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VOLUME XXIX ESTIMATED NEEDS OF STATE COLLEGE Revenue Required to Run Institu tion for Next Two Years Totals Is. Nearly it Million and a Hall Estimates Tor legislative appro priations to be asked by the Slate College of Washington have been passed on by the. regents and presi dent of the Institution, and forward ed to the state board of finance, at Olympia, for Inclusion in the taxa tion estimates tor the hiennium be ginning April 1, 1917. The estimates Include two years of the federal .Morrill fund, totaling $100,000; two years of the Hatch fund, totaling $30,000; two years of the Adams fund, totaling $80,000, The Smith-Lever appropriations for the biennium, including grants from the United States and state off get appropriations amount to $78, --704. To reach this maximum, the state must appropriate, for expend iture in 1917-18, $11,958, in order to receive from the federal govern ment, $21,958, For expenditure in 1918-19, the state must appropri ate $17,394, in order to receive from the United States $27.39-1. Failing to make the offset appropriations as Indicated, the United states money will be $10,000 a year, the federal funds withheld amounting to $29, --352. In making up the biennial esti mates, the State College computed .55 mills (the millage recommended for the institution by the Washing ton Educational Survey commission) upon the estimated property valua tion of the state, aggregating $984, --786,405. This would amount to $1 , -083,265 or $541,632.50 a year. With the Morrill, Hatch, Adams, and Smith-Lever funds, the income from federal land endowment—estimated, for the biennium, at $106,000 —and an estimated andowment balance on hand April 1, 1917, of $30,000, all added to the amount, available from the .55 millage, it was necessary for the board to reduce, by nearly $100, --000, departmental estimates for the biennium, in order to keep within tho recommended millage plus the income from the United States and the federal land endowment. Based on the educational commission's recommendation of ,56 mills, plus the granted land income—the scien tific school and agricultural college current funds— total amount asked from the state is as follows: Mill tax levy, two years. . $1,082, Estimated income from land grant funds 106,000 Estimated balance In V. S. land grant funds 30,000 $1,219,265 United States funds and Smith-Lever state, if appropriated: Morrill Fund, two years. .$ 100,000 Hatch fund, two years... 30,000 Adams fund, two years. . 30,000 Smith-Lever" funds: Prom the U. S., 1917-18 21,958 (State offset necessary 'to get from U. S. $21.- - 958 Instead of $10,000) 1^958 From the U. S., 1918-19 27,394 Sfate offset necessary to get from U. S. $27,394 Instead of $10,000.... 17.394 »- , $ 238.704 Total, state and federal.. $1,457,969 DR. CARDIFF'S FATHER DEAD | Dr. Cardiff's trip to Washington D. C., was saddened by the sudden death of his father at Galva, 111. Dr. Cardiff had planned to visit his par ents on his way home and arrived at Galva a few hours after his father, had passed away. While deceased was 71 years of age and had been in rather poor health for some time, he *as able to vote on election day and n's demise came as an unexpected shock to the members of his family. NEW N. P. STATION ► The fine new Northern Pacific sta tion was open for business this morn ing. The part of the old station used *• a ticket office has been sold to W. A. Moss and in being torn down. The Ifcrt used for freight was sold to Ew tog & Waller and by them trans ferred to the Auto Transfer Co.. who *'ll use It for a warehouse. -v The Pullman Herald est interest of f>ullman and the beet farming community in the Northwest surrounding it. ItOAl) WORK STOPS i . With nearly three miles of the Col* fax-Pullman road no. yet completed work 01. the highway has been stopped for the winter. The three miles, which is just west of Pullman ! 11 in bad condition, and will make winter travel between the two towns somewhat of a hardship. The un- ■ completed stretch is ready tor the gravel surface, but work was stopped 7 the county engineer the first of the week, owing to the frost) condi "on or the soil, which makes good toad building impossible. IMtiXUKSS RHNFRO HO.MJR — ■ Miss Ruth Renfro, who represent ed Pullman as one of the princesses at the show of the Northwest Live stock association at Lewiston, Idaho, this week, returned homo this noon. She says that the princesses were entertained royally and that while" she did not win the automobile, she enjoyed every minute of the time. CHURCH CONVENTION At the convention of officers of the Christian churches of Whitman county, held today at Garfield, the Rev. Clark S. Thomas of the Pullman j church was one of the principal speakers, his subject, being, "The .Social Side of the Church." DIETZ MACHINE CRUSHES WHITMAN Fred Glover's Long Runs and Line Plunges Were the Feature of the Game The XV. 8. C. football team wound up the season of 19 