County Records
OCTOBER 31, 1917
J. H. McDonald et ux.. Annie, to
Union Farm Land Co., 1-13-38, $25.
Jos. Gordon to Jos. C stark.-' let
7, blk 32, Pino City Development Ci.
add. Pine City, $800.
Edwin Hutchtn to Lucy Wooleey,
lots 1, 2, 7, 8, blk 12, west of F St..
Breeding add, Palouse, $1000.
H. E. Carpenter et ux., Lucina, to
A. H. Oversmlth. eh of nwq, lota I,
2. of 31-15-46, $1.
John C. Lawrence at ux., Jessie
M., to Zola Lawrence Fisher el nx.,
lots 1. 2, blk 18, Garfield, and tract
In Garfield, $1.
H. P. Fisher to Zola Lawrence
Fisher, lots 1. 2. blk IS, tract in C.a.
field, $10.
Mary' A. IB ith to John H. Leia
weber, lots 3, 4, 5, 0. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
14, l. 16, 17, 18. 1!'. 20, 21, 22,
blk 6. L. F. Smith's add. Endicott,
M. W. Carroll et ux., Belle, to M.
A. Carroll, undivided half interest
tract in 16-15-42, $850.
Marvin A. Carroll et ux., Mabel, to
M. XV. Carroll, undivided half inter
eat part neq 16-15-42, part 15-15-42,
Ensley F. Canutt to Alex 11. Ca
nutt, tract in 36-15-41, part of lot
1-14-41, $1800.
Alex H. Canutt et ux., Elva J., to
Ensley F. Canutt, undivided half of
nwq 31-15-4 2, part of lot 3 of 31-15
--42, part 36-15-41, $2000.
Daniel Fish et ux., Nellie, to Geo.
Ruber, part seq 9-19-44, $5000.
D. C. Sever et ux.. Myrtle L., to
First Savings & Trust Bank of Whit
man County, all 24-14-38, eh 23, eh
of wh 23-14-38, $10,000.
Wm. D. Barkhuff et ux., Ora, to
First National Bank, Pullman, neq
and eh of nwq, 36-13-44, $6000.
Harvey Lee et ux., Pearl, to First
Savings and Trust Bank of Whitman
County, part sh of 36-17-34, $1000.
A. H. Oversmith et ux., Susan 8.,
to H. E. and Lucinda Carpenter, eh
of nwq, lots 1, 2, 31-16-46, $7000.
B. D. Henry et ux., Ruth, to Eliza
beth Neace, wh 36, part 35-19-42,
Alex H. Canutt et ux., Elva J., to
Eleanor Truax Harris, tract in 36
--15-41, part lot 2 of 1-14-41, $750.
Cleveland Martin et ux., Nettie, to
Colfax National' Bank, neq 22-15-41,
except, nwq 22-15-41, except, $10,
H. M. Brelthaupt et ux., Ethel M..
to A. B. Willard, live stock, machin
ery, crop, part sees 13, 14 in 45-5,
Robert R. Miller et ux., Clercy, to
O. D. McKeehen, live stock, machin
ery, two-thirds crop on allotments of
Marlon Gates and Agnes St. John, on
reservation, $825.
Richard Pazer to First State Rank,
La Crosse, live stock, machinery,
J. E. Owen to National Bank.
Oakesdale, live stock, machinery,
two-thirds crop in part 34-20-44,
W. E. Clepp et ux., Mrs. Zelma, to
J. O. Bailey, live stock, crops on land
of J. O. Bailey, $17.**.
Arthur C. Brenner to Colfax Na
tional Bank, live stock, crop on John
Peterson ranch In sec 35-16-43,
XV. C. Anderson to Colfax National
Bank, two-thirds crop swq 15-16-44,
live stock, machinery, $450,
J. H. Saver to Colfax Iron Works,
et al., engine, $643.50.
Archibald and Mary J. McAvoy to
Chas. Burnham et al., real mtge.
International Mortgage Bank to
Eldridge E. Champlin et ux., real
Thos. Balken to Chas. 11. Muller,
real mtge.
Vermont Loan _. Trust Co. to Win.
H. Hollants, real mtge.
Geo. Kamnierzell to Geo. Paachott
et ux., real mtge.
David Humbird. trustee, et al., to
Daisy Busbey, real mtge.
