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s/rlda>'. Peccmbcr,-.«tr'-1019. HAMILTON ELECTED gridiron CAPTAIN i- scran Tackle and Cool-Headed Lineman Chosen by Team : Smuts 1* for Coining Season, !At a meeting held Tuesday FrsM Hamilton war: elected varsity foot ball captain for the 1920 season. Hamilton will play, his fourth .year on (he Washington State team, hav ing played us a freshman in 19It; a nd again during the season of 1917. In 1918 he played tackle on the pow erful Mather Field aviation eleven a Sacramento. Calif. The past sea son Hamilton played the greatest rame of his football career and bis spectacular work against some of the most powerful linemen the Pa cific coast has turned out, won him a place on most of the all-star selec tions made. Hamilton is a quiet, unassuming • type of . player who work's bard in every, game regard less of injuries, and usually out plays his ' Opponent from whistle to whistle. f; Hamilton's popularity with the' football men makes him an ideal man for the honor that has been be stowed upon him and his leadership on the gridiron next fall should raise the hopes of a Cougar cham pionship considerably.. - ' , The men who won 'the'coveted stray W and who voted at Tuesday's election are 'as follows: Bert Brooks, Roy Hanley. Dick Hanley, Walter Herreid, Fred "Hamilton, Ar nold Ellwart, Ray King, Carl Kin;-. Rufus Schnebiy, Mike Moran, Eldon Jenne, Lloyd Gillis, Earl Dunlap, Frank Skadan,; Harold Hanley, Milo Mclvor, and Bob Schnebiy. The Cougars will lose the services of four of these football men next fall, Bert Brooks, D. Hanley. Walter Herreid, and Carl King. The varsity squad next fall will miss these men greatly. Hanley, Herreid and Brooks have been all-Coast material for the past two years and Coach Welch will have .to develop new can didates to fill their positions. D. Hanley. until this fall a halfback, showed enough ability in the quar terback position to have his name mentioned by many Coast writers. Carl King is finishing his senior year and graduates with the 19_., class. Carl made three letters as a varsity football man" during his stay at Washington State. The past sea son his value as a guard made him Coach Welch's chief line substitute. To replace these men, if all the present freshman material returns to college next fall. Coach Welch should not worry, as he had to the Past year, about tne backfield. Among promising freshmen are Moe Sax, the sensational quarterback, and Sandbcrg, Kells^y, and Davis, halves of good ability. The line men coming from the freshman team will be Hamilton, guard, Mc- Kay, tackle, and Powers, Tilley, and Looniis, ends, all of whom have re markable prep school records and Phoenix ! fptffillllJl FJrfPF Co Christmas Doll siik Hosiery .jj ureenawalt-r oiger j Sa i Phoenix Hosiery for both men and ( VvyvwvvvvvvwV(^^ TJne regular Christmas Doll Sale will Women is the most popular gift. Our star) December 8, Monday, and eon stock of silk hose grows smaller every tinm , j^., I||( . do „ s , ||v , ()1(1 A , >jfr ;S . '"- * y i 5...»-,,, " s „„p The New christmas Spirit Giving some thmg —' -' ~"- >*- ~~~"~ you would be pleased to receive. Useful . " presents from merchandise of high quality are most " " Gifts for Men appreciated. ' ,^fj° r Ladies ■ '.-Neckwear , _ h ors Mufflers '. nn n<-,r>^^^v*sk"v«----^« i^^'>*-'^^«-'*-,>*^' i ii i'l- i- Silk Shirts • ?.' ??$'«;? «*>^^^s~n~n~s~v~ws/s~n~^ ij l| j| |, u| . ( - : **»- ' ■..:$, |i: ji Wi-Hter Needs ij i> .Just WriglM j; silk Vnim Sweaters || .....■■ J> J; (CIT 1 sts '! . Si,k Hosi,'' S^fi|iiS#:iife@g^ jj for Boj§ |' i Slni©@§ : ; Cloves Silk Pajamas . jj jj j| - _- ][ Shoes '----Silk Gloves. ;;7.'