OCR Interpretation

Pullman herald. [volume] (Pullman, W.T. [Wash.]) 1888-1989, October 05, 1917, Image 3

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085488/1917-10-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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SEPTEMBER 20, 1917
c ■.
,?Edwin G. Scott et ux., Louis R.
c-ott et »\. to W. P. Syron. tract In
feneq 32-18-45, $1.
'?Philip Blau to VV. P. Syron, part
32-18-45, $10.
:= ".lurry S. Hogan et ux. to Sallie
Cotiees, lot I, part lot 2, blk 16, Pres
et an Perkins add, Colfax, $5.
Chas. N. Gowdy to 11. 11. Smith et
UI tract in lot 2. McGee's subdiv.,
lots ti »of 1-45, $3600.
lots, i.
frsiwald, Inc., to Washington Ex
nloitatie Maatschappy, dams, read
gates, etc., $10.
Washington Exploitatie Maais
chappy to the Ho °Per Realty Co.,
dam, headkates, etc., near Rock lake,
Contract to SoU
B. F. Sherfey et ux. to W. T.
Smith et ux., nh seq, swq seq 15-16
Geo. Trachan to VV. E. Neace, sec
35-19-39, wh 19-19-40, seq, eh swq,
swq SWQ. s0(l nW(I 18-19-40, nh 19
--18-40, one-third crop.
H. H. Smith et ux. to Chas. N.
Gowdy, tract in lot 2, McGee's suhd.,
lots 1 and 2 of 5-14-45, $2600.
Dora M. Nilsson et vir to Tekoa
State Bank, crop on seq 24-20-45,
part neq 30-20-45, $175.
Otto Sproat to F. A. Davis, live
stock, $750.
DeTweede Northwestern and Pa
cific Hypotheek Bank, to Frelwald,
Inc., al.. real mtge, $35,000.
SEPTEMBER 21, 1917
Willie Hurley to Catholic Bishop
s—■ im '■ *» i __— i i
Hart, Sohaffner & Marx Clothes are absolutely
Guaranteed All Wool
At a time when every dollar you spend ought to be looked at
twice before parted with, just remember you ought to look
more than twice at what you are going to gel for it. Good
clothes, like everything else, cost more than formerly, but it'
all-wool is best and cheapest, yon ought to have it.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx's Label Is a Sure Sign
of All Wool
Men's Outfitter
$5.00 Per Acre
We have 5000 acres of steam plow land
to break; will pay $5.00 per acre. Land
is close to Conrad and Devon, Mont.
Farmers with equipment needed badly. We
have plenty of other farm work to let on
We have several places we can sell on
crop payments.
320 Acres, 2 miles from town and
elevator, improved with 5-room
house; 60 acres broke and all
] Come in and see us —Talk over some fine bargains we have
hi Montana land in the celebrated Conrad district of Montana.
The opportunity to buy improved wheat land that will average
30 bushels per acre yield at $25 per acre, will not last long
and will never come again. Certainly not with wheat bringing
$2.00 per bushel.
N. W. Cairns, Pullman Agent. Phone 7
or Spokane, undivided half lota ,„
It, 12, blk 14, Oak-sedate, $1.
Claud B. Sprague .-tux. to A. E.
»W. lot 1. blk 1. Ruby MM, Pull
man, -t s 15 feet lot 8. blk 2, Law
rence and Holbrooka add. Puiiman
J. S. Heard ci u\. i,, C. E. Ross, lot
1. hlk M. Campus Park add. Pullman
; $2100.
Marshall K. Snell et ux. to Cleve
| land Smith, nh lots 1 1, 15, 10, blk
; 15, Ewan, $100.
Maxie C. Morse to Fred Cooper,
lots 12, 13, 14. blk 16, College Hill
add, Pullman, together with strip of
j land 10 feet wide vacated from the
alley along the n ends of said lots
■ ami the- strip of land 40 feel Ide va
cated from Fariss avenue ahum the
, s end of said lots, $175.
Alfred B. Slagle et ux. to M. C.
