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I VOLUME XXXI WEST APPROACH ROAD AGAIN CONSIDERED H-'dS:;x '■ SS-:' - - . AS ■ I -footed Question "dado S_>ecial Order : 'of Business for Chamber of Com ;.';- nierce Next Tuesday . t. full discussion of the possibil ities for a new road to Pullman from tlie'west, to do away with the pres ent west"'Main street approach with id 13 cent grade, will be a special order of business . for the chamber of commerce at its meeting next Tuesday. Reports on the road ques tion were made before the chamber Tuesday by Judge Thomas Neill and Professor O. L. Waller, who favored tie estbllshnient of a now highway Mrt h of the O-W. R. & N. tracks raj the Smawley place, one'mile west, there it could cross-the South Pa ■? lease and the railroad tracks and proceed around the bill and up the gulch to connect with the present 'Vtete highway just west of the cem etery. It is estimated that the grade for this proposed road would not ex ceed five percent at any place and that it would serve all immediate needs for a grade over which heavy loads ran be hauled by the farmers residing west of Pullman. I Other rout:.- have also been pro ,'pcsed and all of these will be dis cussed in full at the chamber meet ing next Tuesday. Farmers and cit • liens interested in the establishment ol a new grade will be Invited to at tend the session and. take part in the discussion. Other civic movements discussed Informally at this week's session and slated for further consideration next Tuesday are the proposed installa tion of slide* and other paraphernalia in the city park, the construction of a suitable memorial for Pullman's returned soldiers and sailors, and the organization of a local building society to assist citizens of small immediate resources to construct residences through* the Pullman Sav ings & Loan association. j An interesting discussion on the lnterchurch forward movement was given by Dr. E. L. Earp, of New Jer sey, who Is in charge Of rural sociol ogy classes for ministers at the State College summer session, while Dr. Pi-ley, who came from North Caro lina to assist in the Instructional "fork for ministers at the summer "wsion. outlined the rural church ""ork that is being done in his state - the interests of the community tood. Both speakers paid tribute to toe remarkable climatic and soil con Mods of the Inland Empire. \\EW IXSTItICTDIt HERE -,| • ■■-... . t R. 0. VVescley, recently elected by j *" regents of the State College to' J"" Position of instructor in farm | oops in the college of agriculture, | •rived the first of the week from ! 4?"*, lowa, to take up his duties. • M*. West-ley is a graduate of k». j «ate College r.nd for a number of: 7"* re following • raduatlon was con- | ned with th,. farm crops depart- j Rent there. More recently he has! tea connected with the secondary j ""hool of agriculture at Crookston, } Ma *"*- Mr. SVcscley comes to Pull-j **<* highly recommended for the pc-1 •j-'on and is a very pleasant young j Man to meet. He is accompanied by •■'>' Wescle. RAW! HELPS CHOI'S |A more or |H S general rain fell I pughout the I'alouse country Fri- ] (**" moi 'nin-;, being of great benefit' "growing grain. The local rainfall, U?*°nly .17 itu . whJ]e a , Garfield j ttd half ,an inch was registered ! of -eVen a greater precipitation west i Blv °lfax ' Fall wheat continues to -•Ml *"'0;*' of ''"> excellent yield, j tegs *prlnS heat and oats are con- j : erably "'"v,'d -'nee the rain, at-' A; eh the yield will be light. i ■Ot" scores OX TRIP toy&eteen "iemberß of - the local i Mow l" ,<'i,B made a trip to the «T-ai° W """"'tains last Saturday I $S S' chaperoned 'by the Rev. C. | o,hci\v' S ' Pr° r' E" F" GallV and "litrtbi *8t' ""' l'°'Vß BUent Sunday i I Bg £ s Ced»r mountain and indulg- BKBjaB Kß j a Bcoi Practices, returning i uaa-v •"-ening. ™L Pw-lman Herald DeVOteJ *the b..t .nt...... ° Pullm. ,d th. gre,te.t .