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Page Four €89G833 Cold Weather Means HEATING STOVES V 7V£,V V My JA — %SX\i, 1 —-^^ SEE Lee Allen ■H-'.•..':iWMf?%Vift fl ' mß air' Bl^fßffiMßKgjHi _al -i ■' » '■»*" SJ SI** * *^ Decide on Your Next Battery Now Your next battery .hould be a Willard with Threaded Rubber Insu lation because it is the one kind of battery that gives you adequate pro tection against the expensive relnsu lation that la sure to come to an or dinary battery. Pour years' experience on many thousand' cars have proven the re markable durability of this latest Willard Invention. it eliminates the one biggest cause of battery troubles. Call and let us tell you about it. We'll help you. get every last day's uae out of your present battery at the least possible expense, but we went you to have a better battery. PETERSON BATTERY STATION 717 Grand St. Phone 00 Here's the Answer i_l_^_^_fci?;.'__,'^:r'--'~"-'v''': ,~.'--^. Aa \*W x^^^m\\mm^m -^l .''.'ieeV-' AW The changeable weather of Autumn gives rise to a knotty problem of dressing for comfort and health. Most folks lean toward the warmer periods—that's why cold* are so prevalent when the ther -■••meter drops and the raw winds blow. LAXACOLD taken after exposure or at the first sign of m cold, is helpful toward warding off the -attack; it is also efficient as a router of aim cold that has "taken root" White Drug Store ' ///^v as Sm^sst A' JtlXr^ £>"•• »^ey Tire. Itch, ,oa 4* ».' > bmart or Bum, if Sore, YnIIDFVP^ S^ltated, Inflamed or Jt-« cC . J Granulate. we Murine BI S?!? I! ,M ' *''"■»•>*«• Safe lor MMtor Adult,« s . Write for »■'«« tyc book. HtrtM Eft »««*«, U.Qmtsm m~- CALIFORNIA FARMERS CONDUCT EXTENSION CONFERENCE IN AUTOS «'-■-*■ ■'-'" ' •mmsmmmmm ii—n■ ■■■—n .■ ■—i Mini wm i ■!_■-■■■ ■■■■i n ■ " __fci —■■>«—mi — ■■■ i i. -■■■ awt. mm.*Lmfam\ Aamhnimm Hft_H_i_KlHßl_^_^_tftt_!^^_i p^^^_i_^^^^^^^^^^^B _^_^_^__t^**-^ J ._<" a( ?^^"NrtSt^t^S_! _!__^JM><tfs^M_y^^^^B_i'^*i>^M>*<^^_^_^_^_^__^^|'^*^i.Wi_jß^^^^^M^K TlE^E^^^ — ■ *v" M)wn_P_H_H u_^__B.|MKf _<_nH MP^^B mSmssTS m. Jm^A4\\mmaam9m *,**** . M «*****-**'*ußP I^KmSsw 'H9I _^_B_,''''v *** J^MBP■sl_|_^^i_ta_—^x **,^^ _^mSi?*H _>_dv_£4 Bl^ Ri \^f^LliiH_l Bte^- **^ i>>m k''^ ;>/>te 4 - -_utjyßF^H Ple^^^a Ses___^. *a*~ "* *2^;: *"' fjl&i* N_H_k_9 ..-mmmmmm%, *J3ss£Z3. St. '"_.S_4ss3B^i_^_i _bfi_a_r-tt_ ÜBS _w_^l B .b^uHrVß ' *"WS^^? J^^Sr^HBHH mn4lm^2&^^^ &££3MP9fll_l_fl t_B_C l^-'"-l_»^j-B-&*'^-i^-i^%-Bfßl ljg**y^£ EHWIPS ■WajSMv* ****" I*•*1 *•* '^JUIM-^-^E-fl IBm3' WaEWmmmo^^^ jm_m t a^^mWm^^F.T»AASmmmmm^44i^ 9m^m. w^fmmmaama^m^4maTwm^4i^*ia mmmmT mmmmm\e r- p^f^—wm^eMW^^.t *^ AA^mmmam* w^^m^^mw^^^s^mmm^* __^__ r^w j^^_ Mi _ a . _-___^ Remarkable photo showing over 2,500 automobiles that brought people to the big picnic held at the United States experimental farm at Davis, Cal. This big farm has a school for scientific agriculture and stock raising. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) An extension conference traveling In automobiles* Is an Idea from the West. At the close of the annual meeting of the California experiment station at Davis and the agricultural college at Berkeley, the agents from 84 counties and the assistant agents, the county agent leader and bis assistants were Joined by 91 fanner delegates repre senting the county farm bureaus of the state. The entire party, compris ing 1151 people, spent seven days trav eling by automobile from Berkeley to Riverside. The delegation passed through 11 counties, ft of which have farm bureaus and 8 of which have resident county agents, In counties having agents, the agents occupied the leading car and conducted the party to Interesting