Union Trust Co. of Spokane to
Daisy Busbey, real mtge.
Union Trust Co. of Spokane to
Thos. W. Busbey et ux.. real mtge.
Union Trust Co. of Spokane to
Thos. XV. Busbey et ux., real mtge.
Butler Supply Co. to G. W. Pres
nell, chattel mtge.
A. B. Willard to H. H. Breithaupt,
et ux., chattel mtge.
Farmers State Bank. Sprague. to
L. B. Keller, chattel mtge.
Sublette W. Newland to Horace H.
Spaulding et ux., real mtge.
NOVEMBER 1, 1917
Receiver's Receipt
United grates to Samuel Merry,
seq of nwq. lots 2, 4, 5, of 18-41-33
Ben Manning et ux., Eva P., to C.
T. Krous et ux., Ellen S., nwq 27,
■WQ 22, sh ot nwq 22, neq of seq 21
--15-44, $40,000.
Martha A. Rhoades to Floyd Wil
son, tract in St. John. $1.
Floyd Wilson et ux., Gertrude, to
F. L. Moulton, tract in St. John.. $1.
Wm. H. Eaton et ux.. Anna, to W.
R. Morrison, wh of nwq. seq of nwq,
swq of neq, sh of seq 22, part neq 27
--14-44, $48,000.
Samuel Merry et ux., Anna, to El
mer C. Hickman, seq of nwq, lots 2,
1. ;. of 18-14-43, $2000.
Mary Francis Harris to Jabui XV.
Harrlsh, lots 1, 2, blk 71, Daws add,
Pullman, $1.
J. R. Good et ux., Roland E. Reid
el ux., to W. F. Snodgraai, lot (!, blk
12, Colfax. $aooo.
C. R. Moys et ux.. Emma D„ to
Walter Moys, part seq .*", part sec 4
of 14-43. $1.
C. R. Moys et ux., Emma D., to
Geo. Moys, eh of neq C, part 5, neq
of sei) 11, part 4 in 1 4-4 3, $1.
Hoard Of Trustees of M. E.
Church, Colfax, to Geo. E. Hamblin,
lot 11, blk 37. Prescott and Perkins
add., Riverside add, Colfax, $300
.1. I. Major et ux., Nellie M.. to Si
las F. Morgan, sh of seq 20, swq of
swq 21, nwq 28, nh of neq, part set]
of neq 2:1-1 6-43, $30,855,
J. 0. Robinson to Wm. Nolan, lot
8, blk 10, Reaney's 2nd add, Pull
man, $1.
Geo. Moys el ux., Lillie, to Walter
Moys, undivided half interest part
8-14-43, $1.
Vernon A. Marsh et ux., Metta, to
A. C. Smith, lots 2. 3, 4. 5, blk 5, L.
F. Smith's add, Endicott.
Bernard McNeilly et ux., Grace M..
to Hattie M. Clark, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7. blk 3, Perkins 2nd add. Col
fax. $2300.
K. B. Dabney el ux., Love, to A.
C. Smith, lot 1, blk 5, L. F. Smith's
add, Endicott, $1.
R. B. Dabney et ux. Love, to Ver
non A. Marsh, lot 2, blk 5, L. F.
Smith's add, Endicott, $1.
S. H. Riggs to Jesse Elmer Dur
ham et ux.. Rena Rhea, blk 1, lots
1. 2, 3, 4, 7. 8, 0. 10, 11, 12, blk 2,
blk 3, Proff's 2nd add. Rosalia. $1.
Peter Proff, Sr., to S. H. Riggs,
lots 6, 6, blk 3, Proff's 2nd add,
Rosalia, $1.
J. E. Durham et ux.. Rena Rhea,
to S. It. Riggs, lots 2, 9, blk 1, An
derson's add, Rosalia, $1.
Peter Proff. Sr.. el ux., {Catherine,
to S. H. Riggs, lots l to 16 in blk l.
lots 1, 2. 3, 4, lots 7 to 12 inc., blk
2, lots 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, blk
3, Proff's 2nd add, Rosalia. $800.
Frank Stark et ux., Rosa, to Jos.
Stark, wh of nwq, wh of swq. 22-13
--38, $100.
L. F. Burson et ux., Lulu A., to
Owen Dolan, part seq 33-17-45, part
of seq of neq 33-18-4 5, $10.
