Newspaper Page Text
County Records FEBRUARY, IS, 1918 Patents United States to John T. Kile, seq 12-19-42. Deeds F. J. Mahoney et ux. to David 11. Mahoney. lot 1, eh lot 5, lot 6, blk '. Mahoney-Lleh add. Tekoa. $500. K. K. Jones et ux. to Roy Jones, one-sixth interest in part 2-16-41, and part nh 11-15-4 1. $6000. Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation, of Pullman, to A L. Groseclose, part lot 41, blk 57, Pullman, except, $1. Clyde L. Crawford, ad mi to M. XV. Whitlow, lots ... 6, b'k .'.. Law rence & llolhrook's add. Pullman, $240. Mortgages Frank B. White et ux. to Federal Land Bank, Spokane, nh 28 18 12, $10,000. Clifford XV. West et ux. to Federal Land Bank, Spokane, part 28-19-41, $4000. Clarence J. Morgan et ux. to Fed eral Land Bank, Spokane, part seq 5-19-41, part se<i neq 5-19-41, $4400. Jos. R. Semler to Moscow State Bank, part 19-15-46, $2000. Chas. E. Maynard to A. It. Snider, part sees 22, 23, in 18-45, $10,000, C. H. Nyquist to J. P. Wedln, live stock, machinery, crop on 58 acres, $2750. Releases Farmers State Bank, St. John, to Clarence J. Morgan et ux., real mtge. C. S. Bennett to R. C. McCroskey, Jr., et ux.. real mtge., $8000. John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co. to Harrison 11. Simpson et ux., real mtge, $6500. Netherlands American Mortgage Bank to Jas. Arthur Wiley et ux., $2000. Colton State Bank to Chas, E. Maynard, real mtge, $9300. G. A. Weldon to A. F. Boone, chat tel. Conditional Bills of Sale Standard Oil Co. to Regan Vehicle Co., pump, tank, hose, etc., $180. Spokane Filers Music House to E. S. Bailor, piano, $285. Bills of Rale Corneal C. Llnehan to C. 11. Ny quist, live stock, machinery, two thirds crop 58 acres, $2750. J. M. Keator to D. R. Horsey, auto house moving outfit, etc., $1. mi m FEBRUARY 14, 1918 Deeds Elizabeth M. Buck et vir to Char lotte M. Kruegel, tract in Pullman, $1. B. F. Childers et ux. to Mrs. J. P. Crawford and R. F. Shafer, sh neq 26-19-43, $1485. T. Houchin,''et ux. to J. G. and Burt Reed, lots 3, 4, 5, hlk 7, La Crosse, lots 3, 4, 5, blk 5, T. 11. Shobe's add, LaCrosse, $225. Alice Sieverdlng et vir to Minnie O'Halloran, swq 6-19-44, $3500. Same to same, eh swq, lots 6, 7. of 6-19-44, $3500. C. E. Day et ux. to R. A. McCul lough, tract in 1-16-45, $1200. Virginia May Bowers et vir to Win. H. Schlehuber, part 31-19-46, $2500. Burt Reed et ux.. J. S. Reed et ux. to H. H. Michaelson, lots 3, 4, 5, blk 7. LaCrosse. lots 3. 4, 5, blk 5, T. H. Shobe's add, LaCrosse, $600. Mortgages Wm. H. Schlehuber et ux. to Bank of Farmington, part 19-19-46, $4800. W. M. Mills et ux. to Rank of Farmington. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, hlk 8, Farmington, $135. Minnie O'Halloran et vir to Bank of Rosalia, undivided two-thirds in terest in part 6-19-44, $3500. H. L. Field to Minor Lewallen. au to, $171. Sherman Schneider to Bank of Ro salia, six autos, $4600. Releases A. H. Crow to B. F. Childers el ux., real mtge. Bank of Endicott to Frank Teal, chattel, $1500. First National Bank. Pullman, to Corneal C. Llnehan, chattel, $1200. Conditional Bills of Sale VanAusdle Hoffman Piano Co. to Mrs. O. F. Dlrr. piano. $24 4. to C. W. Wolfe, piano, $239; to Mrs. R. Mont gomery, piano, $485; to Jas. Shaw piano, $287; to L. M. Barnett, piano, $150; Gladys Starr, piano, $50; to Q. W. Oliver, piano, $189; to G. R. Ridgewood, piano, $355; to F. S. Libby. piano. $178. FEBRUARY 15. 