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Friday, December's, 1010 PROFESSIONAL CARDS 08. h. Q. KIMZBY id. office at White's Drug Store Residence 1503 Star Route St. f Res. phone 36, Office phone 126 J. L. GILLELAND, M. D. 1 ' I Res. Tel. 2962 Ofice Tel. 3R Office on Alder St. . I Diseases of Women and Obßtetrlcts Specialist . I DK . M. J- BEISTEL Physician and Ssirgeon • . • Large X Ray for Diagnosis .■■„ . [ Special treatments for eye, ear, nose I tad throat diseases —Glasses fitted A. T. LUKINS l , Physician and Surgeon ; Rooms 202-3-4 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Office Phone 15 Residence Phone, 147 • H. F. NEWBROUGH, D. C Doctor of Chiropractic 114-15 First National Bank Bldg. Calls Answered Office phone 32; Res. phone 1734 p. c. DOW Attorney at Law a Room 14, First National Bank Bldg. Tbos. Neill F. E. Sanger NEILL & SANGER Attorneyr at Law First National Bank Building ~w7h. straub ~~Z^ZT~ Optical Specialist OW Strictly Correct \i«iK__RS_^_ w Glasses Guaranteed Room 3, Emerson Building Phone 3681 DR. A. E. HUDSON Dentistry Dental X-Ray Equipment Office, New First National B'k Bldg. Phono 166 DR. A. A. ROUNDS Dentist Office in Emerson Building Phone 63 DR. FREEMAN L. BALL Eye Specialist , i _fin_ Graduate McCormlck jjllP^^bi Medical College, Chi framSHfm cago. 111., for Kyer nmA Nerves. Ramer's j 11 Chocolates ! Direct from the Factory Ji i They will Please You j> ■ THORPE'S "ji ! SMOKEHOUSE ii (Incorporated) ]| Phone 28 <[ | Where Everybody Goes i] I —«_______» —"- . If ——- —— —-- — ; Try an jj Oyster ; Cocktail ! We know jj ! how to |j I make jj j them || 8£ LOOK FOR It LOOK FOR hffla THE RED BALL § MU7J4W TRADE MARK /|J S^Wr "Modem" m firearms 6 Ammunition I Shootii^lßight'B N /wvr'^rf2^ IIP* H P W.&tfi^lv si*AY OF COUGAR TEAM ON MYTHICAL ELEVENS The real caliber of the State Col '«*• football team lor the past sea son is well shown by the unanimous endorsement it has received from the many Pacific Coast football writers Nearly every all-Mar tt , am selected has from four to five men on the f'-'gt teams and a? many on the .« | nd lineups. p, lh aj.s the most au thentic selection ,[ the Pacific C„.>t is that made i, v George Varolii of tin- Spokane Chronicle, who this fall "■'•reed seven conference game* Jif aw each t-jam ,1, action and ft* fevcjy player form from a closc ip viewpoint. . V;,,,;e.1l gives four places to the Cougari on his Mint eleven and two places to Washing •en State men on his second team' VarneU's ant, other important is •far selections follow * VAinell Team First team: Hubbard, 0. A. C— End. Hoy Hanley, \V. 8 C—End. CJrimm, i; of W. —Tackle. Herreid, V.\ 8, C—Tackle. Bartlett, U. of O. —Guard. Blake, U. of W.—Guard. Dunlap. W. 8. Center. Steers, U.of (). -Quarter Wells, U. of Halfback. Gillis, W. S. C.—Halfback. Templeton, Stanford—Fullback Second team: Faulk, IT. of W.—End. Anderson, U. of 0, —End. Walker. 0. A C.Tackle. Hamilton, W. S. C. — Tackle. Caughey, Stanford- -Guard. Majors, U. of C.Guard. Wick, U. of W.—Center. Hick Hanley, \v. S. Quarter Eckman, U. of W.~-Halfback. Huntington. IT. of o.—Halfback Fowell, 0. A. C—Fullback. Harry M. Gray of the Portland Oregonian picks these teams: First team: Hubbard, 0. A. C.—End. Roy Hanley, W. S. C.—End. Faulk, U. of W. End. Bartlett, V. of O.— Tackle. Brooks, VV. 8. C. —Tackle. Grimm, U. of VV.—Tackle. Herreid, W. 8, C. —Guard. Hamilton, W. S C.Guard. Wick, U. of W.---Center. Steers, U. of O.—Quarter. Templeton, Stanford —Halfback. Wells, U. of C —Halfback. Powell, O. A. Fullback. Second team: Cllne, U. of C—End. Pelouge, Stanford —Etd. Walker, O. A. C.Tackle. Majors, U. of C—Tackle. Mautz, U. of O.