McGregor Land & Live Stock Co.
to Clovis Plaquet, all of 11-13-37,
$1400. *
Wm. Kuehl to J. J. O'Halloran
et ux., Minnie, undivided one-third
interest swq 6-19-44, one-ninth of
C. R. Moys et ux., Emma P., to
Walker Moys, part sees 4, 5, in 14
--43, one-third crop.
C. R. Moys et ux., Emma P., to
Geo. Moys, part sees 6, 5, part nwq
4, in 14-4 3, one-third crop.
Mrs. Mary F. Richardson et vir,
XV. ('., to First National Bank, Pull
man, crops on nh of neq 23-13-44,
Carl Peterson to St. John State
Bank, live stock, two-thirds crop
swq 6-18-41, $500.
E. If. Roberts to St. John State
Bank, live stock, machinery, two
thirds of crop seq 16-18-42, swq 15
A. D. Clinefelter et ux., Mrs. A. D.,
to J. A. Perkins, agent, livo stock,
W. A. Gorrell to XV. G. Frock et
ux., real mtge.
Grand Lodge of Washington A. O.
V. XXX. to Wilford Riggs et ux.. $600.
"Western Loan and Building Co. to
Jas. Wilford Riggs et ux., real mtge.
Omar R. Parker to John F. Moore,
et ux., real mtge.
Win. V. Wyatt to J. M. Rudder,
chattel mtge.
Jacob F. Bauer to Edward J, Mo
ser, .battel mtge.
First National Bank, Pullman, to
Mary F. Richardson et vir. chattel
NOVEMBER 2, 1917
Nellie Hullng Carter to C. F. Hil
ling, neq of nwq, nwq of neq 22-19
--44, except, $1.
Carolyn Muling Arnold et vir,
Win. 8., to C. F. Muling, neq of nwq.
nwq of neq 22-19-4 4, except, $1.
Nellie Iluling Carter el al. to C
F. Hilling, neq of nwq, nwq of neq
22-19-4 4. except, $1.
Ola M Syron to Silas P. Syron,
neq 31-18-45, $1.
Georgia A Anderson to David An
derson, swq of neq 14-17-45. $1.
F. L. Kinney et ux., Julia, to J.
XV. Svkes. lots 12. 12, 14, 15, blk 18,
Maiden, $1.
H. S. Milner et ux., Ida M . to
John Mesterman, swq 36-20-45, nwq
1-19-45, $24,500.
Robt. L. Ragon et ux., Rose, to
Torkel Jovo, swq 9-20-45, $14,100.
W. H. Marvin et ux., Bertha T., to
C, M Lewis, swq 14-19-45, $15,000.
N. A. Rolfe et ux., Clara M., to A.
E. Pickett, lots 15, 16, blk 12, Sun
set, $1.
John Lewis, guardian of the es
tate of Viola Lewis, to Thos. W. Bus
bey, undivided one-sixteenth inter
est in swq of 5-19-44, $740.
Chas. W. Featherstone ot ux.,
Maude, to Chas. L. Stirewalt et ux.,
Mary P., nwq 14-15-46, except, $16,
--9 4 0.
John M. McLean et ux., Laura 1.,
to Pete Salovlch, lots 3, 6, blk 1.
East of F street. Breeding add. Pa
louse, $250.
T. E. Damrell et ux.. Lela, to Sam
uel P. Weaver et ux., Elsa A., swq
12-20-40, eh of nwq, eh of swq IS
-20-40, $1.
Eleanor Elizabeth Syron to Silas
P. Syron. wh of nwq 32-18-45, $1.
United States to Chas. W. Hodgen,
lots 2, 6, 7, 11 of 2-16-45, $ —.
E. O. Thompson to R. J. Nelson,
nb of seq, seq of neq, neq of seq 1
-13-45, lots 5, 6, of 6-13-46. except,
C. W. Bean et ux., Sarah E., to
State College of Washington, part
lots 5, 0. 4, blk 4, Rose Park add,
Pullman, $600 per annum.
H. Porter Ochs to John Beidel. the
neq and part seq 24-17-4 1, one-third
Mary E. lielshaw to J. G. Conger,
eh of 28-19-45, $10,000.