1918 Deeds Frank M. Rothrock et ux.. Harry L. Day et ux. to Day & Rothrock Co., part 5, 6, 7, In 20-39, $144,417. S. M. Watson et ux. to E. L Koontz, lot 3, blk 12, Huffman's 2nd add, Tekoa, $1. Lucy R. Renne to Louis O. Renne, part lot 11, McGee's Subdivision, seq 32-15-45, $1. Mortgages Harry G. Mi-Gee to National Bank of Oakesdale. live stock, machinery ante. Implements, crop nwq 20-18-4 4, $140*. Robt. XV. Miller et ux. to O. D. Mc- Kevhun. live stock, $250. Jas. M. Martin to Colfax State Bank, live stock, machinery, imple ments, auto, three-fourths crops on Mictions 13 an l 23 in 15-41, $10,000. FEBRUARY 16, 1918 Deeds Ruby Buck to Pearl Rector Leuty, blk 48, Farmlngton, $1. August Jensen et ux. to E. A. Itte, lot l. eh lot 2, hlk 2, Spenc er's add. Thornton, $1. Ora A. Rector and Obert 11. Rec tor to Pearl Rector Leuty, hlk 4 8 in Farmington, $1. David F. Humgarner el ux. to B. 11. Muntz, tract in 2-16-42, $650. Martha E. Morgan to W. L. Mills, tract in 19-42 $1200. Martha E. Morgan to Thos. Hen ning, tract in 26 I '.'■ 12, $1200. Martha E. Morgan to XV. L. Mills, tract In 26-19-42, $1. Margaret J, Ray to ('has. E. Ray, lot 20, blk 2, Texas City," tract in Texas City, $1. Marion Lelnhach et ux. to J. J. Bastep, lot 29, hlk 13, Resurvey, Steptoe, $100. L P. Rohleder et ux to Martha E. Morgan, tract in 26-19-42, $1. Bert Mullins et ux. to Fred Jones, 1 act in Colton, $1. Mary A. Stevy to W. It Palamoun tain. tract in 12-1 (3, part 1-16-43, $7 801*. Nora B. Prior et vir to W. 11. Lacey, lot 5, blk 9, Prescott & Per kins Riverside add, Colfax, $1. Margaret J. Ray to ("has. E. Ray, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, hlk 8, Texas City, lots IS, 1. 10, blk 8, Texas City, except, $1. Mortgagee Dan Lunkard el ux. to State Building & Loan Association, lot 14. blk 3, LaCrosse, $349. J. J. Eastep et ux. to J. M. Trow bridge, lot 29, hlk 13, Resurvey of Steptoe, $1121. W. A. Moss et ux. to J. N. Emer son, trustee, lots and blocks in Pull man. Same to same, stock of cigars, bil liard tables, etc., ill Crescent Billiard Parlors, in Pullman. J. J. Fastep to J. M. Trowbridge, blacksmith outfit, $1121. C. F. Potter to Rank of Winona, live stock. $250. Palouser company (S. E. Ratliff and Ivan Chase) to First Savings & Trust Rank, Whitman County, inter typo machine, etc., $886, Claud Walters to Garfield Nation al Rank, live stock, crops part wh 23-18-45. $300. C. E. Spencer to Samuel Easto, auto, $100. Releases International Mortgage Rank to A. K. Finley el ux., real mtge, $8000. Pullman Development Co., real mtge, $5500. J. M. Trowbridge to Marion Loin bach, chattel, $1121. Ruinely Products Co. to Wm. L. Torpey, chattel. FEBRUARY IS, 1918 Deeds Fred A. Harmon et ux. to Mary J. Harmon, lots 6, 6, 7, blk 2, lot 7, blk 3, Smith's add. Pine City, $65. Marshall K. Snell et ux. to Whit man County, sw,| neq 25-19-40, $1. I. M. Curtis et ux. to ('oldie E. Taggart, tract in swq 22-14-39, $125. Same to same, tract in swq 22-14 --39, $30. Thaddeus A. Stivers et ux. to John K. Ridrr.d. hlk 2, Geo. F. Stivers add, Garfield, $10. 10. V. Hughes et ux. to Laurence D. Crisman, tract in nwq 29-17-40, $00. Floyd E. Payne et ux. to Mary E. Kile, tract, nwq neq 28-19-43, $2500. Lizzie C. Stanton and Victor H. Smith to Mary K. Kile, part nee. 28 --19-43, $1. Wash. Congregational Conference, Inc., to Mary F. Brooks, lot 6, blk 12, Huffman's 2nd add, Tekoa, $600. Charley Ehrllch to Frederick & Jullanna Ehrlich, undivided half in terest in tract in 25-15-41, $18.">. Le**es Morasch D. Roach to Edwin Mit telstadt, eh swq neq 24-20-42, $125 per year. Will Bradley to W. S. Decker, swej 28-19-39, one-third crop. Mortgages Alice Chamberlain, executrix, to Farmers National