Newspaper Page Text
County Records FEBRUARY 27, 1118 Deeds A. R. Met, et ux. to Clyde W. Shoup. lots 9, 10, blk 1",, $1. Emma E. Morrison el \ir to XV. A. McMastors, lots 3, i. blk 70, XV. V. Simpson's add, Garfield, $66. Win. Sproal to Otto and Douglas Sproat, lets 1. 2. 3, neq swq 30-19-43, part neq 26 19-4s, $1. W. ii. Ragon el ux. to Andrew J. Lisenbee, nwq 18-18-44, part neq 1,1 --18-43, $1. Frank .1. Lawson et ux. to Alice L. Lawson, nh swq 7-15-46, $1. Leases R. 8.-Sller ci ux. t.. Henry W. Har mon, part nh 25. part swq 24, 20-41, 11870 per year. Mortgages ■ w. A. Mi Masters el ux. to Emms F. Morrison, lots 3, 4, blk 70, W. F. sin,p.-., add, Garfield, 165. E. .'. Paulson to J. P. Sorenson, live stock, machinery, crop part 3fl, "IT In 17-45, and auto, $2000. A. E. Grant to Agnes S. Lyon, live stock, machinery, etc., $4000. G. XV. Manring to Oarfield Nation al Bank, live stock, grain, crops on neq 7-17-45, $2400. J. R. Curtis to .lohn Smith, cow $60. , Alex Canutt 1.1 Colfax State Hank. machinery, live stock, two-thirds crop on wh 35-16-4 1, $600. Claud Walters to M. E. Metz, live stock, $225. Release* Bank of Rosalia to Robt. 11. Siler, el al., real mtge, $4300 Mechanics Loan & Trust Co. to Robt. B. Slier el ux., real mine . $10, --00.0; real mtge, $8000, . International Mortgage Bank to .1. C. Lawrence et ux.. real mtge, $3200, Geo. Kruetz to B. F. Childers et ux., real mtge. F. A, Williams to Jesse and Hay den Mann, conditional bill of sale. F. a. Williams to E. .1. Hale, con ditional bill of sale. Conditional Bills of Sale Briggs Piano Co. to J. C. Clark, phonograph, $100; to c. W. Brown, phonograph, $100; to S, 10. McDan iel, piano. $375; to Mrs, E. C. Her ring, piano, $325; to P. K. Godfrey, /phonograph, $85; to .1. C. Thorn men, piano, $404. Sherman, Clay & Co. to John Kil burn, piano. $250. Williams & Gallaugher to S. C. Snider and Fred W. Mayer, auto, $155.20. Levy ami Attachment Colfax Merc. Agency vs. Robt. J. Meredith, nwq 19-17-43, $226. Lippitt Bros. vs. it. O. Lawson, eh swu., lots 3. 4, of 19-16-44, part swq »eg 14-16-43, lot 8, blk 7, Colfax, $260 and costs. FEBRUARY 28, cms Deeds M. R. McOee el ux. to John Casey, w 30 feet lots 14, 15, blk 19, La Crosse, $1. Henry Baum et ux. to Win. C. Hill, lots 7, 8, bik 26, Mrs. Elizabeth she,. han's add, Farmington, $300 Mary E. Beach to 8, M. McLeod, eh swq. lots 6, 7 of 6-16-46, $16,000, Daniel Frew to Bertha Homer, lot 5, blk 4. Fairmont cemetery, Hull man, $10. Leases W. C. Choat to J. E. Turnbow, part sections 26, 2: in 17-45, $1000. Mortgages S. M. McLeod et ux. to Mary E. Beach, eh swq, lots 6, 7, of 16-46 $7000. Ray and Carl Lair to P. li. Lair, two-thirds crop wh 25-17-43, wh nwq 36-17-43, swq 83-18-42, $4200. Loney Heaslet to ,l as . T. Heaslet, horses, machinery, two-thirds crop nwq 4-14-44, $1790. C. S. Green to Farmers State Bank, St. John, live stock, $400. John c. and Anton Hadaller to Bay & Hansen Security Co., live stock, $650. R. E. Atkinson to First State Bank of Garfield. live stock, etc., $125. Conrad Dippel et ux. to the Gar field National Bank, live stock, ma chinery, two-thirds crops lot 3, nh seq 31-18-46, $1000. B. M. Elliott to Alfred Miller et at , chattel. D. M. Elliott to Albert P. Miller, et al., chattel. ■ Citizens State Bank, Tekoa, to F. A. Thew et ux., chattel, J.".