Wm. 11. Chambers et ux., Mary A.,
to Robt. J. Hargrave, part 29-18-41,
C. A. Hart et ux., Laura, to E. S.
Knowlton, lot 10, blk 17, LaCrosse,
J. J. Stueckel et ux., Louisa, to
Colfax National Bank, sh of 8-15-41,
except, $5700.
Chas. L. Stirewalt et ux., Mary P.,
to Chas. Vi, Featherstone, nwq 14
--15-45, except, $12,000.
.1. P. Jacobaon et ux., Patricia S.,
to John M. McLean, wh of swq 25,
--seq 26-20-44, except, $10,000.
Carl A. Jones et ux., Francis J., to
E. A. Bryan, nh of 36-15-44, sh of
swq 25, part seq 25, lot 2 of 31-15
--44, except, $9260.
Win. H. Chambers to Robt. J. Har
grave, engine, auto, $1000.
I. A. Brown et ux., Hannah, to R.
L. Ragon. live stock, machinery, au
to, crop BWq 15-19-4 4, nh of neq, eh
of nwq 8-19-44, $4754.
Fren Sonneberg to Security State
Bank, LaCrosse, live stock, crop on
swq, wh of neq, eh of nwq 26-14-38,
O. C, Ellis to Security State Bank,
LaCrosse, live stock, $150.
C. F. Alexander to C. W. Wells et
al., auto, $100.
Walter Riley to R. Leonard, crop
on two-thirds part 34-20-43, part 3
-19-43, $3000.
Fri/.t Hubner to Colfax Mercantile
Agency, crop potatoes, $98.95.
A. C. Reid to Pullman State Bank,
live stock, machinery, auto, $500.
S. W. Hume to Elberton State
Bank, live stock, wagon, $10.
J. 11. Kimbrough to Jas. 11.
Squires et ux., real mtge.
International Mortgage Bank to
John V. Goss, real mtge.
Robt. J. Hargrave to Win. 11.
Chambers et ux., real mtge.
Nellie C. Coonradt et al., to Win.
Y. Wyatt et al., real mtge.
E. A. Kampen to ("has. Feather
stone et ux., real mtge.
Vermont Loan and Trust Co. to
Mary L. Anderson, real mtge.
S. J. Carpenter to Christian Koe
nig, chattel mtge.
S. J. Carpenter to P. E. Woodruff,
chattel nit go.
G. XV. Nye et al. to J. E. Wiggins,
chattel mtge.
Garfield National Bank to P. M.
Davis et ux., chattel mtge.
Conditional Bill of Sale
B. D. and D. XV. Henry to Coon
Kaiser, auto, $300.
Spokane Filers Music House to
Gertrude Cox, piano, $200.
NOVEMBER 3, 1917
Geo W. Smith et ux., Maude, to
Marvin A. Carroll, part .34-16-42,
Daniel Stuckky et ux., Nestrud, to
Ira Scott, oh of 21-15-40, $19,200.
Israel 1). Lemley et ux., Caroline
E., to Mrs. G. J. Sohm, nwq 36-20
--43. $8000.
C. C. Gleiser et ux., Melissa IL, to
Gust Linden, lot 1, neq of nwq 31
--17-45, $7000.
William Straub et ux., Mary, to P.
J. Weitz. lot 4, blk 33, Endicott.
Robt. J. Neely to M. Q. Debord.
the sh of nwq, nh of swq 3-13-44,
Karl Morse et ux., Maude, to Se
curity State Bank, LaCrosse, tract in
Riparia, and ferry boat landings,
etc.. $200.
C. E. Hubbard, et ux., Ronovla 8.,
to A. B. Willard, live stock, macbln
cry, two-thirds crop on allotments
on reservation, $2000.
A. W. Nelson and Swan Nelson to
Farmers State Bank, St. John, live
stock, machinery, grain crops eh 13
--18-40. wh 13-18-40, -part 2-18-40,
C. itt. Milllken to Frederick J.
Waymire, crop nh 23-15-42, $1000.
Land and Bush to Pullman State
Bank, auto, ice cream and candy out
fit, etc., $1000.
Jos. Lothspeisch to Colfax Nation
al Bank, live stock, $150.
Alex Ford to Colfax National
Bank, crop neq, nwq 7-16-42, live
stock, machinery, $3000.
Thos. Halpln to Lyda J. Story,
real mtge.
