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Page Eight PROFESSIONAL CARDS , DR. L. G. KIMZMY Office nt White's Drug Store Residence 1503 Star Route St. Res phone 36, Office phone 136 J. L. GILLELAND, M. D. Res Tel. 2962 Of ice Tel. 3R Office on Alder St. Diseases of Women and Obstetrlcts Specialist DR. M. J. BEISTEL Physician and Surgeon Large X Ray for Diagnosis Special treatments for eye. ear, nose and throat diseases —Glasses fitted A. T. LUKINS Physician and Surgeon Rooms 202-3-4 First Nat. Bank Bldg. * Office Phone 15 Residence Phone. 147 i ■ ■ ... ... | mm r~ — ■ 1 ' I——Tl B. F. NEWBROUGH, D. C. Doctor of Chiropractic 114-15 First National Bank Bldg. Calls Answered Office phone 32; Res. phone 1734 D. C. DOW Attorney at Law Room 14. First National Bank Bldg. Thos. Neill F. E. Sanger NEILL & SANGER Attorneyr at Law First National Bank Building W. H. STRAUB V^-j-± Optical Specialist ffl^r~*Ssk. Strictly Correct "^M^N^TI. Glasses Guaranteed 11 Room 3, Emerson Building Phone 3681 DR. A. E. HUDSON Dentistry Dental X-Ray Equipment Office, New First National B'k Bldg Phone 166 DR. A. A. ROUNDS Dentist Office in Emerson Buliding Phone 63 DR. FREEMAN L. BALL Eye Specialist _^^M^^ Graduate McCormick jH P Medical College, Chi li||i§fp|£w "go, 111., for E76r and Nerves. \j\rninm J ]' GOOD THINGS TO EAT THAT'S ALL DO YOU WANT A GOOD JOB? Camas, Washington, is located on the keWUtltul Columbia River, 20 miles above PtDrtlaixi, Oregon. Two boat lines, a rail wad and auto bus lines bring it within easy access .>»' the metropolis. Has fine water, payed streets and theatres. About mOO population. The Crown Willamette Paper Co., locat ed here, employs about 850 men and women Huns th,. year around. Wage •chedule is from 15c per hour up. depend tag upon class of work and opportunity s«nd... a"C* m<'nt «> the right man is A beautiful new hotel has just been completed which is one of the finest •quipped mill hotels .en the mast. The JMrge for meal* is :,\v. rooms, Mc, :„ Iw*. ' * There a... no* openings for several able- JJjlied young men, single preferred I .ring ttls clipping within a reasonable length ol Mmc and you will be asapred a place. CROWN WILLAMETTE PAPER CO., _______^_ Camas, Wash. I Comfort m If Service i fare the things that count I | when it rains .■»;i,lw»'\i i i rowers mm '■ S m t J^ m^m %am 3 l liM'wWSmm^ Hm- Vd.Fl Ty-atyv' ■a *%. UT L.C. _/V ■ \lfXi I . W/M |sLraKERS \ '.Mai ' |- |oLILivLKS ft m Ml • I=l have made toed [\< ill , v , 111 since 1.536 /IB 1 ■ IfcL JaaA, *' "* ftIX tAU■' Ira I ll?fe\.A ' TOWER CC J i^t\^^_v*»« «••». 's%^tJtjS^-ii ml*****SS^i******A**~^S*AK***l^SS*^**^A** !i; THE FORUM i i 1 Under this head will be pub- ji I, lished communications upon <' ji any subject of general interest <, 11 to the community. The art!- ( i 'i cles should be briefnot over <[ / 500 words, unless dealing with j| i ( matters of great importance— <' ji must bo free from personal!- (, i J ties, and must be signed by the ( > ', writer. The Herald is not re- c ( » sponsible for any opinions (> i[ which may be advanced by con- <> ji trlbutors to this department <[ i 1 and reserves the right to de- jl t, termino whether or not contii- <' butions are suitable for publi- (| cation. jl APPOINTMENT TO ANNAPOLIS On October is competitive exami nations, open exclusive!/ to young men who have served in the army, navy or marine corps, will be he.d at Yakima and Walla Walla for the purpose of selecting one. principal and two alternates for nomination as candidates to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis] Pfco princlpalshlp will go to tl.e boy who secures the highest standing at these examinations, ?. rovlded lie is physi cally sound, those with the next highest standings receiving appoint ment as alternates.. These exatnin.. tiou.s, by special arrangement vvil' hi held under .lit dire, (lon of the I. S. clvii service commission, at the post of:.'(o building in each «'f these cities, commencing at 9 a. m. Boys must be at least 16 years of age and not more than 20 upon April 1 of the year In which they enter the naval academy . Candidates will be examined in algebra, geometry, grammar and composition, United States history, geography and arith metic Six and one-half hours time : la allowed for the examination. No preliminary applications are re quired. Those desiring to take the examination should simply present themselves at the places named at the hour mentioned. They must be residents of this congressional dis trict. The successful candidates will then have until April 21, 1920, to prepare themselves for the regular entrance examinations, which will be held at that