1 tl with a decisive victory over Whitman ami for a few minutes in the last half played the style of game which made it Invinc ible last year. During the first quarter of the game at Walla Walla yesterday the ball seesawed back and forth in the middle of the field until Whitman fumbled on its 23-yard line and after a series of line bucks Ralph Boone scored a touchdown from which goal was kicked. In the second quarter the only score was made by Durham on a drop-kick from the 20-yard line. In the second half W. S. C. Matted strong ami worked the ball to the one-yard line with a series of long end runs, with Glover starring. I Whitman held on the one-yard line.! but the punt was blocked and W. 8. C. scored two points on a safety. Whitman kicked off again and W. S. C, failing to gain on line plays, completed a pass from Brown, to Glover of 4 0 yards. Glover catching the ball on the one-yard line. Goal was kicked. W. S. C. received again and was held for downs on the 20-yard line. Whitman completed a 20-yard pass, Hoover to Blomquist. Hoover made five yards and the ball went over to ' W. S. C. Glover' Brown and Boone were the chief ground gainers. Boone carried the ball over on an , eight-yard end run. W. S. C. received again and with the aid of a long pass to Zimmerman j (he ball was placed on Whitman's two-yard line. Glover broke through the line for a touchdown. Whitman kicked again and W. S. C. returned with a series of end runs to the 4 0-yard line. A pass was in tercepted by Gensel on Whitman's 20-yard line and Whitman made yardage twice and completed a pass of 20 yards to Bloomquist. XV. 8, C. held and Hoover kicked 35 yards. XV. S. C. received the punt on the 20 --yard line and returned 20 yards. A series of line bucks and end runs, . with Glover doing the work, put the ball on Whitman's 10-yard line, and Glover again pulled a long run around the end. Whitman held with the ball on the one-foot line. PULLMAN BOY TO TRAINING SCHOOL ——--™ ~"~ Gerald Reynolds, better known as j "Irish," was the first of the week j sent to the state training school for | boys at Chehalis, The boy was com- 1 mitted to the school by the superior j court upon application of his father, after he had become engaged as the prime factor in a number of juvenile escapades which marked him as a, delinquent. j PULLMAN, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER I. 1916 Mark Your City Ballots Carefully ! Double Ticket Ballot ml Tuesday* City Flection Will Result in Loss of Voles Unless Care Is Exercised For the first time In several years Pullman's voters will be presented with ballots bearing two municipal tickets when they present themselves ,l! the voting booths In the various precincts next Tuesday to participate in the general city election, and un less great care is exercised the un usual ballot may Bull in a number of worthless votes by electors who are not acquainted with the require ments of the law. if the election of ficers can ascertain the ques tion of a doubt tin- person for whom you wish to vote, thai person will re ceive your support, but if your ballot is marked in such a way as to leave any room lor doubt, it will not be counted and your vote will be lost, so far as the candidates who Figure in the confusion are concerned, On the official ballots the two tickets will be printed in parallel col umns, the Citizens ticket In the first, or left hand, column, and the Non partisan ticket on the right hand. Under each puny name will be print ed a circle. If you desire to vote for all the candidates on one ticket and none of the candidates on the other, a cross in the circle under the party name for whose candidates you wish to vote will suffice, and your vote will be counted for all the candi dates on that ticket. If. however, you desire to "split" the tickets, vot ing lor some candidates on one and others on the other, the safest way is to mark a cross opposite the name of each candidate, on either ticket, for whom you wish to vote, disre garding the lave circle at the top of the ticket. Another method, ami the one concerning which instruc tions will appear at the top of the ballot, is to mark the cross in the circle at the too of the ticket on which the majority of your favorites appear, then marking crosses at the right of the names of the candidates on the other ticket for whom you wish to vote. Under this system your vote will be counted for all the candidates on the ticket over which Syrian Princessjisils Pullman Will Lecture Sunday evening and Present Dramatization Monday at the Presbyterian Cliurch A real Syrian princess is to visit Pullman Sunday. She comes un heaalded, but with all har Oriental beauty and grace, wearing her royal robes and singing her ancient songs. Princess ltahme Haider, niece of Mclhlm Abbe Haider, governor of Boalbek, is a young woman of excep tional charm and ability, a native of Damascus, and spent her girlhood under tho blue skies of Palestine. She has been educated In the best schools