OCR Interpretation

Pullman herald. [volume] (Pullman, W.T. [Wash.]) 1888-1989, July 04, 1919, Image 11

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085488/1919-07-04/ed-1/seq-11/

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fit*'±f *' *
JUNK 23, 1919
;• Deeds \
i-n D Klncald, Adm. Est. Malinda
i ft *elle, deceased, to Luther
I ?wct 6-16-46. $1200.
" Bowerman to Sylvia Perry,
,« hlk 1, Anderson add, Rosalia,
lot l"> "'
Lte of Washington to Frank B.
>* k 16-18-40, $8320.
$j3& Parks to Jas, W. Parks,
„ of swq 28. wh of nwq and nwq
Si 33, wh of seq 9-12-45, |1.
Annie L. Smith. Evelyn L. Cole
VJosephine Chamberlin, to Wm.
trt' each one-eighteenth int. seq
jj.ls-42, II
IJeis.W. Berry to Emma Wells, swq
lH«-45, 15200.
If B. Driscoll. ex. John J. Scott,
deceased, •to Pitt Cemetery Assn., a
ip of land on east side neq 23-16
--,• 2 acres no corner neq 32-16-45,
Frank B. Babcock to the Union
ntCo., neq 16-18-40, $3500; seq
16-18-40, $3500; swq 16-18-40,
13500; nwq 16-18-40. $2300.
Emma Wells to First Savings &
Hat 'Bank, Whitman Co., nwq of
and eh of seq 13-16-44, $3300.
'•Adam Kromm to P. J. Weltz, live
jiock. farm implements, crop See. 5,
and 6-17-41. $6400.
Sanford Moore to Win. D. Uagon.
'tgmtge, .11-23-16, $1500..
I Sanford Moore to Win. I). Ragon,
Kslmtge, 10-16-13, $1500.
[totted States to J. W. Household
er, lot 4, of 15-1 1-4
Lis Pendens
ptobtoW, Margrave vs. Unknown
Heirs of Elizabeth M. Eldorado, de
teased, and Lydia Brooks, deceased,
to determine owners of the wh of
wl! 34-18-41.
7- Sheriff's Certificate of Sale
H. S. McClure, sheriff, to Citizens
State Bank, Tekoa, lots 3, 1. 5, 6, 9,
10,11, blk 5, lots 4, 5, 6, blk 7, Lom
bard's add. also lots 4, 5, 6, blk 7,
Lombard's add, also lot 5, blk 1,
Trim add, Tekoa, $394.11 (Citizens
State Bank vs. F. J. Mahoney).
Kill of Sale
Edward Johnson to J. Matt John
son, live stock. $1500.
Conditional Bill of Sale
•i'iF. J. Stephenson to Leo Harwood,
auto. $400.
Hill of Sale
| R.J. 'Weltz to Adam Kromm, live
stock, farm implements, crop pt 5
and 6 of 17-41, $8400.
JUNE 24, 1919
Frederick W. Slingerland to Felix
UMarinel, lot 8, blk 26, Maiden, $1.
.McGregor Land & L've Stock Co.
to Louis G. Wilson, tract in 3-13-38,
• J-.W. Cox, trustee, to W. B. Harris,
m 1-17-41, $„
i,C. I. Corwin to Jessie W. Hanford,
total, 2, 3, 4. of 1-20-44, $5000. ,
' D. V. Enos to J. C. O'Kelley. loi
'5, blk 43, Pullman, $1000.
Alma J. Marlatt to Barthol Weber,
lb of seq 1-12-45, $1.
-Alma J. Marlott to Joseph N. Mar
fctt,se q of seq 1-12-45, $1.
R. W. Smith to A. C. Birk and O.
" McKeehen, auto, live stock. $650.
• Winnifred S. Wyman to Thos. Neil,
."*! nitge, $500.
I A.H. Averill Machinery Co. to F.
P' C. Paulsen, chattel.
v A- H. Averill Machinery Co. to F.
I I C.Paulsen, chattel.
Steptoe State Bank to L. P. Wal
.**. chattel, $1900.
.y.Ma'B. Moss et nuß W. A., to The
Pabllc, pres. and sec. Pullman Im
plement Company.
