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Newspaper Page Text
j^i^l THE HUB E?33 The store that ith njail order houses. Why waste your time sending away for merchandise I wnen mere is a Hub in your town? We buy job and samples in large quantities at a X - I -^ *tv v account, enabling us to sell goods at wholesale. Market Day Hub V" extraordinary event that demonstrates our ability to best serve the need ft ■ ■_.:.. ..-- ...-■■■ J °* everyone. Just a few of our many bargains are quoted below. ii r -^ rr a d t h*™_£ l? efu ll y - ft 3oys' balbriggan union suits. 39c One 1 1 MEN S UNION SUITS NIGHTGOWNS !|!| Boys' mesh underwear, per garment .... 10 c One lot' only «a° Misses' night gowns; regular 95c; our price 60c !>]» Boys' shirts \ '' ; '. ; ; 35c one lot ' on j- 69c Misses' dresses; values up to $3.00; only 50c (X I Boys S,,khatS •■■—;■— we One lot. only A ... AAA. .AAA AAAAAAAmf>c . LADIES' PUMPS AND OXFORDS : : ; ; ■■ Boys' tan shoes; size 2% to 6; only $169 HATS HATS Ladies' sample pumps; values up to $4.50; > "X Boys' regular $2.25 lace or button ,: only AAA... AAA. Men'" silk hats 50c our prices $195' $225' $245 and $2.85 X' One lot of boys' shoes; only * ...AAA. $1!95 Men's felt hats . .SI.OO Mary Jane patent leather pumps $2.25 'X Boys' high grade shoes; Goodyear welt sole;'' " * Men's hats 5 regular $3.00; only !!!!!!!! .$1.95 Patent leather pumps; ail sizes .... ' $195 X 1 value $;j.50; only $285 Men s hats; regular $3.50; our price $2.25 Mary Jane patent leather pumps; regular $3 50- ' " ' (X Boys' muleskin shoes $ 1. 45 and $1 65 One lot men's hats $1.65 you can get them at the Hub for. . . A. .. .$2.95 !»! Get our prices on Neckties before MEN'S DRESS SHOES Ladies' white walking shoes; only $1.95 . i(]| making a purchase. one ,ot men's dress shoes; all sizes $275 one lot of ladies' pumps and oxfords 95c i[l j : We Carry a Full Line of Suit Cases, Trunks, and SS^..^.^.'.???:" "i" ""]&& BARGAINS BARGAINS ft .■ mveling Bags One lot dress shoes .'.'..'.'AAA. $3.45 strings l c !X ! -■'!.'_■ i.v „ OVERALLS Hannah's stamped $4.00 shoes $3.45 Insoles. '"" *« li I Heavy bib overalls.. 69c \V. L. Douglas stamped $5.00; only $4.45 White handkerchiefs "" "' *' " '!! X r , Heavy bib overalls, blue 75c One lot of Douglas shoes; regular $4.50 $3.85 m uanai£ercmets • 5c (,J m Extra heavy overalls / 85c Men's tan button shoes; only $295 tan or black sox 10c; three for 25c (,;» !; < PANTS Men's tan shoes; regular $4.00; only '.'AAA. $3.25 Men work sox ...5 C J>,| ><< Whipcord $1 25 one ,lot of meu's tan shoes ' $3.45 Men's work sox 10o; three for 25c X One lot V... ........89c MeDS heavy tan button shoes; special $3.45 Neckties 19c, 25c, 35c, 39c V &2r ne", lotKi" '•••••••. ; J $1.00 MEN'S SAMPLE WORK SHOES AT COST Canvas gloves ....... .5c X' I Men blue serge pants only $1. 95 Look t^ ove r Leather faced canvas gloves 1..........: .16c v! H Assortment of extra good quality pants ... $185 q~ m . 