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Have You Joined The Army? )' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin "Joined the army? No—why—what" Sure, joined the army, the army of Savers, for the War on Waste. The recruiting station is right here at our bank. If you are wise you will inllst for life. The requirements are regular saving, determination, and persistence. Every one is accepted, men, women and children. Are you ambitious to win fortune? Then come to our bank and make your first deposit. JOIN THE ARMY iiiiin 11 ■■■ in FIRST NATIONAL BANK •'IIOMK OF THK PALOUSIi DOLLAR" PULLMAN, WASH. Member Federal Banking System jhe Pullman Herald 7*ggjjßjjßgftv L — — ... ..-. =^,^J «^ amgc= „_, « .WE GOODYEAR, Lessee. KARL I*. ALLEN, Editor. IftbUnhed every Friday at Pullman, Washington, and entered at the Pullman I poitoffice m second- class mail matter. 111.00 per Year if paid in advance; if not paid in advance 50 cent* additional. Pullman, Wash., Friday, June 23, 1916 AN IMPORTANT ELECTION The election next November will an unusually Important one, not Jy because of the fact that national d state officials are to lie chosen, it because a number of laws will 1 submitted to a vote of the people 4 adoption or rejection. Of the eight initiative petitions ni on file in the office of the sec pry of state, No. IS, the bill to pit hotels to serve liquor to jests goes on the ballot through Ill ation through the legislature. The iter seven must each be supported • petitions carrying 31,836 names i order to appear on the ticket. lese are numbered and listed as lows: P'o. 19, non-part elections; i. 20, first aid to be paid Injured irkmen out of industrial insurance ads; No. 21, city regulation of pub- I utilities within their limits; No. I fish code amendments, fixing tax 'fish caught; No. 23, .lay Thomas providing a commission lor fur ling jobs to lobbyists; No. 24, permit manufacture and sale of Fin this state; No. 25, to repeal if' Prohibition law now in effect.] llßeferendum measures to be voted |l this fall include Chapters 54. 55, |J '81. 178, 40 ami 49 of the ses r laws of 1915. They are nuiu red from 3 to »i Inclusive, as fol ii; °- 'i, requiring initiative and ref e»dum petitioners to be registered 'd ° sign petitions at registration lfes; No. 4, similar provision as re «di petitions; No. 5, requiring re« primary candidates to sign af av| t to support platform of party ,on whose ticket they file; No. 6, ojlblting picketing of places where .*» are in progress; No. 7. re- J r"ig Public utility companies de "B to enter a competitive field to •eertiricatea of necessity for addi «M service with the public service y**ion and sustain them as a ""'ion of entering the field; No. ' "urging the memership of port fissions, a bill of particular In- J to Seattle; No. 9, adopting the Bel system of appropriating and 1 B expenditure in public office. !1|» l,»' duty, as well as the prlv htof fiVer>' lllizen to exercise the 'sho m an('lliS"' No qualified vot . md be so indifferent-to the *»mh 0 w th'B nation and ,hiK cora- Ifrher , aS t0 fail t0 ex»r*Bß his MiJ!« 011 at ""' Polls regarding i and ? 8 Which "tight to be adopt *choL he »<Hdates who ought to T .. <* to carry out those policies. ""* year «o entered '>ne Can Vote ****** is far 6 ' which 's a new regulation, liict, a** resi <ients in county pre (to ple who «>cerned. These are the tro nge gt * °' as a rule. were the nt« m V. a<Jv°cates of the primary he right no,,li nating candidates and *lt»'rou 1! 0 Pa '' tic, ate '" law mak- a sn the initiative and refer endum. They certainly can not af ford to shirk the responsibility which these rights brought with them. They must register and the sooner bey .In it the better. WM. GOODYEAR. A I A 111 SYSTEM The same rate of federal income ; , and inheritance taxes here i hat Eng land had In 1914, would have pro duced nearly $900,000,000 in reve ! nues for the federal treasury, or ll times as much as our federal income taxes amounted to that year. Since i hen the rate of reel taxation in England has more than doubled, so that her rat. applied here would pro duce upward of $2,000,000,000 of revenue for Uncle Sam in l 91 7. Why Isn't ibis the only fair way to pay for "preparedness"? Tax