L. A. Quarto to J. B. Wolfe et. ux.,
real mtge.
Warren S. Imbler to Andrew W.
Nelson et al., real mtge.
A. L. Hill to Albert Dlebel ct ux.,
real mtge.
National Bank of Palouse to Al
bert Diebel et ux., real mtge.
C. Frank Pryor to Cyrus B. Hen
derson et ux., real mtge.
A. B. Mathews to Bert Hately et
R. B. Games to Geo. Freeman,
R. B. Games to George Free
man, chattel.
Warren S. Imbler to Andrew Nel
son, chattel mtge.
St. John State Bank to E. H. Rob
erts, chattel mtge.
St. John State Bank to Geo. Free
man, chattel mtge.
Holt Mfg. Co. to H. L. Plummer.
chattel mtge.
B. 1). and D. XXX Henry to Conrad
Macklled, conditional bill of sale.
NOVEMBER 5, 1917
Audry Kaylor Badger et vir, Ed
win L., to Frederick John Kaylor,
wh of seq, sh of neq 9-14-45, $1.
Marshall K. Snell et ux.. Bertha
M., to Nellie Lynch, lot 9. blk 10.
Ewan, $1.
Marshall K. Snell et ux., Bertha
M., to Marvil A. Harwood, part seq
26-19-40, $400.
Win. Chandler et al. to Farmers
Co-operative Elevator and Produce
company, part 21-14-39, $100.
Day and Hansen Security Co. to
W. R. Lloyd, seq, eh of neq 22-13-37,
Lillio Harold to Elwood Harold,
land in Guy, $1.
Frederick John Kaylor et ux.,
Alice M., to Audry Kaylor Badger,
lots 14, 15, 16, blk 45, Pullman, eh
of seq 9-14-45, wh of swq 10-14-45,
James Clear et ux., Henrietta C,
to Arthur B. Clear, part 36-17-4 5,
Herman Walter to John Schoeff,
eh of eh, swq of seq, nwq of swq 8
-14-40. part swq 9-14-40, $18,831.25.
Fred B. Carpenter et ux., Mary M.,
to C. F. Klnsic, seq of seq 19, sh of
swq, lot 4 of 20-16-46, $3500.
Jacob Wallace Cooper et ux.,
Irene, to First State Bank, Garfield,
eh of swq, nwq of seq 24-19-45, and
tract in 24-19-45, $6800.
R. V. Browder to Commercial
Stato Bank, Oakesdale, live stock,
machinery, two-thirds nh of 35, part
36-20-44, part 6-19-45, $4500.
Geo. Freeman to St. John State
Bank, live stock, machinery, two
thirds crop swq 6-18-42, nh neq 28
--18-41, $1800.
Oliver Stover to St. John State
Bank, livo stock, $380.
C. H. Coe to Bank of Rosalia, two
thirds crop on nh of neq, neq of nwq
10-20-43, $500.
John Poe to Pullman State Bank,
live stock, machinery, $800.
J. XV. Taylor to Pullman State
Bank, two-thirds crop on nh 18, nh
of swq 18-14-45, $2300.
J. W. Taylor to Pullman State
Bank, livo stock, machinery, $2300.
Claude E. Davis to Pullman State
Bank, crops neq of nwq 1-13-44, sh
of seq 36-14-44, sh of nh 6-13-45,
part nwq 6-13-45, $4 500.
Claude E. Davis to Pullman State
Bank, livo stock, machinery, $4500.
John Sodorff to First National
Bank, Pullman, two-thirds crop on
600 acres on Trent Jones land, live
stock, machinery, $740.
Western Loan & Building Co. to
D. W. 'Yard et ux., real mtge.
Vermont Loan and Trust Co. to XV.
O. Starr ot ux , real mtge.
Carolino G. Humbird, trustee, et
al.. to Elizabeth D. Ely et al., real
F. C. Parker to Jacob Wallace
Cooper et ux.. real mtge.
H. S. Milner to J. W. Cooper et
ux., real mtge.
Bank of Winona to N. C. Newell,
conditional bill of sale.
NOVEMBER 6. 1917 - i
A. B. Parrott ct ux., Belle M., to
J. F. Jackson, lots 7, 8, blk 1, W. H.
Rudolph's add., LaCrosse, lots 21,
22, blk 1. LaCrosse, $10.
