Newspaper Page Text
County Records NOVEMBER 25, I*lß Deeds Geo. T. Booner to Annie C. An derson, lots I, 2. 3. 4, 5, blk 2 1, 2nd Syndicate add, Guy, $158. Clarence W. Lindsay et ux., Chat lotto A., to Colfax State Hank, lots 8, 9, blk 8, Perkins & Prescott's Riverside add, Colfax. $1. Leases C. XV. .McFarland et ux., Virta.E.*, to B. M. Schick, part lot 7, blk 8, Fitch's add, Palouse. Mortgages Vern Miller et n\., Arra. to First Saving & Trust Bank, Whitman Co., pan sh of sh 8-17-45, part nh of 17 --17-46, $".000. John F. Richardson el ux„ Lulu, to Federal Land Bank, Spokane all of nw(j 17-17-13, seq 8-17-43, $10, --000. John C. R. Sidler et ux., Florence Belle, to Farmers National Bank of Colfax, part sections 2;:. 24, in 16 --41, $7000. T. J. Puckett to Colton State Hank, tract in neq 34-18-46, $200. Arthur Cole to First National Hank, Pullman, live stock, machin ery, implements, two-thirds crops land of Thos. Savage estate, $4300. E. W. Coram et ux., Myrtle, to O. D. McKeehen, live stock, machinery, crops part Sec. 7-46-6, $2000, W. B. Parr to J. 1. Farrier, live stock, $189.93. Peterson Bros, to J. A. Mays, two thirds crops sections 2, 12, in 13-37, $1500. Robert E. Moser to Colton State Bank, live stock, $150. T. J. and Chas. 11. Puckett to Colton State Bank, crops nh of nwq, nwq of neq 32-12-45, $150. Vern Miller to First Savings & Trust Bank, Whitman County, live stock, machinery, crops part sections 3, 4, and: 10 in 17-40, part sh of 8, part nh 17-17-45, 14360. Releases Union Trust Co., Spokane, to C. M. Beckett et ux., real mtge, $9000. First Savings & Trust Bank of Whitman County to Vern Miller, chattel, $2000. First National Bank of Pullman to Arthur Cole, chattel. $2800. O. D. McKeehan to E. XV. Corn in et ux., chattel. F. Osterberg to T. C. Martin, con ditional bill of sale, $527. Affidavits M. E. Schreck to Tho Public NOVEMBER 26, 1918 Deeds Carrie Dederick et vir, J. 11., to Wm. Verheign, lots 3, 4. bik 2, Geo. P. Hoffman 2nd add, Tekoa, $160. Jos. P. Hagaman et. ux., Minnie C, to Robert W. Hargrave, part nwq of nwq 28-18-41, $2900. Jos. P. Hagaman et ux., Nannie C, to Fred Page et ux., Lucy, tract in nwq 28-18-41, $100. Cleveland Martin, Admr. de bonis non of the estate of Eliza .1. Martin, deceased, to -las. M. Martin (one half), John M. Martin (one-eighth), Aaron K. Martin (one-eighth), Maude A. Martin (one-eighth), Ma bel D. Martin (one-eighth), tract In 23 and part 24 in 15-41, $ — Mortgages Michael Arndt to J. C. Catheart, tract In Palouse, lots 3, 4, blk 3, be tween D and E streets, Breeding's add, Palouse, $600. R. F. Grant to National Bank of Oakesdale, live stock, machinery, two-thirds crops on lands of A. C. and J. H. Hardisty in sections 2, 11 in 18-43, $4000. W. A. Self to First Savings and Trust Bank, Whitman County, live stock, machinery, crops eh of neq 30 --17-43, $200. E. G. Nicolal to J. E. Mustard, stock of merchandise, crops, etc., as covered by mortgage filed 11-13-18, $2160. .**.- T. L. Bilderbaek to Farmers Na tional "Bank, Colfax, live stock, ma chinery, Implements, 1000 sacks of barley, 200 bushels wheat, two-thirds crop eh 21, net) 28-14-40, land of Ben Kelly (160 acres) in 27-I*4-10. two-thirds crop land J. C. Wicks in sections 21, 22 in 14-40. two-thirds 70 acres barley on Sees. 21. 