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Friday. December 5. tutu '^rSf-^vr j •• !'^^'"*.ii___ts. sir*%I Je There is the joy of gettinga KODAK for Christmas —and then the fun of using it that day — and all the days to come. You will find our store replete with gift suggestions. We have made a special effort to have things to sell for Christmas that people would like to get for Christmas. Kodaks from $9.49 up The White Drug Store ; /Iff FROM : : MM CALIFORNIA CRUDE / MlMl\ JL. t Zerolene is correctly \ io'eFljii nH/J refined from selected ViMiMqWW^ California crude oil. It IfMj^^yyJSlP meets with scientific ac ' \Wu%^AAi^a\a\ai curacy the lubrication WMl|L^gP^wss^^^^ needs of all types of au y c*farw^^k tomobile engines. Get a j|_r^_^slrlßlhk^fe% Correct Lubrication ■P__pjH rj 2 n\\\wmnam\\\ Chart for your car. Hj \ I *7§] 1] J j ■ STANDARD OIL ■^^IXJ^JLJ^^y COMPANY ■^^W -V-K-'-~JSr^ Flaomfc V- J (California) SMS SiffWlt'if v4r^ * _U_S. -ISn ku W Tb\Ws\¥*£ ' ' *&_ff •ffMSrW' Law *^^tfi_f?^?ffisr^^^ *< 1 I 111 . I I H. L. HATHAWAY, Special Agent, Pullman, Wash. We are equipped to handle any kind of a contract —large or small OUR MILL WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Roth Construction Co. ASK FOR Fi »'st of the Wheat (Flour) Whole Wheat Graham l * Choice Fresh Ground Breakfast Grits Farmers Roller Milling Co. .lorry. Wash. S(,|,l explosively by. GADDIS GARDENS .*:. • t \. Phone 131 ECONOMICAL FEED FOR SHEEP Alternating Pasturage Advised to ; Keep Plant;. Growing and Pre ver.t Stomach Worms. (Prepared l.y ... United Slates J>epart- J isjsnl or Agriculture.) Bs»i m> (1 the Importance of eco nomical feeding In profitahlsj sheep ' raising, the. United States department j t of agriculture directs special attention i 1 i" opportunities for growing forage : crops as a feed for lamb*, and ewes. Early spring pasturages of wheal or ! rye may be uses! at the start. These j provide succulent screen feed appetis- I Ing to tin ewes and lambs. Overpas • turiug. however, must be avoided when : these crops are later to be used for | , grain. Where it is possible to keep the I ; rye or wheat pasture about 1»_ to two i Inches high, the lambs and ewes seem ; to relish it more and will consume \ larger amounts. Oats and Canadian field peas may be sown together early In the spring at the rate of 11,, bushels of field peas and 1»/_ bushels of oats : to the acre. This crop should then be ready when it Is time to take the flock off the rye or wheat. Rape, another good forage crop, ma) he sown at the rate of six to eight pounds an acre, and will provide later pasturage, following the oats and Ca nadian field peas, in sections where soy beans and cowpeas grow satisfac torily they furnish an excellent mid summer pasture. If sowed later they make ft good forage crop in late sum mer and early fall. When sown in corn they serve as an excellent supplement to the corn for fattening lambs. If pastured by alternating the graz ing In different parts and not allowing tiny particular section to be too closely eaten, a field of soy beans may be used for a considerable time. When most of the leaves have been eaten it is time to move to it fresh portion of the field so that the plants on the grazed part "ill have a chance to leaf again. In some sections it may be desirable to '•tit this growth and use it for hay. es pecially when other leguminous hays are not available. It is good practice to sow rape at the last cultivation of corn. The lambs can then lie turned In the corn field in the fall and will feed upon the lower leaves of the corn and rape and make excellent gains. Lambs not only make a rapid and cheap gain on forages of this kind, but ' a forage-crop system prevents, to a large extent, injury from stomach worms. It has been demonstrated that \ by changing lambs every two weeks to i ground not previously grazed that sea- I son, stomach worms can be effectively W4^'^^waW*^o^^iil^tk =_' Sheep on Pasture. • ; controlled. Since this condition ex ■ lsts, It is better to have the pastures I of a convenient size, so that the lambs • and ewes will consume all the forage •in a period of about two weeks and • again be turned on a new pasture. ■ This does not allow the use of a sec ■ end growth. The ground can then be : '• plowed