Handley. lots 2 to 13 inc., blk 39, Re
survey. Steptoe, $1.
Henry C. Savage et al. to Catholic
j Bishop of Spokane, undivided one
; hair of lots 10, ii. 12. blk 14, Oakes
dale, $125.
E. m. Durfee et ux. to David
Hughes, tract In 1 4-18-43, $700.
W. E. Dwyer, guardian of estate of
A li. Gregg, to Valentine Voelker,
undivided one-sixth interest in lots
1, 2. .'!, blk 23, Minimi's add. Rosalia,
S. and J. Rosenhaup Co. to Mar
tin Hendrlckson et ux., lots 1, 2, 2.
hlk 23, Mumm's add, Rosalia, $166.
S. and J. Rosenhaup Co. to Mar
tin Hendrlckson et ux., lots l, 2, 3,
4, blk 2. Robert's add. Oakesdale;
seq 23-19-44, part swq 23-19-44, $1.
Sidney Schulin to Martin Hen
drlckson et UK., same land as above,
Bertha Schulein to Martin Hen
drickson et UK., same land as above,
Martin Hendrlckson et ux. to Ber
tha Schulein. lots 1. 2, 4, Roberts
_■"■"■—-—"gT^^ ii .ji. ' '. .." J. _
•dd, Oakesdale, seq 2.1-19-44, part
■wq 2.'!-l ',1-4 ii i rtnn
Ct-cll C. Mofritl to Kate mm,
tracts in 1-17-4 4. $700.
Pred Cooper et ux. to .1. H. Robin
son, lots 12. 13, 14, blk i.i, College
Hill add, Pullman two tracts in Pull
man, $ I 50.
C. E. Rom to Chas. X. Gowdy, lot
i. blk 2. Campus Park add. Pullman
Ralph 11. Allison ot ox, and How
ard \V. Arnold et us . to Cleveland
Smith, lot 21; blk 22. Ewan
Andy I.ea< h to Hank of Winona,
live stock. $ 150.
C. 11. Snyder et ux. to Claude W.
Palmer, live stock, machinery.
J. W. Morgan to Farm State
Bank, St. John, 1000 sacks of wheat
and 200 sacks of oats on neq neq
28-19-42; sh sh 22-19-42; 100 acres
in nh 27-19-42] $1700.
W. H. Trlbbct el ux. to John P.
Duke, live stock, machinery, $1200.
J. D. O'Connor to \v. \\\ Davis,
piano, wagon, $70,
Pullman Savings & Loan Associa
tion to Claude R. Sprague et ux., real
HIT __.*.
W. A. Evans to Ralph 11. Allison
ci al.. real mtge.
Alice C. Eberbach to F. L. Kinney
et ux.. real mtge, $3500.
Emma Inscore to E. M. Durfee et
ux., real mtge, $SOO.
Security State Rank, Palouse, to
W. H. Tribbct et ux., chattel mtge.
Bank of Winona to Roy Troub,
chattel mtge., $300.
Garfield National Rank to W. H.
McGowan, chattel mtge, $600.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1917
11. \V. Livingston and Frank W.
Kuhn to R. J. Skaife, part lot 1, blk
'.i. Colfax, $1776.
Minnie L. Latta and husband, to
('has. N. Gowdy, lots 4, 5, 15, 16, 17„
I.alias Bubd, seq 32-15*46, $300.
J. S. Parvin et ux. to Jane T.
Mosher, sh swq; swq seq 36-16-44,
R. ,1. Skaife et ux. to P. R. Strav
ens. part lot 1, blk .'. Colfax, $950.
S. P. Weaver to R. R. Grant, real
First State Rank, LaCrosse, to E.
.1. Curtis, real mtge.
SEPTEMBER 24, 1917
Joseph Wright et ux. to Luke Rest,
eh seei 13-20-40, $1.
Mary J. Stuart to Clyde Ropkins
et ux., nh Beg, nh swq, lots 5, 6 of 80
--13-38, except, wh neq 30-13-38, ex
cept, lots in Texas City, $ l.