' A- L- Smawley to The Public, per
sonally acquainted with T. M. Tre
aick. >C,;;:
,;■• Lis Pendens
Pel LeMarinel vs. John F. Bach,
«1, all swq, eh of nwq and swq of
"*<! 34-20-41.
, Conditional Hill of Sale
hi*K Benner to Perry Barling,
*Bt°. $267.
fidelity Piano Co. to S. H. Muntz,
gr- Piano, $195.
JUNE 25, 1910
> . Deeds i
..•A. Manchester to H. T. Banning,
*h 32-17-44, |i.
Ba v B. McClure to Citizens State
U **• Tek °a. lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10,
gj Blk 5, lots 4, 5, 6, blk 7, Lom
k£a add, Tekoa; lot 5 blk 1, Tru
'B /• Tek°a' *2250-
--'a(i'e Corwiri Elliot to Jessie W.
J^tf, lots 1. 2. 3 ' 4, of 12044,
c J* ylWld Current Intention Motor
•40' ,° Carrie A. Neyland. tract 7-13
--3 ' 4 "tS 1, *■ .° r 30"14-42- lots 1, 2,
IftsJ 25 ' lot lof 26-1 /except.
Chas. .1. Xcimiller to Orlie J. ||th
hulsh, pt lot l, blk 13. Maiden.
Bert Berland to John G. M(irilz
lots ■». 15, blk 5, Unlontown, $1
Bank of Carthage to David Denton
half int. '<" 1, blk 5, Ist add, St'
John, $10.
D. B. Horsey to Ellen Baker 23.
17-4.'.. $16,000.
Edw. T. St. John to David Denton
half int. lot 1, blk 5, l ßt add. St'
John, $10.
Edw. T. St. John to David Den
ton, half int. lot I, Ilk 5, Ist add, St
John, $10.
A. B. Corwin to Jessie W. Hanford,
lots I, 2, 3, 4, of 1-20-44, 16000.
Prank M. Phillips to .1 <;. Mort|
all lots 4, 11. blk 5, Uniontown',
E. T. Coman, trustee, to John W.
Carroll, real mtge, 7-18-92, .las. 11.
Tollman, $1800.
Ralph Leonard to Joseph Corwin,
real mtge, $7.
United States to David Brannan,
sh of neq and eh of sei| 1-1 .-,-42.
United States to John W. Carroll,
wh of seq and "eh of swq 4-15-42.
■ Miscellaneous
In the Matter of the Estate of Jos.
Corwin, deceased, orders, etc.
Invocation of Bond
American Surety Co, to 0, D. Kin
said j
Conditional Dill of Sale
Culton, Moyian Rellly Auto Co. to
Will it. Heglar, two autos, $15150.
W. J. Walker to Tne Public, knows
Martha D, Davis to be wife of .1. C. '■
Margaret A. Boissey to The Public,
Edw, J. Armstrong was widower;
from and prior to January 31, 1891,
until December 31, lan i.
Between li. T. Banning and .la*
8 Love.
J I'M-: 26, 1919
Katherlne Fry to Herman Pry, the
seq 25-15-4 0, tract 25-15-4 0, $10,
Katherine Fryq to Clans Michael
son, nwq 25-16-40, $18,000.
Clans P. Michaelson to Frank W.
Fry. tract neq 26-15-40, $2000.
J. 3, Love to a. a Manchester,
tract 14-16-43, $1.
Seven Emerson to Jean Kyllo, sh
of nwq, nh of swq, swq of neq, lots
2 3, 4, in 2-14-39, $17,100.
11. C. Doty to Win. T. and Mary
F. Brooks, lot 3, nh of lot 4, blk 5,
Tekoa, $3100.
John M. McLean to W. A, Hard
est)', pi lot 10, 11, 12, blk 12, (lakes
dale, $100.
J. L. Thayer to Frank T. Barnard,'
lot 7, blk 8, College Park add, Pull
Ned Bush to National Bank of
Oakesdale, live stock, $500.
D. R. Judson to Mrs. Carrie A.
Judson, real mtge, $500.
Albert D. Miller to Robert Carter
and Benj. Olson, chattel.