1, . haw' i,™™™ **"""«« 'ii 9 SHOES FOR CHILDREN , P T no* aU °W "t0 menti°n all the kinds of * J P ™ 5°C M [8 Children's Shoes of All Description 5 °*S- JJ ha- Ve ' but We have any kind you want- a"d at Rompers; value 65c; only 39 0 <X I ; Billiken Shoes are the best shoes manufactured for »c ngnt price. Armbands 5 C X * ( f ': children. They have an extended flexible sole. BOYS' JUVENILE SUITS _■ v _*..,. , ,". . X! "I!V1, '« * a •-v Age 2y 2 to 6; extra good value; only $169 W^e th^fmest Ime of shirts in the country; any j ; j They Look Better They Wear Better .... These Suits Are in All Styles kind you Want 490 md up |tj| SANDALS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. !;!; 1400 pairs of sample shoes for men, women and children. All the latest styles the factory puts out in our sample line i-i' NONE UNDERSELL US ON GOODS OF QUALITY ' ]!]! i toe _] the: hub ™EsTgffis»'"»it :[ thesto prk^ ha d u c n eps ™\ TT_E___E HXJ]I3 I >— -—T —— HERMAN JUNGE, Manager __ jtj - ~~~~w ~~~ ; #♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+ Hlv'J \ -7-k _a_ißßfe_ -1 II 1111 l ______ aWMai ♦ *?i tin nn fi f* He ? eig mm I £ n * waaa aa^ia flf^m a^ai gKaai ao^a S^ a^K^Li aBaM 1 X r/"^-4 |y--'lKelf f« m hßsi Bal S S anf fIBF mWm I I'.^'l r~ H fikT 1£» ll^A aai — —»- ■-=• — .-a, J I Hal ii:l H |S-I ' fi.a te-yyi Rag Ei'-J ifty'i^B ) " "-7S t- "-I I':'V'-'J I'-'-ii jafkwS faM Hf ♦_♦ ■ fiy* E^^Cr ewr \ »V I 1 If I I f-1 1 KSBw lS I J&irtw Irl r • * Rot'"**™ I f- ■'! Si asSS'SSI Va me X Special - - - $2.00 :|4 xxxcxxxxxxxxxxxx^^ | ' » X ■ *& Camp Stools - - .20 i| X Besides our special Market day bargains X New Set Fumed Oak Chairs $11.00 ||| we are offering mail order patrons an | —-- '._' ' i; ♦ opportunity to compare Sears-Roe- X OT II A l_# e—T C^ TT ill buck & Cos. goods and prices X I M v**/ VV E_ O I 1 2 with ours in our store. X Phone 83 11 1' x i '►I We never have believed that on the whole mail order houses could save you one cent on X ****<**s**m**»*^s*m*>*^ ▼ goods that we carry. Will you help us prove or disprove the correctness of this belief? ♦♦* ~ '— ' — 1 On market day we will show you some Sears Roebuck goods, with their prices attached, *S* >^s^v/> _^_ >^_>^_>s _ >>>> _ >>>>>>yN^^ ji^ to compare with our goods and prices. •% .aa-,,. ____ m « _ <a_B.a_ '» V If you have any mail order goods which you wish to compare with ours, we invite you jT I ——>•.__. M M^ 1 _ar%. ilaia— <a~_ num ********. **_•_<»_ m*. *' X to br' n^ them on this day or on any other day, and compare quality and price with our goods. X _L_^S Ml 1 n C*^ I _Tai jl^^ J)<f_S.J --LC- _S '» V ''iS wHI C a P leasure to Ufi -If we an' no< f?ivinK value we want to know it. & 5iV jj X — x Ikjl A 131^ 17' I ' DAY ONLY !» ?♦ For COmpari£ °n ~ Market Day Specials ♦ l[ V Sears Roebuck galvanized tub No. 2 with Blue and white pudding pans; 3-qt 15c A ■" • ' ' ' • : - ' ' ; Ji *> Variety Store galvanized tub No. 2. Plain w hite platters; 13inch 15c V i lAfATII _1 _ 0_ !' V Sears Roebuck hose with 25c gray enamel colander 15c A $19.25 and 9.50 Tables ■- $15.25 ,; v .rie. y s to r e h„ se . f_^_c_j_. _, | 7.50 Solid Oak Table - 13.50 ;1 ♦ Scara ladi,!S'summcr VMt"with I hss fruit <, «»iiopedrfg6 i 1 5 * *» _» Variety Store ladies' summer vests. Cut glass, grape design, sugar and A 28.50 and 3 1 .50 Tables - 23.75 lj V Sears Roebuck cups and saucers with creams, per set 30c A _ ' __, . . aq aa . * A Variety Store cups and saucers. Hand-made Mexican summer hats 15c to 60c jf; A 48.00 Table - - - 38.00 IS '^^M^MM -o^r^ ~~ % . . • ■: " -.■ i ■ \ '•■•,; J» _> & '» PPII «B> V a_ a<a^i A i *2* ' ■' Ra_ ' '' m '-•' Pi — El Jk. ■ WEILL FURNITURE STORE I Variety Store] ™ a^^^a* m^^ imp t***' T. , ■ ■ .":, . aaaa^WVV^^"-""* a.- — 1 *\*fr+\*^*\*&&^***&***&^