Rank, Colfax, nwq nwq swq 26-15-42, $2000. S. G. and F. C. Fisher to Bank ol Winona, live stock, machinery, croi On P. M. Moore place and R. F. Cot ter place, $1600. J. D. Little to Farmers National I Rank, Colfax, furniture, fixtures etc., in connection with meat mar ket In Colfax, $650. Releases Burlington Trust Co. to Wm. ant Mary Bradley, real mtge, $8000. Ned ;i Lombard to Win. S. Rum burg et OX., real mtge., $400. Conditional Bills of Sale J. P. Phelan to 11. O. Bell & Co. auto, $201. Spokane Filers Music House t, Mrs. O. G. Billings, piano, $295. FEBRUARY 10, 1918 Patents United States to Ida M. Arthur, seq seq 27-1 4-45. United States to Geo. Carter, the swq 26-14-45. Deeds Harriet B. Stubble et vir to Wm. H. Schlehuber, part 31-19.-46, $80. Lewis A. Brockway to Seward G. Brock way et ux., lots 11, 12, blk 18, Rosalia, part lot 6, blk 10, Ander son's add. Rosalia, $1. Alba F. Woodward et ux. to Grace C Woodward, sh nwq 12-20-44. $8000. C. l. MacKenzie est ux. to Matt Johnson, undivided half interest lots 7. 8. blk 29, Colfax, $10. I. C. Lawrence et ux. to Isaac N. and Martha Fields, part 4-17-45, $15,000. Geo. W. Carter et ux. to Heirs of G. W. Wolfe, swci 26-14-45, $1. Leasees R. A. Hensle to Ole Tellefson and Helmer Nilson, neq 14-20-45, third of crop. Same to same, uw,| 12-20-45, one third of crop. Mortgages ('.race C. Woodward et ux. to Alba F. Woodward, sh nwq 13-20-44, $4 000. Peter L. Nelson et ux. to Federal Land Rank, Spokane, eh neq 5-18-42. except, $3000. Ole Tellefson and Helmer Nilson to R. A. iiensle. live stock, machin ery, two-thirds crop neq 14-20-46, nwq 13-20-45, $5300. A. R. See to Elberton State Rank. live stock, etc., $180. Releases Sherman Clay & Co. to Henry Menglekamp, conditional bill of sale. Conditional Rills id' SCale Overland Pacific, inc., to C. T. Shields, auto, $1087. Htghhouse and Sandusky to A. E. Hudson, auto, $425. Hills of Sale R. 11. Zimmerman to G. A. Street, stock of merchandise, etc., Pullman, $1. R. A. Hensle to Ole Tellefson and Helmer Nilson, live stock, machin ery, grains, $7,S,JU. NEW COMMITTEE WILL MOBILIZE COLLEGES FOR TRAINING OF TROOPS It is estimated that within the next six months 75,000 to 100,000 men will be given intensive military train ing in schools and colleges. They will be drawn from the armed forces of the nation, men now in training camps or about to be called, and registrants under the selective serv ice law. With a view to mobilizing the ed ucational institutions of the country for this special training there has been created in the War Department ii "committee on education and spe cial training." It will encourage and arrange for the technical education of men needed by the several branches of the army. CARTOONISTS WORK WILL BOOST THIRD ■LIBERTY LOAN" The work of the foremost cartoon ists of the country will be used dur ing the sale of Third Liberty Loan bonds. Drawings will lie used in a wordless booklet and a daily cartoon service. The booklet, containing all of the cartoons, will be distributed by mil lions. It will consist only of draw ings. The cartoons will also be divided evenly between afternoon and morning papers. RECORD OF THE PAST No Stronger Evidence Can Be Had in Pullman Look well to their record. What they have done many times in years gone by is the best guarantee of fu ture results. Anyone with a bad back; any reader suffering from urinary troubles, from kidney ills, should find comforting words in the following statement. C. S. Stone, carpenter, 007 High St., Pullman, says: "My kidney trouble came from-a strain while at work. A year ago last winter I had much trouble from my kidneys. They were very weak and the dull pains through them caused torture. I was advised to use Doan's Kidney Fills and 1 found them to be just what I needed to help me. They took hold of the trouble at once and I was soon free from tho pains and other troubles." (Statement given Juno 6, 1913.) OVER THREE YEARS LATER, Mr. Stone added: "I still use Doan's Kidney Pills when 1 have need of a kidney medicine and they never fail to help me. I praise them at every opportunity." