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December **. 1910 Comity Kecurds NOVEMBER 24, 1919 f .Affidavits ' s.« A Perkins to The Public. ■3ta*\ Deeds Town of Garfield to T. A, Stivers, L est. Linccln A. Bratt. tract in Garfield, $2500; £ ': Maggie Juhnke to W. T. Smuth, tract 35-17-43, $1942. Garfield National Bank to John gingo. part 17-16-46, right ot way, $1600.: IR. c. McCrcskey to Al Futter, part 36-18-45, tract 1-17-45, $11, --052. I Girard Clark to Henry Rosen tranz,' lots 4, 5, blk 3, Rose Park ,dd, Pullman, $2500. Molten A. Buchanan to M. P. Johnson, tract in 3-17-45, $3350. Pullman Dairy to C. R. Sanders (v, t lot 4. blk 32, Pullman, except, |1 Christ Wurgler to C. R. Sanders Co., lot 4, blk 32. Pullman, except. $1200. , 'i Joseph R. Hagaman to Fred Page. tract in 28-18-41, $60. Elsworth Holderman to Ernest Marion Flint, lots 1. 2, 29, neq 30 --20-46. except, $1.. Mortgages Lancelot F. Batty to N. C. Myers, lots 4. 5, in 24-13-43, pt nwq, part neq 13-13-43, $4000. M. P. Johnson to Molten A. Bu chan, tract 3-17-45, $2300. John Ringo to Security state Bank, neq of nwq, lots 1, in 17-16 --46, $1500. Al Fuller to R. C. J.lcCroskey, tract 36-18-45, tract 1-17-45, $5500. Releases H. S. Milner to C. J. Day, real mtge, Farmers National Bank, Col tax. Tekoa State Bank to Mercy C. Flint, real mtge, $7500. Comegys, Hanford & Miller Bank to Josephine H. Weitman. real mtge, $154. Phillip Blau to I. M. McCarthy, real mtge, $1000. Chattel Mortgages T. L. Bilderback to Farmers Na tional Bank, Colfax, live stock, farm Implements, part crop wh 16-15-41, .$9500. G.W. Wilson to Wm. Guske, live stock, $1000. Ned Bush to Commercial State Bank, live stock and rami imple ments, $2750. N. A. Webb & Sons to National Bank of Oakesdale. live stock, farm Implements, and. crop*, $1300. Ned Bush to Commercial ' State Bank, live stock, farm implements, $3230. NOVEMBER 25. 1019 Affidavits 0. W. Peddycord to The Public, veil acquainted with Andrew .1. Privet) and Joseph B. Humphrey. Patents -United States to John Haworth, seq of seq of 10, wh of nwq 14, neq ■of neq 15-11-45. Deeds 5 City of Pullman to R. L. Wils, ! Jot 20, blk l, Fairmont Cemetery. $30. John Haworth to Giuseppe Giardi aelli, part 10, part 15, part 14 in 11-45, $800. John Horrocks to J. S. Love, eh of nwq, lots 1 to 4 of 29-16-46. $15, --770. J- S. Love to J. C. Davis, eh of nwq, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, in 29-16-46, $17,000. Myra A. Gordon to Trustees of! Episcopal Church of La Crosse, lot $. blk 2. Shobe's Ist add. La Crosse, j $1850. Declaration of Homestead Mary J. Wilson to The Public, lot 1. blk 33, Resurvey, Steptoe. Releases Federal Land Bank. Spokane, to Walter H. Means, real mtge. $1000. j N. W. Mutual Life Ins. Co to Geo. 6 Anvil, real mtie, $3500. Bank of Winona to Walter Hi -Means, real mtge. First State Bank, Garfield, to J °hn F. Johnson, real mtge -Farmers State Bank, St. John, to A- W. and Swan Nelson, chattel,! $3500. Equitable Savings & Loan Ass'n to Martya J. Coryell, real mtge, 4800. F - A. Williams to L. E. Elliott, conditional bill of sale, $622. ■_ Elmendorf & Pope, Inc., to W. T. JHayes, conditional bill of sale. Mortgages . | Albert ,W. Perry to James Paul Sr -. nh lot 1, Monroe St. add, Pull aa". $1000. • A - W. and Swan Nelson to Farm-' *rs State Bank, St. John, live stock, | larm implements, crop part 13-18- ! ,*O. $4000. , , ' .. i p ''.''