those most able to pay, Instead of piling indirect taxes upon the consumption of those least able to pay. Denmark did just this, a few years ago; heavier taxes upon larger incomes paid for her naval additions: "no burden was added upon small farmers and work ers." American farmers will pay cheerfully their just part of really needed government expenditure, but they hate to be imposed upon. The people generally insist thai the gov ernment pay its way —that prepared ness be- paid out of new or higher taxes, not bidden by bond issues. For the same reason, the public insists ii em rigid economy from all offi cials. Public waste., if stopped, would alone- defray a large share of the cost of any well matured plan of preparedness.—Northwest Farm stead. The more Pullman and the State College develop In size and beauty, the more people will want to visit this community. Many of them will come in automobiles and prefer to camp out rather than to stay at ho tels. Within the las' few days sev eral such parties have visited the city, but found no suitable place for parking their machines and making their camps. Accommodation for ibis class of tourists should be pro vided. An excellent location would be the flat in front of Ralnej park, if the land could be leased. There Is plenty of room and shade there and water could be easily piped to the grounds from the artesian well In the park. Good parking accommoda tions for auto tourists would be a splendid advertisement for the city. There is a notable reversal of form in the context of the democratic and republican national platforms this year. The democrats are now "point ing with pride" and the republicans •'viewing with alarm." The real issue on which the campaign will be de cided Is whether or not the people approve of the policies of President Wilson. Sines the lease on the city ball I'ark has been given up Pullman has no adequate play ground for the young people. This is i serious mat ter which deserves prompl attention. If no place is available where the boys can work off their surplus en -> in playing baseball, football and other games, they are pretty likely to ;"';'i the habit of loafing on the streets and forming bad habits, Instead of engaging In whole some spoils. Neither the .ity nor the school district is in a financial condition to provide a playground Bnd it appears to he up to the pub lic spirited citizens to mccl this self evident tie. .1 of the young folks In tin- pursuit of happiness! *^! m*^ mmmmmmmtma^— ew s— It appears that Colonel Roosevelt has beat a hasty retreat from Am magedon <<< ■' ceased to battle for the Lord. Shall the city park be used as a picnic ground lor live stock or for people? This is a question which no« confronts the residents of Pull man. i I PUBLIC SALE! I i I will sell at public auction at my ranch, M 1 one-half mile from Grangeville, Ida. || I WEDNESDAY, JUNE 281 H the following live stock, to-wit: || I 150 head of Hereford Cattle I [' 1 Consisting of 75 head of cows and | 1 pi heifers with calf or calf at foot. t;l U 20 two-year-old Steers I H 50 Yearlings I I 4 pure-bred Shorthorn Bulls I I 20 head of Horses I I 150 head of Hogs I [:i TERMS OF SALE — One year's time on bankable fi paper. 11 Sale will be held rain or shine. i | |J Absolutely no reserve. I J I E. S. SWEET, Owner I | 4 grange IDAHO f f [ GUE & CRANKE, Auctioneers j J |::j North Yakima and Spokane |>J \ m Saturday Specif^ Rtt yourself* )/e)SJL in HER place/ \t7, \ Why not get a good _ ll oil stove so that dur- ~W There's no overheating Eg ing the hot weather § the kitchen with an up-to- j| your wife or mother = date oil cook stove. It's g or sister or daughter, i just like cooking with city j, can prepare the = Bas- The burners con- g meals in a cool, com- § centrate the heat at the g fortable kitchen? I different cooking points. s NEW PERFECTION I OIL CC^RiSTOVE 1 ' ', dr* IL__jßL__jßaV—-J 1 sizes, with or without ~M Oil Itsssl /i- -] \lcallfS^ ovens. Also cabinet || VA'^iif \<**l \^'''\r%9 models with Fireless s }Bjs Tiff^T STANDARDOIL j Of A *\ COMPANY For Sal.' by Floyd Hamilton Lee Allen VISIT ool,i.i:<;i; State College of Washington, .lull" 21.