OCR Interpretation

Pullman herald. [volume] (Pullman, W.T. [Wash.]) 1888-1989, October 05, 1917, Image 2

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085488/1917-10-05/ed-1/seq-2/

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Fourth Call Will IU-. Isened to Fill
whitman County's Quoin of
21.1 Men
A fourth call of 300 111**11 for 0*
amination under the draft law will
be made by the Whitman count) ex
emption board to fill up Whitman
county's quota of 201 soldiers, phis
10 per cent, a mark which was not
reached by the first three calls, owing
to the large number of exemptions
granted. Several exemption claims
refused by the local board were
granted by the district board at Ken
new after the men wen* certi
fied, reducing the number of men ac
tually certified for service In the new
army to such _ degree as to requite
the fourth call. Tin* men included
in the last call will be* given five
days' notice before the examination,
the elate of examination not yet hav
ing been decided upon, although i' is
expected to come about the middle
of October. The list of names com
prising the fourth call will be as
901—Archie D. Smith, St. John.
902—Jas. E. Watson, Palouse.
903- -Geo. W. Henning, Thornton.
904—Geo. VV. Noe, Tekoa.
905- -Harry E. Bowen, St. John.
906—Samuel R. Klein. Tekoa.
907 — Chas. E. Spencer. Garfield.
908—Ksl.'V R. Wyatt, Belmont.
909—Carl G. Crook, Elberton.
910—Rolla B. Hill Colfax.
911 —Roy F. Carroll, Endicott.
912 Karl Prophet, Pullman.
913 Henry Schafer, Endicott.
914 —O. R. Linville, Oakesdale.
915—VV. B. Gilbert. Oakesdale.
916 —Clarence Stan. California.
917 —Clarence L. Paulson, Palouse.
918 — Olyn R. Hodge. Pullman.
919 —Harold G. Holt, Pullman.
920—Boyd L. Petty, Colfax.
921 —John Becker, Colton.
922 —Gaspari Romano, Steptoe.
923 —Richie 11. Sterne, Pullman.
924— Perry Cass, Colfax.
925—Frank M. Keating, Almota.
926 — Guy J. Canady, Pine City.
927 —VV. H. Talley, Pullman.
928- Fred L. White. Pullman.
929—Arthur E. Latto, .Maiden. .
930—Roy Green, Hay.
931— Thos. Little, Colfax.
932 —Carl A. Henderson, Endicott.
933—Claude P. Snyder. Riparia.
934—Newton J. Huffman, Colfax.
935 — Chas. ti. Banish, Steptoe.
936 —Edw. Hartley, Winona.
937 —Wm. C. Pope, Penawawa.
938—Albion X. Horrall, Colfax.
939 —Alve E. Fountain, Endicott.
940—Fred I.awing. Lancaster.
941—Wesley K. Snyder. Pullman.
942— Km il D. Jlnnett, Pullman.
943—Carl H. Boschert, Oakesdale.
944 Wallace Marsh, Elberton.
945—Homer V. Stevens, Tekoa.
946Ge0. Hartman. Endicott.
947 —Geo. F. Bateman, Thornton.
948 Arthur C. Brenner, Colfax.
19 — Max C. Bartlett, LaCrosse.
950 — ,ias. H. Faulkner, Wyoming.
951—Thos. C. Wise. Hay.
952— ("has L. Fowler, Diamond.
953 —Geo. A. Simmons. Steptoe.
954— Grover Getty, Tekoa.
955 —Eden R. Beniley. Pullman.
956 -Arthur C. Weitman. Thornton.
957—Peter R. VanDyke, Pullman.
958 —Emmet A. Sheahan, Thornton.
959 Fred a. Jennings, Moscow
960 — ("has. II Simpson. Oakesdale.
960Vi —Mark Stuart. Ewan.
961—John W. Bowerman. Rosalia.
963 Glen A. McClure. Oakesdale.
963—Lee R. Wlggens, Colton.
964 Alexander Breltghan, Riparia.
965- -A. Busplianos. Pullman.
966—Geo. W. Westacott, Garfield.
967- Wesley Loeper, Rodna.
