Newspaper Page Text
EWARTSVILLE | Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hollenbeck A leased the Bert Hately farm nd expect to move onto it in a few days- Ernest Deutsch', who lives at the V ti. Higgins home', was quite ill a tew days last week. Mis. John A. Smith, who has been Halting her mother, Mrs. Joseph . Bt -figer. left last Thursday for Grangeville'. Idaho, where she and her husband will reside. Read** Young last week purchased « new Ford truck from O. T. Hill of Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. C O. Kellogg have returned home from Montana, where they spent sometime looking after property interests. Miss Vera Kellogg has been visit ing at the home of her father, C. O. Kellogg, for several days. Mrs. W. A. Davidson and daugh ter, Lorena, of Dayton, and Mrs. Davidson's son. ("has. Williamson of Spokane, were guests from Thursday until Friday at the J. M. Klemgard home. Mrs. Davidson is Mrs. Klein gard's stepmother. Cecil Eaton has purchased a new Oakland car, having disposed of his Ford. Miss Ethel Largent, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. .1. T. LaFol lette, returned last Friday to het home at Kahlotus. V. ti. Hinging and A. F. Carrothers have each purchased a new Hupmo bile from the Eastman Motor Car company of Colfax. Mrs. Hen Henson and children of near Pullman were Sunday guests at the home of .Mrs. Henson's mother. Mrs. L. .1. Story. Mr. and Mrs. Perry llaMim and children were guests on Sunday at the home of Kir. Haxton's brother, Roy liaxton. Mr. and .Mrs. T. P. Lyle and daugh ter, Elaine, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Rueker at the V. L. Higgins home. Lawrence Rueker of Albion spent Sunday and Monday at the home of his mother, Mrs. M. E. Rueker. Air. and Mrs. Cleo Greer and lit tle son, Wilbur, of Pullman spent Sunday at the M. Farley home. Mr. and Mrs. John Kane and daughter, Frances, Henry Travis and Miss Delma Hall were Colfax vlsrt ots Monday. Harvest is practically over, and many farmers are sowing grain for the next year's crop. John Kane has purchased a used Ford ear from Henry Travis, the lat ter having bought himself a new one. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Paullus have moved to Pullman for the winter. Master Harold Rueker of Albion was the guest of Master Homer Hol 'liday Sunday Mrs. T. F. Lyh* and little daugh ter, Ela<i.oT spent last week in Pull man with Feme and Elmore Lyle, who are attending school there. Mrs. Nat Bryant and daughter, Lois, motored to Colton Sunday to visit Miss Lola Bryant, who is at tending St. Scholastica's academy at that place. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Snyder and children spent Sunday as guests at the J. M. Klemgard home. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Kellogg and Master Joe Kincaid spent Sunday at the A. 1). P. Keith ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kirn aid will move onto the Heidecher farm this fall.Nhaving leased it for a term of years. The Cochran and Seitz fam ilies, who have resided there for several years, will move onto their own farm near Albion. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Martin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Neill, near Pullman. i Mr. and Mrs. George Whitten and Mr. Whitten's aunt, Mrs. Ella Brock, all of Pullman, spent Sunday at the A. J. Whitten home. Mrs. W. C. Kamerrer and little son, John Harold, have returned to the J. c. Kamerrer home, softer spending sometime at the home of Mrs. Kamerrer's mother, Mrs. L. J. Story. • Mr. and Mrs. W. H .Pritchard and little son. John Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pritchard were guests at the T. M. Pritchard home near Pull fan Sunday for dinner, then mot ored to the Ed Rheinhart home near Colfax in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pritchard and Mrs. W. If. Pritchard and little son, John Robert, spent Wednesday after noon at the V. L. Hlggins home. MISSIONARY MEETING Mrs. Jeanette C. Alter, field secre tary of the Woman's Missionary So ciety of the United Presbyterian church headquarters, Pittsburg. Pa., will be in Pullman Wednesday, Oc tober 10, afternoon and evening She will meet with the women