«rmi ng community in th. 111 ,„„„ unding it TKI.I.PIIOM, SITUATION j WILL BE DISCUSSED At the request of a number of ! farmers the local telephone situation j will be discussed at the chamber of commerce meeting next Tuesday noon. All rural and city patrons of ' the system who have anything to say regarding the service are urged to be ! present. Manager Ruth will be invited to attend to answer questions and ex- j plain the company's attitude. It is hoped that many misunderstandings can be cleared up as a result of the conference. LACEY RESIGNS AS H. S. PRINCIPAL j Goes to Casper, Wyo., at Advance in Salary—Succeeded by Paul V. ("nisei-, a Sendee Man | XXX A. Lacey, for the past three I years principal of the Pullman high | school, has resigned his position and \ will go to Casper, Wyoming, as prin cipal of the high school at that place. i He will be succeeded here by Paul ' F. Gaiser, formerly principal of the i Prescott schools who resigned his po sition to enter the military service. I , Since his discharge Mr. Gaiser has been employed In the Reardan ' schools. He comes to Pullman high ly recommended as an instructor, or ganiser and athletic coach, and will probably be used In the latter ca pacity as assistant to the high school i coach, who has not yet been selected. • . tie is an honor graduate from Whit- man College and following his flr.t-i year as principal at Prescott was re elected with 2b per cent Increase In salary. He is now ut Cornell for | the summer. Mr. Lacey, who retires as princi pal of the high school, came her*- mi 19 16 from Pomeroy and during his | three years has given highly efficient I service. He was released from his; contract here only because of the i fact that the new position otters ', i greater financial attractions than it i was possible to offer for his services 1 locally, and his transfer is considered j a merited promotion for efficiency , and enthusiasm In school work > j Mr. Lacey will leave Pullma i with I his family in a few weeks for hie j ! new location, and will take with him ( the highest regard and the well j Wishes of every patron of the Pull man schools. MANY FARMERS DUE HERE NEXT WEEK Summer Session of Wheat Convent- j lion Creates Will*- Interest Throughout Eastern Wash ington Hundreds of farmers will arrive in Pullman next Tuesday to partici pate in the summer session of the Washington Grain Growers, Shipper.--j ami Millers association, which will be held at the State College. The, farmers are expected to arrive before 10 a. m... and at that hour the ex cursion over the state experimental farm will begin. The morning will be devoted to an inspection of the college live stock and at noon the visitors will be guests of the college at lunch, to be served on the campus. During the afternoon the farmers will be taken on a tour of inspection 01 the experimental farm, the vari ous experiments to be explained by persons iii touch with them. in the late afternoon a short music, recital will be given in the college auditorium by State College artists., A cordial invitation is extended by the officers of the association and the j college to the people of Pullman and j the (surrounding rural districts to j take part in the excursion over the J farm. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Folger, F. C. j Forrest and Lee Allen left last night tor Conklin Park on Lake Coeur! ,r\l,-ne where they will celebrate I the Fourth, the two latter to join . their families at the pleasure resort. PULLMAN. WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JULY 4. 1919 In the Happiness of Peace |\ \ Jjfl^', i / ,| 'it's \K ■ \ ______> / '\ _J< * a. I I* J / t _r j?fc* M FROM EVERY MOUNTAIN SIDE t^_ 1 |f LET FREEDOM RING f^ § In the Happiness of Peace Independence Dayl9lß ......... — " ' ■ "~ ■■' ■ ■■ ■ ' i» i ■ "Jimmy" Robinson, Palouse Doughnut King Local Bakery "Man Turns Out Two Thousand Dozen IH>iif>hnuts for Moscow Celebration "Jimmy" Robinson, genial propri etor of the Model bakery, has taken rank as the doughnut king of the Palouse country. "Jimmy" and his torce of bakers turned out 2000 I DAILY PROGRAM Ewartsville Chautauqua, July 1 1-15 Season Tickets Daily Schedule AdUltS $_.."»') Beryl .MucCillivrav Students 1.25 Director Children's h0ur..9:80 Children 1.00 O/.ella Hull Altera- concert.2:3o 'NOTE: Adult tickets Junior Supervisor Aftern'n lecture. .3.00 of committee, $2.00 Evening concert.7:3o War Tax Extra Evening lecture. .8:00 FRIDAY Afternoon—Opening announcements of week. .Chautauqua Director Concert . . . Venetian Trio Admission 39c Organizing Junior Chautauqua. Evening —Concert Prelude Venetian Trio Impersonations S. Piatt Jones Humorist Admission 55c X SATURDAY .Morning —Junior Chautauqua. Afternoon—Concert The Victory Orchestra Admission 39< evening —Prelude , The Victory Orchestra