968—Frank VV. Stewart, Johnson.
909 —Arnold Mack, LaCrosse
—John W. Shaw, Pullman.
971- Peter Rosgen, Jr., Colton.
973 —Thos. O. Sanders, Palouse.
973—Geo: W. Hughey, Ewan.
974—John H. Schlerman, Endicott.
975A11en M. Lacey. Colfax.
976— ('has. Moore, LaCrosse.
977—Frank W. /.ink. Pullman.
978 Frank L. Spils. Colton.
979 — Albert Troupe, Winona.
980— Hastings. Colton.
98 I —John Mans, Tekoa.
9*2 Peter Mougios. Winona.
983—Ralph E. Mill. Albion.
984—Glen Hall. Oklahoma.
llS —Jas. K. Creed. Pullman.
986—Wm. E. Brown, Tennessee.
987—Earl E. Melt asters, Garfield.
988—Harry L. Crisp. Garfield.
989— Ernest Bin her. Winona.
990—Morris B. Jones, Palouse.
991 Guy E. Mack, LaCrosse.
992— Harry B. Ross. Tekoa.
993— Samuel R. Mortimer. Sunset.
994— David Heldinger, Penawawa.
995— F. E. Tomlinson. Colfax.
996—John B. Schmick. Endicott.
997— Gus Morley. Colfax.
998— Ira A. Snyder. Tekoa
999— Wiley G. Prater. Wilcox.
1000—David Miller, Colfax.
1001— J. H. Potfenroth, Endicott.
lots Thos. J. Barker. Moscow.
1003— Bins H. Stanley, Oakesdale.
1004— it. R. Pish. Oakesdale.
100.". — Many C. Se hultS, Rosalia.
1006—Silas V. Hale. Garfield,
100* —Roy Sterns, Pullman.
100S —Grover S. Jamison, Tekoa.
1009— R. Williams. Farmington.
1010— Norval 1). Janney, Tekoa.
101] —w. x. Griffith, Pullman.
1012 John H. Roberta, Maiden.
1013 —Charlie Blair, Parmlngton,
1014 —Carl V. Carlson, Garfield.
1013 —J. T. Grown, Hooper.
1016 -—John C. Hannah, Hooper.
1017 —Hugo W. Ray man, Rosalia.
1018-- Roy Weedtnan, Idaho,
1010- Wilbur 1). Henry. Pullman.
1020—John R. Sihmick. Endicott.
1021 —Hurry wards, Tekoa,
1022—Will Annos, Canyon.
i 023 —-Alfred Ramirez, Hooper.
1024—Chester A. McCabe, Thornton
1025 John M, Work, Sunset,
1026 Perry E. Jones, Albion.
i 027 — Wallace A. Ledbetter, Rosalia
1028 —Wm. C. Prlndlvllle, Pullman.
1029 — Samuel 1. Wilson, St. John.
1030—Eugene P. Barber, Colfax.
103 — Joe Allelic Spokane.
1032 -Frank S. Sannizzaro, Almota.
1033 —Walter F. Pickelsimer, Farm
1034—Henry Kleweno, Endicott.
1035 — .1. E. Maynard, Palouse.
1036- J. J. Humphreys, Oakesdale.
1037—John 11. Morasch, Colfax.
1038 — /.Ivan A. Abbott, Colfax.
1039 -C. VV. Matson, Albion.
1040 — Huston A, Mayfield, Hay.
1041 —Daniel Lorch, Colfax.
104 2—W. A. Bailey, North Carolina.
1043 — Paul A. Finstad, Pullman.
1044—Luther H. Henley, Hay.
104 5— Robert A. Potter, Thornton.
1045 Mi -Otto 11. Schwenne, Union
1040—Fred Bilyeu, Lamont.
1047— Oscar O. Van Tine. Elberton.
1048—Thos. E. Maxwell, Tekoa.
1049—Herbert A. Newton", Pullman.
1050—Clifford C. Shipley, Rosalia.
1051 —Ludwig Blau. Elberton.
1052—Steven E. Kendall, Oakesdale.
1053—Wm. Striebich, Uniontown.