Conditional Bill of Sale
Culbertson Orote Rankin Co to
A. J. Olson, range, $122.
JUNE 27. 1919
.1. L. Burkei to Wm. P. Jones, lots
1, 2, H. 4, blk 9, Ferguson's 3rd add,
Colton, $600.
N. L. Strange to R. A. Sims, lots
10, 11, 12. blk 12, W. C. McCoy's
add, Oakesdale, $1.
Ora D. Choate and Grant S. Choate
to Mrs. A. E. Thomas, lot 3, blk 11,
McCoy's add, Oakesdale, $1.
. M. D, Henry to Albert N. Berg
man, lots 3. 4, ilk 23, Garden City
add, Pullman, $200.
Melvin V. Crabtree to Fred W. Mil
let-, lots 1, 2. eh of nwq 19-18-45,
also nog 2 1-18-44, $27.J
Fred W. Miller to Melvin V. Crab
tiee, lots 1. -. eh of nwq 8-46,
neq 24-18-44, $13,600.
Albert N. Bergman to Frank W.
Radley, lots 3, 4, blk 22, Garden
City add. Pullman, $75.
A. J. Stone to «. W. Laltue & Co.,
real mtge, John DcYoung, 7,173.
W. A. Hadesty to Mary S. Burns,
real mtge.
A. K. Thomas to S. D. Tyler, real
mtge, $400.
Spokane & Eastern Trust Co. to
Jos. N. Henderson, real mtge, $3900.
Extension Agreement
Northwestern Mutual Life Insur
ance Co. to Chas. H. and Lizzio Van
Conditional Bill <>•' Sale
F. E. Coolldgo to Zena and Vera
Pirkelsimer, piano. $250.
. Affidavits
.1. S. Albright. Adm. Bit. of John
Young, to The Public.
FOR SALE —Second-hand 7-foot
Bearing binder, In good condition to
make run. W.H.Wolfe, Phone 10X1.
■.■■■• ■:
Rubs and Regulations and IVi/.es An
noiuurd for Fair to He Held at
Colfax Next Full
The following rules and regula
tions will govern at the County Club
_ 1. Any member of any standard
club in Whitman county is eligible
to compete.
-'. So entry fees will be charged.
3. All exhibits must have been
grown or prepared since September
'. 1918.
4. Articles entered for individual
, premiums may also compete in gen
, eral displays.
I •■ All exhibits must have been
I grown or prepared by the member
; exhibiting,
6. No exhibitor shall make more
than one entry for the same premium.
j 7. In case there is but one exhibit
competing tor a premium the award
| will be made at the judges' discre
tion according to the worth of the
' exhibit. No premiums will be award
ed on unworthy exhibits.
5. The committee in charge of
li* exhibits reserves the right, to re
tain first and second premium arti
cles for further display but to return
the Koroe at elo.se of display.
9. Unless otherwise specified ex
hibits will be judged upon the fol
lowing points:
Quality of product 70',f
Members report to County Club
Leader 20 ,
appearance and Arrangement of
Exhibit 10%
lotatoes —• j
Best peck certified .seed —first
$10, second (5, third $2. [
l'ji-yi pi ■]■: marketable potatoes— ■
iirsl $5, second $2, third $1.
Best 10 ears field corn (seed)—
first $10, second $5.
Best 10 ears sweet corn —first $2,
second $1.
Best display corn, any kind —first
$3, second $2.
deneral Garden
Best general display of vegetables
—first $15, second $10, third *5.
Best quart garden peas- first $1,
second DO cents,
Best quart dry beans— first $1,
second 50 cents.
Best gallon field peas —first $2,
second $1.
Best carrots (til —first $1. second
50 cents.
Best turnips (til —first $1. second
50 cents.
Best parsnips (6) — first $1, second
50 cents.
Best garden beets (6) — first $1,
second 50 cents.
Best Quart string beans in pod—
first $1, second 50 cents.
Beit onions (6) —first $1, second
j 50 cents.
Best cucumbers (6) — first. $1, sec
ond 50 cents.
Best pumpkin— $1. second 50
! Best squash — first $1, second 50
| cents.
