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VOLUME XXIX CHAMBER ENJOYS I ERA OF PROGRESS i ' i i 1 iciiil-anitual Report of Societal,v J Wm. Porter Proven l.usi Siv Months to Have Been High- j ly Successful Term In point of actual accomplish ments the six-months term of the chamber of commerce ended Novem ber first was the most successful In the history of the organization, an exceptionally large number of im portant projects being brought to a i satisfactory culmination. The semi- 1 annual report of the organization has: I been prepared by Secretary William | M. Porter, and is a source of not a j little gratification to the members of j the chamber. i The membership of the chamber now totals 14.'1, and the average at tendance at the weekly meetings of the organization during the six 1 months was 41. Interest in the work of the commercial body is keener than at any previous time. Three thousand pices of mail matter were sent out from the office of the sec retary, 2600 pieces being advertising matter and 400 letters. The chamber reduced its Indebted ness on the- elegant new quarters in the city hall from $400 to $91.66, at the same time contributing $60 to ward the support of the Pullman ' citizens hand. Probably one of the greatest ac complishments of the chamber dur ing the term, which resulted in a vast amount of good, was the in auguration in the county of the boys' and girls' club work and the holding of the club work fair. At a time when all hope for securing the serv ices of a club leader and financial as sistance from the State College and j state department of education seemed remote, the local chamber I guaranteed the sum of money neces sary to be appropriated by the county commissioners In order to secure the state and college appropriations and j the club leader was secured. Later other commercial organizations came to the relief of the Pullman chamber by paying a part of this guarantee, the county commissioners finding it Impossible to make the appropria tion. The chamber was largely instru mental in bringing to l'ullman and \ the State College the big excursion of State farmers and bankers, which resulted in a vast amount of valuable advertising for the college and the town. Especially active during the term was the road committee and the value to the community of the good work accomplished by that commit tee can not tie overestimated. The committee was responsible' for the sanding of a considerable stretch of road in the Clinton district, east of Pullman, and raised the money neces- : sary for the purchase of an acre of the Savage property, two miles west of Pullman, which made possible the elimination of a steep incline and sharp turn in the public highway. The committee now has under con sideration the securing of a better trade leading to Pullman from the west than the steep West Main street hill, and all indications point to an early realization of their hopes in I this direction. The student employment bureau conducted during the summer In an) effort to place college students in , harvest positions, resulted in the Placing of a large number of students ln good summer positions, the plan Proving highly successful; both from the standpoint of the students and , the farmers who employed them. Another important step taken by the chamber was the invitation ex-j tended to the legislators of the state t0 visit Pullman and the State Col lego,so that they may become ac quainted with the needs of the col-1 lege. The expense of the legislators j while in Pullman will be borne by , the chamber. The semi-annual report of the treasurer shows total receipts during, the term of $939. Of this amount j ■ "70.25 was expended for general expense items, President Holland and Auditor, *uegel of the State College went to ' Spokane Wednesday to attend a! Meeting of the board of regents of, ft college. | The Pullman Herald '- ' eat interests of Pullman and the best farming community in the Northwest surrounding it. THANKSGIVING AT J I WAIITSVILLE <.|;v\,,|. : The Thanksgiving dinner, program '""l ,!an'" ;it the Ewartsville'Grange hall was enjoyed by a large crowd Harry Wilson's orchestra furnished j the music. Following Is' the ■prograni . Which was rendered: [ Violin arid piano selection I • -Mr. and Mrs. Leßoy LaFollette ,!,'il,lin «' -Miss Helen Hogan Vocal duet. . '-"lis and Doris Hlnes ,:,:"i " I. T. LaFollette! Fairy drill. . .. Pupils of Ewartsville Reading .Mrs. Leßoy LaFolli Little Red Riding Hood was given! i by the pupils of Ewartsville. school.) Following is the cast of characters; j j Little Red Riding Hood . . Beryl Davis j The Grandmother. . .Neva Lybecker j 'Th Wolf carry Boundy j The Miller veryl Farley I The Woodsmen . . Homer Holliday and Vere Farley ' Birds Little Hitter girls' ! —- —— ; SERIOUS OPERATION •1. 