M. P. Cassedy et ux., Bertha, to
J. F. Jackson, lots 9, 10, blk 1, W.
H. Rudolph's add. LaCrosse, $2000.
Garfield Hardware & Mercantile
Co. to Wm. Dullng. lot 5, blk 1, Gar
field. $1.
Robt. L. Ragon to Minnie E. Stur
devant, part lots 13, 14, blk 2, Te
koa, $2000.,
Albert Diebel et ux., Julia, to C. C.
Gleiser, swq 12-16-45. except, $15,
Mrs. Lydia Peterson et vir, Nels
N., to Lucretla C. Gragg, lots 1. 2, 3,
4. 7, 8, blk 26, Farmington, $250.
Fred Relf, Jr.. to Fred Reif, Sr..
lots 5. C, blk 7, Ferguson's 3rd add,
Colton. $1.
Percy Brooks et ux., Dora, to Min
nie Mosterman, lot 4, nh lot 5, blk 8,
Huffman's 2nd add, Tekoa. $2100.
Augusta Eldridge to Sanford
Moore, tract in Winona, $30.
F. P. Copley et ux., Nancy, to A.
E. Sever, Beg 31-15-42. $8000.
Peter McGregor et ux., E. Maude,
to Barr and McKenzie. nwq of nwq,
.nwq of swq 26-13-37, $1.
Emma C. McCauley to Rice Mc-
Cauley, undivided half interest swq
36-16-39, $1.
Rice McCauley et ux., Katherine
A. V., to Halvor Nervik, Ole J. Aft
ret, neq and sh 35-15-39, $31,200.
Jas. A. Perkins et ux., Sarah J.,
to 11. S. Titus, lots 6, 11, blk 4. Pres
cott and Perkins Riverside add, Col
fax, $250.
.1. F. Jackson et ux., Mary J., to
Pacific Building and Loan Assn., lots
9, 10, blk 1, W. H. Rudolph's add,
LaCrosse. $1392.92.
Jesse H. Jones to First State Bank,
Garfield, ah of nv?q 27-18-44, $3750.
Isaac M. Fields et ux., M. 1., to
First State Bank, Garfield, nwq 23
--17-45, $1270.
L. F. Gibbs et ux.. Mary W.. to
Win. Druffel, blk 14, Ferguson's
add, Colton, $400.
Ellen Welden to Vermont Loan &
Trust Co., swq of neq, sh of seq of
seq, except, 20-20-43, $2000.
A. E. Sever et ux., Zena Mi, to F.
P. Copley et ux., Nancy, seq 31-15
--42. $4000.
Halvor Nervik et ux., Mary, to Ole
J. Aftret et ux., Serene, neq and sh
35-15-39. $12,000.
E. E. Likins to J. I. Case Thresh
ing Machine Co., crop eh of neq 31
--19-40, $394.
S. ('.. Leonard to Walter Hayfleld,
three-fifths crop part 11-18-45,
L. R. and L. S. Brown to W. A.
Yeo. crop part sees 1. 2, In 14-4
S. W. Smith to Farmers State
Bank, St. John, live stock, machin
ery, half crop 18-18-42, $80.
Jas. Chase to St. John State Bank,
live stock, $3100.
E. E. Liklns to John B. Frick, live
stock, $550.
Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.
to Carroll L. Smith, veal mtge.
J. M. Thayer to Susan S. VVlnshlp,
real mtge.
Charles 11. Shawgo to Edmund L.
Schell et ux., real mtge.
Win. Druffel to L. F. Gibbs et ux.,
real mtge.
Marshall K. and Bertha M. Snell
to Max T. XV. Steinko et ux., real
Vermont Loan & Trust Co. to El
lon Weldin, real mtge.
J. J. Browder to R. V. Browder,
chattel mtge.
Bank of Rosalia to Frank R.
Jones, chattel mtge.
Potlatch Lumber Co. to Wllhelm
Straub, Hen.
Bill of Sale
('has. Cawrso to Bank of Farm
ington, 900 sacks of potatoes, $500.
Pullman People Should Learn to De
tect the Approach of Kidney
The symptoms of kidney trouble
are many. Disordered kidneys often
excrete a thick, cloudy, offensive
urine, full of sediment, irregular of
passage or attended by a sensation of
scalding. The back may ache, head
aches and dizzy spells may occur and
the victim is often weighted down by
a feeling of languor and fatigue.