Best head cabbage— first $1, sec
one ■'•" cents.
i Best bead cauliflower — first SI,
\ second 50 cents,
Best tomatoes 6) first $1, sec
i one 50 cents.
j Rabbits
Best buck- first $2, second $1.
Best doe — first $2, second $1.
Best pair—first $2, second $1.
i- Best doe and litter first $2, sec
ond $1.
i Poultry—
Beet pen of four hens and one cock
—first HO second $5, third $1.
Best cock—first $2, second $1.
Beß . ben—-first $2, second $1.
Pigs— i
i . „- boar (any breed)—first $20,
second $10. j
Best brood sow (any breed, — first
520. second $10.
Sheep— , i
. Best ram (any breed)— first $15, |
second $S.
y^T ewe , a ny breed) —first Slo.
second $7.
Bef. mutton sheep—first $5. sec
ond $2.
■ Calf—
Best calf raised by club member—
| firfc-t $5. wcond $2. j
i Domestic- Science
.! Canning— i
Best quart berries—first $1. sec
i'ond s(lc.
Best quart cherries—first |1. sec
'■ ond 50c.
Best quart peaches—first $1, sec
ond GOc.
Best quart plums—first $1 sec
ond 50c. ,
Best quart fruit (any kind)— firs.
til necond 50c.
Best quart peas-first $! second
I Have you ever seen an
endless stream of flour?
" I ■«, «.&? '? U Vl?. thc new *"* Mm at Spokanc-where a steady stream
all wheat is turned into a steady stream of rtour-you will ask, "Where does
ail the wheat come from and where does all the flour go?"
Paw'lL! V n° U: ! 1Cr<; at T^ land Empire I* 0*"*" the wheat-th'c
- Coeur iV Al 2Sf £S *?&?■ ??? Prairie-*' "<* regions from the
V~oeur D Alenes to the breaks of the Salmon.
milliM^ fl? ir from this 'M tCf, Mill gOCS into hemes, not only of the
millions in the Great West and elsewhere in America, but even into 'foreign
lands. **
] To sec the new Master Mill is a treat you owe yourself for it is filled with
human interest. lou will go home with a greater appreciation, a better
realization of the immensity of this industry-and what it means to the people
of the Great Northwest. v
Remember—we'll be glad to welcome you any time you choose to come!
Best quart string beans —first $1.
second BOc. #
Best quart tomatoes—first $1,
second 50c.
Best quart corn' —first $1, second
Best quart vegstables (any kind)
—first it 1. second BOc.
Best glass jelly (any kind)— first
$i, second BOc.
Best pint preserves (any kind) —
first $1, second 60c.
* Best can oi meat, fish or poultry
—first $2, second $1.
Best, individual display canned
products —first $5, second $2.
Best demonstration team of club
members—first $25, second $10.
Best loaf bread —first $1, second
Best dozen cookiesfirst $1, sec
ond 50c.
Best plain cake —first $1, second
50 c.
Best display cooking club work
(individual) —first $3, second $2,
third $1.
Sewing (over 14 yrs.) —■
Best plain wash dress —first $1,
second 50c.
Best garment made by club girl—
first $1, second 50c.
Best piece of fancy work--first $1.
second 50c.
Best and largest display of sewing
—first $::. second 2, third $1.
(14 yrs. and under)
Best cooking apron—first $1. sec
ond 50c.
Best sample darning -first $1,
second 50c.
Best paraple patching —first $1,
second 50c.
Best one-half dozen buttonholes —
first $1, second 50c.
Best and largest display sewing
work —first $2, second $1.
A special prize of $25 to the club
(any project) which makes best rec
ord based upon, first, percentage of
members who compete; second, fair
exhibit as a club; third, number of
individual premiums won by club
1 members.
V. W. Clarkson
Men's Outfitter
-glfun powered
m ';' ?r ■-*■ "Red Crown" is straight-distilled,
fl HP*" >J flk all-refinery gasoline. Look for the
mWr ,A - pk. Red Crown sign before you fill.
R. R. Solemink, Special Agent, Pullman
Flour Feed
Poultry Supplies
• i in i
Yeo & Emert
We Deliver Phone 5 1
That Optimistic
Telephone OO i». O. Box 231
Office with
Roth Construction Co.
Page Eleven

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