■#/.■' Pullman, Wash.
Office and General Practice
and Surgery
X-Ray Pictures of Any Part of
the Body
Private Hospital for Medical
and Surgical Cases
Special Treatment for Eye,
Cur, Nose and Throat
Glasses Properly Fitted
Dr. E. A. Bryan and William
Swain were among the Pullmanites
who transacted business in Spokane
this week.
in- F. A. Bryant of Colfax, county
health officer, was in Pullman the
first of the week looking Into health
conditions. He made a close ex
amination of the septic tank ami the
dumping grounds. Something may
V. W. Clarkson left. Tuesday for
Alberta, Canada, to look after laud
Charles Vollmer went to Spokane
Tuesday, where he purchased four
fine horses for his farm.
Mi:,. W. M. Benedict of the Ban
ner district was taken to Colfax on
Tuesday by Dr. Kimzey and under
went a successful operation there the
following da].
Leu. McKliistrj of the White drug
store force went to Spokane Wednes
day to attend the Sebat tlan Dl urn
mond wedding.
M. I. McCroskej and Porter
Crocker were visitors from the
county seat last Friday.
.1. M. Robertson of Spokane. dis
trict manager of the Prudential In
surance company, was here Saturday
in consultation with ihe locs agent,
N. W. Cairns.
Dr. C. 11. Russell was in Spokane
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. D. M Troy Is suffering from
a severe attack of grippe.
Sunday. May 15, has been fixed as
Sunday School day, and on that date
all persons, adults as well as chil
dren, are urged to attend some Sun
day school,
.las. Kineit went to Spokane yes
terday with his i c year old Bon, Ora.
who will enlist in the navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Keller left
Tuesday for San Diego, Cal., tor the
benefit of his health. He lias been
employed In the dry goods depart
ment of the Emerson Mercantile
company for several years and Mrs.
Keller has been In charge of the
dressmaking and alteration depart
ments. Miss .ie, lie Morrison Will
take her position.
It is reported that Dr. D. 11. Camp
bell has enlisted at Spokane In the
medical corps of the army.
A committee composed of I' 1. 0.
Brownson, chairman, F. C, Forrest,
J x Emerson, Dr. L. 0. Kimzey and
F. E. Sanger has been appointed by
the governing board of the Y. M. C
A., with the approval of Governor
Lister, to organise support for the
army work of the association
Mrs. I. Dyscai entertained a num
ber of ladies Friday afternoon in
honor of her daughter in-law, Mrs.
Kirk Dysarl of Helena. Mont.
c. B. Sprague, assitant horticul
turist at the experiment station, has
resigned his position to accept an
appointment as count) agriculturist
of Kitsap county. He will leave Pull
man In the next lew days.
.1 X. Scott and .lohn Vletsker left
yesterday to Inspect some laud in
Madison valley. Mont., with a view
of Investing,
Mrs. _, W. Thorpe went to John
son yesterday and organized a Red
Cross auxilliary.
Mrs Solon Shedd, president of the
State Federation of Women's Clubs,
is in Colfax today on official busi
P. F. Chad* the Colfax hard
ware merchant, was a Pullman vis
itor Wednesday.
George A. Bostic was surprised i,>
a number of his friends Monday
evening the anniversary of Mr. Ho.s
tic's birth being the occasion for the
celebration. Five hundred was fol
lowed by delicious refreshments.
Miss Barbara Drum of the State
College (acuity visited friends In Col
fax Saturday and Sunday.
Dr. _ Magulre transacted business
at Colfax Tuesday.
C. W. Sorrels has this week old
his i'• m re tract, located l _ miles
from Union, to Don McCumber for
a consideration of $4500. Mr. Mc-
Cumber tab. possession at once.
Hasan & Rati .. handled the deal.
Miss Emma C. Anderson has
moved to Palouse and assumed
charge of the Palouse sanitarium.
B. F. Campbell returned Tuesday
from a business trip to Spokane.
