Newspaper Page Text
V^. October 3, 1010 iipecords p SEPTEMBER, 23. 1919 VV*' ;,tV Deeds; lifter Van Hook to Pullman Say. SnAss'n, lot 4, blk 22, Pullman. Lin'Pullman, $1. Irekoa Lodge, 78, I. O. O. P.. to | c poole, 1 Albin W. and Edith 1. Lr'.loU,blk6,Tekoa,sl. Sy of Tekoa to P. (V Poole, Albin }.„,«! Edith I Tyler, lot 6, blk 6, ftkoa, '$!• Sarah Peverley to the .Milwaukee and Co., lot 7. 3, Lavista, $1. josie kincaid to Harve Lebold, let Govt, lot 7, of 1-16-45, $3,- Matilda F. Gannon to Mary E. fettbiver, lots 1, 2; blk 24, Pull is. J*soo, Jr. 0. Rima to Tony Anel°- lots 7. I « blk 7. Lawrence & llolbrooks L Pullman, $200. 19, a. Ish to R. G. Rima, lots 7, 8, , hlk 7, Lawrence -and Holbrooks ,jd, Pollnan, $600. t h c. Hemingway to Chas. H. Hart. !ct in nwq of neq 2819 *3000- Evelan .Torrey to C. M. Deweese, ii*9, blk 11, Pitch's add, Palouse, 900. AsaL. Hill to Jesse Hill, lot 4, seq of n«'Q 5-15-46, except, also tract 5.15-16. , "V Irven Rackley to Geo. W. Rack -10-, tract-29-18-41, $1. Mortgages .Tony Stanczak and Frank Lakow skl to First National Bank, St. John, lire stock, farm implements, crop 8 „d 9 in 19-41, $3100. Ed Stcnfield to Farmers National 4nk, Colfax, live stock, farm> mblb. half interest in crop 28 and •1 la 17-40. Releases James M; Atkins to John J. Van Bruggen, tracts in 12-14-44, $17,000. ' Emma Grand to A. B. Maxwell, ml mtge, $4000. , Security State Bank to Lincoln Adams, real mtge, $3000. Lincoln Trust Co. to Grant Mi- ' (inn, real mtge, $10,000. Farmers National Bank. Colfax, to j Ed. B. Paul, (battel. $8500; to Ed, Stanfield, chattel, $4000; to E. B. Paul, chattel, $8500. '• Bank of Endicott to Henry A. Lust, chattel. $3000; to John Hoi- j stein, Jr., chattel, $3000. Jonas King Co. to C. H. Bishop, chattel. I E. Schuster to Tony Stanczak and j Fr?.nk Lake. w. chattel, $3641. ; John P. Du'.-.e to W. H. Tribett, 1 chattel, $1200. Claude Davis to Harry 11. Young, 14500. ' Conditional Bill of Sale Tull & Gibbs to Frieda M. Beth-1 mm, furniture, $299.63. Gus Fitzgerald to Henry Poffen-1 roth, auto, $600. V~ Affidavits to the Public ! F. P. Connell well acquainted with H.Chas. Smith. G. M. Swartwood, well acquainted "ith A. R. Patton. Mary H. Tyler, widow of Kendall I V. Tyler. P. P. Connell, and Frank P. Con all, one and same. G, D. Kincaid. brother of Alvis A. Kincaid. , liiH'rve Angelina Angelo vs.. Tony Angelo. 4 SEPTEMBER 24, 1919 Deeds Kate Carey to C. J. Dilts. tract in I Johnson's add, Palouse, $10. frank L. Towne to Nettie H. En- , ding, lots 1, 2. blk 5, Proff's add, ; i^wlia, $700. Grant Hale to Hiram Luden, nwq 21-17-45, $17,600. ;E. M, Brown to Ella M. Crowley. l" 1. 2, 3, 4, Brown add, Oakes-! We, $2500. Mater C. Weitz to Y. H. Scheuer- j y». lot 5. blk 6, Endicott, $100. Ph'lil> W. Litzenberger to V. 11. "toeuerniann. lot 10. blk 6, Endl- Wt. $1750. J»mes B. Daniel to Mina Daniel. »*Q 10-14-41, $]. G- M. Witter to Robert Witter, 'ttct in sh 21-19-43, $1. Amelie Eckert to Joseph Stark. *B1 - 2, 3, 4. blk 6, Ferguson's 3rd "*• Colton, $1225. *A- R. McClaskey to Walter A. *te'y, half interest in wh of seq M-15, except, also seq of neq, neq ".J* 4-14-45, $5500. I c lara Brumbaugh to Maude E. Me ';*%, n *'Q. nh of swq, swq of swq "•15-43, $1. J?»ker Investment Loan & Invest "*" Co. to Wm. C. Sleveke, eh of 20 "45 * except, $33,000. * V Leases jj.