*".'". Citizens 5t.,.,. .Bank, Tekoa, to Mil ler and Hankinson. ■•>.'!. $900. lii en Standard Lumber Co. vs. L. A. Brockway, part lots 5, ... hlk 19, on Seventh street, Rosalia, $109. MARCH 1, 1918 Patents United States to Ceo M. Wilson. swq 10-19-40. Heeds Adam P. Welti et ux. to Conrad J. Scnlerman, part seq 32-1 S-41. $250. Ira N. Nye et ux. to .las Emert et ux , blk 3, part hlks I, 5, tracts in College View add, Pullman, $700. Chas E. Dodd et ux. to Jessie M. Reid, blk 11. Garden City add, Pull man, $1. Mortgage* W. H. Lawson to O. D. McKeeban, live stock, $2500. Releases David T. Trimble to Orovllle S. Jones et ux., real mtge., $2700. Pullman Savings & Loan Associa tion to Luvenla P. Oelwlck, real d tga. Citizens State Bank. Tekoa.. to Frank The« et ux., chattel, $2700. Conditional Kill of Sale Standard Furniture Co. to E. J. Smith, rugs, blankets, $67.50. Hobart Manufacturing Co. to C. R. Sanders Co., cereal mill, etc., $300, Lev) and Attachment Pullman Savings and Loan Asso ciation vs. Ross R. Kennedy et al., lot 1, blk 16, Reaney's add, Pullman, together with tract in Pullman, i m MARCH 2, 1918 I >oeds County Treasurer to Gertrude Ross, lots 10, 17, is. blk 6, lots 21, 22, blk X, .Mount View add. Pullman. .lohn DeHues et ux. to Win. Kram llch, part nwq of nwq 1-16-43, part swq of swq 11-16-43, sb of se.| 10 --16-4 except, $15,000. W. A Forrester et ux, to W. E. Cavendar, lots I, 2. blk 7. Geo. T. Huffman, lots I, 2. 3, 1. blk 17. Reachs add to I'alouse, $1. Sadie L. 1 leit/man to Ida W. Cath eart, blk G, eh blk H, Bombards add to Palouse, $ I. County Treasurer to E. F. Jones, lot. 20. blk 1. Tekoa. Mortgagee Wm. Kramlitch el ux to John De Hens, part nwq of nwq 14-16-43, part sw.| of swq 11-16-43, sb of seq 10-16-43, except, $7500. Thaddetis A. Stivers et ux. to First Slate Bank. Fairfield, part neq 9-17 --45, $4000. Jennie C. Strickler el vir to P. V. Stravens and M. Freeman, lots 2, 3. Sb lot 1, blk I, Colfax, $27 40. elms. L. Parrish et ux. to Geo. H. Noe, seq seq of swq lot 4 of 30-19-43, $111,000. T. W. Enrighl to Bank of Sprague, live stock, etc., $ 1 00, B. Wilcox to A. J. Miller, auto. $61. Roy Weeks to Security State Bank. LaCrosse, two-thirds crop eh 6-16-38, live stock, $,",2"). W. E. Jackson to C. F. Kinzie, outfit, Palouse, $600. E. O. Carter to J. W. Ross, live stock, etc., $100. Bill of Sale W. 1). Hale to Mason Morris, live stock, Implements, $963, MARCH 4, 1918 Deeds Asa Rathbon to E. Irene Shobe, part 2-15-39, $1. Luke Best to Joe Wright, eh of seq 13-20-40, $1. O. J. Carroll to Alex Lithzenberg er, part 14-10-41, $10. Contract to Sell Amanda M. Wolfe et al. to .las. Edwin Kimble, part wh 26, part eh 27, nit 34-14-45, $85,000. Leases Mary Elisabeth Hale to E. P. Mor ris, part 36-18-42, one-third crop. Nicholas Kripes et ux. to Colton State Bank, lots 4, 5, 6, blk 10. Col ton, $200. Alex Litzenberger et ux. to O. J. Carroll, part 14-16-41, $".000. J. M. Snider to Lamont State Bank, live stock, machinery, $3000. T. F. Lyons to Albion State Bank, live stock, crop on part 84-15-44, $4200. I>. T. Brophey to Lamont State ink, live stock, machinery, $3000. H. P. Turner et ux. to St. John State Bank, live stock, $1810. G. B. Herron to Lamont State Hank, live stock, machinery, $2000. W. M Walker to Lamont State Hank, liv.