■'■ Assignments U c- V. Osborn to Sarah C. Bardeen, ( real mtße. J. L. McCutcheson. Colfax National, Bank to N. W. Mutual Life Ins. Co.. real mtge, ♦14,000, Stanley B. Hunton. j -«i«« **. uardeen, extx to C f Osborn, real „ ltl ;e. J. L. McCutche son, $300. W. G. Baxter to W. M. Allen and. 0. Grant, chattel, $1275, J. A . Mc- Donald. Mortgages J. A. McDowell to W. G. Baxter, chattel, live stock ' farm implements. $ I '2 7 :>. Conditional Bill of Sale Williams & Gallaugher to M. R Kellogg, auto, $718. Clark Music Co. to Fred Schocff, piano, $760. Clark Music Co. to H. P. Kyllo, piano, $750. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. to Whitman Electric Co . adding ma chine, $125. Assignment Williams & Gallaugher to F. A. Williams, contract, M. R. Kellogg. Ids Pendens Sarah C. Bardeen vs. J. L. McCut chen, Ernest McCutchen and Gladys McCutchen, all other unknown heirs of /Lillie M. McCutchen, deceased, lots 1 to 4, blk 11, Farr's add, Pull man, lot 10, blk 10, Lawrence & Holbrooke add, Pullman. NOVEMBER 26, 1917 Frank Willoughby to The Public, same person who acquired title to lots 4, 5, 10, li. blk 11, Johnson. Patents United States to John "K. Skeeu, nh of seq, sh of neq 5-13-45; Deeds M. J. Larrlck to Haltie Edwards, swq 36-20-43, $1. Albert Weber, Henry Weber, Stel la Weber Randall to Fred Weber, tract in 25-1 1-45; $1. Fred Weber and Henry Weber to Albert Weber, trad 25-14-4 5, $1. John A. Mays to Erl'ih J. Ray mond, part Sees. 1, 2. 12, all of Sec. 11. pt 6. in 13-38, $1. .Maiden state Bank to 11. A. Kaep pler, lot 19, blk 18, Maiden, $800. Mary A. Matheny to Lee R. Max well, lots i. 5, id, 11, blk li, John son, $1000. Philip Blau to Otto Willi..' Suess, swq 36-18-44, $10. Gertrude Alger 11 Wulke/ X. Brown, lot 14, blk 36, Maiden, $2400, D, Miller to Bertha D. :"ill >r, lot 10, blk 19, Rosalia -1 Mortgages Josephine ii. Weitmati to Na i nal Bank of Oake wlal i, trad in 3 I. of 18-43, and in 1 I-1 9-43, $2200. . Otto Willie Gray to Pnilip Blau, sw q 36-18-44, $6500. Chas. F. Zimmerman to Commer cial State Bank, part 10-20-4 part 15-20-4 4, $5000. ; , #;_„,.,.. , F. I. Maxwell to Firs! National Bank, St. John. live stock, two thirds crop I 8-37, $2000. M. E. Thomas and J. E. Weaver to Citizens State Bank, Tekoa. live stock, farm implements, two-thirds crop part 23-45-5, pari -24-45-5, $1800. Releases First National Bank, St. John, to F. L. Moulton, real mtge. First National Bank, Palouse, to Walter Gross and Rex Gross, real mtge, $1000. First National Bank, Palouse, to Walter Gross and Rex Gross, real mtge, $1550. Netherlands American Mortgage Bank to Waller Cross and Rex Gross, real mtge C. F. Kinzie, $5500. .1. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. to E. A. Stone, cattle, $292. Assignments Farmers National Bank. Colfax, to James Rock, real mtge, Jacob Reiber, $7000. Conditional Bill of Sale- Sherman Clay Co. to John Bra don, victrola, $700. Riegel Bros, to J. H. Llewellyn, auto, $750. NOVEMBER 28. 1919 Deeds United States to William Wood, lots I. 2, of 6-16-43. Power of Attorney Holland-American Mortgage Co. to M. Rozema and E. Schuyten. Affidavits Geo. W. Case Jr., well acquainted with Edward T. St. John. Deeds C. D. Slow to Cora Ethel Schrod er, lot 8, blk 10, Pullman, $1500. Sidney Jane Wood to Clyde Y. Wood, lot 2 of 6-16-4 3, $1. Roy Lamb to Clyde W. Wood, lot 2 in 6-16-43, $1. James Cadzow to Marshall D. Roach, part lot 5, all lot 6. blk 6:'., Maiden, $1. v S. G. Newell to Dallas S. Newell. lots 11, 12, 13, 14, blk 5, South Side add. Pullman, $1. J. H. Roberts to Fred Kottke. lots I, -i, blk 4, Proff's 2nd add. Rosalia. 11. Emma Wells to Wm. H. Skeen, eh of swq 17-16-45, $1. C. F. Anderson to Frank W. Zink, lot 9, blk 15, 2nd add, Pullman, $1. Mortgages J. W. Queen to Comegys, Hanford &■ Miller Bank, lots 10, 11. 