Newspaper Page Text
County Records SEPTEMBER 16, 191 s' Deeds Charlie W. Parrish and Corn E. Butler to Emily E. Parrish, eh of swq. lots 3, 4, of 7-14-44, lots 1. 2, 3. 4, nb lot 6, blk 6, Rossiters add, Pullman, lots 3, 4, Pullman, except, blk 36, love. John F. Beck to A. D. Burrow, part 27-20-41, $1400. Chas. Cassidy to Merrlman D. Cas sidy, eh lot 19, lot 20, nh lot 21, blk 2, Rosalia, $1. Mary Watts et ux., E. IL, to R. G. Rima, lots 11, 12. blk 5, Lawrence & Holorooks add, Pullman, $860. Mortgages J. L. Ashlock et ux., Ida P., to Pullman Savings & Loan Assn., lots 15, 16, blk 2, lots 11, 12, blk 4, lots 9, 10, 12, 13, blk 5, lota 11, 12, bik 8. lots 5, 6, blk 9, College Hill add, Pullman, $2500. Releases National Hank. I'aicuse, to Frank L. Daily, chattel, $408.95. Grant McCann to E. S. Presnell et al., chattel, $ —. O. A. Filan to S. 11. Long, condi tional bill of sale, $1200. Bill of Sale C. H. Irwin to R. V. Crossler, gro cery business, Colfax, $1. Conditional Bill of Side Geo. Cornelius to E. P. Troeh, auto, $1737.50. Willlania and Gallaugher to Wm. T. Smith, auto, $653.08. Assignments Day & Hansen Security Co. to John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., real mtge. Nannie L. Hays. M. Talent to Emma J. Louie, real mtge, Jas. A. Hines, et ux. Williams and Gallaugher to F. A. Williams, conditional bill of salo, Wm. T. Smith. Affidavits B. Hurxthal to The Public. B. Hurxthal to The Public. B. Hurxthal to The Public. —i 1 SEPTEMBER 17, 1918 Deeds Roxio A. Neil to J. S. Pettichord, lots 3, 4, blk 3, Avenue add, Col fax, $1500. Wm. J. Morrell et ux., Lulu, to T. A. Gallaugher, lot 6, part lot 4, blk 34, Brickner & Nixon's add, Col fax, $3300. Leases S. D. Harwood to Henry Schraf fer, swq 12-18-40, due 10-1-19, one third crop. Leila McDougall to Jas. A. Mc- Dougall, sen of nwq, lots 5, 0. 7, of 6-16-39, due 8-24-23, $400 per year. H. M. Chambers et ux., Lizzie, to L. G. Thomas, seq 9, eh of neq 16 --15-44, due 10-1-19, $1680. Mortgages Margaret M. Gallagher et vir, D. F., to Lewis Blau, sh of neq. lots I, 2, of 2-17-44, $9750. A. P. Johnson et ux., Nellie S.. to Federal Land Bank, Spokane, seq 31-18-45, $7000. Releases Henry Harbican to J. 11. Lasswell et ux., real mtge, $12,000. Farmers State Bank, Colfax, to E. C. Willoughby, real mtge, $ —. H. O. Conn to Gust Bteffen, chat, mtge, $160. Conditional Bill of Sale Cram Bros, to Henry Pflugrad, auto, $600. C. G. Cronk to Cram Bros., auto, $850. Spokane Filers Music House to Mrs. J. W. Anderson, piano, $290. N. A. Rolfe to C. B. Ennls, tour ing car, $300. Assignments Colfax National Bank to North western Mutual Life Insurance Co., real mtge., Michael Kroll et ux., $6000. Easement Mary E. Salndon et vir, O. F., to Whitman County, Washington, ease ment for public road over part 6-19 --40, $300. » Affidavits John O'Neil to The Public. Order Vacation Board of County Comissioners to The Public, vacating part H. D. Smith road. SEPTEMBER IS, 1918 Deeds Christ Sautter et ux. to Regina Kammercell, lots 3 to 11 inc. blk C 4, Railroad add, Farmington, $1000. N. J. Walters to Phillip Starit, lots 2, 3 and 4, part lots 19-20-21, blk I, Louchs Ist add, Elberton, $300. Mortgages Pete Salovlch to Max E. Meining. lots 1 and 2, blk 1, lots 3 and 8, blk li lota 3 and 4, blk 2, east of F street. Breedings add, I'alouse. $300. E. M. Curtis to I. M. Curtis, live stock, two-thirds crops 36-14-4 0, $10,000. O. R. Hendrlckson to Morrill Hill, live Btock, $383, Helen sos Phllllnla Keeney to Martin P. Kin ney et ux.. real mtge. $4900. A. H. Llnvllle to XV. L. Mcßride, chat mtge, 11-23-17, $1981.76, Bill of Sale Christ Sautter to Reginia Kam mercell, live stock, machinery, auto, etc., $6500. SEPTEMBER 19, IBIS Deeds Wm. F. Jamison et ux., Eva, to Dew*) L. Jamison, nwq 11-20-45, $1600. Mortgages Grant McCann et ux., Lydia M., to Lincoln Trust Co., neq 9, nwq wh and neq neq 10, lots i ami _ of 3 -20-24, $10,000. M. E. Hansen and M. .1. Sheldon to J. 1. Case Threshing Machine Co., baler, $325. C. E. Potter to Bank of Winona, live stock, crops nh 30-17-39, $580. XV. O. Palmer to Poadick Auto Co., truck, 1979.80. E. W. Roellioh et. ux., Clara, to Hank of Rosalia, crops nwq 7-20-4 4, $8492. Releases Bank of Winona to C. E. Potter, chat mtge, .