date in either Walla Walla or Yakima. This will be the final mental examination, leaving only the physical test, which is given at the academy itself. As I am to make all appointments for this district to both West Point and Annapolis. I have chosen this method of selecting an Annapolis candidate in order' to give the boys of the district an equal opportunity, and as a special mark of tribute to those who saw service in the war, I have restricted the appointment to one of their number. It is an op portunity of a lifetime. The navai academy is accounted one of the finest schools in the world, gradua tion therefrom bringing with it a commission in the, United States navy. While in school the boys are paid $60 per month in addition to their care and all the traveling ex penses of the successful candidate are paid from his home to Annapolis. It costs the government about $11. --000 to educate each midshipman. No boy who is qualified should fail to take advantage of this splendid opportunity, which will go to the boy who wins out by sheer merit alone. JOHN W. SUMMERS. , -—___,_______ BAPTIST CHURCH Bible school every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Preaching service every Sun day at 11:00 a. m, B. Y. P. V. every Sunday at 6:30 p. m. Preaching service Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. ---'• -' - - ...... a ! Eighty-Three and Twenty-Eight ivv *:,':'''::'S v mP'^ -^ H vj ■' ' ■ :-lK» mm':- :"%V ,'::i*T;":>':'/:::::-:"#■■' iVv.:V-,\ TV.- 4r"S fc^S'T-; ■^K.w?v-'^Sfi- '■*■'■• ' ■ : >'v *'* JH" - * J.'C*. '■"* ■JHrae^' 28 '"■' ' * > ':_fl9 ■" 3_tß BBMBb^W^^' '¥f • '"■it "' ''''''sX-' f£' mmmm\\s"&'< ' """*' ''Tv'V S V*" /■BBS^"''-iff^' >.*'V' jHfe HB^HB tf'"* ■'-'' *wJS Juf-lrQK*'"" s -* ""''"' !M./>i..fliii:'fc .' ■-' ■ ■"• '■■" —^ i i s ■ il l ~^m m^ kHx mmm D&tf 4 1 ■ % 8 I_k_^_H <fa Xr^ ==*^^-^^^A^m^A€==i^ t^- = m The oldest and youngest members of the United States Congress are Republicans Uncle Joe Cannon,, representative from Illinois. is •till there with his famous black cigar at the age of 83 years. King Swope, world war hero from Kentucky, is the first Republican elected to Congress from his district In 36 years. He la 28 years old. ' As ships meet st sees., a moment to gether, when words of greeting must tx spoken, and then away Into the deep. s* men meet In this world; and I think w< should cross no man's path without hail Ing him. and. If he needs, giving hln supplies -Henry Ward Beecher. FISH AND WAYS OF COOKING IT Select fish with firm flesh, cleai eyes, red gills, scales bright and fret from any unpleas ant odor. As sooe as It is caught 01 bought it should be scaled, cleaned and well washed After cleaning place on a large plate In a cool Pr 'X^i place until it is ready to be cooked. To boll fish, wipe it carefully, dust well with salt and wrap In a cheese cloth four inches longer than the fish. Place in a kettle of boiling water, add a teaspoonful of salt, a bay leaf, a sprig of parsley, a slice of onion and a bit of celery. Cover the kettle and let It just simmer ten minutes to the pound. Lift out carefully and turn the fish upon a folded napkin on a hot platter, Garnish with slices of lemon and sprigs of parsley and serve with a drawn butter sauce. Planked Whitefish.—One may have a delicious planked fish at home which may be served to perfection, if one has a gas or coal range. Secure a two-inch plank made from hard wood, oak, hickory or maple, a groove run ning around the plank two inches or less (In from the edge), will hold the juices from flowing over. Have the fish split down the hack and place it skin side down on the plank after heating it no hot that the hand can not be held an Instant upon if. Sea son the fish with salt and pepper, baste with butter and place In a hot oven to bake thirty minutes, basting two or three times. When the fish Is done, take it from the oven, garnish with parsley and lemon slices and send to the table on the plank, place on a tray a little larger than the plank. The longer the plank is used the better flavor it gives to the fish. Scrape the plank to remove tiny char red wood and carefully cover it when not in use. and it will last for years. If one wishes to roast the fish before an open fire, the ideal way. tack the fish on the hoard and Stand it before tlje fire. Frying Small Fish—The old saying Is that "small fish should swim twice, once in water and once In oil." THE MOST REMARK ABLE GOSPEL At the Sunday morning service at the .Methodist church the pastor, Rev. John G. Law. will speak on the subject, "The Most Remarkaoie Gospel." It will consist of a Bible lecture on the Gospel of John. A