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Pago Two c Neighborhood News jj JOHNSON A group of young men living in Johnson, who are not In school, have organized a 'own basket ball team to practice the coming winter with the fast high school team, which Is getting into excellent shape for the season just beginning. They will practice in the high school gymnas ium. The fuel situation hero is bad as the supply is practically all sold out, and no prospects of getting any more. Fortunately it is not so far to the timbered areas of the moun tains but that wood can be hauled from there. Perhaps the situation will clear up in the near future. At any rate it is most earnestly hoped that it may. Miss Ada Walker visited her sis ter, Mrs. Buena Kincaid, on Union flat, west of Pullman, during the Thanksgiving vacation. This part of the country has been shivering under a fierce attack of winter the past week. Saturday and Sunday there was a heavy snow fall and Sunday night it drifted badly, practically stopping traffic on the Inland Empire state highway, which runs through here. Lester Babcock and his two sis- ! ters, the Misses Zulfl and Irene, vis ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. ' T. Babcock, in Johnson last week J during the two-days vacation. They i are all students in the State College this year. A. O. White, who formerly lived here for several years, is visiting I this week at the home of Prank | Willoughby, cashier of the Farmers State bank, and incidentally attend ing to business affairs. Over 50 people attended the meet ing of the christian Endeavor soci ety at the Presbyterian church last Sunday night. Quite an interest is taken in the weekly meetings of the society and much good will no doubt result from it. A basket social will be held on Friday evening of this week in the school auditorium. A short pro gram, consisting of readings and songs, Will be rendered by the pu pils of the high school. The phys ical education class of girls will ex emplify some drills they have been taking under Miss Miles. Proceeds of the basket sale will be used for athletic purposes the present school year. On Friday evening, December 12, the amateur play, "Won by Wire less," will be staged in the school auditorium by a cast of characters selected from the high school. This was the late Prof. Hoppe's favorite amateur entertainment. The pro ceeds of the play will be put into the piano fund of the Johnson school. On Wednesday afternoon of last week, just before the Thanksgiving vacation, the pupils of Miss Belle Bishop's room gave an interesting program. Several mothers of the pupils were present and after the program was over refreshments were served to them in the domestic science room by the first year high school girls. The school board has purchased a fine set of maps for the use of teach ers and pupils in studying and teach ing geography and American his tory. These were badly needed and are one step toward meeting the re quirements for full accreditment of our schools to the higher education al institutions of the state. L. R. Wiggins of the Rolling Green country, west of town, visit ed Harold Haynes over last Sunday. He Is a student at the State College and was accompanied back to Pull man by Mr. Haynes. A small crowd listened to two ex cellent addresses in the school audi torium on Thanksgiving day by the Rev. J. A. Hedges and Prof. Lindsey. The latter was formerly connected with the public schools of Johnson sind insisted materially la oreaniz i:g the Christian ehurc'i ts'S He is po*» • Pending th j Elate College ad is a memo of 'no c< Lege de batiig ■■..-! this year. ALBION The CitizelfsT" ticket in the city election came out victorious last Tuy/May. Ceo. Simpson was elected mayor and W. N. Griffith and W. J. Cunningham were elected as coun cilmen for two years, while Virgil Jennings, J. R. Hainsworth and A P. Bryan were made councilmen for a period of one year. Mrs. Jane Mr- Claskey was elected treasurer. The Taylor evangelistic party has been obtained here tor the purpose of holding meetings in Albion. The? come highly recommended and w« can assure ourselves of the fact thai we are fortunate to be able to gel such an able body he,-.