of the United Presbyterian church at 2:30 p- m- In the evening she will give a *tereoptlcon lecture with views of India, pictures taken by her son, a Missionary in that field. The pub lic is cordially Invited. SPOKANE p. K. o. « it i»s HONOR MRS. is. W. h:\H\ti State PkmMmm Was Tendered a Delightful Reception at Home "< mow. R. <>. McMillan Mrs. t}. W. Swing, stale president of the >' M* 0., went to Spokane last week to visit the Spokane chapters of the organisation, She was given a cordial welcome and a reception was given in 1,,,- honor at the of Mrs. R. C, McMillan, of which the Spokesman-Re. lew said: "The guests were received by Mrs Ewing, Mrs. R. s. Cordlner. Miss Dellla Putnam and Mrs. McMillan. "Mrs. Ewing urged the women to fall in line with the patriotic efforts of the National Council of Defense, In the course' of a talk she said: " 'I know the womanhood of our state will not fall short of what is ex pected of them by th.* women's com mittee of the National Council of De fense and registration for service. Your co-operation in the Hoover ob servance is not the least In Import ance by any means.' "Mrs. Ewing pointed out that while the Washington division is not very definite as yet, owing to the state chairman; Mrs. Winfield Smith, being now in the east gathering ideas which she will work out on her re turn. "During the afternoon each guest —and there were nearly mi — was given a neat little package with a stick-up of a tiny American flaw. With much curiosity each opened her package and found little squares to be made into Red Cross quilts, with thimble and needle, and no time was lost in getting the sewing done, "Miss Flora Benton Smith of the Young Women's Christian Associa tion talked of the hostess movement which the war work council is urg ing in all cities over the country. Vocal numbers were given by Miss Agnes Breen and Mrs. Ray 1). Arm strong. The afternoon concluded with tea, .Mrs. 1. W. Hanking and .Miss Dora Davis presiding at the urns and Miss . Myrtle and Miss Frances Stubblefleld served the ices. "The home was attractively decor ated in the P. E. O. colors, yellow and white*, asters ami Marguerites being used throughout the rooms." STEPHENS SA_T T Double valve ing*. e=== === JlfT. 1 - -T^C. Valve, adJu_rt«4 Lv th« %^.-S--?-i?2£t r^ii iVW ■»■"?■• «»™rf.-ir£ in the operation of valve seating f .^- t- H L • * hF IJ^l If Unusually large valves -?_^___>f— —■'"«■*» UJ \ Intake manifold within one-half the diameter CQjJS - IP ' jMl\ J»««eyU«*erhead. of tht combustion -T^ 1- —. ' I I ' __, I~"»»njd»arje of gas /_: I In IT c"ne vapor instantly f{~7__~t • Ij I heated and maintained M ll -_r--f* ! I 1')/ atancventtttßi» Combustion chamber un- / SSLI i 1/ Combustioncham.*run- /" ; |i*= 5 =L . ;,II broken except for the small . '] i! Ill;:/ , , hole for the spark plug. A n A ___T_______ 9___[ The entire f?«e of tfie I N^_ £? h «*• _____^ •xploaion^sonthepirton .J Sj- fCS^CSttS /' <_=== ==_J ! I)! JC* visible moving part* V 7 // 1. ' :■- V jy ________ \_ .)' I Force feed lubrica // £%?'~~ ii*sZ\ '—'V" tion system through Unuaua_tyl_u-SebearinssA : s= V.) — \_ crankshaft with coa lon* lived and rexetjirt^f^ FX/M\ 'i ' tinuousflowofoil to M& of adjustment F// M Z^_y, ' bearings Y-^l fl'^^s__3^^^__^^^' "Jui,Mlft «n nmain* \ IK Ne*£ttr _t'-"^ y\ balano.. WITH THE ENGINE THAT BURNS ALL THE GASOLINE YOUR war-time automobile Deeds are DKSIDES having this fuel-conserving met in this six-cylinder ear with its ** virtue the 1918 Stephens Salient :,,' , -__—[ Six is a beautiful, roomy ami easy perfected overhead valve engine. Its riding car of lasting quality. as-handling system is the most ef- \ 9,000,(300 and 52 years' successful I'icient yet devised. experience put salient out-standing Average automobile engines waste' character into every Stephens body and fuel But the 57 h p. engine of the engine detail. This same unlimited cap _...„., .