most important feature of the service will be the reception of stu dents into affiliate membership. In the evening the sermon will be a short and dead-in-earnest exposi tion of the first of Romans. This will be followed by a live and In teresting testimonial service. A fine congregation last Sunday evening. Music will be a feature at both serv ices. The fall Sunday school rally is now increasing the Sunday school. A big crowd and fine meeting last Sunday at worth league. Mr. Garner leads next Sunday. The classes In landscape gardening and floriculture are will filled this year. Prof. D. R. Hull, recently dis charged from IS months service in landscape planning in several army camps, will have charge of this work. Prof. Hull had charge of the land scape work here previous to his en tering the army. Hugh Durdette had charge of these classes during his absence. '■ 1 1— ———— .*■»•• THE PULLMAN HERALD I SUESS RIB LENS MORE SATISFACTORY THAN A PLAIN GLASS LENS This lens passed by the Stales of Washington, Oregon and New York. Legal everywhere * Real Reasons Why You Should Equip Your Car with the Suess Rib Lens To Comply with the Law To Light Up the Road ahead To Light Up the Sides of the road To Light Up the Turn where light is needed It Positively has No Glaring Effect Relieves Eye Strain of night driving It is safe for the person who is driving against the light Night driving will be more satisfactory and safer than with a plain lens WHY HESITATE—GET THE BEST ~ Use Them, If Not Highly Satisfactory, Money Refunded MADE IN ANY SIZE DESIRED FOR SALE BY DEALERS, GARAGES AND SUPPLY HOUSES PRICE—Up to 8% inches $2.75 Pair BV2 inches to 9V4 inches $3.00 Pair 9y 2 inches to IOV2 inches. . $3.25 Pair Manufactured in Seattle. Wash., to comply with the Washington State law. This lens gives a better driving light than any lens we have ever seen. No matter what leas you may now have, we will guarantee you a better and more satisfactory driving light, with absolutely no glare in the other fellow's eyes. Treat the other fellow square and protect your self against accident. Come in and put a pair of these lenses on. We give you a week's free trial. If you are not satisfied we will take them off without any expense to you. BAKER Motor Co. | PROM COAST TO COAST A Remarkable Chain of Home Testi mony. And Pullman Adds Its Voice to the Grand Chorus of Local Praise From north to south, from east to west In every city, every community; In every state in the Union Rings out tho grateful praise for Doan's Kidney P'lls. 50,000 representative people in every walk of life. . Publicly testify to quick relief and lasting results. And it's all'for the benefit of fel low sufferers. In this grand chorus of local praise Pullman is well represented. Well-known Pullman people Tell of personal experiences. Who can ask for better proof of merit? F. D. Gelwick, Prop, popcorn stand, 500 Gladstone St., Pullman, says: "I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills for occasional attacks of kidney trouble and lame back. I get my supply at White's Drug Store and they always give me excellnet re sults." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Gelwick had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. OFFICIAL NOTICE It is required by city ordinance that all residences and places of business in the city.of Pullman must bear street numbers. Property own •is are hereby notified to comply with this ordinance within 30 days. C. M. HOOPER, ocSnovl Street Commissioner. LOST On Saturday afternoon, ■September 27, a Just new pair of bi focal spectacles contained in case bearing name of W. H. Straub. Op tician. The finder will be suitably rewarded on bringing them to M. J. Chapman. , t:! LOST—Package containing .. clo thing, on road to college. Finder Please return to J. Randle or to Em erson store. oct 3 . ■. " ■ ■■'■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■^^ Ready for Business! We have opened a plumbing shop at 102 Main street, Pull man, near the corner of Grand street, and are ready to handle any kind of work in Plumbing, Heating or Tinning - " , *v No contract is too large and none too small to receive prompt and skilled attention. We carry a full line of fixtures md supplies. Call on us or V PHONE 100 _ WITTER ENGINEERING CD. GADDIS GARDENS Vidor Vegetables |; Phone 131 Everything in Lhe Market James McKay, Experienced Auctioneer Formerly Live Stock Auctioneer Aberdeen Shire, Scotland References Satisfaction Guaranteed ,_., ; Phone RiT. 431 . 312 6th AM^SjK**^, . . *_. . --• , ."' ■■ ■^ mT -Lmmmmm*^'^oi,, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERAtP ™*»•. octob,,, lni I