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Stone had. Foster-Milburn Co. MfKrs., Buffalo, N. Y. IMP THEATRIC PRICES I Alt LOWER THAN AT METROPOLITAN HOUSES While figures are not yet available on the proportionate number of $1 and $5 smlleage books being pur chased for use by men at the camps and cantonments, the Commission on Training Camp Activities, in charge of the sale, states that there has been unexpected demand for the larger books. Smileage books selling for $1 contain 20 coupons good for ad mission to camp entertainments; books selling for $5 contain 100 coupon.. From two to five coupons are re quired for admission to Liberty the atres at the camps, although many of the productions are of the class which command $2 prices In metro politan houses. NEW war BOOKLET ISSUED BY COMMITTEE OX PUBLIC INFORMATION A "War Encyclopedia," providing ilee public with Information on the great war in the form of a handbook, is the latest publication issued by the Committee on Public Information. The salient facta of the war are briefly stated In alphabetical form In 300 pages. The cyclopedia also contains a chronology of outstanding events ranging from the murder at Serajevo of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, June 28, 1914, to the British national labor conference's approval of President Wilson's war aims. December 29, CM 7. The volume may be obtained by addressing the committee on Public Information, 10 Jackson Place, Washington, 1). ('., and inclosing 25 cents to cover cost of printing, mm: tests are used to PROVE PHYSICAL FITNESS of MEN IN (AMR The director of athletics at one army camp has arranged a program as a means of determining the rela tive athletic caliber of the companies in the division. Each man is re quired to pass In eight of the follow ing tests to obtain a positive mark for his unit: Jump eight feet from a standing position; chin 10 times; clear a bar at four feet two inches; throw a 12 --pound shot 33 feet; climb a 20-foot rope in 15 seconds; dash 50 yards in seven seconds; run a mile in six minutes; lift a 60-pound weigh! over the head with one hand: sit up from ii supine position with a 50-pound weight suspended from the back of the head. In order to assure prompt and ac curate identification, the War De partment has adopted a system of numbering enlisted men of the army. The system provides lor one series of numbers, without alphabetical pre fix, for all enlisted men. The num ber assigned to a soldier will be come a part of his official designa tion, and will never be changed nor assigned to another man. It will be entered on Identification tags. There is no standard recipe for "victory bread," the only require ment being that it must contain not more than 80 per cent of wheat flour the remaining 20 per cent being com posed of corn meal or corn flour, rice, potato flour, or other cereals recommended by the Food Adminis tration. "Victory" pies and dough nuts, which contain not less than one-third non-wheat flours, may be sold on wheatless