12. 13, 14, 15, blk 7. Thornton. $1650. sfflHß_totoPu ■ '•' IKI 1 -v"-: r I It. P. Gardo to R. H. Ragsdill, two-thirds int. crop pt 9, pt 27-19 --44, live stock, farm implements, $1500. W. W. Snowhlll to Samuel P. Weaver, live stock, truck, $240 j Releases Western Union Life Ins. Co. to E. T. Hall, real mtge, Colfax National Rank, $15,000. Spokane & Eastern Trust Co. to John H. Bach, real mtge, $7500. Sherman M. Swank to James H. Maynard, real mtge, Florent Meyer, $5000. Oregon Mortgage Co.. Ltd, to Henry W. Butcher, real mtge, $5000. Farmers National Bank to T. L. Bilderback, chattel, $9600. Farmers National Bank to T. L. Bilderback, chattel, $4 600. John Olson to A. J. Roeben to F. J. Viles, chattel, $4500. Assignments State Treasurer to Western Union Life Insurance Co., real mtge, E. T. Hall to Colfax National Bank, $15,000. Farmers National Hank. Colfax, to Frnnkie R. Beebe, real mtge, Conrad Daubert, $0000. Farmers National Bank, Colfax, to James Rock, real mtge, Peter Helm, $6000. BUI of Kale Shirt Shop to T. C. Martin, auto, 126. Conditional Bill of Sale Chanslor & Yyon Co. to Ridge way Motor Co., reboring machine, $250. Culbertson Grote Rankin Co. to F. L. Horn, victrola and records, $130. Option tor Sale of Property Walter Black to Jos. W. Beck, pari 35-20-41. $1000. NOVEMBER 29, 1919 Deed* Marshall K. Snell to Edna Chase Fowler, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk 2, Ewan. $1400, " John P. Duke to J. A. Comstock, Bh lot 1. 2, blk it, Fitches add, Pa louse, $3. F. M. Quinu to Robert L. Ragon, west 68 feel lot 13, 14, blk 2, Te koa, $2000. F. I. Stotler and Claude Swegls tn Ida I!. Hughey, lots I, 5, blk 5, Bleeker & Brown's add, Colfax, $1, Fritz W. Sell to Kathryn L. .Mobs, pari 8-2( ii, $750. Geo. E. Miller to Kathryn L Mobs, part 8-20- . $1. Mrs. Mohs Miller to Kathryn L a:.,lis. part 8-20-41, $1. Harry E. Davis to Henry Biern back, part 13, 14, in 19-39, $7400. Wesley E. Davis to Gamma Delta Fraternity Alumni Bldg. Ass'n, lots 8, 9, blk I. Campus Park add, Pull man, $6500. Wm. Wilson to Georgia H. Taylor, tract in 6-13-4 3, $117. W. A. Slier to Melissa 11 Gleiser, lots 1, s. of 4-1 6-45. $8000. G. W. Bryant to H. P. Willis, lot 8, blk 3, Avenue add, Colfax, $1. Sarah A. Diaper to Lizzie E. Car penter, lots 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, blk 56, R. R. add, Farmington, $150. Town of Guy (Albion) to Byron Patterson, lot 12, blk 7, 2nd add, Guy, $10. Mortgages Wm. P. Gilbert to Pacific Mort gage Co., nwq 32-16-43, $9000. Wm. P. Gilbert to Pacific Mort gage Co., nwq 32-16-43, $9000. Wm. P. Gilbert to Pacific Mort gage Co., part 32-18-43, $4500. Wm. P. Gilbert to Pacific Mort gage Co., part 32-16-43, $4500. Wm. P. Gilbert to Pacific Mort gage Co., part 32-16-43, $9000. Alois Halter to the Citizens State Bank, chattel, live stock, farm im plements, Citizens State Bank, Te koa, $2000. W. E. Neece to Farmers State Bank, Sprague, two-thirds crop part 13-19-39, part 7-19-40, $1500. Releases Lou R. Crocker to Nathaniel T. Horton, real mtge, Porter T. Crock er, $3200. Carl Bennett to Theo. Wagner, real mtge, $1000. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. to Clem Morrow and D. L. Morrow, chattel, $1012. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. to li. W. Ferris and Floyd D. Ferris, chattel, $348*2. .1. 