On Thursday evening Captain ami
Mrs. Ostermann entertained their
friends at dinner at Grays tons tea,
after «hit the guests enjoyed
bridge until a late hour.
Miss Helen Hungato spent the
week-end with friends in Colfax.
Mrs. Katharine Poison gave a de
lightfully appointed bridge luncheon
at Qraystone Inn last Wednesday
afternoon in honor of her bouse
guest, Mrs. Shcerin of Indiana.
Ed Tower baa Bold the Tower bar
ber shop to Carl Myers and George
Tail chillis. Mr. Tower will remain
in the shop for He present, but later
expects to engage in farming.
Mayor John W. Mathews was
taken to Lewiston. Idaho, last Friday
111 tie- hope that the change of cli
mato would Improve his health. He
stood the trip well but at last reports
his condition is about the same.
The Historical club met Tuesday
with Mi's A. it. Baker. Mrs. Nys
irom read a paper on "The Geology
ol' Africa." written by Mrs. Patee,
who was absent. Mrs. Win. Porter
Kave a talk on "Cape Colony" and
Mrs. Goodyear and Miss Fowler
played a piano duet.
I-:. A. Thompson, secretary of the
Whitman County Tax league, was up
from Colfax Tuesday, conferring
with President 1). F .Staley.
There will be no meeting of the
Mothers club May I, as scheduled in
the program. The next meeting will
he Prof. Shaw's address on May 15.
Paul Browder and Arthur Dur
ham left. Tuesday for Washington,
H. C, to qualify for their appoint
ments as ensigns in the navy. Their
college diplomas will exempt them
from passing any examination except
Ihe physical one.
Woman with two children wants
stead) place to cook where she has
full charge of the house, A saving
housekeeper, not afraid of work. En
quire at Herald office, apr2ti
The display of sheep jn the Lee
Allen display windows last. Saturday
attracted a great amount of atten
lion The display was arranged by
the First. National bank, which offers
to loan '_'"> boys the money to buy
that number of full blooded Sheep,
and X. W. ('aims, who offers it
blooded sheep to the youngster tak
ing advantage of that offer who sub
mils the best written statement as to
the care of his sheep. The sheep on
display were a pure-bred Shropshire
ewe and her two lambs, from the
col lego farm.
Officers and Enlisted Reserve
lining Camps for commissions
ti Reserve Corps;
Communications regarding any
Army matters,
Any letters or other communica
tions regarding any of above sub
jects should be addressed to: Com
manding General, Western Depart
ment, San Francisco, Calif., and not
to Major General .1. Franklin Hell.
The seven members of the city
council will next Tuesday be special
guests of Ihe chamber of commerce
at the noon luncheon of that organi
zation. Matters of civic importance
will be discussed informally and a
full attendance of members of both
organizations Is urged.
Mr, J, C. Laney, who graduated
with the class of 191".. from the de
partment of agriculture at the State
College, has Jus) returned from Co
diac. Alaska, where he was in charge
of the Galloway herd owned by the
experiment station established by the
United States government at that
point, Mr. l.anev has resigned from
the position and expects to enter the
boys' and girls' (dub work here.
Prof. Rudolph Weaver will give an
Illustrated lecture before the
woman's society of the Federated
Churches, Wednesday, May 2. at
2:30 p. m. His subject will be
Planning the Kitchen for Beauty
and Efficient All women cord
ally Invited to attend
The Christian Science society
holds services every Sunday morning
at 11:0(1 Clock hi Masonic ball.
Subject of lesson-sermon for next
Sunday, "Probation After Death."
Testimonial meetings are held every
first and third Wednesdays of the
month at 8:00 lock p. m. In Ma
sonic ball A free reading room is
open to the public every Saturday
afternoon from 8:00 to 4:00 o'clock,
where authorised Christian Science
.■Hue may be read or borrowed.
Uncle Sam requires perfect eye
sight How about your eyes? See
Dr. Freeman L. Hall, l it Mate St.