days if the same recipes are used throughout the week. Before the war the Navy's Bureau of Identification had the finger-print records of 300,000 men. In the last year the number has. increased to about GOO,OOO. in taking the finger print record of the navy recruit the Impressions of all 10 fingers are ob tained. M<? GALES / £OT\ MAGAZINE /£ca7\ [Jam } Fashion '-w ) VgW Authority For Nearly 50 Ycarsl Join Vie 1,300,000 women who turn to McCAI every month for correct 1.. ■'.. lons, for patterns, for economic. buying, for fancy needlework, for good stories— foi pleasure, for help, for style. McCALL Patterns fit. 1Z I M<? CALL'S! I Wi Copy Year Af MJ9M FUEEt SEND A POSTAL CARD AND ASK FOR SetMH-B COPT of M.r.AI.I.'S; or »1009 I !\- MONEY Offer to Worn-... or Ltd of GlfcTSgiYi n without c...<t: or BICYCLE Offer to He.yu a- ii Girl»; or latest PATTERN nui/»:r,., or Utl Cub Offer to AGE-. 13; or J:.a>.v.i I'iuei oiler to ,our ciiuaca. Aiartt . THE McCAU CO., 236:50 Wot 374 Street. New Yak, N. T. I __—__ — 1 <■■< \ ixAA-:■ ■.-;■!; -■•" - ■ ■■■? :. ; :~ | HEAT WATER ■—BY WIRE —I Up to April ist we will give a $25.00 water heater free with every electric range. Get our comparative fuel costs. —— —.——■■—^-»_—__-_—-»■__— „ Washington Water Power Company _^.-* wm Kt?lTiT~~Si - lr^-r^AA't ff£ m ■ .■* Aa'. vC| frh>: __j___j___3ft__ "" i'______ AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT and LIABILITY INSURANCE is a vital necessity to every owner. Just read the daily list of auto accidents for proof, I will gladly quote rales, etc., and answer questions. M. J. Chapman AGENT J. O.s | FEBRUARY SPECIALS ; I II) Walnuts i_.*>o | I can Asparagus _!.">c 10 lbs. Split peas $1.00 1 .**» ll s. Golden West Coffee 02.00 ■ Dried Prunes, per pound 15c ADAMS' GROCERY! Rhone*: 56 and ~>x i *M***M**aaa*\a*aaaaammt le____S The Pullman General Hospital RACHEL BISHOP, R. N. ' BLANCHE GILBREATH, IL N. Proprietors Ample Equipment and Competent Nurses to care for all medical and surgical cases. Phono 0 lj FOR SALE jj Good Place in lj lj Lapwai Valley, j; j; near ;1 jl Lapwai, Idaho ;! jj J. S. REDDING || ]> Spalding, Idaho ]» DR. MATTHEW .1. BEISTEL Physician and Surgeon Pullman, Wash. Specializes In stomach and intes tinal diseases. Largest X-ray and office equip ment; 30-room modern sanitarium for medical and surgical cases. Special treatment for eye, ear, nose and throat diseases. Glasses fitted properly , WANTED —Track men for log ging railroad; 4 3"/_ cents per hour; board $1 per day. Apply Blackwell Lumber company, Fern wood, Idaho. sep2ltf HOUSE TO RENT OR SELL — lias in connection nine good lots for garden, also arranged for chickens and rabbits. J. M. Reid. febltt See Duthie for coal and wood — wagon load or car load. decMtf Insure with McClaskey. Jan26tf LUMBER Queen Rosiyn Rock Springs jj and Utah Coals jl Flour and Feed Special ! on Bran $33.00 per ton jj while it lasts J. P. Duthie Phone 50 Pullman Insure with McClaskey. jan26tt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIM | JOHN SQUIRE. I | Farm Lands | City Property I | Mortgage Loans I 5 Flat Iron Block I j Tllßllllllllllllllllillllllilllllllllllllllllllll ji Ramer's lj Chocolates A Direct from the Factory J i They will Please You » _ ' r — a - i ■ — ii THORPE'S ii SMOKE HOUSE 11 (Incorporated) 11 . Phone 28 ]! Where Everybody Goes - . , jj Farm Lands jj Farm Loans jj City Property !; LIVESTOCK 1 1 also bought and sold ]> If you want to buy or sell any l, thing see or phone me. jj WM. M. PORTER ji Office second floor of City Hall (' Chamber of Commerce Room