- stock, machinery, $2000. Helens*'* Colton State Bank to Nicholas Virpes el ux., real mtge., $200. Pullman Savings and Loan Assn. to ('lias. A. Isaacs et ux., real mtge. Bankers Trust Co., trustee, to N. P. Ry. Co., real mtge., partial release sh of neq I 9-20-41. Ira M Tamp to H. .1. Zerba, partial release chattel. $500. •A. B. Willard to John A. Kussel >'t al., chattel. Albion State Bank to T. F. Lyons, .battel, $3000. Conditional Hill of Sale Partners Supply Co. to Edwin J. Schultz, into, $675. Hill of Sale Elgle Day to C. C. Miller, touring car, fi. MARCH 5, 1918 Patents United States to Jos. Weiser, swq of sw.j 12-19-41. Deeds Albert Burnam to Burton Lewis Schaii.lron, part swq 20-15-41, $1. Eugenia Brown to Samuel L. Drown, part seq of nwq. neq of swq, 1-14-44. $1. XV. 11. Worley et ux. to R. c. Mc- Croskey, part 28-18-45, $1. Leasee Q. A. Hale et ux. to E. F. Morris, swq of nwq, nwq of swq 18-48, one-third crop. Mortgages J. Houston McCroskey et ux. to Federal Reserve Land Bank, Spo kane, neq, eh of nwq 28-18-45, $10. --000. Henry C. Wilson et ux. to Federal Land Bank. Spokane, part 6-17-43, $5000. Fran, is A. Ware to W. S. Imbler, auto, $100. L. S. Nordyke to M, Freeman live stock, etc, $200. Wm. J. Hropby, J. H. Brophy et ux. to Bank of Sprague, trustee, two thirds crop nh 18, swq nh 7, swq 8 -20-40, $7080.62. Fredolph Osterberg to Albion State Rank, two-thirds crop sh of nwq and nh of swq 5-16-45, $600. 1 (el eases John F. Warnock to T. F. Kabler, real mtge. Mrs. J. ii. St. Lawrence to C. M. Organ, conditional bill of sale, $375, Conditional Bills of Sale Champion Register Co. to A. Q. Castleman, account system, $190. Lawrence Fisher Hdw. Co. to Henry Milne, auto, $96, Bill of Sale 1. M. Kemp to Emma T. Kemp, live stock, crops sb of nwq, wh of swq, swq of neq, $]. sr.M.Movs FOR publication In Justice Court Before Win. Swain, Justice of the Peace in and for Precincts No. 41. 51 and 64, Whitman County, Washington. I\ O. Brownson, Plaintiff, vs. George Childers, Defendant. State of Washington, County of Whitman, ss. To George Childers: In the name of the State of Wash ington, you are hereby notified that I-, O. Brownson has filed a complaint against you in said court which will come on to be heard at my offices in Pullman, Whitman county, Washing ton, on the 30th day of March, 1918, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. and unless you appear and then and there an swer, the same will be taken as con fessed, and the demand of the plain tiff granted. The object and demand of said complaint is to recover a judgment against you for the sum of $42.05, with interest thereon at six per cent per annum from August 14, 1917, until paid, and costs of this action, and to apply all money or property garnisheed herein to the payment of such judgment as may be recovered against you. WM. SWAIN, Justice of the Peace. Complaint filed Feb. 23. 