11. Gooding, florist at the pol i lege, was taken to Spokane last week suffering with cancer of the law, On Monday he was operated upon by Dr. A, A. Matthews, assisted by Di Patei ihe cancerous growth and part j of he upper jaw being removed. The ! operation was successful and his! many friends hope for his complete j 1... He will probably remain | i in Spokane for a couple of weeks. ! SPOKANE DELEGATION I TO VISIT COLLEGE Seventeen Legislators Prom Spokane; County Will lie Guests of College and City Next Thursday The entire legislative delegation of Spokane county, comprising 17 state senators and representatives, will i visit the college next Thursday, and will spend the entire day in an Inspec tion of the campus and plant of the big institution in an effort to ac quaint themselves with its present ; condition and needs. The delegation will arrive on the evening train Wednesday, and early Thursday j morning will go to the college, where the) will attend a meeting of the board of regents, at which will be discussed he needs of the college, from a financial and legislative standpoint In full. Luncheon will be served Ln VanDoren hall at noon, to be attended by the guests of honor. regents and faculty members and | members of the chamber of com merce. In the afternoon the law makers will be taken on an inspec-; tion trip through the college- build-! ings and grounds and will leave on | the 3:30 train for Spokane. It is expected that legislators from j other counties will also he present, and an invitation will be extended to ■ the west Bide senators ami repre- j sentatives to visit the college at a later data. Every member of the Spokane delgatiori to the two houses: of the state legislature has accepted , the invitation to conn' to Pullman. —■ KNIGHTS ELECT OFFICERS I At the semi-annual election of of-1 ficers Monday night Evening Star j lodge. No. 26, Knights of Pythias.) named the following officers for the six months' term commencing Janu ary 1: Chancellor commander —Chas. R. | Wen ham. Vice chancellor— Dr. A. E. Hud son. Prelate—C. J. Reid. M. of W.—O. W. Pinkley. K. of R. & S.— C. S. Nye. M. 0 f F. —w. 1., Wenham. M. of E.—Joe Dew. M. of A.— H. E. Oman. Inner guard—A. P. Razor. Outer guard—L. XV. Hooper. Trustees— U. Lanning, O. W. Pinkley. V. W. Clarkson. LAWLEB THANKS CONSTITUENTS ] wish to hereby express my thanks to the voters of Ward 1 for their active and loyal support of my candidacy for city councilman. In return I shall endeavor, to the best of my ability, to represent the inter-' ests of the ward in a fair and Im partial manner., U. G. LiWLER. PULLMAN. WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1916 PROFESSOR'S WIFE DEFEATS II POPULAR PROFESSORS ni B t Mis. 1,-,, l». aid,l Wins Seat in City C Hindi Through the Efforts of Pullman Women City Administration, 1017-18 Mayor John W. Mathews. Councilman-at-large --XV. c Krue gel Firs! ward councilmen- I' <;. I.awler, .1. E. Hammond, Second ward councllmi F. V. Roth, Ira N. Nye (holdover); Third ward councilmen— Myrtle- S. Cardiff. .1. P. Duthle I holdoverL City attorney— D. C. Dow City clerk - Matilda F. Gannon, City treasurer .1. s. Clark. Emerging a victor in the three cornered race for councilmahic hon- | ors In the Third ward at Tuesday's ; municipal election; Mrs. .Myrtle S. Cardiff on not only the office but ; the distinction of being the first of her sex to represent the citizens of any Pulltmui ward in the delibera tions of the city council In the his- I tory of the city. The election, due, to the large number of contests for the various offices In the gift of th/ people, created unusual Interest, and a heme- vote was polled despite the severe snowstorm which kept many j people away from the polls who had I intended to vote after supper. The election of F. V. Roth, "sticker" candidate for Second ward councilman, was one of the very few instances in the history of Pullman's city elections when elevnth hour can-1 For .Mayor, two years — Mathews . I enawalt For ( ounciliiian-ai-lai two years— Kruegel Swain Councilman First Ward, two years— Hammond Councilman First Ward, four years— Lawier Livingstone Councilman Second Waul, four yrs— Roth Windus Councilman Third Ward, four yrs. — Cardiff Steele Snyder City Attorney, two years how Jamar City Clerk, two years — Gannon City Treasurer, two years Clark WINTER SCHOOL AT STATE COLLEGE _ Successful crop production is fundamental to success in practically all lines of general farming. Poor crops mean high priced feed for your live stock. Poor crops mean high cost per ton, per hundred or per bushel, A knowledge of the princi ples underlying the developing and maintaining of soil fertility, the prin ciples of plant growth and the spe cific requirements of various farm crops is essential to successful crop production. You say the passing generation of fanners were aide to succeed without special study. Very true. iii many cases they paid little or nothing for their land and the in come that kept their families and made them prosperous would scarce ly pay rent or interest on valuations today. They secured their land in its virgin fertility. More expense ami more Intelligent management Is necessary to secure equally good i Crops today. Insect pests and fun- 1 ous diseases are more troublesome. J More complex and exp«»»rlve equip-1 ment and more tV't,, ■■' ■ '!'<"' is 1 required. The mat? el.' "" bc-miiir, ■ more discriminating, T>e stt'Ws > of living is mi'Ji '.;'. ier. a rt-ii. i while tin- p'-si lb ' gen vti' a..': ted to me I t c ny I'l'l'tM M* .