and a second crop seeded to i j afford later forage crops. :! Where lambs are to go to market an : effort should be made to get them off i; early. Lambs make the best and II cheapest gains during the first four months of their lives. A grain feed i fed in a lamb creep arranged in the i field will prove helpful In pushing the > I lambs along and keeping them In good •'condition. This feed should consist of •I corn, oats and bran. Lambs should be ■ fed all but no more than they will ' i clean up each day. Never put clean feed lota the trough where old feed ; remains. I Lambs weighing (50 to 75 pounds make the most desirable market offer ing. The reason Is that lambs of this size dress out a desirable market car '•nss, which can be more readily hun died by the butcher, In meeting the de i mands of his trade. Heavier lambs do 1 not sell so readily, and when supplies are large there may be a small price discrimination in favor of lambs under j 80 pounds. Growers will find that by following a system of forage crops for rotation lof pasturage to prevent stomach worm- and supplying grain feed In a lamb creep to keep the lambs staining steadily, larger profits can be realized. I * Good Shelter for Pigs. l'lgs need a plat of shelter to so jpropriiite when the weather is bud, ! _n»i sshode ben the sun Is too hot for ' then endurance. TUB PULLMAN HKKALD Ijlg^gtopiay With An Amazing Soul MAYFLOWER PHOTOPLAY CORPORATION Fmsmti GEORGE 10ANE TUCKERS ** woman* PRODUCTION " The Miracle t Man" jffl| /»« the play by GEORGE M COHAN . sj_ M _ on U* sto.y ty 1 RAN) L PaCKABTV " >4^^S'^H|^!\ "* Ni - > J^CT^!-Ur^g^i*iJ r''^^''? *;-flrr' Bssrßssfi. ■*! $ v sV\ __^_S^__H___t_l \ !if "" y^ m\\\ Wns\\\a\\ Vsssl \\\a\\\ <Vl ~>-*^ m -nt\^ m ~^l\tmmmmmmia\*^^^ PtfwWttßttKy^^^i|htas^ --" ---—-__L^S^_i_ff 4 sfi M <T ll '»■- ■* \\\w*^^^^ tm mg m \\\ W-: ___r .___^& Jp Aw r ***? r >^^^____l _____r^* *^J _____________">■>-. k f <t| sbsbM i_ssr^^y^ _-f-*_-sssss*--s^_Sßn sf^sK^k -bsTmP Bi¥ -fff ''^Js JPis^' : ' '*' ▼^ *"^Vw/ fl <fIH __k^H___^SSßSßS^*" 1>"'" ?**-* l.Stll^Pffis' 1 l^*^^ ■"^JIHBhBIBSj 1 P^ I IsWV ■ -T-Ssk '<WM gl I■Sj M' I J_lMp M ft bSsbWß_bHilV,'*'i V ' VtfsßSßSssWjLlrV ' 71 ssbsbTbHi E Iff/M lit' ssssssTflF7_L,T''''i_A^sssßSßS^isssßsf I HPr fflsstssssW A romance of underworld rogues who sought "easy pickings" and and found them. But when the arch crook and the girl with the painted face also found a wondrous thing they had -never known before — Do you know what love is? THURSDAY ntT 11 FRIDAY IJSLX^a 12 « t jSSa^fc*JOTfSsHs^ssßsssssWßSß^BSssssfc-.-^. _ J ___««_«_wWWßvl'?^__3l'i^V^"^ ail * CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION The United States civil service Commission announces that a first grade, or clerical, examination will be held in this city on February 7, 1920, to fill vacancies as they may occur in first grade, or clerical, po sitions in the customs, internal reve nue and other branches of the fed eral service. Application blank and pamphlet of Information may be obtained from the local secretary, board of civil service examiners, at the post office or custom house, this city, or from the secretary, 11th U. S. Civil Serv ice District, 303 Post Office build ing, Seattle. Wash. NOTICE TO Tin: PI'BLIC Owing to the continued increase in the cost of living, the carpenters of Pullman have deemed it neces sary to set their scale of wages at $7.00 for an ei*:ht-hour day. same to take effect January I, 1920. L, W. EDDY. Secretary Local No 313, Unit ed Brotherhood Carpenters and Joiners of America, dec 7 WANTED TO LEASE- By an ex perienced farmer, a ranch with everything furnished, on a share oasis. References furnished if de sired. J. W. Hunter. 522 Sixth Aye., LaWlSf n, Idaho. '''"' ' WANTED TO RENT—A 4. sor 6 room house for a few months. Ask j for Hansen, 704 California St.,; phone 2163 ''*'• ' linlkiC as and Mornlnrf. VYniJKjHt Have Clean, Health llh jrSrr^vN &*• If they Tire, Itch, /* sA tW) »* Smart or Burn, if Sore, x> i- /^f Irritated. Inflamed or TOUR tILJ Granulated. •■-•Muri'.e often. Soothe*. Retre «!,.•* «ff' (or Infant «f Adult Mall brutr**; *n»ef-»r HEAR«- EDISON Before Buying a Phonograph I also carry Victrolas and Pianos Come in and make your selection for Christmas In the Russell Building 1*0(50 l.|, -vest