Newspaper Page Text
Friday, April 11, 1010 County Records I I' -—*• ' MARCH 3.1, 1918 . ,:• V/V Deeds Netherlands American Mortgage Bank to J. H. Hall and 11. S. Murray, 435.7 acres 23-13-37, also all 13-13 --37, $1. , ' H. R. Williams to J. 11. Hall and H. S. Murray, wh of new, nh of nwq 24, sh of nwq nh of swq 24-13-37, $1.. V E. C. Lloyd to J. H. Hall and 11. S. Murray, 66.5 acres seq 22-13-37, $1. W. R. Lloyd to E. C. Lloyd, seq, eh of neq 22-13-37 (240), $1. ■ Roy L. Hord to J. B. Jackson, lot 5, bik 1, Farmington, $1. Florence Alexander, Georgia Love, Wesley Alexander, Winnie Orwig, and Omar Alexander to Edward Ma guire, tract land eh of swq, 28-17 --43, $1. James Lynch to' Edward Magulre, tract in 28-17-48, $1. Herman Friese to Frank Fries.-, eh of swq, wh of seq 81-17-46, lots 1, 2- 10, 11, 12, 18, in neq, lot 3, in nwq 0-16-45, $10. Sallio E. Farr, Audrey Kay! Lil lie C. Palmerton, Alice S. Henry, Frederick John Kaylor and Geo. 11. Layman to L. B. Mover, lot 1, blk 54, Pullman, $1600.. Mortgages J. 11. Hall and 11. S. Murray to the Netherlands American Mortgage Bank,' 502.4 acres 23-13-37 v also all 13-13-37, also nwq, wh of neq, nh of swq of 24-13-37, $36,600. E. C. Lloyd to Day & Hansen Se curity Co., all 15-13-37, $16,000. J. H. Hall and 11. S. Murray to First State Bank, La Crosse, one third crop 1919, two-fifths crop 1920 on 22-13-37 (602.4), also all 13-13 --37, also nwq. wli of neq and nh of Bwq 24-13-37, $6791.50. ' • James Cr.irns to S. Clemmons Brunei-, lot 1, blk 63, Pullman, $250. Releasee DeTweedo Northwestern and Pa cific Hypotheeekbank to 11. R. Will iams, real mtge First State Hank of La Crosse, $3000. First State Hank, La Crosse, to H. R. Wililams, real mtge, $2500. Day A H.insen Security Co. to W. R. Lloyd, real mtge, $2000. Day & Hcnsen Security Co. to W. R. Lloyd, real mtge, $200. John L. Goeppinger to W. M. Mooney, real mtge, Murphey Favre & Co., $5500.- Abbie C. Baker to R. S. Remla and Elizabeth B. Remia, real mtge. • Assignments Williams and Galiaugher to F. A. Williams, conditional ( bill of sale, Root & Dahl. _ Hills of Sale Theo. Heltstuman to F. J. and W. D. Kolkman, stock of goods, fixtures, etc., in place known as Supply Store, also share In Uniontown Telephone Co., $1. George and W. B. Stephenson to J. X. and L. O. Cannon and S. W. I Collins, stock merchandise, furniture fixtures, etc., known as City Club, Pullman, $2000. * Conditional Hills of Sale f Hobart Mfg. Co. to City Market, I Penut machine, $145. I Hobart Mfg. Co. to Martin L. I Rude, kitchenade, $125. I Williams & Qallaugher to Root & I Dahl, auto, $622.82. I Whltefield Helmer Co. to J. H. I Lewallyn, tractor, $1065. I Amended Articles laoorporattoß |; Security State Bank, La Crosse, I capital stock to be $30,000. I APRIL 1, 1919 II Deeds g C. E. Bryan to Julius Dellach, gl°ts 1, 2, 3, blk 9, Eiberton, $1200. B Charles E. Frederick to Salem C. gK-rdy, lot l, west 10 feet lot 2, west W ,eet lot 8 blk 10, Fitches add. Pa glouse, $2000. B & c. Lloyd to C. T. Hansen, 15 --|| E. c. Lloyd to C. T. Hansen, eh of WH 22-13-37, |l. 11 T Mortgages j l___S?