1. Case Threshing Machine Co. to C. E. Martin, C. O. Doan and R. M. Daniel, chattel, $2605. Claim of Lien Hotter Hardware Co. vs. Commun ity Milling Co. el al., bldg material ill mill and warehouse, Endicott, $674. Affidavits Wm. Lee to The Public, is presi dent of Colfax Baptist Church. B. F. Sherfey, treasurer, and F. N. Eng lish secretary. Assignments James Chase to Edna Chase Fowl er, contract for sale lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk 25, Ewan. $1. All kinds of milch cows for sale. Fresh and to be fresh. Also good horses, light and heavy. J. W. Nee ly, phone Ml! 3. uov7dec26 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT AND .NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the superior court of the state of Washington, In and for Whit man county. In the matter of the estate of Thomas J, Chasteen, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Thomas J. Chasteen. deceased, and has qual ified aa such administrator. That all persons holding claims against the estate of said Thom»a J. Chasteen must serve the same en Neill & Sanger, my attorneys of rec ord, at their offcle in Pullman, Washington, and file the same to gether with proof of such service, with the clerk of the superior court of the state of Washington in and for Whitman county, at Colfax, Washington, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or the same will be for ever barred. Date of first publication Novem ber 14, 1919. CHARLES WINTERER, Administrator of the estate of Thomas J. Chasteen. de ceased. novl4decs PULLMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION To provide a systematic and abso lutely safe plan for the investment of savings, and to aid its members to acquire homes of their own is the object of the Pullman Savings and Loan Association. The Association (a in every sense a HOME Institution. Who It's For It is for tho Practical Man, who realizing the uncertainties of busi ness and health, and of the folly of spending all his money as fast [is he gets it. provides for an emer gency. It is for the Prudent Woman, who out of her earnings or allowance, de sires to put away a little money monthly, where it wll' be securely and profitably invested, and give her the least trouble and where she can get it when needed. It is for the Young Man possessing the manhood and determination to save something every month from his earnings as a reserve fund, to draw on when sick or out of a posi tion, for providing a home or for a start in business. It is for Boys and Girls, to help them to be economical and industri ous and to encourage them to ac quire the habit of saving, provide a fund to educate them and to make them independent. It is for Societies, Fraternal and other Organizations wishing to in vest their Income for the purpose of creating a reserve fund, or for build ing. It is for all Seeking a Home or who want to Improve their property, or pay off a mortgage or to provide a fund for any other worthy punpose. Call on or write M. K. SNYDER I! COAL Ji '] WOOD TIB SLABS / \ > FLOUR 'j l 1 GRAIN AND HAY J, l[ POULTRY SUPPLIES J» 'I GLASS |j ]l PAINT AND OIL j[ || J. P. DUTHIE || \ North firasid St., Phone M ij A ** ** i j bakhcA GOOD THINGS TO EAT THAT'S ALL CC^^y-s r> J—»x _*_33_1 "W "stß-aw —wmisu _«■_& _J L flWSfifJXl /*£ia(\ IT ■ wII sT—N 1 I j /}/lfla_ «/A-gsg^-|4 Jl jft Jl fIA ALL |W lb o/In &lgin ! Only 17 shopping days till Christmas. Don't wait another day. Come while our stocks are complete. Remember we will lay aside any article on small payment down. We are too busy to write large advertisements. Ball Jewelry Store WRIGHTS 5 c a package before the war 5c a package during the war 5c a package NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! Alp* 187 1 ■ /