—Guard. Lodeil, O. A. C.—Guard. Dunlap, W. S. C —Center. Dick Hanley. VV S. C. —Quarter. Jenne, W. S. C—Halfback. Gillis, W. S. C.—Fullback. Doug Montell's. of the Oakland Viibune, selections are as follows: First team: Hubbard, O. A. C.—End. Faulk. U. of VV —End. Herreid, W. S. C. —Tackle. Majors, U. of C.—Tackle. Mautz, U. of O. —Guard. Blake, U. of W.— Guard. Wick, U. of W. —Center. Steers, V. of O. —Quarter. Lodeil, O. A. C— Halfback. Jenne, W. S. C—Half. Cillis, W. S. C.—Fullback. Second team: G. Smith, U. of W.—End. Roy Hanley, W. S. C. —End. Bartlett, U. of O. —Tackle. Grimm. U. of Tackle. Bihlman, Stanford —Guard. Johnson, O. A. C—Guard. K. Leslie, U. of O. —Center. Dick Hanley. W. 8. C. —Quarter. Butler, V. of W. —Halfback. Brandenburg, U. of O.—Halfback. Wells, U. of C -Fullback. * Hob Cronin of the Seattle Times hose the following teams: Ends —Smith and Faulk, U. of vV. Tackles —Grimm. U. of W. and Bartlett, U. of 0. Guards —Majors, 11. of C. and Blake, U. of W. Center —Dunlap, W. S. C\ Quarter —Steers, U. or O. Halfbacks Gillie, W. S. C arid Wells, U. of C. Fullback —Templeton, Stanford. Andy Smith, the California coach, contributes the following: Ends—R. Hanley. W. S. C. and Faulk, V. of W. Tackles —Grimm, U. of \Y. and Herreid, W. S. C. Guards— Majors, V .of C. and Crammer, U. of C. Center —Simpson, I', of So. Calif. Quarter— Steers, U. of O. Halfbacks —Huntington, U. of O. and Holt, Stanford. Fullback— Gillis, W. S. C. • . Tho Spokesman-Review presents ii,,- following teams: Ends— Hubbard, O. A. C. and R. Hanley, W. S. C. THT. I 1 I LL»LIy^_HBH_P m —^m^—n i Tackles—Grimm. U. ot W. and Herreid. W. S. C. Guards—Hamilton. W. S. C and Coughey, Stanford. Center— Latham, U. of c. Quarter—Steers. TJ. of O. Halfbacks W. s. c nd Wells, U. of C. Fullback Cillis, \v S. C. VARRAGE PIC*RJEB AtiAIlS MARK IS WONDER 1 -When we look over the yardage] tipim-s of the fpbtba'l season that' has just passed, we cannot help but wonder why Fats should desert al team with a ,', cord like our varsity ha Having trebled the yardage oil the opponents, and having doubled! end trebled the yardage of the two teams by whom we were defeated, i we again wonder why Dame Fortune 1 should choose to play such tricks on us. Here are the figures: W. S. C 410; Multnomah 42. W. S. C. 342; California 189 W. S. C. 459; Idaho 78. W. S. C. 234; Oregon 241. W. S. C. 250; Washington 12:.. W. S. C. 324; 0. A. C. 92. W. S. C. 110; Montana 124. Total: W. S. C. 2551; opponents 890. The Washington State winner in the Armour pig club contest is Mor rill **)elano. 15 years old, of Puyal lup, Wash., and his prize will be a trip to the International Livestock show. Chicago, with expenses paid by the Armour company. In the raising of pigs, young Delano made a score of 93 out of a possible hun dred, scored on the following points: Daily gain, 35; cost per pound of gain, 33; story, 5; record, 20; total, 93. In the amount of daily gain, and records kept of his work, the boy made perfect scores. In the' "cost of gain" he made 33 out of a possible 35. Me was graded 5 on his story out of a possible 10. Four years ago, when he was 11 year old. young Delano joined a pig club and purchased a scrub animal. That tall the pig club leader advised him to buy a registered Berkshire gilt, and this he did. From his purebred he got a fine litter of six, three of which he kept for brood sows, and three he sold. Then he ought a registered boar. Last Sep tember he bought another gilt that soon farrowed a litter of eight pigs. Following is a statement of young Delano's pig account: Jan. 1, 1919, 28 pigs on hand $ 653.00 Sept. 9, one sow bought. . 