1054 —Oscar E. Barbee, Pullman.
1055- Howard 11. Frank, I'alouse.
1050— Elmer K. VVidiuan, Rosalia.
1067 — Hubert A. Spalding, Pullman.
1058 —Everett R. Carter, Garfield.
1059— Peter L. Schireirian, Endicott.
1060 —Arthur .1. Peterson, Colfax.
1001 — Benton A. Poole, Tekoa.
1002 — Jesse McMilllan, Garfield.
1003 —Walter A. Brooks. Thornton.
1064 Trevor Goodyear, Pullman.
1005 — Harry A. McCue, Hooper.
1066 — Geo. Bader, Pullman.
1007— Horace Kincaid, Colfax,
1068 — Ben M. Uenishi, Maiden.
1069 ('has. li. Games, Pullman.
1070— Mosa C. Harrison, Sunset.
1071- —John Moore, La('rosse.
1072 —Wm. 11. Davidson, Steptoe.
1073—.Milton iMeHargue, Farming
1074—John W. Crowe, Laniont.
107 5—W. H. Pritchard, Pullman.
1076 Harry A. Cox. I'alouse.
1077 —Robert L. Thoney, Pullman.
1078- Roy E. Troub, Winona.
1079— Grover Guler, Maiden.
1080— Jos. ,i. Nlcolay, Colfax.
1081 — Ralph 5-umhoff, Pullman.
1082 —Win. Xasipulos. Winona.
1083 Chas. L. Edgerly. Colfax.
IHS4— Jos. G. Saboe, Seattle.
1085—Athlon P. Mechling, Colfax.
1086 — Waldo Rot r, Bine, City.
1087—Chas. L. Hornstein, Jr., Mis
1088 —Geo. T. Spinning, Pullman.
'"9 — Manuel G. Rosa. Portugal.
1090—Harley D. Sain, Oakesdale.
1091— Leon F. Roid, Oakesdale.
1092 —Job w. Schuedman, Pena
1093 —Wm. M. Hooper, Pullman.
1094—John W. Rubin, Almota.
1095 —Henry J. Schrieber, Endicotl
1090—Chas. 11. Thomas, Hooper.
1097—John Gessinger, Colton.
1098 — Albert L. Kile, Sunset.
I 099 — Ernest E. Voge. Rosalia.
1100— Carl W. Reese, Pampa. i
1,111 —Emett E. Mcßroom, Seattle.
I 102 Julius Herbert, Penawawa.
i 103 Charlie W. Moon, Farming
1104— Rufus L. Barbee, Pullman.
1105—Samuel Snyder, Riparia.
1100— Ralph .1. Squires, Sunset.
i 107 Nelson .VI. Vaughn, Pullman.
110S—Fred Rolf, ,1,-., Colton.
1109—Everett R. Smith, LaCrosse.
1110 —Vinci! F. Lemon. Garfield.
1111— .lohn A. Strelb, Colfax.
1112—Samuel H. Hester, Thornton.
111.". — John C. I.aiiey, Pullman.
1114— Lee Mael, Pullman.
1115—Louis E. Willey, Thornton.
1110— Wm. Nelson LaCrosse
1117— P. H. Baalbergen, Pullman.
1118—Venus A. Verhel, I'alouse
1119—Claude R. Stone. Pullman.
1120— Alfred Fisher, St. John.
1121 — Harry Davis. Sunset.
1122—0. E. Simmons, Thornton.
1123— Han.ld Johnson, LaCrosse.
1 24 — Louis L. Parker, Lamont.
125 —W. R. Splater. Hay.
1126 —Ernest S. Bchlunagar, Wilcox.
1127—John J. Richards, Farming
1128— Ernest W. Foreman, Maiden.
1129—Victor L. Davis, Pine City.
1130—Merle Hunt, St. John.
1131—Samuel F. Williams. Hay.
11.12— Win. H. Parxln. Colfax.
113.1—Thos. L. Drisklll, Pullman
11.1.—Ira P. lilinian, Colfax.
1135 —Walter D. Squires, Pullman
1136—Edw. W. Farr, Albion.