22 in 14 --40, 200 acres crop on wh 16-15-41, $0600. Releases Security State Bank. Palouse, to Michael Arndt, real mtge, $600. Bert and XV r A. Hately to Worlie Hately, chattel, $4500. First Savings & Trust Bank to W. A. Self, chattel, $200. NOVEMBER 27, 1918 Patents United States to Clifford H. Ab rams, part 8-11-46. Deeds Sarah E. Small to Jas. M. Small, sh of neq 33-15-44, $1. Mortgages Claude M. Haynes et ux.. Ruby, to First National Bank, Pullman, swq iC-it-45, except, $4500. J. W. Bunch et ux., Bertha, to H. S. Curtis, crops nh of neq 15-17-4 5, $500. I |«| Conrad Straub to Bank of Endi cott, two-thirds crops nwq 32, part neq 31, seq 29-16-41, $1000. John W. Morgan to Farmers State Bank, St. John, live sfock, machin ery, two-thirds crop sh of wh 22, nwq 27, eh of neq 28-19-4 2, eh of eh 28 --19-42, crops sh of sh 22, nwq 27-19 --42, $2400. Ml)ford Pew et ux., Myrtle. C, to A. B. Willard, live stock, machinery, two-thirds crops wh 29-45-5, $1200. H. J. Schlernian to Colfax Nation al Bank, live stock, crops wh 10-i5 --41, $500. Dora M. Nilsson et vir, M., to A. B. Willard. part 6-45-5. part swq 31 --46-5, $1000. Releases Farmers State Bank. Uniontown, to Ray P. Hall et ux., real mtge, $367. -"* Tobias MoHier to R. T. Smiley et ux.. real mtge.. $2700. v-V)National Bank or Oakesdale to H. A.'Kincald. chattel. $4000. Farmers National Bank, Colfax, to T. L. Dilderback, chattel, $1600; T. L. BUderback, chattel, $3000; T. 1,. Bildwback, (battel, $1250; T. L Bll derback, chattel, $3500; T. L. Bllder back, chattel $1500; T. 1.. Milder back, chattel, $6000; T. li. Bllder back, chattel, $7600; T. 1. Bllder back, chattel, $2000. Conditional Bill or Sale Ahrens and Ahrens to Wm. A. Chlttlck, auto. $1050. Corona Typewriter Sales Co. to L. E. Elliott, typewriter. $66. Sherman Clay & Co. to XV. C, Hum garner, piano, $400. Assignments T. XV. Savage, Jr., to W. D. Lar gent, real mtge, Mary K. Hamilton et vir. NOVEMBER 30, 1918 Deeds Oliver Hall to dee. Lee, lot 16, hlk 2. 2nd add, Colfax cemetery, $20. Hollingsworth Land & Live Stock Co. to Bills Laird, tract in Colfax, $1000. Ellis Laird and wife, Minnie, to Claude Hollingsworth, tract in Col fax, $1000. Robert . Whittler et ux., Mao, to Harry Whittler, undivided half Inter- Mi of seij S, seq of nwq, swq ',», eh, seq of nwq, eh of swq 17, neq of nwq, seq of seq 20, wh of wh 21, nwq of neq, eh of eh 29, eh of neq '>-, eh of SW,| 8-12-46, $1. Geo. E. Lee et ux., Maggie L., to John W. Baylor, tracts in neq of nwq 23-16-4.1, $3000. Ellis Laird el ux., Minnie, to Claud Hollingsworth, lots l. 3, sb of the neq 4-16-43, $1. Hollingsworth Land & Live Stock Co. to Ellis Laird, lots 1, 2, sh of neq 1-16-4* l, $1. Mortgages Josephine 11. Weitman to Steptoe State Bank, tracts in sections 3. 4, of 18-43, and section 34-19-43, $1487.80. J. J. Eastep et ux., Jannie, to Step toe State Bank, lot 29. blk 13, In cluding blacksmith tools, etc., $660. J. H. Abbott et ux., Lizzie, to Se curity National Bank, Cheney, lots (I. 7. blk 24, lots 1, 2, 6, 7, of 25-12 --•14, $786. Geo. Grein et ux., Sadie M., to the Moscow State Bank, neq 12-15-45, $6240. Geo. Crein et ux., Sadie M.. to Moscow State Dank, crops neq, undi vided half interest nwq of swq, sh of bwq 1 5-46, $6200. Geo. Grein et ux.. Sadie M., to the Moscow State Bank, live stock, ma chinery, auto, $6200. las. Gumm et ux., Essie, to O. I). McKeehen, live stock, machinery, wagon, $200. Releases J. M. Trowbridge to J. J. Eastep, et ux.. real "mtge, $1121.62. Isabella Turner to Geo. Grein et ux., real mtge. Margaret S. Richards to Geo. B. Lee et ux., partial release, real mtge. Tekoa State Bank to .las. Gumm, chattel, $300. First National Hank. Pullman, to Geo. Grein. chattel, $1200. Steptoe State Bank to Josephine 11. Weitman et al., chattel, $1300. Steptoe State Bank to J. M. and S. M. Beaman, chattel, $170. Steptoe State Bank to W. E. Grimes, chattel, $900, Conditional Hill of Bale Whitman Implement Co. to Percy Bowers, harrow, $60. Logan-Bates Company to I. A. Sieveke, auto, $900. Automobile Clearing House to XV. H. Finsen, auto, $700. Whitman Implement Co. to G. M. Tower, separator, plow, hack, etc., $496. New Kraut at Sanders Grocery. deed George W. Clous, optician, will again visit Pullman Wednesday. De cember 18, and may be found at the Palace