§ Hall,'"' S' M«rray to First I lots L 2,3, La Crosse, tract 2 2-13- Charles E. Frederick to Salem C. Kwdy, lot 1, west 10 feet lot 2, west J feet lot s blk 10, Fitches add, Pa louse, $2000. E C. Lloyd to C. T. Hansen, 15 --[E' c" Llo >'iI to C. T. Hansen, eh of Peg 22-13-37, $1. Mortgages I •H. Hall, 11. s. Murray to First t ate Banl <. La Crosse, tract 22-13- P 7 (502.4), also 13-"37. »l. wh W neq, an of swq 24-13-37, $6791.50. BtJrit °' °yd to Day & Hansen Se" !■ E ,Co ',4feh of neq 22-13-37, $2000. lurit C' Llo>d to Day & Hansen Se e_E»r. y Co- ' eh of neq 22-13-37. | 3&3.l i. *BnSl'°* Lloyd t0 Day & Hansen Se iWfy Co., $807.08. l 0 'cU 1 C' Reed to Pacific Bldg & X Assn.. lot 7' sh lot 8, blk 17, I Crosse, $.-,00. _•#!*_ E' StruPPler to Pullman ig we Bank, chattel. $2500. live" t °apps to Citizens State Bank, iron stock, crop- farm machinery, Sl^r 18*44-5* 'St rive* g " °hler to Citizens State Hank, 12400. fan" mach, "OP. II Hmt Releases lKr lnveß,n»«nt Co. to J. Jo own ,I*?' Plr3t State Bank, Union- I T ° h ; rea $600. I. c p ""man State Bank to George Stephenson, chattel. $4000. Partial Release Lincoln Trust Co. to Mary Collard, real mtgo, $4500. / Assignments First National Bank, Pullman to New York Life Insurance Co.. real «"tge, Eugene Rlttenho First National Bank, Pullman, to New York Life Insurance Co., real mtge, Claude M. Havues Leases Mary C. Law.,.;,,. to C. J. Flood nwq 10-19-4 4, five years. Perry L. Wiggins to Fred Per kins, nwq, nwq of swq l, eh of neq 2-12-44, five years, $125 per year. Priscilla Maynard to Fred Perkins, sw<| Of neq, wh of seq, eh of swq, swq of swq i. „eg of nwq, nwq of neq 12-13-44, " years. Certificate Increase Capital stock Tekoa Grain Company. Bills of Sale George Stephenson to M. D. Henry, lights, fixtures, etc., in bldg. known as Theatorium Theatre, also lights, fixtures in bldg. known as Grand Theatre, $1. George Stephenson to p. W. Strup pler, property owned in connection with movie shows, Pullman. Conditional Bill of Sale M. D. Henry to P. W. Struppler, lights, fixtures, etc., in connection with movie shows, Pullman, Theator ium and Grand, $1815. APRIL 2, 1919 Edmund O. Archibald and Matilda .1. Robertson to James D. iialliday. lots 11. 12, blk 10, Powers add, Pa louse, $1. E. Howell to George A. Steiner, all lots 7, 8, blk 21. Maiden, $1. S. A. Long to Fay J. Holmes, lots 9, 10, blk :',, First add, St. John, $600. Mortgagee Thomas F. Lyons to Day & Hansen Security Co., wh ot eh, wh 34-15-44, $2400. E. W. Etter to Garfield National Bank, live stock, crop, farm imple ments, lit. nwq, pt. neq 4, tract in nv.-q of Bwq 3, neq of seq 4-17-45, $375. L, W. Field to Garfield National Bank, live stock, farm Implements, crop part seq 4-1 7-45, $600. E. W. Hinshaw to First National Bank. St. John, live stock, farm im plements, crop in swq 1-18-40, $400. Mrs. Ellen Drum to James A. Carey, 2.02 acres in 22-16-43; $1. . Releases E. Howell to Geo. E. Lattin, real mtge . lot 8, blk 21, Maiden. Frank K. Godfrey to George A. Steiner, real mtge, lots 1, 2, blk 15. W. .