1137 —Charlie W. Holtoman, Sunset.
1138 — Hugh I. Morrow, LaCrosse.
1139- Henry Xeihenke, Colfax.
i 140 —Walter O. Perry, Pampa.
1141— Glen B. Dollard, Elberton.
1142 — Henry V. Butcher, Latah.
Nt:: — ciias. A. Hargrave, Lancaster.
1144— Chas, ii Ogan, Palouse.
i i i"c —.Moses ii. Boat —Hooper. »
11 40—Varvil S. Thompson, Idaho.
1147—Neil W. Carroll. Palouse.
Ills Jesse __, Perkins, LaCrosse.
1149 — Horace Davidson, St. John.
.149% —Clarence Hall, Pullman.
II.".(I—II. L. Burch, Colorado.
11",1— .1. H. McCroskey, Garfield,
li:s2— Floyd A. Lyle. Pullman.
1153— rC. C. Stilson, Thornton.
1154—Ben (',. Zesiger, Wilcox.
1155 — Thos. Reynolds, Albion.
II ."it. —John Fields, Winona.
I I .'.7 — Chas. i.. Turner, Seattle,
1 158 —Clifford I). West, Lancaster.
1159 —Roy E. Thompson, Albion.
1160— Martin (lepa, Hooper.
1101- a. ii. Hilderbrand, Perm.
i i 62 — Oscar E. Malsten, Tekoa.
1103 — Ernest Vicals, Hooper.
1104—Lyle M. Baxter, Palouse,
I I 65 —Chas. E. Bo wen, St. John.
1100 -Richard Boyles, Colton.
1107 —Tom B. Hester, Thornton.
1168 — Sherman E. Holliday, La-
1169 Chris Helzer, Endicott.
I 17" —Walter It. Goodrich, Colfax.
1171—Mart T. Fowler. Colfax.
1172—.1a5. V. Currence, Pullman.
117:! — A E. Turner, Rosalia.
117 —M. C. Carlori; Maiden.
1175— w. J. Vousman, Farmington.
1170Geo. J. Fuchs. Uniontown.
1177 — Joe Marque/. Hooper.
1178 —Albert E. Knight, Winona.
1170— Solomon Metsger, Endicott.
1180 —Harvey 11. Lynde, Palouae.
1181—Geo. Spuler, Palouse.
1182—Leslie A. James, Pullman.
11 S3 —Conrad Kaiser, Endicott.
1184- John J. Schmick, Endicott.
1185 —Herman J. Freier, Steptoe.
186 —E. J. McVey, Uniontown.
1187—Ernest V. [legman, Pullman.
1188- Ira Ma toon, Tekoa.
I 198 B. F. Ellis. Rosalia.
1199—Frank B. Healy, Thornton.
1200 — Arthur V. Ensley. Hay.
1201Wm. V. Jen ney, Tekoa.
1202—Harry L. Hubbard, Colfax.
1203 —A. L. J. Milhahn, Spokane.
1204—John Cronin, Rosalia.
1205 — Henry Mundt, Rosalia.
1200— Jesse N. Cruse, Garfield.
•In the* Superior Court of the State
of Washington, in and for the
County of Whitman.
In 'he- Matter of the Estate of Win
field A. Standard, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that A. R.
McClaskey, administrator with the
will annexed of the estate of Win
field a. Standard, deceased, has ren
dered and presented for settlement
to, and filed In the Superior Court of
Whitman County, State of Washing
ton, his Final Account as such ad
ministrator with the will annexed,
and a petition for the distribution of
said estate, in which the Court is
asked to settle said estate, distribute
the property to the heirs or persons
entitled to the same, and discharge
Co' saiel A. R. McClaskey, adminis
trator with the will annexed, and
that Friday, the 19th day of October,
1917, at 10:00 o'clock a. m . at the
court room of our said Superior
Court, in the City of Colfax, in said
Whitman County, has been duly ap
pointed by our said Superior Court,
for ihe hearing and settlement of
said Final Account and Petition for
Distribution, at which time and
place any person interested in said
estate may appear and file his ex
ceptions in writing thereto and con
test the same.