demonstration work. Short stops were made at which the county agent or the farmer on whose ranch the demonstration was being conducted, explained the method and results. Some Things Seen. Noteworthy things seen were poul try and bee demonstration work at Santa Cruz, stock judging at Salinas and Lankershim, the Jim Jeffries and "Lucky" Baldwin ranches in Los An geles county, fire-lighting apparatus at Santa Paula, seed-bed preparation at the Camarlllo ranch, pruning of apri cot trees, citrus pruning, the artesian well and drainage project in Orange county, spraying demonstration in wal nut orchard, citrus-bud selection, and poultry culling. Meetings were held each night at the farm bureau center In the county the party was visiting. The resident coun ty agent explained in detail the work under way In tin- county and farm bureau members discussed subjects TO FIND CARBURETOR LEAKS Excellent Plan Is to Immerse Suspect ed Part in Hot Water and Watch for Bubbles. _L • An excellent way to locate suspected leaks in the carburetor float is to Im merse the pari in hot water. In this «ay any gasoline In the interior will be vaporized and will force its way out of the hole, which may be ] or „- by watching for the bubbles to rise. The float should, of course, be removed from the water the Instant the bub bles appear. HOME GARAGE FLOOR SPACE Absolute Minimum Will Be Found to Be Nothing Less Than Twelve by Twenty Feet. In planning the home garage, re member thai for a single ear the rain imum floor space will be 12 by 20 feet if you purpose doing any work on the vehicle In its shelter. Also these dimensions do not allow room foi either a work bench or for storage space, they are simply the Irreducible minimum. BE CERTAIN VENT IS OPEN A Little Attention to This Important Matter Will Frequently Save the Driver Annoyance. Remember that gravity and vacuum feed gasoline systems have to have a vent In the tank which is in or around the filler cap. Look for this occa sionally and run a wire through it to make sure that It is open. If it Is not, you will have engine troubles that may puzzle yon and take a long time to trace. USE FOR SANDPAPER BLOCK Motorist Will Find It Handy for Clean- Ing Up Punctures in the Inner Tubes. Motorists who do their own tire re pairing will find It well worth while to tack a piece of sandpaper to a cvHit drlcal block of wood three Inches in diameter and a foot long. For clean ing op punctures in inner tubes it is often handy to have small, it;, or rounded sticks of wood wrapped with sandpaper. In which they we.c Interested. The delegates considered the advisability of a state farm bureau federation and recommended to the county farm bu reaus that such nn organization be formed at a later date. The party was entertained by the local farm bureau at dinner and sup per at almost every county passed through, while In southern California the visitors were repeatedly met at county lines by committees of women, nnd boxes of ornnges were literally poured Into the automobiles. The trip closed, after covering 937 miles, with a banquet at the mission Inn at Riv erside. "Sights" were neglected in or der to attend the work of the confer ence. Benefits From Trip. The farmers participating were unanimous In approval of the plan. Th.