-'. Imbler to* Arthur L. Hast ings and Bessie <:. Hastings, lots 4, 5, blk 1, Loekhart's add, St. John, $675. W. S. Imblor to Hiram W. Judd, sh of 10- 19-41, $3000. Addison Copper Co. to John Poe, live stock, $400. Geo. W. Case, Jr., and Chester Shoudy to H. M. Neighbor and Hat tic Neighbor, live stock, fr.rm imple ments, $433. John Hancock Mutual Life Insur ance Co, to John 11. Stover and Mag gie Stover, real mtge, $5000. Bill of Sale Kerr Gifford Wi'.rfehou'-e Co. to 11. B. Williams, grain warehouse, with equipment. * Affidavits C. 11. Farnsworth and Alex Warn er to The Public, resident! of city of Pi'louse for more than 20 years. C. H. Farnsworth to The Public, knows Mary A. Archibald, wife of Levi Archibald, deceased. ..•.ignments Williams and Galiaugher to F. A. Williams, auto. Conditional Hill of Sale Williams and Galiaugher to F. E. Montgomery, auto. $622.83. W. O. Palmer to F. B. Beal, auto, $750. Willys Overland Pacific Co. to I. N. Cla*k, auto, $1845. - M. L. Myers to Luther M. Lyon, auto, $325. Partial Release Anna B. Baylor to John W. Bay lor, real mtge, $100. APRIL 3, 1919 Deed- D. H. Mahoney to W. E. Mahomy. lots 5, 6, blk ' McDonald's add, Ta koa,.sl. County Treasurer to W. E. Ma honey and D. H. Mahoney, lots 5, 6, blk 5, McDonald's add, Tekoa. John Quist to Ernest V. Rothwall, nwq. of neq 18-15-46, $3200. Thomas 11. Brown to James E. Gri ner and Karl C. Griner.,nh of neq, land lying east of county road in neq 18-43-5, WBM 106 acres). $1000. 31 ortgnges, J. Farnsworth to Frank Zalesky, lot 10, McGee's Suhdlv., seq 32-15 --45, $300. Ernest V. Rothwell to John Quist, nwq of nag 18-15-46, $1000. "C. W. Henderson to A. L. McMil lan, live stock, farm implements, two-thirds crops 1919, three-fifths crop 1921 on seq' 16-18-14. $3500. O. P. Hal re and Sons to E. A. McCALI, f^y - , =" Ureenawalt-Folger Co. 15 j::V"7vvv"■;{-. r.vV;V-r;i^ -.Vv'S-'-?^ 'K/v^^ t^v.v9 -Sir- V^'Avivf^ «S You bave Money new novelties that have just arrived by /r (\ L D ' EXPRESS. //f if 1 ■DUying NEW dress trimming, veiling, wide fancy //V jl "P. "IT J 1* DRESDEN RIBBONS AND LACES //] II A Dove Undermuslins J/ I h\\) FIGURED GEORGETTE CREPE 1 If Because they are not only the Forty inches wide $3 50 per yard • WJy prettiest and latest styles, but ___ZZZZZZZZZZZ TJjgVE" the most carefully made of the Ma taylob house dresses and aprons for UiVv-V best quality materials. It will spring have arrived, the styles and pat ifa I 1 !ir\ II TERNS AS PRETTY AS EVER \f pay you to always wear "Dove" Undermuslins. They'll delight you with y~our corset their beauty and fit and will wear longer Before CORSET- it for spring their beauty and ht and will wear longer Before purchasing h c or spring than ordinary garments. The Athletic ffiTvwr's w^M^h^rJTvS "Unionette" shown above is made up in e /z~ W^&^£^^ nainsook, elastic back. Priced $2.50. Be lik o e fcTS^SSU* May we serve you? BOYS'ALL WOOL SUITS lades' SILK $9.50 to $12.00 SWEATER COATS We have a fairly good range of patterns dt £ Oil tV I'Jhre silk coals will bo very 1!'"1''11' this season, and Styles trom OtO I L years. 