- H. Scheuermann to Philip M. "Wenberger, swq 17, 46 acres in '?; 20-17-41. . fe'V Mortgages is.*.' E- Keating to Bank of Winona. Went.. $1000/■ - - Heglar to First National Hem"" 0''*' Jo 'in ' ltve stock, farm 1m- K eil two-thirds crop swq 3, seq 4-'B-41, $600. Mr-od Motor CO to Shields-Liven good Motor Co., auto $508 J. W. Todd to Bank of Winona. $4000 ' fWM :,,,,'ku""t»- crop. Bank '• <**« t0 c A. Bottorfl real mtge $5000. Releases E. A. Witte to <;. m. Witter, real mtge. John Peter Ochs to H. p. Uepp; chattel, $2000, Syl Jamet to C. r .lordon, chattel $50. V Merriman to Victor Leo, chat tel, ■.:..., ie SEPTEMBER 2.1, 1919 Deeds Western Loan ft Bldg. Co! to Robt L Ragon, est. 68 feet lots r. 14 I'll; '7 Tekoa, $j. Minnie K. Sftordt to O. A. Wll -800, tract in 'i'e'l.i.,,. $10. John M. McLean to Samuel C. Crow, lots 3, 4, 6, eeq of im, 6-19 --47 $1. Geo. A. Thompson to Wm A Yeo, •lames Emt ie. nwq 4-14-44, 19,800. Daniel M. Stairs to David R. Cole, John Ijotson, sh 8-19-39, except, also nh 17, eh of neq 18-19-39, also 'i.e. . 8-19-39. $37,200. Elva M, Brown to Leonard L. Brown, one-eighth interest in „i, 0 Bwq, nwq of seq. swq of :,«i| 18-1 I ■lo, soil of nwq, Bwq of neq 19-14-46, neq 36-14-45, $5000. C. T. Hansen to Chas. Hurst, 15 --13-37. $1. G. T. Hansen to Catherine A. Nuss iiaum. eh of neq 22-13-37, also tract 22-13-37, $1. J. G. Wilkiris to L. S. Dearborn, lot 3, blk E, Garfield, $400. Bert H. Wilson to Frank Futter, tracts in 34-14-38, also in 3-13-38, $12,000. Mortgages David K. Cole, John Dotson to Daniel I. Stairs, swq 8-19-39. $5000, Margaret B. Spaulding to Clarence M. Smith, lot 6, blk l. Reaney's 2nd -Pullman, $4000. Samuel C. Crow to John M. .Mc- Lean, lots 3, i. 5, seq of nwq 6-19 --45, $16,000. Philip W. Litzenberger to Bank of Endicott, live stock, farm Imple ments, crop on 17 and 20 in 17-4 1, $2500. John P. Weitz to First State Bank, Garfield, live stock, farm Implements and crop on 27 and 2S in 18-44, $5400. H. J. Snook to the Citizens State Park. Tekca, live stock, farm Imple ments, crop on 24-45-5 and 13-45-5, $1500, Releases First National Bank, St. John, te L W. Dew, chattel, $1000; to Frank Oswald, chattel, $500; to If. J. Hod gen, chattel, $650; to Lafayette Srcith; chattel, $2000; to J. S. Mar tin, chattel, $400; to John Massln gale and Geo. Massingale, chattel, $1000; to H. J. Hodgen. chattel. $500; to A. 11. Hodgen. chattel, $1, --100. Bank of Rosalia to J. M. Camp, chattel. $2500. F. A. Williams to Root and Dalil, bill of sale, auto, $622. Assignments Farmers Supply Store to First Na tional Bank. St. John, chattel, L. W. Dew, $1000. Kill Of Sale Ben Bishop to John-P. Weitz, live stock, farm implements, grain $8000. Affidavits Frank Nicholson to The Public, is mortgagee in chattel dated 3-17-11 and J. R. Hagaman and Ira McCurdy mortgagors. Conditional Kill of Sale Patrick Codd to Dorsey Smith, fur niture, $217.60. SEPTEMBER 26, 1919 Deeds P. M. Price to Frank St. Sure, nwq 20-15-42. also tract 19-15-42, $17,860. Minnie Reed. Nettie Tyson, Dan nie Marlett, H. D. Kelheer to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lancaster, tract 29- I 8-1 1 , $800. Chas. E. Johnson to Peter H. Pet ers lots 14, 15, blk 21. Oakesdale. $1. J. M. Keeter to .Marshall D. Roach, lot 8, blk 21. Maiden. $100. James H. Juvinall to Roy V. Per-; Inger, lots 1. 