hotel. He will examine your eyes without charge and fit them to your perfect satisfaction. If you need glasses or new lenses in your frames, it will pay you to see him. All work guaranteed. dee 6-13 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The Christian Science society holds services every Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock In the new Masonic hall. Subject of the lesson-sermon for next Sunday. "God the Only Cause and Creator." Testimonial meetings are heia i.very Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock in the Masonic hall. A free reading room is open to the public every afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock at 226 First National Bank building. All authorized Christian Science literature may there be read or borrowed. YOUTH'S COMPANION CALENDAR For 11>11» The publishers of the Youth's Companion v.-ill. as always at this season, present t3 ov«r) subscriber whose subscription is paid for 1919, a calendar for the new year, it is a gem cf calendar-making. The decor ative mounting is rich, but the m. in purpose has been to produce a calen der Is useful, and that purpose has been achieved. Remember that the wasted dollar i; still a "slacker" dollar. You wouldn't let your money "slack" when Uncle Sam needed it for war uses. Make it work for you. too. War Savings Stamps remain the fin est investment for small sums. Buy all you can before the end of Decem ber. Their maturity date is now only four years ahead. When you signed thai War Savings pledge, you promised the Secretary of the Treasury that he could de pend on you for * certain loan to the government each month. Keep your promise without fail. "SNOW FLAKE" CRACKERS to BE MADE FAMOUS Washington CiiKiker Co. Oiangew Name Will Be Known as Pa cific Coast Biscuit Co.—Exten sive Advertising Campaign Plan ned to Cover Period of Three Yew*. The Washington Cracker company of Spokane, one of the first cracker, cookie and candy manufacturing plants established in the city, has passed out of existence, in name, to reappear immediately as tho Pacific Coast Biscuit company. In changing its identity the com pany assumes the name of the con cern with which it has long been closely affiliated, and which operates large factories In Seattle, Tacoma, Portland. San Francisco, Los An geles and Sacramento. No change is made In policy or management of the local plant. W. T. Bavins, who has been manager of the Washington Cracker company for years, will continue In charge. The only change will he a specialized and concentrated campaign for the intro duction of the "Snow Flake" brand of Baited sofa crackers to this terri tory. Announcement of the change In name was made at a convention of 20 salesmen from this territory, hold at the Spokane offices, when detailed plans for an extensive advertising campaign for "Snow Flake" crackers was outlined. Mr. Bevins presided at. the meeting. The Pacific Coast Biscuit company has set aside approximately $100,000 to be used in the next three years in the exclusive pushing of the Snow Flake crackers. Spokane territory will share In all this expenditure; which will be carried on through salesmen, newspapers and "De Liyce" billboards. It will also share in the increased business, greatly enlarging the manufacturing of the Snow Flake cracker. A convention similar to the one held in Spokane was held at the plants in the different cities and all the details of the sales and advertis ing work gone over and approved. The coming of peace is directly re sponsible for the launching of this extensive campaign at this time. Without doubt the best times the Northwest ever had are just ahead of us. SKATS CHANGE NEWS The Seats Grange met for its an nual election of officers the 23rd of November. There was a large repre sentation of members and they re ported the meeting interesting and enjoyable. The following officers were elected: .Master—Felda Barkhuff. Overseer — ('erne Bourbonnle. Lecturer —Isabel Boone. Steward —Charles Marshall. Asst. steward —George Marshall. Chaplain—Theresa Thornton. Treasurer —E. P. Black. Secretary— .lames Hubbard. Gatekeeper—Will Thornton. Ceres —Louise Angstd. Pomona Alberta Marshall. Flora— oil is Richardson. Lady Asst. Steward.