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rtXJD PLKIXJB CAMPAIGN WILL START OCTOBER 21 T he war is toj be brought to every ipse In the state of Washington. T he week of October 21 to 28, by special decree from Herbert C. Hoov er United States Food Administra te, from the capitol at Washington city, is t0 be a special food conserva tion week. All states in the Union «11l be thoroughly canvassed, house to house, by the various state or ganizations. The* message is to be carried direct to every one of the 22, --000,000 homes in the United States. The campaign would put every one of the 22,000,000 homes on the Hoover food conservation basis. "Food will win the war" is to be the battle cry of the nation for the on e week, the slogan in all of the 48 state's that are to bear the brunt of the war for democracy. Nearly 2,000,000 women have al ready taken the pledge to furnish the food our allies and overseas armies require and already they are visibly Increasing the available supply. The small' amount each individual is asked to save through substitution and avoidance of waste, when multi plied by millions, becomes an effect ive total. The whole problem will be solved if the American people will «at less of the foods which, because of their concentrated nutritive, must be sent abroad and more of the foods of which there is abundance. The foods that are to be saved are wheat, pork, beef, dairy products and sugar. Those that should be used generously are fish, poultry, and vegetables. Most of the states have already completed their preliminary arrange ments for securing the complete suc cess of the effort within their bord ers. The State of Washington has been thoroughly organized by Charles Hebbard. federal food ad ministrator, who has opened offices in the Columbia building. Spokane, and lias named his committee that will carry this campaign into every city and every country district of this state. "The campaign in the State of Washington is to be directed in each county by the County Defense Coun cil," said Mr. Hebbard yesterday, in outlining his plans for the food drive in the State of Washington. "They will act, however, through the schools, both in the city and country districts. "The quota set for Washington is 230,000 pledges, that is, a pledge to live up to the Hoover Food Con servation program from each of the 230,000 homes in the State of Wash ington. This total Is now being ap portioned among the counties ac cording to the number of families in each county. "The plan in each county is to distribute, in tin* various schools, ac cording to the number of families represented there, a pledge card, a house card of instructions and a home card for placing in the win dows to advertise the fact that this home is 'hooverizing.' Movie Program Grand Theatre Monday, October 8 The little big star, Gladys Hulette, in another Wonder Picture "The Candy Girl" _ ' Pathe News and One-reel Cartoon Grand Theatre Wednesday, October 10 Western love at its truest is pictured in "The Trail of the Shadow" Starring Emmy Wehlen _ Also two reels of comedy Grand Theatre Thursday and Friday, October 11 and 12 Rex Beach's Wonder Story "The Barrier" _ With an All-Star Cast Theatorium Friday, October 12 "The King of Smiles." Geo. Walsh, in _ "The Book Agent" Grand Theatre Saturday, October 13 Poluhni and Company, High Class Entertainers Earl Williams in _ "The Hawk" Theatorium Saturday, October 13 Last Day of^Rex Beach's Story, "The Barrier" Special Matinee from 2:00 till 5:00 P. M. .... 'During the week of October 21. acting on instructions from superin tendents md teachers, the children will be asked to take home these pledge cards, the pledge card for sluing by the parents ami to be brought back to th,. school authori ties, the house card of Instructions and window card to be left at the homo. "Sunday, October 21. all churches and Sunday schools will be asked to emphasize the necessity of food con servation and the signing of these pledge cards. "Women's organisations and fed erated clubs and boy outs will be enlisted for an active part In the final checking up the last few days of the week." A state executive committee of 30 members lias been appointed by Mr. Hebbard to carry through this big week's house to house campaign, Mr. Hoover, in the following vig orous statement, Inaugurates the Food Pledge campaign: "The week of October 2 Ist to 28th has been selected- lor a nation-wide campaign to complete the enroll of our forces In conservation of our foor supply. The harvest is now In hand and we can measure the world's resources. The available supplies of this harvest are less than last year. The demand upon us is greater than last year, and from the last harvest we exported more than we could really afford. We can only meet the call upon us next year by the savings and by substitution of commodities which can not he transported. "The allies are o|r first line of defense. They must be fed and food will win the war. All Europe is em rations or restricted supplies. Only In our country is each one permitted to judge for himself