- automobile cost was met by the college of agriculture and the farmer delegates paid their own subsistence expenses or It was met by their farm bureaus. Aside from the practical val ue of the demonstrations and farm practices observed the whole tone of county agent work in the state wan improved. Farm bureau officials re turned home with an enlarged outlook, the county agents saw demonstrations and organizations work under a va riety of conditions, and the people of the counties visited were given a' enlarged vision of the state and na tional extent of the work. While such an extended trip is pos sible only where roads are highly im proved, the Idea seems to he an excel lent one, deportment of agriculture of ficials believe, and similar or less am bitious trips doubtless could be planned In a number of the states with real value to the extension organisa tion and work. IRON OUT FENDER DENTS The greatest care must be taken in straightening out dents in the fenders, if the parts are not to assume a battered ap pearance. The only satisfactory method Is to remove the fender and get it on the bench. Be neath it should be placed a block of wood cut to fit snugly the curve of the fender. Then the dents can be pounded out with comparatively little Injury to the finish and general appearance of the parts. Incidentally it is a good plan to use a leather mal let for this work or to cover the head of an ordinary hammer with a number of thicknesses of cloth. DO AWAY WITH OIL TROUBLES Method Advocated for the Proper Lubrication of Automobile Spring Bolts Shown Here. Where hard oil is used as a lubri cant for automobile spring bolts, It sometimes dries in the small holes and grooves that feed it to the hearing surfaces, thus preventing the parts from being properly lubricated, writes Odls Reynolds in Popular Science Monthly. This causes the bolts and spring eyes to wear out quickly. A I ■^■PHHwi■Mn*M*Mi_anriHnMMMMi■_■ •-■■ . ' ' Using Thin Oil in Hard Grease Cups. way Is illustrated whereby this condi tion may be remedied successfully by adopting oil cups for thin oil. Drill a hob- large enough to allow , the oil to be poured in through the [ cap and threaded portion of the bolt 1 its shown in the Illustration. Then turn the cap half way around, thus completely closing the. hole. THK PULLMAN IIEIIALU ImmW^^^m mm. mm. ._ j '"Me—KM— BBMh I WE ARE TOO BUSY ! I SELLING ! OAKLANDS I AND' ' I FORDS I TO PREPARE ANY ADVER TISEMENT THIS WEEK I MARTIN'S GARAGE I I I L J Hm BBmaimxsxmkAhamw flB "J- 3P fIBBBHBBBeJ-P JMBBMBP ttMHBHBB fIBH iliffliiifll ill il!)!!i!llSll!!!!!ifl fi every man game enough to make a bee line for you've hankered for in okes you'll find aplenty. ■fci^^S^^^Sl You cant any more make Prince Albert bite your WllMm2u!lSm9 tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse W^^^^^^mi drink when he' off the water! Bite and parch are cut \WJ*?**. « °Ut by our exclusive Patented process V •■■■■' B |«i| You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't nail mm ll M section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care flK^£fdß:': to remember back! • fsTW*fftw7mnYm9 B. uy Prince Albert everywhere tobacco is sold. Toppy red bags, * y % .; fyV *'^f!• T¥ IV Prf I tltiy red *'"*> handsome pound and half pound tin humidors—and WJ!t) I{l fW'&f If —that clever, practical pound crystal glass humidor with sponge 1 a 8 y moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. >j j^ttßSßn&th. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Win»ton-Salem, N.C WANTED TO RENT—WeII Im proved three-qup.rters or half sec tion of good wheat ranch from own er; near school and warehouse; pos session- at once, if wanted, would buy stock and machinery. Address F. M. L., box 291, Tekoa, Wash. sep!9oct3 INSURANCE—TaIk with Downen. Col. A. V. BALL will Cry Your Sale Ami Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction Call me at my expense at * Peck, Idaho Roth Construdion Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS J '.'■■.■■ '?=£ ~ FIRE PROOF BUILDINGS Si — a Specialty Vri TELEPHONE 60 Office 330 E. Main St - *"*»>. «*"*<» » .V