-. you are fa in? -c 'te di.'. "/it ,idi- ; ions and r.- ti ! ..iucei groi U r prepara- ; tion to Mi..-.- ,I. Th.> winter school affords cpj.ort nity to >egln this pre paration. l di.hHes have been successful through the sticker method, and proved that th.' people of that ward have extreme faith In the business ability of the Pullman contractor. The light vote cast for Mrs. Wlndus was In a meas ure due to the inclement weather, which kepi a large- number of her women supporters away from the polls. As soon as the counting of votes in the various precincts . was well under way it as evident that J, XV. Mathews had defeated W, L. Greena walt for the mayoralty! The success ful candidate' was given a majority of the votes In all but the Second ward, and in precinct 6-1 of the Third ward, where 260 votes were cast, his majority was overwhelming. William Swain, after carrying both the First and Second wards by sub stantial majorities for councilman ; iet hit go, was a poor second In the two College hill precincts, and W. .' Kruegel, Incumbent, was given a majority of 131 votes. (}, E. Livingston, "sticker. candi- I date for he long term in the First i ward, against I. G. Law lei. was I easily outdistanced by the ticket can didate, and Prof, M. K. Snyder, who i made the race against Mrs. Cardiff and Prof. B. L. Steele for Third ward councilman by the "sticker" method, was also forced to make' way for th, 1 ticket nominees, bl .-e-n bom the ] race was a close one. Mrs. Cardiff se curing a I 0-vote plurality. 1). ('. Daw won the city attorney ship over M. S. Jamar by a bare- 1 .*. | votes majority, each candidate carry i ing two precincts. Precinct Numbers II 51 (il 72 To'l Mu.i. . . 89 :, I IS.". XT 415— S7 ..70 117 79 53 1128 7.'. 51 CM 108 428—131 89 110 OS 30 201 . .137 137 137 . . 109 109 - 68 ..-11 11 . . . . 107 . . . . 107— 5 1 . . . , 56 . . . . 50 .. . . . . 01 71 162— 10 .... . . 96 56 152 . . . . . . 7.". 10 85 . . 76 fin 154 77 .'567— 15 . . 84 1011 102 r.7— 352 . .158 160 247 133 698 — 698 . . 159 166 240 127 701—701 The most up-to-date information is offered on soil management, crop production, dry farming, irrigation j farming, farm machinery, farm en-! gines, farm management and farm accounts. Instruction is also offered in the allied lines of agriculture, live stock farming, dairy farming, poultry rais ing, fruit growing, housekeeping, and a number of miscellaneous courses of interest to agriculturists and their wives. Any person over 16 years of age may attend. The expenses need not exceed 150.00 to $75.00 and your car fare. All railroads have granted a one and one-third fare on the certifi cate plan. For further information, write the registrar, state College of Washington, Pullman, Wash., stating tie- lines in which you are most In-1 terested. N LEE ALLEN HEADS CHAMBER : "".,? new.'v elected trustees of the namber of commerce have named | Lee Allen p esident of the organiza tion for tha next six months. R. A. j :„,,-. son was elected vice president. .1. N. Scott treasurer, and William M. Porter, clerk. Rose Park hospital has closed its doors and in the future .Miss Ander son will devote her attention to pri vate nursing. • l COLFAX IH'SINESS MEN FA DOUSE si II COLLEGE At a meeting of the Colfax Com mercial Club Wednesday the follow ing resolution, presented by Judge Thomas Neill >...,- unanimously adopted: "Whereas, An tempi will be made at he next session of the legis lature to emasculate tin- State Col lege by preventing it from granting diplomas In many of he branches of science now taught in the State Col lege, and as I here is no economic, social or educational reason for changing the courses of study In th,. State College and in the- University; therefore, be- it "Resolved, I' the Colfax Com mercial Club give to the Stale Coll such support as it can toward main taining its present status, and that the- president of this club convey to President Holland of the- State- Col-! lege and to the State College the feel- MIL', eel this club 11 - herein expressed.V Alt RESTED FOR Will: DESERTION Omar Ortt was arrested this week] at Pal io.- Okanogan county, j charged with having sorted his! wife and family, ho re now living j in Pullman. Sheriff Cole made he arrest ami brought hi man in far! us \\ ( In i. when a cash bond was furnished and the man was released, ' to appear here for trial on December 20.—Palouser. -— WHITMAN DENTISTS MEET IN PULLMAN hi. A. K. Shan Elected President for Coming; * cue— Demonstrations I Valine Successful Meeting The demon toothache would have' effected ;i hasty retreat Lad it run against he big delegation of Whit- ' man count dentists which Monday held its regular quarterly session In j II man. Demonstrations conduct ed by the Pullman dentists In crown ! Inlay work and conductive anasthesla j and pyrorhea were outstanding feat ures of the meeting. The demon strations were he-lei itnmediately fol lowing a noon luncheon tit the Pal ace hotel. The banquet was served at 7: 00 o'clock Monday en Ing, af ter which the informal session was held, when various topics pertaining to modern dentistry were discussed by in' various delegates. The ass.. elation adopted the dental laws of the state of Washington. Dr. A. E. Shaw, Pullman's pioneer dentist, will head the organization as president during the year 1917, while Dr. C. 11. Bentley will serve as secretary, The next meeting will be held in Moscow he first Monday In March. WHITMAN COUNTY GRANGE Whitman County range met tit Colfax last Saturday and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: F. A. Hodges of Ewartsville, mas ter; XV. T. Clarke of Whelan, over seer; Mrs, Mabel Hodge of Ewarts- j v ill.