Former Pullman Editor Appointed a
Member of the Industrial Acci
dent Commission of Oregon
Friends of Wilford Allen, for
many years publisher of The Pull
man Herald, will be interested in the
following dispatch, published in the
Oregonlu.i of April 24:
Salem, Ore.. April 23. — Wilford
Allen, editor of the Rogue River
Courier ami president of the Grants
Pass Commercial Club, today was ap
pointed by Governor rVithjrcomba as
a member of the industrial Accident
Commission, to fill the place left va
cant by Lieutenant Colonel Carle
A brains, who also was chairman of
Ihe Commission. Lieutenant Colonel
A brains is with the Third Oregon In
fantry, which was called out at the
declaration of war.
The appointment of Mr. Allen de
pends, for its duration, entirely upon
the duration of the present war.
At any lime upon the return of
Lieutenant Colonel Abrams, after be
in.? released from service, Mr. Allen
will voluntarily leave the position.
The commission will now Include
Mr. Allen. Harvey Beck with and W.
A. Marshall. It is not known beth
el Caere will be any reorganization,
but ;, is probable that a temporary
chairman will be selected to serve
as head of the commission until the
urn of Lieutenant Colonel Alt
Under the law the commissioners,
in tin- absence of one of tho commis
sioners, may either select a deputy,
or his abscnca may be filled by the
appointment of a commissioner by
the governor.
"I believe it better that a commis
sioner be named," stated Governor
Withycombe in reference to the ap
pointment. "This commission is
one of the most important of any in
the state, and its work is of such a
nature as to make it practically im
perative that there be three commis
sioners, rather than two commission
ers and a deputy.
"It is understood that Mr. Allen
will serve only during the absence of
Lieutenant Colonel Abrams while
thai officer is away on military duty.
"Mr. Allen will come to the com
mission with the highest of recom
mendations from those who know
him. l have known Mr, Allen Inti
mately lor a number of years, and I
know bis work will reflect credit on
the commission.
"It is essential, with a commission
of this kind, that men of consider
able ability be named to perform the
duties which devolve upon the office,
and Mr. Allen is a man of that
John Henry and J. C. Gamble re
turned last Saturday from their new
ly acquired Montana homesteads,
where they spent a month building
palatial "shacks" for winter occu
pancy. Both the Pullman men, whose
sections adjoin, found flowing
springs near which to build the resi
dences, and on the Henry section was
found a surface vein of coal which
will provide fuel for many years to
Three work mares sob] at the J.
W. Haines & Son sale last week
brought $975, or $325 each. Every
thing offered brought a good price,
the entire sale totaling nearly $1000
above the advance estimate of the
At tho district declamation con
tent at the high school last. Saturday,
Dora Tompson, a pupil of the Sev
enth grade, won first place. Miss
Core, teacher.
Christina Wilson and Dora Tomp
son were winners in the spelling con
test to represent ibis district.
Rev. J. (i. Robinson. Sunday
School and Bible classes at 8:45 a. m.
Morning service at 11:00 o'clock. A
special offering is taken at the Sun
day school, and all that Is brought In
will be devoted to the relief of Ar
Church at 11117 State street. Rev.
P. J. Randolph. 8.D., pastor. Sun
day school at 10:60 a in. English
service at 11:00 a. m. German serv
ice at 3:00 p m. at Presbyterian
church. Special music and singing
by the German department of the
State College. You are welcome.
Ay 4k__\J •
Copyright 1917
Th* HottM »C Kupp«ob«tiMi
Good Fighters and
Good Dressers
You will find none better than American men, when it comes to fighitng;
and none better when it comes to dressing—American men are the best
dressed men in the world. :.
Kuppenheimer Clothes
Have played a big part, in advancing the dress standard of our country, and
yon will easily understand why when you have seen the new Spring Clothes.
These Clothes Are True Blue—Through and Through
No sham or deception lias or ever will be tolerated—quality dictates the
selection of every woolen —guides every operation from the cutting io the
last button,
If you want one of these good suits to serve you. come in and pick from a
fine assortment of tasteful styles—models for men—and young men.