—At legist IOC auto loads of farm- is and others Interested In the State College will visit this institution J una 26 and 21 from Adams County and 60 more from Douglas County will coin.- June 29 and 30. The visitors making the excursion are entertained at the college for a day and every department, Including the experimental plots and the stock farm are visited. The work of the institution is shown In detail. A free dinner is served to the visitors. They have a chance to see and know of the work their State College is do ing and to become familiar with the institution. Walla Walla delegation was enter" tamed June R and 10 and was in charge of Agriculturist O. V, l'at ton. Adams Counts delegation and Douglas Count} will also be In charge of their agriculturists, 11. P. Smith and A. M. Richardson, res- Miutb and A M. Richardson, res pectively. This office prints butter wrappers (THE> JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AGREES WITH THE GOOD JUDGE) (— _ ___^ TH*' A GENTLEMAN* cmfm *urTI Uu,TEAO I g«R k LI , A MAN NEeos N WHt N .T^H I A CHEW OF THAT SIZEL.IIt!£.3^..TQBACCO CHEW Al MAN you arc not alone in your desire for n titan, small chew that , .«- IT'Jl'.Aw? v,)" ,h'u''" ••••••action. Tint's why men are glad to find W*H CUT Chewing th* Real I e.bacce. Chew, asm tut l.nt ,*„,/ T I hen when Ike* " '"' "' the """""' **"* '" d.> is '" tell " ,r,t» no can «c. (k. Seal I 9act~Qt i .haw. " Notice how the •,/.!( biings out the rich tobacco taste" MaJe by WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Union Sqnare. New York City !"" mitiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiitiiinnniiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiinij | Personal Interesl I : |3^3B2^HE ofifcers of this bank have a per ■= - m¥w * ll sonaJ interest in every one of the = - I^BpWal bank's customers. We want your = - ™™"t relations with us to be of personal | : benefit to you. Our wish to give you every fin- § : ancial assistance consistent with good banking I : does not include all the service we can render. I i We believe that we can frequently give you = I or procure for you facts and figures which you E : could hardly get otherwise. = : We will be glad to demonstrate our sincer- S : ity in this statement. We appreciate your busi- I j ness and the business of your friends. I j The Pullman State Bank I Pi 111 ■ 111 1 11 1 1 11 1111 i i 11111 1 i 1 11 1111 11 11 1 1 11111111 1 1 11 1 111 i 11 1 1 11 1 11 f 111 11 11 111 1 11 11 1 1 1111 iT I Low Round Trip Fares East! ' VIA I GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY \ ; On Sale Daily, June Ist to September 30th jl i Stopovers Allowed in Each Direction (| ! Return Limit Three Months From Date of Sale ij ! St. Paul | Chicago 178.00 .' Minneapolis I (hey my f\f\ Buffalo $02.00 '! Duluth 11|> I 111 l New York .$110.70 || Kansas City ii i J 111! Boston $110.00 \ Omaha \l|/UUIUU Pittsburg 991.60 J 1 Sioux City J Indianapolis $81.70 <[ And proportionately low round trip lures to numerous other points. .' Stopover at Glacier National Park, in. side trip necessary. Only ( l National Park on main line of transcontinetal railway. < i Compartment-Observation oars mi Great Northern transcontinetal \ trains. ( » Table d'hote luncheons and dinners served at 7."» cent* in our ', diners. \ For further information call on ymir In- ■ '^'* —- - '"^ — * ■ t cal agent, or write f|| fiat-A' .■ 11 <( ROBERT C. SHAW H v* \.uef\l* 1 !' ROBERT C. SHAW N° P WAV i 1 Traveling Passenger Agent || pA'** II ji Spokane. Wash __¥________ <' , »^<^^^^^>^^^^^>^^^«^c ! jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiu Ramer's ji|| _ chocolates i| Quality 1 Direct from the Factory (! E J = They will Plemae You j!|| 'f~ ~~~~ AND—======= | j THORPE'S ill Quantity 1 SMOKE HOUSE I rules I (Incorporated) ) ~ — >|S AT THE 5 Phone 28 ,',= = Where Everybody Goes | HITW M ADI/fT 1 PULLMAN = R. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor | Union Supply Co. _ Phone 99 | COAL I I AND iTiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilT "\\7^ {\i ) 1 FOR SALE—Lot 10x78 feet on ' ▼ V_-^V^_l_^ corner of Montgomery and Opal delivered to Any Part of City streets. For particulars see W. 8. JAMES EMEUT, Agent l'ritchard. ■ apr2Btf Terms Cash Phone 1182 Go to Duthies for Big Horn and _ w _ „_________ mmammmea— —— Utah coals.