1918. Mchl-29 WOODSMEN WANTED —- Perma nent job. Can use all classes of woods labor for our winter camps. Need donkey men, cant hook men, rail road men, and woodsmen of all kinds. Wages 43*i_ cents per hour and up, depending on the job. Board $1 per day. Blackwell Lumber com pany, Fern wood, Idaho. 6ep2tf FOR SALE —Bengalia and White Canadian peas, recleaned and ready for seeding. J. J. Vanßruggen. Phone Ml 3. inch 1-29 Victory A LL our bakery *-*• products are Victory Products. Use them and help save the wheat. Cinnamon Hulls. 15c doz. Parker House Rolls, 15c doz. Hot every day at 11 a. m. 11.line Made Dough mils 20c doz. Large Sugar Cookies 15c doz. Drop Cakes 20c doz. . Special Saturday Only 1:00 to 6:00 P.M. 'ream Puffs 60c doz. ROBINSON'S Good Thing* to Eat Formerly The Fountain Deeds-Net Words- Are What Count in :: This Life :: T^HE PATRIOTIC WORD is proper and * inspiring, but the patriotic deed is a neces sity in order to back up the patriotic word. tfjT Money to furnish material and food for the boys in the oJ trenches must be furnished by the people at home. That means us. The third Liberty Loan drive will be launched April 6th. To the extent that we, as individ uals, buy these bonds, just to that extent will we be per forming the patriotic deed. We Must Do Our Very Best Pullman Slate Bank.- First Nalinnal Bank I Shoe Bargains 6 WHICH ARE REAL ECONOMY \J A Shoe for y__^^Sfc^^« Price to Suit S Every Foot i^|gllC?ft^w Every Purse i -_—— - U j! MENS REGULATION ARMY SHOES jl j| BOYS' HOME GUARD jj X ? At $5.65 and $6.00 (! <j Regulation Munson Last j! ft > __ .ij j; At $3.75 .j SJj | MEN'S WORK SHOES || <| YOUTHS' AND BOYS SHOES <| JJ > Good finality Shoo, that give service j, (j o ne lot, size 10 to. 13, £ $1.50 > WA > under the most sever.' wear: heavy or ,[ ( > ()m , jvg £ ?5 j, X j > ► '»ne lot. size l.'l •• io 2, at $1.75 ,' * < light weights; solid soles. ,i > One lot, 2% to 6, al .$2.00 '! Q I Priced from $3.75 to $5.50 < < Qthers $ . __ $ _-_ and __ j; !; GROWING GIRLS' SHOES j| ![ LADIES'SHOES j' 11 jj \Volin or leather sole; fine school shoes. (J <[ Gunmetal and patent leather; priced ]l ■V jj At $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 i| jj $1.95, $2.95, $3.50, $4.00 j! /J < — — j! ? ■ -—' -jl \J j! MEN'S DRESS SHOES jj > MEN'S DRESS SHOES ,] (» Snappy English Dress Shoes Priced j» J» Round-toe Shoes in high grade makes ,| ll lj $4.00 to $8.25 jj ij $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 j 6 - = § EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL *m* V in Mens Shoes, Goodyear welts, lace or button, leather or neolin yj soles, round or English toe, size 6 to 10 1-2. Just djO ttf\ fc 240 pairs in this lot. Special while they last . . . h)0«Ov' x _ = I ~ ; 8 The Emerson Mercantile Co. N THE QUALITY STORE -:- PULLMAN, WASHINGTON "Forty-Nine" Carniva Friday and Saturday, March 22-23 Red Cross Bent