Inspirational Lecture, "Getting by your Hoodoo" Sam Grathwell Admission .">•"• s SUNDAY "Morning —Usual service—all churches. Afternoon — Prelude , The White Hussars Lecture, "The Danger of Ism-' V. I. Shepherd Admission 55c Evening —Concert The White Hussars A Great "singing ban i' Admission 83c MONDAY Morning —Junior Chautauqua. Afternoon —Prelude Smith-Stock well Company Costume lecture, "New Zealand, the South Sea Utopia" Leila Id. Bloml Admission •'''-,'' a- Evening —Concert Prelude Smith-Stock well Company Lecture, "Four Years With the Fighting Canadians" I.icut. .1. Oiiiiine- Of the First Canadian Mounted Rifles. A remarkable war story. Admission 83c TUESDAY Morning —Junior Chautauqua. • Afternoon—Prelude Royal Hawaiian Quintet Lecture, "Recreation —The Maker of •len" Capt. T. Dtnsmore Upton Admission 55c Evening —Pageant, Uncle Sam's Experiment.Junior Ctumtnaqoans Closing concert Royal Hawaiian Quintet five native singers and - player** from the South Seas presenting the enchanting melodies of their tali nd home Admission 83c / , dozen of the delicacies this week for! ■ the Moscow celebration, 24,000 in dividual doughnuts, and the task was completed without disrupting the ether business o" the bakery. One i.OTlrd of the order, or some 700 dozen of the limits were turned out for each day of the three-day celebration, three men working seven hours to complete each day's allot- i ment. the output aggregating 100 j dozen per hour. Nine hundred and i sixty pounds of flour went Into the j big order, while a total of 1680 eggs ! were cracked, seven eggs being used tor every 100 doughnuts. The flour was used in the proportion of 40 pounds per thousand. Several hun dred pounds of lard were consumed in the process. The doughnuts will be distributed free of charge by Salvation Army lassies throughout jth-J three-day , celebration at Moscow through the : liberality of Moscow lodge, No. 24 ', B. P. O. E. SUMMER SCHOOLERS STRONG FOR ATHLETICS j Many Enrolled in Athletic Ooachlng | Classes nnd Physical Culture— Tennis Tournament Starts Next Week I I Twenty-four high school teachers are enrolled in the athletic coaching , I classes conducted under the direction j | of Athletic Director J. F. Bohler as j a summer session feature. Football ' I and baseball are the big attractions, J with interest about equally divided, j j The instruction offered is Intended! to place tbe high school teachers In | a position to teach the fundamentals: |of the games. Bert Brooks, former ; takle on the State College team, is j assisting Director Bohler in teach- 1 I ing football to the pedagogues, while j Ben Swansea is helping with the | basketball work. • ' 1 The physical culture classes main tained by C. Mrocar. superintendent! of physical training for the Spokane schools, are also attracting many! I summer session students, the enroll ment having passed the 35 mark in i j these classes. The. physical culture) course is intended to lit the teachers! to conduct classes in their respective ' high schools, in compliance with the J new state law requiring a certain j I amount of physical instruction. Mr. i Brocar is a member of the committee ! appointed by the state and has been I summoned to a conference of the i committee, with State Superintendent' i Mrs. Preston at Olympia on July 12 | I and 1.1. * j The annual summer session tennis; j tournament will commence next! i • . ! week, with a large number of entries I ill both the men's and women's di- I visions. Singles and doubles tourna l ments will be played in both divi j sions, as well as in-.xcd doubles. :— W. S. C. MEN PLACE i ! IN BIG A. A. U. MEET I . | Smith ami Jenne Enter Under colors 1 ' I | ol Tacoma Athletic Club—-"Doc" Bohler official Starter I ". V . . A i Athletic Director ,i. I. Bohler left! «■#'„-« i Monday for Tacoma, where be served I I as official starter for the Id." A. A. I*. I I track meet held there July 1 and 2. i Srars from all the athletic clubs and colleges of the Pacific Northwest, I Including representatives from sev ere! California clubs, participated in j ■ the meet. Washington State was ; represented by Mil" Smith, distance man, and Eld on Jenne, pole vaulter and high Jumper, who wore the col ors of the Tacoma Athletic club. Smith took second in the five-mile and third in the mile, whip' Jenne grabbed Becond honors in the pole ; vault and fourth