- Tho part. h composed " ''•"» W. Taylor, . van gel Ist and lecturer; Paul B. Taylor, musical director; .Mrs Carrie B. Taylor, solo cornetist; Lawrence R. Taylor, soloist; .Mrs. Edna Lillian Taylor, pianist. The meetings will open somewhere near the loth of the month and will continue during the remainder of the month. The Rev. .Mr. Thompson, who went to Spokane last Monday tor an operation, is doing nicely and from ail indications will soon be out and about his work. The lU'v. Per shall of this place went to Ewan last Saturday to fill the pulpit at that place over Sunday for his father, who is holding the re vival meetings at this place. The Rev. Mr. Kenoyer was an Al bion visitor last week. Muriel Hughey has been visiting in Albion for the past four days. If it couldn't rain during the sum mer there is no question but what it can snow during the winter. A. P. Bryan went to Walla Walla last Saturday and we are glad to re port that he didn't remain, but re turned last Tuesday. Scott Wilson Head of Colfax was a caller in Albion last Tuesday in the interest of the Ellison & White Chautauqua. He is trying to arouse interest in the community to the ex tent of having a Chautauqua next summer. It is to be of a three-day duration. If you are a Chautauqua booster lei us hear from you. ROSE CREEK Mr, and Mrs. L. v. Ricketts went to their son's, Arthur Ricketts, for Thanksgiving. Mr. and .Mrs. G. B. Ethredge had a large dinner party on Thanksgiv ing. Among those present were Mr. and .Mrs. Hurley Ethredge and daughter, Maxine, Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Ethredge, Mr and .Mrs. James Ethredge and children, and Mr. and .Mrs. John Ethredge and children, also Mr. Little. Thomas Dykes and his niece, Es ther .Mael, spent Thanksgiving at Banner. Mr. and .Mrs. S. J. Kinder and sons were guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Spray, in Palouse, Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving quests at the V\\ A. Olson home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and .Miss Daniels. Twenty-five relatives sat down to Thanksgiving dinner at the W. E. Benedict home. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. T. b. Fink and five Children, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reid and son, George, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Benedict and five daughters, Mr. Ray Warren, Airs. Sturdevant and children and Mrs. Lee Mael and son. Wilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Petersen and daughter, Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Parr and children, Mr. and Airs. Andy Rodeen, .Mr. Arthur Rodeen and son were among those who went to the big Thanksgiving dinner at Banner. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Garrelts gave a Thanksgiving parly to their neigh borhood friends Thursday evening. A pleasant time was enjoyed and bountiful refreshments were served at midnight. Miss Sarah 11. Paty went to Spo kane Friday to do her Christmas shopping and returned Sunday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Newell spent Monday with Air. and Mrs. Wm. A. Olson. EWARTSVTLLE Miss Mildred Klerngard came down from Moscow to spend Thanks giving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. m. Klerngard! She was ac companied by Miss I.oilman, a stu dent .1! the university. Miss Freda Brannon came home from Spokane to spend Thanksgiv ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Brannon. Mrs. Largent and family came up l from Kahlotus to spend Thanksgiv ing at the .1. T. LaFollette home Miss Mary llolliday returned or , Saturday to her home at Sprague after spending the Thanksgiving va cation with relatives in this neigh i orhood. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howard will care for the farm while Mr. am Mrs. C. O. Blaster are absent or , their trip to California. They as pect to leave the .si of this week Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lyle p. 1. [ Thanksgiving at the John Squire -1 home in I'ullman. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Flock of Be jattles and Miss Elsie Flock of Pull : map were guests of Mr. and sirs. L JR. Rucker from Friday until Satur | day of last week. Mr. and Mrs w. 11. Pritchard am little son. John Robert, spen Thanksgiving at tho T. M. Pritchars ' home D< ::i Whelan. I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Henson ane children and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hoi lenbeck were Thanksgiving da: guests at the W. C. Kamerrer home Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young ane children, Miss Mary Holliday and Miss Ruth Baker were Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mrs. M. E. Rucker. Mr. and Mrs. John Alsup and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ousley spent Thanks giving evening at li" L, R. Ruckei home. i Several from this neighborhood attended the dance at Star Grange Friday evening. Air. and Mrs. L. R. Pucker and children. Miss Dortha Mingus, John Boundy and Ernest Deutsch were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. m. Klem- I gard on Thanksgiving. Gordon Klerngard was quite ill a few days this week. Miss Dortha Mingus spent Satur day and Sunday with her sister, Miss Cliffie .Mingus. at the Will Maston home. The residents of this neighbor hood