$22.50 $23.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00
Full line of the celebrated Clothcraft Clothes— to $25.00
The Emerson Merc. Co.
In the Superior Court of the State
of Washington in and for Whit
man County.
I. K. Luce and Lorinda Luce, his
wife, plaintiffs, vs. Milton Cook
and the Unknown Heirs of Eliza
beth Gibson and Archibald Gib
son, deceased, and also all other
persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate,
lien or interest in the real estate
described in the complaint here
in, defendants.
To Milton Cook, and the Unknown
Heirs of Elizabeth Gibson and Archi
bald Gibson, deceased, and also all
Other persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate, lien
or interest in the real estate de
scribed in the complaint herein, de
You are hereby summoned and re
quired to appear in the Superior
Court of the State of Washington, in
and for Whitman County, and de
fend the above entitled action in the
court aforesaid, and answer the com
plaint of the plaintiff in the above
entitled action and serve a copy of
your said answer on the person
whose name is subscribed to this
summons at his office in Pullman, in
said county and state, within 60 days
after the date of the first publication
of this summons to-wit: within 60
days after the 13th day of ''April,
17, and if you fail to appear and
defend said action and answer the
complaint within said time, judg
ment will be taken against you ac
cording to the prayer of the com
plaint which is now on file in the
office of the clerk of said court.
The object of this action is to
quiet the plaintiff's title in and to
the east half of the east half of sec
tion 28 township 16 north range 45
E. W. M. in Whitman county, Wash
ington, and to forever exclude you
from claim any interest or right
therein, and for such other relief as
the court may deem proper.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
P. O. address, Pullman, Wash.
April* 3 May 2 8
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington, in and for the
County of Whitman.
In the matter of the Estate of W. G.
M. Hays, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all cred
itors and persons having claims
against the estate of W. G. M. Hays,
deceased, to present their claims to
the undersigned executrix, at the law
office of John W. Mathews, In the
City of Pullman, County of Whit
man, State of Washington, together
with a voucher as is by law required,
within one year from the date of the
first publication of this notice, to
wit, one year from March SO, 1917.
or the same will be barred by the
laws of the State of Washington.
John W. Mathews,
Attorney for Estate.
Estate of Edward 11. Lettermen, De
Notice Is hereby given to the cred
itors of the estate of Edward H. Let
terman, deceased, and to all persons
holding claims against his estate to
present their claims, accompanied by
proper vouchers, to the undersigned
executrix of said estate at the office
of Thomas Neill, attorney for the
estate, at bis office in Pullman,
Washington, within one year from
the date of the first publication ol
this notice or be forever barred.
Date of first publication, Apri
20th, 1917.
owner and save dollars: 520 and 81'
acre tracts of choice level whe*l
land: nearly half under cultivation
good buildings; waterrights as*
partly irrigated; price only $35. Two
Klo-a.r tracts; fine level land, M
not irrigated; price $30. H. J. Faust
Drummond, Mont. ap27mjf
| .
Department or the Interior, U. *
Land Office at Walla Walk
Wash., April 23, 19 17.
Notice is herby given that PU*
E. Bishop of Bishop, Washington
who, on November 3, 1913, "J*"
Homestead Entry, No. 06245,1*
lots 2 and 3, E&SWVi. Section W
Township 13 X.. Range 44 B.jM
amette Meridian, has filed notice 0
intention to make final three-f*'
proof to establish claim to the hw
above dscribed, before Homer
Post, United States Coinissioner, *
Asotin, Washington, on the f<>tt^
day of June, 1917. V
Claimant names as witnesses
George Boone of Wawawai, Waa
Lee Briggs of Bishop, Wash. _
J. Harry McKenzie, of Bisk*
Wash. A-'
Frank Shaw of Lewiston. «**«•
Not coal land. **
We make your watch keep 0*
apr 27 'F. L. BALL, The Je*«*
'■. . . ■
Phone MlB4 for seed pot»«^
'£\ic per pound *