''■' 11. Name the largest ocean in the world ' I ■.'. 12. Name the second largest city in Washington , , ,' ' •■••-••• ....-•..•• • 18. What three states west of the Rocky Mts. are largest in production of wheat? .....•••• 14. What do we call the city where the laws are made in any state? ••...............•• 15. What is meant by "timber line"? * > 10. Name in order the four states largest in the Union . ... ...... • • 'Jfm 17. What mountain in Oregon hears the name of a great American' actor?' ........ ••• •-^ IS. From what one state does water flow to the Pacific ocean, Gulf of California and Gull of Mexico? a ■ — T»'s educational contest is being conducted for ? C. C. ""' benefit of people living within or close to Whit- ! FILL OUT this BLANK '""" tolu,t>' Had every prize will he awarded within a limit of 10 miles of this county.. Only one answer I*. « ODD FURNITURE CO, 1 hereby sub- wlu be accepted from each family and all answers mit my answer to your geographical contest must be mailed or delivered to us not later than and agree to abide by the decision of the April 21st, 1915. judges. THE JUDGES will be a committee of prominent WRITE PLAINLY [•"»» of Whitman county, who will award the prizes independent of any one connected with the contest,! Name am! in tue eve,,t of more than one correct answer for first prize, neatness and workmanship will he ' Cit' considered. The first six prizes w ill be awarded as ? Shore Mated and all other answers will receive cash 1t credits ranging in value from $50 to $100, which "• ''• " «ill be accepted by us at their face value the same M cash on the regular established price of any new Do yon own a piano? . piano. All contestants will be notified by mail of I their award. ho you own an organ? SEND IN VOIR ANSWER TODAY—NOW—' _____ voc may not see this ad again. contes/Sanager .1 B uUJjllj 1 Uuil, HUUbt WASHINGTON HOT POINT WEEK-.-MaTT^oijl EL-GRILSTOVOS AT k OFF! Regular Price $5.00. To be sold on and between these dates for £.'**_ $3.35 The proper stove to do your light cooking on during the hot summer months. V /] \ GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS - \ Washington Water Power Company L. W. KINGSBURY, Local Agent j a well -hekaved jou n ee"d_^B W_lt #l>tlt #€^lol* about you'rSrbu- ill _^^ retor when you use J| rretor when you use \ fled Gowm a ihe Gasoline o/Qua/ify^m^m\mi S ABBBt^Mmmmr BBfl Red Crown atomizes easily. M^C^Sbl Because of its uniform qual- «)5---JCWB ity it saves adjustments. It* >Kir^^^^B . an all-refinery,unmixed gas. Standard Oil Company I {$>, (California; j-Sv Pullman -giM ■■■ =.\