received a shock on hearing of the death of Mrs. Sellers at Kirks vine, Mo., last Monday. .Mrs. Sell ers was formerly Miss Elva Bryant, daughter of Monroe Bryant, who was one of the early settlers here, having taken as a homestead one of the two farms now owned by A. E. Olson, where he resided until a few years ago. .Mrs. Cellars war married at Palouse, Going to Mon tana and residing on a homestead. From there she moved with her hus band to Wyoming, where she resid ed until her death. A large crowd of friends attended the services in Pullman on Tuesday. Interment did not take place until Wednesday, until the arrival of a brother, Archy Bryant, from Buhl, Idaho. Another brother, Hoy E. Bryant, came from near San Diego, Calif., for the fu neral. A sister from Salem. Ore., and an aunt. Mrs. Alice Young, of Montana, also came for the funeral. Besides these Mrs. Sellers left her husband, father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. Monroe Bryant of Lake side, Calif., and another brother, Guy Bryant. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. HOLLAND STATION Mrs. Roe Bodine and family of Elberton were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Bodine's parents, Air. and Mrs. Jas. Hinchliff. Air. and Mrs. Emerson ate Thanks giving dinner with their son and daughter. Air. and Mrs. J. W. Balrd. of Albion. Mrs. Mills, the school teacher, spent the Thanksgiving holidays at her home in Pullman. Geo. Farrand and son drive ever to Moscow in sleighs Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hinchliff were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Airs. Hinchliff's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hays. Miss Neva* Lybecker visited Miss Mayda Getchell from Tuesday to Wednesday. The sleighing is fine and the thermomoter 15 degrees below zero. Mr. and Airs. Jas. Hinchliff and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hinchliff were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hinchliff of Sun shine. John Jarron and Bruce Quigg were week-end visitors in Lewiston, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. larron and daughter were Thanksgiving guests at the Richard Hanna home on the college farm. BANNER Thanksgiving day was enjoyably spent by the neighborhood at the school house. A musical program was furnished also speeches by 11. ;11 Curtis. .1. I), Carson, and A. I). O'Kelley, of Colfax. Of course, a bountiful dinner was enjoyed by all. Friday evening, December 12, a 1 basket social, together with a pro gram furnished by the school chil dren, will be held at the school house Articles of handiwork made t by the children will be offered for Bale. The proceeds of the evening will be used to procure a microscope ; for the school. Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson and i family, ('has. Rodeen. Mother El ; dredge, Mrs. E. D. Eldodge, Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Clunk. Mr. and Mrs. Au j gust Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. An | drew Rodeen. Arthur Rodeen and son. Wilbur, Miss Agnes Rodeen and Will Fredrickson were Sunday din ner guests at the J. C. Parr home. In the evening Mrs. Andrew Rodeen furnished refreshments to the crowd In honor of her son. Arthur's, birth day. Arthur was the recipient of i many useful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reid and fam ! ily took Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs Hold's parents Mr. and Mrs. V.' 13 Ben. dirt. Mr and Mrs or ley Hately spent ; Thanksgiving with relatives at John j son. Mr and Mrs Fred Anderson Mrs j M. W. Ilruner. Mrs. Ella Adams an. THK PULLMAN HERALD I Ernest Adams were Sunday visitors at the J. W. Darland home. . Henry Rodeen started to work Tuesday morning at Robinson's Bakery in Pullman as second baker. Miss Leone Lawson, Miss Ruth Ol son, Henry Rodeen and Oscar Ander son motored to Colfax Sunday after non. This Friday evening the present current problems will be discussed |at the forum meeting by IT. H. Cur ! tis. WHELAN ; Al. W. Cunningham came out to | look after farm interests Monday. L. J. Ailor of Palouse visited at the Jensen home Monday. Hugh Davis of Johnson visited at I the Hooper home last week. , Mi. and Mrs. B. I. Pickell ate Thanksgiving dinner In Moscow, Ida ! ho, with Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pritchard of the Ewartsville neighborhood spent j Thursday at the T. M. Pritchard j heme. Miss Gladys Kirkendall came ! home to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kirkendall, last week. Mrs. Emma McCracken and chil dren, Hester and Ward, came down from Cheney and visited relatives at Pullman and Whelan during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Devine and children were Moscow visitors Sat