the duty he owes his country in food consumption, al- I though the world depends upon us to guard and provide its food supply. This is a duty of necessity, human i ity and honor. As a free people we j have elected to discharge this duty, not under autocratic decree, but without other restraint than the guidance of individual conscience. "On the success of this unpreced ented adventure in democracy will largely stake the issue of the war. "We are asking every householder, every hotel, restaurant and dealer in foodstuff in the nation to become a member of the food administration for the conservation and to pledge themselves to follow, in so far as cir cumstances permit, the suggestions thai will be- offered from time* to time as to measures of food savings. "I, therefore, appeal to the churches and to the schools for their assistance' in this crusade to all the organizations for defense, local and national; to all the agencies, com mercial, SOCia' and civic, that they join the administration in this work for the fundamental safety of the nation." FOR SALE —Choice residence lots In College Park, adjoining college campus. J. L. Ashlock. _ly27tf n^^^M2fii/p__\ise " J HU|mu»» O \.i.,........iin.rt. **^ HUDSON- H. O. H.r™«nCo.,S.nrr.nciKo-. W| TlTjTW[lit "ManyownersofHudsonSupcr-sixcarsus* 111 (|||(|||* Zerolene.We hear nothing but praise for il." \lj ff||]||]|]( i V FORDl'.h»-Attrrbui> S.lrs Co., Los Anjerlri- Vlllflllllil V "we recommend Zerolene for th* lubrication \ |ljfff|/f|l R of lord cars." \jfj!llllfl( \K MAXWELL—J. C. Phclat., Fre-no- W[||(|))-'| II V "Zerolene is giving us the best of satisfac- lllKll! SI Ilk HUPMOBILE—ManIry Auto Co., Portland— \llll!!l ill IIP. "We are convinced that Zerolene is giving Villi! _■ wßmm uniformly satisfactory results." llllli zerolene" tscssa sA_i. bb __*__. y \3 {_____* rThe Standard OU for Motor Cars*. Wm Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors As 9 —because the records of their service depart- J I \ merit*, show that Zerolene, correctly refined A I ' from California asphalt-base crude, gives A I perfect lubrication -less wear, more power, JL J j least carbon deposit. A I j 'Dealers ererya here and at our J\\_. I •^ terrier stations Alt 1 I I J|ij|Thw STANDARD OIL COMPANY /Al [III] J J I WA&K. /■■■» M ror tractors, I Zerolene Heavy- / it especially recommended Cfj-mmMT- -X All Length, .nd WW*. m-s^*ms__\. Z^&£/fojr C. R. Sanders Co. ..- TO THOSE WHO HAVE '! THOUGHT OF BUYING. A CHALMERS CAR ,■•?,, An arrangement has been This isa business transaction effected whereby the Max- between two automobile =. well Motor Company has companies of probably no leased for a period of five more than ordinary interest j ■ * * J ly years the properties of the to the public but important Chalmers Motor Company. to you if you have thought The immediate effect of this of buying a Chalmers for transaction is: these obvious reasons: 1. The Chalmers ear will be 1. You obtain a good ear. continued under the Chal mers name for a period of 2- You °!>,aina Car Produced five years. *n a I,ul£. nmVenlly equip -9 ri i-i t ii l XM* PlanL Z. I hose distributors or deal ers who have been sue- 3. You obtain a ear pro cessfully marketing the dueed by an organization Chalmers car will continue materially strengthened hy to do so. the addition of able ex rpi • c t\ ecutives. Jhe appraisers ot the prop • em and their engineers 4. You obtain a car produced report the current Chalmers by an organization mate mode] a good car and the - r n '\\\) st lengthened by Chalmers plant a wonderful additional financial re '--. factory. sources. The first move we have made . _ _, . . . t ty • D. You obtain a ear lrom is to increase the efficiency . . ... n , • .- a distributor or dealer of the Chalmers organization. . " who will have the support >.i The second move was to of this organization, place behind the Chalmers ear the resources of the Max- In this way all three of us well Motor Company. prosper in the transaction. A President and Central Manager Maxwell Motor Company, Inc. J1'1111.11H.ini1.M,,,,,,,,,.,,,, mm.imm..mmmm.m« I Take your Choice! | l""llt"""""""""" mimiHiiiiimitmin iiiiiihihhhiiii i | \ WE CARRY THE VERY BEST GOVERNMENT IN- 1 \ SPECTED MEATS, ALSO LOCALLY BUTCHERED | | MEATS, WHICH WE SELL AT CONSIDERABLY 1 = LOWER PRICES. WHEN ORDERING LET US I | KNOW WHICH KIND YOU WANT. I = -_iL imimllllll miiiiimiinminiiniiimniimiiiiim,,,,, iniiiiiiiiniiiiii = | THE COLLEGE MARKET I miiiHiiinii I »t ti 111 IM ill 111 ii liinmll it iiiiiiiiiiiii | miimiiiiminmiiH_J J. O's. Phones SI coxconn c.KAi-cs auk VOW .i:i:i\ i\(.. wi: Mil i (iiMirfi'iiiix. (.Oi.OKX WIST PRODUCTS IN TO.XT Will-.. Mams' Grocery WANTED Someone to do small iinoiint of light laundry. Telephone ill.s Williams. Stevens Hall 6cts CAIRNS' FUTURE SALE DATES Marion lister Tuesday, Oct. ». 3, K. Smawley— Wednesday, Oct. 10. •i. W. ("arson —Tuesday, Oct. id. N. W. CAIRNS Auctioneer 111 IIMI Ml J. WANTED—Track men for log ging railroad; 35 cents per hour; board $1 per day. Apply Blackwsll Lumber Company, Fernwood, Idaho. s.'|>_l.. !' nil