Simon Frederlcb et u\. to D, 11.
Cameron, lota 1. 2 of 32-19-46,
Virginia Butcher et al. to Asa
White, lot 1, pt lot 2, blk 16, Pres
cott & Perkins' Riverside add, Col
fax, $900.
John C. Kamerrer et ux. to Trus
tees of Ewartsville Grange, No. 114,
pi 17-1 1-4 1, .Si.
Arthur J. Whitten et ux, to John
C. Kammerer, neq neq, seq neq 18
--14-44 .except, $ I.
Jane T. Mosher to J. S. Pan In, sh
swq, bw q sop 36-1 6-. $9000.
John Hall el ux. to Lizzie Darnold,
.lots 1, \2, 3, 4? 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12,
blk 2, Fowlers add, Diamond, $1600.
('has. Lyons to David Hughes, un
divided one-third interest in blk B,
Perkins 2nd add, Colfax, l 00.
John C. Kamerrer to Ida M. Kam
errer, pt 18-14-44, pt 17-14-44,
A. M. Folsom el ux. to Myrtle Mills,
Bwq 24-30-39
li. H. Cameron el ux. to Simon
Frederich, lots I, 2, of 32-19-46,
Chas. E. Hair el ux. to Citizens
State Bank of Tekoa, neq 33-16-40,
E. W. Roellich et ux. to Rank of
Rosalia, live stock, machinery, auto,
crop on nwq 7-20-44. $2900.
Hilda Taleris to Star Bottling &
Mfg. Co., real mtge.
H. 1). Mills to A. M. Folsom et ux.,
real mtge.
John P. Nixon to George Beadl el
ux.. real mtge.
Citizens State Bank of Tekoa to
Chas. S. Hair et ux., real mtge.
McGregor Land & Livestock Co.
to C. L. He,skin-, chat.
Rill of Sale
John C. Kamerrer to Ida M. Kam
errer, live stock, etc., $7000.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1917
D. ('. Comstock et ux. to Ira W.
Follis, part 4-17-4."-. $10.
L. E. Largent to State of Washing
ton, part tract E, sec 11-16-4 3, $8,
for roadway.
Milo Roland to State of Washing
ton, roadway over tract D, sec 11
--16-43, $150.
W. E. Thomas to State of Wash-
Mm_^^ ' *" ' — t,m^_______ W1 \f\
VtV '¥___■ /^lfflv\ '^^HH -—nmrnr _____fl //%i _r __fl^ \
| Sets the Pace Twentieth Year ijij
I Two Generations Have Learned ijij
j to Place in Oldsmobiles that Same ijij
j Implicit Confidence They Have Ijij
! in the Oldest Bank in Town, 111
; HTHE OLDSMOBILE is a beautiful car to own, an enjoy- j!;!
j A able car to ride in, an easy car to drive, an economical |j|j
j car to maintain. The eight-cylinder motor is remarkably flex- !jj|
\ ible and there is a fascinating smoothness of overlapping power ;!;!
j impulses. Confidence and pleasure are thus afforded in driving, Ijij
! without gear shifting, in the dense traffic of the city or on the jjjj
! long, steep pulls of the country road. « jjji
; Six cylinder models are built in Touring Cars and Roadsters, at $1185. |ji|
! Eight cylinder models are built in Touring Cars, Roadsters '!]!
; and Club Roadsters, at $1467. !]i|
| F. O. B. Lancing, Mich. ; < V
! B. F. CAMPBELL, Dealer
ington, roadway over part swq Beg!
2-16-13, $25.
Ira W. Foil la to D. C, C omstock, I
part 4-17-45, 200.
Alfred P. Johnson to R. A. John
son, lot 1. eh lot 2, blk 5, Garfield, '
SEPTEMBER 26, 1917
United States to Mary Leach, lot I
1, neq nwq 30-18-39.
United States to Cyrus Salisbury,
swq neq, seq nwq, eh Bwq :'!-'-
A. B. Slagle et ux. to Geo. W. Fol
lls, lot 7, blk 14, Resurvey Steptoe.