359.87 Feed purchased and misc. expense 351.03 Total $1363.90 Oct. 16, 1919. 27 pigs on hand $1235.00 Sold 2 weanling pigs. . . . 41.00 12 hogs butchered....'.. 385.30 Price, Puyallup fair, $8, misc. receipts, $35.70.. 43.70 Total $1705.00 Credit balance $ 341.10 The coal shortage which is threat- i ening the country will in all prob ability in no way effect Washington State College, according to state ments by the college administration. The rumor which has been going the rounds, to the effect that the college will be forced to close within the next two weeks, because of the shortage of fuel, seems to be with out foundation. Acocrding to President Holland, the college has a two weeks' supply of coal on hand, and there is little probability that a shortage will be felt. By the time the present sup ply will have been exhausted more will be on hand, and unless some 1 unforseen obstacle arises school will continue until the Christmas vaca tion. All precautions are being taken, however, to save on the supply al ready here. College authorities have been assured by the fuel ad ministration that all efforts will be made to protect the college fuel supply. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Tho Christian Science society holds services every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in the new Masonic hall. Testimonial meetings are hold j every Wednesday evenlrg at 8:00 ; o'clock in the Masonic hall. A free reading room is open to the public Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock ,In room 226 First National Bank building. All authorized Christian Science literature may there be read or borrowed. BAPTIST CHURCH The little church downtown, on Paradise street, opposite the flour mil!. Sunday services: Bible class at 9:45 a. m.; morning preaching service at 11:00; B. Y. I. U. at 8:18 p. m."; evening preaching service at 7:30. Thursday prayer and social service at 7:30 p. in. Rev. J. C Austin, acting pastor. tfj Your Grocer now has this ||g Free Household Reminder - 4% It will be of greatest help to you in ordering supplies. Hang it up X m your kitchen over your work table or by the door where it can readily be seen and referred to when you find your supply is low on any item and when giving your order to the grocer. „. ..___ ___*_^. Jjt This reminder also lias tables Jlltt nf Honc,Ll,l \Y7 • U J _—■ /fil ■ ] !■»■ ■'!*:!Willi'lli li i. iffllM or Household Weights nnd ■*^|_^_^_^_^_r^s^HttH-H-P'fi3 [ I A-S^ \ m nntWf' C w- . ..—.—■,.„,—. .-, i_ j?j~ /, i'i;;;:llil'iauillll!illl 11111 l' il iilI!B!_Iy 11111111 a 11111111111111 ] 1111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 111 ii i ■ 111111111 ! 1111111111 • 1111111 1111111 ■ 1111111 i 1111111111111 ■ 111111111111 At La^t! a Music Store in Whitman County Over 2000 Copies of Different Music Popular—Classical—Sacred c * V .'•" "■■"• ' \ ______________________________ Your Credit is Good. Order by Mail We Fill all Orders Promptly PIANOS PHONOGRAPHS VIOLINS BAND INSTRUMENTS - * The Colfax Music Company in K. of P. Temple Phone 125 Box 364 FOR SALE Cider apples, $15 ton. Bred Shropshire ewes, Four pure bred Shropshire rams. One pure bred Berkshire boar; ready for service. Bundle wheat hay. $30 per ton Three pure bred Berkshire gilts. MAX niXRICHS At the Geswalss Place oclTtf We wrl'e fire insurance. Yeo & Emert. oct24tf Hair cuts that suit Tower Barbers gHJS^rara