and colleges of the old Fast and the new West. "In the mystic splendor of her dark eye; lies th" history of her be loved country, and as she pictures in the poetic language of her Oriental race the story of her early life in Palestine, one realizes her capacity for friendship, and her influence is not only contagious but lingers long in the minds of her hearers." Thus speaks the San Francisco Chronicle of Princess Haider, who is to give "Under Syrian Stars'* at the United Presbyterian church Sunday evening at. 7:30. The costumes worn by the Prin cess before her audiences are of royal color of the ancient Queensland. made by the girls of Damascus after the style of her noble ancestors Some of them have been in the fam ily for over 100 years. In both her performances here Princess llahme will be assisted by her traveling companion, Miss Lu cille Burgess, who is an accomplished musician and has made a specUl study of Syrian and Egyptian music. Monday evening, at the same church. Princess Haider will present her clever dramatization of "Naa man, the Leper." With her intimate knowledge of the land, she is able to give a remarkably sympathetic de lineation of the characters and you mark the cross In the circle ex cept those whose opponents on the other ticket are designated as your choice by tie crOSS in the square op | posite the individual name. Be careful not to vote for two' candidates tot the same, office on dll ferent tickets, as this error ill of ' course result in the- loss of (he vote- : on both candidates. Failure to Vote Costs Registration Electors who voted at the general l county and state election of Novem ber 7 are'qualified for participation in the city election of next Tuesday, as are also those who have regis tered since that time. Those per sons, however, who registered prior to the state election and failed to vote, and who have not re registered since, will not be permitted to cast their ballot at the city election, The state law concerning registration is as follows: "If any registered voter shall fail ' to vote at any general state., county or municipal (city) election, held In the precinct in which he is registered, during any quadrennium, his regis tration shall become void, and his name shall be striken from (lie registration books l.y the registra- j tion officer, bj running two red-Ink lines through he nam.', and l.y not- Ing i In- la.-i and reason In ihe col mini for "remarks." Beforo said voter shall again be allowed to vole, he shall register In his proper pre clnct, as required in eases of original registration." The law further provides thai so long as the. voter participates In every state, county and city election during that time, registration is required only every four years. It will he as easy or easier for Pull man's voters to vote at the- city elee tion Tuesday as to register later for the next election in which they desire to participate, and a full vote is ex pected. The mayor, eouncllman-at-large, I clerk, attorney and treasurer will be elected for two years, as will one councilman from th.- First ward, to ,c fill out ail unexpired term, and all other councilmen will be elected for four years. Hereafter city elections will be held only every two years. scenes. The styles of many of the garments worn today In Syria date ■ r .. .- .— .. -~. -., I i ' bat to Biblical times. The old home of Nanman still stands neat the home of Princess Haider. In the phi. .Miss Burgess takes the ole of 'the Hebrew captive, Marian. MINISTERS ENTERTAINED The fifth annual dinner lor the ministers of Pullman was given Thursday evening November 23, by , Hi., residents of Stevens hall. Pink chrysanthemums and smllax I were used In •he dining room, The el.', oral lon were In the charge of Miss Flossie Folsom. A short musical program by Miss .leanette Scrlber and Miss Rebecca l in I.- was enjoyed. The address of welcome was given by Miss Krna Bradbury, to which the Rev, Mr, Caughlan responded. The guests ere the Rev, ami Mrs. Clark S. Thomas, the Rev, anil Mrs. I. XV. Caughlan, the Rev. and Mrs. Spaulding. Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Bab cock, th.- Rev, C. 11. Harrison, the Uev. P. l. Randolph; the Rev J. Q. Robinson, am! the Rev Father Shell. MOTHER'S visVW Tin- Pullman Mother's club will meet .ii Emerson's hall December 5 at 3:00 o'clock; iibje. i ' The Rela ion of Ail and Mm to the Child," li) Mis .leant He Powell CLUB MEMBERS AS SHAKESPEARE STARS Annual Meeting ■>! Fortnightly (Tub Featured by Presentation >>t Scenes liiiiii "Romeo anil Juliet" ami "Henry V" Exceptionally well presented scenes from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet ami "Henry V" were out standing features of ihe annual open meeting of lie Fortnightly club, hold Saturday cvi ii ing in the parlors of Ferry hall, with Mrs. Ellen 11. Bakke, matron of the hall, as host ess. Over Kin guests attended the meeting, which as one- of the most enjoyabl >. of ita kind ever held. Scene Z. of a, i 