-, lecturer; C. 11. Oderlin of Ps . louse, steward; W. C, Kamerrei of Ewartsville, assistant steward; Mrs. 1 M. Farley of Ewartsville, chaplain; M. Parle) of Ewarts^ treasurer; .Ins. Emert of Whelan, secretary; .1. T. LaFollette of Ewartsville, gate keeper; Ethel Largent, Ceres; Myrtle Story, Pomona; Minnie Bryant, Flora; Madge Neill. lady assistant ; steward. Resolutions were passed opposing any embargo on grain and foodstuffs unless a like embargo Is extended to, manufactured products. Master Hodge was Instructed to appoint committees "I. legislation,'l education and resolutions, all three c of these committees to co-operate in I formulating a legislative program. EPISCOPAL BAZA 111 Come to the Christmas Bazaar Sat urday, the Bth, at the Palace hotel, when the Episcopal Guild will show you desirable articles for Christmas. Come at 2:00 o'clock and get light] refreshments and solve all your! Christmas worries by buying your presents right there. NUMBER 7 ELECTION OFFICIALS PROTEST VIGOROUSLY Resent Action of County Commis sioners in Culling Down Their Claims for Services he election officials of precinct j No. 94, who labored from :00 clock in the' morning of Tuesday, j November 7, till 8:00 o'clock | Wednesday evening, receiving and I counting the 360 ballots cast at the general election In that precinct, j were highly indignant to learn that | the county commissioners had cut I down the claims for their services. and have entered a vigorous protest against such action. They were not i the only ones dissatisfied with the ac jtion of th» commissioners In trim ming claims of election officials, and many protests were filed with the board at their meeting this week. The commissioners have taken the i matter under advisement and any I that they want to treat everybody j fairly. in reference to (he matter Com missioner Whitlow says: "We were unable to reconcile Ihe claims of some precinct officials who j counted a hundred or so votes in I three days' time with the claims of larger precincts who counted twice as many votes, yet only put in claims for the same amount of time. There was such a discrepancy in the total I amount of claims in proportion to the number of votes counted by each set of officials that we were com pelled tee strike an average and lease I all claims from that standard. "For 100 to 150 votes counted we : allowed two days; for 200 to 260, three days; from 250 to 360, three and one-half days, or as nearly upon this basis as possible, if we made any mistakes in our computations up on this basis we will, of course, rec tify them. Our aim was not to cut down, particularly, but to equalize lin various claims as Pest we could." SHORT SFSSION OF CITY COUNCIL At in- meeting of the city council Tuesday evening th.- Inland Co-oper ative Association filed a claim amounting to $71.20 for damage done to its telephone wires and cable on State street, caused by the Wash ington Paving company while blast ing on said street. The claim was referred to the street and highway committee for Investigation, The city treasurer reported that 1278,70 had been paid on the assess ment for paving and curbing in Lo cal Improvement District No. 28, leaving a balance unpaid of $401 6, i 6 The clerk was Instructed to prepare bonds to cover this bal ance. An ordinance was passed changing the name of Main avenua from the west line of lot 10. block 9, to the east line of lot 11, block 7, in College Park .addition, to College avenue and the name of Collego avenue In Campus Park addition to Adams street. The clerk ami engineer were in structed to have the houses in Col- I lege Park addition numbered. An ordinance creating the office of superintendent of the water de partment and making the superin tendent of the water department ex offlcio street commissioner and ex officlo plumbing inspector, was read tor th.- first time, after which the meeting adjourned. PULLMAN MIA FURNISH PROOF OF VERACITY All question as to the veracity of 11,,. fish stories" eminatlng from Oeorge Ritchey and Wilford Allen, former Pullman men who are now located at Grants Pass, Oregon, where tie- Rogue river furnishes abundant opportunities for the Izaak Walton, was dispelled this week when local friends of the pair re ceived a box of mammoth steel-head salmon, caught by hook and line. The fish were beautiful specimens of their kind, weighing as high as six pounds dressed, and the Pullmanltes who were fortunate enough to be re membered by Messrs. Ritchey and Al len will never again take their won derful stories of struggles with the mammoth steel-head beauties with a grain of salt. .. ■ ■ .-.-. ■■..:■-/:■-