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<jjg*\ m_ m ___sa___W^lb^3^^0 TsT^ DOUGLAS I 1 MILLINERY | f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |g (Largest Display of Exclusive f Millinery in Pullman I / A Distinctive Showing of & I JUST MILLINERY \ JUST MILLINERY | L fl Effective styles and moderately low J j prices are the natural results of special- F f izing. We concentrate our entire efforts $ !on Millinery. :: :: :: :: i SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY | GET OUR PRICES / V_% )__^ s*im__tfi_&?=:*sG^ i_gF***£i_____t*t^ REPORT OF THE CONDITION —of— The Pullman State Bank September 11, 1017 (Condensed) RESOURCES Loans and discounts $500, 1.40 Bond! and warrants 2,117.50 Liberty bonds 4,647.00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 20,183.59 Other real estate 1 1,550.55 Claims and judgments 9,0 10.00 Cash and exchange 95,341.58 $646,471.62 LIABILITIES Capital stock $ 37,500.00 Surplus and undivided profits 23,584.57 Dividend! unpaid 288.00 Deposits 502,603.4 » Bills payable 25,000.00 Rediscounts 57,495.61 $646,471.62 The Pullman State Bank R. C. McCroskey, President A. R. Metz Cashier J. 1.. Metsker, Vie*,, Pres. R. E. Doty. Asst. Cashier (_ THE OOOD JUDgE VISITS ARM/ HEADQUARTERS ) I rmE.GENERAL.BUT YOU KNOW THE ftOrySlM THE 1 IcOLONEL.HOV.L__ f TOBACCO 1-^l'^ "^ £g£l™l REAL f fis-. our regiment] BftCCO CHEW j ~ — ' ITOWV i ' V I GOOD TOBACCO IS 1 >'■■ — lv v iTME SOLDIER'S I \ -Z _f~ljF__l?______________J TX/lIEN you trim your outfit down to military T T bedrock, W-B Gut Chewing scores a bull's eye. A soldier gets more from his pouch of W-B than from a bulky ordinary plug—rich leaf plump full of sap, all tobacco satisfaction, every shred of it. And the water-proof pouch keeps it clean and fresh in the pocket of his khaki. Kale by WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 1107 Brotdw.y, New Tort City IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiHIIiniII PUBLIC -SA-LE.I I will sell at Public Auction at the I?. A. Bryan place 2% | miles northeast of Pullman on the 0.-W. 1.. &X. road, on " 1 Wednesday, October 10 1 KINO—IO-year-old Jack—good colt getter = NINETEEN HEAD OF MULES-SEVEN HEAD OF HORSES = FOUR THOROUGHBRED -FOUR HEAD OF CATTLE = 75 TONS OF HAY-60 tons Alfalfa Hay, 15 tons Grain Hay FARM IMPLEMENTS, MACHINERY, ETC. = SALE STARTS AT 10:00 A. M. I The Red Cross will serve lunch on the grounds I TERMS: $20 or under, cash; over $20, credit will be given until I October I, 1918, on bankable notes bearing 10 per cent interest. = Jo Interest will be charged on time sales if paid by November = t, 111 li. m J. K. SMAWLEY, Owner I SoS ,N co- *«. }®*m. I •iv........... Clerk = GRAIN CORPORATION READY TO BUY WHEAT Will Tarry Surplus Grain I mil Need ed by tha .Mills <•■■ Diverted Kitten here The grain corporation of the U. S. food administration began buying wheal in the Northwest Monday, The announcement made Saturday by m H. Houser, second vice president of th" corporation and agent in the Pa cific Northwest of the food admanis t rat ion, has been awaited with in terest by farmers and dealers throughout this section, says a Port land paper. Up to this time the flour millers had not been getting enough wheat to supply their wants, but they have all in hand now. under the govern ment's 30-day regulation, that they can carry, and the grain corporation will take over the surplus offerings by farmers. The wheat will be car ried by the corporation until the mill ers need it. or will be diverted else where as the sit nation requires. Farmers are becoming better ac quainted with the workings of the grain law and are now selling freely at nearly all points in the Northwest. There is still some confusion, how ever, over th*' matter of federal grades and discounts, but the grow ers are expected to become posted on these matters soon. To clear up any misunderstanding that may exist, .Mr. Houser has pre pared the following statement of grades and prices: "The coast basic price of $2.05 a bushel has been established, in ac cordance with which the following is a schedule of values of the various varieties, on a basis of No. 1 grain: Dark hard winter $2.09 Hard winter basic 2.05 Red winter basic 2.05 Yellow hard winter 2.01 Soil red winter 2.0."