in the high jump. j "-'pearow, of the Multnomah A. ('.. I eared tho bar In the pole vault at )l" feel 3-8 inches to win from tine, ; while Payne bested Smith in the five- I mile event si 27 minutes and .">S tee' i nnds. I I REOPENS JEWELRY STORE i j : I Earl Miller, who recently received j his discbarge from the service, will reopen the Miller Jewelry store, op posite the Grand Theatre, tomorrow. Mr. Miller is a Jeweler of many years' experience and bis hosts of friends will learn with satisfaction that he will again engage la basinet^ in Pull man. He closed the store here In . order to do hit bit during the-war. I DIETZ AGAIN INDICTED BY FEDERAL JURY | Former Pullman Coach Again Arrest ed Following Disagreement of Jury — New <'"large in Two Counts Following tho disagreement and discharge of the jury Thursday in the case of William H. (Lone Star) Diets, football coach and movie I actor, charged with falsficat ion un der the draft act, Dietz Was again indicted Thursday afternoon by the federal grand jury. About the time the Indictment was reported into the federal court Dletz appeared at the office of United States Marshal J. I". McOovern and was arrested on a warrant Issued under the new in dictment. The bond of $1000 thai secured the release of Dietz in the old case, filed last January, was al lowed to continue. The new indictment is in two counts, the same as the old one, the first covering DUrtl'a registration and the second bis answers to the questionnaire. The indictment dif fers from the one in the first case In that it does not allege that Dletz la a white man. It alleges he Is a natural born Amejrican citizen in stead or being a noncitizeu Indian as he stated in his registration card. The other difference is the Inclusion Of Diets'! request for an exemption as the sole manager and director of a necessary war enterprise known as the American Indian Film corpora tion of Spokane. which was alleged . to be employing lb or more people. Reference to the film corporation was ruled out of the recent trial be cause it was not covered by the first Indictment. The jury in the Diets case was . discharged at 10 o'clock. Thursday morning in the federal court after i>t.ui 20 hours of deliberation. More than a dozen ballots were tak en, the first standing nine for ac qiittal and three for conviction. On the fifth ballot, taken after more than three hours, the vote stood eight for acquittal to four for conviction. Balloting continued at intervals dur ing the night until before breakfast the vote was six to six. After tweak fast the preference of the jury changed to eight for acquittal to four for conviction, where it stood When the jury entered; the courtroom with a request for discharge. According to members of the Jury. the testimony of the officers of the marines from Mare island, saying they had approved Dlets's question naire, was ,i strong point in his favor. The question of good faith based up on the claim of Diet? that he be lieved he told the truth when he signed the statements in the. ques tionnaire also operated in his favor, particularly In view of the instruc tions of the court telling the jury to discharge Diets If they were con vinced that he really believed all of the Indian claims he made in his questionnaire. Things thai operated against Dietz were his claim in the questionnaire that he spoke the Sioux language when proof was presented that he inly spoke a word or two; his claim that Sally ""agio Horse was his sis ter and his professions of affection for her. and his failure to visit her when within close range of the Pine llidge Indian reservation on two oc casions. PULLMAN STATE IN FEDERAL RESERVE — a The Pullman State bank is now i member of the Federal Reserve Sys tem, having accepted membership July Ist. By affiliating with the Re serve system this hank comes under government supervision In addition to state supervision, and is also a tuber of the Washington Rank De positors Guaranty Fund of the State of Washington, thus giving it all tbe facilities modern banking has provid ed, as well as absolute protection to ii- depositors. Work on its new banking room li ant-umlug constructive proportions. as all the work of tearing out the old Interior has been completed, and in >,n days the bank hopes to occupy lU> new quarter* which will be among the most modern In Eastern Washington. NUMBER 37