.:..?1/.V - jj "^ High Top Shoes <! j! t©lT Iv_l©-M. !' House Slippers .- ■-. . *-.**,)w--:ss»^*_C_- -»-.-*^_*|>"'--*i» ■"**_—- * | " - .v. . * ' | . I ( Par Lined Gloves .. , . ji , _. T . < j '! Ji Parasols ■•■" ".;i|,-a-".;':.'-? 'jvt'-':'..tiV,-..■>...*.'•- » ' Maokmaws I 'i i House Slippers ( , , . v < , I, fj , g> f—^ & Q , a^ i Fancy Towels I fWWnmt. I ' The new leathers, the Dew coloi-s and , Bath Robes ... i - . <hr,uats j , ( ; ' •' Bath Robes cape Gloves ' ";- ' 'jj Winter Underwear j; jj the new styles are waiting for your ,l T^ f.^ Belts,v.";: . • " ' ' j! All Wool Suite !j '! approval. For distincHv,! styk sod j! Handkerchiefs Hardeman Hats ..../. i| r • s r«i • • '' ,[ individuality. .Inst Wright shoes are J Hnml Embroidered Underwear Linen Handkerchiefs \ IjlllPll Sill. i 1 , (j . Etc., Etc, Ljnen Handkerchiefs ( | , i| Etc, Etc. ■ Etc.; Etc." I; . Sweaters J j£??^^?^^ :'I J have showed up well under Coach j Zimmerman this fail. Thirteen lot-' "■'' "'"" from 'bis,ear. _,„._ w,li I greet Coach Welch on Rogers field when the initial call Is sounded'; ft, sides these, Vernon Brown; the sen sation '"' the 1916 tieaaon i"« -,m> season and t quarter on the famous Mar, Island I team of 1917, has written, dec! a >iiig bis intentions to uphold th- Crim son and Gray next fail. His uddi-M tipn at the quarterback position Willi help plug the hole left by th. do parture of Dick H anley from State College football Another hope 'or next fall is that Hay Loomis, th* only all-Coast Cougar of the i-.p; season, is planning to return ', col l" next fall and hopes again to j don the moleskins for VV. B. C. The | prospects for next year, with all th! . material in sight, Is more promising than was the squad that originally faced Welch last fall and. consider ing the remarkable record made by the State College coach this past season, the student body is hoping for a powerful scoring mat nine that should clear up the misfortunes of 1919 in brilliant style. "GKKAT WHITK WAY" I.V HARRY CARRY IK rilti: The idea of New York being the location of thrilling scenes of a lug western drama may startle the aver age motion picture patron, but it is nevertheless true that much of the action of Harry Carey's latest Uni versal Special Atrattion, Hoped. i:; representative of life along the "Great White Way." Harry and his outfit of lid-lifting cow-punchers swoop down on the lighted metropolis for the purpose of rescuing Harry's baby from his mother-in-law. a dowager who has become dissatisfied with Harry and seeks to marry off her daughter to a lounge lizard. In order to 'do as the Romans do,' the cowpunchers have to don evening clothes. I The scenes that ensue are both humorous and thrilling and the play comes to a pleasing conclusion when I Harry gets his baby and wife back i and goes West, stopping off at Grand I Canyon in Colorado. Harry Carey will appear In "Hoped." the big Universal Special I attraction which conies to the Lib | erty theatre Sunday and Monday. PUBLISH FARM ACCOUNT BOOKS The farm account book planned and published by the extension serv ice department, of the college has been approved and endorsed by th ■ agriclutui-al committee of the State Bankers' association. While the new edition will not be ready for dis tribution until after December 1, al ready calls have been made lor more than 10,000 copies. The books are printed and sold at the cost of pro duction. Because of the difficulty of making out income tax statements without a yearly farm record, the demand for the book in the distribu tion between now and January 1 promises to be phenomenal. Buy your feed of Yeo & Emert. Phone 51. oct24tf THK I'lblJlAX HERALD BsSCABIiNCTIZ. "v. t*T _*?