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L,. y . April 11. 101° |: -'TRADE MARK I % The City of !| GOODRICH L JL_ Akron. Dhio^g^ ■ I Freedom of ] ■ ■'-■ m TJHv--^^^ i The Seas— < I VV -• ■■ -• , ! Spring, summer, fall, ! winter—any season ; —you are free to i 1 c motor when you please, where you J please, if you motor 3 |; on Silvertown Cord [[ Tires. -•■'-'- \y- * a a. • 3No matter what kind of V weather, what kind of .road, Silvertowns will ,i carry you through it. * * •' For Silvertowns are ' America's touring tires. Xf*'~--~ifri- •'*''' * *•' -H r vr r> —c. I They make a rough road ry seem smooth.: Their powerful, resilient cable -cord body, im- *t 7 : .'!mune to ordinary punc tures, has proved its ;_^ durability in the rough- ,i ect going. '" , * * *> ..'. . Gain your Freedom of The Seasons with Sil vertowns—the graceful li B tires with the Twin 5 ? Red Diamonds on the I v EidewdJ. Buy Goodrich Tires ' from a Dealer i j '■* . n ft SILVERTOWN CORD TIRES I "BEST IN THE I I LONG RUN" E____^^^fc__-^ I * efffflMT-inf ni. * "*" '4 -™'fHi__'^~ ____■ - iB eß^o__-__li_-________fi * r^__S • >*". ■Kv'^S'Kfißfc w*^_i# ,j*S_. £__??__ _. n v-_-_c__i_B-i_9««^-&-__w # ft \_T __ffl-I___,>m__'l_s_^__-©_il_il__ r*** *v *t* __r ' ' GLEE CLUB WILL LEAVE TODAY ON LONG TRIP Twenty-second Annual lour of St„te College Musi, Will He of „ 0 Weeks Duration The .Gle< Club will leave Friday of this week on its twenty-second an nual tour, this year's schedule,. in cluding a two weeks trip on the coast. The Itinerary, as announced by Manager Rineharl upon his return from the Coast last Friday has but one weak spot. So far the booking for Monday, April 14, is only tenta tive and subject to change, but the other 15 concerts are secured by con tract. The schedule is as follows; April ii—Ridgeway theatre, Col fax. April 12—Christian church, Day ton. April 13— Kaylor-Grand, Walla Walla. April 15— U. S. theatre, Van couver. April 16—Vogue, Kelso. April 17—Grand, Aberdeen. April 18—Liberty, Centralia. April 19—High school, Olympia. April 20—Liberty, Camp Lewis. April 21—Theatre, Everett. April 22 —Empire, Anacortes. April 23—Dream theatre, Sedro- Woolley. April 24—Normal auditorium, Bellingham. April 25—High school, Wenatchee. April 26—North Central" high school, Spokane. April 27—Pullman. Plans for dancing parties, etc., In honor of the club are already under way in several of. the places to be visited. Washington State people at Dayton, with the backing of the Com mercial club, are planning an affair which they aver will surpass that of last year. Rumors of a big W. S. C. night in Aberdeen, including a dance at the Hoquiam-Aberdeen pavillion, are rampant. Vie Pigg says, "If a good time will make the club remem ber a town, not a one of its members will ever forget Sedro Woolley." Esther Horan and Alice Lodge, both of the class of '17, now in charge of the home economics de partment at Wenatchee high school, Intend to make the concert there one of the outstanding features of the trip. Spokane and North Central al ways welcome the club and have al ready gone down in Glee Club history as paramount entertainers and will no doubt keep up the reputation this year. Manager Rinehart relates some rather interesting experiences in booking the club. Several factors, he says, have tended to make the task not an altogether easy one." The high schools throughout the state are less inclined than ordinarily to take on the management of such perform ances since they are all trying to make up the time lost on account of the flu. Moreover, with but few ex ceptions the high school plays are given during April, while heretofore the club has made its annual tour during January or February. Since reduced railroad rates are not to be had the guarantees necessarily had to be almost double and after all, the financial problem is the all-import antone to consider. A concert in Seattle had to be abandoned because the University's big "Spring Opera" is scheduled for April 21 and Seattle is already plac arded from Ole Hanson's office to President Suzzallo's kitchen door. At Bellingham the manager had to back-track and shift three dates in order to meet the emergency brought about by the famed Gadowsky's ap pearance on April 22 as a number on the normal school lyceum course. Again, at Tacoma a date had to be abandoned, consequently more stage rides and tearful interviews with con scientious objectors In order to fill in the open date. INSURE WITH McCLASKEY. fll""^™"'"! - ■ BOARD -IROOM ... I have taken a lease on the Mrs. Pratt place,-at 203 West Main, op posite the high i school, and offer room and board at very reasonable rates. The place has been thorough ly renovated. Good'table board, per day... .51.00 Single rooms, per month. . .$6.00 up Nicely furnished housekeeping ~,suites .v..........512 and 116 MRsT'IELA 203 Wert' Main Street, i. , HO* -HE PARMER MAY HAVE SAMPLES OF WHEAT AND CORN TESTED It is. not generally known that it is Possible, at a small expense, for a farmer, country grain buyer, miller or anyone else, to have a sample of Wheati or shelled corn, Inspected and graded by a grain inspector who has beta licensed by the Secretary of Ag riculture. Yet such in the case. By mailing » sample of the correct size. in the form prescribed by the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture, anyone may learn Just how that particular .ample grades, according to the official grain stand ards of the United States. The grade and the dockage of that par ticular sample will be determined the same ns lor samples graded at the market centers. As yet, official standards, or fed eral grades, have been established for wheat and shelled corn only. Pro posed grades for oats have been pub lished and the official standards will probably be established for the next crop. It should be clearly understood by those who may wish to have samples graded that such work is done only by grain inspectors licensed by the Secretary of