— Mrs. L. *%f'. Hately. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hately enter tained at Thanksgiving dinner. Those present were Verne Bourbon nle and family, Will Richardson and family, Mrs. J. 11. Maynard and Pri vate Elmo. Richardson and Lieuten ants Williams, Taylor and Fox of Pullman. Some 40 of the neighbors gathered at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Mansfield Thanksgiving evening. The evening passed quickly with conver sation and games and bountiful re freshments were served. K The Beauridell school entertained a few of the patrons at a Thanksgiv ing program Friday afternoon. Charles Marshall. Bert Mansfield and lady friends motored to Lewis ton Sunday. PULLMAN IIAITIST CHURCH John A. Shaw, pastor. Bible school at 9:45 a. m.; sermon at 11:00 a. in.; Young People's meet ing at 6:45 p. m.; sermon at 7:45 p. m. Place of worship, Paradise street, near .Main street. The pub lic cordially invited. WANTED—By young farmer and his mother, pla c on farm where they can keep house by themselves. Both used to farm work. Phone 1533. dec 6 INSURE WITH McCLASKEY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for the County of Whitman. In the Matter of tho Estate of Mary E. Packingham, Deceased. Notice to tho world is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have been appointed and confirmed by the above named court as the executor ■WllfJ i lilllllllllH iiiiiiiillliHii i imimimi immmmmii »'..;.,, n'-fijjjjg^^ B^^^^^K^v » Bm\ HI aa\ ■ VI - oi liHß*^ 9 ,Mm\ B9fl *|m I 1 VH '***' a***aaa*w mam mak WB Jm r» ■/ ***aMmm*h. *mm**ma. wmmm *%%%%%. jh HBt aMMM MM*.. MM* AmMWm «— :'-';" mmXWmmW^tm. M MM. eßfeeeßeaeC^l ***** ***** ***** H AMM. **"" in^H MM\ mm tmmWs 7mm gsj U ZwU MM* "* mMrwW '•' tel • i "■- . ■'■- AM waa imm! BI WWml •_> • *"^-- - ""5 WfiaMMaw UWIrapUPiJ I SS'- nSVi'HM mm* m AmW MMt t*^^^^^^^^^^H B^T^^^fl^H — WF MMtm^Fß mmt am* ' — .^Mm\ MtMm. *mk Wan * 'v' ''\ Ai* Bm I ■■ — MB Hh^^ ~~ v| ' 1 * a\w **W ntmrn wJ ! BI ■"* T ILmmV 1 Ban wh .jSbbMI^B *t mmt Wmr * w W a^l v 9 Rt 9E •*'• I^B^^ BJ mm ***\*Ai*mM*\ ~" vH v-Bale VI «*^^^B Snu^Bi^v ~ Bfl & BJ| 1 2^ i _^^^^^ — _^ = HBEB DEh ■ | Every day crowds of people are leaving the store with arms full = | of bundles. Small bundles, large bundles, each containing a myriad = | mirific bargains. A happy, jostling throng has crowded the store = | every day throughout this great sale and we have dished out car- I load after carload of merchandise to satisfied buyers. I have = 1 sold a bunch of merchandise for the Golden Rule Store sincelll | this sale started. NOW COMES ANOTHER SFELL OF RECORD-BREAKING VALUES. I — mmmmm^^^^^^^^SS?!^ mlS!SS^!!S!Sm!!^SWfWm mm'>'l^''ammmmmmmmmm^^mimmmA^mm^m^mi^^ 1 EIGHT-OUNCE BATTS 17 C [ | YARD-WIDE INDIAN HEAD 29c = I = 35c CHILDREN'S HOSE .. 15c OIL CLOTH 23c i | 50c LADIES' FIBRE HOSE 23c 29c GINGHAM 16c Al I | HEAVY GRADE GALATEA. 