/,**■ 'in" '•'"n,cls <"f J«"»« • And days or juste togither, ' re cannot rt»si ror nn« hour t<i-rs bright bliie Weather." -Helen Hunt Jackxon. HINTS FOP . HE HOMEMAKER. -*- nseful article for the kl'trhen Is a ""'''■" '"''•'"^•« • One may be In". formed as to the condi tion of many things v.lrch do not show up to ihe natural eye. t >ate«, tigs. !nis,iis, iis well as i i His, are safest exam ined " ''' a 'tiger at than thai of the eye. Such foods may be re lumed at ones when found to he unfit * rubber plant should De washed with milk on.-,, or twice a month. This will keep the leaves glow? and hand some. Save the discarded tooth-brashes and old underwear for cleaning and polishing silver, a clean, dry brush Is the bent kind of a cleaner to brush the whiting from chased silver. Use the soft underwear for the hard rubbing, slid finish the polishing with a cham ois skin. If silver is rubbed after a soapy bath with a chamois skin, once a week, the hard cleaning will not need to be done so often. The French way of making tough meat tender Is cup worth remember ing: Lay the steak in a marinade of three tabiespoonfnhi of olive oil and one and one-half of vinegar; let stand four hours on ice, turning frequently to be sure that both sides are treated then broil as usual. When cooking a pudding either by steam or In boiling water, take care to replenish the water by boiling water, or the pudding will fall or be soggy. A cut lemon dipped In salt or bath brick makes a One cleaner for copper or brass, It Is also good to remove stains from the coffee and tea pots. A nice laundry bag may be made of two bordered towels, using a draw string at the top. For holding scraps and pieces, a circular hag, which may be laid out flat on the floor will be found convenient, us then any bundle Pan he quickly found. A good tonic which may be brewed at home is sassafras tea. This is an old remedy used by our grandmothers, and one which is perfectly reliable. Steep a small handful of sassafras root by covering with a quart of boil ing water. Strain and drink half a cupful night and morning. It purifies the blood and acts as a tonic. /tciul* /VWi^tifl. See the Yyres casseroles at West s. The -ovenware that is transparent. dec', .LOST— A bunch of keys, on Stale or West .Main street. Kinder please leave at Martin's garage. dee.". FOR SALE— Wheat .";;.v. $7 a 10.-d. delivered. Phone M".7. i it-.'- '.: Like fine silver. Pyre- casseroles are a sift to be proud of. See them at Otho West's. dec." ~S _X lr-?-S_3\ff ■■'■■''■ ''a, Ski fi MS f_|iS S3 S# AYtf\*t 9 II IQSSOr Wr IJ 7°r l^^pphJldrerA li^_2__i^£_^^_ a _iiy^^ We invite you to in sped our new slock of toys "i * .... .*■<-'. .'r '■ \ HAMILTON'S HARDWARE FOB SALE Four pure bred Shropshire rams. One pure bred Berkshire boar; ready for service. Five bred sows. Bundle wheat bay. $20 per ton. Three pure bred Berkshire gilts. MAX HIXRICHS oct i"tf SOMK GOOD BARGAINS < We have some real bargains in used cars. Come in and pick one from the following list: 1914 Ford Touring Car. 191 Ford Touring Car. 1916 Ford Roadster. 1917 Ford Touring Car. 1919 Ford Touring Car. 1918 Dodge Touring Car. THE BAKEIt MOTOR CO. nov2ltf 'FOR SALE—Wagon scales, 12,000 pounds capacity; by city of Pullman. Apply to C M. Hooper, street com missioner. novl4decl9 INSURE WITH- McCLASKEY. jiowsAeaJy at s ZERO yjs_Jl *^ ' '■■ ■ - - — — fl ■ill I■■ t I ■■^H Baker Motor Co. vlmw/ lß_k _^l^t -' T -^ettr Aw m. mW .*% aW „___,.________-__-__-—_«.______, oioT^4tW^ PssgcSeven