Agriculture. The offices of the federal grain supervision of the Bureau of Markets do not Inspect and grade wheat and shelled corn, except when an appeal has been en tertained on the grade assigned by a licensed inspector, or In case of a dispute over uninspected grain. A service that the offices of the federal grain supervision may ren der, however, is to give those who wish to have samples Inspected and graded the names of the nearest In spectors and advise them regarding the necessary method of taking and sending samples. Such persons should, therefore, write to the near est grain supervision office for the necessary information. A list of the federal grain super vision offices for the Pacific North west follows: Oregon — Portland, 519 Post Office building. Washington— Seattle, 2304 L. C. Smith building; Spokane, 516 Cham ber of Commerce. There is no prescribed fee for hav ing a sample Inspected and graded; however, the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture pre scribe that inspection charges must be "reasonable." Therefore, the fee should be ascertained by writing tho inspector. When a grade is established for a sample sent to an inspector, the cer tificate returned by the Inspector spe cifically states that the grade as signed applies only to the sample. That is, the grade does not apply to the entire amount of grain from which the sample was taken. While the grade may represent such grain, provided the sample was taken ac cording to the Instructions given by the grain supervision office, the in spector is not permitted to certify to the grade of anything but the sam ple itself. Where a purchase and sale are involved, however, the par ties interested may agree to a repre sentative sample, and by contract further agree that the grade of such sample shall apply to the entire lot from which the sample was taken. It may be explained in this connec tion that the size of the sample and the manner of handling are matters of Importance. The sample should, of course, be representative of the lot of grain from which taken, and it should be at least two quarts in size, of which Ii pints or more should be Inclosed in a clean air-tight con tainer and the remainder in a clean cloth sack. The entire sample may be inclosed in the air-tight container if desired. Grain samples sent In a paper sack or in a cigar box or other makeshift container will not be inspected and graded by licensed Inspectors. The benefit and satisfaction to the farmer, country grain dealer, or mill er, by reason of having samples of wheat or shelled corn inspected and graded according to the official grain standards of the United States, must be obvious. To the farmer, it should be a satisfaction to have first-hand Information as to the correct grade of his grain. To the country grain dealer and the small miller, such In spection and grading will serve as a check on themselves —on their own grading when buying from the farm er and make their own application of the federal grades more accurate. The Washington state grain In spector's address Is 500 Columbia Bldg., Spokane, Wash., and Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. The Oregon Inspector ls at Port land, Ore. W. S. C. Cottage and Pimento Cheese always fresh at Sanders' Grocery.. .'.'-", Rprll See our fine line of 6-cent toilet soaps. Bracken's Variety Store, aprll PI 1.1.M HERALD -__E-_^B-_ / j-HP^^B _B_r _C / Vm\ Wt** *~1 1 f^ -__H_____alH Hnr^ \ / <««__r --M ' ill • l»1» UIOUII 4 MOV. iM.»*tt»»*, <Z^^j£ CLOTHES, MOTOR CARS and PROMISES /pLOTHES and motor cars are similar in two VH respects. Both appeal by their appearances and promise of durable service. If either fails to live up to promise, you don't want another by the same maker. Sirouse $ Brothers, Inc., have been clothing makers for more than half a century. Their clothes are always asked for hy men who have once worn them. MADE BY ETROUSE _; BROTHERS, INC., BALTIMOR R, Ml). We have a complete line of latest Spring styles in this famous line. All have the High Art label of confidence. Come in today and try on your new Spring suit. CLARKSON Men's Outfitter Pullman, Wash. r §ii ----.. - . * . ... . ' -■' NOTICE OP SALE OP STRAY STOCK Notice is hereby given that there has been taken up by the em pound ing officer of the City of Pullman, Washington, three work horses, described as follows: One white, one brown and one bay. If said horses are not claimed and the expense of feed and care not paid for before 10 o'clock a. m., April 10, 1919, they will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, at the Palace Barn at public sale at the above named hour and date. fKOVERALLS-s 1 R«J.U.S.P«t.Off. I Keep Kids Kleen §$1.50 tl* 7 jfljfe the Suit H W A New Suit FREE WL if they rip iFV'jid Beware of AJP^'Aamf Imitations Look for [KOVERALISI this Red V ""u^Arorr. / Woven *ssS*Sl_--_S' Übdur iwwFTl Ma J. by l^j^^El Levi Strauss & Co., San Francisco AmttM GRAND PRIZE si P.P.I. E. I C. M. HOOPER, Empounding Officer. FOR SALEChoice seed peas of Bcngalla variety, heaviest yielding variety tested at the Washington Stato College in last 15 years. In quire of Geo. Severance^ Pullman, or W. K. Whltakor, Palouse. mch7ti ROOMS TO RENT— big un furnished rooms, two blocks from business district. Inquire at 914 State street. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, close in. Call 2124. mch2Btf Wise up on Jt~^> tobacco, * iJSy* says Buck jagf7_ "A lot of you fel- Good taste, smaller i V_j x % „„*» rf chew,longer life is what lows are cheating maes Genuine Grave yourselves out of ly cost less to chew than real tobacco satis- ordinary plug. faction. That's Wrkata-. what I get out of Genuine Gravely Wliai 1 get OUI Ol DANVILLE. VA. ■ gOOd Old Gravely." fur booklet on chewing plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch Prtgo eleven PLOOK FOR If __W_i_HM-l THE RED BALL H Mgnß^ Trade .mark "MCM__ttt_fl" Jul Fifearmi # Ammunition I! Shooting Right® ».. .. .-.-'. _!Z__S '--'.'J •