25c QUILTS 98c \\ | MEN'S $1.65 RIBBED UNION SUITS 90c *$f : 'I = MEN'S $4.75 UNION SUITS $2.98 ', : 5 I want to ask all of those who made purchases amounting to 2">c or over (luring this sale : 5 and did not receive their coupons on the Diamond Ring ami the four other present to = = come in at once and ask for them. They will be given to yon without argument, for I : = do not want anyone disappointed. '■■'-. ;,A • 5 Until December 7 we will give a ticket with every '_'.">(• purchase, entitling you to an op-** : = portunity of receiving a GENUINE DIAMOND RING or one of FOUR OTHER PRESENTS. j 5 The presents will be given away Saturday, December 7, at 9:00 p. in., and it is ahsolutelj : 5 essential that till who have deposited tickets in the box he present at that hour, as lhe lucky A j 5 ones must be in the store when the presents are given away, lie sure and be on hand promptly . : = tit 9:00 p. in. It' you have not already received a ticket, come and get one A ticket given v ■ 5 with every 25c purchase. Ai \ I G. W. KELLY, of Portland, Ore. CM I)C|U 0111 r OTfllir j I Selling Out The Entire Stock Of The UULUIIi HULL U 1 UllL | | jj|minmmii iiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinTTTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiilmiiiiiiiiiiiiliiillllllllllllllliig : (^sm VBiß^^ Power M: f'iWiL \\!}£\\Mm\m\aY W^H iiW£^A "^" ▼▼"■ MimH9 Ml^kKlmAm^Jr . con l'" in a day's time with the JldTalhioned wish Jmm\ *%£,* aW _boarS and tub ° a hand-power washer. Don't waste yttir JH 6 '■' M .... * ... » zsSaSai health, your strength-working like a slave ou m^MM M wash day, but get an easy-ruuuing, efficient, economical power-driven machine. # 1 ff -we TTh^ftcip JU^dtim 7n<yUt, ZlktAwVL # I 1 is simple safe satisfactory^lt requires no watching while running. It never gets AW Wffl? ■ AA^to^A^^-, X' n^iM^°^on^^' Never tear" the clothL M =^HH^--'. ■ ■ n a^Vot/^fo^u^a;az^z fio^ I tA bor ip 'd,-, in ; ri,eeng '-,s M - . \ , r.othe7M£raiv.°^& :"o r ii e:d,E«' m house that a machine should do. It will run the churn ire A*mmT A-#> m cream freezer, food chopper-or anything else that requires power \^L^ BAKER MOTOR CO. of the last will and testament of Mary E. Packlngham, deceased, and that i h i--e qualified as such execu tor; that the creditors of the de ceased and all persons having claims against the deceased ere required to serve their said claims, supported by affidavit as required by law. on the undersigned executor, or on D. C. Dow, his attorney of record, -t his law . office In Pullman, Whitman county, Washington, and file the came with the clerk of the above named court, together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: within six months from and after the 22nd day of No vember, 1918, and that all claims not served a>nd filed within the time aforesaid shall be barred. Dated November 19th, 1918. LOGAN 0. KIMZEY, Executor of ihe Will of Mary i:. Packingham, Deceased. D ('. Dow, Attorney for the Estate, Pullman. Wt >h. NY. v2-Dec Al]f: No. iMiTtti NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL RE PORT AND PETITION FOR . DISTRIBUTION" In the Superior Court of tl^ State of Washington in and for the bounty of Whitman. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Lawson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Alice L. Lawson, administratrix of the es tate of Thomas Lawson, deceased, has filed in the office of the clerk of Bald court, her final report as such administratrix, together with her pe tition for distribution of said estate, asking the court to settle said repojl distribute tho property to-the . or persons entitled to the same, discharge said administratrix^ that Friday, the 20th day of !*■ rf ber, 1918, at 10:00 oTlockA^ the court room of our said « •Vjjjl court, in the city of Colfax » Whitman County, has been da* pointed by said superior S?ffiJ|gSJ hearing and settlement *!*^ report and petition for d'Btrl ° , at which time and place any -v Interested In said estate may w and file objections thereto "J^i test the same. ' n ',;.:Aa£&m Witness, the Hon. R. L- -r^ key, Judge of said superior 'S t^ the seal of said court :*™*AA:A 22nd day of November, *»"l*s£sC M P. BELLING^ Clerk of Said,« Nov22Dec2o