-10-18, $250. Bank of Winona to C. E. Potter, et ux., chat, mtge, $330. Bank of Rosalia to C. 11. Coe, chat mtge, $1271.26. Bank of Rosalia to E. Hull', chat mtge, $1271.25. Conditional Bill of Stile Mitchell, Lewis .v. Stayer Co. to O. A. and Mrs. O. A. Burns, touring car, $800. Mitchell, Lewis & Stayer Co. to M, B. Walker, truck, $625. Standard Oil Co. to Baker Motor Co., tank, $77.85. Affidavit Frank Nicholson to the public. renewal chat mtge., J. It. Hagaman et al. Certificate Emerson, Knox Company, increase capital stock, $30,000 to $75,000. SEPTEMBER 20, 1918 Deeds Luetta Jamison to J. H. Lacy, lot ' in blk 3, McDonald's add to Tekoa, $325. Lease John Ladorer, Br, to John Laderer, Jr., nwq 8-20-40, seq 21-20-40. Mortgages Paul Kusler to Nat'l Hank, Oakes dale, live stock, hay, machinery, two thirds crop (1919) Geo. Young farm on sen 36-19-44, $2600. T. C. Wise to Security State Hank, 1,11 Crosse, live stock, two-thirds of crops (1918-1919-1920) on 1-18-38, $3000. Releases Pullman Savings & Loan Assn. to Jas. A. Pendry et ux., real mtge, $- Matt Carberry to E. O. Carter et ux., real mtge, $,100. Commercial State Bank to Car! Brand et ux., real mtge, $2000. Hannah M. Cummins to G. R. Patterson et ux., real mtge, $7.".. Security State Bank, LaCrosse, to T. C. Wise, chat mtge. $2500. Colton State Bank to Bernard Scharbach, chat mtge, $400. Tekoa State Bank to 11. Nilson, et ux.. chat mtge. $500. Affidavit Louis Starkey to The Public. Chattel Lien Notice * Frank Parr vs. Richard Hanna, touring car, $34.45. Pullman Garage vs. Richard Han na, touring car, $50. NOTICE * The registration books for Pre cincts No. 41, 51,.64 and 12 will be closed to original registrations Oc tober 1."., 1918, said date being twenty (20) days before the Gen eral State and County election and the City Primary election that will be held November 5, 1918. Any registered voter who has moved from any precinct within the city limits to another precinct with in the city limits may transfer his or her registrationafter living in the new precinct 10 daysat any time except on the day of election. Dated this 23rd day of Septem ber, 1918. MATILDA F. GANNON, sep26-octll City Clerk DOES YOUR PIANO NEED TUNING? v. H. Brown, the veteran piano tuner of Spokane, will make his C2d semi-annual visit to Pullman about September 20, remaining six days. Besides tuning the pianos at the col lege, he will give attention to all orders for tuning left at the Palace hotel, but will not make any canvass for work. Any persons desiring to have their Instruments tuned by a thoroughly reliable and skilfull man should place their orders early, as Mr. Brown's time Is limited and he always has plenty of engagements. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms; suite for light housekeeping; 203 W. Main St, phone 3441. sep27 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OF API-OINTMENT OF EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that I. the undersigned, have been appointed ex ecutor of the estate of Alfred It. Price, deceased, and have qualified as such executor, and notice is here by given to all persons holding claims against said deceased, or his estate, to serve the same on me at Penewawa, Washington, or on Neill & Sanger, my attorneys of record, at Pull mini, Washington, and file the same, together with proof of such service, with the clerk of the super ior court at Colfax, Washington, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice; all claims against deceased not served and filed as aforesaid shall be forever barred. Date of first publication Septem ber 87, 19 18. PHILLIP M. PRICE, Executor of Estate of Alfred R. Price, Deceased. Neill & Sanger, Attorneys for Estate, Pullman, Wash. Sept27oct2s NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT AND TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Grover C. Whlteley, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have been appointed administratrix of the estate of Grov er "C. Whiteley, deceased, and have qualified as such executrix, and notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased, and all persons holding claims against his estate, to serve the same on Neill & Sanger, the attorneys of record of said estate at their office in Pullman, Washing ton, and file the same with the clerk of the superior court at Colfax, Wash., together with proof of service, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or be forever barred. Date of first publication August 30, 1918. ELLA WHITELEY, Administratrix. Aug3oSep27 Steady Power yjfe Gasoline ofQuality A continuous, uniform chain of boiling points makes "Red Crown" dependable. No "mix ture" can give the same satisfactory re sults. Look for the Red Crown sign be fore you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) mmumHf .11 II R. R. Solemink, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Pullman, Wash. *!;T-i ifi hri^d'--:-ii-^X Vi>i'Wfe?S?. 453 V„__ sk \ /^i_A^3^^3^S^S^S2_K i \ Awn Bp.owm Shoes v pyY_.fGißi_ Solve the problem for all par ents. Growing boys and girls need special designed shoes so that their feet may grow and de velop according to the laws of Nature. See how happy they aro to get a pair of Buster Brown Shoes the only shoes made over the Brown Shaping Last, designed to develop the feet according to the laws of Nature. Bring or send your boys and girls to us for right-fitting, qual ity as well as stylish shoes. Any pair you select here is rea sonably priced from $3.50 to $5. GREENAWALT-FOLGER CO. Public Sales! As the sale season is now on and as I am busy all through the sale season at some point in the Northwest, I lake ibis medium of asking the public to call and see Mr. Dan Downen and arranjj) for a date for your sale. As I am unable to be in town for more than a day at a time, don't look me up When you want a date, but see Dan Downen and it will be taken care of as though I were there myself and the day of the sale 1 will endeavor to give you my best efforts, like I did at my first sale at Pullman, Nat Bryant's. I don't care if your sale is large or small, I will take care of them all. Try to give me about two weeks or more notice so that I can arrange date to suit you. My intentions were to move to Pullman the first of September, but on account of sickness in the family I may not be able to move for some time to come. I intended to call and visit with every farmer tributary to Pullman this summer, but on- account of the scarcity of labor I worked in the harvest fields, as I can not, pass the examination for overseas service and thought it my duty to help out wherever possible. I trust I may meet you all at the fall sales. • I thank you for your patronage and trust you will see Dan Downen whenever you want a date. When I am in town 1 will make my headquarters at the Palace hotel. My dates are as follows for September: IG-I7th, Yakima; 18th, Dishman; 19th, Cheney; 20th, Nezperee; 24th, Nezperce; 25th, lid; 26th, Lewiston; 27th, Nezperce. I beg to announce I have been apointed the Official Auctioneer of the Lewiston and Portland sales at the Stock Shows; any other parties advertising as such are faking, as I have the appointment in black and white. Trusting you will think of me when you hold your next sale, I beg to remain Harry C. Cranke REPUBLIC TRUCES EXPERIENCE has demonstrated that there is no, *—' better truck made in the United States. They vary in capacity from three-fourths of a ton to 5 ton. Chevrolet Autos A full line of the latest models. We believe this to be the best car for the least money on the market. Having all the features of the larger cars with less than a third of the upkeep expense. If you are interested, permit us to demonstrate the car and show you the upkeep figures. Full Line of Accessories In connection with the above two standard lines we have put in a stock of accessories suitable to all cars, a gasoline pump, service station, and a full line of the Standard Oil Co.'s greases and oils. JJJ OUR PURPOSE is to give value received and stand Til back of all articles sold, just as we did when we made Pullman the biggest distributing point of Stude baker products in the Palouse Country. BAKER MOTOR COMPANY Yours, for business. PULLMAN, WASHINGTON