Neglect theso warnings and there is
danger. Delay often proves fatal.
You can use no better endorsed
kidney remedy than Doan's Kidney
Pills. Here's Pullman proof of their
J*. Hinchliff. bricklayer, Moscow
road, says: "On several occasions 1
had attacks of kidney trouble,
brought on by stooping over so much.
At these times, I had severe pains in
my kidneys, especially when lifting
anything. My kidneys acted too fre
quently, causing me to get up several
times at night. Poan's Kidney Pills,
which 1 got at White's Drug Store,
always gave mo wonderful relief and
I would feel fine."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy —get
Doan's Kidney Pills —the same that
Mr. Hinchliff had. Foster-Milburn
Co.. Mfgrs, Buffalo, N. Y.
Insure with McClaskey. Jan2Ctf
Im^^^^^Z_^______~* m ____^_^____^____^_Bmmßn
. -;
Specials for
Saturday, Nov. 17
« packages K. (1. rornpiftkes^ j
• * So?
Mb. Mick Bran .
Mb, sack Rolled Oats
■■*'.' '•• ■ • 65.
Economy Star Coffee--,'.^
1 pound tor .
** pounds for .
' »5c
Hershey Cocoa---.,., , ,-
Baker Chocolate—i^ pound.... 4-/
I cans Apex Brand Peas f0r...,.^
Shredded Wheat Biscuits—
- packages for ..
'_.- ■ • • «""-
Federal Milk—
7 cans for ...
11" cans for . 'tl«.
Hominy—a large cans for ..., ay
Bulk cut Macaroni—per 1b......-^
Olympic or Alders Pancake '
Floor—per package ........3-,
'.""**- *.- .rS
Jell..— flavor— pkg.....i oc
Lighthouse Cleanser— cans _a
-urge Ivory Soap—per bari'^ClOc
Small Ivory Soap— bare for... 23,.
J -..-,■''
Kieam Krls|iThe best cooking
Small si/..- ~ I*
■ '-.■■■
Medium size -^
Large size (1J g
Smir Kraut—per quart _-«
Phono 00
In Justice Court Before Geo. N,
Henry, Justice of the Peace, is
and for Precincts 41, 51, 64 and
72, Whitman County, Washing
F. A. Masek. Doing Business* Under
the Name, The Rodrick Tailor-
Ing Co., Plaintiff, vs. Mrs. C. D.
Wilson and C. 1.. Wilson, De
State of Washington, County of ■-
Whitman, ss.:
State of Washington to Mrs. C. D.
Wilson and C. L. Wilson, defend
In the name of the State of Wash
ington you are hereby notified that
F. A. Masek. doing business under
the name of The Rodrick Tailoring
Co., has filed a complain against you
in said court which will come on to
be heard at my office in Pullman, in
Whitman County, State of Washing
ton, on the 24th day of November,
1917, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
a. m., and unless you appear and
then and there answer the same will
be taken as confessed, and the de
mand of the plaintiff granted. The
object and demand of said complaint
is to recover against you a judgment
on your promissory note for the
principal sum of $31,75, with In
terest, attorney fees and costs, and
to garnisheo money due from the
Northern Pacific Railway company
to said defendant, C. L. Wilson.
Complaint filed herein October 25,
Justice of the Peace-
FOR SALE—96O acres, six ml«*
west of Clyde Park, Park county.
Montana, on Shields Valley brancn
N. P. Ry.; 500 acres in cultivation.
250 acres more can be cultivated'
balance pasture with stock »» •
250 acres in winter wheat. 100 acre
more for spring seeding; 250. 8! L
under ditches, decreed water rig -
soil rich and productive; new 7
frame house; good spring _
through barnyard; new ***"*•*
community. Price $42. 1^
six per cent. Liberal terms. V- '.
Arnet, Clyde Park. Moatana.
0c26n016 ... ,'jgj . S
entjob. Can use all classes of wo«
--labor for our winter camps.
donkey men, cant hook men, -
road men, and woodsmen o •
kinds. Wages 35 cents per B0»^ .
up, depending on the job. tgrggfl
per day. Blackwell htaeW^
pany, Fernwood. Idaho.
Go to Duthle's for apple **+