urday, last. CLINTON Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haynes and daughter, Maxine, spent the last of the week in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mignot and three sons, Kmil Mennett and neph ew, George Mennett, and Francis Fountain spent Thanksgiving day at the B. S. Leonard home, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Haynes and family spent Sunday at the A. L. Haynes home. Mr. and Mrs. P. Markowski and Carl Markowski, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wolfe, Airs. C. 11. Adams and the Misses Gerber and Mabel and Amy Adams spent Sunday at the T. K. Wiley home. .Miss Lida Haynes, who has been teaching at Palouse, spent from Wednesday until Sunday at her heme. Air. and Mrs. Archie "laynes and daughter, Mr. and Airs. T. B. Mc- Murray and sous, Mr. and Mrs. (Men Hodge, and Mrs. Erwin and sens spent Thanksgiving day at the A. L. Haynes home. O. A. Leonard spent Saturday and Sunday with George Mennette. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Word and son, Elvln, Mrs. T. H. Wiley an 1 grandchildren, Miss Florence Lee and Raymond Lee spent Thanksgiv ing day at the T. E. Wiley home. Miss Edith Benedict, who is at tending the Cheney Normal school, arrived Wednesday to spend a few days at home. Alfred Mennett has returned to the home- of his brother, Emil M.n nett, to spend the winter. A butchering party was held at the W. H. Wolfe home Tuesday. .Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Wiley, Air. and Mrs. F. .Markowski and Carl Markowski, and Mr. and Airs. A. L. Haynes were there. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Wolfe and family of Clarksten. arrived at the W. H. Wolfe home Wednesday. Mrs. T. H. Wiley and grandchil dren, Florence Lee and Raymond Lee, spent from Wednesday evening until Monday morning at the T. ED. Wiley home. Air. and Mrs Ivan Purnell helped D. L. Procunier with his butchering Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. 1). L. Procunier. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Purnell and Mrs. Britton were visitors at the Ivan Purnell home on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Airs. D, L. Procunier were visitors at the Harold Sodorff I home Sunday. - I. O. <). V. NOTIC7E Pullman lodge. No. 29, I. O. O. P., i meets every Saturday night at 7:30 In Masonic hall. All Odd Fellows j welcome. F. L. Ball, Noble Grand. I "rifted Snow Flour, from the new Sperry mill at Spokane. Phone 51. <X3t24tf YEO & EMERT. FOR SALE—CIay tile for land drainage. Geo. Hcrboth, Uniontown. ,octl7decl4 INSURE WITH McCLASKEY. - — . DO YOU HATE *•»•■( ff to take a laxative? Then you ■ ** don't know SAN-TOX Fig- Caararoa m ■ 'Tablet*). Try them once and the dif- M m ference will delight you. Convenient ■ ■ »nd pleasant to take -- /} > fv— ■ SB PHcetOcand^ _SVX-*v Umm%mmxmmtma&^ |taa_ls_|saMUstßC/ *•—' SOLD BY WAITS PHARMACY When you think of Clothes Think of Clarkson m¥ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii||,i mi|| *T af" HIT/ •'IN 1 f-ill 1/ n 4^ MEN J The new neckwear for Christmas is here Men's holiday neckwear stocks are already here presenting the large, loose end four-in-hand scarfs in cut silk, shown in all the wanted colors and in every design you could wish for. Priced at $1.00 to $3.50 We are also showing men's neckties in plain colors and stripe effects. A splendid tie for service. Fin ished with slip bands. What could be better than a tie for that Christmas gift for him. A man ran never have too many ties. V. W. CLARKSON Men's Outfitter llllllllllllt|lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllillllll„l„„H When you think of Clothes think of Clarkson llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllll <■*-— r^fi-s^^^hssw .-v/ __•_■__©_•! r*r#^r_S sasV^^sasalfefeh. H_aHlii only when heat is needed— no waste. Portable. Pearl Oil is refined and re refined by our special process which makes it clean burning. For sale in bulk by dealers everywhere,—the same high quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name—Pearl Oil. We recommend Perfection Oil Heaters. PEARL OIL rj^ (KEROSENE) f^fISM^ST HEAT AND LIGHT JflflM STANDARD OIL COMPANY PlSt IC A L, I f O ft M I Al \m?anWW- TITt'lM H. H. Hathaway, Special Agent, Pullman, Washington^ a A Elegant Timepiece S IS at a Moderate Price /^^^P^mm We are offering gome excep- _rajMC,«v*^*^ _~~^\ .^Avivl gg=^ tioiul values in high-grade watches. $/fflmv?t!n*\- C(¥tf^\l ffl^g' L«t us show you the 10.JeweJ, \lvM&j&Wfss^"' S \ ul\ —Ils-t: *-I«i i'don, Sauth Bend Watch at //sTff^_^^or«fS_L 1 Hlk Jgs^i * ■ '■'■> ■(), for Instance. It combine* Iln 0> l^^yK^A^S*.. i Bflffi -^r— features usually found only in the 111 l R I jjj Miller's Jewelry Store g "l_(uatcnwith the Turbleßibbgn9 Friday, December .-,, lair