3, 4, blk 4. McCoy's add, Oakesdale, except. $1300. Ralph Comegys to J. H. Juvinall. ; lots I, 8, 4, b'k 4, McCoy's add. Oakesdale,-$1250. j Mary M. Thrasher to John McNeel, | part seq 34-19-45, $1110. Benj. G. Trull to Clarence Trull,! lot 14, blk 28, Ewan. G. a. Shlrtcliffe to Katharine Richardson, blk 19, Maiden, $1 Mortgages Marshall D. Reach to H. A. Kaep- j pier, eh of swq of '.eg 24-20-42,! $500. Oscar W. Kauhlman to Harvey L. j Beightol, •* of ■*•«, lots 6, 7, of 6-19-39, $4500.' j Releases Geo. "W. Barns to Melissa 11. Glei ser, real mtge. $2600. -j THE PI I.I.MAN HERALD H. \v. Livingston and Frances M. K"lin '" Zachariah Cutler, real mtge $5300. ,Washington Mutual Bay. Bank to VV; T. Peek, real mtge, $4 000. Commercial State Bank to Nathan V. Patterson, real mtge. $."000. •I antes \v. Freeman to Elizabeth McKelhei . real mtge. H. A. Kaeppler to Marshall D. Reach, real mtge. '• H. Harris to R. C. Barton, chat tel. Bill of Kale '"'ii 0. Trull to Clarence Trull, gasoline engine, harness, machii ry, tools, furniture. Mxtmcs. etc. Patents United State's to Melville \V ,1. - Leod. ii\vq of uwq 20-14-40, Conditional Hill of Sale Corona Typewriter Sales Cu. to R. 13. Williams, typewriter. Ahrens * Ahrens ' R. R. Clarno; at,to, $1330. Frank McDonald to BenJ, and Her bert Brantley, truck, $3450. SEPTEMBER 27. 1919 Deeds Neoma Ella Thomas to Clan . A. : Scales right of way over swq of swq .9-15-4 5, $!. H. Aisup to Ridgeway Motor Co., lots 9, 10, blk 3, Avenue add, Ci l fax, $900. Joseph Druffel to Wm, Schmidt, seq and sit of swq 36-12 4.",. $1, Lawrence Pace!to to Mary Colvin .Ellis, lot 2. blk 52, Pullman, $1000 Jonathan W. Johnson to Rudolph Kruger, lots 1, 2. 3 4. 5. 6, blk 24, Oakesdale, $2000 L .D. Patton to Clarence A. Scales, seq of swq 9-15-45, $1. L, 1). Patton and Clarence A. Scales to Neon.l Ella Thomas, seq of swq 9-15-46, $1. Neoma Ella Th' mas and Clarence A. Scales to L. D. Patton, tract nwq 16-15-45, $1. Geo. A. Steiner to G. 11. Holton, all let 7, blk 10. Maiden. $1. B. F. Manring, Co. Treas.. to W. 0 Lowery, lot 8, blk 11. Maiden, $8. John P. Richardson to J. E. Pra /.ier. lot 4, north 40 feet of lot 5, blk 2.".. Colfax. $3500. Ora Hickman to Rhoda llann. tract in Sect. 3 and 34 of 15-43, ml. Adelheld Falk to Felix Magee, lots 4, 5, ti. blk 7, Bleeker and Brown's add. Colfax. $700. Josie Alma Richards to .1. V. Goss, seq of nwq 6-17-45, ? l 600. R. H. Widman to .1. R. Smith, nwq 16-19-43, $24,000. John F. Davis to Cashup Co-oper- \ ative Elevator Co., tracts in 15-18 --13, $300. Mortgages Win. Schmidt to Joseph Druffel, seq, sh of swq 36 : 12-45, $10,400. Frank C. James to J. Weston Mar tin, lots 1, 2. :;. 