11 from Romeo and Juliet," the scene between the nurse and Juliet, was well presented by Airs. XV, ('. X i uegel, impersonat ing the nurse, and Miss Krna Brad bur) as Juliet, Prof, E. ('. Lincoln, &s ing Henry V, .Miss Augusta Uo ziskey as the French princess, Kath erftie, and Miss Alice Paterson as Alice, lady In waiting i" he pi In ctys, staged Scene 2 of Act V e.i "King Henry V" in a highly credit able and finished manner. The scene has to do with the proposal of King Henry for the hand of Princess Kath erlne, and the difficult roles were carried out in a manner that would do credit in experienced stage stars. A resume of the year's work of the club was given by Mrs. Bruce Mc Cully, president, bo deal) with the club's activities, both from a literary and clvi. viewpoint. a violin quin tet, led by Prof. Gottfried Herbst, was well received The number was in fourp arts. A pleasing double ex eel number was given by Miss Iva Davidson, Instructor In music at he high school. Dainty and delicious refreshments of tutl-frultl ice cream, white cake and coffee were served. In the receiving lint! were Mrs. Ellen Bakke, hostess; Mrs. Bruce . 'ully. .Ini. president; Mrs Solon Shedd; president of the State Fedora tion 111 Women's Chilis:. Mrs. A. A. Cleveland, chairman of the Fort nightly club executive committee: and Mesdamc M. K. Akers and F. M. Dandy, members of the executive committee. ELKS' MEMORIAL SERVICE Pullman Elks will attend the an nual memorial service of the order at Mo cow, Idaho, next Sunday after noon. They have bartered a special train on the 0.-W. it & S. line, which will leave Pullman at 1:00 o'clock and. returning, leave Moscow at 4:30. The local Elks win talc- along tbe XV. 8 c. orchestra of .'!."> pieces and Dwight Stephenson is on the program for a solo The exercises are open to th. public ami all Pullman i.e.. pi" are | invited to join tin- excursion. Th^ j i fare for the round trip will be 99 < cents*. li c NUMBER 6 THE OFFICIAL VOTE -. J, y OF WHITMAN COUNTY Wei Measures Were Hurled by Ava lanche ..I Votes—Township Or guiii/itiiieii Failed to Carry The official count of the vote of Whitman county has at last been an nounced. The delay in announcing the result was caused ley Waiting for the ballots ..I absent voters. The figures were as follows: Constitutional amendment—2323 lor, 5338 against. Initiative No. 24 — Ills for. 84 19 against. Initiative No. 18— 981 for, 8271 against. All the referendum measures were overwhelmingly defeated. While 3465 vote's were cast for township organization to 2088 against It, the proposition was defeated, Its the law requires that a majority of all the votes cast is required for the adopt of the system. Candidates for office received the following vole: D. S. senator - Poindexter f.584; I'ournei 4 973 Congress—-LaFollette 6064; Mas terson 4399. Governor—-Mcßrlde, 4749; Lister till'J 8. Lieut, governor — Hart, 5286; Lally 1862, Secretary of state— Howell 5676; Tadloek 1553. Slat.- treasurer Sherman 5444; Calvin 1699 State Auditor — Clausen 5343; Case 1784. Attorney genera] --Tanner, 5294; McLean 1899 state superintendent of schools — Preston 5645 ; Morgan 177 2. Land commissioner — Savidge 5507; McFarland 4603. Insurance Committloner — Fish back 555 I , iicmer 1533 Legislative Senator Eighth district—McCoy 196; Brand 2837. Representative Seventh district — Hoover 2766; Jones 2704; Miller 2264; Goodyear 2601. Representative Eighth district — Weldon 2628; Clark 2387; McCall 2655; Northrup -'".92. foil v Sheriff—McCluro 5537; McLean 5230, Clerk Williams 5746; Waldrip 1795, Auditor — Met/. 6632 (no opposi tion!. Treasurer — Renfrew 5046; Man ring 5569., Attorney -La Full.-it.- 5 111 2; Clegg r,-i7.'. Assessor Tin.- 5933; Crow 44411. School superintendent — Shinkle 5715, McCroskey 51 09. Engineer McCaw 6282 (no oppo- ion i. Coroner- —limning 6326, Hogan 4044, Commissioner First district —Pick- ett 4841 ; Thompson 5204. Commissioner Third district — Sanborn 5439, Henry 4669. The total vote cast this year, ac cording to the official count, is 11, --529, which is 117 less than the vote cast two years ago, The total regis tration this year was 13,059. THANKSGIVING FEAST The members of the Neighborly Neighbors club of Sunnyside hill, with their families, enjoyed their an nual Thanksgiving feast and high jinx In the K. of I', hall Thursday. Sixty-six men. women and children sat down to Ihe tallies loaded with good things to .-at Following the banquet .lancing ami cards were as- Joyed until evening when the older members adjourned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. I). Henry to play cards. I A USE RUMORS George Stephenson, proprietor of the Theatorlum. desires through this paper to brand us absolutely false the rumors which have gained con siderable persistency -to the effect that he has become involved In a deal for the sale of his picture house to the Grand theatre. Mr. Stephenson states that he has no Intention of disposing of his picture show In terests. !