1 hese are some very clever numbers are being shown. UnUSUally loW prices. • A striking garment in gold color, Slip-over style; priced , $13.50 / A green and gold, coat style; ' Si^ V* A* IM'iml $1500 AW m\AsW^ATjAA9J^m\ W j*ntf3r "ii' hlix-; ['••l'sijin .-< tl In i* sasli licit; w*&£>4g4c<f€ %4@€> $18.50 HOSIERY SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN A beautiful coral coat, white trimming, coal 25c and 35c PFR PAIR st-v]'- with sash; i,ric,><l > $20.00 (Not Seconds) These are only a few of the. man v styles and colors shown] . . . UNION MADE LEE UNION-ALLS Vo n uer PUnTon LSuit Men engaged in big work best know the many advantages of the Lee Union-All. It is strongest where greatest strength is required; it is most comfortable where greatest comfort is necessary. Every man needs a Lee garment. In the evenings and on holidays when odd jobs about the home must be done-—slip on the Lee Union-Alls; in a iffy you are ready for any kind of work. The suit protects you from head to foot against dust and dirt and it is as easy and comfortable as an old shoe. A wardrobe of a man is never complete without a Lee Union- The new price, the best quality, only $4.50 per gar ment; and for sonny a suit "just like dad's" is the most practical of all play garments. Sizes 2 to 6 yrs. $1.75; 7 to 11, $2.25; 12 to 16, $2.50. BOYS' CORDUROY HANSEN. [i HARDEMAN HATS JUST WRIGHT SHOES TROUSERS WORK GLOVES B etter Hats for Men „ For Site 7to 16 An extra Always . the standard ( .of All the new colors; all the 114 » v i- ™ll comparison; a glove for . Latest styles being shown, quality dark color; well every purpose. snapes. * o made. Special values at Price $5.00 Al*° Cornacttre and Arch • Priced $2.50 $2.50 per pair Super Quality $6.00 preserver lasts. Greenawalt-Folger Co. Wiotte, farm machinery, $525. Releases ' Janet Wilson Newell to Tim, Ru bens, real mtge, $1000. Firs' National Bank, St. John, to E. W. Hinshaw, chattel, $200. Bill of Salo Joseph Seltice to Willis E. Ma honey, crop 1919-20, on 10, 15, in 5-44 WBM (100 acres), $500. Power of Attorney -Willard Ward. Ellen and Anna PULLMAN IIKIIALb j Ward, Nora Cannon, Mrs. Catherine Davis, Mrs. Bridget Foley appoint W. J. Fagan. APRIL 4, 1919 < Deeds . W. A. Ferryman to William Bur meister, lots 1, 2, 7, 8/ bik 12, Breed ings' add, Palouse, $65. F. J." Hay-field to Phillip Schier man, lots 9, blk 24, Farmington, "Byron B. Rlrk to J. S. Love, south 50 feet lots 4, 5, 6, blk 8, McCoy's add, Oakesdale, $1000. . Mortgagee Annie. M. Hltchings to N. W. Mu tual Life Insurance Co., neq 11-18 --42, $3000. -.- ,■ ! A. W. Carpenter to Colfax State Bank, crop sh of seq, part nh of seq of swq of neq 31-17-44, $200. L. D. DeLashmutt to J. W. Splat cr, live stock, farm implements, two thirds interest crop 28, 33, in 14-39, $2882.79. Releases J. Weston Martin to Claude Jamo3, real mtge, $2000. American Free Hold Land Mort gage company of London to Edwin E. Jl organ, real mtge. (Additional Records on page seven) Miilfoed, oat and barley chop. Nye & Emert. v'V nov22H ■ ■:■- --~*At __ X__:_ . s.j i\iiii- three