4, .-1, of wh 30-19 - $10,000. Rhoda Hahn to Farmers National Bank, three-fifths interest sh of swq, sh of seq 34-15-43, lots 1, 2. 3. and swq of neq 3-14-43, $6000. David R. Cole. John Dotsot* to Daniel M. Stairs, sh 8-19-343, tract sli of neq 8-19-39. $8,200. Peter Helm to the Farmers^ Na tional Bank, swq 22-15-41, $6000. Peter Helm to Farmers National Bank, seq 22-15-41, tract swq of neq 22-15-41, $6000. Walter Kincaid to Alexander Mc pherson, live stock, farm implements, crop on 6 and 7, of 14-44, $4000. J. E. Bageant to First National Bank, St. John, live stock, farm im plements, crop on part 31-18-4 2 and 6-17-42, $6000. J. M. Wallace and Lillle Wallace to Farmers State Bank, St. John, live stock, farm Implements, crop 10 and 11 of 18-41. $1000. I. M. Kepp to Farmers State Bank, Johnson, two-thirds interest crop pari 29-13-4 5, $500. Releases John Keating to Wm. Keating and John B. Keating, chattel, $3500. B. Aisup to Thos. Aisup. chattel, $1100. B. Aisup to Th: j. Aisup, chattel, $1100. Farmers National Bank, Colfax, to R. W. Conner, chattel, $1400. Farmers National Bank, Colfax, to Peter Helm, chattel, $4500. First National Bank, Pullman, to Lloyd Bush, chattel, $2800. Henry Hergert to P. J. and Mary We ■/. chattel, $1200. Holland Bank to Harvey L. Bel.;h tol, real mtge, $2006. Assignment*- Universal Auto Co. to Calif. Ins. Co.. chattel, Geo. Ryan. Affidavits Ed S. Spencer to The Public, well acquainted with (has. E. Blair. G. W. Laßuc to The Public, well acquainted T7ith J. R. Lee. Lis Pendens Mary E. Vai.sickle, formerly Mary E. , .t.hens. vs. Glenn C. Gutchens. Perry Gutchens, named as "Harry fjutchens in proceedings." Lester Gutchens, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, nh of nwq inn;, neq and «eg of nw 'i 10t.2, of 31-16-4G (for partitioning real estate). ' ' InEßEiiiJ^^SlvK , '%fei EVERYBODY KNOWS I - « The Buick Dry Plate Clutch 1 The exclusive patented features of the Buick disc clutch minimize the effort and skill necessary in gear shifting, avd at the same time provide a clutch that is absolutely smooth and positive in operation. Under this patented construction, the heavy rota ting parts of the clutch are carried by the flywheel and only the very light parts are carried by the trans mission, which accounts for the transmission gears not spinning after clutch is disengaged, thus pre venting the clashing of gears in shifting from one speed to another. The slightest pressure of the foot will disengage this smooth acting Buick clutch, which makes it especial ly popular with women drivers and those who drive much in congested traffic. , When Better Automobiles Are Built BUICK Will Build Them KIMBALL-BURT AUTO COMPANY WHY sweep with a broom? —It's hard work-besides, it raises a dust, causing still more work. a Simplex Vacuum Cleaner —saves your time. Time is valuable. Can you afford to spend it doing something which electricity will do for you, without leaving you all tired out? A Simplex Vacuum Cleaner is sold on payment plan if desired. Free demonstration in your home. HAMILTON HARDWARE ■ ■■■■.-'* S - . „..-.-.*?_. A Page Nine