> Dark northern spring 2.09 Northern spring basic 2.03 Red spring 2.03 Humpback t 1.95 Amber Durum 2.09 Red Walla 1.98 Red Durum 1.98 Hard winter basic 2.0." Soft white 2.03 White club 2.01 "No. 2 grade. c less; No. 3 grade, Be less. Mixed wheat, also No. 4 wheat, No. 5 wheat, sample wheat and lower grades will be handled by sample on merits and bought accord ingly. These prices are bulk. Delivery anil Payment "Deliver. — The coast basic price is for grain delivered in store in ap proved terminal warehouses or ele vators, to be designated by this of fice early next week. "Payment— Payment will be made only against warehouse receipts for wheat delivered in approved public ami private terminal warehouses or elevators. "The food administration grain corporation will not solicit consign ments. Will not pay drafts or ad vance;.. "Direct consignments to grain cor poration will not be encouraged and a charge of one per cent will be mad" for handling such direct consign ments. "It is the purpose and intent of the food administration to interfere as little as possihle with the buying, shipping and forwarding of grain, as this would necessitate an army of employes, leaving this work as much a- possible to the* warehouse man and elevator man. dealer ami com mission merchant. "The food administration will en deavor to retain sufficient stocks at advantageous points having in mind the milling facilities and require ments." Milling Division Opens Office The office of the milling division of the U. S. food administration opened in the Wilcox building in Portland Monday, with George V. Hayes in charge as divisional man ager for the Pacific coast division, of which T. B. Wilcox is. chairman. Mr. Hayes has been for the past year in charge of the New York office of tie' Portland Flouring Mills company, and be was requested by Mr. Wilcox to come to Portland and assume. the management of the government's flour operations on the coast. FOR BALE—Houses on easy terms; modern, with bath and fur naces: 1 7-room house; lot 45x260. .$3700 1 10 room house; lot 50x110. $4800 Apply at 904 Campus avenue. DUTHIE'S For General White Lead —loc per pound In 12 _, 26, 50 or 100 pound lots. STANDARD si/i: (iint\im:hs Washington: D. C. —Under the authority <>: the federal law known as the Standard Container Act, the Secretary <>, Agriculture has just issued the regulations fixing the tol erances which will govern in the ad ministration of thai act. The act. goes Into effect on November 1, 1917; it prescribes three standard sizes in!- "Climax" baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables—two quarts four quarts and 12 quarts— and fixes the dimensions for each; it establishes Hi" dry half pint, dry pint, dry quart and multiples of the dry quart as standards for contain ers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables, and fixes their capacity in cubic Inches. On and after No vember I'-'i^ it is unlawful to manufacture or sell for shipment or to ship in Interstate commerce, eith er empty or filled, baskets or con tainers that do not conform to the requirements set forth in the law. Containers which are not up to the standards can not be used in inter state commerce even though they are marked "short package." Since ,i good deal of the harvest ing and marketing season is still ahead before the law goes into ef fect, the department suggests that, manufacturers adopt the standards at once, and that stocks of packages which can not be used after Novem leer 1 should be fully utilized before thai date. Package manufacturers and dealers are invited, if they de sire to have their packages examined and tested, to ship them to the Bu reau of Markets, United States De partment of Agriculture. Washing ton, I). ('., for such tests. The Bu reau will inform the sender whether the container complies with the pro visions of the act. A set of instruc tions ami standard, dimensions will be sent to all who request it of the Bureau of Markets. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION The ('. S. Civil Service Commis sion announces that a clerk-carrier examination will be held at Pull man. Wash., on October 27, 1917. to establish an eligible register from which selection may be made to fill vacancies as they may occur in the positions of clerk and carrier at the Pullman, Wash., post office. Both men and women will he admitted to this examination. For application blanks and full in formation, apply at once to Charles R. Wheeler, Secretary Local Board of Civil Service Examiners, Post Office, Pullman. Wash., or Secretary, Elev enth Civil Service District, 303 Post Office Building, Seattle, Wash. WOODSMEN WANTED Perman ent job. Can use all classes of woods labor for our winter camps. Need donkey men, cant hook men, rail road men. and woodsmen of all kinds. Wages 35 cents per hour and up, depending on the Job. Board $1 per day. Blackwell Lumber Com pany, Fernwood, Idaho. sep2ltf SLAB WOOD at the Potlatch. Insure with McClaskey. Jan26tf FOR SALE —Five purebred Shrop shire rams. Max Hinrichs, phone M27X6. auglOtf IS IT 'MIST A COLD'? Pullman People Should Ask Them- selves This Question Don't Bay: "it's just a cold." It may turn Into backache, rheumatic aches, aery joints. Or other serious sickness that comes from weak kidneys. Colds are elm- to congestion. Congestion makes the kidneys overwork to filter the blood. Colds often leave the kidneys weak. First break the cold; Then use* Doan's Kidney Pills to avert the kidney dangers. Let this Pullman resident tell you about them. Mrs. VV. Swain, 307 W. Main St.. says: "A cold, which settled in my kidneys, brought on an attack of kidney trouble three years ago. When sweeping or dusting, sharp pains caught me in the small of my back and nearly drove me frantic. I suffered from headaches and dizzy spells and felt, all tired out. I read about Doan's Kidney Pills and used five boxes. They gave me great relief." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills —the same that Mrs. Swain Foster-Milburn Co.. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. FOR RENTSuite of housekeep ing rooms. Phone 3612 or call at 619 Arbor. acts-12 FOR SALE—Apple cider, 25 cents per gallon. Special care as to clean liness. Send orders to H. E. Rick sicker. R. F. D. 2, opposite .1. B. Holt's place. acs-26 mm an ~a\i .ijfc I r|pif»p 134 livl Kr J||^^^ If Id R WS& Dexter Double Tub Washer The most valuable ally that a housewife ever had. This is th best washing machine in the world and we can prove it by th testimony of the following, wbo are using them: 0. If. Kincaid Solon Snyder j w „ . L. E. Moore E. 1.. Moyes L. C.'GutS C. 0. Kellogg Walter Moyes Andy Mae[ A. B. Olson W. D. Henry Brown Bros Wesley Stephenson Nat Bryant , j,, r Miller Andy Howard Jim S. Klemgard R. W. Gwl These are only a few of the satisfied customers who are using this famous washing machine. If this is not enough to convince you, drop in and see for yourself the wonderful Dexter Double Tub Power Washing Machine. We have just received a straight carload of these toil eliminating machines. Under the present dry condition of tbe soil you will need a Van Brunt Double Disc Drill to put in your fall crop, if you want to get the best results. We have a carload of them, bought before tbe price advanced. You get tbe benefit as long as tbey last. WHITMAN Implement Co. Pullman mWm 9mAßrm____n^___________m Accelerates *a*^*^^^ fF^t)Tjt^^^^_s^j^^^^^a Medium boiling *» fm\_ti/j^^ eft points—the mid- P I "»■*\ die links of the A 1 1 Llad fe i_\sm\\l*_ijj* -*% ___$ I continuous chain Q I^^ m- j Jf _Wl^^l "■_ lye quick and | \ _ fll _^fe'^^^^ jr J smooth accelera- jj Vft^^^MMM^^oC^/l Standard Oil Co. jl —^—■^■^■g——^—S^-gf——— iwrg-——^W**l fK As 1 ;ini working in c° .^j M operation with Col. L. Stro- V 'Cairns Auction Co.'" °n than one auctioneer. N. W. CAIRNS PULLMAN'S LEADING AUCTIONEER Office with Walker & Struppler : _ Phone 7 P. 0. Box 221 "r Saurday Specials V The of? the one 48 l oft eat oft bei of