■ /till and experience are a guarantee to 1918 Stephens Salient Six burns all the Berviee "backing of .,.v Stephens gasoline put into it by keeping the fuel f . . it . charge superheated all the way from May we have the pleasure of demon the carburetor to tin* extra-large cyl- J- gtrating this 1918 power marvel for you inder valves. It is today's ear because* upon the roads and bills about Pull of its fuel economy. man? TWO MODELS V'IMRAI I ONE PRICE S^aamom__pTtmmmACao Ut Ut _NllVlD/\l-il-. $1385 *'\__^;"Zhes PULLMAN, WASH. '. * ... p^apt, .... STEPHENS MOTOR BRANCH OF MOLINE PLOW COMPANY, M OLINE, ILLINOIS FACTORY: FREEPORT, ILL. ><" Ml PAIR OPENS Wi:i>NKsi>.\Y. <* Inline lot The Whitman County fair at Col rax will open next Wednesday, Oc tober 10, and close Saturday even ing, October 13. The managers have Issued an In vitation to Governor Ernest [.later to visit Colfax during the fair week and they are waiting for an answer as to what day would be most suitable to tin. governor. Governor Lister has stated that he would be pleased to spend one day with the Whitman ■ ountj people If it is possible for him to have his office at Olympla and he may be able to accompany Judge Chadwick to Col fax tins year, it is the Intention to have the governor present so that he may speak a word of encourage ment toward enthusing the boys and girls in this county who are to hold their industrial lair in connec tion with the fair this year. The managers Of the fair have al ready completed the work on the track and the exhibition building is now ready for the placing of the ex hibits as last as they can he sent in. A number of racing horses arrived this week and are now quartered on the grounds. The harness events this year will contain some of the best horses in the west. Entries for these events are being received each day and the best riders that have ap peared at the Round Up have been entered in the relay races. The man agers an promising the people of the county four days of solid amuse ment this year and they state that the best talent that can be* secured will be at Colfax this year to enter tain the people of this city and county. It is the intention of tin* managers to secure special attractions on the day that the governor will be present. UNITE.) PItEHBYTKKIAN CHURCH Dr. W. A. Spalding, minister. Sabbath services: Bible school at I 1:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. V. P. S. C. E. at C:ls p. m. Morning sermon subject, "The Need and Value of a Life Purpose.'.' Evening subject, "Possibilities in Our Present Posses sions.';' M.IKK x oil \«.| CHEESE SAYS C.OVEHNMENT I..YIM.HT The- manufacture and consumption of cottage cheese, a product of skim milk, as a substitute for meat, was urged before the members of the chamber of commerce Tuesday by K. ti. Barber, assistant dairy manufac lures specialist with the United States department of agriculture .Mr. Barber was In Pullman In conference ill, Hire, W. S. Thoi niter of the State College extension service en c • ning th,* work of the food admin istration in this state. Mr. Barber called attention to the urgent need of onsen the meat supply of the United Slates to assist In reeding our allies and to supply our own people, and suggested cottage cheese as one of he best substitutes for meat to be found. There are at the* present time 12,500,000 less meat animals in tlie United States than seven years ago according to Mr. Barber, while the population Is greatly Increased and the demands of the allies for food must he met. To accomplish this end substitutes must be Used ill part by the people of this country as well as by our allies. one pound of cottage cheese, he said, is equal In food value to slight ly over one pound of meat and costs less than one-half as much. BESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE lt has been (he will of Hod to take from our midst our sister. Anna Lib by. She was a willing worker and •■we mourn her departure. It is with sorrow that we part from our sister. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the sympathy of the Women of .Mooseheart Legion be extended to the sorrowing father and sons. Be it further Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our chapter and that a copy be sent ti the beloved husband and sons, also a copy be printed in each of the local papers. Mrs. E. 11. Watts. .Mrs. Carl L. .Meyers. Mrs. J. C. O'Kelley. Demonstrating Jiffy Jell all day Friday and Saturday at Sanders groc ery department. Be sure and come in. l'hone 39. oca i llltlsl I science ■... ■ Christian Science society holds services every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock at the Masonic hall. Subject of lesson-sermon for next Sunday, 'Unreality.' Testimonial Hogs are held first sad 'bird Wednesdays of each month at rt:00 in the Masonic hall A free reading room is open to the public every afternoon from 2:00 to i:00 o'clock at 226 First National Hank building. All authorised Christian Science In erature may there be read or bor rowed. Electric Cooking Cuts Meat Bills < 1 The Electric llange < (' make* i. wonderful Mv- i ,' Ing over oilier fuels in i ,1 meat shrinkage, often as , 1 1 much aa » pound on a , 11 mingle roaat. . 1 » The even heat of an J i Electric Range gives a ' jl uniformity of results be- * ', fore iinpot-Hil-lc I 1 1 You can bake bread * I. evenly without turning * < | It; roast meat without I ('. hasting; brown rake as i ,' even on the bottom h* on , 1» the top—at the mum , 11 time obtaining the best of \ 1 1 flavor**] food. J || Washington ; jl Water Power ! !] Company JOHN SQUIRES Farm Lands City Property Mortgage Loans Flat Iron Block Ramer's Chocolates DtTMt from tke Factory They m_l PI mm You aa ■ — ■ _ me — THORPE'S SMOKE HOUSE (ImearpaemAaA) Phase 31 Where Everybody Gm PULLMAN Union Supply Co. COAL, WOOD, FLOUR and MILL FEED Special price* on large let* at e'eal FIRE INSURANCE JAMES EMERT, Agent Phone 61 METHODIST CIU'RCH An event or unusual Importance '""Heeled with the Sunday services "! Simpson Methodist church will m the Initial appearance of the quartet under the leadership of Mrs. Ina Wrlghl Hi The quartet Is com posed of Mitt Iva Davidson, soprano; Miss Beibert, alto: Mr. Skldmore, tenor; Mr Llngenfelder, bass. They will Sing at both of the day's serv ices. At the morning service Miss Davidson will sing a solo, and in tho evening the quartet will give a selec tion from the oratorio "Elijah," PROFESSIONAL CARDS ~ — ""■"■»■ s.ij___.^smsmvsm_ DR. L. O. KIMZEY Office at Willies Drag Store Residence MM Star Route St. Residence phone 66, Office phone 181 DR. E.T.PATEB Physician and Surgeon Office In Emerson Building Phone 100 Office phone 81 Residence phone 3481 DR. W. LUTHER HOLT Osteopathic Physician Office hours' 9to 12 a.m. ? to fi p. m. Office over First National Bank Pullman, Wash. .1. L t.ILI.I.LAND. M. D. Res. Tel. 2371 Office Tel. 3R Office on Alder St. Diseases of Women and Obstetricta Specialist D. C. DOW Attorney at Law Room 14, First National Bank Bids Thus Neill F. E. Sanger NEILL A SANGER Attorneys at Law First National Bank Building DR. A. E. SHAW I tan tUt Office: First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Pullman Houra: 8 to 12 a.m.; 1 to 6 p. ta. DR. A. A. MINIM - Dentist Office In Emerson Building Phone 63 DR. It. W. HARROLD . Dentist EMERSON BUILDINO Phone 100 T. ALLISON BALL fJj_t*2£SS_\s\ *)* Specialist TO (pjif. Office First National \^S2S§!< Bank Building Phone 1403 W. 11. STRAI'I. jgt&svßmm. Optical Specialist _^_^___Mv_h, strictly Correct '\J_ (ilasscu Guaranteed ~M3ss£^® i'^ Room 3, Emerson Building Phone 3681 f DR. FREEMAN L. BALL Eye Specialist ■——\WBmm-. t-iaduate. McCormick JsßkK»ijF%'Vledlcal College, Chi m_fiW V ' ;'C"' 111., for Eye. and Nerves. We grind our own lenses 119 Main Street Pullman, Wash. HOME i oi: SALE : Nine-room house; built-in cup ; board, pantry, four closets; all rooms I plastered; city water In house; deep : drilled well at bach door; fine rain- I water cistern, with pump In kitchen; i excellent barn and chicken house; I ten minutes walk from post office i in Pullman, Wash.; about 300 ; yards from paved streets, with good i walks to place; not quite two acres of ground with fine fruit and shade. 1 A bargain if sold soon Address box 225, Pullman. Wash.. tf laT"^?**, - '■_ __Pm*s_% p&_t^'—_\mmm m\m—^'^.iA Hilsb _______-f'_.\_\? r_r_\ ___________ _,'——\ AUTOMOBIL*. ACCIDENT A LIABILITY INSURANCE is a VIUI necessity lo every owner. Just read the daily list of auto accidents for proof. I will gladly quote rate*, etc., and answer qnssttoss. M. J. Chapman a-trnVt I ammattmemmammammmammmammmimaamiaaaaaaer— GEO. N: HENRY REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Office, Alder Street