Witness the Hon. R. L. .McCroskey.
Judge of the said Superior Court,
and the seal of said Court affixed
this I Ith day of September, 1917.
' seal County Clerk.
By M. P. Bellinger, Deputy,
See Duthie for all kinds of
lumber. apr24tf
Dr. M. J. Beistel, Physician and
Surgeon. Located in new First Na
tional Bank Bldg. Office and gen
eral practice. Answers country and
town calls day and night. Has large
Sanitarium for Surgical and Medical
cases. Has largest X-ray equipment
for diagnosis. Special treatment for
eye, ear, nose, and throat diseases.
Glasses fitted properly. sep'.ltf
Genuine Owl Creek coal. You net
ie at the Potlatch. sep2Bacs
Five-room bouse in College Park ad
dition. Inquire of H. Kimbrough.
Insure with McClaskey. jan26tf
| "What a Beautiful Coat You!
| Are Wearing J
i n&r '■'''■•
.___ K. ' _ni \ «iS"j/"X«w _J»l,^^._.^ Vval
______^_V'f t a N \ "••.,.,- '*K." is/: mOma*\
<m OCZrz. __f\ \ ■ \iA
—__— ~ :"•".'
S Isn't it a feeling of intense satisfaction to have your fronds compliment you on the am.* U
ness of your coat. Certainly! * ""-smart- M
Aren't you thrilled through an.l through to hear them express favorable views on v«„. _
vAf fall garment. Why, of course,; you are! }ow ft
II Then lot your next coat be one of our M
JJ "Stylishly Distinctive" A
9 These garments have the .style at attracts admiration. ft
\_ Their fine tailored appearance can not escape the eye. II
W Their distinctiveness and individuality are always pleasing, and reflect the fine taste ami V
g? good judgment of the owner. V
Jk When you buy a "Classic" Coat you buy a garment ultimate in style—refined and unusu- H
II ally smart and one that will wear. ' U
& The materials an* quality in every respect, and the workmanship that goes into "Classic" _
_A Coats produces a garment which is always good looking, because that workmanship is put there fi
WA Coats produces a garment which is always ..rood looking, because tbat workmanship is nut there W
to stay. It
M Conn- to this store arid try on one or more of those exceptional coats. Then see yourself %
g? in the mirror and notice how perfectly the garment fits. Will you be pleased? To'be sure X
IV you will ! z II
II .Many new ones came to us by express this week. And these coats are priced just right. /
4 $15.00 to $60.00 |j
4 Are always sold at It^^^i Choice at (j
$1.00 _wt- $2,001
In practically every city of conse^nen'.e throughout the United States there is one II
?C In practically every city of consequence throughout the United States there is one li
11 Wirthmore Store—JUST ONE. ft
SThe Wirthmore Store is always a leading store; a progressive store —a store bending its it
every energy to give its patrons the utmost in value for every dollar expended. U
The Wirthmore Stores have adopted a most < conomical method of merchandising Ladies' V
jjw Waists—which in a sense combines the purchasing power of all into one gigantic whole, kl
11 The result of this method means purchasing materials in great quantities at tremendous ft
5r savings — keeping factories busy continuously--huge production with lower making costs— «
(^ elimination of selling expense—a thousand '..nd one economies. fl
fl To our patrons this method has meaat large savings in the past; to them it will mean far a
\J greater savings this fall— many rf our Blouses will not be advanced at all in price; *
Nk others but slightly. 11
■j . .And ,as in the past, the very frequent arrivals of the new Blouses will insure the LATEST ft
|2 Be One to Share These Generous Savings by Always buying Blouses Here W
% ——
IC. R. Sanders Co.|
limrnsiwrnsr .■■■- mt W iiJ
< . .j- _■■: ■'*.■.&-..•■
I H i"* ETOR real bargains in Wool Under-
J| J, 11 - * ear call for No. 1200 if you
•■ want a wool union suit valued at
¥ ¥¥ TO $2.50 for $1.69. Others at $1.95,
H I Ii» $2.25, $2.45 and $2.65.
m mm~ r

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