Philip Broeckel el ux. to Win.
Broeckel, eh neq 30, eh seq 30-15-411
eh wh seq 19-15-41, part nwq 29-15
--11. part nwej 29-15-41, part nwq 29
--15-4 l. $1.
Railway Land and Improvement
Co. to <;. w. Follis, lots 1 to IS inc.,
hlk Hi, lots 14 to 26 inc., blk 21. lie
survey Steptoe, $800.
Otis J. Markbam et 'i>.. to Royal
Haynes, tract 4, Kaeppler's add in
Maiden, $10.
Wesley F. Temp ro el ux. to C. J.
Pay. neq 7-16-45; $11,000.
Jas. Jennings et al. to Paschal Jen
nings, lot 'J, sh nwej. -.*e| 3-18-42, $1,
W'm. Broeckel "> Philip Broeckel,
eh ot neq 30, eh of s.^i 30-15-41,
Robt. Green well to First National
Bank, Pullman, live stock, machin
ery, two-thirds crop, $3200,
Fred Relf, Jr., and S. F. Reil to
Pullman State Bank, live stock, ma
chinery, $1800.
R. J. Huntley to E. E. Huntley,
livestock, machinery, two-thirds crop
on nh .'7-1 7-43, 16000.
Fred and S. F. Reif to Pullman
State Bank, two-thirds crop on neq,
nh seq 21-13-4.",, seq neq. eh seq 17
--13-4 swq seq 17-13-4 5. 800.
N. K. iiott to F. L. Gordon, two
thirds crop seq 32-15-39, nh 6-1 i- 19
sh 6-14-39, 40 tons bay, 270 sacks
wheat, 21 tons barley, livestock, ma
chinery. $7000.
J. W. and Sarah Rodger* '■■> First
State Hank, Garfield, two-thirds
crop, sb of 22-18-44, eh of 20-19-45,
nwq 28-19-45, $5700.
Bert Bonney to First Btate Bank,
Garfield, live stock, harness, etc.,
SLAB WOOD at the Potlatch.
We Have Ofttimes Explained
hoW Well we could take care .- -\ ,
of your household «oods WHENEVER -JE^
- „ "ii 7, A man fzyyi!*
bow caretully we would move 1 starts r*Jv* *\
them and how safely we TO . &'_%?&__
. EXPLAIN _Z ___9^_\
would slur.* them. Let us he / X'^eCj''
demonstrate this to be a fact. shoulp l^l^K/ys^
Our piano moving has struck A«f E -r_ C $%&_[
in. discordant note in this i ro >&:^rO
town ami when it comes to DEMONSTRATE JV7 _* \A>
transferring a safe 'we've got F~*—\ ' Z~^F' \-W_
the proper combination to IA \lf*\<r
do the work-. r^AAz\
S|||§§fek. First National Bank Midi,'.. on Olson St.
LETUSKNOWi Office Phone 2492 Res. Phone 1184
Your Opportunity
Is In Canada!
Good Farm Land at
$11 to $30 Per Acre
The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has millions of mm of
ibe» choicest farm hinds in Canada, which it offers to fanners ou
.exceptionally Attractive terms: one-tenth purchase j>rict. down,
balance extended over 20 years, with no further payment but In
terest during first four years following purchase. Prices $11 to $30
an acre, 0 jut cent interest, with privilege of paying In foil at any
Taxes average less than *-■'> per quarter section.
No taxes on improvements, personal property or Ilea stock.
<-<«hI markets, churches, schools, roads, and telephone*..
...migration from the United States during the present year has
shown a greater increase tluin during any previous year.
The farmer from the United Stall's is quirk to realize the wonder
ful possibilities of raising high priced grain and live stock on
Canada's low priced lands.
SjKxial rebate of interest »■> actual settlers.
Low rates furnished to honteeeekers.
For full information call or write
District Representative Canadian Pacific Ituilway Co.
department Colonization and Development
70S Sprague Avenue, Spokane, Wo.li.

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